Remedies for skin itching with allergies. Skin itching. Get rid of an allergic reaction

Allergic itching is one of the main symptoms of an allergic reaction. Other main symptoms of allergies include frequent sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, swelling and redness of the skin. Often, severe forms of allergies are transformed into, which is primarily initial stage development is manifested by redness and itching of the skin. Also, various skin rashes and itching are accompanied by allergic eczema, which is perhaps the most unpleasant of all such diseases, due to the fact that the skin inflammatory process, accompanied by severe itching, usually covers almost the entire body.

As mentioned earlier, it is the most common cause of allergic itching of the skin. An allergic reaction can be a protective response of the body to the use of various chemicals, to the use of food and medications, to insect bites, etc. It is not possible to list all possible allergens, since there are more than one hundred of them in nature. However, the most common allergens that cause allergies and, accordingly, allergic itching include medicines, food, cosmetics, household dust and pollen from wind-pollinated plants.

How to relieve allergic itching of the skin?

First of all, before conducting drug or other antiallergic therapy, it is necessary to identify the allergen that provoked the development of an allergic response of the body, which, due to their rather large variety, is a very difficult task. Moreover, in the process of diagnosis, one should also take into account the fact that already irritated skin can become even more inflamed under the influence of completely different substances that fell on the affected area after the causative allergen. From the foregoing, it follows that only an experienced allergist is able to correctly diagnose allergies and prescribe an adequate treatment of allergic itching corresponding to the identified provoking allergen. Therefore, in order to effectively relieve allergic itching, you will need the help of a qualified specialist. And until that time, as a self-help, to relieve itching, you can take a previously familiar anti-allergic agent, and cool the itchy places themselves with lotions based on water and baking soda.

Allergic itchy skin caused by the use of any cosmetic means the immediate cleansing of the entire skin from this and other cosmetics, which should be washed off very thoroughly with running water. After that, you can use anti-allergic creams or ointments that effectively relieve allergic itching.

If allergic itching of the skin appeared after an insect bite, you can apply one of the time-tested folk recipes, the simplest and most affordable of which is wiping the bite site with freshly squeezed potato or apple juice. If you don’t have the necessary tools at hand for wringing, you can do it even easier, namely, cut a potato or apple in half and wipe the affected area with the cut.

If skin allergic itching is caused by the hair of a pet in the room, it should be urgently left, and if it is a pet permanently residing in the same apartment with the patient, you should think about its new place of residence.

Allergic itching is an extremely unpleasant annoying symptom that does not allow you to calmly do household chores, eat, sleep, so immediately, at the first appearance, it is urgent to get rid of it. You should also know that you should not comb an itchy place in any case, because. in addition to the fact that the itching will intensify even more, it is possible to introduce a secondary infection into the wounds formed from scratching.

Text: Tatyana Maratova

Allergies are different. This means that the cause of allergic itching is clearly not the only one. Consequently, our actions aimed at eliminating the symptoms of allergies will vary.

Allergic itching: the cause is different, but it itches the same

allergic itching- one of the symptoms of allergies. Among others: runny nose, redness of the eyes, swelling. In severe forms of an allergic reaction, the so-called allergic dermatitis can develop, which begins with reddening of the skin, and can evolve into vesicles, which, after opening, leave weeping erosions on the skin. Another acute form of the reaction is allergic eczema. This is the name of the inflammation of the surface layer of the skin, which manifests itself in various rashes and is accompanied by an unpleasant itch of allergic origin.

The most common allergens that cause itching are insect bites and cosmetics. To get rid of allergic itching that occurs as a result of contact with cosmetic First of all, you need to wash off the cosmetics from the skin area with plenty of running water. Immediately after this, it is recommended to take any anti-allergy remedy, for example, Suprastin. This medicine neutralizes the causative agent of the allergic reaction and removes itching. In addition to tablets, counter-allergens can be in the form of various creams or ointments that can be bought without a prescription at any pharmacy.

How to get rid of allergic itch?

In order to eliminate allergic itching that occurs after an insect bite, there is a large number of folk recipes. The simplest of them - the damaged area on the skin can be wiped with freshly squeezed juice from an apple or potato. To make it faster, you can not squeeze the juice, but simply cut an apple or potato in half and rub the skin with the opened part of the fruit. You can also use a weak solution against allergic itching. baking soda. Dilute in a glass warm water a teaspoon of soda, soak a piece of gauze or a handkerchief in the liquid and wipe the itchy area. Another way to cope with skin allergies is to dissolve a few activated charcoal tablets in water and lubricate the skin area with the resulting mushy consistency. And in no case do not scratch the itchy place, so you will only make yourself worse.

An allergic reaction can present with different symptoms. The most common is itching of the skin or mucous membranes. Depending on the intensity of this unpleasant phenomenon, medications. Itching with allergies not only interferes with a normal lifestyle, but is also dangerous because it causes a strong desire to scratch the site of irritation. This can lead to the appearance of wounds on the skin and, as a result, infection. This is especially possible when the child is ill, when the baby still cannot control himself.

Ways to relieve itching without drugs

Allergy itching can be relieved or reduced as follows:

But, do not forget that an allergic reaction can be caused, which the cold can no longer appease.

How to relieve itching with allergies

Relieve allergic itching different ways. For children and pregnant women, for example, sparing products for external use are suitable. These include prescription drugs traditional medicine, as well as safe ointments and creams with a natural composition.

All possible treatments for itching are listed in the table below. When choosing a means of therapy, consultation with a doctor is required.

Medicine Application features
For outdoor use Antihistamine ointments and creams:

· "Advantan", "Lorindent", "Ftorokort" (hormonal);

Skin Cap, Fenistil Gel, Gel Luan.

Hormonal ointments should not be used for more than a week because they are addictive and have other side effects.

For internal use Antihistamine tablets:


· "Suprastin";



The dosage is calculated according to the instructions. The appointment of a doctor for course therapy is mandatory.

People's Pharmacy
For oral administration Decoction of sorrel. Prepared in the classic way. Infused for several minutes. Taken up to 4 times a day for half a cup.

Juice or tincture of celery. The first is pressed from the crushed roots of the plant, the second is obtained after infusing celery for 2-3 hours. You need to take the medicine before meals for half a cup.

Decoction of licorice root. It is prepared in the usual way, infused and taken 2 times a day for half a glass.

For outdoor use Nettle compress. Prepare a decoction of the plant in the usual way and leave for an hour. Pour the liquid into the bath and soak in it for 30 minutes.
Starch bath. Dilute 100 grams of the substance and pour the mixture into the bath. Lie in it for 10 minutes.
Ointment from activated carbon la. Crush a few tablets and stir the mixture with water to a mushy mass. Apply to affected area.
Compress with mustard. Apply to the affected area and hold for 10 minutes.

Algorithm of actions when itching appears, as the first sign of an allergic reaction.

Allergies often manifest as skin rashes. The skin becomes inflamed, covered with a rash, flaky, itchy. This manifestation is typical for children and adults. A skin rash with allergies is not an independent disease, but an immune response of the body to a previously sensitized irritant, that is, to a substance that is usually perceived by the human body normally and without consequences.

Mechanism of skin allergy

When the skin comes into contact with an irritant (allergen), a special substance, histamine, is formed in its deep layers. Histamine pathologically expands blood vessels, significantly increases the permeability of their walls and provokes an excessive outflow of fluid from the blood into the layers of the skin.

This leads to swelling of the skin and mucous membranes, the appearance of itchy blisters, pimples, fluid-filled vesicles. In case of severe edema, steroids are prescribed to reverse the outflow and remove excess fluid from the body.

Types of skin allergies

Allergic rashes are manifested in the form of eczema, urticaria and contact dermatitis.

With eczema, an inflammatory process occurs on the skin, a rash occurs in the form of spots or acne with an exudative component. The patient has itching all over the body, less often - irritation, sometimes burning.

Urticaria outwardly resembles the so-called burns of stinging nettles. It appears over the entire surface of the skin as intensely itchy red spots and flat blisters that itch noticeably.

Contact dermatitis is more severe than eczema and urticaria and takes longer and is more difficult to treat. The skin swells, becomes covered with spots, bubbles with a translucent liquid. Weeping, poorly healing ulcers may occur. After the ulcers heal, deep scars form. Contact dermatitis is accompanied by general malaise, sometimes fever.

If skin rashes are not treated, they can affect the vessels and deep layers of the skin, resulting in angioedema.

Types of skin allergies in children are the same as in adults: eczema, urticaria and contact dermatitis. Most often, the skin in the groin, under the armpits, in the elbow and knee folds, under the armpits is affected. Patients are concerned not only appearance skin, but also debilitating incessant itching, irritation. Therefore, it is important to know how to relieve itching with allergies in adults and children. Allergic itching of the skin is relieved different means- folk and pharmacy.

How to treat skin allergies and relieve itching

The infectious nature of pruritus and rashes will require the appointment of antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic, antiprotozoal agents. The course of treatment will be under the control and supervision of a dermatologist.

If an allergy is confirmed, then first of all the doctor will prescribe a number of antihistamine and antipruritic drugs. The use of such drugs will be effective when the patient eliminates or minimizes contact with the substances that caused the allergy. It is recommended to follow a diet with a minimum content of potential allergens: citrus fruits, chicken eggs, cocoa products, seafood, honey, brightly colored fruits, berries and vegetables.

Drug treatment of itching with allergies

The following OTC oral preparations are taken internally: Alerza, Allegra, Dezal, Desloratadine, Zyncet, Zyrtec, Zodak, Kestin, Claridol, Clarisens, Claritin, Lomilan, Progistam, Suprastin, Suprastinex, Tsetrin. They are available in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups and solutions.

Place it is necessary to use healing and drying ointments: adapalene, advantan, akriderm, argosulfan, betaderm A, hydrocortisone, rederm, salicylic-zinc paste, sinaflan, urtica GF, fenistil, flucinar.

If the itching is caused by a food allergy, then you additionally need to take inside Polisobr, Enterosgel, Acipol, Linex, Bifidumbacterin. These funds are not medicines, but significantly improve digestion, restore intestinal microflora, remove toxins and other harmful substances.

All these remedies are effective provided that the treatment is prescribed correctly and the patient follows the treatment regimen, dosage, diet and hygiene rules. Before the doctor makes an appointment, you need to warn him about the drugs that the patient is already taking: oral contraceptives, antitumor drugs, normalizing blood pressure, painkillers, and others. This is necessary to exclude the possible reaction of different medications.

Folk remedies for itching

In case of allergies, it is effective to take orally and apply externally decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants. It is very useful to take baths with infusions of celandine, succession, chamomile, calendula, oak bark and nettle. For a bath, you need to take a few guests of plant materials, pour boiling water - about a liter - and insist. Then you need to squeeze out the raw materials, and pour the resulting infusion into the bath. For greater effect, you can add to the water sea ​​salt, only pure, without dyes and not flavored. Taking a bath at the initial stage - 5-7 minutes. Gradually, the time increases to a quarter of an hour. When taking baths, only the part of the body affected by allergies is immersed in water with infusion.

If the rashes are localized locally, then it is allowed to make applications from cloth napkins soaked in herbal infusions.

Itching is well removed at home by rubbing the skin with a cool solution of baking soda. If the skin is not too dry and thin, then masks with laundry soap will be effective. Soap should be lathered and the resulting foam applied pointwise to rashes, pimples and blisters. After five minutes, the soap should be rinsed clean with water. It is highly alkaline and has excellent antibacterial and drying properties. These remedies can reduce itching and slightly remove allergies.

How to relieve itchy skin

The skin needs to breathe, so you need to take a shower at least twice a day, without using soap, gels, foams with cleansing agents, and without additionally irritating the skin with washcloths and sponges. If the skin is contaminated and it is not possible to wash off the contamination with water, you can use unscented baby soap. You just need to apply it with your hands, without using a washcloth.

At home and in the warm season on the street, it is worth keeping the affected areas of the skin open. This will protect these areas from overheating, rubbing, and fresh air dries wounds and sores well.

For the duration of treatment, and preferably forever, you should stop wearing synthetic clothing. This is especially true for underwear. Synthetics do not absorb, but collect moisture, retain excess heat, thereby creating ideal conditions for the development of pathogens and the appearance of irritation.

Women should not use decorative cosmetics in case of itchy rashes on the face. Mask them with powder foundation creams not allowed. These products clog pores and increase irritation, and can also act as allergens themselves.

How to relieve itching with allergies, if it appeared for the first time or is constantly repeated? First of all, you should consult a doctor who can prescribe medications for the prevention and treatment of itching. These medicines can then be used independently, without waiting for the next consultation with a doctor.

Why do you need to see a doctor if you have allergies?

In most cases, itching with allergies has some basis. Very often, such a basis is the sensitization (allergization) of the body during intestinal dysbacteriosis, helminthic invasions, giardiasis and some other unnoticed infections. Children are especially prone to such sensitization. They may periodically experience various allergic reactions, including itching of the skin.

In order to finally get rid of itching, it is often necessary to conduct a complete examination, identify and eliminate the cause of sensitization. Otherwise itchy skin will constantly bother, over time it can turn into other types of allergies: allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, and so on.

Simultaneously with the examination, the doctor prescribes medications to the patient, which he could take when itching occurs or for its prevention. Only such an approach to allergic itching of the skin can be effective.

Diet for allergic itch

To reduce itching of the skin of an allergic origin, first of all, it is necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet. A distinctive feature of a hypoallergenic diet is that it should contain a minimum amount of products that can cause food allergies. These products include: chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits, pomegranates, melons, black currants, strawberries, raspberries , honey, fish, caviar, nuts, mushrooms, milk, eggs, as well as orange-red fruits and vegetables.

Extractives, spicy seasonings, salty foods should also be excluded from the diet, that is, those foods that can cause the expansion of the blood vessels of the stomach and a rush of blood to this area. These are canned foods, smoked meats, mustard, horseradish, peppers and others. Without sensitizing activity, these products can provoke the development of allergic reactions by releasing mediators (biologically active substances through which allergic reactions are carried out - histamine, serotonin).

During an exacerbation of itching, you can reduce the daily amount of protein by a quarter or half of the norm for several days by adding an additional amount of vegetables and fruits to the diet. Reducing the amount of foreign protein entering the body can reduce the allergic mood.

The liquid can be drunk within the normal range, it is limited only when the usual allergic reactions are accompanied by edema.

Medical treatment for itchy skin

Allergic itching of the skin almost always requires medical treatment. But it should be clearly understood that removing the itch at the time of its appearance and getting rid of the itch completely are two different things. To eliminate allergic itching as an unpleasant symptom, many drugs are produced.

Be sure to prescribe sedatives (sedatives) - valerian root extract, Novo-Passit, Atarax, Afobazol and so on. This is necessary because the nervous system is always involved in allergic reactions, and the appearance of itching adversely affects the state of the central and autonomic nervous systems.

Calcium preparations - reduce the allergic mood of the body, capillary permeability, remove tissue swelling and itching of the skin. The preparations of this series include a 10% solution of calcium chloride, which is injected only into a vein, and a 10% solution of calcium gluconate, which can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.

Antihistamines - block the entry into the tissues of the main mediator of allergic reactions of histamine. The antipruritic effect of these drugs continues throughout the duration of the drug, which is different for all drugs of this series. Antihistamine preparations of general (systemic) and external action are produced. With allergic itching of the skin both are usually assigned:

  • systemic antihistamines of the 1st generation, which have side effects in the form of drowsiness, can be taken at night with sleep disorders; these are Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin;
  • 2nd generation systemic antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness, they can be taken during the day; these are Erius, Claritin, Zodak;
  • antihistamines for external use - gels Fenistil and Psilo-Balm; they are applied in a thin layer on the affected areas of the skin 2-4 times a day.

If the listed drugs do not help, then in exceptional cases, glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed, which quickly remove all manifestations of allergies, but have many side effects and contraindications. Only a doctor can prescribe drugs of this series; they are not suitable for independent use.

Galina Romanenko