Which hoop is best for weight loss: tips for choosing. How to choose the right hala hoop? For beginners and regular users

An ordinary gymnastic hoop will not only restore a slim waist, but also improve the functioning of internal organs. Find out how to choose the right hoop and what exercises to do to once again enjoy your reflection in the mirror.

A hoop is an economical but effective exercise machine for the abdominal and back muscles. The first hoops were used during the heyday of Ancient Greece. Then they were made of wood or metal. And the plastic ones that are familiar to us gained their popularity in the late 50s of the 20th century.

To become the owner of a thin waist, you don’t have to sign up for a fitness class: you can work out at home while listening to music or in nature. Storing this sports equipment will not take up much home space. Plus, you can choose a prefabricated model that is easy to transport. Today, the range of hoops is very diverse: from classic metal hoops to flexible plastic ones with a corrugated surface. Hoop training will help you maintain good physical shape and, if necessary, lose excess weight.


  1. Coordination and balance. Exercises with a hoop improve the coordination of movements of the muscles of the hips and abdomen. They significantly develop the vestibular apparatus and allow better control of movements.
  2. Aerobic exercise. With an increased pace of work with the apparatus, you use almost all muscle groups and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Spinal flexibility. During classes, the muscles of the middle and lower back are included in the work. And with developed flexibility of the spine, the risk of injury during physical activity is significantly reduced.
  4. Grace and mood. Exercise develops your posture and gives grace to your movements. In addition, they improve cerebral circulation, resulting in stimulation of brain activity. This has a positive effect on the emotional background.
  5. Deep massage of muscles and internal organs. Massage movements of the projectile accelerate metabolism and ensure blood flow to the skin. The skin tightens and takes on an attractive appearance. In addition, this massage eliminates cellulite and improves intestinal function.
  6. Weight loss. Intense exercise allows you to actively burn calories and burn fat. 10 minutes of exercise allows you to burn about 100 calories, 30 - about 250. However, if you want to get rid of extra pounds, combine exercise with proper nutrition. To control the weight loss process, count the calories you consume.


Gymnastics made of metal or plastic. This is the simplest look, a kind of classic. It is very lightweight, has a simple design and a smooth surface. It is with these that it is recommended to start training. Therefore, they can often be seen in the school gym and in kindergartens. Such a hoop weighs - 200 - 500 g. Price - 220 - 350 rubles (50 - 200 UAH), depends on the material and diameter of the product.

Weighted. Their design allows for the possibility of increasing the load to the required level. For example, due to built-in magnetic elements. As a rule, such hoops are flexible or hard. The advantage of the projectile's flexibility is that it is easy to store and transport. Weighs – 900 g – 2 kg. Price – 500 – 1500 rubles (300 – 500 UAH).

Foldable. Made of lightweight plastic and have a collapsible design. If necessary, it can be separated into separate sections, which eliminates possible inconvenience when storing this equipment. To make it heavier, fill its inside with sand. Weighs – 1.5 – 2 kg. The price of a weight loss hoop is 400 – 1500 rubles (100 – 400 UAH).

Massage (hula hoop). These models are much wider than gymnastic ones. They are equipped with plastic or silicone massage elements (suction cups, spikes) that effectively eliminate fat deposits and cellulite in the abdomen and thighs. Weight – 1.2 – 2.5 kg. Flexible models of massage hoops are very popular. Weighs – 3 – 4 kg. Price – 500 – 2000 rubles (300 – 700 UAH).

With calorie counter. The built-in microprocessor allows you to determine the number of calories burned by the number of rotations. Weight – 1.5 – 2.7 kg. Price – 800 – 2500 rubles (400 – 1200 UAH).

How to choose

Questions that interest many women: does a hoop help you lose weight and which one is better to choose for this purpose? Losing weight with a hoop is absolutely possible, provided you eat right and exercise regularly. However, the opinion that it helps to destroy fat deposits only in the abdomen or thighs is incorrect. The fact is that local weight loss is impossible. The process of burning fat due to cardio during exercise occurs throughout the body. Therefore, the total body weight decreases, including problem areas. To start the process of losing weight, you should spin the hula hoop for at least 15 minutes every day, minimize the consumption of flour, sweets, fatty foods, alcohol and drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day.

But you can really make your waist a little thinner. By doing the exercises correctly, you tone your abdominal muscles. Due to this, the stomach is tightened, and the so-called “ears”, which often interfere with wearing low-rise jeans, are smoothed due to the massage effect. To make your workouts as comfortable as possible and speed up the results of figure correction, you need to choose the right hula hoop for weight loss.

  1. Analyze your needs. If you want to keep your figure in shape or get rid of 1-2 kg, a regular gymnastic or lightweight folding one will suit you. If your goal is serious weight loss, choose a hula hoop with massage spikes, balls, or a weighted magnetic hoop.
  2. If you intend to weight the projectile yourself (using sand), pay attention to its design. The elements must fit snugly against each other. Otherwise, due to the load, the structure may fall apart during rotation.
  3. If you have sensitive skin, choose a hula hoop with a neoprene coating.
  4. Aluminum is not suitable for intense training, as it quickly loses its shape. Because of this, its mass is distributed unevenly during rotation, and turning it becomes very problematic. Remember: you should exercise in a thick T-shirt.
  5. The more massage elements inside the ring, the more effective the simulator is.
  6. Inventory diameter. The taller you are, the larger the diameter of the hula hoop should be. To determine the “height” you need, place it against your leg. The top of the hoop should be at the level of your hips. Maximum – at the level of the lower border of the ribs. Typically the diameter is 90 – 120 cm.
  7. Product weight. The effect of exercise depends on the weight. The projectile should be heavy, but you should not feel discomfort. If you feel pain, it is difficult for you to spin the hoop - it is definitely not suitable for you. If you are just starting to train, it is recommended to choose a hoop weighing 1.1 - 1.4 kg and use it for at least three months. The average weight category of products is 1.5 – 1.7 kg. Products weighing more than 2.9 kg are not recommended for frequent training. Folding models allow you to adjust the weight of the hula hoop by reducing the number of sections.


If you are not physically fit, don't overdo it. The intensity and pace should be increased gradually, so the first sessions should last no more than ten minutes. When you feel that you have adapted to such a load, feel free to increase it, but not sharply. An important rule: you should exercise regularly - daily or every other day. Do exercises no earlier than 2 hours after eating, otherwise you risk disrupting the process of digestion and absorption of food. Be sure to do a warm-up. This will prepare your muscles and respiratory system for the load. After training, drink 200 - 300 ml of still water - this will replenish fluid deficiency and speed up the process of removing toxins from the body.

You should exercise in comfortable sportswear. It shouldn't be too loose. The best option is leggings and a top. It is advisable to remove jewelry that may interfere with you: bracelets, long earrings, pendants, etc.

If you're new to hula hoop exercises, choose one that reaches your waist when you're standing. The fact is that the larger the diameter, the slower it rotates. Accordingly, it will be easier for you to adapt to this rhythm.


  1. Place the hoop in a vertical position and grasp it with both hands. Feet - shoulder width apart. Tilt left and right. Make sure your back is straight. Do 3 sets of 10 inclines.
  2. Lift it above you. Without bending your arms, perform 10 side bends.

Exercise No. 1

Perform 7 – 10 rotations in one direction, then stop and perform the same number of rotations in the other direction. Change directions about thirty times. Do 2 approaches.

This exercise should be performed indoors or outdoors. Rotating the apparatus on your waist and hips, move in small steps in different directions for five minutes. Perform 2 sets of 5 minutes each.

After untwisting the hoop, squat down and stand in the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 20 squats.

While spinning the hoop, raise your arms. Rotate your hips in the direction of rotation of the projectile. Make sure that your abdominal muscles are tightened and tense. Do 4 sets of 10 turns.

We work on the abs and hips. While rotating the hula hoop, tighten your lower abdomen. Alternately lunge backwards on both legs, actively helping yourself with your hands (as if pushing off). The back should be straight. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Place your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor. Start spinning the hoop, slowly bending your knees. The legs should be slightly apart. Don't go too low or the hula hoop will fall. Hold in this position for 1.5 minutes without stopping rotating. Then begin to rise slowly. Do this for five minutes. However, if you have problems with your knee joints, you should avoid this type of exercise.

Exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and chest.

Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch both arms up, bringing your palms together. The hoop should be between your palm and thumb. Twist it around with your hands for five minutes. For convenience, the palms can be slightly bent.

Exercise for the back and legs.

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Hold the hula hoop with both hands like a steering wheel. Bend your body without arching your lower back. Scroll the hoop sideways for five minutes.

Standing straight, pull your stomach in. Place your hands behind your head and hold the hoop behind your back. Elbows should be directed in different directions. Raise your left leg and press your foot against the calf muscle of your right leg. Keep your balance. In this position, perform 10 bends in each direction, trying to keep your back straight. Standing on your left leg, repeat the same.

Standing straight, place your legs parallel to your shoulder girdle. Raise the hoop above your head, clasping it with your hands on opposite sides. Rotate your body left and right. The lower part of the body should remain motionless. Make 20 turns in each direction.

Great arm and abs workout.

Sit on an exercise mat. Squeeze the hoop tightly in your palms. The thumbs should be pointing away from you. Stretch your arms to the sides. Elbows should be straight. Place your feet together, close your knees. Raise your legs, transferring your body weight to the muscles of the pelvis and buttocks. Press your toes into the inside of the hula hoop. Lower it behind your back, bending your elbows. Then straighten your arms to the starting position. Repeat 20 times.

Jumping through a hoop. In this exercise, he plays the role of a jump rope. The most important thing is to jump at the same pace. You need to perform at least 15 jumps.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Press the hula hoop to your lower back. Rotate it counterclockwise, moving it back and forth. The muscles of the thighs and buttocks should be tense.

While standing, press the hoop to your waist. Start rotating it, slowly tilting your body forward. Your arms should be bent at the elbows and pressed to your chest. When bending over, bend your knees. On each circle of rotation, the body must be alternately raised and lowered. When bending over, help yourself move your leg muscles. Do this for five minutes.

Fix the hoop with your left hand with an overhand grip (palm down). Start swinging it clockwise (the trajectory is parallel to the ground). When you bring the projectile behind your back, grab it with your left hand and rotate it back forward. As you master the exercise, try lunging, squatting, or walking at the same time as rotating.


In some cases, hula hoop exercises can both aggravate and cure diseases. Therefore, if you have any ailments (chronic diseases, injuries), be sure to consult a specialist.

  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • chronic gynecological problems (uterine fibroids, retroflexion);
  • pregnancy and the postpartum period (2 - 6 months) - especially if a caesarean section was performed during childbirth;
  • problems with the spine: intervertebral hernia, vertebral displacement, previous fracture;
  • damage to the skin: unhealed stitches, abrasions, irritations;
  • close proximity of blood vessels to the skin (otherwise you will have bruises).

Sporting goods stores offer a wide range of various equipment, in particular, hoops, with which you can lose weight and get the figure of your dreams. It is useful for every girl to know which hoop is best for weight loss to choose, the advantages and disadvantages of each model.

Benefits of hula hoop for weight loss

  1. A gymnastic hoop is a simple device, without additional complex parts that can constantly break down and require frequent replacement.
  2. The rubber hoop is relatively light in weight, so it is ideal even for those girls who do not have any physical training.
  3. Today, models are produced that are easy to disassemble and fold, making them convenient for storage and transportation.
  4. Using a hoop, the simplest, but maximum, can be performed.

In order to use the benefits of sports equipment with the greatest efficiency, it is important to know how to choose the right hoops for weight loss. Today there are a variety of models on sale with different prices and different materials used in production. Therefore, depending on what goal you are pursuing, a choice must be made.

Models of hoops for weight loss

The question often arises, which is the best hoop to buy for weight loss, because stores offer a wide range, and it becomes very difficult to make a final choice. First of all, you need to focus on what effect should be achieved from the exercises; the initial physical preparation and characteristics of the hoop are also taken into account. Based on the listed parameters, you can decide which hula hoop is best for you.


A plastic or iron hoop for weight loss is considered one of the most popular types, as it has the lowest cost. However, to achieve a visible result, you will have to practice for quite a long time. If your goal is to tighten your muscles, this option is not suitable.


Not knowing how to choose a hoop for weight loss, most girls make a serious mistake by immediately purchasing a weighted model. This option is the most suitable for those who want to lose weight, but need at least minimal physical training.

These models can have different weights, which reach 2.5 kg. As a rule, a weighted hoop is made of polymer or metal, inside of which there is a special filler. Therefore, these models can be flexible or hard. The first option makes it possible to perform exercises not only for the waist, but also for the legs, and the second puts increased stress on the muscles.

A heavy hoop should be used with extreme caution so as not to harm your own health.


This model has special balls, spikes or suction cups that have an additional effect on subcutaneous fat deposits. The massage hoop is ideal for combating excess weight. Thanks to its use, the effect of training is enhanced several times. A massage hoop can leave unsightly bruises on the skin, but over time they go away on their own.


Few people know how to choose hoops for weight loss and buy the first option that comes to hand. But you shouldn't do this. Today you can find smart hula hoop models for weight loss that have a special sensor that counts calories burned during training.

Classes using this type of hula hoop are much more effective, since it becomes possible to independently regulate the resulting load, taking into account individual physical data. This model also provides additional motivation for exercise, as the screen shows how many calories have been consumed.


This is one of the latest hula hoop models. The magnetic weight loss hoop is equipped with special magnets that create a unique field, thanks to which the metabolism is improved several times and the blood circulation process is normalized.

When wondering which hoop to choose for weight loss, it is worth remembering that massage and weighted models provide the maximum benefit. The greatest effect will be achieved if you use the first option, however, it is worth preparing that during the first week of training there will be unsightly and painful bruises on the skin, but with systematic training they will no longer appear.

How much does a weight loss hoop cost?

To eliminate the wide variation in costs across regions, large sports stores with fixed prices for equipment were selected.

For example, a regular plastic type costs from 299 to 599 rubles, while a soft weight loss hoop will cost from 999 to 1,499 rubles. A massage hula hoop for weight loss will cost approximately 1,099 to 1,999 rubles, while a magnetic hoop is estimated at approximately 1,499 rubles.

Please note that the prices indicated are approximate and may fluctuate in one direction or the other. Let's not forget about major sales, when the price drops and the selected model becomes more affordable.

Which hoop is more effective (video)

It’s worth saying right away that for results to appear, both regular training - every day - and its duration - at least 20 minutes are important, and even better, spinning a hula hoop for half an hour.

Remember that the smaller the diameter of the circle, the greater the load the muscles will experience, and, therefore, the intensity of the workout will increase. Therefore, it is advisable to change the hoops over time.

It is not enough to know how to choose the right hoop or hula hoop for weight loss; it is important to have an idea of ​​the specifics of the workout. Classes can be held at any time. It is important to adhere to one main rule - the lesson is held no later than 30 minutes before a meal, and no earlier than half an hour after a meal.

  • simple, can be metal and plastic - low efficiency; only about 4-5 pieces at a time can bring visible results;
  • massage plastic hoop with wheels or suction cups - average efficiency, suitable for beginners, but you need to get used to it;
  • with electronic calorie counting sensor– above average efficiency;
  • magnetic- high efficiency;
  • weighted– efficiency is above average, but requires certain physical preparation.

It’s up to you to decide which hoop you prefer, magnetic, smart or massage. They vary both in cost and in weight. It all depends on individual characteristics, preferences, and level of training. But now you know which is the best hoop to buy for weight loss.

To get rid of belly fat and burn extra pounds, you have many options in your arsenal: sports equipment and bulky exercise equipment, exhausting diets and sets of exercises. But the simplest and most effective method is to spin a hula hoop for weight loss; this sports hoop is a universal way to lose weight, tighten your figure and remove your belly.

Next, we will look in detail at which hulakup is best for weight loss, what exercises will help tighten problem areas in the hips, abdomen, and arms, and how to exercise correctly to achieve an elegant, thin waist and slender figure.

Getting to know the simulator

How to choose a hula hoop for weight loss? Let's look at the main types:

  • Regular metal hoop, known since the days of school physical education, almost every girl had one. You can write your own reviews about the hula hoop; it helps very well for weight loss, removes fat, especially if you do it for a few minutes every day.
  • Folding hula hoop for weight loss– compact, convenient, for studying not only at home, but also on business trips.
  • Weighted hoop for gymnastics, some types weigh almost 2 kg - this is significant physical activity on problem areas, provides effective muscle pumping, weight loss, and removes the belly.

A weighted model will help tighten your muscles

  • Hula hoop with massaging effect- a popular type of hoop. There are rubber pimples on the inside, it is believed that they break up cellulite and fat deposits more intensively, helping to lose weight, remove the belly and sculpt the figure in a short time.
  • Hula hoop with built-in calorie sensor. This is a “smart” simulator, it counts the number of revolutions, calorie consumption, and even calculates the load for each day. The reviews are only positive, the hoop with a sensor takes into account physical fitness and individual characteristics, it is not just equipment, but a real assistant in weight loss.
  • Inflatable hula hoop– modern sports development for intensive weight loss. Made from durable rubber, its design features help to work out important muscle groups, adjust the waist, and remove the belly.

All hula hoops effectively promote weight loss and correct your figure: the model with spikes breaks down cellulite more intensively and removes excess from the sides and abdomen

Before choosing a hula hoop, you need to meticulously identify your problem areas, clearly set goals, and only then make a purchase.

Consultants from sports and online stores will help you choose the right equipment. The cost of a high-quality model starts from $20, you must admit, this is quite a pittance to remove belly fat, get rid of fat and cellulite. And of course, do not forget about proper nutrition; even the most exhausting exercises will only give visible weight loss results in combination with a diet.

Special exercises for weight loss

How to use a hula hoop to remove such problem areas as the stomach and sides? The answer is clear - it helps and is very effective. But the “look closely” method - you lie on the couch and meditate on a hula hoop with the thought of losing weight - will not work here. A whole set of daily exercises is needed, aimed at different problem areas. Next, in detail about how to exercise at home to remove belly fat and lose weight.

The assembled hula hoop is easy to store and move

Independent studies

Hula hoop is an inexpensive and accessible sports equipment that helps to lose extra pounds, it develops plasticity, is a good cardio trainer, stimulates intestinal motility, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, breaks up orange peel, removes belly fat, improves coordination of movements, tightens muscles and has a positive effect on health.

The exercises do not require a lot of space and skills; in order to lose weight and remove excess fat from your figure, you just need to learn how to smoothly move your body from side to side. Do not be alarmed if bruises appear on your stomach and waist after the first exercises; they will disappear if weight loss exercises are systematic.

The optimal diameter of the hoop is 900-1200 mm; place the hula hoop next to you, the top point should be 30-50 mm above the waist.


Hula hoop for weight loss is suitable for most women, but according to doctors, it is contraindicated:

  • During pregnancy and in the first months after, if a caesarean section was performed.
  • Gynecological diseases: uterine fibroids, retroflexion.
  • Inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, liver.
  • Spinal injuries, hernia, disc displacement.

If you have no contraindications, but during training you experience pain in the side of your abdomen, you should stop weight loss exercises. This indicates that the hula hoop was chosen incorrectly. A lighter hula hoop is recommended for petite ladies, while larger ladies can use a 2kg weight loss hoop.

Classic hula hoop exercise technique

Correct position

The position is stable, the back is straight, the rotations are energetic, the circle should not hang or dangle on the stomach. To monitor your well-being, it is useful to buy a heart rate monitor. Workouts should take place on an empty stomach; the most effective time to remove belly fat and lose weight is an hour after breakfast.

To stimulate metabolic processes during exercises with hulakup, you need to drink water without gases.

Losing weight with a hula hoop, photo example of figure correction

How much do you need to turn?

The minimum time is 10-15 minutes, this will help maintain an already trained figure to normal. To effectively lose weight and remove belly fat, you should follow the following rules:

  • 1 day - 30 minutes, plus pump the abs 30 times and bend forward the same number of times.
  • We do rotations for 2 – 20 minutes to remove the belly, adding: squats, push-ups, leg raises – 30 times each.
  • Days 3 and 5 – half-hour training, we perform the recommended complex.
  • 4 and 6 – we do 3 sets of 10 minutes, after each we do push-ups and pump up the abs.
  • From day 7 we repeat the program.

Examples of weight loss programs

To lose weight and get rid of your belly, you need to do very simple exercises every day for half an hour:

  • Classic hoop twisting, according to reviews, helps you lose weight and get rid of your belly. Feet wider than shoulders, hips moving from side to side, increasing intensity with each turn.
  • Let’s complicate the task, now we move our hips forward/backward, help with our knees, bending them alternately. Holding the hula hoop will be difficult at first, but over time you will master the technique.
  • Feet together, hula hoop at the waist. We rotate and at the same time lean forward, transferring the weight from the full foot to the toes.
  • The position is the same, we extend the arm perpendicular to the body, put the hoop on the wrist, begin to twist, gradually moving the projectile, to the upper part of the shoulder.
  • Starting position – back straight, legs together. We start twisting according to the classical principle, from the waist and gradually lower the circle to the knees, help with the hips and legs, remove the belly and lose weight.
  • Thigh rotation is an effective way to sculpt and tighten the loin, break up cellulite deposits and remove belly and fat.

To consolidate the results, we offer video tips and explanations on how to lose excess weight using a hula hoop for weight loss.

How many calories are burned?

It is impossible to predict exactly how many calories are burned; for this you will need to take into account many factors: how the training goes, the number of approaches, the intensity of the twist. We offer you a table with average statistical data:

Photo example, before and after home workouts

Examples of before and after results

Is the result shown not a hoax? To find an answer to this question, we went to sports and women's forums, where the reviews are sometimes the most radical. If the reviews in online stores are increasingly positive, sort of like advertising, then women share their impressions openly among themselves.

Those ladies who really set out to bring their figure back to normal are not lazy, do a set of exercises with a hula hoop to lose weight, eat right, and say in reviews that hula hoop is very effective for losing weight and helps to lose belly fat. There are also those who seem to be working out, but are lazy: sometimes they don’t have time, sometimes they want to eat; for those, the results are more modest, but they are there! And collectors, this category has all types of hula hoops: regular, spiked, folding, but according to reviews, there is no result in losing weight. To the negative reviews, we will answer: even with a simple hoop you can remove your belly and lose weight if you practice constantly, but if you store equipment and wipe off dust from time to time, then losing weight is problematic.

Example before and after photo

Every girl will benefit from a weight loss hoop. This amazing sports equipment is more effective than many other slimming products.

What are the real benefits of hula hooping for your figure?

The undeniable advantages of training with a hoop

Resourceful women have long and successfully used all kinds of hula hoop models as a means of losing weight, and they have identified a whole range of advantages:

  • the projectile is extremely easy to use;
  • Spinning a hoop can replace training;
  • exercise helps burn extra calories;
  • the result appears relatively quickly because the projectile is effective;
  • the hoop can be harmoniously combined with many other physical activities;
  • to spin a hoop beautifully and effectively, you don’t need any special skills or significant physical training, it’s enough to understand the principle of how to hold it in the desired area of ​​the body;
  • the hoop is easy to carry and does not require much space to store it;
  • the projectile helps improve the condition of the internal organs of the body.

Considering that the hoop has such an extensive list of advantages, it is obvious that this equipment is attractive and affordable for any woman.

What are the benefits of twisting a hoop around your waist?

Indications for practicing hula hoop are the presence of excess fat on the body, riding breeches on the hips, a full waist, weak muscle tone, a sedentary lifestyle, cellulite and other problems. By frequently exercising with a hula hoop, you can not only enjoy its benefits, but also notice a lot of positive changes:

  • over time it is possible to make the waist thinner;
  • if you combine hoop training and a fat-burning diet, you can achieve the effect of reducing your waist;
  • Regular rotation of the hoop strengthens muscles;
  • such a defect as riding breeches disappears;
  • intense aerobic exercise when walking with a hoop affects the body no worse than running;
  • blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition with oxygen at the cellular level improves;
  • metabolism accelerates (in other words, metabolism);
  • coordination of movements becomes more perfect;
  • endurance increases.

To evaluate the real results, you can look at the before and after photos that girls involved in fitness post on the Internet. A beautiful figure is the result of hard training and proof of the effectiveness of hoops.

How to organize exercises with a hoop for weight loss?

Gradual increase in loads

To tone your entire body, you need to approach training correctly; for this, we’ll look at how to practice with a hoop. For beginners, it is better to buy a lightweight model. After adapting to a light hula hoop, you can move on to more complex options with massage elements and weights. To warm up the body before rotating the hoop at the waist, it is advisable to do any warm-up.

Preventing Hula Hoop Bruises

Sometimes beginners develop bruises on the body; this is a normal phenomenon, but it is better to resist this as much as possible by wearing thick clothes or a protective belt and wrapping a towel at first.

Correctness and regularity of training

To enhance the effect of rotating the hoop on the waist or hips, you need to set your feet according to the width of your shoulders or place them a little wider, constantly keeping your abdominal and lower back muscles tense. Only regular exercise will give visible results. There will always be time for such a short and enjoyable workout, if desired. The abdomen and sides are reduced in volume and tightened, the waist and hips acquire a sporty and slender shape.

It is customary to twist the hoop in a clockwise direction. To avoid back injuries, you should move gently and evenly, without jerking, especially when working with heavy implements.

Hoop training time

Now let’s touch on the topic of how long to spin the hula hoop for effective weight loss. If we consider the issue of training time in a global sense, then it is better to train constantly. One-time sessions of performing exercises with a hula hoop will not give anything. To achieve at least some results, you will need several months of diligent training along with proper nutrition without fasting, overeating and harmful foods.

Next, we will cover the issue of the duration of one workout. The first exercises with a hoop can be limited to 5 minutes, not counting the warm-up, then you should gradually increase the time of training. Ideally, experts recommend spinning a hoop to lose belly fat for half an hour a day. If you experience discomfort or difficulties, then consult a specialist, read reviews from doctors or watch videos from professionals on the Internet; they will tell you how to twist the massage hoop correctly and for how long, so as not to harm yourself and achieve figure correction.

It is believed that losing exactly one size in hips and waist can be achieved by working out with a hoop for about 10 weeks, at least a quarter of an hour a day.

Motivation for hoop training

You shouldn’t expect instant results from hula hoop classes; instead, it’s better to enjoy the gymnastics and look forward to how your body will change. To increase your motivation for training and lift your mood, you need to choose positive, invigorating music and practice to it. Look at photos and videos about how other girls transformed themselves thanks to hula hooping and other workouts, this sets you up for success and makes you work on yourself. If you're bored, you can combine hula hoop twirling at home not only with listening to music, but also with movies. Now watching your favorite TV series will bring undeniable benefits.

An integrated approach to figure correction and weight loss

We recommend combining gymnastics with hoop and bodyflex, you will soon get an amazing figure. You also need to remember that all workouts for weight loss and body shaping work correctly only in combination with an individually selected diet. To change your body, it is enough to create an optimal healthy calorie deficit, that is, during the day you need to spend more than you consume.

Types and possibilities of hoops for weight loss

Materials and weight of hula hoops

A projectile made of plastic or aluminum is a classic option at a low price. Such products are ideal for beginners; due to their lightness and small diameter, they are easy to use. Surely, in your childhood you came across aluminum hoops. Projectiles made of rubber or rubber have a more impressive weight; they can weigh from 1 kilogram.

If you need more serious loads, then it is better to choose not a plastic hoop, but one that is made of other heavy materials or has weights and weighs 2-3 kg. When a person does not know how much a hoop should weigh for comfortable and effective exercise, then it is best to purchase a product with the ability to remove and add weighting elements.

There is an interesting solution to add weight to a simple metal projectile: you can pour sand into the cavity through a small hole and close it. Hula hoop with sand is heavier. This can be done not only with iron hoops, but also with plastic hoops.

classic plastic hula hoops for beginners and children

Anti-cellulite massage hoops

To reduce the severity of cellulite, you don’t need to rely on the hoop to be inexpensive, the main thing is that it performs the function of an intense body massage. Interesting designs with magnets. There are also a lot of good ball hoops on sale. Active elements are located inside the circle. There is a huge selection in this product category, so it won’t be difficult to find a decent massage hoop.

The hula hoop should be equipped with balls that are soft enough and swivel. Studded products are also available. If a hula hoop with a massage function is too hard and the protruding elements are motionless, you can get severe bruises and even abrasions on the waist and hips. As a result, the activities will cause harm and pain. Regardless of which projectile you choose - a magnetic hoop, a hoop with spikes or balls, it is important that the product is of high quality.

weighted anti-cellulite massage hula hoop with spikes

Ultra-modern weight loss hoops

Modern manufacturers of fitness products offer soft hoops. There are many practical silicone models. There are convenient folding hula hoops, where a circle is assembled from individual parts. Inflatable hoops have also recently begun to be produced; they are made of thick rubber; they also help women strengthen their muscles and become slimmer. Many people like the wonderful motivating smart equipment - the hula hoop with a built-in speed and calorie counter; the gadget can also show the recommended load depending on the physical fitness and characteristics of the person.

soft hula hoop

dismountable massage hula hoop with balls

smart hula hoop with counter

Based on the above classification, it is impossible to determine which hoop is better, but we can conclude that each model is good in its own way. Agree, the main thing is to be able to use this projectile wisely. If you can’t decide which hoop to buy for weight loss, then consult a fitness trainer, he will tell you which model is right for you, depending on your physique and abilities.

How to hula hoop to lose weight?

Warm up with hula hoop

To warm up and prepare your whole body for gymnastics, you need to start each workout with a warm-up. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, spread our arms 30 centimeters from one another, holding the hula hoop with our hands, lift it above ourselves, then bend to one side, then to the other, bending back and forth. Stretching your arms forward together with the hoop, make slow turns on both sides. In general, the warm-up can be anything, the main thing is that it helps you get ready for productive hula hoop spinning and protects you from injuries.

Technique of rotating a hoop around the waist

A set of exercises must be compiled in accordance with your problem areas. For example, if you are concerned about your large waist circumference, then the emphasis will have to be on working on this area. We stand up straight, you can slightly bend your legs at the knees, placing your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly pointing your toes outward. We place the hoop on the waist and start the rotation process with our hands; we should try to maintain and increase this movement, making circular movements with the pelvis and the whole body.

When performing pleasant gymnastics with a hoop, you need to remember about the rigidity of the abdomen. Tighten your abdominal area and, if possible, pull in your stomach, in which case the hoop will spring well against your body. To get the effect, you need to keep the hoop rotating for at least 5 minutes. It is advisable to do several approaches with a hoop, performing other fat-burning exercises in between.

Hula hoop vs. breeches on the hips

The well-known problem of excess fat in the thigh area can also be eliminated using a hoop. You need to learn how to hold a rotating hula hoop on your hips. Admittedly, this will not be easy to do at first. But you can do it for 40 seconds, in 5 approaches.

Hula hoop instead of running

To correct body shape in the abdomen, hips and other problem areas, it is recommended to run. A similar effect can be easily achieved using a hula hoop. When the skill of long-term rotation of the hoop on the waist has become established, you can begin such training, during which you should move at maximum speed for about 30-45 minutes. We don’t take a break and try to step sideways, backwards, forwards. Thanks to this aerobic workout, which requires only a hula hoop and your desire, you can burn a lot of excess subcutaneous fat and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

List of popular brands of weight loss hoops

Today you can find a great variety of equipment on sale - standard and with massage elements. We recommend paying attention to these popular time-tested brands:

  • "Healthy hoop";
  • Jemimah Health Hoop;
  • "Acu hoop premium";
  • Passion Health Hoop;
  • “Acu hoop pro” (Acu hoop pro);
  • Health Hoop Punghwa Ltd.;
  • Bradex;
  • "Make a body";
  • Junior Health Hoop;
  • "CharCoal Magnet";
  • "Power hoop"
  • "Atemi"
  • "Vita Health Hoop";
  • "Gezatone Fitness HOOP Evo";
  • "Dynamic Health Hoop S (W)";
  • "Body Health Hoop";
  • "Make a waist";
  • "Magnetic Health Hoop".

If it is not possible to choose a hoop to suit your needs in real retail outlets, you can use the services of numerous online stores.

Harm and contraindications for hoop training

Hoop, like many useful types of fitness, has contraindications. This does not mean that hula hoop has disadvantages, but only says that with the wrong approach to training and incorrect use of the apparatus, you can harm your health. Let's name the most important points to prevent harm to the body from hula hooping:

  • heavy hoops are not suitable for beginners, otherwise they will develop numerous bruises in the ankle area, since the apparatus often falls at first;
  • You can’t hula hoop immediately after eating, this has a negative impact on digestion, you can start training on an empty stomach or, in extreme cases, 2 hours after a moderate meal;
  • in case of serious illnesses, you should not spin a hula hoop or engage in other types of fitness without consulting your doctor (for example, hula hoop is contraindicated in case of urolithiasis, intestinal inflammation, kidney inflammation, gynecological diseases such as fibroids, spinal diseases);
  • hula hoop can be harmful to people with skin diseases (the most serious of them are lichen, psoriasis, allergic and other rashes);
  • All pregnant women should not spin the hula hoop at any stage, or immediately after childbirth.

If you try hard and hone your technique, then in half an hour of proper hoop training you can lose up to 200 kcal. High loads give even more impressive results - burning up to 300 kcal. Good luck with your weight loss.

A thin waist, a flat and elastic stomach, slender, toned and smooth hips - what woman doesn’t dream of such an ideal figure? After pregnancy and childbirth, more and more women begin to think about how to “return everything to normal” without harm to their health, and even make it “better than it was” - and why not?

There are many options to achieve a beautiful body. The main thing would be desire and perseverance. It will not be possible to do everything competently and safely for health quickly; you need daily physical training, only healthy and proper nutrition, healthy juice and a good mood.

Hoop exercises help you lose weight and get rid of excess fat on your stomach and sides. This simple gymnastic apparatus has been familiar to us since childhood. Almost all the girls twirled hoops at home, in the yard with friends, or at school during physical education lessons, so it won’t be difficult to remember “what’s what.”

It is this ease of use that explains the current popularity of weight loss hoops in shaping a beautiful figure. By regularly exercising for half an hour a day, you can remove excess fat on your sides and stomach in a month, tighten your buttocks and thighs - you just need to know which hoop is good and how to spin the hoop correctly to lose weight.

Why do hoops make you lose weight?

Many people are interested in the question, why are hoop exercises so popular and effective?

The hoop, even if you don’t twist it quite correctly, still affects problem areas and promotes effective weight loss. And after some time, having acquired basic skills, you can work with a hoop for 30-40 minutes a day, and model yourself such a figure that “all your friends will be jealous.”

What is good and convenient about a hoop for weight loss? You don’t need any equipment or bulky exercise equipment for classes: you just need to free up some space in the room so as not to touch the furniture - this can be done even in a small apartment.

If you spin the hoop every day, you can get a lot of additional “bonuses”. By mechanically acting on problem areas, massaging them, the hoop helps improve the condition of the skin, stimulating blood circulation and metabolic processes.

At the same time, intestinal motility improves, and this, in turn, normalizes and accelerates metabolism throughout the body, and also contributes to effective weight loss.

During hoop training, both the blood vessels and the respiratory system are trained, the heart begins to work better, and overall well-being noticeably improves: it only takes a month of regular classes to feel like a “different person.”

But why can’t you “clean up” your stomach and sides with regular gymnastics, without a weight loss hoop? It is possible, but it will take much more time and effort. The fact is that areas (zones) considered “problem” in women are naturally predisposed to the accumulation and retention of fat deposits: under the influence of hormones produced by the female body at certain periods of life, the synthesis of fat cells is accelerated. And, believe me, it’s not easy to fight this: in problem areas there are many receptors that trigger the processes of formation and storage of fat, but there are very few receptors that help break it down. That's how nature ordered it!

This is why it is so difficult to get rid of fat deposits on the stomach, thighs and buttocks. Bends, turns and rocking the press help little: the muscles are strengthened, and the fat, if it goes away, is in small quantities. Often women, desperate to achieve the desired result, turn to plastic surgeons for help, disrupting all vital processes in the body.

The hoop forces subcutaneous fats to break down, acting intensively: the mechanical effect is strong, problem areas simply “break” and begin to “dissolve” - in fact, you get a massage that models the figure.

Which is good for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Choosing a suitable and good hoop for weight loss is very important: if the equipment is chosen “at random”, you can spend a lot of time, get “exhausted”, but not achieve the desired result in losing weight.

So, how is the effectiveness of a weight loss hoop determined?

An effective weighted hoop

Weighted hoops are considered very effective: when working with them, you have to use many muscle groups, and a lot of calories are also consumed, but beginners should not start with this type of equipment.

Even a child can twist lightweight aluminum hoops without effort, but they do not have any particular effect on body fat. But steel shells are considered the best option for weight loss for beginners: they affect problem areas quite intensively, and if you twist it without skipping, they quickly help to remove the stomach and sides.

Massage hoop for weight loss

A massage hoop is considered even more effective for weight loss. It is wide, and has a relief on the inside that has a pronounced massage effect on problem areas of the abdomen and sides and allows you to seriously work on them.

The massage hoop corrects the figure quickly, but it is also not recommended for beginners to start with it: it is easy to get bruises, bruises and injuries, and for a long time “discourage” the desire to exercise.

You can start training with a steel hoop, and then switch to either a weighted one or a massage hoop for weight loss with removable attachments: elements can be removed and added at your discretion, and the effect will be gradual. Once you get used to using a massage hoop in this way, you can easily maintain your figure in excellent shape.

Option for losing weight on the belly and sides of the hula hoop

But the most popular and best for weight loss today are hoops called hula hoops. If you learn how to twist such a hoop “without fanaticism,” then there will be no bruises or injuries, and you will be able to reduce the volume, improve your posture and partially get rid of cellulite in just a month. Spinning the hoop for 10 minutes every day is enough, but the training should be intense and continuous.

Hula hoops, which have many sections, are convenient for beginners - this allows you to freely adjust the diameter.

A hula hoop with massaging attachments (balls, suction cups) is very effective for weight loss: it accelerates the breakdown of fat cells in the abdomen and sides and has a beneficial effect on the skin, eliminating the appearance of cellulite. If the attachments are removable, the load can be adjusted by reducing their number or removing them altogether. There are massage elements with magnets that improve blood circulation and lymph flow.

Many people find a folding hoop convenient - it is easier to store and transport, but the fastenings add to its weight. If this is “what you need”, choose a folding hula hoop and lose weight with pleasure.

Secrets of effective training

You can spin the hoop either on an empty stomach, or no earlier than 2.5-2 hours after eating. You will lose weight faster if you keep all muscle groups in problem areas constantly tense throughout your workout.

If it hurts to twist a weighted hoop, you need to protect your body with a wide belt, or simply wrap something around your waist: a thick scarf or scarf. Today's popular sauna-effect thermal belts for weight loss made of neoprene - synthetic rubber, soft and porous, also enhance the effect of training and protect against bruises and injuries.

You should start exercising with a hoop for weight loss with 5 minutes a day, and increase, if desired, to 30-40 minutes. Although, as already said, in most cases, 10 minutes of daily hula hoop training is enough for the volume to noticeably decrease.

How to spin

And now the most important thing: how to spin a hula hoop correctly to effectively lose weight?

Exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides with a hoop

While rotating the hoop, reach up, raising your arms as high as possible. Then clasp your hands in front of your chest and continue twisting; the muscles of the waist and hips are tense. Repeat these movements 10-15 times per workout.

Hands in the lock, the stomach below is tense. Stretch your arms forward, lunging to the side and back.

Turn on your favorite dynamic music and try to dance, maintaining your balance and rhythmically moving your whole body.

You can try spinning the hoop while standing on one leg and then on the other leg.

The direction of rotation of the hoop should be changed: from right to left, and vice versa - there is an opinion that this way the waist will be formed more evenly.

By working out with a weight loss hoop for 4-5 weeks, just 10 minutes every day, you can make your waist 5-7 cm thinner - this is an excellent result.