In the Urals, a boy ate grass and drank from a swamp for five days to survive. A four-year-old boy, Dima Peskov, who was lost in the Sverdlovsk region, was found exhausted but alive. The boy’s condition is improving.

The story of the four-year-old boy Dima shocked all residents of the Sverdlovsk region. The child, who was left alone with the wild nature, managed to survive. At the same time, he spent four days in the forest.

Well-known game manager Nikolai Sorokin shared his opinion with the AiF-Ural correspondent about how the child managed not to die in difficult conditions.

Strong body

Nikolay SOROKIN:- I would call this event very similar to a miracle. Now there are practically no berries and mushrooms in the forest. There is basically nothing to eat. He would hardly have started eating pine needles. What remains is swamp water. If it is not too cloudy, then it is quite drinkable. Especially in swamps into which small streams flow. Of course, it smells like peat, but when you have no choice, you will drink this kind of water.

- Dima said that he ate grass. Is it really possible to survive on it for several days?

Grass contains a lot of nutrients. She is still young now - not the worst option in such extreme conditions. Animals eat grass, and it is not contraindicated for people. In addition, you can eat burdocks and roots. Of course, I understand that a four-year-old child would hardly dig up roots from the ground, but still, anything is possible.

- The child was severely bitten by mosquitoes and ticks...

This shouldn't be surprising at this time of year. Apparently his body is not susceptible allergic reactions. I have seen people lose consciousness after being bitten by a midge. It seems to me that what also helped him survive was the fact that, apparently, he was accustomed to the forest. Not every adult is lucky small child to nature with an overnight stay for several days. This means that he, most likely, has already been to the forest more than once. Dima has a strong body and does not panic.

The instinct of self-preservation

- In four days, the boy went only seven kilometers from his tent. How is this possible?

As you know, a person's left leg is shorter than his right. That is, he raked it to the side and made circles and loops. This is the only way to explain that he did not go many kilometers away.

A quadcopter exploring the area spotted a bear in the forest. Could a predator harm a child at this time of year?

The bear has long since risen from hibernation. Now he's full. Wild animals try to move away from people if they smell them. Of course, if you attack a bear, it will defend itself, but a four-year-old boy, of course, could not do this. The danger comes from connecting rod bears and wounded animals. That's when they are truly dangerous. I with my own eyes I saw a wounded hare rushing at a dog. He just grabbed her ear with a death grip. And a wounded fox may well attack a person.

- The child was found under a power line. Accident?

The forest puts pressure on a person’s psyche. I think he wanted to go out into an open space where there were no trees. This made him feel a little safer.

- Dima spent the night in a barrel. Self-preservation instinct kicking in?

Exactly. Shelter from the rain, hide from possible danger, feel protected. Dima is a great guy for navigating such a difficult situation, he behaved like an adult, which does him credit.

About Dima Peskov, who was vacationing with his parents on the shore of the Reftinsky Reservoir, the search engines, who were intensely following the search in different parts of the country, joke that he was born not just in a shirt, but in a whole down jacket. Judge for yourself.

Dima’s family was relaxing on the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir. Dima and his dad were fishing, the child became capricious, and dad, without stopping from fishing, sent him to his mother’s tent, which was literally a few meters away from them. But the boy did not reach his mother.

First danger.When the special services and volunteers arrived at the search site when called, they immediately had bad feelings. The fact is that the tent stood right next to the water on a prominent cape, surrounded on all sides by a reservoir. In addition, in the forest, which began behind the road (which, as it turned out later, Dima had crossed), there were two serious swamps. When the search begins for a child missing near the water, unfortunately, the worst assumptions are often realized. Moreover: water is the greatest danger for children who find themselves in the natural environment.

However, naturally, the search and rescue operation was fully launched. The police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, firefighters, cadets, the local population, and volunteers from the Sokol and Lisa Alert search and rescue teams arrived to search for Dima. Divers and dog handlers worked all four days. And, I must say, the way government services and local residents worked during the search is an amazing example of human concern. Every day, about 600 people searched for Dima; representatives of the special services were taken off duty and called back from vacation.

The curator of “Lisa Alert-Ekaterinburg” Stanislav Kovalev says that almost the entire Ministry of Emergency Situations stayed overnight during the search after the end of the shift, that many police officers, having completed their task, continued to search for Dima voluntarily, that the local administration at the search site organized a field kitchen and a deputy The head of the administration stood at the distribution of food, and the head of the administration himself walked through the forest with search groups.

Stas notes that this is a very important step forward in the attitude of government services to the search for children, because two years ago, in a similar situation in the search for one and a half year old Sasha Zolotina, in the same place, in the Sverdlovsk region, who also disappeared near the big water and was never found, Representatives of the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations worked their shifts and went home. Search engines found children's tracks from time to time, but it could not be reliably stated that they belonged to Dima, because, for example, on the first day of the search, local residents were looking for Dima, and some of them were with children.

Second danger.Upon entering the forest, it was immediately discovered that there were many animals in it, and they rightfully felt like masters in it. The searchers saw moose and smaller animals nearby, but what was most alarming were the numerous tracks of bears. Near large cities they do not pose a danger and do not approach people, but in a real forest they may well attack an adult or child. Therefore, each search group went into the forest on a mission, accompanied by a hunter with a gun.

Third danger.The longer the search lasted, the less hope remained of finding the child alive. In addition to water and wild animals, there are two more dangers for a person, especially a small or elderly person, in the forest: dehydration and hypothermia. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a lost person to die for these reasons a few tens of meters from a populated area. A child who finds himself in the forest without food, drink or warm shelter risks his life, especially in bad weather and at night, when the temperature drops and clothes get wet. Dima Peskov was lucky with the weather - the temperature at night did not drop below ten degrees, and it rained only once - on the night from the third to the fourth day of the search, although it was heavy. Dima, as it turned out later, drank water from puddles and ate grass...

On the fifth day of the search, when, it seems, the entire Sverdlovsk region was already cheering and praying for Dima, in the course of expanding the search area, one of the groups set off to carry out the next task. There were eight people in the group, including representatives of the police, the Sokol search and rescue team and the Lisa Alert search and rescue team. During the combing, one of the search participants noticed a boy lying on the ground. At first it seemed to him that the boy was not breathing, and they reported to headquarters that he had been found dead, but Dima opened his eyes...

The baby was emaciated, exhausted and bitten by ticks, his condition was critical, although he sat down himself, delighting the searchers. According to those who found him, he looked wild: dirty, wet, five ticks on his body...

After consultation with headquarters, a decision was made to immediately evacuate. The group that found him made a stretcher and carried the child several kilometers to the nearest country road, where a car was waiting for them. On it, the boy was taken to a clearing, where a helicopter was already waiting for him to be transported to a hospital in Yekaterinburg.

After the examination, the doctors said that internal organs the boy is not injured and Dima is no longer in danger.

Dima was saved by a miracle and hundreds of caring people. But there are quite simple safety measures that will save the life and health of children and the health of parents.

“Lisa Alert” reminds:

Whenever you go into the forest with your child, dress him in bright clothes. He should have a whistle hanging around his neck, a fully charged phone in his pocket, and a bottle of water and a candy bar in his backpack. Teach him the main rule of being lost: if you are lost, stop! This is a dangerous illusion that the baby will not go far - four-year-old Dima was found 7 kilometers from the place of his disappearance, and even children less than three years old can go several kilometers away, and searching for a child within a radius of several kilometers can require the actions of hundreds of people and take dozens of precious hours .

A child should not go into the forest alone or only with peers.

A child in a natural environment should always be in front of adults.

A child should never go near water alone, even if he or she is a good swimmer. Teach him that the main offenses in his life are related to safety, and this is one of the worst.

If you are hiking or camping in the forest, your child should not leave the camp alone.

Children should be supervised when sleeping in the forest. An adult should always be aware if a child leaves the tent and monitor his stay outside the tent or his return.

All the attention of Sverdlovsk journalists this week was again focused on the boy who survived in the forest. On Thursday, Dima Peskov was discharged from the 40th hospital in Yekaterinburg. The doctors did not allow me to talk to the child while he was in the room. Now it's allowed.

Holding his mother's hand tightly, Dima Peskov leaves the walls of the hospital. The little hero is greeted by dozens of cameras and journalists. Despite the fact that he has been in the top news for almost a month, the child is clearly not used to such attention.

The mother answers the journalists' questions for her son. Alfiya Shainurova says that Dima eats well, sleeps a lot, and behaves as usual. The family does not want to remember the terrible four days the boy spent in the forest. The main thing is that Dima is now nearby and almost recovered.

Alfiya Shainurova, mother of Dima Peskov: “In general, he sleeps well, that’s how he was, that’s how he remains, he hasn’t changed at all. He again says that we’ll go fishing, we’ll also go on a boat, that no matter how afraid he is, that there’s a river, a boat, fishing, whatever, dad and I will go.”

Dima Peskov got lost on June 10 in the forest near the Reftinsky reservoir. Rescuers, police officers, dog handlers, and volunteers searched for the child for four days. As the boy’s mother told us today, they are also psychics. The parents themselves contacted them. Throughout the search, the seer from Sukhoi Log gave the family hope and pointed out the places where rescuers later found the children’s footprints. On the fifth day Dima was found.

"You're good! You're the best, boy! Best! Hooray! We found! Hurray!”

From the forest, the child was sent to the Asbest hospital, and then taken by helicopter to the intensive care unit in Yekaterinburg, and after a few days he was transferred to a regular ward.

Dima spent ten days in the hospital in Yekaterinburg. The boy’s terrible diagnosis – pneumonia – was not confirmed. Fortunately, the test for encephalitis also turned out to be negative. However, the child suffered from chickenpox.

Dima caught the infection even before he got lost. According to doctors, being in the forest for a long time weakened his body, so complications appeared.

Rafael Torosyan, deputy chief physician of City Clinical Hospital No. 40 of Yekaterinburg: “He had allergic complications on his face, which still exist there, pockmarks and the inflammatory process around these pockmarks, these marks are already regressing, and we think that they will pass without a trace as usual "

Dima became a real hero for all of Russia. IN in social networks Hundreds of dialogues unfolded about how to help the boy, how to meet him from the hospital in his native village. Some even jokingly suggest renaming Reftinsky to Dimkagrad.

“Dimas is being discharged. A friendly trip to this strong man will take place on Friday. At 19-00 we all meet at Reft. – Are the parents’ card details still known? “And let’s, on the same wavelength, rename the village Dimkagrad or Dimkaburg.”

At home, Dima was in for a surprise - the village residents gave him a big bed and a lot of toys. And the very next day, caring Reft residents visited the boy. People came with whole families. With balloons, gifts and sweets. All so that the boy knows how worried about him and believed that he would return.

Pavel Karpenko also received an award for saving Dima Peskov. At the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, a member of the “Falcon” search team was awarded the badge “Participant in the Elimination of Consequences of an Emergency.” The order was signed by the Minister of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Daria Trofimova

All last weekend and the beginning of this week, residents of the Sverdlovsk region followed the news from Asbest. There, in the forest not far from the Reftinsky reservoir, a boy got lost. At four years old, the child lost everything in one second - food, telephone, parents. Hundreds of people searched for him day and night - volunteers, rescuers, police. His father and mother were even tested on a lie detector. All to no avail, until an incredible message appeared on Wednesday morning - found! alive! At that moment our film crew was in the forest.

Absolutely strangers hugging and jumping on the spot for joy. A real miracle happened - four days later, a lost baby was found in the forest near Asbestos.

The rescue operation was attended by volunteers, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and police, dog handlers and simply caring Sverdlovsk residents. In total there are more than six hundred people. And so, when hope had almost dried up, one of the search parties brought good news.

A child who was lost in the forest near the Reftinsky reservoir last Saturday was found alive, security forces report this, the police are now on the scene, volunteers are not allowed to see him

The boy's father cannot find the words to thank everyone who participated in saving his son.

Andrei Peskov, father of the lost boy: “The most, most important thing is a word of gratitude: thank you for looking for him for so long, that he is alive and well, and thanks to your efforts we found him, low bow to you all.”

Immediately after the good news, police and doctors went to the place where the boy was found. Meanwhile, Pavel Karpenko returned to the camp. The volunteer who found the baby does not consider himself a hero. He said that he found the child about ten kilometers from the place of the loss, under a power line.

Pavel Karpenko, volunteer: “I see a birch tree lying down, I see these iron cones on it, I tore them off, I go behind the birch tree, and there is a child there, I just started shaking. They saw his grass and asked, did you eat grass? He nodded his head - yes.”

The boy was lost on Saturday, June 10. Parents and their child were relaxing on the shore of the Reftinsky reservoir. At some point, they got distracted and the baby went into the forest. For more than four days he remained alone in the thicket. According to doctors, little Dima was saved from death by the fact that he was dressed warmly. And developed beyond his years. And yet he is severely exhausted.

Mikhail Zheleznov, deputy chief physician for medical work at the Asbest ambulance station: “The child currently has a normal temperature, oxygen in the blood is slightly low, and most likely some kind of pneumonia, because there is wheezing in the lungs and some difficulty breathing. He was bitten by ticks; according to his parents, he was vaccinated against encephalitis.”

It was decided to take the boy to the first regional children's hospital. For this purpose, a helicopter was sent to pick up the child. Evgeny Kuyvashev supervised the work of rescuing the baby under his personal supervision. In his opinion, this emergency united all residents of the Sverdlovsk region.

Evgeny Kuyvashev, acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region: “This is worth a lot! And, of course, this once again shows how important it is to unite to achieve a truly noble goal. It’s significant how many ordinary Ural residents came out to search, how many people express their readiness to help the child and his family now.”

The boy is now in the regional children's hospital. The entire Sverdlovsk region, if not Russia, is monitoring his health. On Friday he was able to eat on his own. Regional Health Minister Igor Trofimov spoke about this on the program Accent on OTV.

Igor Trofimov, Minister of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region: “We still assess the boy’s condition as serious, but it is progressively improving. WITH today Dima is already eating very well. If he had previously been drinking water uncontrollably, despite the IVs, because the boy was very dehydrated. Today he is already eating and has no fever.”

Suspicions of pneumonia in Dima were not confirmed. However, doctors are still waiting for the final results of the studies to give a prognosis for the state of health. Several ticks were removed from the baby and sent to the laboratory to be tested for encephalitis.

Meanwhile, rescuers said that all participants in the search operation and volunteer Pavel Karpenko, who discovered the baby, will be nominated for medals from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Mikhail Yakunin

A forest lesson for everyone else.

The entire Sverdlovsk region followed the search for 4-year-old Dima Peskov for several days. And the whole country rejoiced at its discovery. Now the boy is in the intensive care unit of the CSTO No. 1, his life is not in danger. But the parents are threatened with a criminal case opened during the search for the boy in the forest. Whether the rights of the child were violated and whether it was worth suspecting the father in the emergency - the situation was analyzed in an exclusive interview by the Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Morokov.

- Igor Rudolfovich, how do you assess the organization of the search for Dima Peskov?

We have been working with the Sokol detachment for a long time and have carried out a number of activities to prevent the loss of children. I have an application on my phone: when information appears about a missing child, I immediately receive an alert. It was the same in this situation. We were in touch with the squad all the time.

This case showed that we have a huge number of caring people who are ready to help. And you can close your eyes that many arrived unprepared; people had no idea that they would have to go into the swamp. The most important thing is the impulse of the soul to help.

Although non-professionals can sometimes do harm: trample footprints, drive on an ATV. This requires adjustment. And this operation showed that volunteers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police can interact. Local authorities also performed well: food and water supplies were organized.

- Do you see the parents’ guilt in what happened?

There are hotheads who say: “Parents are to blame, let’s involve the parents, let’s punish them.” I’m remembering a line from Vysotsky’s song: “Let life judge, let life punish!” Life has already judged them. There is no point in calling someone somewhere and saying that you behaved incorrectly. No commission will make such an impression as what happened to them. Parents need to be allowed to calm down. They already understood everything.

Although I can’t imagine how you can send a 4-year-old boy somewhere alone. I had my 6-year-old grandson over the weekend, well, where are you going to send him?

- At the beginning of the search, investigators suspected the parents. Were their actions correct?

We also talked to investigators. Now there are those dissatisfied with their work - allegedly the parents were interrogated with bias. But that's the job of investigators. These rules are written in blood. Unfortunately, we have had several cases where crimes were covered up by the disappearance of children. And investigators must rule out this possibility, which is what they did. It was the investigators who said that the parents were innocent and that all efforts should be made to search.

But the criminal investigation continues. Could it be reclassified as “Leaving in danger”?

I think the case will be closed soon. Whether to change the article and blame the parents is a matter for specialists. It's hard for me to prove this. Relations between children and parents in the department of investigative authorities, the police and the commission on juvenile affairs. We intervene if the rights of the child are violated by government bodies and officials. If the police hadn’t come out, if the Ministry of Emergency Situations hadn’t done something completely, we would have screwed them up.

And about parents - people have already learned such a lesson that God forbid anyone.

- How to warn parents against such situations?

This case can be used as the basis for all work with parents on child safety. There seems to be a specific list of threats. But you need to understand: danger can arise completely out of nowhere. When you have a child with you, this is a special situation.

An adult must always be in control of everything. By the way, the fall from the windows is from the same series. I got distracted, did the wrong thing, walked away, and the baby fell out. 50% of injuries to children in road accidents are the result of the actions of parents. They didn’t fasten them in, they didn’t put the seat in. Like, why, I have a lot of experience. And a newcomer comes towards you. Danger can appear anywhere.


Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region