What meat is best digested by humans? A pressing question in nutrition theory: how is meat beneficial, what dangers does it hide? Which meat is healthier? So what type of meat is the healthiest?

Meat is an important ingredient in proper nutrition. It contains fats and proteins that help form muscle tissue. It is very difficult to choose the best, because each of them is useful. You need to know when to use which type of product. In this article we will analyze in detail which meat is the healthiest, its beneficial properties, the amount of fat and beneficial nutrients.

What is the value of meat

A lot of useful things are found in berries, fruits and vegetables. They keep all body systems in balance. But meat is not inferior to plant products in this parameter. It also contains minerals, vitamins, fats and protein.

Red meat contains vitamins such as zinc, iron and vitamin B different types. But unlike plant foods, the vitamins of these products are absorbed into the blood much more easily and easily. One minus is that their quantity is less than in vegetables. Beef contains more iron and zinc than pork: Fe - 2.1/1 mg per 100 grams of product, Zn - 4 mg/100 g.

Ruminant meat helps the body produce vitamin D

The body definitely needs a substance such as selenium. It is needed to maintain proper levels of acidity, immunity, and thyroid function. Thanks to it, the likelihood of developing cancer tumors is reduced. This microelement is found most in pork - 4 mg per 100 grams of meat.

Poultry fillet is not inferior in nutrients to animals. It contains B6, phosphorus, niacin, selenium and several types of minerals.

As you can see, meat provides no less nutrients than plant products, and if you are taking care of your figure, you don’t need to give it up. Lack of certain elements can lead to a serious malfunction in the body. You just need to take it in food in measured doses, then the product will be easily digestible and bring health benefits.

Vitamin D prevents the development of rickets, lowers cholesterol levels

Protein in meat

Protein is the most important element obtained from food. It helps build the muscle frame, produce enzymes, antibodies and hormones, promotes cell division and restoration. Everyone needs it: children, women, men, old people. Moreover, pregnant women need to eat meat for the proper development of the fetus.

The highest percentage of protein is found in beef and pork - 20 mg/100 grams. Chicken fillet contains daily norm this element. At the same time, chicken contains less fat and cholesterol.


Not all fats contained in animal meat are equally healthy. Scientists divide them into three types: polyunsaturated, monounsaturated, saturated. Consumption of the latter is extremely important for people observing proper nutrition. They are easily digestible, prevent inflammation, reduce acidity and take longer to break down than other types.

Monounsaturated fats are also beneficial for humans. They are just a little harder to digest and are not as stable as saturated ones.

The last type of fat is necessary for humans, but it can also be harmful to health. Excessive consumption leads to serious diseases. They are not at all stable, difficult to digest, and a large amount of them can cause serious illnesses and inflammatory processes.

You need to choose meat not only according to the ratio of these types of fats, but their quantity per 100 grams

Each type contains all three types of fats. But one product contains more of them, and another contains less. This must be taken into account when planning a diet.

At first glance, it is better to choose meat with less fat. But that's not true. The healthiest meat is the one that contains fewer polyunsaturated components. There will be a lot of fat in such meat, but it will be quickly absorbed without leaving any harm.

In this sense, beef is much safer than other types. But here the ratio also depends on the animal’s food. If there are many harmful components in it, then the product itself will turn out to be dangerous.

There is also more Omega vitamin in beef than in other types of meat. Moreover, its ratio is 1:4, in pork and chicken meat it is 1:10, and in lamb it is 2:5. When frozen, this indicator is very clearly visible. Chicken fat will be like jelly, animal fat will be a solid mass.

Daily intake of Omega-6, Omega-3 should be strictly dosed

Types of meat

General indicators are good. But it’s worth knowing which meat is healthy and under what circumstances. Next, we will examine each type in more detail.


The most commonly purchased items are turkey or chicken. These types of meat are cheap, tasty, and easy to prepare. Dark fillets contain less fat, cholesterol and calories. Usually these are the thigh and legs. In breast and wings, that is, white meat, this fat indicator is much lower.

Poultry fillet should be consumed in any form. Each type has disadvantages and advantages. Dark contains less healthy fats, but more vitamins (iron and subgroup B).

The skin is usually removed from poultry meat during cooking.

It is mainly bought by athletes, since turkey meat contains large number squirrel. Fillet is the part of the body that contains the smallest percentage of fat. The calorie content of this product is extremely low, but it has a lot of useful elements and vitamins.

Per 100 grams of product (loin):

  • proteins - 19.7 mg;
  • fats - 0.7;
  • carbohydrates - 0 mg;
  • calorie content - 84.

Turkey meat is useful for:

  • boosting immunity;
  • restoration of the metabolic process;
  • those who have problems sleeping;
  • those who have problems with the central nervous system.

Pregnant women can also buy turkey. This will be an excellent replacement for pork, which is high in fat.

Turkey is considered a dietary meat

Chicken, like turkey, contains many amino acids and is quickly digested. The lowest fat part is the fillet (breast). 100 grams of this product contains:

  • proteins - 23;
  • fat - 1.5;
  • carbohydrates - 0;
  • calorie content - 113.

By eating chicken fillet, you can:

  • normalize blood cholesterol levels;
  • strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system;
  • restore the functioning of the gastric tract;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • By consuming it every day, you can restore the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Chicken contains daily value of phosphorus


Beef is most often consumed by bodybuilders and professional athletes. It has a specialized protein that helps muscle fibers grow. You need to eat at least one serving of beef every day. Contains: protein, vitamins, minerals, creatine. The last element helps break down protein and affects the growth of body muscles.

In 100 gr. product includes:

  • fats – 12.4 mg;
  • proteins – 18.9 mg;
  • carbohydrates – 0.

Total calorie content – ​​187.

With its help in the body you can:

  • increase testosterone levels;
  • normalize the metabolism of fat components;
  • make ligaments, joints, muscles, bones, cartilage strong;
  • reduce " excess water"in the body;
  • normalize the functioning of the heart, liver, blood clotting.

Beef is highly valued by nutritionists

Not all beef is equally healthy. When choosing it, you need to consider:

  • Marbling. This kind of meat is the most expensive, it is rarely bought outside the diet, it is a delicacy. It has more saturated fat, is tasty and healthy.
  • Tenderloin. Pieces of meat are cut from the animal's body. The main places are the upper and back of the thigh. The more visible fat streaks, the better.
  • Ground meat. It should be light, then there will be a lot of fat in it. True, it must be distinguished from expired.


Nutritionists classify pork as red, although it is not red in color. It is better to eat thighs and tenderloin. Many people think that lean pork has little fat. This is true, but it contains a large amount of fatty components - B 12, B 6, phosphorus, thiamine, niacin.

Dieters are afraid to eat bacon. And in vain. Most of the fat is in the center, making it easy to cut out. The rest contains only 70 calories and no more than 5 grams of fat.

Pork has the highest amount of fat. But there are also a lot of vitamins, microelements, amino acids. They buy it less often than chicken or turkey, but more often than white meat. In addition, it is easy to prepare, quickly digested and has a mild taste.

For 100 grams of pork meat there is:

  • 16.4 mg protein;
  • 27.8 mg fat;
  • 0 carbs.

Total calorie content - 315 Kcal.

Pork is not a dietary product

Pork meat has the following properties:

  • increases hemoglobin;
  • restores kidney function;
  • restores and improves recovery breast milk after feeding;
  • acts as a sedative;
  • restores heart function.

Pork meat should be consumed not only by athletes, but also by people suffering from anorexia. It will restore metabolic processes and help absorb food. In addition, it is tasty and will not cause disgust (which often happens to anorexics).


Lamb, in terms of its beneficial properties and amount of fat, is in the middle between rabbit and beef. Everyone eats lamb meat dishes, not just athletes.

100 grams includes:

  • fats 15.3;
  • proteins 16.3;
  • carbohydrates 0.

Calorie content - 202.

Lamb is tasty and healthy

Lamb meat contributes to:

  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • improving the functioning of the cardiac system, thyroid and pancreas;
  • increasing hemoglobin levels;
  • improvement of cognitive functions;
  • strengthening the skeletal system.


Rabbit meat is no less healthy than beef or pork. It has moderate amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fats and is easily digestible. It contains: amino acids, fats, minerals and vitamins. There is 21 mg of protein per 100 grams of product, 8 mg of fat, and no carbohydrates at all. Total calorie content - 158.

Rabbit meat is useful not only for its vitamins. It very well helps the body strengthen the immune system, reduces cholesterol and sugar, and restores metabolism. It can also help reduce blood pressure and improve the condition of nails, hair, and skin.

Eating rabbit meat prevents heart disease

Having considered all the beneficial properties various types meat, it becomes clear that it is impossible to completely abandon it. It is better to exclude certain types and stick to a certain diet. In this case, your body will receive all the necessary substances and elements.

Ginger tea: Beneficial properties and method of preparation Nutritionist Galina Nezgovorova spoke to the program “Breakfast with TV” about the benefits of eating meat and what its daily norm is for the human body.

For Ukrainians, meat is an integral element of the daily diet. Usually, lovers of this product do not think about which one is healthier - red or white. However, nutritionists are confident that there is a difference between types of meat, and that its proper consumption can have a positive effect on the entire functioning of the body.


  1. Meat is a unique source of protein.
  2. It is a source of B vitamins.

Meat contains a huge amount of microelements involved in metabolism, says Galina Nezgovorova.

  1. Ensures the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
  2. Contains iron, which is essential for hematopoiesis.

By the way, red meat has much more iron than white meat,” notes the nutritionist.


All meat is conventionally divided into white and red.

White meat includes poultry, as well as rabbit, fish and other seafood. Red meat - lamb, beef and pork. Duck, although a poultry meat, is also considered a red meat.

Nutritionists believe that red meat is less healthy than white meat. It's high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which contributes to weight gain and can also be bad for your heart. Eating red meat in unreasonable quantities can lead to cancer.

White meat, on the contrary, has almost no contraindications from doctors; it is ideal for those who are trying to lose weight, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and lead to healthy image life.

They recommend choosing rabbit meat for your daily diet, because it is better absorbed by our body than all types of meat, is low-fat and contains more protein and unsaturated fatty acids, which are vital for our body.

If you are on a diet, it is better to choose rabbit meat. No less caloric, contains much more protein, says the expert .

Of the red varieties, veal is considered the best; it is recommended for anyone on a diet, and even for small children. However, it is difficult to say unequivocally which meat is healthier - white or red. It all depends on exactly how much of it is in the diet and in what form it is consumed.


It is believed that the daily norm of meat should be 1 g per 1 kg of normal weight. That is, for an adult it is approximately 70 g of meat per day.

The daily allowance of meat should be the size of a palm, with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm, emphasizes Galina Nezgovorova.

It is better not to eat fried or smoked meat. It is healthier to eat it boiled, stewed or grilled.

It has been proven that it is advisable to limit processed meat in sausages, sausages and other smoked products or completely eliminate them from the diet. Because the consumption of these products, especially in excess, leads to a halving of life expectancy and a 4-fold increase in the development of cancer, warns the nutritionist.


It is better not to consume meat for people with diseases of the digestive system and kidneys, such as coronary disease or cardiovascular diseases.

Contrary to popular belief, meat products were, are and remain the basis of the daily diet for most people. Meat contains a number of essential amino acids, minerals and trace elements. And no other product, no matter how much vegetarians would like it, can fully replace meat.

However, among the variety of products, there are also types of meat that are most useful in their composition. We are sharing a selection of the 10 healthiest types of meat, which are distinguished by their taste qualities and composition.

Rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is considered dietary and is endowed with unique nutritional properties. It contains a large amount of protein and surpasses even chicken in this indicator. The human body absorbs such meat almost completely and quite quickly.

Rabbit meat has delicate flesh and a delicate taste, so it is suitable for those people who have digestive problems and chronic gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, rabbit meat helps normalize fat metabolism and quickly restore strength. And another huge advantage of rabbit meat is that it is hypoallergenic. Accordingly, it can be included in the diet of even very young children.

Horse meat

Horse meat is considered the most environmentally friendly meat. Due to the fact that horses are raised in clean conditions, their meat does not contain antibiotics or other harmful components. The protein contained in horse meat is ideally balanced in terms of amino acid composition. And in terms of vitamins and microelements, horse meat generally holds the record for the content of thiamine, riboflavin, copper, iron and magnesium. Like rabbit meat, horse meat does not cause allergic reactions and suitable for baby food.


Compared to other types of poultry, turkey contains much less fat and calories, but its protein composition is not inferior to any other type of meat. Turkey contains a huge amount of selenium and vitamin B, niacin and phosphorus. As for phosphorus, turkey surpasses even some types of fish in terms of the content of this element. Turkey meat is well absorbed by the body and at the same time satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time. And since turkey has a moderate cholesterol content, it is suitable for people suffering from obesity or atherosclerosis.


The meat of this bird is rarely included in the diet. You won’t find it on dinner tables and this is primarily due to its high cost. Meanwhile, quail meat is very good for health, especially for those who have problems with overweight. 100 g of quail meat contains only 230 kcal, a large amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the protein contained in quail is very quickly absorbed by the body.

There is an opinion that quail meat helps to recover more easily and quickly after a serious illness or blood loss. It has also been proven that due to the high content of magnesium, iron, potassium and copper, quail meat can have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, cardiovascular and immune systems.

Goat meat

Goat meat has a delicate texture, mild taste and minimal fat content. Due to its low calorie content, such meat can be eaten for medicinal or dietary nutrition. Goat meat contains a number of valuable components, from iron to powerful antioxidants. In addition, goat meat has low cholesterol, which makes it an indispensable product especially for older people. You can cook whatever your heart desires from goat meat: dishes from it turn out tasty, healthy and original.

Ostrich meat

Ostrich is considered one of the leanest types of meat. It tastes slightly like beef, but has a sweeter taste. This meat is useful for people suffering from anemia and diabetes, as well as those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. Ostrich meat contains a lot of protein and unique composition amino acids. Apparently, it is not for nothing that in Europe and Asia ostrich meat is classified as a meat product of the highest category. There is definitely something special about him.


Many people are accustomed to considering lamb as a very fatty type of meat. Of course, there is fat in lamb, but its amount is much less than in pork. At the same time, lamb contains an impressive amount of lecithin, which is responsible for normalizing cholesterol levels.

But there is something in this useful product and a certain disadvantage. Lamb bones contain substances that contribute to the development of arthritis. Therefore, it is better for older people to avoid such meat products. In addition, the meat of an adult sheep usually contains lipids, which affect the health of blood vessels and the heart. Therefore, such meat cannot be eaten without a rich side dish, and all the fat that was rendered during the cooking process should not be used for food either.


Pork's reputation as an unhealthy food has been greatly exaggerated. It turns out that the most useful part of a pork carcass is the tenderloin. When properly prepared, pork tenderloin can be compared even to chicken in its nutritional value and benefits. The only exception to the rule is pork that has been raised in a factory using hormones. Such meat cannot be called healthy.

Meat is one of the most popular and sought after food sources for all humanity. In general, there are many different types of meat. Each type has its own unique taste and smell. Now I will try to tell you, and describe the positive properties of each type.

But before moving on to each type individually, I would like to say a few words in general terms about all types. As you know, meat is the best and most popular source of protein. Every athlete knows this, and therefore meat must be included in his diet. (vegetarians and special intolerances do not count).

Also, meat products are rich in various vitamins, macro and microelements. Another thing that is quite important is that in connective tissues meat products contains so-called collagen, which strengthens joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bones (Very important point for any person, and especially for athletes).

Below you can see TOP – 11 types of the most common sources of meat, and choose the best and most healthy ones based on composition and properties.

What meat is the healthiest for humans?

Chicken is the most common type of protein food among athletes. And this is not surprising, since chicken meat itself is tender, not fatty, has a balanced amino acid composition and is very well digestible.

The leanest part of the chicken is the breast (fillet). As a rule, it is chicken fillet that is chosen by sports fans.

For 100g fillet:

Useful properties:

  • Helps normalize cholesterol levels
  • strengthens the immune system
  • strengthens the heart
  • excellent source of phosphorus
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach
  • improves blood circulation

Like chicken, turkey is good source protein for athletes. The least fatty part is the fillet. Contains a large number of macro and microelements. Turkey can rightfully be called a dietary food product, since it contains many useful substances with very low calorie content.

For 100g fillet:

Useful properties:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • recommended for pregnant women due to its high folic acid content
  • helps you fall asleep quickly
  • improves sleep quality
  • has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system

Rabbit is one of the best views animal meat. It contains a complete amino acid composition, which is very important for the human body. It also contains healthy fatty acids, many vitamins and minerals. Rabbit meat is very easy to digest.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • reduces the risk of heart disease
  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body
  • removes waste and toxins from the body
  • helps strengthen the immune system
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels
  • lowers sugar levels
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • improves the condition of skin, hair and nails

In bodybuilding, beef is considered an essential source of protein. It is advisable for all athletes to eat at least one serving of this meat daily. Beef contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and creatine (helps increase muscle mass and strength). It can also increase the production of your own testosterone.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • increases testosterone levels
  • normalizes fat metabolism
  • strengthens the immune system
  • has an anti-catabolic effect
  • improves the strength of ligaments, joints, cartilage and bones
  • removes excess fluid from the body
  • supports heart function
  • normalizes liver function

Lamb is not a bad source of meat. It contains a sufficient amount of vital vitamins, micro and macroelements. It is digestible no worse than beef.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • helps strengthen teeth and protects them from caries
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas
  • has an anti-sclerotic effect
  • improves the condition of blood vessels
  • supports heart function
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • has a positive effect on the level of hemoglobin in the blood

Pork is a very popular source of meat. Most people choose pork because it has a pleasant taste and is easy to prepare. (many dishes contain this product). However, it cannot be called dietary meat, since it contains a large amount of fat. Pork is rich in vitamins (especially group B), and also contains a balanced complex of all essential minerals.

Per 100g of product (part of medium fat content):

Useful properties:

  • helps increase hemoglobin in the blood
  • has a positive effect on the kidneys
  • substances from pig feet take part in the formation of breast milk (for nursing mothers)
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system
  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • natural antidepressant

Veal is considered a very good source of meat, which has a positive effect on the human body. It contains a balanced amino acid composition, many vitamins and minerals. It is much easier for our body to process veal than beef, due to the more tender (young) meat and low content of connective fibers. Also, it has a very good taste, despite its low fat content.

Per 100g of product (fattest part):

Useful properties:

  • heals the skin
  • improves blood clotting
  • has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • accelerates the healing of wounds, burns, injuries

Meat Duck is one of the most healthy and nutritious. It is an excellent source of vitamin B and has good composition macro and microelements. There is an opinion that duck meat can enhance potency. Since duck contains a large amount of fat, it cannot be called a dietary product.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • cleanses the body of carcinogens
  • normalizes metabolism
  • has an antiatherogenic effect
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system

Meat Goose is similar in BZHU to duck meat. Like duck, goose is a very fatty meat product. However, it contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much. Traditional medicine believes that goose meat is very useful for older people, as it is a general tonic.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • takes part in the processes of liberation of the body from decay products
  • has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis
  • stimulates bile production
  • has a positive effect on the digestion process

Meat Nutria is considered very useful. Nutria is recommended for use by people with various diseases. (diseases: gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, diabetes, etc.). Nutria fat contains linolenic acid, which has a positive effect on the human body. (at the same time, it cannot be produced independently). In addition, nutria meat contains a large amount of vitamins, minerals and has a rich amino acid composition.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • has a positive effect on the general condition of the body
  • lowers bad cholesterol levels
  • has a positive effect on the central nervous system
  • has a positive effect on the digestive process

Quail is a unique small bird that contains a large amount of protein (100g of meat contains as much as 39g of protein). In addition, it contains many minerals and vitamins (special group B). With all this, this type meat cannot be called dietary, as it contains a lot of fat. Also, quail meat is very often used in medical nutrition.

Per 100g of product:

Useful properties:

  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • has a positive effect on the kidneys and liver
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system
  • helps increase hemoglobin levels
  • has an antianemic effect
  • helps improve mental performance
  • help improve blood microcirculation in blood vessels
  • prevents rickets

11 sources of meat products have been brought to your attention, and now you know what meat is the healthiest for humans. Read the positive properties of each type of meat and choose your source of animal protein. To get the maximum benefit, alternate between different sources of meat.


The winter meat-eating season begins: until February 24, the beginning of Maslenitsa, you can eat any type of meat, fry it, bake it, make pates and salads. With breaks for fasting days, of course.

Meat is one of the most important products in the diet of the vast majority of people. It fills you up the fastest, contains many vitamins and minerals, and a large amount of protein, which is essential for our body.
But each type of meat has its own characteristics, beneficial properties and contraindications. AiF.ru figured out which meat is most useful, what effect it has on the body and what contraindications exist. Today we are considering only types of mammalian meat. We'll talk about poultry next week.

As for contraindications, the recommendations here mainly apply to any type of meat - and first of all: do not abuse it. The older a person gets, the less meat he needs, the more he needs to limit himself. It is most beneficial to bake or steam meat. But frying in oil is not recommended, otherwise carcinogens will form. You also need to choose meat from animals that are as young as possible, as they contain less harmful fats.

So, what kind of meat is the healthiest? In fact, useful qualities Every type of meat has it, but the meat of young rabbits is most valued.

Rabbit meat

It is considered the most dietary meat, and is also a champion in protein content - as much as 21%. In this indicator, rabbit surpasses even chicken, the most famous dietary meat. In addition, rabbit meat is 90 percent digestible by humans, while beef is only 60 percent. Rabbit has more fat than chicken, but it has very little cholesterol and a lot of healthy Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
There are more vitamins and minerals in rabbit meat than in other types of meat. There are vitamins B6, B12, PP, a lot of iron, phosphorus and cobalt, in sufficient quantities there is manganese, fluorine and potassium.

A huge advantage of rabbit meat is its hypoallergenicity. Therefore, rabbit meat is recommended for very young children.

Horse meat

One of the advantages of horse meat is that it is the most environmentally friendly meat. Horses are raised in clean steppes, in the wild, and not in a dirty stall, injected with antibiotics, like cows and pigs. The protein contained in horse meat is ideally balanced in amino acid composition. This meat lowers cholesterol in the blood, regulates metabolism, and neutralizes the effects of radiation. It contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements that are very necessary for our body: potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, amino acids, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins B, A, PP, E. In addition, horse meat is not allergenic and is completely can be used for baby food. It is not surprising that this meat is so loved by nomads: horse meat easily replaces a varied diet with many vegetables, fruits and cereals, such as that of sedentary peoples engaged in gardening and cultivating cereals.


Like the meat of other wild animals, venison is quite tough meat that needs to be soaked for a long time. It's not that easy to cook. But deer eat moss - a useful moss that has antibiotic and other medicinal properties. Thanks to this diet, deer meat itself acquires medicinal properties and is considered extremely useful.

The most popular meat in the whole world. It contains all the necessary to the human body amino acids. This meat is an unsurpassed source of nutrients. 200 g of meat can replace a liter of milk. The benefit of beef is that it neutralizes hydrochloric acid, digestive enzymes and other irritants contained in gastric juice, thereby helping to normalize acidity in the stomach and intestines. This meat contains quite a lot of minerals, primarily zinc and iron, for which beef is highly valued. This meat also contains a lot of vitamins - especially group B, as well as E, H and PP.

The beef itself is not harmful unless you eat too much of it. The danger of this meat is that cows can be raised in environmentally polluted places, fed with compound feed and injected with antibiotics. “Mass” meat, mass animals, mass breeding - alas.


This is a low cholesterol champion. Of course, there is fat in lamb, but it is much less than in pork, and it is absorbed much better. In addition, lamb contains lecithin, which normalizes cholesterol metabolism in the body. That is why lamb is included in various diets.

Lamb fat is often used to prevent and treat colds.
Lamb is also valuable for its vitamin and mineral composition, it contains potassium, magnesium, iodine and iron, and the meat is also rich in B vitamins.

On the other hand, lamb is quite difficult to digest, so people with gastrointestinal diseases should avoid eating it.


Pork is often criticized for its fat content and is therefore considered not a very healthy meat. However, she has sufficient beneficial properties. It contains almost all B vitamins in very large quantities, which are not typical for meat. Pork is digested somewhat less well than other types of meat, but it contains a lot of nutrients and minerals.