Happy 50th birthday cards for brother from sister. Bright congratulations to my brother on his fifty years

My beloved brother, congratulations to you
Happy 50th anniversary, I wish you good health
Always be brave and strong, you are a hero
And people will always follow you

Work miracles on this earth
We are grateful to you for many deeds
Enjoy every new day
You are my big brother I love you

May all your dreams come true
May there always be a lot of beauty in your soul
We will celebrate this date cool
And we begin to celebrate at dawn ©

Congratulations to my brother who turns 50 today
We celebrate this anniversary beautifully
I wish you happiness and health
You are the kindest in this world

Always looked after our parents
Thank you you taught me a lot
With love in your soul you walk along the path
May God always protect you

All toasts today are just for you
Our big family has gathered
We wish everyone lots of love and success
And there is a lot of joy and laughter in life ©

Fifty dollars is a glorious age, brother!
I'm glad to wish you
Wonderful cooking from my wife.
Life, brother, is varied!
The Gods will be favorable
And all roads are open.
Don't let taxes bother you.
And all the results are wonderful!
Let the children give birth to granddaughters!
Let feelings always play
Trumpet, cello.
Achieve your goal!

Fifty to my brother -
This is an important anniversary!
I wish to be rich
Both in finances and in the soul,
And health, and friends,
And my beloved family,
And wonderful deeds
And a beautiful dream!

Dear dear brother,
You are still very young
And 50 is not enough.
Pour and drink with me brother.
And in these modest fifty,
What can I wish for, my brother?
Of course happiness and goodness,
Love, family warmth.
So that you don’t know grief in life,
And as he poured, he drank to the bottom.
Little brother is not a hint to you,
I give this congratulations.

We grew up together with you,
I am as confident in you as I am in myself!
You were always the best help,
Not just a brother - a friend to me!
Let fifty blossom
Your projects and ideas,
I wish you success in the brightest life
I wish you a happy anniversary!

Beloved brother, I congratulate you
Today is our 50th anniversary!
And in life I only wish you
Huge and desired victories to all!
Let failures go away forever
Leaving room for happiness and love!
Let the welcome guests come to the house,
Leaving your enemies somewhere behind!

Today is such a good day
Today my brother is 50
Everyone gives toasts and gifts,
And they want to wish you

Health and good friends,
And so that you are always happy with them,
And on my own behalf I want to say:
"You are the best brother in the world!"

Happy anniversary to you, brother,
50 years of life to you
I counted down.

The years of youth are like a whirlwind,
Flew by
Silver in my hair
They sparkled.

You are young at heart
And to spite everyone's sorrows

Be successful, cheerful,
Stay for life

My dear brother, today I want to congratulate you on your half-century, on your 50th anniversary, my golden one. May adversity and bad weather pass you by, may great success and happiness be on your way, may your home be warm and cozy, and may your heart be joyful and light. I wish you the best health, respect, vigor and love.

What to wish your brother on his anniversary?
Live in harmony with yourself, don’t get sick.
You are full of strength and wisdom,
I wish that your enthusiasm does not fade away.

May everything go well at work,
And there will be understanding in personal life.
Let there be harmony with everyone in life,
I will say in one line: be happy, brother!

There is only one person in this world,
With whom everyone is happy to make friends.
And in my life I’m always in a duet with him,
After all, this man is my brother.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And I’ll say a lot of words, brother, from the heart.
Those fifty were wonderful, I know
But the next ones will be good too.

After all, that was only half
We spend so much time running around
Now you'll have a reason
Be calmer and happier than everyone!

Dear brother, happy anniversary to you
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you health - Siberian only
And you won’t encounter troubles along the way - well, not at all.

Always be: happy, like today, now,
And the mood of life so that it never fades away,
Exercise, jogging in the morning,
And into the hole cold in winter dip.

Always in physical form to be,
About the age of “fifty dollars”, so that I forget forever,
After all, in your soul you are only “thirty”,
You are a romantic, dear brother!

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother,
You are exactly fifty today.
Without exaggeration,
You didn’t live these fifty in vain!

I wish peace to your family,
So that there is always bread and salt on the table,
At work, to be appreciated
Everyone respected you and loved you!

My dear brother,
At least you are no longer a boy.
Fifty is not yet a date,
In life, little has been taken yet.

Because I wish you a lot
No advance or deposit!
Every year is like a hundred years
He brought different victories.

Both in love and at work.
Drive only Toyota
Money purse full
And a spring blossoming branch.

Fifty isn't too much
You're still like a boy,
Everyone has more fun with you,
Let's celebrate your anniversary!
May you always live in abundance,
May things be in order.
So that fate only smiles,
Everyone admired you.
Live another half a century,
Same a good man!

My brother, are you really fifty?
Well, you are the same as before, boy, my brother!
I love you, dear, with all my heart.
These are the words I will say today:

I wish you to be as healthy as a bull,
I'm used to a sporty lifestyle.
So that the women all sigh in admiration,
When you were observed at the resort.

Friends and family - everyone respects you,
They wish you success, prosperity, luck.
Always stay, my brother, you are in line.
You will win in any battle!

Fifty years to you, brother,
Everyone is in a hurry for the anniversary.
Congratulations, dear,
Be happy, my dear!

Achievements and successes,
And more laughter in life,
Be healthy, young,
God bless you always!

So that there are no misfortunes,
Trouble, boredom and worries.
May fate protect you
And always favors!

To my brother
I want to say: hello!
Congratulations on a powerful date:
Fifty (I don’t believe it) years!

I look at you and cry:
Outwardly young and lean;
Your life will be longer
If there is a fire in the soul of love.

I wish you, brother,
Sparks of mischief in the eyes,
So that you fly with happiness
Everyday in the sky.

Birthday greetings to brother on his 50th anniversary

You are fifty today
Great Anniversary,
Eyes sparkle as if in youth,
Don't regret the past!

Life makes us happy every moment,
No matter how old you are,
And you need to value life,
To love, she is no more beautiful!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Health and love,
May your wishes come true
All your plans!

Congratulations to brother on his 50th birthday

Fifty is a solemn date!
Everyone is worried, they want to tell you,
What a caring brother I have,
I wish you, brother, again

So that your family always appreciates you,
Because you are the support of the whole family,
And so that your health does not fail,
All your children respected you.

Well, my dear, I wish
Tender sunshine even in winter,
Everything will be fine for you, I know
May luck be with you.

Touching congratulations to my brother on his 50th birthday

Today my brother is fifty,
Eyes sparkling with wisdom.
I have accumulated experience in life,
After all, he always lived happily.

Now it's time to have some fun
And let the holiday not stop.
I wish you grief so that you don’t know
And never lose heart.

Happy anniversary dear brother,
I am very happy about our meeting.
So stop being sad
We need to start the holiday!

Congratulations to brother on his 50th anniversary from sister

Happy anniversary, you are 50!
I wish you smiles and laughter,
So that sadness does not touch you,
Have a warm, soft summer in life!

Let there be only success in business,
The mood is joyful and cheerful!
I wish you many years
Definitely bright and kind!

Short congratulations to my brother on his 50th birthday

You exchanged six tens,
But he only became older in appearance!
Your eyes always sparkle
The soul is vigorous and young!
Say thanks to the days gone by
But don't sigh longingly for them.
Make plans, raise your grandchildren,
Let joy overflow!

SMS congratulations to brother on his 50th anniversary

Brother, happy birthday!
I wish that, at the command of the pike,
Yours are fulfilled cherished desires,
May life be full of charm!

Congratulations to brother on his 50th anniversary from brother

Fifty years is the middle of life,
And our youth is long behind us,
Let the champagne splashes fly,
And wine is poured into the glasses.

I congratulate you, my brother,
Today is our anniversary,
I wish you at fifty,
Stay, brother, as you are now,

Just as young, beautiful,
And strong in his rightness,
I want you to always be happy
Have a nice, clear day.

Congratulations to your brother on his 50th anniversary in verse

Half a century has been lived by you,
My dear, beloved brother.
You are an example of honor, vigor, peace,
I am very happy to congratulate you today.

Let your health never fail you,
Love also warms and preserves everything,
Let success never take its eyes off you
And happiness intoxicates with tenderness.

Beautiful congratulations to my brother on his 50th birthday

Brother's holiday, anniversary,
Friends gathered
Pour a glass for toast,
The family will congratulate you.

As many as fifty years
Brother, you changed
No problem for men
You haven't lost

Congratulations to brother on his 50th birthday

The glasses are full,
Everyone shouts toasts loudly.
Half a hundred years have already been lived,
Happy anniversary to you, brother.

Your endurance and honor
Anyone will be jealous.
Money, strength, a lovely wife,
Happy Birthday, dear!

Congratulations to brother on 50th birthday from sister

Congratulations, brother, on your anniversary,
I am very happy to wish you today
There is nothing more important in the world:
Good health and vigor!

Great happiness, and more grandchildren,
A huge pension, so that you smile more often,
And so that you live to be a hundred, or even longer,
And he’s still waiting for his great-grandchildren!

Beautiful congratulations to my brother on his 50th birthday

My brother is exactly fifty
Friends gathered
Everyone was thinking what to say
Express love

And what a good brother you are,
And a great family man
As an employee, by the way,
You are the best among men.

Now I wish my brother
To be healthy and strong,
I will say that I respect
And I ask you not to forget.

Touching congratulations to my brother on his 50th birthday

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother!
50 years is not a reason to be sad,
It's time for new rewards
And your health will not let you go!

There's still a lot you can do,
There will be enough happiness, enough enthusiasm for a long time,
And that thread of love will not break,
After all, your soul is bottomless with her!

Congratulations to my brother on his 50th birthday in verse

My brother is already 50 years old
Many life victories
Left behind
It's time to go to new ones!
For a man at 50
Still the same youthful look
Be healthy, mischievous!
Happiness, vigor and strength!

It seems like you've already walked half your life,
But your eyes, like those of a teenager, are burning,
You remain young, energetic,
It’s your anniversary today, my beloved brother!
Happy holiday - 50 years is a round date,
It's time to start something new in life,
Let there be health and high salaries,
And why should we celebrate your birthday 50 more times?

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother,
You are exactly fifty today.
Without exaggeration,
You didn’t live these fifty in vain!

I wish peace to your family,
So that there is always bread and salt on the table,
At work, to be appreciated
Everyone respected you and loved you!

Fifty is not a reason
Occupy the spare bench!
You, brother, are still young
And your eyes are clear!

You go to luck boldly
With your head held high
And then it’s a matter of course
Will bring big income!

Develop your talent
Don’t you dare be discouraged!
Be healthy like an Atlas!
Smile on your anniversary!

Happy anniversary, dear brother!
You are, of course, very happy
Why are you already fifty?
And you are as cheerful as a soldier!
You are still just as beautiful!
There is still plenty of strength
To live an active, “delicious” life,
And be friends with fishing.
Thank God everything is fine
And the family lives in abundance,
But it will take strength
To continue to live beautifully,
And buy my daughter a villa
In the Maldives or Bali
Far from the Fatherland.
Happy anniversary,
We wish you to be healthy
And so that best years
We were always ahead!

Even though you've lived half your life,
But your eyes sparkle.
Always be as visible as you are
You're only fifty.
I want to congratulate you, brother,
You, on your glorious anniversary.
Live, love and let, as in the book,
Life will be your joy.

Beautiful congratulations on the 50th anniversary to my brother

To my brother
I want to say: hello!
Congratulations on a powerful date:
Fifty (I don’t believe it) years!
I look at you and cry:
Outwardly young and lean;
Your life will be longer
If there is a fire in the soul of love.
I wish you, brother,
Sparks of mischief in the eyes,
So that you fly with happiness
Everyday in the sky.

Happy anniversary dear,
My little brother is mischievous.
That's how I love you,
And thank you for everything.
Happy fiftieth birthday,
You are beautiful, I declare.
There's a whole world ahead,
And today there is a feast in your honor.

May all your dreams come true,
After all, you are worthy of beauty.
You are worthy of all heights
The best beauties of life.

Happy anniversary to you, brother,
50 years of life to you
I counted down.

The years of youth are like a whirlwind,
Flew by
Silver in my hair
They sparkled.

You are young at heart
And to spite everyone's sorrows

Be successful, cheerful,
Stay for life

Fifty - how round, how beautiful!
My delight thunders like fireworks, brother!
It was not in vain that you entered the anniversary,
After all, you have become a hundred times more respectable.

Not a boy, not a teenager in sneakers,
But a life-giving spring for everyone.
How nature's wisdom matures in cedars,
So let success multiply in you!

Five times ten already, that’s the date!
Today is my brother's big anniversary!
Fifty years! You are young, full of energy, strength,
I’ve already built a house and raised such children!
Now open the time for your pleasures,
After all, while working, we sometimes forget about life!
I wish you new, chic, vivid impressions,
Congratulations, brother, happy birthday to you!

Time rushes inexorably
And multiplies everyday life by years.
It always seems like we're thirty,
And it will continue to be so, always.

The date quickly replaces the date,
Run without slowing down your life.
You were a boy once,
Today he is an adult.

Half a century, brother, is wisdom
And the number is important in fate.
May your vigor not fade away,
May you always be lucky, everywhere.

I wish you the best, prosperity in everything,
Good health to move forward.
May your path in life be smooth,
I wish you a bright path!

50 years! For a man this is not a big date yet,
Because the body still has the strength of a buffalo,
I wish you, my beloved brother,
May every day bring you something new.
I wish that the years would ring with bright strings,
So that the mood is cheerful and optimistic,
So that you never doubt your abilities.
Happy Birthday, brother! I love you limitlessly!

You are fifty today.
You are still very young, brother.
And congratulations on the anniversary
Accept it from me quickly.

Let it be another fifty years
Your eyes always sparkle
From joy and admiration.
Hello, brother. Happy birthday.

Golden fifty
Brother is celebrating today!
Congratulations! May it always
Fate is protecting you!

Live with pleasure
In happiness, health, love!
And in any of hundreds of cases
Be stubborn, successful, brave!

You and I played together
You were both my brother and my friend:
We had fun, sang songs,
We made everyone around happy!

The years passed and we grew up...
And it’s already your anniversary!
We managed to do a lot
For yourself and for people.

Be happy, dear brother!
I love you like before.
I wish you grace
And love to you. No falsehood.

Congratulating your brother on his 50th birthday is beautiful

There is only one person in this world,
With whom everyone is happy to make friends.
And in my life I’m always in a duet with him,
After all, this man is my brother.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And I’ll say a lot of words, brother, from the heart.
Those fifty were wonderful, I know
But the next ones will be good too.

After all, that was only half
We spend so much time running around
Now you'll have a reason
Be calmer and happier than everyone!

May you, my beloved brother,
Angels always protect.
Congratulations on the anniversary -
The important date is 50.

It seems like we were just recently
Playful children.
Years quickly, imperceptibly,
It's like a moment has passed.

I want you to be healthy
You always are, my dear.
May you have more victories
Will be given by fate.

When we were kids, we got on each other's nerves,
But for me you were the first in everything
You and I are brothers, forever
Happy 50th anniversary, happy birthday!

I wish you not to be overloaded at work
Spare yourself and relax more often,
Man, don't hide your ears too far
Now I will carry you for them.

On your birthday
You deserve admiration
For me, brother, you are the best!
You deserve a reward for success!

Brother! I came this evening,
Read the verse in front of everyone,
Tell your family and friends
That you are the best among them.
Loyal and taciturn
And a determined man
Respect your homeland
You can't live without her.
50 – yes, anniversary,
The holiday is important for you,
Know that no matter what happens,
I always love you.

And today is the anniversary,
It will be a very cool evening.
We'll sing and dance
Let's play fists.
After all, today you are fifty,
Brother, we will congratulate you again.
And they gave gifts,
And the fun was ignited,
And now it's in full swing
Drink, rage, dance, dance.
And I send congratulations,
You hold on to him tightly.

Posts 1 - 20 from 28

Time rushes inexorably
And multiplies everyday life by years.
It always seems like we're thirty,
And it will continue to be so, always.

The date quickly replaces the date,
Run without slowing down your life.
You were a boy once,
Today he is an adult.

Half a century, brother, is wisdom
And the number is important in fate.
May your vigor not fade away,
May you always be lucky, everywhere.

I wish you the best, prosperity in everything,
Good health to move forward.
May your path in life be smooth,
I wish you a bright path!

You are 50 today, my dear brother,
Even though your head has turned grey, you are still a boy at heart.
And this is very good, growing old is not interesting,
But you need to live like you did at 25, so that your feelings are cramped!
This is what I wish for you with all my heart, dear.
Be healthy, happy and loved, I congratulate you!

They say that as people age, they relapse into childhood. So this is great! After all, childhood is the most carefree, joyful and cheerful time. Therefore, dear brother, on your 50th anniversary, I wish you to fall back into childhood, without knowing worries and troubles, to serenely enjoy life.

My dear brother,
At least you are no longer a boy.
Fifty is not yet a date,
In life, little has been taken yet.

Because I wish you a lot
No advance or deposit!
Every year is like a hundred years
He brought different victories.

Both in love and at work.
Drive only Toyota
Money purse full
And a spring blossoming branch.

There is only one person in this world,
With whom everyone is happy to make friends.
And in my life I’m always in a duet with him,
After all, this man is my brother.

I congratulate you on your anniversary
And I’ll say a lot of words, brother, from the heart.
Those fifty were wonderful, I know
But the next ones will be good too.

After all, that was only half
We spend so much time running around
Now you'll have a reason
Be calmer and happier than everyone!

Congratulations on the anniversary,
You must be very happy
Without sparing beautiful words:
“I have a wonderful brother!”

You know me perfectly well
Protected from all losses,
And today, can you imagine,
You are now fifty!

Let your eyes shine
As before, with kindness,
You, with us, everyone knows this,
You will be forever young!

Happy holiday today,
What more can I say?
Fifty - to my brother,
Fifty, not twenty-five!

Brother, you have become a respectable husband,
Neither add nor subtract.
What does this gentleman need?
Wish you on your birthday?

I wish you a lot of gold -
Happiness cannot be found in gold.
May you live a long and peaceful life -
There is no luck in it.

Maybe love is bad?
They might call him old.
Eh, I wish I could bring back the years, brother,
And again, like at twenty-five!

Happy anniversary, my beloved brother,
You are exactly fifty today.
Without exaggeration,
You didn’t live these fifty in vain!

I wish peace to your family,
So that there is always bread and salt on the table,
At work, to be appreciated
Everyone respected you and loved you!

I'm proud of you, brother, -
How much time has passed,
And you are such a naughty girl,
Like he was a long time ago.

The torso is pulled up, you press from the floor,
You make eyes at everyone.
Women sigh languidly -
After all, the groom was taken into custody.

A reward for his wife,
It’s a joy for our family’s children.
We love, we appreciate, we value
And we repeat tirelessly:

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Always be one step wiser
Let happiness come to your home,
Let a miracle happen.

Dear brother, happy anniversary to you
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you health - Siberian only
And you won’t encounter troubles along the way - well, not at all.

Always be: happy, like today, now,
And the mood of life so that it never fades away,
Exercise, jogging in the morning,
And plunge into a cold ice hole in winter.

Always in physical form to be,
About the age of “fifty dollars”, so that I forget forever,
After all, in your soul you are only “thirty”,
You are a romantic, dear brother!

Fifty isn't too much
You're still like a boy,
Everyone has more fun with you,
Let's celebrate your anniversary!
May you always live in abundance,
May things be in order.
So that fate only smiles,
Everyone admired you.
Live another half a century,
Such a good person!

Dear dear brother,
You are still very young
And 50 is not enough.
Pour and drink with me brother.

And in these modest fifty,
What can I wish for, my brother?
Of course happiness and goodness,
Love, family warmth.

So that you don’t know grief in life,
And as he poured, he drank to the bottom.
Little brother is not a hint to you,
I give this congratulations.

Brave, my beloved brother,
The holiday flies on wings,
So you're 50
Salutes of fireworks thunder.

So much love and warmth
Give to friends and family.
I would follow you
It wouldn't be scary with something like that.

Let it always be in your life
There will be luck, success.
If you're nearby then
Everyone will have happiness!

50 years is a serious anniversary,
A very important life milestone.
My dear brother, today you
I want to read your wishes.

Be always successful and lucky,
Catch the bird of happiness by the tail.
Let them avoid bad weather,
Let your life turn into paradise!

To my brother
I want to say: hello!
Congratulations on a powerful date:
Fifty (I don’t believe it) years!

I look at you and cry:
Outwardly young and lean;
Your life will be longer
If there is a fire in the soul of love.

I wish you, brother,
Sparks of mischief in the eyes,
So that you fly with happiness
Everyday in the sky.

Beloved brother - hero of the day,
Turned fifty
May good luck and warmth
Your life will be filled!

You are vigorous and young
Despite the years
They will bypass
May you be in adversity.