Why don't I have a boyfriend yet? Why don't you have a boyfriend yet? Physical factors: environment, friends and events

In this article, you will find the answer to the question “why don’t I have a boyfriend” and get a step-by-step guide to finding one and building a happy relationship with him.

Why I don’t have a boyfriend - 7 steps to meeting someone

I present to your attention 7 steps that will lead you to happy relationship. As you read, pay attention to those points in which your behavior does not coincide with my recommendations. Most likely, these are the reasons why you are still asking the question “why don’t I have a boyfriend.”

Step #1: Confidence

Nowadays there is a trend in the world of confident people. If you are confident in yourself, everything is within your control, you can achieve whatever you want. You may not have talents and abilities, you may not have a bright appearance, but if you are confident in yourself, you will achieve your goal. You can find many examples of celebrities, bloggers, famous entrepreneurs who have achieved great heights on self-confidence alone.

Fear usually exists where there is no experience. The first time you will need to get acquainted despite any fears. Then try again a second and a third time... On the fourth time you will feel the fear go away. You already know what to do. Fear disappears where there is a plan of action. And this plan automatically appears in the place where there is a certain number of repetitions. In other words, start doing it - and by the third or fourth time the fear will disappear on its own.

Two more emotions that prevent you from getting to know each other are contempt and disgust. Perhaps there are guys who are already showing you signs of attention, but you yourself don’t even look at them. Because, I quote: “This one looks like a homeless person, this one is kind of fat, and this one is just disgusting.” If a guy has ever seen you feel disgust directed at him, he is unlikely to decide to court you.

Therefore, with today start paying attention to those whom you would not have even looked at before or would have looked with disgust. Start smiling at these guys and chatting with them. Change your angle of view and never show emotions of disgust and contempt on your face in front of them. Look for the traits you like in them, believe me, they are there.

A couple of other emotions that push guys away from you are sadness and sadness. I'm not saying you should stop being sad or suppress this emotion. No, we need sadness and sadness just like joy, and we can and should experience them. But when meeting young people, start smiling more often. Try smiling at everyone you meet (just smile!), and you will see the effect yourself. Guys like girls who have lightness on their faces, joy, and sparkle in their eyes. So instead of being overwhelmed and sad, start smiling sincerely at everyone you meet along the way. People will start to notice you and smile after you. And someone will definitely meet you. Just when he does this, don't feel disgusted with him. Communicate and look for the good. It is in everyone.

Step #3: Write who you need

In order to reduce the time it takes to find the right candidate, do one important exercise. Sit down and write down on a piece of paper a list of qualities that your boyfriend should have. Sign up for 50-100 qualities, or maybe more, as many as you want.

The next day (exactly the next!), find 5-7 qualities on this list without which you would never agree to a relationship. And leave only these 5-7 qualities, the most important ones. In this order - first write a lot, and then remove most. This is the only way you can determine your true desires.

Now write down for each quality what it means to you. For example, if it is kindness, write: “for me, kindness in a young man is a desire to help me with intractable problems, love for people, love for animals, the ability to share, etc.” And so for all 5-7 qualities from your list - make detailed description. The resulting list will help you significantly reduce the time when searching for a young man.

Now keep your little list in mind because we're going to meet you!

Step #4: Increase Inbound Dating Traffic

If you sit and wait for the wonderful Captain Gray to sail to you under scarlet sails, of course you can wait. But this will take you years, maybe even decades. Let's not wait so long and let's go get acquainted ourselves. To speed up your search time by a thousand times, increase your incoming dating traffic. Are you afraid? Remember - fear disappears where it is large number repetitions. Therefore, the first two or three times you will need to act contrary to your fear, and then it will disappear.

Meet as often as possible, preferably every day. But be sure to take breaks to recover. For example, in the first week you get to know each other every day, and in the next week you take a complete break from dating. At the same time, do not neglect your small list of qualities, otherwise you risk falling into the trap of being in a relationship.

So, think about where there are a lot of young people you might like. Communicate more, go to different places where your target audience lives.

Step #5: How to meet people?

Many girls who are looking look like they are not looking for anyone. They mentally and with their facial expressions signal to the guys around them: “Don’t come near me!” Well, is this how you can get to know each other? When leaving home, you must mentally broadcast your intentions to the world. Start today smiling at every guy you meet along the way. And also, when you leave the house, start thinking about who you want to meet, who you want to make acquaintance with. Do this until you find the one.

Be open to everyone who wants to meet you. Don't turn your nose up, don't show negative evaluative emotions. Immerse yourself mentally in lightness, joy, relaxation and broadcast them to everyone.

If you only meet online, start dating in person too. And vice versa. Let the sources of acquaintances be varied, let there be many of them. A large selection is better than a small one.

When dating online, you need to know the main rule - from acquaintance to meeting offline, a few days should pass, no more. The sooner you meet, the fewer illusions you will have time to build about this person and the less time you will waste. If for some reason a person delays the meeting, do not communicate with him anymore, he is here for a different purpose. Your goal is not to get hooked on an online dating site, but to find a good, worthy and, most importantly, real young man. And long hours on a dating site will only hinder you in this.

Step #6: First Date Rules

The first date should be short, from half an hour to an hour. During this time, you will have time to form your opinion about the person and leave a first impression of yourself.

If a young man likes you, then a quick first date will help spark his interest. He will want to see you again, and he will do everything to make this happen. The other side of the quick first date coin is that it allows you to save time if you don't like the guy. You meet several guys a week, so don’t waste your time. After all, most of them most likely do not have the qualities on your short list.

Another important reason to end a first date quickly is the danger of boring your interlocutor. If your first date lasts 3-5 hours, then even if the gentleman likes you, he may not call you back. You will simply bore him, “overfeed” him with yourself, and he will not strive for repetition. It’s better to leave the slight bewilderment at the quick departure by saying that “you need to feed the cat,” while hinting that you are not against continuing. This will rekindle his interest and desire to see you again.

Let your interlocutor learn more facts about yourself, but don’t neglect to ask about his life. People love when people are interested in them. Of course, the interest must be sincere and genuine. Ideally, your dialogue should be built alternately: first you speak, then he, then you again...

On the first date, try to listen and take a closer look. What the interlocutor tells you, how he does it, do you have common ground, common interests, do you feel good with him. Don't give him hope for a second date if you feel like he's not right for you. And if it fits, be sure to give a hint.

Step #7: Don't rush into marriage

A man, as a rule, loves to have a pleasant time with a girl with whom he feels at ease and comfortable. And they are in no way associated with this family life, marriage, children, duties, responsibility, burden. A guy wants to experience lightness and joy when he communicates with a girl. And he never gets ahead of himself on the first date, unlike us girls and women.

Answer the guy in the same way when you are on your first dates with him. Be completely in the present moment. Enjoy what you have without trying to jump too far into the future and without making far-reaching conclusions. If a man is easy, pleasant and comfortable with you, if you don’t ask him awkward questions like: “How many children do you want?”, he will be happy to meet with you again and again.

Focus on what is happening between you now. Observe, listen, watch, be yourself - and soon you will get what you want.


I hope in this article you found the answer to your question “why don’t I have a boyfriend.” In these seven steps, you could very well see the reasons why you are still single. With one article I tried to kill two birds with one stone and also help you in finding a young man.

While you're searching, I encourage you to read my other articles about . What's the point of joining them if you don't know how to build them? Don't listen to other people's advice from people who don't know how to do it themselves. How many families do you know who have lived happily for thirty years? Perhaps this is an endangered species. This means everyone needs to learn how to build relationships. Learn the right relationship with me too.

And to summarize what was said in the article, let me remind you:

  • Increase your self-esteem and learn
  • When communicating with young people, replace fear with determination, disgust with favor, sadness with lightness
  • Make a big list of qualities that a young person should have, and then narrow it down to five or seven and describe each quality. What do care, kindness, and sincerity mean to you?
  • Increase your incoming dating traffic. I'm convinced that main reason The reason why you are now alone is that you don’t communicate much enough. At least less than it takes to find someone who is right for you. Try to meet each other every day

  • Be open to getting to know each other. Do an experiment. Smile at everyone you meet young man. You'll be surprised what happens. Do this until you achieve your goal
  • The first date should be short. Keep the suspense, spark interest
  • Don't waste time on people you don't like and don't give them hope
  • On the first date, talk and listen equally. Listen with interest, and if you are not interested, leave
  • Don't talk about the future. Be completely in the present moment and convey this to your interlocutor. He will be pleasantly surprised

And don't forget to purchase my book How to Love Yourself. In it, I collected the most effective techniques with the help of which I once learned to love myself and increased my self-esteem. When you learn to show yourself love, your whole life will change for the better! And the relationship will be a nice bonus.

These are all the main rules for dating and starting relationships. I guarantee you that by following them, you will soon find your happiness.

If you need individual help in finding a guy to build a romantic relationship with, you can contact me for psychological help. As a psychologist, I will help you become attractive to yourself and teach you techniques that will make others read this attractiveness and get to know you. I will also teach you how to meet people first and communicate in a way that will lead to romantic relationships.

Your psychologist Lara Litvinova

Why the probability of having five cats increases exponentially closer to 25, and how to find a guy with whom you can go to the end of the world.

"What's wrong with me?"- the silent question frozen in the eyes of any lonely girl is read more and more clearly at her first glance at the sweetly cooing couple. And let’s be honest: which of us hasn’t had this question during our not-so-best periods? Let's try to figure out why, in fact, you still don't have your own personal super hero, ready to put your wonderful feet in Jimmy Choo shoes and take you far away, and how to find a guy when you yourself don't really know who you need yet , but you really don’t want to be alone.

You have too many complexes about your appearance

And your waist is not thin enough, and a couple of extra pounds are stuck on your hips, and in general, Masha’s legs are longer and her hair shimmers brighter in the sun! Stop, stop comparing yourself to anyone - no idealization of pictures from social networks! Look in the mirror and evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. The weight is far from the desired one - start adding it little by little physical activity into your schedule, doing it just for your loved one, and not to outdo your girlfriend on the beach. Work on yourself and earn love from yourself, and not from the opposite sex. Believe me, all these tips are in the spirit “Love yourself and you will be happy” not a fiction at all, but a question “How to find a guy?” soon, even without your help, he will dissipate in the arms of an admiring admirer.

You don't want to meet yourself

If, instead of walking around the city and making pleasant acquaintances, you prefer to wrap yourself in a blanket and watch episode after episode, then the question disappears by itself. Finding a guy, except perhaps the ideal Henry Cavill in your dreams, will be quite difficult for you in reality. Get out of your comfort zone! In your weekend plan, hang out with friends or go to a new place that suits your interests, put on your best dress and go ahead to conquer the man of your dreams. Even if the search is not immediately crowned with success, you won’t argue that remembering summer dancing nights is much more pleasant than rewatching another melodrama and suffering from loneliness?

Guys only perceive you as "my boy"

Perhaps it’s not even a matter of love for over-sized clothes and the lack of romantic dresses in your wardrobe. Maybe your excessive independence scares young people? After all, what could be more pleasant for a man than to lend his powerful shoulder to a fragile girl? Nobody says that you need to immediately become a helpless and whining princess, but also demonstrate your “I myself!” you still need to do it in moderation. Well, if the list of your friend zone is replenished day by day, also solely because of your expressiveness "fi" maybe a question should be forwarded to you.

Your heart is broken

Hardly a principle “they knock out a wedge with a wedge” applicable to love experiences. If your heart has already cracked from repeated promises and betrayals, then things take a completely different turn. Don’t rush to look for a new love object, trying to dissolve your sorrows in a new relationship, give yourself time to recover. Analyze what happened, figure yourself out, let the person go. Respect your freedom, you have every right to do so. And only when you feel that you really want to love, and not escape from unrequited feelings, can you boldly act.

You're too shy

There are eternal rules that will be relevant at all times - and the value of girlish modesty tops this list. But modesty and shyness to the point of silence are still different things. First, figure out what is the reason for your behavior. If the whole point is low self-esteem, then, first of all, carefully work with your complexes. IN modern world, where you can find a huge amount of advice and information on a particular problem, there are no difficulties in understanding yourself with the help of psychology gurus, of whom there are a dime a dozen now. And even if Internet experts should not be trusted unconditionally, it is still worth trying a couple of tips. Why not? Who knows, maybe during your search you will find the very source of problems that prevents you from living fully.

You are making too high demands on your future companion

Of course, we all grew up on fairy tales, where a handsome, strong, loving prince boldly jumps on a horse and fearlessly rushes towards a fire-breathing dragon with a drawn saber, wins his wonderful princess, and they live happily ever after. However, fairy tales are good because they show us what is unlikely in real life, which is why it is so desirable. We are all people, not magical characters, each with our own characteristics, which, by the way, make us completely unique and attractive. Before you grumble about how your guy always forgets his keys, remember how patiently he waits for you when you spend hours getting ready for a walk. People usually love you not for your chiseled figure or your agreeableness, but for your ability to be yourself and the scattering of freckles on your snub nose. And yes, before you demand a prince, become a princess.

You don't need a relationship right now

If you stop scrolling through your head every night "why don't I still have a boyfriend" And “how to continue to live”, and look deeper, it may turn out that the reason for the guy’s absence lies not in those around him, but in you. If you are busy at work, you don’t want to waste time on another person in your life, but all your girlfriends around you are smiling sarcastically from their avatars, holding your loved one’s arm, then admitting to yourself that now you simply don’t need it is quite difficult. Be honest with yourself, don’t listen to the opinions of others, enjoy freedom if now you need it more than a weekend together. Here, in order to find a guy, you just need to want it, and you know it yourself.

What to do if the status "Lonely" doesn't want to change to "Happy"?

If in the above list you still found the reason for the absence of a half and want to fix it as quickly as possible, then here is our top answers to the question “What to do if there is no boyfriend?”

  1. Don't be discouraged! Freedom is a great reason to improve yourself, enjoy carefree evenings with girlfriends and treat yourself to expensive purchases while no one grumbles when looking at the receipt. Smile, enjoy your status as not lonely, but free, and get ready to meet your man.
  2. Get out of the house more often. Remember, we already said that the chances of finding your happiness at the monitor are practically zero, and fate, even if it really wants it, is unlikely to give you a loved one as a gift. Help the Universe, show yourself, and success will not be long in coming.
  3. Stop asking yourself and others the question “Why don’t I have a boyfriend?”. True, the less you think about it, the faster the situation will be resolved in better side. Don’t get hung up on yourself, take care of yourself, the prince has already saddled his horse.
  4. Love yourself! Play sports, take care of yourself, pamper yourself quality products, read more books. When you are interesting to yourself, you can open the world to another person.
  5. Understand that ideal people do not exist. It’s not for nothing that they say that there is no limit to perfection, which means there is always room to grow and develop. Allow yourself and the contender for your heart not to be ideal, but to be yourself - it’s hard to imagine a greater luxury.

Everyone has love, do you have a list of the most beautiful cat breeds on the last tabs in Safari? Can’t understand why a former classmate with a perpetually fat head posts photos from a romantic trip to Rome, but no one even invites you for coffee? It's time to face the truth and find the reason.


A romantic relationship with a guy is a complicated thing. This requires spending time, energy and nerves. It’s one thing if you just don’t want to, but it’s a completely different thing when you have no one to go with.

Let's figure out why the famous "All by myself" became the soundtrack to your life.

Low self-esteem

No, you don't have to inaugurate yourself as the president of beauty and wit by kissing your reflection in the mirror. But loving yourself is a must-do homework.

Low self-esteem of a person indicates that he underestimates his qualities and greatly influences how he is perceived in society. Simply put, your lack of self-confidence is noticeable to other people.

A man doesn’t need to be a subtle psychologist to understand that you are dissatisfied with yourself. This is where the quest for your consciousness begins: “what’s wrong with her?”, “why doesn’t she do anything about it,” etc.

In addition, it is obvious that uncertainty has a bad effect on the ability to hone the skill of flirting, and even open up to someone by telling about your feelings.

How do we fix this?

The main task is to learn to determine your strengths and present yourself correctly. Focus on what seems most successful to you in your appearance and character and feel free to emphasize it.

Excessive requirements

A complete antonym of the previous problem. Everything is wrong for you: this one is too short, the other one is a smoker, the third one has only the gym on his mind, and the fourth one laughs too loudly at stupid jokes in cinemas. Where is the ideal one?

Get ready, it's going to be unpleasant.

There are no ideal ones. There are only your people and not your people. And fate is unlikely to give you manners and intelligence. You'll have to look for the best in Seryozha from the office center opposite, or in Ruslan from Tinder. Don’t even look, but tune in and see.

How do we fix this?

Let's open our eyes a little wider and accept that we are not perfect either. Cool, of course, but imperfect. And we’ll finally give someone a chance to make us fall in love.

You're very busy

Kamon! Now this is a complete lie. “One of my friends” loves to tell off everyone who is not interesting to her with a story about an 18-hour working day. But this is all nonsense.

There is a legend that we can always find time for special people. Of course, I haven’t tested it on myself yet, since I work 20 hours a day, but when a friend calls and invites her for an Aperol, the working day ends. Suddenly. It’s the same story with mom, who calls for coffee. So maybe stop telling me that during breaks between work you only eat and sleep?

How do we fix this?

Next time, try to give an affirmative answer to the voiced invitation. What if he turns out to be “the one”?

You're not getting to know each other

One of the most severe cases. There is a category of people to whom any “new” people are alien. You can blow off a drunk dancer in a bar without any regrets and not leave your number to that scary neighbor, but if you shy away from everyone in the world, that’s a problem.

There is nothing wrong with what you choose. But choice is not ignorance. Remember this.

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    Today there is an opinion in society that being unmarried and lonely is wrong. Already in adolescence, a girl begins to feel defective if boys are not interested in her. During this period, some begin to suffer from their loneliness, others try to get to know a guy and develop a plan of action.

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    Reasons why a girl might be lonely.

    The world is full of men who dream of finding a soul mate. Someone already had experience communicating with a girl, but for some reason the relationship did not work out. Some people are embarrassed to meet people and communicate. Others even managed to start a family, but it fell apart. That is, a specific lonely girl may like a lonely guy, but some reason or a whole series of them prevents her from finding her happiness.

    Low self-esteem.

    The reasons for it lie in upbringing. Most likely, such a girl was not praised at home, was not supported, and was scolded more often than talked about kind words. This caused her to set herself up for failure. She is sure that even if a guy asks her out, something will definitely go wrong. At the same time, the guy may not really notice any of her shortcomings, but she herself obsessively points out them.

    In such a situation, you should do the following:

    1. 1. Take care of your appearance. Change your hairstyle, hair color, clothing style, get a manicure. The result of the changes should be a reflection in the mirror that sincerely pleases the girl.
    2. 2. Read more useful literature. You can also take courses foreign languages, choir, sewing club or sports section. All this helps to develop your abilities and increase self-confidence.
    3. 3. Achieve something in life that will make the girl proud of herself. For example, take first place in a photography competition.
    4. 4. Understand that doubts about one’s own abilities hinder personal development.

    Inflated self-esteem.

    The roots of the problem also lie in childhood, when parents spoil their child too much. Her parents convince her that she is the best in the world and have high hopes for her. When such a girl finds herself in a team, she is sincerely surprised by the fact that the people around her do not admire her in the same way as her relatives did.

    Sometimes gentlemen offer her friendship, but she rejects their advances, since young people seem to her unworthy of her attention. At a more mature age, all her friends, as a rule, get married and start families, and she is forced to suffer from loneliness. But even this does not prevent her from maintaining her opinion and thinking that the world is unfair.


    1. 1. Assess the qualities of your character, understand that it is not ideal and there are negative traits in it.
    2. 2. Remove arrogance and arrogance from your character.
    3. 3. Become sociable and friendly, communicate with different segments of the population, and do not immediately reject young people.


    It is often said about such girls that they suffer from excellent student syndrome. She spends free time for studies and tutors, practically does not communicate with peers, rarely goes out and goes to places where young people gather. It’s not easy for her in life, but she doesn’t complain to anyone, even the people closest to her, because she’s used to achieving everything on her own. When such a girl grows up, she realizes that she is left completely alone, without friends and a boyfriend.

    It would seem that the girl is smart, educated, reads a lot, and should be interesting in communication. But for some reason she is lost, does not know what to talk about and how to keep the conversation going. It’s especially difficult for her when she has to communicate with a guy. This comes from the fact that she has little experience communicating with people.

    What to do?

    1. 1. Try to visit companies where there are young people more often.
    2. 2. Try to start a conversation with the guy. To begin with, you can practice communicating online and make yourself a virtual friend.
    3. 3. Don’t isolate yourself, communicate with people as much as possible. For example, at school or college, take on some kind of social assignment together with other children.
    4. 4. Be open to new acquaintances.
    5. 5. Take a careful look at your surroundings, perhaps there is an equally shy guy nearby who does not know how to please a girl and how to start a dialogue with her.

    Discrepancy in views on life.

    This problem most often affects girls 16-18 years old. As a rule, by this age they manage to finish school and enter educational institutions. In their minds, they have already painted a portrait of their ideal lover; they try to see him in every guy passing by.

    But guys at this age are most often financially dependent on their parents; they do not plan to enter into serious relationship. Besides, they are just beginning to experience the joys sex life, and a relationship without obligations suits them quite well.

    Girls, from a young age, are focused on creating a family; sex for them is much more than just pleasure. Such a discrepancy in views creates misunderstanding and, as a result, loneliness.

    What should I do?

    1. 1. Focus on studying, since at this age the main activity is still acquiring education and new knowledge.
    2. 2. Get interested in something other than guys, find a hobby you like.
    3. 3. Give time to peers. Usually, after 20 years, guys mature, their outlook on life becomes more serious.
    4. 4. Try to chat with guys 2-3 years older. The main thing is not to immediately strive to start a family. Unfortunately, early marriages often end in divorce.

    The ideal image of a man.

    This behavior is often seen in romantic people. They often take as their ideal the hero of some medieval novel, romantic film, or member of a musical group. Among the guys, she tries to find the image of her one and only. Often such impulses fail, the girl becomes disappointed and prefers to suffer alone.

    How to get out of this situation?

    1. 1. Understand that ideal does not exist.
    2. 2. Realize that the image of a movie hero or literary character is the author’s invention.
    3. 3. Take a closer look at those around you, see worthy character traits in them.


    Sometimes girls want to attract the attention of guys so much that they start wearing bright makeup, wearing vulgar clothes, and decorating their bodies with excessive amounts of tattoos and piercings. Their behavior is often defiant, aggressive, and sometimes downright vulgar.

    Other girls look sloppy, rarely wash their hair, don’t use makeup, and dress in baggy and not always fresh clothes.

    At the same time, guys want to see next to them a beloved whom they would be ashamed to introduce to friends, work colleagues, parents, with whom they want to start a family and have children. It is unlikely that there will be any talk of a serious relationship with a girl who looks bad or does not know how to behave in society.

    What to do?

    1. 1. Answer the question to yourself what goals are being pursued in life: a serious relationship or playing to the public, in order to shock them.
    2. 2. Work on your appearance. Replace short skirts and combat boots with feminine dresses, shoes, and stylish jeans. Keep piercings to a minimum, do not get tattoos that you may regret in the future. Take care of yourself and your clothes, use cosmetics wisely.

    Unrequited love.

    The girl’s heart is already occupied, but her lover does not reciprocate her feelings. Her thoughts are occupied only with him, she dreams of how happy she will be with him, thinks through plans on how to meet and talk to him. If a girl has already taken steps towards a guy, but he has not made contact with her, then he is not interested in her. In such a situation, it is unlikely that she will be able to meet her love.


    1. 1. Put an end to hopeless love, let go of this situation.
    2. 2. Get rid of things that remind you of your past love.
    3. 3. Take a closer look at your surroundings, perhaps some guy is showing interest in the girl, but she, absorbed in her suffering, did not even notice it.

    Reluctance to enter into a serious relationship.

    Often girls explain the absence of a guy by saying that no one understands them, they always come across the wrong men, it’s difficult to find a common language with guys, etc. In fact, the girl is simply used to living a carefree life, not thinking about tomorrow, and not having any responsibility. She is used to doing what she wants; she will not tolerate control and restrictions.

    Usually, after a couple of dates, the guy starts writing to her, calling her, asking how her day was, asking when the next meeting will take place. The girl is annoyed by this; she perceives care and attention from her partner as interference in her personal space. She begins to deliberately look for flaws in the guy and insists on breaking up.

    Not only young girls behave this way, but also quite adult ladies.

    The problem is solved as follows:

    1. 1. Assess the pros and cons of your free life, decide what is more important, a serious relationship or a relationship without obligations.
    2. 2. Figure out whether there is a need for a guy, or whether you still want to be free for a while.

    Problems in the parental family.

    Perhaps relations in the girl’s family did not develop so smoothly. The parents could have divorced, one of them could have cheated, perhaps the child had to witness the scenes with his own eyes domestic violence. All this is deposited in the child’s head and causes psychological trauma.

    Sometimes parents do not divorce, continue to live together, but at the same time they torment themselves and their relatives with constant quarrels and reproaches.

    A girl may decide that a relationship is a heavy burden, and rather than suffer so much, it is better to abandon it altogether.

    What should I do?

    1. 1. Try not to take your parents’ problems personally, because things may turn out differently for their daughter.
    2. 2. Realize that in adult life You will have to be responsible for your destiny on your own, without relying on your parents.
    3. 3. Try to follow positive development examples family relations. Perhaps the relationship between relatives or parents of a friend is harmonious.

    Negative experiences from past relationships.

    In a situation where a girl has already entered into a relationship, but it ended in a bad breakup, it can be difficult to open up to new feelings. The woman begins to delve into herself, blame herself for the fact that the romance did not work out, and make attempts to return her ex-boyfriend.

    Way out of the situation:

    1. 1. Heal your soul from the wounds caused by failed love. If you can’t do this on your own, you should seek help from a psychologist.
    2. 2. Clear your home of anything that reminds you of your past relationship.
    3. 3. Try to be in a cheerful mood.
    4. 4. Start meeting young people.
    5. 5. Do not compare new gentlemen with ex-boyfriend, finally free yourself from broken relationships.

    The presence of masculine character traits.

    Such girls are often called tomboys. They wear comfortable clothes, sometimes even men's clothing, spend their free time in the company of guys, have boyish hobbies, and are not averse to drinking and smoking.

    Guys perceive such a girl exclusively as a friend; they can discuss topics in her presence that they would be embarrassed to raise if there was another girl nearby. At some point, the tomboy will want to start dating one of the guys, but those around her are used to seeing her only as a friend, and don’t view her as a girl.

    What can be done?

    1. 1. Change your clothing style to a more cute and feminine one.
    2. 2. Come up with beautiful hairstyles for yourself, start putting on makeup.
    3. 3. Add coquetry and flirting to your communication style.
    4. 4. Do not return to the old style of clothing, so that others can see a representative of the fair sex in the tomboy.
    5. 5. Meet young people outside your company.


    Thus, a girl may not have a boyfriend at all various reasons. You need to understand that harmonious relationships are built only when people sincerely want it, and do not enter into them because it is customary. If a girl is happy with being free, then there is no need to change anything, meeting her true love will happen later when she is ready for a relationship.

    And a little about secrets...

    I looked at my husband in fascination, and he did not take his admiring eyes off his mistress. He acted like a lovesick idiot...

Everyone has that friend who regularly whines: “why don’t I have a boyfriend?!”, “why don’t guys like me? “, and those around her are already tired of convincing her that everything will work out and she is the most wonderful in the world. In general, this is not bad, it’s bad if you are such a friend yourself.

Instead of intoxicating yourself with self-pity and regularly pouring out your soul, it is better to approach the issue logically and constructively to understand the reasons. This will be much more effective than asking why guys don't like me. Friends may tell you the truth, but they are not always able to see all the reasons objectively.

Why I don't have a boyfriend: reasons

  • People don’t meet you on the street or in a cafe, do your friends say that you make a strange first impression and many consider you a bitch, or cold and emotionless? - your problem is “face like a brick”. No, with your appearance everything can be fine, but the expression on your face tells everyone “don’t interfere - he’ll kill you.” Perhaps this happens unconsciously, but at the sight of such a gloomy and unfriendly girl, only true adventurers decide to meet her. Smile more often, watch the expression on your face, and often, when standing in front of the mirror, practice putting on a kind and friendly face. Don't overdo it, a forced smile can be even worse than just gloominess.
  • They constantly get to know you, they literally don’t give you a pass, but they disappear very quickly and nothing serious happens - perhaps it’s in your appearance, or rather in the way you present it. If you wear clothes that are too revealing, bright makeup and you think that you need to immediately show the product in person, then this is a mistake. Men want it to be interesting, it is very easy to play on their curiosity, but a girl in a microscopic T-shirt and a skirt the width of her waist is not interesting, perhaps it is even beautiful and erotic, but not interesting. You want to have sex with such a girl, not date her or marry her.
  • The reverse option from the previous one is a blue stocking. If you don’t give a man’s fantasy the slightest support, it’s not interesting either. “Why don’t guys like me, I dress fashionably?” - that's the problem. Fashionable breeches, bat-shaped sweaters, dresses of complex design - all this looks great in the eyes of women and designers, but it does not attract men, since such clothes hide the silhouette and do not give a hint of what is underneath. And in combination with a stone face, fashion clothes will make you completely unattractive to men.

Internal reasons

We've sorted out the appearance, let's move on to communication issues: why don't I have a boyfriend, I'm so beautiful!

  • You are waiting for a prince on a white horse, nothing less. And everyone who falls short of the prince must immediately disappear from your eyes. But the problem is that princes in small monarchical countries have not yet died out, but they have all been snapped up, and on the rest of the planet they generally do not exist. It’s a little more relevant to wait for a businessman in a mini-Cooper, but the results may also not please you. There are no ideal people, so take a closer look at the promising ones, but perhaps the right one will not be found right away, perhaps he will not have a Bentley or a mansion, but you yourself are not a princess from a castle.
  • You don't know how to communicate with guys - they're not interested in knowing what's going on in the personal lives of celebrities and what part of the Twilight movie is the best. It’s better to talk with guys about what’s interesting to them, and best of all, about what’s interesting to both of you. If you have something in common, it may awaken his interest in you, but no one knows what it will be - sports, TV series, favorite books, a type of beer or a cartoon.
  • And finally, you are looking too seriously and thoroughly, immediately on the first date finding out how many children and what gender the potential chosen one wants. Don’t scare him like that, he didn’t think that you could have something serious, save these questions for later, or better yet, wait until he asks them himself.