We knit for hairless cats. A cat jumpsuit with a hood is my master class. Dress for a cat

By nature, cats are endowed with a luxurious and warm coat, but there are times when it is necessary to insulate the animal, for example, during transportation. Or a cat breed, such as a Sphynx, does not have a warm coat, so it needs additional heating. They need to dress not only when going outside, but also while in a cool room. The selection in pet stores exceeds all expectations, but the clothes made for the Sphynx will be unique and will be ideal for your own pet, because you will make it with your own hands.

A cat's wardrobe can consist of both knitted items and those made from ready-made fabric.

We knit clothes for the sphinx with our own hands in a step-by-step tutorial

When choosing yarn, we monitor the composition of the threads; they should consist of natural substances and should not be electrified. Before work, measure the circumference of the cat’s neck and the approximate length of the product.

Required materials:
  • Wool threads or half with acrylic 100 grams
  • Knitting needles No. 3.5
  • Circular knitting needles No. 3.5
  • Needle for stitching

When knitting, follow the sample shown in the photo below, substituting your measurements if necessary. Keep in mind that the product should not be too tight and restrict movement, and should not sag, preventing its owner from moving.

Work order.

Knitting density 16 loops x 20 rows in 10 x 10 cm

We start the process in front of the neck and follow the pattern; if the knitting density is different, adjust the number of loops to maintain the dimensions.

  1. We cast on 25 stitches on the knitting needles and knit 3 cm with a 1x1 elastic band (k1x1p).
  2. Continue knitting in stockinette stitch for 10 cm.
  3. On both sides, 13 cm from the edge, we cast on 18 stitches and knit 61 stitches for another 10 cm.
  4. For the cutout, close off 21 sts in the middle, and in the next row cast on 28 sts instead.
  5. Another 10 cm in stockinette stitch, and close off the outermost 18 stitches on both sides.
  6. The last 10 cm with the main pattern and again 3 cm with the same elastic band. Close the loops.
  7. Sew the side seams and sleeves.
  8. We cast on loops from the neckline on circular knitting needles and knit with a 2x2 elastic band (2 knits x 2 purls) the collar, if desired, is either short or with a turn-up, so that it is comfortable for the cat.

Here is the simplest option; of course, the main pattern can be changed at your discretion, you can combine the colors and shape of the product, in general, everything is in your hands.

Let's move on to detailed tailoring for your beloved cat

To sew cat clothes we will use a universal pattern. It is suitable for a number of models: sweaters, overalls, dresses, etc.

If knitted items need a fastener, then when sewing you need to think about this detail. Lightning is contraindicated for ordinary cats, since the hairs get caught in a zigzag; in the case of the Sphynx, there is no such problem. But it will be more convenient to use velcro tape or buttons, and the latter will even serve as an excellent decoration. Velcro will allow you to quickly dress your pet. It is better to place the fasteners on the back so that they do not interfere with the cat.

A rustling material is not acceptable for use, as it will frighten the animal and will not want to wear this clothing.

Depending on the type of product, the sleeve may be shorter or completely absent.

You can also make holes in the hood for ears, it will be very cute.

Before cutting, be sure to try on the paper version and correct any inconsistencies so as not to spoil the fabric later.

Place the pattern on the laid out fabric with the wrong side up, carefully watch where the fold is needed, how many parts are required, trace it with chalk and cut it out.

We connect the side, shoulder, and sleeve seams, if any. We sew on a zipper or Velcro and begin processing the edges. The knitted fabric is twisted along the edge, it does not need to be edged, the rest is either folded and hemmed, or we use bias tape, this will look more aesthetically pleasing. There are more interesting option- crochet the edges of the neckline and sleeves.

All the proposed methods are costly in terms of time and effort; if this is not possible, we will use ready-made clothes and remake them. An old stretched sock without a heel or a child's pajama leg is suitable for this.

The lower part of the sock is cut off and holes are made for the paws; it is not necessary to process the edges if you urgently need to put it on, although crocheting or overcasting will not take much time. This option is more suitable for kittens or a small cat.

For an adult cat, we take pants from fleece children's pajamas; for the alteration process, you only need scissors. We measure the length of the required product and cut it off, cutting holes for the sleeves. There is no need to sew or hem anything, and the vestments for home wear are ready.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in sewing custom clothing no for pets. Follow the suggested schemes and feel free to replenish your wardrobe in any convenient way.

Video on the topic of the article

Below is a selection of videos describing how to transform ordinary clothes into cat clothes; it couldn’t be simpler. Good luck in your work!

Cats are heat-loving animals. Short-haired, and especially hairless, breeds often freeze even in a warm room. With age, your pet begins to freeze more and more. The solution to the problem is clothing. It is often used at exhibitions and costume shows. Making clothes for cats with your own hands is very simple; a general understanding of cutting and sewing is sufficient.

When making your own, you need to start by drawing a pattern of clothes for cats, and before that, take measurements. There are three main measures:

  • the circumference of the animal's neck;
  • back length from neck to tail;
  • body girth (measured behind the front legs).

Having three measurements, you can sew a blanket, sleeveless jacket or a simple sweater for an animal. To create complex models, you will need to measure the abdominal circumference, the length of the abdomen from the neck to the hind legs, the distance between the front legs, and the shoulder circumference.

Using these measurements, you can create any pattern for cat outfits. Do-it-yourself knitted clothing for cats is somewhat simpler to make; it can be adjusted directly on the animal, making intermediate fittings. For experienced knitters it won't be difficult to knit a sweater for a pet without taking measurements.

You need to take measurements from a cat when it is in a calm state, standing on four legs.

Preparing the pattern

The simplest pattern is a trapezoid with rounded edges and holes for the front legs. To build it, you will need the length of the back, the girth of the neck, chest, and the distance between the forelimbs. The comfort of the animal’s movements depends on the latter, so special attention should be paid to the measurement.

When creating a pattern for clothing for cats, you must take into account seam allowances and fastenings. The outfit should not be too tight on the animal’s body or restrict movement. This will bring discomfort and harm to the cat’s health, since tight clothing will impair blood circulation and lymph flow.

A more complex pattern consists of two parts, suitable for constructing a variety of models of dresses, blouses, jackets, and other clothing. The upper part covers the back and sides of the pet, the lower part covers the belly. To create such a pattern, you should measure the length of the back, abdomen, chest circumference, waist, distance between the legs, and neck circumference. It can be supplemented with sleeves, a hood, and other details.

The most complex pattern design is needed for sewing overalls for walking outside in cold weather. It includes sleeves and "pants" for the animal, the back and belly are completely covered, and a hood is often added. Sleeves are usually made loose, with elastic at the bottom edge, so the main measurements are the length of the back and the girth of the animal's body - in the chest and abdomen. You also need to provide a hole for the tail.

Sewing and fitting

The paper pattern is transferred to the fabric, secured well with pins. The parts are cut with seam allowance. Then you need to sweep them off first and be sure to try them on your pet. This allows you to timely detect and correct any shortcomings in the sphinxes’ clothing scheme. After making changes, the parts need to be swept away and tried on again. And so on until the outfit fits perfectly.

The fitted parts of the suit are sewn by machine or by hand. The edges of loose fabrics should be pre-overlocked or treated with any overcast seam. First, the upper and lower parts of the suit are sewn together, then small details are sewn on. There should not be too many of them, and it is also worth excluding sharp, small decorations that the cat can get hurt on, chew off or swallow. Winter options It is recommended to add elastic band around the edges. Before adding the finishing touches and sewing on decorations, you should do one more fitting.

Before cutting and sewing, wash the fabric and iron it with a hot iron. This will help assess the degree of shrinkage.

Creation technology depending on the type of clothing

You can create almost any clothing that people wear for cats. However, the main requirement here is that it must first of all be warm, comfortable for the animal, and only then beautiful. The most popular model options are a sweater, a blanket and a dress.


A sweater is a universal garment. Thin options are suitable for warmer weather, thick ones for frosty winters. We sew such a garment from soft knitwear or knit it from natural yarn. The main thing is that in hairless cats the seams should be as smooth as possible, and the yarn should in no case be prickly.

A simple option to make a sweater for the sphinx with your own hands is to sew it from socks. Even a person far from sewing and knitting can cope with this. All you need to do is take a sock, knee socks or pant leg from knitted leg warmers of a suitable size, cut to the desired length, and make holes for the front legs. Then finish the seams and decorate if necessary – warm clothes for your pet are ready. Separately, you can cut out sleeves from the same sock and carefully sew them into the armhole.

The only thing simpler than a sweater made from socks is a blanket. It is a cape with slots for paws. Made from lightweight fabric, it will help the cat not overheat in the sun, and made from denser materials, it will not freeze in winter.

Its peculiarity is that the distance between the front legs is not important here, since it does not fasten or close on the stomach. Therefore, the main measurements will be the back length, chest and neck circumferences. This type of clothing is usually tied at the neck.

But this is a decorative blanket. A completely different piece of clothing is a postoperative blanket. It is necessary to prevent the animal from touching or scratching the stitches after surgery. It is a structure that covers the stomach and is tied or fastened at the back in several places. To prevent the blanket from slipping, slots are made in it for the front legs for better fixation.


The dress is already decorative cat clothing. However, it can also be useful and warm. For example, if you attach an openwork short skirt with a crochet to a knitted sleeveless vest or a sweater made from a sock. Such knitted clothes on cats will not only look cute, but also keep the animal warm.

Well, in general, a dress, be it sewn or knitted, in most cases is a sleeveless vest, made according to the simplest pattern, with a skirt attached to it. It is usually fastened at the back. Zipper and Velcro are options for hairless breeds; for the rest, buttons or ties are suitable.


Hairless breeds come to the defense of cat fashion, seeking warmth in the depths of the apartment and on the owner’s lap. Clothing for cats is not just a whim of the owner, but a real necessity. To prevent your pet from spending his life searching for warmth, you can sew him a comfortable suit that protects him from the hardships of winter.

Nature has taken care of the comfort and warmth of most cat breeds. Even before birth, animals acquire a soft and durable coat that performs essential functions. This includes thermoregulation and protection from wind, moisture and other weather conditions.

But certain breeds are less fortunate in this regard. This is especially true for artificially bred ones, whose fur is presented in the form of a barely noticeable fluff. These breeds are completely devoid of even minimal “plumage”. From a hygiene point of view, the creation of hairless breeds has become a lifesaver for people suffering from allergies. However, the cats themselves had to pay for the hypoallergenicity. Their body temperature is most often elevated, and the animals themselves are constantly looking for somewhere to warm up. A way out and salvation for freezing animals will be clothing for cats, which you can sew with your own hands.

What breeds will need clothing:

Woolen pets do not need clothing. However, some owners prefer to dress up their pets in interesting costumes. Well, if the outfit doesn’t bother the cat herself, then why not?

What to make for your pet

Cat fashion is different from human trends. It is not beauty that should come to the fore, but the convenience of the outfit. And only after ensuring the animal’s comfort can we proceed to beauty care.

When sewing clothes for cats, you need to build on three basic requirements:

  • quality. The outfit should be as natural as possible. Better not to use for sewing synthetic fabrics and other questionable products;
  • simplicity. The costume should not consist of a dozen parts in which the animal will become entangled;
  • comfort. Even in overalls, the cat remains a predator that needs to hunt, run and jump. The outfit should not hinder the movements of the fashionista.

When choosing an outfit for a cat, the owner should pay attention to the most popular items of the tailed wardrobe.

Table 1. Types of clothing for cats

Outfit elementImageBenefit
Protects your cat from cold and dirt while walking
Warms a bald cat on cold winter evenings
Lightweight outfit for the off-season
Decoration for a thoroughbred lady
An element that gives the cat a feminine look

As a rule, cats do not need hats or shoes. In addition, it will take a long time to accustom them to such outfits.

Taking measurements from the model

To sew cat clothes, you should take individual measurements from the model, which will allow you to draw an accurate pattern. It is not recommended to use universal templates, since even animals of the same breed can differ in size.

For almost any outfit you only need three measurements. Armed with tape, fix the cat in a standing position and take the following measurements:

  • neck girth. The circumference of the neck is measured at its thickest point - at the base. It is advisable for the cat to stand straight at this moment;
  • back length. This length is measured from the base of the neck to the root of the tail. To do this, apply the tape along the body, avoiding its bends if possible;
  • chest circumference. The measurement is taken around the body, placing a meter under the animal's front paws.

Some outfits will require additional measurements. For example, determine the distance between the front and rear legs or the “waist” circumference.

The obtained values ​​are transferred to paper, entering them into the pattern. When the pattern is ready, it is applied to the animal and adjustments are made so as not to redo the finished outfit later. You can read below about what measurements are needed when sewing clothes for cats.

Universal drawing

Most outfits can be made based on just one pattern. To create a universal drawing, you will need a sheet of paper and measurements taken from the animal. Based on the measurements, a pattern is drawn, consisting of a back and front.

All smooth curves are drawn intuitively and corrected after the first fitting. Having drawn the proposed pattern, it is necessary to make allowances for the seams, after which the parts are cut out and the image is transferred to the wrong side of the fabric.

For convenience, the pattern can be pinned with pins. The drawing is redrawn and cut out. Depending on the fabric chosen, a fastener is used when sewing an outfit. If you choose a knitted stretch material, you won’t need a zipper, since the vest can be pulled over the cat’s head. In the case of non-elastic materials, a fastener is sewn into the back. You can also use Velcro or buttons, but to do this you will have to adjust the back piece, leaving an allowance for the fastener.

Vest without pattern

To sew a vest for a cat, it is not necessary to draw complex patterns. All you need is an old sweater, scissors and some creative inspiration. The model in the picture shows a dog, but the proposed accessory is perfect for a cat of any breed.

The step-by-step production of such a vest is presented below:

  1. the sleeve is cut off from a knitted sweater;
  2. draw a curved line with chalk next to the cut - on the stomach the vest should be shorter than on the back;
  3. cut off the excess along the marked line and overcast the edge. You can use either an overlocked hand stitch or an overlock stitch;
  4. The future vest is applied to the animal and the location of the holes for the paws is marked. The closer to the narrow edge the holes are made, the smaller the vest collar will be;
  5. Having folded the sleeve in half, reflect the marks for the holes symmetrically and cut them out. You can overcast the edge in any way.

After fitting, the craft is adjusted. If necessary, it can be sutured.

Video - Vest for walking

Dress for the sphinx

You can sew an original outfit for a cat using a simple pattern. An example of this will be a wonderful dress created from just two parts.

To start with taken measurements you will need to cut out the main part. To do this, the fabric is ironed and folded with the right side inward. A pattern is drawn with chalk on the resulting “sandwich” of fabric. In the proposed example, the back length is 26 cm. This value can be changed depending on the required length of the dress. The value equal to 17 cm in the photo indicates the length of the product on the stomach. The first fitting will help determine the length, so the fabric is cut with a margin, and later the excess is cut off.

Step-by-step instructions for making a dress for the sphinx consist of several simple steps:

  1. seam allowances are added to the part and the pattern is cut out;
  2. by dividing the folded fabric, you get a dress detail with two cutouts for paws. Having attached the part to the animal, mark the required length and adjust the dress;
  3. the armholes of the sleeves and the bottom of the product can be edged with tape or hemmed by machine, turning the fabric 3 mm;
  4. the part is sewn together. The seam should be on the front of the product;
  5. You can use cuffs from any sweater or a strip of elastic fabric as the neckline of the dress. The rectangle of material should have a length equal to the circumference of the cat's neck. The strip is sewn into a ring and folded in half, after which it is attached to the product.

The dress can be decorated in any way you like. For example, create an applique from fabrics or sew on buttons and other decorative elements.

Video - Denim collar-vest with removable wings for a cat


You can sew a wonderful tuxedo for your cat as a stylish accessory. Using a simple pattern, you can make a jacket-cape that will not hinder movement and will give your pet comfort.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • white fabric - an old T-shirt;
  • black material - any cotton flap of a suitable size;
  • a piece of red felt;
  • Velcro for fasteners;
  • scissors, chalk and other tailor's little things.

Step 1. To determine the length of the tailcoat, measure the length from the neck to the tail of the cat. A pattern of a white element is cut out of white fabric in accordance with the measurements. For convenience, use a fabric folded in half. You will need 2 of these parts.

Step 2. The first white piece, folded in half, is applied to the black fabric. The dark element should not be the same size as the white one, as the jacket will end up being shorter than the shirt.

Step 3. You can choose any shape of the vest itself. The main thing is that it is symmetrical.

Step 4. A tie is cut out of red fabric, and a collar is made from a white piece of cloth.

  1. a tie with a collar is attached to the base;
  2. a vest is attached to the upper white part;
  3. the protruding part of the tie is sewn on top;
  4. Velcro is sewn to the elongated neck so that the upper part tightly covers the lower one.

Step 6. The future tailcoat will be attached to the pet's neck and stomach. As a fastener, cut out a rectangular strip of black color and add 0.5 cm to its edges.

Step 7 The resulting strap is sewn between two white parts of the tailcoat. The length of the belt is determined by the circumference of the pet's chest. It is best to adjust this length during fitting. The edge of the cut belt is lined up. Strong Velcro is sewn onto one end of the tape.

Step 8 The second Velcro piece is sewn on the opposite side of the white piece inside out, as shown in the figure. The fastened strap will bend around chest animal. To make the tailcoat look stylish, its edge can be ironed and stitched 1 mm from the edge.

The finished tuxedo will serve as an excellent cape for a freezing Devon Rex.

Airy skirt

Clothes for cats are needed not only to keep your pet warm, but also for going out into the world. Thus, show animals often appear before judges in exclusive outfits. Skirts are especially relevant in cat fashion, giving femininity and charm to sophisticated breeds.

To create such an unusual accessory you will need:

  1. tulle;
  2. satin ribbon;
  3. scissors.

The easiest way to create a fluffy ballet tutu does not require any drawings or patterns. To sew a skirt, just measure the cat’s “waist” circumference and add 10 cm to this value.

The satin ribbon is cut to the obtained length. The tulle is cut into strips 2 cm wide. The length of the strips is equal to the required length of the skirt multiplied by 2.

Next, the tulle strips are folded in half and tied onto satin ribbon free knots, as shown in the photo. The thicker the ribbons are tied, the more magnificent the pack will be. To add volume to the product, the length of the strips can be varied. To create color transitions, tulle of various shades is used.

When all the stripes are tied on a ribbon, the skirt is tried on the cat. The free ends of the tape are tied on the animal's back and their length is adjusted.

Warm option for walking

Fashionable clothes for a cat can not only be sewn, but also knitted. Will help with this simple circuit vest for an adult pet.

To make clothes bring comfort and joy, you need to choose natural threads. Acrylic thread or angora yarn will also work. You will also need knitting needles. Their diameter is determined by the thickness of the yarn, and the recommended tool number is indicated on the thread packaging.

Note! Before knitting, it is recommended to wash the threads in warm water and dry on fresh air. Do not use washing powder with a strong odor. Hairless cats often face skin problems, allergies and other troubles.

Emergency heating

It happens that you need clothes for a cat urgently. There is not enough time to create a pattern and sew it. This happens when a frozen kitten is nailed to the house in winter. To quickly warm him up, you can make a simple outfit out of a regular sock.

What you will need:

  • an old warm sock without a pair;
  • scissors;

To make a simple vest from scrap materials, you don't need sewing skills. Even a child can cope with this task, since it includes several simple steps:

  1. The sock is applied to the pet and the length of the future product is measured with a small margin (1 cm). Mark the cutting line with chalk;
  2. the sock is folded and ironed, then the excess is cut off;
  3. After this, the position of the holes for the paws is noted. It is important to draw them symmetrically. To ensure that the vest has a wide collar, holes are drawn in the middle of the sock;
  4. longitudinal holes are cut with scissors. If desired, they can be basted hand stitch or use an overlocker;
  5. try the products on the cat. You should check whether she is tight in such an outfit. To do this, place your palm under the sock. If the hand fits in freely, the outfit is sewn to size. The neck area is also checked.

An outfit made from a sock cannot qualify for fashion item in the cat's wardrobe. However, in difficult situations, such a suit can warm a small pet and give him a sense of security.

Video - How to make clothes for a cat with your own hands

Summer minimalism

Cats only need casual outfits during the cold season. In summer there is no need for insulation, but there is a need for stylish appearance. To add some zest to your cat's image, but not to overdo the outfit, you can make a cute accessory for your pet - a bow tie.

By the way! The textile highlight is also useful for photo shoots when the animal urgently needs to find a home or introduce the cat to the public.

For sewing you will need:

  • thick fabric;
  • collar (you can use a flea collar);
  • needles, thread and scissors.

To ensure that the butterfly does not interfere with the cat’s enjoyment of life, you need to choose the appropriate size of the craft. Firstly, the product should not be too large. A bulky accessory will disturb the animal while eating and irritate it the rest of the day. Secondly, the craft should not have an intrusive smell, rustle or put pressure on the throat.

Step 1. A rectangle with sides 25 cm and 13 cm is cut out of thick fabric. It is also necessary to prepare a jumper for the butterfly. Its dimensions are 6x4 cm.

Step 2. If the cat does not wear a collar, a strip of the same fabric will be useful for the tie, which will become a fastener. Its dimensions are 50x5 cm. A long piece of fabric is folded in half lengthwise and stitched. A fastener is attached to the ends of the tape.

Step 3. A 25 cm piece is folded in half and stitched into a ring. Next, this part is folded so that the line is in the middle.

Step 4. A small piece of bridge is sewn into a miniature ring by hand, going around the main part. The butterfly is straightened and the jumper is secured in the middle of the craft with a hidden stitch with inside. A part with clasps or a collar is inserted under the ribbon.

Video - Festive butterfly for a cat

How to train a cat to wear clothes

Regardless of the breed, most adult cats react violently and negatively to the appearance of clothing in their lives. If the animal has not been dressed up before, it will be extremely difficult to accustom it to fashion. It’s better if the first beauty session is childhood. It is easier to teach a kitten not only the rules, but also “manners”. It is recommended to start inoculating the culture when the kitten reaches 1 month. The first outfits should not restrict movement or cause discomfort. It is better to choose natural lightweight fabrics in which the cub will be comfortable to run and play with other kittens.

By the way, mother cat may not understand stylish look- it will interfere with caring for the baby. Therefore, it is better to carry out the first fittings when the cat is away on business. It is better to switch to constant wear after the kittens are weaned from their mother.

Attention! Kittens are not very clean creatures, so with the decision to dress up your pet, the decision to wash his clothes should also mature. This is especially true for hairless breeds, whose skin secretes a special secretion.

Fashion trends in the cat world

Craftswomen and cat lovers never tire of creating new and original models clothes for cats. Every year, unusual outfits for pets of hairless breeds become the rage.

Lace, which is firmly entrenched in the top of the best outfits for cats, does not lose its relevance.

The sweater is a warm classic for fashionable pets.

Clothing for a cat is a way not only to keep your pet warm, but also to give it a unique personality. Even a novice seamstress can sew stylish things for a pet. To do this, it is enough to arm yourself with a creative mood and simple patterns cat outfits.

DIY cat clothing gallery

Suit "Hussar"

Sailor costume

A new hobby has appeared in my life - knitting for animals. The first cold weather on the street turned urban animals into real fashionistas and fashionistas. Apartment animals have become so cute in their new clothes! Although, the most important thing is that clothing for animals is not only a tribute to fashion, but, first of all, a means of protecting creatures from the cold.

A friend who has a cute cat asked me to knit a sweater for her pet. I had to tinker a lot before I found the right pattern and learned how to take measurements from four-legged animals.

After the sweater for the cat, two more sweaters were knitted, but for dogs (a friend recommended it to her friend). Now I'm waiting for Monday to take the dog's measurements and sew a vest for her. Perhaps one of the customers will be ready for a fur coat for the dog.

For you, I have prepared master classes on sewing and knitting clothes for animals. I hope that now your pets will not freeze in winter.

To knit a sweater for a cat you need:
- threads white wool blend (280mx100g)
- threads pink color(acrylic) (250 m x 100 g)
- knitting needles No. 3
- needle with a large eye

In order to knit this product you must be able to:
- knit knit and purl stitches
- yarn over
- pick up air loops
- assemble the product with a needle and large thread

We put 71 loops on the knitting needles with pink thread. Knitting gate 6 cm with 1x1 elastic band.

We divide the knitting into the tummy (25 stitches) and the back (46 stitches). Change the color of the thread to white and then knit the back and belly at the same time either from two balls, or by pulling the second end of the thread from the middle of the ball.

1 row
- tummy: 25 knit stitches between which we place 14 yarn overs evenly
- back: 23 knit stitches, 1 yarn over, 23 knit stitches.

2nd row
- back: 47 p.
- tummy: elastic 1x1 39 loops

3rd row
- tummy: remove 1 p., 1 yarn over, elastic 1x1 37 loops, 1 yarn over, 1 knit stitch.
- back: remove 1 stitch, 1 yarn over, knit 45 stitches, 1 yarn over, 1 knit stitch.

4 row
- back: 49 p.
- tummy: elastic 1x1 41 loops

5-10 rows
We knit like rows 3 and 4.

Row 11 (start knitting armholes)
- tummy: close 3 loops, elastic 1x1 44 loops
- back: bind off 3 stitches, 52 p.

12 row
- back: bind off 3 stitches, purl 49.
- tummy: close 3 loops, elastic 1x1 41 loops

Rows 13-27
We knit in a straight line according to the pattern.

28 row

Row 29
- back: dial 3 air. loops further according to the picture
- tummy: dial 3 air. loops further according to the picture

We knit from the collar 13.5 cm. We finish the tummy by knitting 2 cm with a yellow thread with a 1x1 elastic band.

We knit the back to a length of 18 cm. We begin to decrease the loops. To do this, knit 2 loops together at the beginning and end of each front row. We knit the purl rows with purl loops. We knit the back to a length of 24 cm, after which we close the loops.

We sew the details of the product with a needle with a large eye.

We knit a 1x1 strip with a pink thread and an elastic band equal to the length of the edge of the back.

Sew the knitted strip to the edge of the back.

We knit the sleeves. To do this, cast on 40 loops with pink thread. We knit 1 cm with a 1x1 elastic band. Change the color of the thread. We make one yarn over at the edges of the front row and knit another 1 cm. Again we make one yarn over in the front row and knit another 2.5 cm sleeve. We knit a second sleeve.

Knitted raglan sweater for a cat. Knitting instructions.

You need to choose soft yarn so as not to injure delicate skin sphinx, you can knit it from fluff, then your cat will not be afraid of any cold, or you can also knit it from mohair, it also warms perfectly.

Here is a knitting pattern Raglan sweaters for cats.

You can knit the model with a clasp, or without a clasp, as you prefer. We suggest knitting with an elastic band 1x1 - this is the most simple knitting In addition, it stretches perfectly and fits to the figure. And those who have experience in knitting can use other knitting patterns that look very impressive in raglan, for example, all kinds of braids and flagella. You can alternate several colors, as in our photo.

We will also knit on circular knitting needles size 3.5, for yarn 75m = 50g you need to cast on 34 - 40 loops (if you knit from thinner yarn, then the number of loops should be greater). Knitting starts from the top, from the neckline. We will do the calculation for 40 loops. So, we cast on 40 loops and knit several rows in a circle - this is a stand-up collar, its size can be made at your discretion. We will knit without a fastener. Then we start knitting the raglan. Raglan calculations are always done using the same formula: (total number of loops - raglan loops) /3,

Or in our example: (40-4)/3 = 12 - so many loops are on the back, on the front and on 2 sleeves.

We make adjustments to the cat’s figure: back 12+2=14 stitches, front 12 stitches and sleeves 12-2=10 stitches (5 for each sleeve).

We divide the loops on the knitting needles according to calculation, checking the knitting pattern: 14 back loops; 1 raglan loop; 5 sleeve loops; 1 raglan loop; 12 loops before; 1 raglan loop; 5 sleeve loops. At the same time, we tie colored threads on the loops of the raglan so that these loops can be seen. In the future, you need to make yarn overs through the row before and after the raglan line. In this way we knit to the bottom of the armhole, this is about 10-12 centimeters, you can check the Universal pattern or just try it on a cat.