Varicose veins of the genital organs during pregnancy. Labia during pregnancy At what stage of pregnancy do the labia enlarge?

The period of bearing a child is accompanied by many changes in the body. expectant mother. Most often, a pregnant woman encounters a pathological accumulation of fluid in the lower and upper extremities, in the face, neck and genitals. Such changes worry girls and a completely logical question is why the volume of soft tissues is increasing, is this dangerous for the child’s health, and how to return oneself to its previous shape.

Swelling of the labia during pregnancy is a common occurrence that can be both physiological and pathological. For timely detection and elimination of pathology, the expectant mother must know which symptoms are normal and which are abnormal. You will learn about these nuances in this article.

Causes of swelling

After fertilization of the egg, a woman’s body begins to undergo serious changes. Vital systems begin to work at an accelerated pace, hormone levels change, menstruation disappears, immunity weakens, the size of the uterus, abdomen increases, etc. All these factors affect the condition of the female body, including the shape, color and size of the labia.


If a woman is pregnant, then the swelling of the external genital organs may be physiological in nature - this is a normal phenomenon (especially during early stages gestation). The labia become swollen as a result of:

  • The enlargement of the embryo and, accordingly, the uterine body puts pressure on the lower part of the female body, slowing down the blood supply process, due to which swelling develops;
  • During the period of bearing a child, a rapid deposition of fatty tissue begins in the girl’s body - this process also provokes an enlargement of the external genital organs;
  • Changes in hormonal levels cause expansion of the vascular lumens. Due to this, the area of ​​the small and large lips gets a large number of blood, and they, in turn, increase in size and acquire a bluish tint.

Developed during physiological processes, it should not cause any discomfort. This condition is considered normal and does not require therapeutic action.


In addition to natural causes, swelling can develop as a result of the progression of pathogenic microorganisms. During pregnancy, the performance of the immune system deteriorates, and the girl is more likely to develop the following infectious diseases:

  • Thrush (Candidiasis)– Candida fungal organisms are constantly present in a woman’s body, but with severe immunodeficiency they begin to manifest themselves as curd-like vaginal discharge, itching and swelling;
  • Bartholinitis– inflammatory processes in the bartholinite glands. The disease manifests itself as a burning sensation in the perineum, the release of a grayish secretion, swelling and blue discoloration of the labia;
  • Gandarella, chlamydia, trichomanda, etc.– the progression of such organisms causes burning, itching and secretion that has a foul odor;
  • Vulvovaginitis– the area of ​​the external genital organs can also become swollen due to this pathology, which develops due to inflammation of the vagina.

Diseases can pose a danger not only for the expectant mother, but also for the subsequent development of the fetus. That is why, if you experience discomfort, you should immediately contact a gynecologist who will prescribe an effective and safe method of therapy.

Other factors

In addition to the physiological and pathological provocateurs of swelling, the external genitalia also often become swollen as a result of:

  • Incorrect and inconsistent adherence to rules intimate hygiene;
  • Wearing underwear made from synthetic materials. Uncomfortable panties can also adversely affect a girl’s intimate area;
  • Psycho-emotional disorders, constant depression and stress;
  • Disturbance of microflora in the vagina;
  • Individual intolerance to personal hygiene products (soaps, gels, pads, tampons, etc.);
  • An allergic reaction to some food.

If the genitals have enlarged for the reasons described, then the woman needs to make some changes to her lifestyle. Doctors recommend consulting with a specialist to be sure to refute the presence of gynecological diseases.

What symptoms are accompanied by

If stagnation of fluid in intimate areas occurs for natural reasons, then unpleasant symptoms should not be observed. The labia may change shape, color and size.

Sometimes the presence of unobtrusive itching is considered normal.

Pathological processes are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Strong burning sensation;
  • Excessively copious, unnatural discharge;
  • Foul odor from the vaginal cavity;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lower back;
  • Itching and burning in the anus;
  • Redness of the genitals;
  • The appearance of small formations in intimate area.

Such signs indicate that the body is progressing dangerous disease and you should immediately visit the gynecological office.


If you experience discomfort in the vaginal area and swelling labia During pregnancy, doctors perform the following diagnostic procedures:

  • General laboratory examination of urine and blood fluid;
  • Blood chemistry;
  • Study of secretory fluid;
  • Colposcopy.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor determines the ongoing disease and prescribes treatment.

How to treat swelling

Therapeutic measures for swelling of the intimate area are selected individually for each patient. Therapy depends entirely on the progression of the disease, the health of the expectant mother, the duration of pregnancy and the condition of the embryo.

If, during pregnancy, the labia are swollen as a result of any gynecological disease, then the doctor, first of all, prescribes treatment to eliminate it, and then prescribes medications to relieve symptoms.

During the period of bearing a child, the fight against pathological processes should be as safe as possible for the fetus and mother; doctors, in such cases, give preference to products that contain natural ingredients (herbs, flowers and fruits).

The use of pharmacological drugs is prescribed only in emergency situations.

To eliminate symptoms, doctors prescribe local or oral use of folk decoctions, ointments, suppositories and infusions created on the basis of:

  • Chamomiles;
  • Cranberries;
  • Melissa;
  • Celandine;
  • Calendula;
  • Sequences.

Use any folk remedies must be agreed with the treating doctor. Self-medication often turns out to be ineffective or, on the contrary, only leads to a worsening of the condition of the expectant mother and her baby.

Preventive measures

To prevent excessive fluid accumulation in the external genital area, experts recommend adhering to the following prevention rules:

  • Carefully monitor intimate hygiene;
  • Eliminate excessively salty and spicy foods from your diet;
  • Give preference to comfortable underwear made from natural materials;
  • Use only high-quality, hypoallergenic hygiene products;
  • See a gynecologist periodically;
  • If the slightest deviations or unpleasant signs appear, immediately visit the gynecological office;
  • Monitor your psychological state: spend more time on fresh air, in pleasant company, attend calming events, listen to your favorite music.

According to statistics, varicose veins of the genital organs occur frequently in pregnant women - in about a third of pregnant women. The risks increase with each subsequent pregnancy, especially if there is a genetic predisposition.

Varicose veins of the pelvic organs are a disease in which the veins of the external genital area dilate and pathologically change.

In most cases, symptoms of the disease disappear after the baby is born. But sometimes, without adequate treatment, varicose veins progress and can complicate the course of pregnancy and the birth process itself.

If you suspect a disease, it is important to consult a doctor and choose treatment tactics. Proper therapy helps stop the progression of the pathology and prevents complications.


The causes of varicose veins of the genital organs during pregnancy are multifaceted. The position itself is a powerful predisposing factor.

Don't wear high heels

Women awaiting replenishment experience severe stress on the body, which leads to an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. The development of pathology becomes a manifestation of general varicose veins or the first signal of a disruption in the functioning of the veins.

Reasons for development:

  • increase in circulating blood volume. Increases pressure on blood vessels. Since the walls of veins have less density and elasticity compared to arteries, they suffer first;
  • pressure of the growing uterus on the pelvic organs. Leads to a delay in the outflow of blood from the lower extremities;
  • weight gain. Increases the load on blood vessels. The saphenous veins, which are not surrounded by muscles, are especially affected;
  • increase in progesterone levels. Its excess impairs the elasticity of blood vessels and promotes venous stagnation.

This is especially true for women who used before pregnancy hormonal drugs or suffered from hormonal disorders.

Not the least role in the development of the disease is played by the hereditary factor, diet, lifestyle, and work characteristics. For example, overweight body, standing or sedentary profession predisposes to the manifestation of pathology during pregnancy.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of genital varicose veins in women during pregnancy:

  • enlargement of the lips major or minor;
  • itching, feeling of fullness in the perineum;
  • skin irritation in the groin;
  • swelling of the saphenous vein;
  • discomfort, pain during sexual intercourse.

The feeling of fullness and swelling usually goes away by the end of the first week after childbirth. After a month, the vascular wall normalizes.

External signs of varicose veins of the genital organs are similar to diseases of the lower extremities. Some symptoms are detected independently, others become visible only with instrumental diagnostics.

Prominent veins

Dilatation of the veins of the pelvic organs should not be ignored. It is dangerous due to the possibility of ruptures and bleeding during childbirth. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is recommended to consult a specialist for treatment. It is difficult for women with varicose veins to become pregnant.

Depending on the degree of pathology, the issue of carrying out natural birth or, if indicated, a caesarean section.

Varicose veins of the labia

Most common during pregnancy, most often appears in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. See what the veins on the labia look like when you are sick in the photo.

Consultation with a doctor

Most often, its manifestation is caused by varicose veins in the legs. Swollen areas appear on the lip (or two), itching, burning, pain, and swelling are felt. The sensation is especially strong when using the toilet or after standing for a long time.

Doctors note that a significant dilation of the veins of the genital organs during pregnancy creates a certain load on the fetus, which in severe cases threatens miscarriage. Women facing the disease should not forget about this.

The pathology is fraught not only with physical discomfort, but also causes psycho-emotional trauma to the pregnant woman. Deformed and darkened labia, large veins may look unsightly.

Consultations are needed not only with a phlebologist, but possibly with a family psychologist. The first one will tell you how to treat pathology during pregnancy. And the second will explain that with proper and timely treatment, the disease will recede after childbirth and the genitals will return to normal.

On big lips

Varicose veins on the labia majora during pregnancy have bright external manifestations:

  1. A soft nodule appears. It's easy to miss at first.
  2. It increases over time and can cause obstacles when walking and sitting.
  3. Causes discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  4. Without treatment, the number of nodules increases.
  5. The color and shape of the labia majora change. They darken, turn blue, swell, and swell.

A woman can discover the disease herself. When palpated, small bumps and nodules are felt. Worried discomfort in the genital area.

Looks something like this

The doctor can easily see enlarged veins on the labia during an examination. Therefore, diagnosing the disease is not difficult and does not require additional instrumental studies.

The vessels are noticeable in the form of swollen, convoluted subcutaneous formations of a bluish color. They protrude under the surface of the dermis.

Changes are also found in the mucous membrane covering the labia. On examination, spider veins are visible.

On the small lips

Varicose veins of the small lips have the same symptoms during pregnancy as the large ones. The only difference is that the venous nodes pop up on the labia minora. Nodules appear that look like soft swellings.

Gradually they increase in size, discomfort intensifies, and appearance genitals becomes unaesthetic.

Varicose veins of the vagina

This is a more dangerous type of varicose veins during pregnancy. It is characterized by damage to the blood vessels of the female reproductive system, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms.

With this pathology, veins expand in diameter and the vascular walls become thinner. Nodules form on them, disrupting normal blood flow. Most often it occurs in pregnant women who have previously suffered from varicose veins.

Diagnosing the disease on your own is difficult. It is worth contacting a gynecologist for examination and palpation.

With an incorrect diagnosis, inadequate therapy or its absence, complications often develop. Therefore, to exclude errors, after a visual examination, the woman undergoes an ultrasound examination.

The consequence of the disease may be blood thickening. This is due to the fact that in pregnant women it becomes more viscous. Rarely, pelvic vein thrombosis occurs.

With this type of disease, the main symptoms of varicose veins include:

  • complaints about the lower limbs and pelvis, for example, muscle cramps, a feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • problems with the urinary system: oliguria, frequent urination;
  • flatulence, constipation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Compression underwear

Dilated veins are not an obstacle to natural childbirth. But doctors prefer to do C-section in situations where varicose veins progress rapidly and the nodes greatly increase in size.

In most cases, timely treatment helps eliminate the problem before birth. After the birth of the baby, the factors provoking the pathology disappear, so the disease goes away.

In rare cases, when the disease is advanced, additional treatment may be needed in the postpartum period.

Important: varicose veins that appeared during the first pregnancy are highly likely to occur during the second. Strict adherence to your doctor’s recommendations and preventive measures will help minimize risks.

Varicose veins of the vulva

During pregnancy, it may not have pronounced symptoms, manifesting mainly as pain in the lower abdomen. The only reliable method for diagnosing the disease is examination using an ultrasound machine.

Symptoms of varicose veins of the vulva also include:

  • sudden mood swings;
  • itching in the groin;
  • the appearance of dryness and age spots.

In the later stages, distortion of the shape of the labia, spider veins and nodules on them are noticeable. See photo.

It is necessary to treat

These processes during pregnancy often lead to damage to the vessels of the uterus and pose a threat to the condition of the fetus. If left untreated, varicose veins of the vulva can lead to one of the most dangerous complications - rupture of the vaginal veins and severe bleeding. Doctors advise giving birth by caesarean section.

Varicose veins of the perineum

During pregnancy, it occurs in a third of all cases of varicose veins. The uterus with a growing fetus is the main reason leading to compression of the main veins. The following symptoms appear:

  • dilation of veins in the perineum, vulva, vagina;
  • feeling of heaviness, itching;
  • swelling of the genital organs;
  • intense, bursting pain from within;
  • acute form of varicothrombophlebitis;
  • ruptures of blood vessels and severe bleeding.

The intensity of bleeding is spontaneous. Often they are provoked by sexual intercourse or the beginning of the process of childbirth. It is difficult to stop as it is caused by high blood pressure.

The simplest solution

Varicose veins restoration
the doctor shows a vein
linen preservation

Treatment methods

Before treating varicose veins, the patient must undergo a comprehensive diagnosis. In addition to visual inspection, specialized studies are carried out:

  • Dopplerography - detects vascular formations, helps determine the nature of blood flow;
  • Ultrasound with abdominal and transvaginal sensors;
  • phlebography – assessment of the functionality of vein valves;
  • laparoscopy - to detect pathological abnormalities.

Despite the fact that in most cases the disease recedes after childbirth, treatment helps prevent complications and alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

A popular type of correction is sclerotherapy. The procedure involves the introduction of a special adhesive solution into the affected veins, which stops the progression of the disease.

The duration of therapy depends on the type and severity of the disease. After sclerotherapy, a woman is prescribed tonic medications:

  • Detralex;
  • Lyoton;
  • Heparin;
  • Flkbodia;
  • Troxerutin, etc.

An important point in the fight against the disease is wearing compression garments. It tones the veins, squeezing the affected areas.

Prevention will help prevent the development of pathology during pregnancy:

  • restrictions on spicy and salty foods;
  • lack of excessive physical activity;
  • adherence to rest and sleep patterns;
  • performing therapeutic exercises recommended by a doctor;
  • weight control;
  • wearing a bandage. It will protect the pelvic organs from the pressure of an enlarged uterus;
  • maintaining intimate hygiene, wearing underwear made from natural materials.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

During the period of bearing a child, a woman has to deal with new sensations that arise in the early or later. During pregnancy, new conditions arise to which the body and the expectant mother herself must adapt. Quite often unpleasant symptoms arise that one would like to get rid of as quickly as possible. Among them is pain in the labia. Many are looking for explanations why this is happening and whether there is some hidden threat in this. But you can get a full answer by consulting a doctor.

General information

The labia are folds formed by the skin and mucous membrane. They run from the pubis to the perineum, covering the entrance to the vagina, clitoris and urethra. There are two pairs of labia majora and labia minora. The first ones are designed to protect the vagina from external factors and maintain normal temperature conditions in it. They contain sebaceous and Bartholin glands and are also covered with pigmented skin.

The labia minora are located under the labia majora, directly surrounding the vestibule of the vagina, and in front they pass into the clitoris. As a rule, they have a bright pink tint, and in some girls they protrude from the genital slit. The labia minora are well supplied with blood and have a large number of nerve receptors.


The labia undergoes physiological changes during pregnancy. This is not a deviation from the norm, but is considered as a natural consequence of hormonal changes. The concentration of progesterone in the blood increases, the hormone responsible for preparing for pregnancy and maintaining it. It dilates blood vessels and stimulates blood flow to the genitals. Therefore, swelling of the labia is observed. As a result, they acquire a somewhat bluish tint and become more pigmented.

The above phenomena should not cause concern, since after childbirth they disappear without a trace. But other situations in which the labia hurt during pregnancy should make you think. We can talk about the following conditions:

  1. Vulvovaginitis.
  2. Bartholinitis.
  3. Genital herpes.
  4. Venous varicose veins.
  • Violation of intimate hygiene rules.
  • Wearing synthetic or tight underwear.
  • Individual hypersensitivity to tampons or pads.
  • Intolerance to certain foods.
  • Imbalance of vaginal microflora.
  • Emotional and mental stress.

To determine the cause of discomfort in the labia, the likelihood of each of the listed factors should be considered. And by minimizing their influence, you can significantly make the life of a pregnant woman easier.

The reasons why the labia may swell during pregnancy include physiological conditions and certain pathologies (local or general).


In order for the doctor to have the opportunity to create a complete picture of the changes taking place, he is obliged to conduct a survey of the patient and a physical examination - gynecological and clinical. First, they find out, analyze and detail the complaints made by the woman. During pregnancy, you may experience vague discomfort in the labia or even pain. Therefore, their nature should be determined:

  1. Dull or sharp.
  2. Aching, shooting, pulsating.
  3. Local or spilled.
  4. Constant or periodic.
  5. Weak, moderate or strong.
  6. Occurring at rest or under some influence (touch, movement).

Be sure to evaluate the appearance, i.e., the size and color of the labia during pregnancy, determine whether there is swelling, rash, plaque or other formations. Other symptoms that may worry a pregnant woman are also taken into account.


Inflammation of the labia is a fairly common occurrence. As a rule, it occurs secondary to changes in the vagina and can be provoked by various pathogens, including specific ones (gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia, candida). Symptoms of vulvovaginitis will be the following:

  • Redness and swelling of the labia.
  • Burning and itching in the vagina and perineum.
  • Vaginal discharge and plaque on the lips.

The presence of a specific pathogen can be assumed by the nature of the pathological discharge. For example, with gonorrhea they have a purulent appearance, and candidiasis is characterized by a curdled coating. Quite often, the infection spreads to the urethra, which causes pain at the beginning of urination.


When the glands at the base of the labia majora become inflamed, they speak of bartholinitis. This disease is provoked by various microbial flora penetrating through the excretory ducts. As a result, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Pain and swelling of the labia.
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • The appearance of seals around the vagina.

In this case, swelling of the labia during pregnancy is often asymmetrical, it can even be one-sided. If acute inflammation is not eliminated in time, the infection can progress with the development of an abscess. And with a chronic process, the iron often becomes clogged, turning into a cyst.

The labia may hurt due to bartholinitis - inflammation of the glands that produce mucous lubrication.

Genital herpes

Herpetic rashes may be found on the labia. In pregnant women, there is a decrease in immune reactivity, which allows the virus to come out of its shelter and cause characteristic inflammation. On reddened and slightly swollen skin or mucous membrane, rashes appear in the form of bubbles filled with transparent contents. They tend to merge and are accompanied by pain, burning, itching. When the elements of the rash burst, crusts form in their place.

Herpes infection poses a danger to the child, especially during its passage through the birth canal. But there are also cases of intrauterine infection. The disease is at its greatest risk in the early stages, since the virus can have a teratogenic effect, causing various anomalies and malformations of the fetus.

Venous varicose veins

If the labia are swollen in late pregnancy, then venous varicose veins cannot be ruled out. This situation is quite common when carrying a child, which is due to the influence of hormones and an enlarged uterus on the pelvic vessels. Those who have previously had signs of venous insufficiency, for example in the lower extremities, are at risk of varicose veins during pregnancy.

The labia increase in size and become cyanotic. The woman feels heaviness in the perineum, which intensifies in an upright or sitting position. Signs of varicose veins can also be seen on the legs. Expanded areas and nodes may form there. This situation is not as simple as it seems, since there is a possibility of complications: venous thrombosis and subsequent embolism.

Additional diagnostics

To find out the reasons why the labia may become swollen and sore during pregnancy, a woman will have to undergo additional examination. Diagnostic measures consist of laboratory and instrumental methods that can confirm and clarify the nature of the pathological process. These include:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (indicators of inflammation, antibodies to infections, coagulogram, glucose, liver, kidney tests, etc.).
  3. Analysis of secretions and smears.
  4. Colposcopy.

Based on the research results, a final conclusion can be made and further treatment measures can be planned. Each pathology requires appropriate correction, and the sooner it is done, the better the pregnant woman will feel. Active therapy will avoid complications and the return of unpleasant symptoms.

If the perineum is swollen during pregnancy, this may not only be a natural sign of the body preparing for the upcoming birth, but also a symptom of a pathological process. It is important to promptly determine the causes of this phenomenon in order to prevent complications and calmly wait for the appearance of a healthy baby.

Why does the perineum swell during pregnancy?

The genital organs may change during pregnancy, which can be explained by several reasons. This could be a hormonal change in the body, an increase in the fat layer in the tissues associated with general weight gain, or the body’s preparation for childbirth. Swelling of the perineum during pregnancy can occur in the later stages, when the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on other pelvic organs.

If natural changes in the body leading to changes in the shape of the labia are asymptomatic, then there is no need to worry, but it would be useful to additionally consult with a gynecologist. After childbirth, the organs will gradually return to their previous state.

Alarming symptoms

If swelling of the perineum occurs simultaneously with other symptoms, then there is a possibility of developing an infectious or viral disease. The following signs indicate this:

The above signs are symptoms of gynecological diseases that require treatment, as there is a risk of complications for pregnancy. If the labia are swollen during pregnancy and at least one of the above symptoms appears, you should immediately consult a doctor for diagnostic measures.

Possible diseases

Swelling of the genital organs, which is accompanied by additional discomfort and pain, may indicate the following diseases:

Only a doctor can analyze the symptoms and establish an accurate diagnosis, so there is no need to delay consulting a gynecologist, much less self-medicate.

All of the above diseases can cause serious complications not only for the health of the expectant mother, but also for the development of the child. Untreated infections are transmitted to the baby at birth and getting rid of them in a newborn is much more difficult. In advanced stages, for example, of genital herpes, a planned CS is prescribed.

What to do if your labia are swollen?

If swelling of the labia minora is observed during pregnancy or the entire perineum is swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor without waiting for a scheduled appointment. Additional tests may be required, such as a smear, blood and urine tests. Based on the data obtained and examination, treatment will be prescribed if pathological processes occur in the form of infection. It may include general strengthening measures, the use of external agents; in extreme cases, antibiotics adapted for the body of pregnant women are used, with the exception of viral diseases. Their treatment is carried out according to a special regimen, including antiviral agents.

Expecting a child is a joyful, but difficult period in a woman’s life. Her body is being rebuilt, trying to create ideal conditions for the baby. However, some changes cannot be called the norm.

If your labia hurt during pregnancy, it is advisable to go to the doctor; this may indicate a number of diseases; it is better to identify and treat them at an early stage: vulvovaginitis, bartholinitis, genital herpes, venous varicose veins. All of these diseases threaten the health of both mother and child.

How the labia change during pregnancy

The labia are the folds in the perineum. The labia majora protect the vagina. Under the large ones there are small ones, surrounding the vestibule of the vagina, passing into the clitoris. Most often they are bright pink.

In an interesting situation, a woman’s body undergoes a complete restructuring, it prepares to bear a child, the labia also change: they swell a little, become purple or bluish, which the gynecologist immediately sees during examination. This is considered normal, so you shouldn’t worry when they swell and change color. Why is this happening, are these changes dangerous?

During this period, a woman begins to undergo physiological changes:

  1. There is more of the hormone progesterone in the blood; it must prepare the body for a difficult period and maintain pregnancy.
  2. Thanks to progesterone, blood vessels dilate and blood flow to the genitals increases.
  3. Blood rushes to the genitals, they change: they can change color, become cyanotic, and begin to swell.

Such changes are natural and therefore do not threaten health in any way. But if pain appears in the intimate area during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.

Is pain normal or a reason to see a doctor?

Changes occurring in a woman’s body are normal; you should not worry about swelling or color changes.

However, pain can indicate the presence of a number of diseases, so it is advisable to report it to your doctor so that treatment can begin immediately.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations and discomfort are caused by the following reasons:

  • a woman forgets about the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • she is going through a difficult period, and emotional and mental stress affects the entire body;
  • does not know how to select underwear: she buys too tight, synthetic ones;
  • she developed an allergy to certain products, to pads from a certain brand;
  • A pregnant woman experiences an imbalance of vaginal microflora.

If discomfort appears due to the above reasons, you need to take care of comfort by buying other underwear, giving up pads or food. Unpleasant symptoms didn't pass? Urgently see a gynecologist!

Why the labia hurt - possible causes

If you experience constant pain, you should not make a diagnosis yourself, much less self-medicate. It is better to immediately seek help from an experienced gynecologist, who will then necessary tests and examination will make an accurate diagnosis.

There are several diseases that cause pain in the genitals during pregnancy.


Vulvovaginitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the labia and vaginal lining. It often occurs in women who do not keep their intimate areas clean. But it can appear due to other reasons: due to sexually transmitted infections, after sex, when it was rough and damage to the genitals occurred.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • plaque appears on the labia during pregnancy;
  • they itch and hurt;
  • the outer lining of the vulva turns red;
  • Serous-purulent discharge appears.

If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor - there is a risk of losing your child. If the disease appears later, at 7 months of pregnancy, it may begin premature birth, there will be an untimely outpouring amniotic fluid, which will cause hypoxia in the fetus. There is a risk of developing intrauterine infection.


Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin glands (located at the entrance to the vagina), caused by various microorganisms (enterococci, staphylococci, chlamydia). The disease is undesirable during pregnancy; its foci are located near the uterus. If bartholinitis appears in the early stages, that is, before 20 weeks, the infection can lead to the death of the child. In the later stages, there is a risk of infection of the baby. Therefore, treatment cannot be delayed.


  • the mucous membrane becomes red;
  • the affected area swells, the swelling grows over time;
  • The labia may hurt, the pain becomes stronger during physical activity, walking, urination, or during intimate relationships;
  • with the purulent form of the disease, a cavity filled with pus is formed, small seals appear near the vagina;
  • lethargy, loss of strength;
  • The temperature rises to 39 degrees.

What to do if pain occurs after sex or physical activity, if the labia are swollen and red? It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe a course of antibiotics or recommend another treatment.

Genital herpes

The culprit of genital herpes is the herpes virus type 2 or 1, it is transmitted by contact: through saliva, semen, through contact with herpes lesions on the mucous membranes.

Why does herpes cause pain? Already 4 or 5 days after infection, papules form on the mucous membrane and skin of the genital organs, which later transform into blisters. After 2 or 3 days, the blisters open, painful erosions form in this place, the labia itches, and discharge may appear.

After 7-10 days, all symptoms disappear, but relapses may occur. In most women, the disease occurs without significant symptoms, but it can be diagnosed using special tests and tests. A pregnant woman must undergo a course of treatment, otherwise the child will be born with signs of herpes.

Venous varicose veins

Painful symptoms are often a sign of an unpleasant disease - venous insufficiency (varicose veins). The pathology occurs in 20% of expectant mothers and appears due to physical activity. Nodes, bumps, and bluish stars are visible in the perineum. The patient suffers from excruciating pain, which intensifies when urinating, walking, or having sex. The organs become edematous, swollen, a feeling of heaviness appears, and itching bothers you.

Pregnancy is not the period when you should resort to surgical treatment, even if it hurts a lot. The doctor will try to stop the development of varicose veins and reduce the symptoms. After the birth of the child, laser coagulation or phlebectomy can be done.

A specialist talks about this disease:

How to reduce pain - treatment methods

What to do if your labia hurts during pregnancy, left or right? Do I need to see a doctor? Yes need. The doctor will examine the patient, take tests and make an accurate diagnosis, after which she will have to undergo a course of treatment. Only a doctor should select medications; pregnant women cannot take many medications.

What a specialist can prescribe:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Vitamins to mobilize the body's defenses.
  3. Hygiene measures, namely treating problem areas with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%).
  4. If an abscess ruptures (bartholinitis), Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment can be used for treatment.
  5. To treat genital herpes, antiviral therapy is prescribed, most often Acyclovir is used. A pregnant woman is recommended to have a cesarean section to prevent infection of the baby.
  6. In case of venous insufficiency, purchase special underwear without tight parts. It is recommended to do therapeutic exercises and walk more in the fresh air. Patients are prohibited physical exercise, they should not lift weights, wear high-heeled shoes or take hot baths.

Preventive actions

Pregnancy is a difficult period in a woman’s life; her body experiences severe stress. She especially needs to take care of her health, since the disease can also affect the condition of the child, leading to a miscarriage or the birth of a sick baby.

Therefore, even in the early stages of pregnancy, or better yet before it, you should take care of your health and do not forget about simple preventive measures:

  1. Personal hygiene is very important. You need to wash yourself in the morning, in the evening, after every trip to the toilet.
  2. As a preventative measure, use special cleansers designed for intimate hygiene at least 2-3 times a week.
  3. Buy only high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics.
  4. Pregnant women should avoid unprotected sex, especially when the partner is a carrier of herpes viruses or is infected with an STD.
  5. To prevent the appearance of venous varicose veins, it is advisable to wear compression underwear in advance, it promotes good blood circulation. It is important to monitor your weight and, if necessary, follow a diet. You'll have to forget about high heels. Heavy lifting and physical activity are contraindicated.


Should you worry if your labia hurt during pregnancy? There is no need to be afraid or worry; stress will only make the situation worse. But waiting several months for the pain to go away is dangerous for the mother and the child. You need to contact a specialist, tell him what exactly is bothering you, and get tested.

The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. If you don’t delay your visit to the gynecologist, start taking it right away medications, any disease can be cured or at least stopped. Modern medicine has advanced greatly, so now doctors can cope with many diseases, provided that the patient seeks help in time and does not refuse traditional treatment.