Wishes to schoolchildren on September 1 in prose. In prose. New school year

Today, the doors of educational institutions have once again kindly opened their doors to everyone! Happy Knowledge Day! The teachers have generously prepared a new program and are committed to taking your education seriously! Both students and teachers have gained strength after the summer holiday and are ready to immediately begin learning new material! The desire to develop has not faded and that makes me happy! Knowledge Day opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! We wish everyone festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a common desire to learn! Let your parents’ instructions help you make a decision in difficult times, and let your teacher’s advice be useful for the rest of your life! Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, achieve, don’t give up! The Day of Knowledge! From September 1st!

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day there is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the emptiness of our souls and begin the exciting learning process! We congratulate everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and wish not to lose precious inspiration! Let school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and educational lessons! May you enjoy calls, breaks, additional assignments, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers! Golden school years! Then you will remember these days with pleasure! Appreciate your capabilities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas! Your destiny is in your hands! Good luck!

Today, September 1, and on the first day of the charming season, it’s time to return to your favorite school! Familiar faces, favorite classrooms and dear teachers await you there! The learning path continues, leading you to a successful life! The school beckons with the first bell, and the classrooms are filled with students. The process has begun! Every day you become more mature, more experienced, wiser. And the teachers do all this for you! They invest their knowledge, their life, their strength in you! We wish you to respect the invaluable work of teachers, listen to comments, understand each other and respond with mutual feelings! May the lessons learned bring you great benefit in the future! Let the advice of your mentors come in handy and good memories of your school years be preserved! We wish everyone bold decisions in complex tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment!

Greetings to all students, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again on the school playground on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the school season! Everyone had a rest and missed a fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the Temple of Science! We wish you to experience genuine interest in new program and find a passion for your soul! Let your study time not be a burden to you, let it bring you joy and benefit! We wish you to gain a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this academic season, not miss anything and bring your capabilities to perfection! Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because those who don't make mistakes don't learn! And whoever doesn’t study will achieve nothing in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Good luck in your studies, comrades!

Today is celebrated with a significant holiday! And the most interesting thing is that this holiday will last for a whole six months! Day of Knowledge! For students and teachers, it’s time for learning, communication, change and news! The joy of meeting after the holidays gives the celebration a friendly atmosphere! Someone has matured, someone has matured, someone has changed their principles. Everything is assembled and the most interesting process in life begins - the school year! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and hope that the charming time of autumn will not diminish your inspiration for studying! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Use every opportunity to fill yourself spiritually, develop and don’t doubt your abilities! Let the school give you what you need and leave a mark in your memory! Happy holiday!

On September 1 of every year, all schools and educational institutions come to life after their summer holidays! Student life begins to boil with new strength, and this force is gaining momentum! The school year is open! Welcome to the fascinating world of science and knowledge! Meeting classmates, teachers, new impressions, joy, admiration - all this gives energy and strength for learning! There are many new and interesting things ahead, the unknown beckons, and untraveled roads open up a sea of ​​opportunities for us! There is never a dull moment at school; it is a kind of little world with its own rules! Inside it, the exciting life of young people and mentors is in full swing, and both sides are interested in their own and common success! Welcome as personal victories, and collective! The school not only teaches the school curriculum, it prepares children for independent life!

The first bell for class this season rang, and the school opened its doors to hundreds of students! In a couple of minutes, the learning process will begin and life will find its usual rhythm! Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey into the world of science! Fill your spiritual vessels to the brim and don’t spill the contents in vain! Appreciate the investments and efforts of teachers and meet the expectations of parents! You have a unique opportunity to make your life successful! Thanks to the teacher’s diligence, each of you will find something important and interesting for yourself! School years are the foundation of your future, so invest everything you have learned into it and make the foundation of your life strong! Appreciate the experience you have gained and believe me, you will thank your teachers more than once! Their efforts are never in vain!

Knowledge Day persistently encourages us to take the path of success! And start today! The first day of autumn inspires us to great deeds and deeds! The beginning of learning something new, the beginning of an exciting journey to the unknown, the beginning of beginnings! History will tell us an interesting journey into the past, geography will take us around the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports activities, literary discussions, conversations about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How many wonderful things await us ahead! The desire to learn knows no bounds, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! May your school years never end! May the source of knowledge never dry up! We wish everyone great desire and inspiration for learning and development! Congratulations on Knowledge Day and wish you success!

Today we stand at the start of our path to knowledge! First of September! We wish all students to expect maximum results from the new school year and, of course, try for this! We wish you success in studying and remembering what you have learned! Take something important for yourself from each lesson, put aside your knowledge in reserve, you will definitely need it! Everything you learn in school will be useful to you in life! We wish you great patience, mutual understanding, friendly class, reliable girlfriends and friends! May the school year leave a pleasant impression, a wonderful memory, and at the end of your studies bring an excellent result of your efforts! We wish that your soul strives for knowledge throughout your life! Do not stop there, because a person at any age always has something to strive for!

Study, study and study again! There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Congratulations on the first day of the school year! Happy Knowledge Day to you, dear teachers and students! There is a whole academic year ahead of you and you have a great opportunity to get a new dose of new experiences! In order for the year to bring excellent results, we wish you attention, patience, perseverance and interest! Direct your determination towards knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new! We wish you educational events in the school world and interesting hobbies! Actively demonstrate your capabilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! Don't hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Happy holiday to everyone who wants to study! Go for it!

Happy new school year, with new discoveries, with new knowledge! May the coming educational year help you realize all your plans. Believe in yourself, set new goals, and you will definitely achieve them! Be inspired by every new day. Good luck and enthusiasm for your studies!

Knowledge Day is not only a holiday for schoolchildren. This is also a special day for students. For some, this is the threshold of a new path in life, an entrance into a fascinating world of new knowledge and interesting discoveries. Let your busy student time be remembered not only for long lectures and strict professors, but also for conquering unfamiliar heights and making new friends. May all tests, sessions and exams be easy for you. Happy studying!

Happy Knowledge Day, dear students. You are adults and already know exactly what you want from life, you have decided on your future profession and are striving for your victories. We wish you never to give up, always believe in yourself and support each other. May your dreams come true, may the knowledge in your heads increase significantly this year, may your interest in education not disappear, may this year be a fruitful and memorable year of exciting and fun student life.

Congratulations to all students on the beginning of the new academic year. I wish you to spend this year as progressively as possible, gain maximum knowledge and skills, successfully master all the material, and pass all tests, sessions and exams on time. Let the educational process not take away the fun time of your hectic student life, but, on the contrary, make it much richer, more exciting and brighter. The Day of Knowledge!

Your student years will be remembered forever, so we wish you not only to gain new useful knowledge and skills, but also to enjoy your studies! May all tests and sessions be an adventure for you!

Our dear students, we congratulate you on Knowledge Day. We wish you to work hard, confidently move towards your goals, believe in yourself and support each other on the path to success, and then you will certainly succeed, then you will be able to conquer many peaks, comprehend the essence of your chosen profession and leave your memorable mark in the history of your faculty. We wish you good luck, love and love, dreaminess and great opportunities to fulfill your dreams.

I hasten to congratulate all students on the beginning of the new academic year and wish them fruitful studies, excellent grades and successful exams! Let your studies give you many interesting discoveries and necessary knowledge! Always be active, cheerful and purposeful people! May you manage to turn all your goals into reality!

Dear students, on the day of knowledge I would like to wish you the pursuit of knowledge and the achievement of all your goals. May your student life be joyful and unforgettable, may exams and tests be easy to pass, may you always be in a good mood and have a successful life path.

Happy Knowledge Day, our dear students. May this year be fun and exciting, may the path to your favorite profession be easy, interesting and worthy. We wish you to always remain young, energetic, versatile, purposeful, dreamy people who will certainly achieve great success and be able to surprise this whole world.

Happy Knowledge Day, dear students. We wish you a successful year without dramas and tragedies, with bright plots, stories and even adventures. Be on the same wavelength with your teachers, strive for new knowledge and dig to the very depths of your future profession, because we want you to become the best specialists in your field in the future. Health to you, student fun and good luck just in case.

Dear guys, dear adults!
Today all the students of the school, from first-graders to graduates, teachers gathered here together primary classes, middle and senior management, parents.
I sincerely congratulate everyone on the beginning of the new school year. Let it be entertaining and educational, successful and fruitful!
Every year our school family gladly welcomes new students into its arms. Dear first-graders, you are setting out on a long and difficult quest for knowledge. Be brave and inquisitive! Amazing discoveries and new friends await you; The teacher will always be with you, he will never tire of answering your questions and will come to help if you need it.
Special wishes to future graduates. This school year will be fateful for each of you. Feel responsible, decide now what you want to achieve in life, concentrate on preparing for final tests. Let good results in school help you achieve your goals!
Venerable teachers! You are not only conductors of knowledge, but also educators of souls. Thanks to your passion and creative approach, you instill in kids a love of knowledge! We wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams, brilliant and grateful students, wisdom and health!
Dear parents! Thank you for sharing the joy of going to school with your children today! Remember that you are welcome here not only on holidays, take an interest in the lives of your children, help them. Remember, your children need you!
The modern world is changing too quickly and requires constant updating of knowledge. A person who stops learning falls behind in life. That is why Knowledge Day is an important calendar date not only for schoolchildren and students!
Good luck, for knowledge! ©

September 1 is the holiday of the first bell, the holiday of white bows and new briefcases, your holiday and mine! All roads lead to school today. Dressed up children proudly walk through the streets in anticipation of new school days, homework and A's in their diaries.
Knowledge Day is the beginning of a new school year, so Happy New Year to YOU!
Both first-graders and freshmen today are entering into a completely new life, so today’s holiday is perhaps the most exciting for them, like everything first and new.
September 1 is also a holiday for those who take the next step along the wonderful road of knowledge!
We are all or once were children, we stood on the ceremonial line and were proud of the new school uniform and his teacher.
Excellent knowledge in the new school year! Happy first of September! ©

White bows, bright branches, cheerful school bells mark this day on the calendar! September 1 is a long-awaited, beloved and exciting day! It is special for first-graders who cross the school threshold for the first time. Please accept our warmest and good congratulations from September 1st! And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life! ©

Dear first graders!
Welcome to our school! Now this is your second home, where you will learn to comprehend new, complex sciences, learn to read and write, make friends, and help your classmates. School is a whole life, bright and interesting, which you will remember with warmth when you grow up.
Summer is over, and now your first school bell is calling you. At your school desk you will get acquainted with the whole world, visit different corners globe, you can easily go around the world!
Learn, guys! Have an easy journey up the ladder of knowledge! ©

Congratulations to students from teachers

Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to learn and gain new knowledge. We all once came to the school doors as first-graders with new backpacks on our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now, having finished school, we ourselves became teachers and now we meet you guys, so that we can pass on all our knowledge to you, so that you become worthy people, get an education, and choose a profession to your liking.
Today the New Academic Year begins and let today’s red day of the “Knowledge Day” calendar be a good start for the entire academic year! ©

Congratulations to the students

The school welcomes students and teachers today! For the umpteenth time, the beloved school, full of knowledge, books, textbooks, opens its doors to the children like a mother. There is a new school year ahead, new discoveries, new acquaintances, grades and homework. Left behind are the beautiful carefree ones summer days, so beloved by everyone, the holidays also flew by quickly, leaving us only warm memories, the smell of fresh strawberries, a gentle tan on our necks and a sea of ​​bright photographs. And ahead is school!
Study guys, master and comprehend new sciences! You are our future!
From September 1st! ©

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!
You give us your knowledge, your wealth of experience. And gratitude to you is the bright, intelligent eyes of the children, who, like a sponge, absorb your kindness, care, and participation! Thank you for your generous, sensitive heart! ©

Congratulations on Knowledge Day in prose to students

Guys, today it opens for you new road to knowledge, you take another step towards discoveries and research. Take care of your knowledge, try, learn! Knowledge is the key to your successful future. Happy holiday! From September 1st! ©

So the first autumn bell rang, playfully calling students to their desks, and teachers to the blackboard, to teach, to explain... The maples under the window were covered with gold, and the school again and again welcomes the children and invites them to a meeting of knowledge. With new strength you will study at school desks, sing, draw, write. Good luck to you in this difficult matter, from September 1st! ©

Our dear teachers!
Congratulations on September 1st! You are our guardian angels, the foundation and strength of our school.
We wish you diligent, sensitive, smart children - students, their attentive gaze in lessons, and tests without mistakes! We love you, Happy Knowledge Day! ©

There is no such thing as too much knowledge! Today I congratulate you on Knowledge Day! I wish you successful classes and excellent grades! Let the educational process bring not only great benefits, but also the joy of gaining wisdom, communicating with teachers and friends! I wish that learning never ends in your life, because learning is light, and non-learning is darkness! So let the light of wisdom and knowledge shine brightly in your life!

Congratulations on the first of September in prose

Congratulations on September 1st! On this holiday we want to wish you interesting lessons in the new school year, so that your students love, respect and honor you, and so that you are always satisfied with the results of your work! Let everything be the way you always dreamed!

Congratulations on Knowledge Day in prose

Today, September 1, the early morning is especially beautiful: the sun is waking up, and it seems that even the trees are festively dressed up for the Day of Knowledge - they are pouring golden, red leaves on the heads of students rushing to school! I congratulate you on the beginning of another school year and wish you good luck and good mood!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

White bows, bright flowers, cheerful school bells mark this day on the calendar! September 1 is a long-awaited, beloved and exciting day! It is special for first-graders who cross the school threshold for the first time. Please accept our warmest and kindest congratulations on September 1st! And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life!

Official congratulations on September 1 in prose

School time is a wonderful opportunity to express yourself academically, to feel the taste of first love, first victories, achievements, and, of course, failures. After all, this is how life experience comes about. Therefore, dear students, do not allow the world to fail to recognize you, and prove that you deserve better life. Be responsible in everything you do. Do not lose your optimism in life, under any circumstances. Bright thoughts for doing worthy deeds to you. The Day of Knowledge!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 in prose

First day of September. For some today the first bell is ringing, for others it is the next or last, and for many the bells have already rung. But we certainly remember this quiet but persistent sound. It encourages children to acquire knowledge, and allows adults to remember the meaning of this holiday - Knowledge Day. We wish everyone interesting and informative studies and work, success and various discoveries!

Congratulations on September 1 to students in prose

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge, September 1st! I wish you that the knowledge in your head increases, that the desire to learn new things never recedes, and that the most joyful moments await you! Good luck, success in all your endeavors!

Congratulations on September 1 from parents in prose

Today everyone is rushing to school - teachers, schoolchildren and their parents, because today is September 1, the day of knowledge, which will certainly generously fall on your bright heads, like leaves from trees decorated in autumn! I congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year and wish you to study well, live cheerfully and smile more often!

Wishes from September 1 in prose

Today is a holiday for all schoolchildren, as well as their parents - September 1st! Textbooks and clean diaries are neatly placed in briefcases, awaiting grades... As I bid you farewell to school, to the palace of knowledge, I wish you great success in your studies, good mood and unforgettable changes!

Beautiful words of congratulations on September 1 in prose

By September 1, the school is decorated like a palace, its faithful subjects - students, are solemnly greeted by good rulers - teachers. I congratulate you and wish you to rush to the noisy celebration, burst into class before everyone else and study surprisingly diligently and well all year!

Official congratulations on Knowledge Day in prose

Congratulating you on the Day of Knowledge, I would like to say that it is impossible to do without a certain intellectual baggage anywhere and never. Just as a doctor without the appropriate skills will not be able to help in an illness, so a pilot will not be able to take off in blue sky. So let it be given to everyone to assimilate and know as much as he wishes.

Dear teachers, congratulations on September 1! For us, you are a family that gives care, that prepares us for adult life, takes care of us, educates us, teaches us to be independent and value friendship. You are our source of wisdom, strength, experience, our support! You are our spiritual mentors who give us invaluable knowledge and skills. We sincerely thank you for this! We admire you! On the day of knowledge, I would like to wish you that the good that you so selflessly give will certainly return to your life. Let harmony, beauty, love surround you. Happy holiday!

Our dear and beloved teachers! With all our hearts and joy we congratulate you on the wonderful and important Day of Knowledge, which we have all been waiting for all summer! We are very glad to have a long-awaited meeting with you. We wish you smart and serious students, wonderful and interesting lessons, exciting school activities and events. May your health be good, your mood only excellent, and happiness be yours true friend. We sincerely wish you all the most beautiful things that can happen in life. Happy Knowledge Day, our dear teachers!

Dear Moms and Dads,
Today, with all our hearts, we would like to congratulate you on Knowledge Day. This is a big holiday not only for children, but also for their parents, because on initial stage A lot for a child depends on their assistance and empathy. In the new academic year, we wish you to be patient and be interested in the process. It’s so great to teach and learn at the same time! Let it go good mood and understanding does not leave you this school year! Happy holiday, our dear parents!

Dear parents of glorious students and schoolchildren! Sincerely and with joy, we are pleased to congratulate you on a wonderful and wonderful holiday - Knowledge Day! We wish you a lot, a lot of patience, because you also take a big part in the education of your children. May your family and beloved students only please you with their successes and victories. We wish you mutual understanding and strong friendship with your children. May every new school day bring you joy from new skills and knowledge. Remember this wonderful, important and wonderful holiday! All the best and good to you!

Happy Aspiration Day! Happy wish day! Happy Opportunity Day! The Day of Knowledge! Let your information portals be constantly replenished with hundreds of gigabytes of theory donated by teachers. Let experience and practice please you with their results. Dare, strive, learn, create!

Knowledge Day is a special and important day. Its meaning is identical to holiness. Let the unforgettable fire of love for science burn in the minds of each of you. She is the force that leads forward. Thanks to the power of human intelligence, we humans can do a lot, and by acquiring more and more knowledge, we can do even more. The Day of Knowledge! He gives us the future!