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Everyone associates Mikhail Galustyan (by the way, his real name is Nshan) primarily with laughter. The images he created in films and on television are always comical. He was like this since childhood - he loved to make his classmates laugh, played in school plays, and in the 10th grade he led the school KVN team. “You are so funny” is the best compliment for Galustyan.

Many of Galustyan’s images and jokes are taken from life. Mikhail told us that, for example, he “based” the waitress from the sushi bar from the Our Russia project on a man. And the famous Ravshan and Dzhamshut appeared after Garik Martirosyan told Mikhail about his workers who made the window sill exactly as it was later in the sketch - half convex and half concave. Mikhail notices any details and knows how to make a funny image out of any story. So, at one time there was a precedent that the media talked about: in the third division of some city, a coach was convicted who beat his players because they blew a match. And in “Our Russia” a football team “GazMyas” appeared. And the famous girl Gadya Khrenova, whom Mikhail showed in KVN, was born after the story of Alexander Revva. He saw a girl on the street sobbing - I was lost! That's how the number was born.

Everyone is used to perceiving Mikhail as he is on the screen - funny and frivolous. But in life he is, of course, completely different. Despite his frivolous image, Mikhail takes life seriously. And to make money too. So, a couple of years ago he organized his own film company. He is the main one in it. He might yell at you, if anything happens, and fire him. We went to the company's office and saw how Mikhail looked like a boss.

Family is the most important thing in Mikhail’s life. He honestly says that he is a one hundred percent family man, he does not need affairs on the side and self-affirmation in the eyes of other women. It is enough for him that his wife Victoria loves him. Despite being very busy, he tries to spend time with Vika more often. The couple have an unusual hobby - they engage in pottery. We filmed Misha and Vika doing this activity.

And together with Galustyan, our film crew went to Sochi, his homeland. We met Mikhail's parents and visited the local medical school, from which Mikhail graduated as a paramedic-obstetrician. And together with Mikhail we visited the ski resort Krasnaya Polyana and the Formula 1 track in the Olympic Park. Galustyan loves to do everything interesting. He skis, races cars, goes to the climbing wall, and plays airsoft... How he can do everything is a mystery. Friends say that if he wants, he will learn to play the violin. But Mikhail himself has another dream - to play a serious dramatic role. And, apparently, he will succeed too.

Each person chooses his own path, builds his own life. Someone becomes a scientist, and someone decides to connect their future life with humor. After all, laughter prolongs life. Every viewer associates Mikhail Galstyan (Nshan) with laughter and fun. The images that the actor tried on himself, both in cinema and on television, are insanely comical. Galustyan was completely positive from an early age.

While still at school, he loved to amuse his classmates, and soon led the school KVN team. There is no better compliment for Mikhail than to hear - you are so funny! It is worth noting that many of the images were taken by the man and his real life.

For example, in the show “Our Russia” the image of the waiter was based on one man from real life. And Ravshan and Dzhamshut were born at the moment when Martirosyan told Galustyan about the hired builders who made him a window sill with one large part and the other round. As a result, a similar situation was described in the “Our Russia” program.

Mikhail Galustyan is able to turn every simple story, even not funny, into real trash. This person has a unique talent; when he sees a person, he can create such an amazing performance that everyone will remember. After all, one cannot be indifferent to something like this!

Most people are afraid of being funny more than anything else. They are ready to do anything just not to look comical in the eyes of others. The ability to laugh at oneself is the greatest gift, and they are completely deprived of it.

But there are exceptions to the rules. Some people, on the contrary, like it when everyone around them smiles. They like to entertain people, give others positivity and thereby prolong other people's lives. After all, laughter, as you know, is one of the sources of longevity. This is exactly what the famous comedian Mikhail Galustyan is like, whose real name is Nshan.

Even in his early youth, when Misha was at school, he enjoyed it when his classmates made fun of him. He amused his deskmates and rejoiced in the fact that he was a source of positivity for everyone around him. The children and teachers noticed that the boy was endowed with a rare sense of humor. Any, even the most boring joke in his performance sounded different than in the mouth of someone else.

He became the first to organize a KVN team in his educational institution and raise it to its feet. Of course, such talent should not have gone to waste. Today Galustyan is one of the most famous artists in Russia, whose very name brings an involuntary smile to the lips, even of the most notorious pessimists and skeptics...

Everyone associates Mikhail Galustyan primarily with laughter. The images he created in films and on television are always comical.

He was like this since childhood - he loved to make his classmates laugh, played in school plays, and in the 10th grade he led the school KVN team. “You are so funny,” is the best compliment for Galustyan.

Many of Galustyan’s images and jokes are taken from life. Mikhail told us that, for example, he based the sushi bar waitress from the Our Russia project on a man. And the famous Ravshan and Dzhamshut appeared after Garik Martirosyan told Mikhail about his workers who made the window sill exactly as it was later in the sketch - half convex and half concave. Mikhail notices any details and knows how to make a funny image out of any story. So, at one time there was a precedent that the media talked about: in the third division of some city, a coach was convicted who beat his players because they blew a match. And in “Our Russia” a football team “GazMyas” appeared. And the famous girl Gadya Khrenova, whom Mikhail showed in KVN, was born after the story of Alexander Revva. He saw a girl on the street sobbing - I was lost! That's how the number was born.

Everyone is used to perceiving Mikhail as he is on the screen - funny and frivolous. But in life he is, of course, completely different. Despite his frivolous image, Mikhail takes life seriously. And to make money too. So, a couple of years ago he organized his own film company. He is the main one in it. He might yell at you, if anything happens, and fire him. We went to the company's office and saw how Mikhail looked like a boss.

Family is the most important thing in Mikhail’s life. He honestly says that he is a one hundred percent family man, he does not need affairs on the side and self-affirmation in the eyes of other women. It is enough for him that his wife Victoria loves him. Despite being very busy, he tries to spend time with Vika more often. The couple have an unusual hobby - they make pottery. We filmed Misha and Vika doing this activity.

And together with Galustyan, our film crew went to Sochi, his homeland. We met Mikhail's parents and visited the local medical school, from which Mikhail graduated as a paramedic-obstetrician. And together with Mikhail we visited the ski resort Krasnaya Polyana and the Formula 1 track in the Olympic Park. Galustyan loves to do everything interesting. He skis, races cars, works out at the climbing wall, and plays airsoft... How he can do everything is a mystery. Friends say that if he wants, he will learn to play the violin. But Mikhail himself has another dream - to play a serious dramatic role. And, apparently, he will succeed too.

Taking part in the film:

Mikhail Galustyan,
Victoria Galustyan - wife,
Susanna Galustyan - mother,
Sergey Galustyan - dad,
Alexander Revva - showman, actor, TV presenter,
Dmitry Nagiyev - actor, TV presenter,
Maria Kozhevnikova - actress,
Natalya Ionova (Glucose) - singer,
Evgeni Plushenko - Olympic champion in figure skating,
Semyon Slepakov - producer, screenwriter, actor.