What does a cat lie down on its stomach? Why cats love to sleep in public: all explanations from logical to superstitious. What does it mean when a cat sits on a person?

It's no secret that cats choose their sleeping place very carefully. They change it several times during the day, but every domestic cat has a corner in which it most often spends its rest time.

Many pets prefer to sleep together with their owners. Some prefer to rest under a blanket, others like to sleep in public or on their feet. Cats' habits can be quite different, but most of them sleep directly with or on their owner. There can be many reasons for choosing a given place to sleep, but each case is individual. People have a huge number of superstitions regarding cats and their sleep, especially if they rest on the owner’s body.

Why does a cat go to bed?

Not all people are willing to let a pet into their bed, but a cat may have its own reasons for choosing this particular place. There are pros and cons of sleeping with a cat, so the choice in this matter is a personal matter for each pet owner. Experts have identified a number of reasons that encourage animals to spend their sleep time next to a person:

  1. 1. Choosing the warmest place in the house. Cats always try to find the warmest corner for themselves; they often bask in the sun and sleep on radiators. The human body temperature is quite high for a pet, which allows it to continuously warm itself during sleep. Often in such cases, cats prefer to crawl under the blanket as well, this way the heat is retained better.
  2. 2. Convenience when resting is of great importance for a cat. These animals choose the most comfortable places in the house (by their standards), usually soft surfaces. The human body is an excellent option for a comfortable and relaxing long-term rest.
  3. 3. Lack of attention from the owner and communication with him is a serious problem for the animal. This negatively affects the cat's psyche, especially if it is often left alone. During the period of co-sleeping with the owner, the pet tries to compensate for the lack of attention. Animals usually behave affectionately, purring and stamping their paws on the owner, constantly trying to stay close. If there are signs that your cat lacks communication, you should spend more time with him or get a second cat. Constant loneliness leads to depression in the animal, it will feel abandoned.
  4. 4. The need for safety is an unconditioned reflex in these animals. A cat can fall asleep soundly only in a state of complete rest, absolutely confident in its safety. A pet that comes to sleep with its owner expresses its trust and respect to him. Next to a person, he feels in a state of complete peace, which allows him to relax and unhindered.
  5. 5. The smell of human sweat attracts some cats. In such cases they usually fall on chest or fall asleep under the owner's armpit.
  6. 6. A person's heartbeat can easily attract a pet, especially if it is a kitten. Many cats with early age They get used to falling asleep next to their owner or on his chest to the sound of their heartbeat. This calms them down. The kitten gets used to the mother’s heartbeat, so after birth it strives to get into a similar environment. Often this habit remains with a feline forever.
  7. 7. Feeling like a leader in the house leads the cat to such habits as sleeping in the bed, on the threshold or on the owner himself. He considers himself the head and protector of the family, a guardian of the territory. Such cats often inspect their “possessions” for enemies. It is unlikely that it will be possible to re-educate the animal; the owner must accept that the pet sets the rules in his house.
  8. 8. The cat feels sick or unwell and tries to cure the owner. Then the pet chooses a part of the body that is problematic from its point of view and lies down on it. Since ancient times, people have believed that a cat can free a person from negative energy thanks to the strongest biofield and contribute to recovery.

It should be noted that the biofield of an animal may not be suitable for every person. If headaches appear or intensify after sleeping together, then you should not let your cat sleep too close to the head. There is no need to completely kick the animal out of the bed, but you should not allow it to lie directly on its head.

Perhaps the cat sleeps on its owner for some other reason. It is not possible to determine exactly what motivates the pet.

The cat rests on its owner's head

A pet often chooses its owner’s head or his pillow as a bed. The cause may be heavy mental work, fatigue and constant stress. The animal senses the human condition and tries to improve it with all its might.

The cat senses if the owner is suffering from a migraine. There is no help in this condition medications, and the pet tries to relieve pain as much as possible by lying on its head. Cats can easily determine if a person is weather-sensitive and suffers from a sharp change in atmospheric pressure. The animal is able to anticipate such moments, starting its therapy in advance.

The cat lies at your feet or nearby

Most often, animals sleep on and next to their legs when they feel a person is very tired. People spend most of their time in motion, which is why their legs get tired the most, which is what the animal feels. Also, such behavior in a pet can be noticed if its owner suffers from any disease associated with the lower extremities. Varicose veins veins causes severe pain in the legs, which the cat can smell.

When a cat lies down next to you or crawls under the blanket, it is looking for an inexhaustible source of warmth. For the same reason, the animal spends all its time next to its owner if he has heat. The cat feels unwell and does not miss the opportunity to bask in its loved one.

The pet sleeps on its stomach or back

A furry pet often lies on its stomach because of convenience; for it it is a warm, safe and soft place to sleep. But this is not always the only reason for such animal behavior.

Most domestic cats are affectionate and gentle creatures, so they love to sleep in public or nearby. There are several explanations for this behavior of these furry animals. Let's try to figure out why a cat lies on a person, and not just next to him. What is the reason for this behavior and is it necessary to wean the ward from such a habit?

Why cats love to sleep in public

Representatives of the cat family are heat-loving and cautious animals. According to one version, man was able to domesticate a wild cat only because a fire was always burning in his home and food was being prepared. For a cat, the owner is a source of warmth and calm. During sleep, all predatory instincts weaken and the cat becomes vulnerable. In this way, the ward shows the person that he trusts him completely. Felinologists have been studying the habits and psychology of domestic cats for a long time and have come to the conclusion that some individuals experience deep affection for their owners.

Supporters of esotericism claim that cats are able to sense the energy of people. When the patient goes to sleep at his feet, we can safely assume that the person’s aura is damaged or a lot of negative energy has accumulated near it.

If a cat sleeps in your bed, what does it mean?

There is a popular belief that domestic cats are endowed with healing powers, so they choose a place to sleep not by chance. The furry ward can lie at his feet, rest on his stomach or climb on his head. Our ancestors believed that there was a reasonable explanation for this behavior.

The cat lies down on the chest - check the lungs or forget about grievances and hatred. The cat is sleeping on the owner's head - perhaps he felt a distant headache or intracranial pressure. Varicose veins or joint problems are possible if your pet sleeps on their legs.

Note! Cats actually sense temperature changes much faster than humans. And inflammatory processes are usually accompanied by an increase in temperature at the site of the infection.

However, if a cat sleeps on a person, then this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm. A pet can simply bask, show a feeling of affection and love.

Pets often react to hormonal changes in female body. It was believed that if a pregnant woman placed a cat on her stomach, and it curled up and began to purr, there would soon be a new addition to the family.

Some owners do not allow their pets to sleep on the bed with them, considering the animal a carrier of various diseases. To be confident in the health of your ward, it is necessary to systematically carry out hygiene procedures and take him to the veterinarian for an examination.

However, there are also advantages to sleeping together - a purring warm lump calms the nerves, relieves the feeling of loneliness and warms you up during the cold season. Source: Flickr (J._Sibiga_Photography)

Where else do cats like to sleep?

Sometimes pets choose to sleep at all interesting places, for example: a table, a house threshold, a travel bag or a closet. Sleeping in secluded places can be explained by the fact that the animal wants to hide from prying eyes and noise, and enjoy solitude and silence. It's no secret that some cats are unsociable and wild by nature, while others just want to relax.

Interesting fact! Great-grandfathers believed that cats sleep on the threshold of the house, protecting the home from evil spirits and brownies.

If your pet gets into the habit of sleeping on the kitchen table, then wean him off this habit. Wool can get into food, which is not very pleasant for household members and guests.
The most attractive places to sleep are window sills, radiators and laptops. Cats love warmth, so they sleep sweetly, basking in the sun.

Is it possible to sleep with a cat?

The opinions of veterinarians and felinologists regarding the stay of pets in bed differ radically. Some believe that an animal has no place in bed, while others do not see anything reprehensible in this. It is important to understand one thing - animals that have access to the street are potentially dangerous. They can be carriers of serious diseases, including helminthic infestations and lichen. But those pets who do not encounter stray relatives and have no idea about grass and soil can be allowed to bask on the bed.

The furry creature will take a position that is comfortable for it and will definitely express its displeasure if you move it. A pet predator may suddenly wake up and start playing with its hair, fingers, or blanket. However, there are also advantages to sleeping together - a purring warm lump calms the nerves, relieves the feeling of loneliness and warms you up during the cold season.
Whether to allow your furry pet to sleep with you or not is up to you to decide.

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Cats are amazing creatures. They delight us with their affection, playfulness and funny antics. In a house where there is a cat, there is positive energy, people get sick less and relationships between them are warmer. With their rumbling they calm, giving a person peace. So why does a cat lie on a person?

Cats are big sleepers. They can spend 15-20 hours sleeping. And sometimes the most inappropriate places are chosen for this. They love to hide in their houses, boxes, radiators, closets. But often they choose a person to lie down with. As very thermophilic creatures, they seek this warmth from humans. They like to lay down and sleep on their legs, arms, stomach or back. Sometimes your favorite cat lies down on his chest. What could this mean?

Cats are such little-studied animals that there is no consensus among people and scientists on this matter. And there are several theories.

  • Theory #1. The most common theory is that this is how cats heal their owners. They lie down exactly on the sore spot of their beloved owner and begin to purr. With its warmth and vibration, a cat heals a sick human organ. Since a cat’s body temperature is higher than a person’s (38-39°C), this makes an excellent heating pad. The cat easily finds the place where it hurts. Owners of furry pets have repeatedly noted that the pain goes away after such warming up. Most often, cats treat headaches, heart pain, stomach pain, or pain in muscles and joints.
  • Theory #2. According to this theory, a cat's desire to sleep on a person is explained by the desire to dominate and control the person. By jumping onto its knees and caressing, the cat marks the person with its scent. And when sleeping on a person, a cat always keeps him in sight to be sure of its safety.
  • Theory #3. It says that this is how a cat expresses its love and devotion to its owner. However, opponents of this theory say that pussies are very selfish animals, so there can be no talk of any devotion.
  • Theory #4. The most common among zoologists. In their opinion, the reason for this behavior is that the human temperature is higher than the objects surrounding the cat. And the cat is a very heat-loving animal. That's why she warms up in this way. When a person is sick, the temperature of his diseased organs rises, which attracts the pet. Often in winter, when the batteries are working, the cat moves there. In addition to humans, cats can sleep on other animals - dogs, cats and even cows.

Little kittens especially love to sleep with a person, because he replaces his mother and brothers. From birth they get used to sleeping in a large and warm company. Often the kitten lies on the owner's chest. And cats and cats are great owners. And when they come to the master’s bed, they mark the territory with their scent. But people don’t smell this smell. But cats can smell their beloved owner very well. This smell gives them a feeling of security and peace. Near the owner, cats sleep deeper.

Many people believe that cats take away negative energy. There is even a kind of rating of furry healers.

  • Black and white cats are considered the most powerful healers.
  • Smoky cats have great calming properties.
  • Ginger cats are considered to do little healing, but are good at sharing their energy.

Often a cat doesn’t just come to a person and lie down on him, but also wrinkles the skin and moves its paws and purrs. In a surge of tender feelings, a cat often releases its claws, tingling a person’s skin. And then she gets a job in the place she has chosen.

For example, a cat lies on a person's chest. This is the most favorite place for domestic kitties. In this way, a pet can not only warm up or cuddle, but also treat cardiovascular diseases. There are many stories about how cats saved a person from a heart attack or hypertensive crisis. And they can even warn in this way about an upcoming attack. Cats have the ability to prevent a repeat attack, since a person, stroking a fluffy ball, relaxes and calms down. This normalizes pulse and heart pressure.

When a cat lies on its stomach, organ diseases may occur abdominal cavity. This is how the cat tries to warm you up and relieve pain by purring. There have been cases where cats sensed pregnancy before the woman knew about it. A cat will help relieve pain during menstruation or gynecological diseases. You just need to put the furry healer on the sore spot and stroke it for half an hour. Sometimes cats lie down on their feet. In this case, they may try to treat diseases of the joints or blood vessels of the legs.

A cat can sense a back disease in a person, such as osteochondrosis. And he will come to warm him with his body. With diseased kidneys, the cat lies down on the person’s sore spot - on the kidneys. If neck pain bothers you, you can put the kitty on it like a collar, subject to her consent. If a cat often lies on its head, then this is considered not a very good sign. It is better to carefully remove the cat and move it to another place convenient for it. And it's better to examine your head.

Short-haired cats (Abyssinian, Oriental, Egyptian Mau, Siamese) can help with diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sphinxes also help in such treatment. In case of strong disturbances, long-haired cats help. These are breeds such as: Siberian, Persian, and others. Cats love to massage with their paws. They can extend their claws out of pleasure. It is considered similar to acupuncture. This is very useful for a person. This is how all negative energy comes out.


Whatever places our pets choose to sleep! And if some of these places amuse and touch their owners, others are downright inconvenient for them. For example, it’s very difficult to sleep, but why sleep, you can’t really breathe when you have a weighty, pardon the pun, animal nestled on your stomach. But not every owner will raise his hand to drive him away.

When our cats sleep on us, their sleep is so deep and peaceful that we feel sorry to disturb it. And then, if cats fall asleep like that, it means the cats need it! But now we’ll try to figure out why they need this.

Warm and cozy

Cats always choose the warmest place available to them to sleep; we have already examined this question, and in some detail, in our previous articles “Why do cats lie on humans? " and "Why do cats sleep at human feet? " A person is definitely warmer than all surrounding objects, and love for warmth is the most obvious explanation for why a cat sleeps on a person.

A cat can also settle on its stomach because all cats strive for coziness and comfort, and the stomach is the softest and smoothest place in our body.

Cat tenderness

Lying on your stomach, the cat feels you and all the processes in your body very well. He feels your breathing, your pulse, and the rumbling of your stomach, which may remind him of a cat’s purr. He not only gets the most complete control over you, but also feels close to his loved one, the most important thing in a cat's life.

The cat feels that your body is functioning smoothly, your breathing and heartbeat are even and calm. And if with you, big and strong man, everything is fine - that means everything will be fine with your little cat too.

Thus, main reason The reason why a cat lies on a person’s stomach is convenience for the cat himself, his peace of mind and comfort. There is no point in looking for other reasons, much less remembering the belief that cats supposedly “feel” diseases in people and, by lying down in some place, signal the onset of pathology. In order to make sure of your own health, you need to see a doctor, and just enjoy the proximity of a cat and its affection!

Many owners do not see anything extreme in letting their pet into bed, especially if we are talking about a clean and affectionate cat. When this state of affairs is a long-established habit, there is no point in looking for a mysterious background in Murka’s behavior. But it happens that an animal suddenly changes its inclinations and stubbornly settles down where it had not been noticed before. With what it can be connected?

Signs about a cat in bed

In the old days, overly caring owners were warned: “Whoever sleeps in the same bed with a cat will get frogs in his head!” Of course, it is impossible to treat this sign without humor, and it was invented, most likely, only in order to instill in people at least some concept of hygiene. A mouse hunter freely roaming through courtyards and garbage dumps could bring into bed such an infection that would make frogs seem like a cute thing. But nowadays the problem of hygiene is not so acute, many pets are desperate homebodies, and therefore the question of whether to allow the animal to sleep in the bed depends only on you. It remains to find out how signs explain a cat’s choice of a place to sleep.

At the feet of the owner

  • Esotericists claim that negativity accumulates primarily in the lower part of the body. If an animal settles down to sleep at the feet, it cleanses the owner’s aura and removes the excess that has accumulated during the day.
  • Supporters of “mystical-realistic” explanations are sure: in this way the cat relieves fatigue or an incipient illness from the owner. If your beloved Murzik has made a habit of lying on your feet every evening, take the time to stop by the doctor. Varicose veins are such a common phenomenon these days that it doesn’t hurt to get checked once again.

Around the head

  • Feline specialists (experts in cat psychology and habits) say that the animal’s choice of the head of the bed indicates its attachment to its owner. That is, a cat can settle down at the feet simply because it seems warmer there than on the floor. But if she chooses her head, it means she trusts you, loves you and wants to take care of you.
  • If we are talking about a woman, the animal could be attracted by the pleasant smell of the shampoo with which the owner washes her hair. It is difficult to please the tastes of a four-legged pet, since your cosmetics will definitely not contain the smell of valerian or sausage. But sometimes unexpected whims occur in cats too.
  • Finally, the cat may feel the onset of a migraine, pressure or elevated temperature and come to save the owner. Don't reject outright ambulance”, even if you are not inclined to believe in the healing abilities of animals. But what if?..

But it’s better not to let the cat on your face

Some people believe that a cat climbs onto a person's chest or rolls under a side when it feels Bad mood owner. If your pet settles down on your chest, do not rush to throw the animal onto the floor with dissatisfaction. Perhaps they have come to conduct a psychotherapy session with you!

On the stomach

  • The first reason is still the same: illness. It’s certainly too early to run to the doctor the next day after your cat takes a nap on your stomach. But if Murzik didn’t have such a habit before, and now he clings to you every now and then and doesn’t want to leave, you should take care of your health. Cats sense the slightest changes in temperature and love warmth very much - it’s not for nothing that they doze with such pleasure on sunny windowsills and working computers! If an inflammatory process has begun in the abdomen, the body temperature will rise, and your a pet will notice it quickly. At the very least, listen to your feelings so as not to miss a possible illness.
  • The second reason applies exclusively to women. It is in this unexpected way that cats react to their mistress’s pregnancy. Often even before the woman herself knows about her situation! There is no need to be afraid of this. If the animal is healthy, it does not give you discomfort, does not put pressure on the stomach - it will not cause trouble.

Did you know that cats served as the very first pregnancy tests? To find out whether the long-awaited event had happened or whether the first-born would have to wait a long time, the young wife put the domestic cat on her stomach and watched how it behaved. If you curl up in a ball and doze off, you can begin to prepare for the baby's arrival.

Affectionate purring calms both mother and baby in her belly

Under the bed

Picky cats are no match for obedient and unpretentious dogs. They sleep on rugs under the bed “out of status.” If the capricious woman nevertheless chooses this particular place to sleep, it means that it is marked by strong energy flows. And this is where the differences in interpretation begin.

  • Some people warn to place the bed in the “cat’s bedroom” area. They say that what is only beneficial for the pet is pure harm for its owner, and therefore one should stay away from such places.
  • Others believe that the fluffy resident will work as a kind of filter: it will draw out and destroy all negative turbulence, and leave you to enjoy pure, uncomplicated energy for the benefit of your health and mood.

You can judge for yourself who is right. All you need to do is sit down and remember how you feel after sleeping on this bed? If you are cheerful and full of energy, everything is fine. If you feel overwhelmed and tired, as if you are carrying sacks of grain at night, try rearranging your bedroom. And here's an additional reason to play designer: psychologists say that such changes are good for your mood.

Other places where your four-legged pet sleeps

The bed was sorted out. But our pets sometimes choose such strange places to sleep that it’s amazing! Why do they do this?

The cat sleeps on the table

  • Mystical explanation. The purr “keeps” someone in the family, promising him illness or death. And if the table is in the kitchen, then the jealous young lady, through her actions, drives the man out of the house.
  • Realistic explanation. From a height, the animal has a better view and control of the territory, children won’t reach the cat on the table, and the nearby kitchen is also full of all sorts of tempting smells.

There is no need to be afraid of signs. Remember: according to many beliefs, a cat can sacrifice itself in order to ward off trouble from the house. Well, will she click on her favorite owners? Of course not. However, you still need to wean your pet off the new habit. A table, especially a kitchen table, is a place that must be exceptionally clean. And a sign about a man can work if your husband has to eat food seasoned with cat hair every day.

On the threshold

Legends consider the home threshold to be the brownie's favorite hiding place. And cats are his constant interlocutors and faithful friends. Previously, in Rus' it was believed that the rodent exterminator dozing on the threshold was having a leisurely conversation with the house spirit, so there was no need to disturb them under any circumstances. This is in your own interests!

The pet doesn’t just bask in the sun, it solves important issues!

But people have nothing to do in this place. If you disturb the mysterious inhabitants of the invisible world, you will get yourself into trouble.


  • If the cat settles down to sleep on a travel bag or suitcase, the journey will be easy and favorable. If he tramples on an already assembled backpack, throws things out of it, or, what’s good, tries to urinate on them, it’s better to postpone the trip.
  • The cat sleeps by the radiator, fireplace or on the windowsill, exposing its back to the sun's rays - it will soon get colder, and this weather will last a long time.
  • Sleeping spread out in the middle of the room? Either the thaw is approaching, or she completely trusts you. Be proud, you are a great host!

We have mentioned many times about the ability of cats to have a beneficial effect on human health. But sometimes it happens that it’s a furry animal that needs help. If your pet suddenly changes its habits, climbs on your arms and chest, and demands attention, its behavior may indicate that not everything is all right with the animal. Watch her more closely, and if your suspicions are confirmed, take Murka to the vet.