“Black Tiger”: ancient traditions of harmony and health. Owners of the Maximtime watch chain were deprived of their Swiss watches The body remembers this condition

Boyko Boris Evgenievich- astrologer, founder of the League of Independent Astrologers, co-founder and Rector of the Academy of World Astrology and Meta-Information, co-founder of the Union of Professional Astrologers, member of ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research, USA), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Wheel of Time", Teacher of Wushu and Qigong.
Boris Boyko is a biologist and psychologist by training. He worked in various scientific organizations and conducted research in the field of ethology.

He acquired his first knowledge of astrology in 1965-66, having gained access to pre-revolutionary books from the library of his father, psychology professor Evgeniy Ivanovich Boyko. Around the same time, he began to practice hatha yoga. As a high school student and during his student years, he participated in “underground” esoteric astrological groups. At the same time, he was interested in other traditional methods of knowledge and self-development, including oriental martial arts. B.E. Boyko participated in studies of the influence of biofields on biological objects in the now legendary Laboratory of Bioinformation at the A.S. Popov Radio Society.

For the first time in Russia, he developed a training course on Indian astrology, translated into Russian a number of books on Indian astrology, esoteric philosophy, Buddhism, etc. He completed a course in Tibetan astrology at the Institute of Astrology and Medicine under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala (India). In 1999, he was awarded a diploma from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Institute of Traditional Knowledge, India, New Delhi) for the dissemination of Indian astrology in Russia. International consultant on astrology, author of dozens of articles and training courses on Western. Indian and Tibetan astrology. Since 1993, he has been organizing and conducting (together with K.A. Dilanyan) International Astrological Congresses and Schools in Moscow (including the first International Congress in Russia). Congresses are held every 2 years, Schools - annually 1-2 times a year. Currently, 9 International Congresses and more than 20 Schools have been held with the participation of the world's largest astrologers.

Boris Boyko has an international certification - C.A.P. ISAR is a certified professional astrologer) and is an international ISAR trainer.

B. Boyko has been seriously studying martial arts since 1969, starting in the underground Shito-ryu karate group. Over the next 30 years he practiced the styles of Kyokushinkai, Taikiken, Yang Taiji, and others, as well as some types of qigong. For several years he studied with the Korean kihab (qigong) master Sideo Kin (Kim Densu).

Since the mid-90s. practices qigong of Wudangpanlongmen monastery “Heavenly River” (first under the guidance of the Chinese master Wang Zongke, later with the outstanding master Shen Zhi) and taijiquan of the Chen and Shen styles. Periodically undergoes internships in China with master Shen Zhi, where he received a State Diploma as a teacher of Taijiquan and Qigong.

In March 2002, he became the absolute winner of the Fuyang Wushu Championship (three adjacent provinces in China), held once every 10 years. Currently he teaches taiji and qigong in Moscow at the Wushu Center of the Foundation for Support of Social Initiatives "Development".

Organized a number of International seminars on taijiquan and qigong, author of a number of articles on astrology, as well as on taiji and qigong. Boris Boyko has traveled with demonstrations and taught tai chi classes in the USA, and has students in Russia, England and the USA.

Vice President of the International Association of Shenshi Taijiquan - Shenshi Taijiquan International Association, Taiji Sports and Internal Arts Committee, Sanya, China

2007 - absolute winner of the Shen Zhi Cup competition (China, Sanya).

2008 - 3 gold medals at the 6th International Wushu Festival in Hong Kong. The team of his students won the most a large number of first places and won the team championship, the total number of gold medals in the team is 49. B. Boyko took second place in the overall championship of this festival.

Gold, silver and bronze medal (category "Advanced") and diploma for the development of Chinese martial arts in Russia at the 10th Chinese Martial Arts Championship in the USA (Florida).

2009 - 4 gold and 2 silver medals at the 7th International Wushu Festival in Hong Kong. The student team won about 30 gold medals and twice took first place in the group performance.

2010 - participation as a judge in the 8th International Wushu Championship in Hong Kong. The team of students won a prize for the best group performance of Tai Chi, as well as more than 30 gold medals.

2011 - award of the 6th Duan in Wushu by the Chinese Sports Committee, the team of students won second place in the team competition, dozens of gold medals at the 9th International Wushu Festival in Hong Kong.

2012 - invited to the panel of judges at the 10th International Wushu Championship in Hong Kong, a team of students won first place in the group performance of Tai Chi, dozens of gold medals, several students successfully passed the duan exams of the Sports Committee of the People's Republic of China.

2014 - a team of students won first place in group performance of taijiquan, won dozens of gold medals, several students quickly passed the exams to receive 1,2,3 duans of the Sports Committee of the People's Republic of China at the International Wushu Championship in Hong Kong.

In 2004 he was awarded the Mechnikov Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation.”

In 2010, he was awarded the honorary badge of the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center “For Merit.”

Biography of B.E. Boyko is included in the directory "Who Is Who in Russia" by the Swiss publishing house Hubner.

Karine Aleksandrovna Dilanyan, Vice-Rector of the Academy. Film director, screenwriter, member of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR (now the Russian Federation), laureate of many international and all-Union film festivals. Among the films she has shot: “Find Your Wind” (winner of the International Film School Festival, Berlin 1979, winner of the Sports Film Festival in Rio de Janeiro, 1980) “Numbers Rule the World” (winner of the All-Union Festival of Young Cinematographers 1984), “What do you exist, firmament of the earth? (winner of the International Scientific Film Festival MANK-88), (diploma for directing, Tsentrnauchfilm), “Keys of Destiny”, "Water of the River of Oblivion", “Birds, or new information about man.”

In the summer of 1988, she became the founder of the Charity Fund within the framework of the Armenian cultural society “Barev Dzes” (Good to you). During the earthquake in Armenia in 1988, the Foundation organized by her took care of both the earthquake victims in Armenia who were in Moscow hospitals and refugees from the AzSSR. The Foundation's funds were used to purchase medicines, clothing, food and much more for the victims; duty in hospitals was organized, an information base for victims, a control center for the distribution of funds, equipment and everything necessary for those in hospitals were created; Numerous charity concerts and other events were held to raise funds. For this activity, Karine Dilanyan was awarded an honorary diploma of the Supreme Council of the Armenian SSR (1990).

In 1994, K. Dilanyan, at the invitation of a number of American universities, gave lectures and demonstrated her films in 15 US cities, including the American University (Washington), the University of Baltimore, Salisbury University, the Kennedy Center (Washington), and the Museum N. Roerich (New York), etc.

She began studying astrology in the 70s. While studying in the first year of the VGIK directing department (1977), she staged a work on the stage: “Astrologers at the Court of Malik Shah” (about Omar Khayyam).

In 1991-1992, she read (together with B.E. Boyko) a course of lectures, which formed the basis for the extensive training course in astrology they subsequently developed.

In 1992, together with Boris Boyko and other astrologers, she became the founder of the League of Independent Astrologers, and was elected president of the League. In the same year, she attended the International Conference in London, where she gave a lecture “Russian Faust” - about Jacob the Bruce, which was warmly received by British astrologers. This conference served as an impetus for the organization of the First International Astrological Conference and Summer School in Russia (1993). Since that time, the League of Independent Astrologers has been holding annual international astrological Schools and, every two years, international astrological Congresses.

In 1996, K. Dilanyan became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and was elected chairman of the section “Man and non-traditional methods of cognition”.

Has a master's degree from the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David (UK), Faculty of History, Archeology and Anthropology, course "History of Astronomy and Astrology in Culture" with a dissertation "Examination of the theories of light and their influence on astrological theory and practice" - "Examination of the theories of light and their influence on the astrological theory and practice".

In 1997, together with B.E. Boyko, she became the founder of the Academy of World Astrology and Meta-Information. They jointly developed the most comprehensive, fundamental course of full-time and part-time training in Western classical astrology in our country. Currently, students of the Academy are residents of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia, the Baltic countries, Finland, Italy, Israel, Canada, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslavia, and the Czech Republic.

At the LNA Publishing House and the Academy, K. Dilanyan is a translator, editor, designer and compiler of books. Priority is given to the publication of old astrological texts. Also, K. Dilanyan is the executive editor of the Wheel of Time magazine.

In 1998, she received a diploma in practical psychology and joined the Geopolitics Commission of the Council of Entrepreneurs under the Mayor and Government of Moscow.

She completed a course in Tibetan astrology at the Institute of Astrology and Medicine under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala (India). In 1999, she was awarded a diploma from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Institute of Traditional Knowledge, India, New Delhi) for the dissemination of Indian astrology in Russia. Member of the International Association of Astrological Interaction (AFAN) (1997-1999), member of the International Society of Business Astrologers (ISBA) (1999-2008), ISBA Executive Director for Legal Affairs of the Russian Federation and CIS Countries (2001-2008).

Karine Dilanyan is a speaker at numerous Russian and international astrological conferences. Among the latest:

  • 2008 - spoke at the most prestigious international astrological congress United Astrology Conference in Denver, Colorado (USA) with a report “Dodekatemorion - Hidden Essence of the Chart” - “Dodekatemorion - the hidden essence of the horoscope”, on the reconstruction of technology and practical application of division cards, in specifically dividing the map by 12.
  • 2009 - 9th International Astrological Congress, Moscow, report:"Sibly engraving for D of I and the second Oath taking of Barak Obama" - "Horoscope of US Independence by Ebenezer Sibley and the Second Oath of Barack Obama."
  • 2009 - Chicago (USA) - ISAR International Conference - lecture "The Gift of Melancholia: Marsilio Ficino, Albreht Durer, Richard Burton", as well as "Johannes Kepler Astrological Works and Russian Academy of Sciences".
  • 2010 - First International Internet Conference (producer Robert Corrie, USA), lecture Day and Night - Different Approaches to the Chart Reading Depending on the Day or Night Birth Time- "Night and day - differences in the interpretation of the horoscope depending on daytime or nighttime birth"
  • 2011 - Interdisciplinary conference "Images of Heaven" (Moscow) - organizer, speaker. Lecture: "One Hundred Unknown Pages from the Manuscript Heritage of Johannes Kepler"
  • 2012 May-June - United Astrology Conference, New Orleans, USA lectures: Astrology Lost and Found: Reconstruction of the Lost Western Astrological Techniques via Contemporary Indian Astrological Practice - “Astrology lost and found: reconstruction of the lost techniques of Western astrology using modern Indian astrological practice” and lecture Light in the Horoscope - “Light in the Horoscope”.
  • 2012, June, Moscow - International School of Indian Astrology, guest of honor, speaker: “How it began in Russia.”
  • 2012, June, Moscow, Conference of the Moscow Academy of Astrology, guest of honor, speaker: "The concept of the metaphysics of light and its influence on astrological practice."
  • 2012, September, 44th Conference of the Astrological Association of Great Britain (Wyboston, Bedfordshire, England). Speaker: "Metaphysics of Light and Astrological Practice."
  • 2013, June, summer school Cultural Astronomy and Astrology Group, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. Presentation of the dissertation project.
  • 2014, September. ISAR International Conference, USA, Phoenix, Arizona. Speaker: "On Karmic and Non-karmic Astrology - Tibetan Astrology", "Nicholas Copernicus and Reform of Astrology"
  • 2016, September. 24th SEAC Conference The Marriage of Astronomy and Culture: Theory and Method in the Study of Cultural Astronomy. report: Hermeneutics of the Celestial phenomena: the signs of providential mission of Tsar Ivan IV Grozniy and understanding of historical documents.
  • 2016, September. 48th International Astrological Conference, Astrological Association of Great Britain. Report: "Nicholaus Copernicus - and Reform of Astrology".
  • 2017, May. The third international web conference dedicated to the development of astrology and astrological education around the world : ASTROLOGIA NO MUNDO (Brazil). Representative of Russia, participant in the discussion "State and education in astrology in the world."


Future reports:

  • 2018, January-February 28th IVC conference 2018, Kolkata, India
  • 2018, May United Astrology Congress, USA, Chicago

Certified professional astrologer - C.A.P. ISAR and ISAR international trainer. Vice President of ISAR in Russia, member of the International Council of ISAR - International Society for Astrological Research, USA.

K. A. Dilanyan is a frequent guest on TV and radio, she hosted series of programs on astrology on the radio station “Yunost”, on the Russian radio “Seeker”, on TV “Unknown Universe”, and also participated in numerous talk shows and interviews on TV channels: “First”, “Russia”, NTV, TV-6, TVTs, TV-3, radio “Russia”, “Mayak”, “Echo of Moscow”, radio “Svoboda”, etc.

1991 She was awarded the Elena Blavatsky Medal of the International Forum “For the Spiritual Unity of Humanity.”

2005 year. She was awarded the "Corona Borealis" (Northern Crown) prize together with A. Grigoriev and I. Savina for translating William Lilly's book "Christian Astrology" into Russian.

Laureate international competition esoteric knowledge "Golden Dolphin": "For many years of contribution to the development of astrology."

She was awarded a silver medal of the All-Ukrainian Association of Astrologers "For her contribution to the development of astrology."

First prize for the best astrological report (“Why doesn’t the Dalai Lama want to incarnate anymore?”) at the 3rd International Astrological Conference in Odessa

International astrology consultant (her clients live in Russia, the USA, EU countries, China), author of numerous articles on astrology, both in domestic magazines and in American, English and Indian publications.

In 2009, she successfully passed the 3 stages of the ISAR certification exam (USA) and received the qualification “Certified Astrologer Professional” - C.A.P. ISAR.

In 2004, she co-founded and was elected president of the Union of Professional Astrologers.
In 2003 she was awarded the Ekaterina Dashkova Medal of Honor - an award of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Karine Dilanyan - with senior instructor of taiji and qigong at the Black Tiger School.
2007 - won the absolute championship among women at the Shen Zhi Cup (China, Sanya).
2008 - 2 gold and 3 bronze medals at the 6th International Wushu Festival (Hong Kong).

2008 - 1 gold, 2 silver medals (category "Advanced") at the 10th International Championship of Chinese Martial Arts in the USA (Florida).
2009 - 3 gold, 1 silver medal at the 7th International Chinese Martial Arts Festival in Hong Kong.

2010 - 4 gold medals and an award in the category " best coach"at the 9th Hong Kong International Martial Arts Festival.

2011 - 4 gold medals and againaward in the category "best trainer"at the 10th Hong Kong International Martial Arts Festival. Awarded the 5th duan in Wushu by the Sports Committee of the People's Republic of China.

2012 - judge at competitions of the regional federation of qigong and wushu.

International coordinator of the International Association of Shenshi Taijiquan - Shenshi Taijiquan International Association, Taiji Sports and Internal Arts Committee, Sanya, China
Biography of K.A. Dilanyan is included in the directory "Who Is Who in Russia" by the Swiss publishing house Hubner.

Modern Russian astrologer. Founder and Chairman of the Council of the League of Independent Astrologers, co-founder and Rector of the Academy of World Astrology and Meta-Information. Teacher, consultant, author of the training course at the International School of Astrological and Hermetic Knowledge. Areas of interest are traditional astrological techniques of the West and East. Boyko - President of the Dharma Center, founded in Moscow by the master of Tibetan Buddhism Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche.
B.E. Boyko – Vice-President of the Shenshi Taijiquan International Association, holder of the 6th Duan in Wushu, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for Support of Social Initiatives "Development", Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the magazine "Wheel of Time" (since 1993). Teacher of Wushu and Qigong. Biologist and psychologist by training. He worked in various scientific organizations and conducted research in the field of ethology. In 1976 he graduated from MOPI, specialty “Biology, Chemistry”, in 2000 – Interdisciplinary Educational and Research Center, practical psychology; in 1994-2001 he trained at Silentlight Spiritual Science School (USA).
Labor activity: 1971-72 – Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, biological faculty, Department of Higher Nervous Activity, laboratory assistant; 1971-76 – Laboratory of Bioinformation (under the leadership of Academician A.I. Berg) at the Radio Society named after. A.S. Popova; 1972-74 – Research Institute named after. I.V. Kurchatova, senior laboratory assistant; 1976-81 – Research Institute of Glavohoty of the USSR, researcher; 1981-83 – Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. M.V.Lomonosova, research fellow; 1981-86 – MO "Art Engraving", artist-developer; in 1990-91 - delivered a course of lectures on chronobiology at MISIS (Moscow); since 1993 - founder of the group, teacher of wushu and qigong (currently these classes are carried out under the auspices of the Development Foundation, established in 2002); 2002-03 - sports school in Berkeley Springs (USA), wushu teacher.
In the 60s of the twentieth century he began to practice hatha yoga. As a high school student and during his student years, he participated in “underground” esoteric astrological groups. At the same time, he was interested in other traditional methods of knowledge and self-development, including oriental martial arts. B.E. Boyko participated in studies of the influence of biofields on biological objects in the now legendary Laboratory of Bioinformation at the A.S. Popov Radio Society. For the first time in Russia, he developed a training course on Indian astrology, translated into Russian a number of books on Indian astrology, esoteric philosophy, Buddhism, etc. He completed a course in Tibetan astrology at the Institute of Astrology and Medicine under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala (India). In 1999, he was awarded a diploma from the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Institute of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi, India) for the dissemination of Indian astrology in Russia (together with K.A. Dilanyan).
In the 80s, B. Boyko began to study Chinese, and studied for some time with the outstanding sinologist Grigory Aleksandrovich Tkachenko. He began to seriously study martial arts in 1969 in an underground group (Shito-ryu karate). Over the next 30 years, he practiced the styles of Kyokushinkai, Taikiken, Yang Taiji and others, as well as some types of Qigong. For several years he studied with the famous Korean kihab (qigong) master Sideo Kin (Kim Densu). Since the mid-90s. practices Wudang Panlongmen qigong (first under the guidance of the Chinese master Wang Zongke, later with the outstanding master Shen Zhi) and Chen style taijiquan. Periodically undergoes internships in China with master Shen Zhi, where he received a State Diploma as a teacher of Taijiquan and Qigong in 2001. Absolute winner of the Fuyang Wushu Championship in 2002.
Currently, B. Boyko teaches taiji and qigong in Moscow at the Black Tiger Wushu Center at the Development Foundation.
Organized a number of international seminars on taiji and qigong, author of articles on astrology, as well as on taiji and qigong. Boris Boyko has traveled with demonstrations and taught Tai Chi classes in the USA, and has students in Russia, the CIS countries, England and the USA.
Wrote more than 100 articles in specialized publications and periodicals, more than 10 translations from English and Chinese on philosophy, psychology and self-development.
In 2004 he was awarded the Mechnikov Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: “For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation.” In 2008, he was awarded the honorary badge of the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu.A. Gagarin "For Merit".

Boyko Boris EvgenievichPresident of the Regional Federation of Qigong and Wushu, Vice-President of the International Association ( Shenshi Taijiquan International Association) , winner of the 6th duan in wushu (China Sports Committee),
Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for Support of Social Initiatives "Development", founder of the League of Independent Astrologers, co-founder and rector of the Academy of World Astrology and Meta-Information. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, editor-in-chief of the Wheel of Time magazine. Teacher of Wushu and Qigong.

Boris Boyko is a biologist and psychologist by training. He worked in various scientific organizations and conducted research in the field of ethology.

He first became interested in traditional knowledge and practices in the 60s of the last century, having gained access to pre-revolutionary books from his father’s library , Professor Evgeniy Ivanovich Boyko. Around the same time I began to practice hatha yoga. As a high school student and during his student years, he participated in “underground” esoteric astrological groups. At the same time, he was interested in other traditional methods of knowledge and self-development, including oriental martial arts. B.E. Boyko participated in studies of the influence of biofields on biological objects in the now legendary Laboratory of Bioinformation at the Radio Society named after A.S. Popova. For the first time in Russia, he developed a training course on Indian astrology, translated into Russian a number of books on Indian astrology, esoteric philosophy, Buddhism, etc. He took a course in Tibetan astrology in Institute of Astrology and Medicine under the patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala(India). IN 1999 year was awarded a diploma " Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan"(Institute of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi, India) for the dissemination of Indian astrology in Russia (together with K.A. Dilanyan). International astrology consultant.

In the 80s B. Boyko He studied Chinese intensively and studied for some time with the outstanding sinologist Grigory Aleksandrovich Tkachenko.
I began to seriously study martial arts in 1969 year in an underground group ( karate Shito-ryu). He considers the masters to be his Russian Teachers, who laid the foundation for further improvement. Yuri Vdovina And Vladimir Kuleshov. For the next 30 years he practiced styles kyokushinkai, taikiken, Yang and others, some species. For several years he studied with the famous Russian-Korean master kihab(Qigong) Sideo Kina (Kim Densu).

Since the mid-90s. practices qigong (first under the guidance of the Chinese master Wang Zongke, later with an outstanding master), etc. Periodically undergoes training in China with a master, where he received his 2001 G. State teaching diploma.

In March 2002 year became the absolute winner of the Fuyang wushu championship(three adjacent provinces in the PRC), held once every 10 years.

In February 2007 of the year - overall winner cup competition, held in Sanya (Hainan Province). The student team won the cup and took first place in all categories.

In March 2008 G oda took third place in the overall championship at International Wushu Festival in Hong Kong(more than 3000 participants). The team won first place there in “Team Performance” and won gold medals in all competition categories (1st place): 49 gold medals for a team of 15 people, 1st place among all participants (Chinese and foreign) in terms of number gold medals.

IN May 2008 year n at the International Championship of Chinese Martial Arts in Florida (USA) B. Boyko and K. Dilanyan won 2 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals. At the championship, B. Boyko was awarded a special diploma “For the support and development of Chinese martial arts.”

IN 2009 on VIII International Wushu Championship in Hong Kong won gold medals in the Taiji sword, a silver medal in the pair performance Duilian (together with K. Dilanyan), the team of students won first places in all group nominations (and the Taiji sword), and also received a large number of gold medals in individual performances. Several of the School's students successfully passed the duan exams.

IN 2010 school team" took part in VIII International Wushu Championship in Hong Kong. The 2010 championship was the largest in the world, with about 7,000 athletes participating.

B. Boyko was invited to the championship as a judge (the first Russian judge in the history of the championship). School teacher K. Dilanyan (5th duan in wushu) was awarded the diploma “best trainer”.

The school won the group performance, as in previous years, taking first place. All members (14 participants) received awards. The school team won:
33 gold, 5 silver and 2 bronze awards. After the group performance of the Black Tiger school team, the judges gave a standing ovation.

IN March 2011 school team"Black Tiger" took part in IX International Wushu Championship in Hong Kong. About 8,600 athletes from China and around the world participated in the 2011 championship, which is now called the "Wushu Olympics."

At the 2011 Championships in Hong Kong, the school team won:

  • First place (fourth time in a row) in group performance
  • Second place in the absolute team competition among all 8,600 participants of the Championship; all students who took the duan exam successfully passed the certification. All members of the "" team (18 participants) received awards.

In total, the school team won 60 medals: 42 gold, 12 silver and 6 bronze awards, a cup for 1st place in the group performance and a cup for second place in the absolute team championship.

Currently B. Boyko teaches in Moscow in Wushu Center "Black Tiger" Regional Federation of Qigong and Wushu. Organized a number of international seminars on, author of articles on astrology, as well as on taiji and qigong.

Boris Boyko traveled with demonstration performances and taught classes in the USA, has students in Russia, CIS countries, England, Italy and USA. Repeatedly took part in Russian and foreign broadcasts

IN 2004 year awarded Medal named after Mechnikov Russian Academy of Natural Sciences: " For practical contribution to strengthening the health of the nation".

IN 2008 year awarded badge of honor from the Cosmonaut Training Center them. Yu.A. Gagarin" For merit".

IN 2013 year, a photo of Boris Boyko was placed on cover of Udan magazine- China's largest publication on martial arts (internal styles). This is the first and only photo of a foreign master on the cover in the entire history of the magazine.

Biography of B.E. Boyko is included in the Biographical Encyclopedia Who is Who in Russia" (Who is Who, Verlag fur Personenenzyklopadien, Schweiz).

Three watch manufacturers Rado Uhren AG, Longines Watch Co and Omega AG, members of the Swiss holding Swatch Group with annual revenue of 8.1 billion Swiss francs, banned Online Development LLC and Status LLC, which are part of the St. Petersburg group Northern Watch Company, from importing , store and sell RADO, Omega and Longines watches. The Northern Watch Company (SCHK) owns the Maximtime watch chain and the online store Bestwatch.ru, which has been operating on the market for 13 years. The group is headed by Boris Boyko.

Swatch Group claims to SCHK first emerged back in 2011. Then the manufacturer discovered that the St. Petersburg company, through the website bestwatch.ru, was selling Longines watches imported into Russia without permission. Moreover, according to Russian laws, the owner trademark has the full right to control its sales of the product. Therefore, the company went to court to prohibit unauthorized trading. The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region sided with the Swiss and, in addition, recovered 3 million rubles from two companies of the group, Bestwatch.ru LLC and Adeliya LLC (the first was engaged in trading, and the second was administering the site). This decision was later confirmed by the Supreme Arbitration Court.

But the trading site the controversial hours did not stop. True, the administration of the site and the sale of watches, according to the arbitration court, were already carried out by other legal entities included in the SCHK, Online Development LLC and Status LLC. In February 2013, three divisions of the Swatch Group filed a lawsuit against the new companies, demanding to stop selling not only Longines watches, but also RADO and Omega. In addition, they demanded monetary compensation in the amount of 18 million rubles. On August 27, the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region satisfied part of the watchmakers’ demands and prohibited the SCHK companies from any transactions with watches of the controversial brands. But they were able to avoid monetary compensation. Representatives of the Swatch Group and the SCHK have not yet commented on the situation. Previously, the head of the SChK, Boris Boyko, publicly called on Russian watch retailers not to comply with the requirements of manufacturers.

“If you are being persistently asked to remove something from the shelves that makes you money,” he said in his address to market participants on the website Youtube.com, “I think the first thing you need to do is show them the door, firmly but without exaggeration. And secondly, you need to write a letter to the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Igor Artemyev."

FAS is really the last For a year and a half, he has been actively fighting for the legalization of so-called parallel imports. According to antimonopoly experts, current laws protect transnational corporations to the detriment of the Russian consumer. This is opposed by officials of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, as well as the Ministry of Economy, who believe that the lifting of the ban will lead to an increase in counterfeit goods and will negatively affect the auto industry.

According to the vice-president of the St. Petersburg Patent Association, Valery Mordvinov, although the owners of the site can theoretically continue to circumvent the court decision in the future by changing the legal entity, this is unlikely to last indefinitely.

"Now the courts are not yet accustomed to large amounts of compensation for violation of intellectual rights, but this time will come sooner or later, says Valery Mordvinov. - Already, the number of cases in favor of copyright holders is increasing. Therefore, in the future it will become unprofitable to use someone else’s brand without permission.”

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