Test what will I get for my birthday. How to find out what your parents will give you for Christmas. Focus on your deepest desires and dreams

In order to find out what makes you unique, you will need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. If you were born on September 15, 1981 = 1+5+0+9+1+9+8+1 = 34 = 3+4 = 7. In the example given, the gift number is seven.

After you calculate the numerological number of your gift, all you have to do is interpret its meaning.

1 - one gives you the gift of ambition and perseverance. These qualities are given to you from birth, and if you do not develop them, then only failures will haunt you throughout life. Use your gift to achieve career heights or family happiness. Set goals for yourself and work hard to achieve them. This is what will help you realize all your dreams and plans. Your strength is that you can fight and win.

2 - You have been given wisdom. You have a unique ability to gain knowledge and experience from a young age. You have your own principles that help you in life. Your wisdom lies in the fact that you never allow yourself to rest on your laurels. You like to explore the world and yourself. You are in search of truth and it gives you pleasure. Use your gift well: listen to what your heart tells you and go where you want to go.

3 — your gift is originality. You are not like other people, this is what makes you strong. You feed on the joy of doing things differently from other people and living differently from everyone else. You are the original. According to number numerology, your gift is to constantly search for something new. You strive to make your life the brightest and most interesting. This helps you stand out from the crowd. Use your gift correctly: do not be afraid of your uniqueness, appreciate and cherish it, then it will open up many opportunities for you.

4 - your gift is patience. You have perhaps the rarest gift. You are patient and this helps you move on. However, this gift can lead you in the wrong direction. Never use your patience to your detriment. If your gift brings you only suffering, then you should not follow its lead. Use it exclusively for personal and even selfish purposes. Be patient when your future fate depends on it.

5 - your gift is steadfastness. You are a very resilient person by nature. No matter what, you go ahead and achieve your goal. But sometimes your persistence prevents you from objectively assessing the situation. Use your gift correctly - be unwavering when you know exactly what you want.

6 - your gift is knowledge. You can skillfully manage any information received to your advantage. Everything that you heard, read, or saw somewhere is deposited in your memory for a long time and comes out at the right moment.

7 - your gift is harmony. You are called to maintain peace within yourself and the world around you. You can easily help a person find himself and achieve inner harmony. It's easy to get along with you and be around you, and you should take advantage of this.

8 - your gift is compassion. You know how to sympathize and help people. The numerological number of your gift has awarded you the ability to calm, encourage, pity and look for a way out of their difficult situation. You need to be careful with such a gift, since the ability to sincerely compassion can make you dependent on people.

9 - Your gift is discretion. You are not used to taking risks, and always try to listen to your mind. It helps you achieve what you want in life. However, often your logic fails you. Use your gift only when you strongly doubt something.

We hope that with the help of birth date numerology you were able to find out about your gift and will now use it in life. We wish you good luck and don't forget to click on the buttons I like and cool!

13.04.2014 13:23

What are numbers? Is this just quantity information? Not really. Numbers are a kind of...

Perhaps everyone loves to receive gifts. But acquaintances and even relatives do not always give us gifts, as they say, from the bottom of their hearts. In addition, if a thing is near a person for some time, then it seems to take over his energy and is “charged” with his emotions, experiences, feelings, as well as good luck or bad luck, a tendency towards wealth or lack of money, health or illness.

If a new owner appears for a thing, then he runs the risk of adopting with it either other people’s problems and troubles, or joy and happiness. Moreover, the transfer of such a gift may have nothing to do with evil purposes; it happens against the will of the owner.

How to find out if a gift is damaged?

So that other people’s troubles do not pass on to you along with the gifted item, we offer several proven methods, using which you will protect yourself and your loved ones from various kinds of negative programs.

If you don’t immediately like the gift as a gift and you distrust it, then it is advisable to take it to church, where you can attend the service and pray to the Lord. If the item is large, invite a priest to perform a special ceremony on it. If after this the situation has not changed, then you need to get rid of the gift.

You can also check the item for the presence of negativity using a church candle. Slowly, at a distance of 10 cm, move a lighted candle around the object of interest; if it begins to crackle or smoke, then there is a negative on the item.

How to remove damage from a gift?

If, after receiving a gift, you notice that many problems have appeared in your life (illness, bad luck, quarrels, conflicts), then try to do this. Immerse the donated item (you can first wrap it in cellophane) in holy water for three days. If this is not possible, then sprinkle the suspicious gift with holy water three times a day (at sunrise and sunset, as well as at noon) for seven days.

On the eighth day, check the energy of the item. At a distance of about 1 meter, move your palm from top to bottom along the gifted item. If the hand drops without any delay, you need to get rid of the object. If, at least for a split second, the palm changes the speed of its movement, then the gift is considered cleansed and can be used for its intended purpose.

If the gift is related to real estate, then before taking final possession of the house or apartment, you need to consecrate the home or carry out the “cleaning” yourself. You can also invite an experienced practicing psychic for these purposes.

Salt will help clean your apartment from spoilage. You will need:

  • pan;
  • a glass of salt;
  • needles (their number should correspond to the number of household members).

Place the frying pan on low heat, pour salt and needles into it, stir slowly clockwise. When the salt begins to crackle and darken, take the frying pan in your hands and walk around all the rooms in the house with it, lingering in those places where you or your household spend the most time. During this, read the Lord's Prayer.

Then, returning to the kitchen and putting the frying pan on the fire, begin stirring its contents crosswise, while saying:

“Where it came from, that’s where it went. Whoever wished us harm took it for himself.”

After the ritual, throw the contents of the frying pan into the toilet and wash the frying pan well. It is advisable to sprinkle it with holy water.

Choosing a New Year's gift for friends and family is no less difficult than choosing birthday gifts. With the help of psychologists, we have learned several universal ways that will help you understand, without intrusive questions, what a person wants to get for the holiday.

Focus on your deepest desires and dreams

Your task is to find out what real or unrealistic your friends and family would like to receive, and try to fulfill it next year.

Let's play Sherlock Holmes

A good option is to find out the desires of closer people. Talk to parents, friends. After all, a person can discuss one thing with you, but with parents and friends something completely different. It is possible that they will reveal his secret dreams. You can also explore social media. It is possible that his desires may be hidden under the statuses and reposts.

Carefully inspect his/her belongings. Maybe you recently lost your gloves, or your wallet is already old and worn out. Here's another gift idea.

Discuss other people's gifts

Discuss other people's gifts unobtrusively. You can even make them up. For example, “dear, my colleague is going to give her husband a smartphone (or come up with some kind of gadget) for New Year, but she’s not sure that she’ll like it. Do you think he’ll appreciate it?” And then just have time to remember the names, characteristics and other nuances,” advises psychologist Anastasia Belyaeva.

Walk to the shops

You can go shopping with him or her. Even if you go on the eve of a holiday, it’s okay. The main thing is to behave unobtrusively, casually and calmly. If you think that you might like something, show it, ask his opinion about it. “Look, what a great phone case!”, “Wow! Handmade soap! Isn’t it beautiful?” and so on.

It is important to look at the person’s reaction here. Out of politeness, he may agree with the uniqueness of the case, but he won’t stop talking about something significant that really interested him after leaving the store.

Irina Makarycheva,

Head of the Institute of Practical Psychology:

The best thing is to communicate with your husband/wife all year and remember his hobbies and interests. Then he will be more pleased with both the gift and the attention, which is constant and does not depend on the holiday situation. If you “sang all summer,” then, of course, it will be more difficult. You can just ask directly. But here the effect of surprise and the most valuable thing for us - care - disappears. Instead of a gift, you can come up with a way to spend time together. And buy gifts together for each other directly during the New Year holidays.

Memories are a win-win!

Think and study the archive of your memories. After all, giving memories is priceless!

Remember the places where it was fun, remember what this person loves, what makes him happier.

This is practically a win-win option, which will also make you and the person even closer.

You can make an option with a calendar and a list of memorable dates when events that were particularly important to you occurred.

Or you can, knowing what your friend once dreamed of long ago, buy him this and remind him of his childhood.

A photo album would also be an appropriate gift. The main thing is that it is not empty! Fill it with warm words and kind photographs.

Tatiana Kalinkina,

family psychologist:

You need to watch the person. Focus on what he does, what his hobbies and preferences are. You can unobtrusively ask about his dreams and plans. Ask: “What were your favorite gifts that you received for the New Year that you remember?” Or, for example, ask the question: “What objects and things do you associate with the New Year? What do you need to feel happy for the New Year?
  • Think about whether you really can't wait to find a gift. You'll only end up ruining the surprise and disappointment on Christmas morning, especially when the whole family is staring at you, begging you to tell them why!
  • Ask your mom for permission to take gum from her purse. If she allows it, treat yourself to some chewing gum and at the same time look for store receipts: they will help you find out whether the gift was purchased and how much was paid for it.
  • Be alert to the “leading questions” that parents typically ask in December. For example, they might ask about certain things or games: "Josh, have you ever played Final Fantasy?", "Mary, have you read the recent issues of gaming magazines or Game Guide?", "Anyone Do any of your friends have a PS3?”, “Do you like hats?”, “Your winter jacket seems to be quite worn out, don’t you think?” To straighten things out in your favor, you need to give definite and precise answers: “No, my winter jacket will be fine for at least another 2 years, but I wouldn’t refuse a camera for a class excursion next month.”
  • Sometimes parents move gifts around or put different gifts in different places. If you find a gift, and then it is not in its original place, take this as a signal: the parents may suspect something or are simply “cunning.”
  • If you don't want to go to the trouble of re-wrapping the gift, cut the tape and peel back the gift paper on one side only, then release the gift from the rest of the paper by pulling it out. When you're finished looking at the gift, carefully pull the wrapper over the box and seal the cut with tape. Not that hard, and not that easy to notice.
  • You shouldn't be hunting for a gift on Christmas morning at 7 o'clock, it's best to do it between (3:00~5:00) otherwise you will most likely get caught.
  • Don't be upset or cry if you see a gift and it's not what you wanted. Remember that parents may be hiding a gift in a larger box, and what you find is not a real gift at all, but just a box with something unnecessary inside!
  • Parents don't like to ask you directly about your preferences, so it can be helpful to role-play a gift conversation with a friend or family member while the potential gift-giver is in the room.
  • Only open one side of the package to see what the box underneath looks like. If it's just cardboard, then leave the gift alone or open another one!
  • When asking for something or making a gift list, be sure to be as specific as possible. Include in the description the name of the company or company, color - any clarifying information. For example, if you want a computer, describe specific details so parents can choose from them. Make it easy for them!
  • Take your parents to the store and Show them what you would like to receive for Christmas. Then, when they are not at home, feel the gifts under the tree: maybe you will get what you wanted, since you were so thoughtful in announcing the desired gift and showing the place where you can buy it.
  • Check to see if the browser history on your computer has been recently deleted.
  • Sometimes parents wrap only the gift itself in paper, and not what comes with it. For example, if they bought a computer, then the gift paper will only contain the computer itself, and not the mouse for it.
  • It is best to go gift hunting 1-2 weeks before Christmas, but this number may change due to your parents' delay in purchasing a gift.
  • View your browser history on your computer!
  • Try to determine the size of the gift you want. If you know it by the time the gifts appear under the tree, then sneak them into your room and compare gift bags with the right size. (Note: If you write down the right size at the very beginning, the task will become much easier.) (Note: If at Christmas your parents prank you by putting one gift inside another or saying that they didn’t have time to buy it, then just wait until Christmas Trust me, it's not worth getting caught red-handed. Parents may decide to take the gift altogether, so be careful! Make sure you're home alone before you start looking.)
  • An easy way to get your parents to buy you what you want is to ask for an inexpensive and accessible item. If you ask for something with a catchy name as a gift that costs less than 700 rubles, you are almost guaranteed to get it. Some people make the mistake of asking for a lot of things that cost 1000/1500/2000 thousand and above, which are also not so easy to find. If the item can't be purchased on Amazon.com, Wal-Mart, or your local mall, you almost certainly won't get it.
  • A good way to find gifts is to take photographs of all the suitable storage areas in the house, and then slowly look through them from the safety of your room. To do this, you can use your parents' phones, your camera, or another suitable device. You can find your potential gifts in these photos. (Hey, what's that new lamp in the closet?)
  • You can try to follow your parents everywhere, but to do this you will have to show miracles of cunning. Before they leave for work, make them go to the bathroom to get something while you go through their bags (they might be wrapping a gift at work). Also, if parents lock themselves in the room, tell them they forgot tape or something. While they are taking the desired item, hide in the room and peek at what they are packing.
  • If the gift you find isn't to your liking, it might be for your brother or sister.
  • Spend some time thinking about what gifts you can give to your parents.
  • Go to a mall your parents may have visited and ask to see a list of their recent purchases. (Note: This method only works if the parents pay with a debit/credit card, but even then you'll need their passport to get the information, meaning this only really works if you're in high school and can ask mom/dad/guardian identification details!)
  • If you have difficulty opening a gift, please see the following article