Mother of the Four Winds full version read online. Tatyana Korostyshevskaya is the mother of the four winds. Mother of the Four Winds


A shrill cry of “Toro!” resounds over Rose Square. Yellow sand splashes from under the bull’s hooves, the audience screams enthusiastically, the picadors scatter, only to change lanes a moment later and continue their deadly dance. Two-color capotes flutter like flags in the wind. “Toro, beast, toro! Come, beast, let’s play!” The salty wind from the sea carries the smell of algae. Soon he too will disappear, washed away by a new harsh aroma - sweat and blood, the passionate smell of bullfighting. The audience is excited. The circular perimeter of the arena is full. And the venerable matrons no longer care about the obscenely slipped mantillas of their young charges, about the fans broken by gentle fingers and about the hot glances that scorch the flushed cheeks of the noble dons of the capital. “Thoreau, you beast! Thoreau!

Two blocks from the square, under the thatched canopy of the Three Dancing Pigs tavern, a meeting was taking place that had no direct relation to bullfighting. On wicker chairs, behind a tabletop bleached by the salty wind and the hot Elorian sun, two people sat opposite each other. The owner of the establishment is Pedro Juan Octavio di Luna, nicknamed Spit and someone whose name was usually pronounced furtively and in any language meant death. This second one, despite the stupefying heat of the fifth month of Madho, was wrapped in a gray cloak. A long sword with a deep cup lay on the table, as if demonstrating to everyone that its owner did not like idle chatter. The spit puffed away and constantly wiped his bald head with a faded rag, while his interlocutor sifted wine from a glass with the look that every sip could be his last.

– Are you saying that the boy, whatever his name is, has some kind of support in Quadrilium?

“Well, yes,” the owner snorted. - Exactly so, Muerto, exactly so... The magician comes to him like clockwork, every day, and he himself...

Spit fell silent, as if wondering whether it was worth giving away valuable information. The interlocutor waited patiently, then touched the hilt of the sword with his fingertips. Steel clanged against the tabletop. Spit quickly continued:

“The maids are all whispering, it’s not just a simple caballero living and doing well with us.” Annunziata washes his linen for a copper coin a day, and so, she noticed stripes on the shirts - the sign of a salamander.

- Fireman? Former magician or spy of the rector?

“Anything can happen,” the owner shrugged. “Only his successful bets in bullfights really smack of sorcery.”

- It's clear. “Muerto chewed his lips thoughtfully and wrapped his cloak even tighter. – Tell the customer, you’ll have to pay extra. It’s one thing to cross a sword in a dark alley with a frisky scoundrel, and quite another – with a magician, even a former one.

“You, the main thing is...” The owner threw away the rag, which in better times was used for wiping dishes. “The main thing is don’t forget to warn me.” Our client doesn’t need to know about the boy’s bag, but you and I will find it very useful.

- And what is there, a lot hidden there?

- Yes, quite a lot. Do you know who hit the jackpot last week?

– Is this when the bull got mad and you had to skip the second third in the action, moving straight to the third? – Muerto raised his reddish eyebrows skeptically. – And what did our object bet on?

Spit looked around on the sly to make sure no one was overhearing them.

- To cancel the fight. I installed one. Thirty doubloons. Can you imagine? And the fight was just cancelled!

Reddish eyes looked indifferently from under the low brim of his hat.

– But you still ask the client for a raise.

“Certainly, Muerto.” I will do everything.

– What do you say our boy’s name is?

– Manuel Iziido, a provincial, like all of them – proud to the point of arrogance.

“Well, may he rest in peace,” Muerto raised his almost empty glass. “I have a feeling that one of these days the Iziido family will suffer an irreparable loss.”

Spit chuckled flatteringly, pouring wine on his interlocutor.

The innocent victim of the impending attack, the same Manuel Iziido, was at that time sweeping the cobblestones of the pavement with his hollow cloak near Rosa Square. The young helipad was really young, about twenty or twenty-two in appearance. He is not very tall, which, however, was somewhat concealed by the high heels of his boots, and he is slightly slender, which neither the dapper tight-fitting tunic nor the cloak, which the young man opened wide due to the heat, could hide. The sharp nose and chin clearly indicated hot southern blood young man. Brown, slightly bulging eyes were framed by the thickest eyelashes, which could do honor to any coquette. A dark mustache bristled rakishly over his full upper lip. In short, on the street of the Lower Town, deserted on the occasion of the bullfight, at that moment there was a caballero, pleasant in all respects, capable of making more than one girl’s heart beat faster. But the young man’s plans were far from love pleasures. Although he was expecting a lady, and the lady deigned to be late. Finally, a starched cap appeared from the dark gates of the Temple of the Source, followed by its owner - a pretty maid.

“Good afternoon,” she said loudly, catching up with the young man.

“And the same to you, dear Annunziata.” – Manuel bowed, taking off his hat and shaking his black curls. – Can I hope that you will help me?

“Certainly,” the coquette’s eyes sparkled. – If you provide me with a pass, I will deliver your cargo to the Upper City.

“To the gates of Quadrilium,” the young man specified, handing a tight scroll of parchment with an oblong seal into the lady’s palm. “You will have to talk to the housekeeper and get the old man to call Doña Lutetia Yagg to the gate.”

“There’s no need to repeat it,” the pink lips pouted capriciously. - I'm not a fool!

“Oh, I have no doubt at all about your bright mind, my charm,” the caballero continued patiently. “Moreover, I am sure that you are the only one among your friends who has sufficient courtesy to pass for one in the aristocratic society of the university.”

The maid's cheeks turned pink with pleasure. However, the alarming wrinkle between the thin eyebrows was in no hurry to smooth out. Manuel did not object when she called Doña Lutecia his beloved, and that said too much.

– If your anemone is in class, what will you tell me to do? I asked the owner for time off to visit the temple and I don’t think that he will believe that I drew the wisdom of the Source until the evening.

– Your wisdom is already great, oh rose of my heart! – Caballero thought for a moment. “Besides, you’ll actually have to wait at the gate.” The chances of you catching Doña Yagg in the act are slim.

The girl frowned. Manuel looked tenderly into her face.

- Why are these cute eyes so sad? The rich color of rubies matches their shine.

From his wallet, the young man pulled out massive earrings in the shape of crescents made of heavy mirrored mother-of-pearl. In the center of each of them, a skillfully cut crimson stone dangled on a thin chain.

– They are the same color as the wine stored in the Iziido cellars. The color of love, the color of passion is your color.

Annunziata gasped. And although doubts about the well-being of the provincial noble family of Mr. Manuel were repeatedly expressed by her and her friends in private conversations, now she was ready to believe that the Elorian king was in front of her incognito. She greedily grabbed the gift.

“You don’t need to thank me.” Your beauty deserves more,” the caballero’s voice murmured seductively. - Believe me.

And Annunziata believed. Manuel whistled sharply; a loaded mule appeared from around the corner, hooves tapping on the pavement.

“Tell Dona Ogg this,” the young man handed the reins to the stunned girl. - I really hope for you, my charming one.

Siegfried Kleinermann slammed the window shut with force. It was, as always, incredibly hot in the rector’s office, and the hot air of the street did not bring relief.

“There’s no need to show me your irritation,” Master Peñate grumbled. “I have repeatedly made it clear to you that I cannot help in this situation.

– But money, teacher?.. I don’t remember any more vulgar excuse for expulsion.

- And I am more inevitable. – The rector spoke conciliatoryly, almost apologetically. – The university needs to exist for something; we are not able to teach students for free.

– What about scholarships?

- Drop it! A year ago you brought me a girl who promised to become a great sorceress. Everyone expected this. We welcomed her with open arms. Her Elorian relatives could not find a place for themselves with joy. So what now?

– Lutetia is a good student.

“Yes,” the rector nodded, “but nothing more.” All teachers agree on one thing: she is a good student. Not great, not outstanding, just good. That's not enough for a scholarship, my boy.

Siegfried sat down on a chair and rubbed the bridge of his nose. The fact that the young fireman once wore glasses was now only reminded by this reflexive gesture.

-What about the Terra clan? After all, he is rich and recognized the relationship.

– After the girl publicly spat in the eyes of the high-born Philip Alejandro? The old man almost had a stroke.

Siegfried smiled involuntarily. Lutonya was never able to forgive her grandfather for the death of her parents, which she told him about at the gala reception held in Quadrilium in honor of the beginning of school year. And she added spit, and a couple of words in Ruthenian, which no one except Siegfried understood then. At first, the fireman feared that the Terra clan would decide to take revenge for his insolence, and cautiously questioned Crescencia about the priest’s plans, but apparently the old man decided to hush up the matter. Dona Terra refused to talk about her new relative, and after a couple of months Siegfried stopped flinching every time, at first glance, not finding his girlfriend in the crowd of students.

“Siegfried, my child, you know I did a lot for this girl.” For the sake of her worthy grandmother, for the sake of the prophesied future, I heeded your requests to equip a rescue expedition to the Wallachian savages in order to get her out from under the aisle, or whatever trouble she got into there...

The Baron blushed slightly. Of the three combat quadras that then went to the mainland, only one found the Arad wedding; he sent the rest away on time. And the magicians who happened to be present at the celebration were in no hurry to share the details of the ceremony with their superiors. Everything was very strange, fun, full and drunk. Particularly drunk... Lutonya married the prince, finding a loophole in the feudal custom of contractual marriage (boyar Mihai Dimitru acted on behalf of the groom), and thus lifted the curse that threatened her life. And now, Siegfried really hoped for it, nothing connects his girlfriend with the Dragon. The latter most likely annulled the marriage long ago. With his imperial aspirations and desire to seize more and more new territories, he should think about a profitable party as quickly as possible. Not that Siegfried was interested in continental politics, but according to rumors reaching him, the Dragon's appetites were growing in proportion to his power.

Master Peñate clicked his tongue as he re-read a certain document. The rector completely lost interest in the conversation, giving preference to sorting out papers over empty chatter. Decision is made. That's it! Siegfried sighed. Perhaps he did everything he could. There remains one last chance: to try to persuade the Terra clan. In the end, it is unlikely that the noble Filippe Alejandro took seriously the insult of some girl, especially inflicted almost a year ago. And the fact that Baron Siegfried von Kleinermann has been officially engaged to the charming Dona Crescencia del Terra for some time now certainly gives him some advantages in communicating with the head of the clan.

The fireman rose from his seat.

- Leaving so soon? – the rector looked up from his papers in surprise. - Stay for a couple of minutes. I have already sent for Lutetia and I want you to inform her about the expulsion yourself.

– I am forced to refuse this honor.

- Baron, you are forgetting yourself! – Steel flashed in the teacher’s stern gaze, and the transition to “you” was significant. - Arguing with your superiors is not the best tactic for such an ambitious young man as you always seemed to me to be.

Siegfried blushed and prepared for a long rebuke. In passing, it occurred to me that the custom of leaving weapons in the reception area when visiting the rector’s office had good reasons.

“Besides, it won’t take us much time,” the master continued cheerfully. “I can already hear the ringing click of your friend’s heels, Baron.”

The rector was not mistaken. A moment later, the secretary’s pomaded head poked his head through the slightly open door of the office.

“Dona Lutecia Yagg,” the clerk said mysteriously into space.

Siegfried involuntarily held his breath. She appeared on the threshold, an ordinary Quadrilium student. In a black uniform dress with a high collar (a silver brooch is pinned to the left shoulder - the rune of the wind), her hair is pulled back into a strict bun at the back of her head. How does she manage in this official attire to look more alive and desirable than hundreds of dressed-up beauties there, outside the walls of the university? The fireman didn't know this.

– Did you want to see me, rector? – she curtsied in a slight bow, barely winking at Siegfried. “I myself wanted to sign up for an audience to discuss with you some sensitive issue.”

- Yes, my child. “Penate was all politeness.” – As soon as your dear guardian and teacher von Kleinermann tells you some news, we will immediately begin to discuss your request. Baron, begin.

- I am sorry, but…

Siegfried was confused, searching for words.

“Allow me to speak first,” Lutetia timidly looked at the rector.

The master nodded complacently. He seemed incredibly amused by the situation of pitting his two best friends against each other.

Lutonya waited for permission and looked out the door:

- Bring it in!

The secretary was again on the threshold. Now the hook-maker's shoulders were weighed down by two heavy bags.

- Here! – the student commanded, approached the table and pushed some papers to the side. The bags were in the indicated place, the secretary bowed fussily and disappeared from the office.

“This is tuition,” Lutetia explained. “I decided to pay the entire amount in advance at once, so as not to bother you in the future, venerable master, with these little things.”

- All? The whole amount? – the master asked stunned.

The rector's love for the despicable metal was known far beyond the boundaries of the university and had more than once served as the subject of sarcastic jokes and funny anecdotes. Lutetia shrugged. The window sash slammed, which he—Siegfried could have sworn—had locked a couple of minutes ago. The wind carried the excited roar of a bullfight. The leg of the table broke with a crunch, and the bags slid down onto the rector's lap.

“You can be free, Dona Ogg,” the rector squeaked strangledly.

“But what about the news that the baron was going to tell me?” – Lutonya was in no hurry to help her superiors, however, neither was Kleinermann’s restrained laughter.

- Empty, child, empty. – Master Peñate demonstrated remarkable strength in trying to get at least one hand out from under the table. – Study, my child, with diligence. Your element requires complete dedication from its adherents.

“Thank you, teacher,” the anemone bowed.

“I guess I’ll go too,” the baron decided, gallantly opening the door for the lady.

“Go, my children,” the rector said solemnly.

“Do you think the venerable old man is impatient to begin counting the treasures that have fallen upon him?” – Lutonya asked in a whisper already in the reception area. - With complete dedication!

The prankster's nose wrinkled funny as she mimicked the master's nasal accent.

-Where did you get the money? – the baron did not support the joking tone.

“Where I got it, it’s no longer there,” the girl waved it off and called the secretary.

Siegfried waited patiently while she thanked the hooker for the service rendered with flowery phrases and ringing coins.

“I want to know,” he repeated his question in the corridor. – Did your husband really show up and deign to finance your education?

- None of your business! – Brown eyes flashed angrily. - Goodbye, I have to go to class.

Lutetia quickly walked forward. It seemed to the Baron that her thin shoulders were shaking with sobs.

“By the way,” she suddenly turned around with a playful smile, and an unexpected gust of cool wind swept along the corridor, “do you have a date today?” Surely it’s been appointed, don’t feed you bread, let me “fall in” and “testify.” Then don't forget to say hi to my aunt.

Siegfried chuckled. His delightful bride, Dona Cressencia del Terra, is unlikely to be happy with such a greeting.

And finally, the last meeting, directly related to our history, took place... However, neither the place nor the time of this fateful meeting was known to a wide circle of people. For the secret curia... Shh... One thing is known for certain: Cordoba is built in the rocks, the rocks hang over the sea, and where the land is adjacent to the water, gossip, rumors and underground passages are spreading in equal, so to speak, proportions. In a dark, dark hall, in the uneven light of smoldering lamps, for magical fire was not allowed at such meetings, the grandees of elemental houses sat at a round oak table. They were all gray-haired and respectable, looking alike in the way that only very old people can be alike. Each of them had a pendant shimmering on their chest, symbolizing both the elements and the high status of the wearer. Fuego, Aquatico, Terra, Viento - fire, water, earth, wind. The closed quadra is the main four of the kingdom. There was no one else in the hall, not even the close servants, who, having prepared everything for the meeting, silently retired to wait for the end of the action in the corridor. There were not even guards, whom the grandees had to leave there, behind the thick double door. For the curia... Shh...

- Well, why are we gathered here today? – Don Aquatico finally broke the silence. – Too frequent gatherings are starting to tire me.

“Oh yes,” Don Fuego curved his thin lips sarcastically. – Since last spring... Too often.

Ognevik had recently reached his eighties; as the youngest of those present, he was often forgiven for his boyish harshness. Don Viento even allowed himself to smile at the funny joke.

“The wind whispered to me that the initiator this time is the house of fire. What important events require immediate discussion?

“As we all know, the Source's time is running out.

“That’s obvious,” Don Acquatico nodded. – Weakening flows of power, the activity of the Cordoba failure (local residents complain of an otherworldly howl at night). But it seems that we have discussed this more than once, and all four houses are ready for the awakening of a new Source. Isn't that right, Don Viento?

The Grand of the Wind chewed with his thin, bloodless lips.

– Yes, yes, the new Source is called “Mother of the Four Winds” and should replace the “Mistress of the Waters”, who gives us magic today. By ancient tradition, the song of summoning must be performed by an adept of strength...

“It is the personality of the adept that interests me most now,” interrupted the impatient Don Fuego. – The House of Fire wants to propose its candidacy.

“This is impossible,” the wind grandee almost whispered. - The tradition is unbreakable. Firstly, it will be a woman, and secondly, an anemone.

- Certainly! – the fireman twisted his full lips sarcastically. – Dona Lutecia Yagg, student of Quadrilium, heir to the house of the earth, and chosen by the power of the wind. And the House of Fuego will have to wait another six hundred years for its turn, won't it?

“That’s exactly how much,” muttered Don Viento. “For the wind follows the water, the earth follows the wind, and fire follows the earth.” So it was and so it will be.

– Do you understand that this is like an alliance, gentlemen? Everyone knows that the house to which an adept belongs receives considerable advantages in conducting the internal politics of the kingdom. And Dona Yagg, or del Terra, as it would be more correct to call her, is close to two elemental houses.

“By three, my dear friend,” Don Acquatico specified. “I wanted to tell you earlier, but I never got around to it.” Young Lutetia will soon enter the house of water.

– In what capacity?

“As the wife of my son, Don Alfonso.” – The tiger eyes of the giant of water narrowed with pleasure. - As my daughter-in-law. Do you have any other questions, dear Don Fuego?

This was the decisive blow. The Grand of Fire was embarrassed, but still answered:

– Well, gentlemen, in this case I absolve myself of all responsibility for what is happening. House Fuego will be present at the ritual of awakening the Source only as a spectator. We will hand over the family artifact to His Majesty, as tradition dictates.

The Grand of Fire clapped his hands; darkness reigned, and when the flames of the lamps flared up again, the secret curia was left with only three of them.

“Ridiculous bravado,” Don Aquatico shrugged. – It was worth taking a break from work to see Fuego’s performance!

“He always suspected alliances secretly existing behind his back,” Don Viento answered. “He believed in conspiracies so much that finally... What do you say, Don del Terra?”

The land grandee did not answer.

Master Peñate was indulging in an afternoon siesta, building pyramids of doubloons on his desk, when the flames in his fireplace swirled, flared into an intolerable violet color, and the illustrious Don Fuego stepped onto the office carpet. The gray hair at the grandee's temples mysteriously disappeared, replaced by glossy blackness, and the wrinkles that gave his well-groomed face the appearance of sophisticated fatigue smoothed out.

- What happiness! - muttered the rector, trying to cover the gold placers with the hem of his cloak. “You brought me great happiness with your unexpected visit, Duke!”

- Curtsy to the demons! – the grandee of fire waved it off. -Did you get rid of the girl? Has she already left Cordoba?

- Unfortunately, you know... Circumstances turned out this way...

“You will really regret this,” the Duke hissed. “Do you know what it cost me to get you into this cushy place?” Do you know how many more worthy candidates there were for him? Peñate, you owe me forever!

- I am devoted to you, your Excellency!

– I asked you for such a little thing! Under a plausible pretext, send Dona Lutetia Yagg out of the capital. But instead...

The irritated grandee of fire extended his hand to the fireplace. From there, a pulsating ball of fire slid into his palm.

-Did you allow yourself to be bribed?

“I’ll fix everything, your Excellency.” I will delete, expel, destroy...

Fuego clenched his hand into a fist, and a stream of fire poured onto the floor.

– Otherwise, you won’t be happy!

And the giant of fire disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared, leaving behind scorch marks on the expensive fleecy carpet.

Mother of the Four Winds Tatiana Korostyshevskaya

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Title: Mother of the Four Winds
Author: Tatyana Korostyshevskaya
Year: 2014
Genre: Humorous fantasy, Russian fantasy, Romance fantasy

About the book “Mother of the Four Winds” Tatyana Korostyshevskaya

Ladies and gentlemen, hurry up and see!

For the first time, under the hot Elorian sun, an amazing performance will take place for you!

Love and passion, court intrigues, lavish balls, dates and partings, duels and piquant situations. The main role is played by the restless Lutetia Yagg, a young Ruthenian witch, granddaughter of Baba Yaga. In all others - her many friends, ill-wishers, admirers, as well as the great and terrible Prince Vlad, nicknamed the Dragon.

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! It will not be boring!

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Quotes from the book “Mother of the Four Winds” Tatyana Korostyshevskaya

Your culinary and gaming allusions are too transparent.

Spit! You’ll say “I didn’t really want to” and proudly walk off into the sunset.

He is my husband. And even if the whole world turns against him, I will remain there to cover his back.

They say that at first it was allowed to let cows into the arena. A cow, if it is stately and well-fed, looks no worse than a bull. Only from such “cow fights” bullfighters were maimed in huge numbers, and there were countless deaths. This comes later smart people noticed the difference. When the bull attacks, just before the blow, when the horns are about to touch his soft human flesh, he closes his eyes for a moment. Just for one moment, but for a skilled bullfighter that’s enough. But the cow is not, she just rushes with open eyes, and therefore there is not a single chance against her.

One person digs a well, thousands of people drink the water.

Tatiana Korostyshevskaya



A shrill cry of “Toro!” resounds over Rose Square. Yellow sand splashes from under the bull’s hooves, the audience screams enthusiastically, the picadors scatter, only to change lanes a moment later and continue their deadly dance. Two-color capotes flutter like flags in the wind. “Toro, beast, toro! Come, beast, let’s play!” The salty wind from the sea carries the smell of algae. Soon he too will disappear, washed away by a new harsh aroma - sweat and blood, the passionate smell of bullfighting. The audience is excited. The circular perimeter of the arena is full. And the venerable matrons no longer care about the obscenely slipped mantillas of their young charges, about the fans broken by gentle fingers and about the hot glances that scorch the flushed cheeks of the noble dons of the capital. “Thoreau, you beast! Thoreau!

Two blocks from the square, under the thatched canopy of the Three Dancing Pigs tavern, a meeting was taking place that had no direct relation to bullfighting. On wicker chairs, behind a tabletop bleached by the salty wind and the hot Elorian sun, two people sat opposite each other. The owner of the establishment is Pedro Juan Octavio di Luna, nicknamed Spit and someone whose name was usually pronounced furtively and in any language meant death. This second one, despite the stupefying heat of the fifth month of Madho, was wrapped in a gray cloak. A long sword with a deep cup lay on the table, as if demonstrating to everyone that its owner did not like idle chatter. The spit puffed away and constantly wiped his bald head with a faded rag, while his interlocutor sifted wine from a glass with the look that every sip could be his last.

You say the boy, whatever his name is, has some kind of support in Quadrilium?

“Well, yes,” the owner snorted. - Exactly so, Muerto, exactly so... The magician comes to him like clockwork, every day, and he himself...

Spit fell silent, as if wondering whether it was worth giving away valuable information. The interlocutor waited patiently, then touched the hilt of the sword with his fingertips. Steel clanged against the tabletop. Spit quickly continued:

The maids are all whispering, it’s not just a simple caballero living and doing well with us. Annunziata washes his linen for a copper coin a day, and so, she noticed stripes on the shirts - the sign of a salamander.

Fireman? Former magician or spy of the rector?

“Anything can happen,” the owner shrugged. “Only his successful bets at the bullfight really smack of sorcery.”

It's clear. - Muerto chewed his lips thoughtfully and wrapped his cloak even tighter. - Tell the customer, you will have to pay extra. It's one thing to cross a sword in a dark alley with a frisky scoundrel, and quite another - with a magician, even a former one.

You, the main thing, is... - The owner threw away the rag, which in better times was used for wiping dishes. - The main thing is not to forget to warn me. Our client doesn’t need to know about the boy’s bag, but you and I will find it very useful.

And what is there, a lot hidden?

Yes, quite a lot. Do you know who hit the jackpot last week?

Is this when the bull got mad and you had to skip the second third in the action, moving straight to the third? - Muerto raised his reddish eyebrows skeptically. - And what did we put our object on?

Spit looked around on the sly to make sure no one was overhearing them.

To cancel the fight. I installed one. Thirty doubloons. Can you imagine? And the fight was just cancelled!

Reddish eyes looked indifferently from under the low brim of his hat. But you still ask the client for a raise.

Definitely, Muerto. I will do everything.

What do you say our boy's name is?

Manuel Iziido, a provincial, like all of them, is proud to the point of arrogance.

Well, may he rest in peace,” Muerto raised his almost empty glass. “I have a feeling that one of these days the Iziido family will suffer an irreparable loss.”

Spit chuckled flatteringly, pouring wine on his interlocutor.

The innocent victim of the impending attack, the same Manuel Iziido, was at that time sweeping the cobblestones of the pavement with his hollow cloak near Rosa Square. The young helipad was really young, about twenty or twenty-two in appearance. He is not very tall, which, however, was somewhat concealed by the high heels of his boots, and he is slightly slender, which neither the dapper tight-fitting tunic nor the cloak, which the young man opened wide due to the heat, could hide. The sharp nose and chin clearly indicated the hot southern blood of the young man. Brown, slightly bulging eyes were framed by the thickest eyelashes, which could do honor to any coquette. A dark mustache bristled rakishly over his full upper lip. In short, on the street of the lower city, deserted on the occasion of the bullfight, at that moment there was a caballero, pleasant in all respects, capable of making more than one girl’s heart beat faster. But the young man’s plans were far from love pleasures. Although he was expecting a lady, and the lady deigned to be late. Finally, a starched cap appeared from the dark gates of the Temple of the Source, followed by its owner - a pretty maid.

“Good afternoon,” she said loudly, catching up with the young man.

And the same to you, dear Annunziata. - Manuel bowed, taking off his hat and shaking his black curls. - Can I hope that you will help me?

“Certainly,” the coquette’s eyes sparkled. - If you provide me with a pass, I will deliver your cargo to the Upper City.

“To the gates of Quadrilium,” the young man specified, handing a tight scroll of parchment with an oblong seal into the lady’s palm. “You will have to talk to the housekeeper and get the old man to call Doña Lutetia Yagg to the gate.”

There’s no need to repeat it,” the pink lips pouted capriciously. - I'm not a fool!

“Oh, I have no doubt at all about your bright mind, my charm,” the caballero continued patiently. “Moreover, I am sure that you are the only one among your friends who has sufficient courtesy to pass for one in the aristocratic society of the university.”

The maid's cheeks turned pink with pleasure. However, the alarming wrinkle between the thin eyebrows was in no hurry to smooth out. Manuel did not object when she called Doña Lutecia his beloved, and that said too much.

If your anemone is in class, what do you tell me to do? I asked the owner for time off to visit the temple and I don’t think that he will believe that I drew the wisdom of the Source until the evening.

Your wisdom is already great, O rose of my heart! - Caballero thought for a moment. “Besides, you’ll actually have to wait at the gate.” The chances of you catching Doña Yagg in the act are slim.

The girl frowned. Manuel looked tenderly into her face.

Why are these cute eyes so sad? The rich color of rubies matches their shine.

From his wallet, the young man pulled out massive earrings in the shape of crescents made of heavy mirrored mother-of-pearl. In the center of each of them, a skillfully cut crimson stone dangled on a thin chain.

They are the same color as the wine stored in the Iziido cellars. The color of love, the color of passion is your color.

Annunziata gasped. And although doubts about the well-being of the provincial noble family of Mr. Manuel were repeatedly expressed by her and her friends in private conversations, now she was ready to believe that the Elorian king was in front of her incognito. She greedily grabbed the gift.

No need to thank me. Your beauty deserves more,” the caballero’s voice murmured seductively. - Believe me.

And Annunziata believed. Manuel whistled sharply; a loaded mule appeared from around the corner, hooves tapping on the pavement.

Tell Dona Ogg this,” the young man handed the reins to the stunned girl. - I really hope for you, my charming one.

Tatiana Korostyshevskaya


A shrill cry of “Toro!” resounds over Rose Square. Yellow sand splashes from under the bull’s hooves, the audience screams enthusiastically, the picadors scatter, only to change lanes a moment later and continue their deadly dance. Two-color capotes flutter like flags in the wind. “Toro, beast, toro! Come, beast, let’s play!” The salty wind from the sea carries the smell of algae. Soon he too will disappear, washed away by a new harsh aroma - sweat and blood, the passionate smell of bullfighting. The audience is excited. The circular perimeter of the arena is full. And the venerable matrons no longer care about the obscenely slipped mantillas of their young charges, about the fans broken by gentle fingers and about the hot glances that scorch the flushed cheeks of the noble dons of the capital. “Thoreau, you beast! Thoreau!

Two blocks from the square, under the thatched canopy of the Three Dancing Pigs tavern, a meeting was taking place that had no direct relation to bullfighting. On wicker chairs, behind a tabletop bleached by the salty wind and the hot Elorian sun, two people sat opposite each other. The owner of the establishment is Pedro Juan Octavio di Luna, nicknamed Spit and someone whose name was usually pronounced furtively and in any language meant death. This second one, despite the stupefying heat of the fifth month of Madho, was wrapped in a gray cloak. A long sword with a deep cup lay on the table, as if demonstrating to everyone that its owner did not like idle chatter. The spit puffed away and constantly wiped his bald head with a faded rag, while his interlocutor sifted wine from a glass with the look that every sip could be his last.

You say the boy, whatever his name is, has some kind of support in Quadrilium?

“Well, yes,” the owner snorted. - Exactly so, Muerto, exactly so... The magician comes to him like clockwork, every day, and he himself...

Spit fell silent, as if wondering whether it was worth giving away valuable information. The interlocutor waited patiently, then touched the hilt of the sword with his fingertips. Steel clanged against the tabletop. Spit quickly continued:

The maids are all whispering, it’s not just a simple caballero living and doing well with us. Annunziata washes his linen for a copper coin a day, and so, she noticed stripes on the shirts - the sign of a salamander.

Fireman? Former magician or spy of the rector?

“Anything can happen,” the owner shrugged. “Only his successful bets at the bullfight really smack of sorcery.”

It's clear. - Muerto chewed his lips thoughtfully and wrapped his cloak even tighter. - Tell the customer, you will have to pay extra. It's one thing to cross a sword in a dark alley with a frisky scoundrel, and quite another - with a magician, even a former one.

You, the main thing, is... - The owner threw away the rag, which in better times was used for wiping dishes. - The main thing is not to forget to warn me. Our client doesn’t need to know about the boy’s bag, but you and I will find it very useful.

And what is there, a lot hidden?

Yes, quite a lot. Do you know who hit the jackpot last week?

Is this when the bull got mad and you had to skip the second third in the action, moving straight to the third? - Muerto raised his reddish eyebrows skeptically. - And what did we put our object on?

Spit looked around on the sly to make sure no one was overhearing them.

To cancel the fight. I installed one. Thirty doubloons. Can you imagine? And the fight was just cancelled!

Reddish eyes looked indifferently from under the low brim of his hat. But you still ask the client for a raise.

Definitely, Muerto. I will do everything.

What do you say our boy's name is?

Manuel Iziido, a provincial, like all of them, is proud to the point of arrogance.

Well, may he rest in peace,” Muerto raised his almost empty glass. “I have a feeling that one of these days the Iziido family will suffer an irreparable loss.”

Spit chuckled flatteringly, pouring wine on his interlocutor.

The innocent victim of the impending attack, the same Manuel Iziido, was at that time sweeping the cobblestones of the pavement with his hollow cloak near Rosa Square. The young helipad was really young, about twenty or twenty-two in appearance. He is not very tall, which, however, was somewhat concealed by the high heels of his boots, and he is slightly slender, which neither the dapper tight-fitting tunic nor the cloak, which the young man opened wide due to the heat, could hide. The sharp nose and chin clearly indicated the hot southern blood of the young man. Brown, slightly bulging eyes were framed by the thickest eyelashes, which could do honor to any coquette. A dark mustache bristled rakishly over his full upper lip. In short, on the street of the lower city, deserted on the occasion of the bullfight, at that moment there was a caballero, pleasant in all respects, capable of making more than one girl’s heart beat faster. But the young man’s plans were far from love pleasures. Although he was expecting a lady, and the lady deigned to be late. Finally, a starched cap appeared from the dark gates of the Temple of the Source, followed by its owner - a pretty maid.

“Good afternoon,” she said loudly, catching up with the young man.

And the same to you, dear Annunziata. - Manuel bowed, taking off his hat and shaking his black curls. - Can I hope that you will help me?

“Certainly,” the coquette’s eyes sparkled. - If you provide me with a pass, I will deliver your cargo to the Upper City.

“To the gates of Quadrilium,” the young man specified, handing a tight scroll of parchment with an oblong seal into the lady’s palm. “You will have to talk to the housekeeper and get the old man to call Doña Lutetia Yagg to the gate.”

There’s no need to repeat it,” the pink lips pouted capriciously. - I'm not a fool!

“Oh, I have no doubt at all about your bright mind, my charm,” the caballero continued patiently. “Moreover, I am sure that you are the only one among your friends who has sufficient courtesy to pass for one in the aristocratic society of the university.”

The maid's cheeks turned pink with pleasure. However, the alarming wrinkle between the thin eyebrows was in no hurry to smooth out. Manuel did not object when she called Doña Lutecia his beloved, and that said too much.

If your anemone is in class, what do you tell me to do? I asked the owner for time off to visit the temple and I don’t think that he will believe that I drew the wisdom of the Source until the evening.

Your wisdom is already great, O rose of my heart! - Caballero thought for a moment. “Besides, you’ll actually have to wait at the gate.” The chances of you catching Doña Yagg in the act are slim.

Lady of the Wind - 3


A shrill cry of “Toro!” resounds over Rose Square. Yellow sand splashes from under the bull’s hooves, the audience screams enthusiastically, the picadors scatter, only to change lanes a moment later and continue their deadly dance. Two-color capotes flutter like flags in the wind. “Toro, beast, toro! Come, beast, let’s play!” The salty wind from the sea carries the smell of algae. Soon he too will disappear, washed away by a new harsh aroma - sweat and blood, the passionate smell of bullfighting. The audience is excited. The circular perimeter of the arena is full. And the venerable matrons no longer care about the obscenely slipped mantillas of their young charges, about the fans broken by gentle fingers and about the hot glances that scorch the flushed cheeks of the noble dons of the capital. “Thoreau, you beast! Thoreau!

Two blocks from the square, under the thatched canopy of the Three Dancing Pigs tavern, a meeting was taking place that had no direct relation to bullfighting. On wicker chairs, behind a tabletop bleached by the salty wind and the hot Elorian sun, two people sat opposite each other. The owner of the establishment is Pedro Juan Octavio di Luna, nicknamed Spit and someone whose name was usually pronounced furtively and in any language meant death. This second one, despite the stupefying heat of the fifth month of Madho, was wrapped in a gray cloak. A long sword with a deep cup lay on the table, as if demonstrating to everyone that its owner did not like idle chatter. The spit puffed away and constantly wiped his bald head with a faded rag, while his interlocutor sifted wine from a glass with the look that every sip could be his last.

— Are you saying that the boy, whatever his name is, has some kind of support in Quadrilium?

“Well, yes,” the owner snorted. - Exactly so, Muerto, exactly so... The magician comes to him like clockwork, every day, and he himself...

Spit fell silent, as if wondering whether it was worth giving away valuable information. The interlocutor waited patiently, then touched the hilt of the sword with his fingertips. Steel clanged against the tabletop. Spit quickly continued:

“The maids are all whispering, it’s not just a simple caballero living and doing well with us.” Annunziata washes his linen for a copper coin a day, and so, she noticed stripes on the shirts - the sign of a salamander.

- Fireman? Former magician or spy of the rector?

“Anything can happen,” the owner shrugged. “Only his successful bets in bullfights really smack of sorcery.”

- It's clear. “Muerto chewed his lips thoughtfully and wrapped his cloak even tighter. — Tell the customer, you’ll have to pay extra. It’s one thing to cross a sword in a dark alley with a frisky scoundrel, and quite another - with a magician, even a former one.

“You, the main thing, is…” The owner threw away the rag, which in better times was used for wiping dishes. “The main thing is don’t forget to warn me.” Our client doesn’t need to know about the boy’s bag, but you and I will find it very useful.

- And what is there, a lot hidden?

- Yes, quite a lot. Do you know who hit the jackpot last week?

— Is this when the bull got mad and you had to skip the second third in the action, moving straight to the third? — Muerto raised his reddish eyebrows skeptically. - And what did our object bet on?

Spit looked around on the sly to make sure no one was overhearing them.

- To cancel the fight. I installed one. Thirty doubloons. Can you imagine? And the fight was just cancelled!

Reddish eyes looked indifferently from under the low brim of his hat. But you still ask the client for a raise.

“Certainly, Muerto.” I will do everything.

- What do you say our boy’s name is?

- Manuel Iziido, a provincial, like all of them - proud to the point of arrogance.