"Easter joy" presentation on technology. Presentation on the topic "Easter egg" As a result of the project

Municipal educational institution

Interschool educational center of the Kirov district of Volgograd


"Easter Joy"


Teacher technologies of the highest category Pisareva Natalya Mikhailovna,


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April is ringing: Christ is risen!

The church bells are ringing!

And a ray of goodness slides from heaven,

The doves are cooing happily!

Let spring bloom with the sun,

May the EASTER holiday be bright!

Let there be bread and good life,

May the year for seedlings be generous!


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There are many holidays that Russians like to celebrate. But one of the main ones is the spring holiday - Easter.


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Make and decorate

Easter Egg

  • Make and decorate Easter Egg


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explore the history and traditions of Easter;

justify the choice of technology

decorating an Easter egg;

make an Easter egg using quilling technology.


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From the history…

In the worldview of ancient peoples, long before the birth of Christ, the egg symbolized the Universe. Ancient philosophers depicted the origin of the world with the image of an egg. Plutarch exalted the egg, considering it the creator of all nature. In Christianity, the egg acquired new symbolic meanings.


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The red egg is a symbol of resurrection, a symbol of Easter. How did it come from an egg? new life, so the world was born again through the Resurrection of Christ. The red color signifies the joy of the resurrection and rebirth of the human race, but it is also the color of the blood of Christ shed on the cross, which redeemed the sins of the world.


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Eggs painted in any way were called “painted eggs”, and those painted with patterns were called “pysanka”.


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Justification of the project topic

Many crafts made in workshops, even those with simple designs, can be solved in different ways and each product can become original. New option The product must be technologically, functionally and aesthetically justified.

  • The egg is intended for a gift
  • Original
  • Quite easy to make
  • Inexpensive
  • Durable
  • Made from environmentally friendly materials


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Select a workpiece taking into account processing allowances

Graphic image

Mark the centers at the ends and drill them to a depth of 8 mm

Tools, devices

Mark, plan the ribs

Workbench, ruler, pencil, square, hacksaw, miter box

Workbench, ruler, pencil, square, drill, drill

Workbench, surface planer, planer


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Sequence of work

Graphic image

Make a cut at the end of the trident blank

Tools, devices

Secure the workpiece and install the tool rest

Workbench, hacksaw

Grind the workpiece using the egg template. Rough turning

Lathe, mallet, wrench

Lathe, semicircular chisel, ruler, template


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Sequence of work

Graphic image

Grind the workpiece using the egg template. Finish turning

Sand the surface of the workpiece

Tools, devices

Lathe, oblique chisel, calipers, template

Remove the workpiece, saw off the allowances

Lathe, sanding paper

Workbench, hacksaw, miter box


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Sequence of work

Sand the edges

Graphic image

Tools, devices

Preparing the workpiece for painting, gouache

Workbench, sanding block

Decoration of the finished product FIMO, quilling

Gouache, brush

PVA glue


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History of "quilling"

Quilling, paper rolling, paper filigree - the art of rolling long and narrow stripes paper into spirals, modify their shape and compose three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.


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Decorating a product using the quilling technique

Tools and accessories

Profession group:

living conditions

Profession department: automated

Profession class:


Profession type:

man - sign system


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Decorating a product using the quilling technique

Quilling technique


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Economic assessment of the project

The real cost of this souvenir is difficult to estimate,

after all, any thing made with your own hands is dear to the heart and perhaps no material values ​​​​can replace the feeling that you experience while admiring the results of your work.


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Environmental assessment of the project

The egg body is made

made of wood,

decorated using

quilling technique from colored


All listed materials are environmentally friendly.


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As a result of the project

« Souvenir

"Easter Joy"

I received an original and inexpensive egg, decorated using the quilling technique, which will be an excellent holiday gift Resurrection of Christ .


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Each egg has its own name

  • Krashenki - painted boiled eggs and ate them.
  • A method of coloring eggs using onion peels or modern dye.
  • Painted one color.
  • Slide 4


    The egg is painted one color. When it cools and dries, hot wax is dripped onto it (for example, using a burning candle). Now the egg is dipped into another dye; it should not be hot so that the wax does not melt. This procedure can be repeated again to obtain multi-colored spots. It is better to start painting with light colors. For example, yellow - orange - red. If the first drops of wax are applied to an unpainted egg, the spots will be white.
    The wax is then carefully scraped off. To remove wax residues, the egg is brought to the candle flame (from the side, but not from above, otherwise the egg will become smoky) and wiped with a napkin.
    The method is not complicated, and the eggs turn out fun! Eggs with large, sparse spots look interesting.

    1. We painted the egg yellow and applied drops of wax.
    2. They dipped it in orange paint and dripped it with wax.
    3. Painted red. All that remains is to remove the wax and rub the egg with sunflower oil.
    4. This is such a funny egg!
  • Slide 5


    • Pysanky are eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns. These are skillfully painted Easter eggs, real works of folk art.
    • To draw Easter eggs, elements of flora and fauna and geometric shapes are used.
    • The pysanka was not drawn or painted, but written on a raw chicken egg. These eggs were kept for a whole year as a talisman.
    • Such eggs, with the lines of their patterns, seem to remind us of the scourging of Christ. Therefore, it is necessary to paint and paint eggs on a special day during Holy Week (week) - Maundy Thursday or Good Friday.
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    Eggs – eggs are made from wood, porcelain, beads, clay, glass and so on. The most beautiful and expensive ones can rightfully be called the original Faberge Easter Eggs. Carl Faberge and his firm's jewelers created the first egg in 1885. It was ordered by Tsar Alexander III as an Easter surprise for his wife Maria Feodorovna. The Empress was fascinated by the gift. Eggs, like other types of Easter eggs, are made or bought to decorate the Easter table or as a gift to friends, relatives and friends.

    Slide 7

    ​How to blow out an egg

    You can blow out the contents of the egg using a straw. To do this, you need to make two holes (from both poles), you can also use a syringe. The inside must be thoroughly rinsed under the tap. After the procedure, the egg must be thoroughly dried. This empty pysanka will be stored for a long time.

  • Slide 8

    Stages of making an egg.

    • Cut out four pieces of fabric on the bias.
    • Apply glue to the surface of the egg, let it dry a little, Glue the fabric parts onto the egg.
    • Treat the joints of the parts with braid: spread the tape with glue and glue it to the joints.
  • Class: 1

    Target: making an Easter egg souvenir.


    1. Form national memory.
    2. Expand children's horizons.
    3. Foster respect for national holidays and traditions.
    4. Develop imagination, ingenuity, creative initiative, independence.


    • egg shell, colored egg;
    • fabric, glue, pencil, scissors, brush;
    • wreath with filigree eggs;
    • record player.

    During the classes

    I. Organizational moment.

    What holiday was celebrated last Sunday? (Palm Sunday.)

    How did people decorate their homes? (Volvers.)

    II. Updating knowledge.

    Guess the riddles:

    1. Who loves carrots
    And he jumps so deftly.
    Spoils the garden beds,
    Runs away without looking back. (Hare.)

    2. There was a white house,
    Wonderful house.
    And something knocked inside him,
    And he crashed, and from there
    A living miracle ran out -
    So warm
    Fluffy and golden. (Egg, chicken.)

    3. Tail with patterns,
    Boots with spurs.
    Sings songs
    Time is counting. (Rooster.)

    What do you think connects all these items? (Children's answers.)

    III. Introductory conversation.

    What holiday is coming up? (Easter.)

    Easter in Rus' was considered the holiday of all holidays. In spring, nature awakens from winter sleep and man rejoices at the renewal of life. That’s why this holiday was so loved by the people, that’s why the bells rang so joyfully and generously on Easter Sunday. We prepared for this holiday in advance. Each house was cleaned, cleaned, washed, and decorated with Easter wreaths with filigree eggs. The doors were decorated with a garland of bunnies, and the Easter wreath was decorated with bunnies. Bunnies can serve as egg warmers; chickens and roosters are welcome guests in every home at Easter.

    TO festive table housewives baked Easter cakes, prepared Easter cottage cheese and painted eggs.

    The custom of exchanging red eggs at Easter is a long-standing one. It was believed that the egg was a sign of life, and it was painted red because Christ gave us eternal life with his blood.

    There were two types of eggs: painted and pysanka.

    Krashenka- This is a colored boiled egg.

    Pysanka- This a raw egg, covered with multi-colored patterns-symbols.

    Only Slavic peoples made Easter eggs. It was believed that they held together and united family members, and that everything bad left the house. The colors also had their own symbolism.

    Red color– the color of joy, life.

    Yellow– dedicated to the sun.

    Green- symbolizes spring.

    Brown- soil fertility.

    What can you give your family as a gift for Easter? (Egg souvenir.)

    Now justify your choice. (A souvenir made from an egg can be stored for a long time. It can be decorated with applique. The symbol of Easter is preserved. Cheaper than a kinder surprise.)

    The goal is clear - to make a souvenir egg. And this can only be done at a souvenir factory. Let's call our factory "Souvenir". At our factory, the brigades (groups) have one task for today. Let's distribute responsibilities.

    Brigadier- Responsible for coordinated work.

    Lean Post– for economical use of materials.

    Control post- for careful manufacturing of the product.

    Sanitary post- for order in the workplace.

    What materials will we need? (Fabric, glue, scissors.)

    IV. Preparation of the workplace.

    Place the materials folder on the left.

    Guess the riddles:

    1. Magic wand
    I have it, friends!
    With this stick
    I can build
    Tower, house and plane
    And a huge ship! (Pencil.)

    Place it on the right.

    2. Two rings, two ends
    There are carnations in the middle. (Scissors.)

    Let us repeat the safety rules when working with scissors.

    1. Pass in rings.

    How should you handle the glue? (Glue with a brush, wash your hands after gluing.)

    V. Rules of the working man.

    Now let’s repeat the rules of the working man.

    1. Keep your place in order.
    2. Use materials economically.
    3. Did it yourself - help a friend.
    4. When you finish work, clean up your workplace.

    VI. Main part.

    Read the proverb:

    • “Work for the hands is a holiday for the soul.”

    Explain the meaning of the proverb. (Children's answers.)

    Yes, to make a product beautiful, you need to try.

    Today in the lesson each of you will be a designer. (Introduction to the word “design” from the explanatory dictionary.)

    We use design elements - artistic construction.

    What shapes can be used to make patterns on an egg? (Circles, flowers, hearts, butterflies.)

    What fabric colors can I use? (Red, blue, yellow, green, etc.)

    Color can make a thing cheerful, joyful or strict, solemn.

    Think about how you would like your souvenir to look and get to work.

    VI. Independent work to calm music.

    VII. Lesson summary. Protection in brigades.

    “5” – beautiful, cheap, do-it-yourself, neat, beautiful design.

    “4” – beautiful, cheap, made by hand, not entirely neat.

    “3” – ugly or sloppy.

    VIII. Homework.

    Think about how to make a bunny or cockerel from an egg.

    Objectives: create conditions for the formation of children’s knowledge about folk holidays; explain what the colors mean when painting; introduce the symbolism of painting; teach decorative design of Easter eggs; promote the development of imaginative and creative thinking, observation; cultivate accuracy, hard work, perseverance; instill a sense of respect for folk traditions; to cultivate aesthetic feelings in students.

    Easter One of the great Christian holidays is coming soon. This holiday in Rus' is called differently: Easter, Great Day, Bright Day, Christ's Resurrection. Once upon a time it was perhaps the most joyful and long-awaited holiday. It was a day fun games, the first round dances, swinging on a swing.

    For Easter, each family collected and painted eggs. They were distributed to children and guests, and competitions were held among themselves to see whose egg was stronger.

    Symbolism of an asterisk - at the birth of girls, as a wish for moral purity; Oak Leaf– a symbol of beauty, resilience, vitality; pine branches - wishes for health and longevity; butterfly - a cheerful, easy, carefree life; mill - to obtain a large harvest; grapevine - for a large family; cockscomb - protection from any bad weather; lambs - the wish to “live - get along - make good money.”