Nuts are the best protein. Nuts are a source of protein Protein nuts

Everyone probably already knows that nuts are the richest source of plant protein. Indeed, nuts contain a truly huge amount of protein - from 16 to 25 percent. So why in publications dedicated to sports nutrition, so little information is devoted to the benefits of such a valuable product as a nut? The fact is that in the recent past, proteins of plant origin were considered less valuable, “second-class” in relation to animal proteins. However, recent research in the field fitness proved the inconsistency of such a division. Moreover, the proteins contained in nuts are perfectly balanced and are very close in composition to human tissue. Therefore, plant protein, unlike animal protein, is 99% absorbable by the body. Thus, daily consumption of nuts allows you to completely compensate for “protein hunger.”


Another reason why I recommend to all fans bodybuilding And powerlifting Eating nuts regularly is high in arginine. Arginine is one of twenty amino acids involved in the formation of protein. This essential amino acid is the main supplier of nitric oxide (NO), without which human existence is simply unthinkable. For research into the effects of this molecule on the human body, three major American scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize. Thousands of articles on this topic are published annually in various fitness publications. We can talk endlessly about the benefits and importance of this element.

In this article I would like to point out two very important properties of arginine:

    Arginine promotes the production of growth hormone.

    This fact has long been known to doctors and athletes. Numerous clinical studies have confirmed that arginine causes the secretion of growth hormone, not only in young people, but also in septuagenarians.

    Along with glycine, arginine is one of the main ingredients from which creatine is produced in the liver.

    This natural substance is the primary source of energy for our muscles, especially during anaerobic activities such as weight training. It increases performance and allows the athlete to increase the intensity of the workout.

Thus, arginine helps to increase muscle mass and reducing body fat, making your body more proportional and your muscles stronger and stronger. In addition, consumption of this vital amino acid leads to a dramatic increase in health levels.

And finally, here is a table of the protein and arginine content in the most common nuts:

Nuts Protein(gr.) L-arginine(gr.)
Peanut 25 3,5
Almond 21 2,49
Gretsky 6 2,52

    Plant Protein is necessary for our body to form muscle cells and tissues.

    Nuts should be thoroughly dried and stored in a cool, dry place. heat and humidity are unacceptable for storage, this leads to the development of mold,

    More details :

    Wait, are we talking about which legumes have more protein? If so, then soybeans are in the lead, followed by lentils, red beans, green beans and other members of the family.

    Peanut is a bean, annual legume grass, gentlemen. It is very incorrect to mention it when answering this question.

    Also, walnuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios cannot be called nuts, although they belong to nuts, but the fruits of these plants are not nuts, but drupes. But in so-called nuts they are still closer than peanuts. Among them, cashews stand out for their high protein content (25.2 grams of protein per 100 grams), pistachios (20.5 grams of protein per 100 grams), and almonds (18.6 grams of protein per 100 grams).

    So it turns out that everything that is called nuts, from a botanical point of view, is not a real nut. A real nut is hazel, or hazelnut. It also has a high protein content - 16.1 grams of protein per 100 grams.

    Peanuts, also called groundnuts or Chinese nuts, contain the highest amount of protein. But in fact, it is not a nut, but belongs to the oilseed crops. Per 100 grams there are about 26 grams of protein (about 105 kcal), about 45 grams of fat (400 kcal), about 10 grams of carbohydrates (40 kcal).

    Of the nuts, Cashews have the most protein. This nut contains 25 grams of protein per 100 grams.

    And the least amount of protein is found in pine nuts, almost 14 grams.

    Nuts are very healthy, but if you get carried away with them, you can gain excess weight very quickly.

    The most protein is in peanuts (26.4 grams of protein per 100 grams) and cashews (25.7 grams per 100 grams). But we must remember that nuts are rich not only in protein, but also in fat. Therefore, you need to eat no more than 200 grams per day.

    Cashews and peanuts contain the most protein. Next in protein content are pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts and walnuts.

    It must be said that when consuming protein foods, you should pay attention not only to the percentage of protein content, but also to the rate of protein absorption different types. After all, the volume of amino acids entering the blood has its limitations.

    Dried peanuts contain the most protein. Nuts contain vegetable protein.

    Below I will provide a list of nuts with protein content per 100 grams of product.

    Almonds - 21 grams.

    Brazil nut - 14 grams.

    Cashews - 20 grams.

    Coconut - 6 grams.

    Hazelnuts 14 grams.

    Peanuts - 25 grams.

    Pecan - 9 grams.

    Pine nuts - 14 grams.

    Pistachios - 10 grams.

    Walnut - 6 grams.

    It turns out that the largest amount of protein is found in peanuts. Pistachios and peanuts have the least fat, with an average of approximately 38 grams per 100 grams of product.

    Even in ancient times people knew about beneficial properties nuts, and today we know well that this is a real storehouse of microelements, vitamins and vegetable protein. Protein- an essential compound necessary for the formation of tissue and muscle cells. And there is much more of it in nuts than in other products of plant origin. In addition, it is in nuts protein combination with fats and microelements most organically.

    Champion in terms of protein content is cashew, which contains 25.4 g of protein per 100 grams. Almond comes in second place in terms of protein with its 18.6 g, and is an honorable third hazelnut with 16.1 g of protein per 100 g of product.

    But the ground nut called peanut In fact, it is not a nut, but belongs to the legume family. Peanuts also contain a lot of protein and are a valuable product, not inferior to nuts.

    As far as I know, dried peanuts contain the most protein. Peanuts contain 29 g of protein, which is more than meat and fish. Cashew nuts contain 25 g of protein per 100 g of product. Other nuts and seeds also contain a lot of protein. The leaders in protein content are mustard seeds and pumpkin seeds(25 g protein). Our usual walnuts also contain a lot of protein - 15 g, which is comparable to chicken meat.

    The largest amount of protein is found in peanuts. There are about 26 grams of it per 100 grams of product.

    Cashews are then placed with 25 grams of protein. In third place are pistachios, which have almost 21 grams of protein per 100 grams of product.

    More details can be found in the table located below the text of the answer.

    The most protein is found in peanuts, with 26.3 grams per 100 grams. Therefore, if you need to saturate your body with protein, then chew more peanuts accordingly. These nuts are very tasty, both salty and sweet. But in second place in terms of protein content in nuts are cashew nuts, they contain 25.2 grams. Next come nuts such as pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, and pine nuts.

People who monitor their health, weight, eat right, and play sports have repeatedly asked themselves the question: “How many fatty elements, carbohydrates, and protein compounds does the product they eat contain?” It is worth highlighting separately that group of people who take great responsibility in creating a sculpted body and increasing muscle mass. They enrich their diet with protein products, which are so necessary to achieve the desired result.

Many people focus on getting protein from meat and fish products, but few people think about the fact that there are other examples of getting enough protein. And even more so, few people think about whether there is protein in nuts. It is important to note that protein of plant origin is several times beneficial for the body.

One of these products is nuts. Those who are obsessed with losing weight completely stop eating nuts, as they consider them the main enemy in the fight against fat. This is due to the fact that the nut is high in calories, which means it helps the fat layer grow faster. This is true because the nut contains fatty oils. But you shouldn’t completely exclude nuts from your diet; you can simply reduce the amount you consume. By eating a few grams a day, you will bring great benefits to your body.

Fats are not the only thing that nuts contain. They contain a lot of protein and saturated/unsaturated acids. If you want your body to function well, then eliminating their use is undesirable. If the body is exposed to a large amount of physical activity, then their admission is mandatory.

Varieties of nuts

An exact answer to the question: “Which nuts have a lot of protein?” No. This is due to the fact that today many types of nuts have been identified, and each type has an individual chemical component that determines the protein content.

Based on numerous studies, we can conclude that peanuts are rich in many plant proteins. One hundred grams of product includes 26 grams of protein.

Also, do not forget that peanuts are enriched with the following elements:

  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • magnesium,
  • vitamins into groups.

There are a huge number of them in the product.

Almonds are quite similar in composition to the previous type of nut. This type of nut has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Moreover, it can be added to the daily menu, which will be very useful.

Another type of nut with proteins is cashew. 21 grams of protein elements are contained in one hundred grams of product. Another beneficial content of cashews is the presence of Omega-3. It promotes the fruitful functioning of the brain, head and other organs. Cashews are an excellent analogue of meat and fish.

For those who watch their weight with particular trepidation, it is recommended to consume pistachios. This is the only type of nut that helps you lose weight. overweight. In addition to burning fat, pistachios will enrich your body with copper and vitamin E.

Exotic macadamia nuts can be easily added to many dishes. It is nutritious, at the same time has a lot of calories, and also has excellent taste characteristics. Walnut has healing properties. If you consume a few grams of the product daily, you can reduce pain in bone tissue and get rid of frequent headaches. Macadamia comes from Australia, so it can be rarely found on the domestic market.

Walnuts are the most common type of nut. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people are concerned about the protein content in them. However, the protein element in the type of nuts in question is no more than 6 grams/one hundred grams. Therefore, the question of whether there is a lot of protein in walnuts disappears by itself. But there is much more fat than in other types. 69 grams of fat per 100 grams is too much. That is why nutritionists recommend minimizing the consumption of walnuts for a person losing weight.

From here it follows that although the nut contains a lot of calories, it remains one of the healthiest foods for the body. But not only the benefits of the nut are important, do not forget that it is also tasty food. With the right menu, you can safely eat nuts without fear of harming your figure.

How to store and use

It's no secret that a nut may not spoil for a very long period of time. Nuts are not very demanding to store, but there are still some storage rules that are worth paying attention to.

These include:

  • The nuts should be thoroughly dried.
  • The place where the product will be stored should be dried in advance; it should be quite cool.
  • Humidity is an enemy for nuts; if its content is high, the product becomes moldy.

It is important not to forget that nuts do not tolerate sudden temperature changes.

You can use the product as follows: finished form, and by using it in the cooking process. Experts recommend preparing a mixture of nuts, dried fruits, and honey, as shown in the photo. The result will be not only a tasty treat, but also a healthy one. This will help boost your immunity. In addition, children will eat the mixture with great pleasure.

Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that nuts are an indispensable product in the human diet.

Nuts are a rich source of protein and vegetable fat, which is why they are considered quite nutritious. Some people rightfully consider nuts to be an excellent meat substitute. Each type has its own calorie content of nuts. So, for example, we can instantly gain weight from some nuts than from others. That is why they should be used with extreme caution by people who adhere to low calorie diet. On average, the calorie content of 100 grams of nuts is 520 kcal.

Despite the fact that nuts are a fairly high-calorie product, no more than 50 grams of them are allowed to be consumed daily without harm to health. In order to figure out how many calories are in nuts (per 100 grams), you can carefully study the table.

Peanut29.2 50 10 610
Brazilian nut13 65 11 564
Walnut15 64 10 647
Pine nuts11 60 19 628
Cashew25 53 13 642
Coconut3 33 28 379
Sesame19 48 11 564
Almond18 57 15 644
Pistachios20 50 7 554
Hazelnut16 66 8 703

According to the table it is clear that greatest number Protein is contained specifically in peanuts - 29.2 g of protein per 100 g. Nuts rich in plant protein will allow you to feel full for a long time. Scientists have conducted many studies related to the study of the digestibility of vegetable protein in the human body, as a result of which it turned out that vegetable nut proteins completely saturate the body with various amino acids and microelements. Nut protein is a complex protein that not only quickly saturates the body, but also takes care of the condition of the body’s muscles.

Nuts are a wonderful food where you can find the highest amount of protein and the least amount of carbohydrates. For example, pistachios contain only 7 g of complex carbohydrates. This means that the digestion process will take much longer, which means you will feel full for a long time.

As for fats, many people may be scared by the high fat content in nuts, on average it is about 50 g. But do not be alarmed, vegetable fat is not harmful to the body, on the contrary, it allows many vitamins to be better absorbed (vitamin A, E, B2, etc. .d.), but this does not mean that you can eat nuts in large quantities, know when to stop, because an excess of any substances in the body will not lead to anything good.

Nutritional value of pistachios and other nuts

As mentioned above, nuts are quite a nutritious product, the daily consumption of which will help remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as stimulate the functioning of the heart and brain. The nuts themselves (pistachios, almonds, etc.) are rich in fiber, which will help improve intestinal function. Nuts should be used to prevent and combat atherosclerosis, as well as in case of insufficient amounts of iron and cobalt salts in the human body. It is believed that all the active substances contained in nuts can have a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the brain, which will significantly increase mental activity several times. Eating a handful of nuts a day will relieve you of nervous tension.

Nuts are gifts of nature, eat them daily and you will be healthy, but do not forget about daily norm– 50 g!

Walnut - benefits and harm. Composition and calorie content of walnuts: Video