From when can you give egg whites to a child? How and when to introduce eggs into complementary foods for a baby: at what age can you give yolk and white to a baby? About raw and soft-boiled eggs

A child’s diet must be carefully thought out and complete so that the baby develops according to his age.

Starting from six months, children are allowed to begin to be given certain “adult” foods.

Eggs are good source a number of nutrients, but many parents are wary of them, since this product often causes allergic reactions in children.

Before giving your child a chicken egg for the first time, you should consult with your pediatrician, start with small portions and monitor the child’s health.

Chicken eggs are rich in animal protein, which is necessary for the functioning of the heart, vascular system, and muscles. They contain vitamins A, B, E, K, iron, choline, lecithin, minerals, antioxidants.

This is a material for the construction of cells, eggs are necessary for improving memory, the full functioning of the digestive organs, kidneys, and liver. In this regard, doctors consider them a healthy and necessary food product for the child.
The yolk is useful for the development and growth of the baby, as it contains the necessary nutrients. early age vitamins. The yolk is introduced into the diet first.

This product contains:

  • fatty acids necessary for vision, memory, nervous system function,
  • zinc, iron, phosphorus, manganese, these elements are necessary for the growth of teeth, the skeletal system, the proper functioning of the thyroid gland,
  • vitamins of groups A, B, D, PP, ensuring normal development and growth of the baby.

At an older age, you can start giving your baby protein, but this must be done carefully, since protein often causes allergic reactions, diathesis, spots and rashes on the skin may appear.

How to give an egg to a child

Eggs can only be given to infants and children under one year old in boiled form. This is a must, as raw eggs can cause salmonella infection. Hard-boiled eggs are still considered heavy food at this age, so mothers should carefully add them to their baby’s diet.

How long to boil an egg for a child

Procedure for preparing a product for a baby:

  • boil the product in water,
  • separate the white and yolk,
  • grind the yolk and mix with vegetable puree or milk (the yolk is ground with breast milk or artificial mixture).

A child may find yolk without additives tasteless and most likely he will refuse to eat it.

It is strictly forbidden to give children raw foods, which can cause salmonella infection.

  • eggs must be hard-boiled, as raw and soft-boiled eggs will small child not ready yet
  • it is allowed to give no more than three pieces per week, and in the first weeks no more than two,
  • Before starting cooking, be sure to wash the shells with soap.

Not all babies are willing to eat chicken or quail eggs; mothers have to experiment, for example, you can prepare dishes in the shape of animals, roses, and flowers. To attract your baby's attention, you can add colored vegetables to your dishes.

How to give egg yolk to a baby

You can start introducing your child to eggs at six months of age, if no one in the family is allergic to this product. If relatives have such a problem, you can postpone complementary feeding for up to 8 months or even up to a year.

The introduction of the product begins with the yolk, which very rarely causes allergies. To do this, give it in small portions in the morning and monitor the reaction. If no rash, no redness, no digestive problems appear, then allergy to yolk in a child no, and he learned it well. After some time, you can continue to give the minimum portion, and then gradually increase by ¼. When the child turns one year old, it is allowed to give half an egg and begin introducing protein.

Opinions about how often to give yolk to baby, a lot, but doctors stick to the figure of ¼ of an egg twice a week, for older children ½ of an egg three times a week.
From one year old, you can prepare cheese cakes, casseroles, omelettes and other dishes from this product for your baby.

A few important points:

  • boiled eggs can cause constipation and are therefore not recommended for children suffering from this problem,
  • eggs must be fresh; after purchase, they can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a week,
  • Before introducing complementary foods with yolk, consultation with a pediatrician is required,
  • If your baby spits out the yolk, you can hide it by mixing it with other food, for example, vegetable puree.

If any manifestations of allergies are detected in a child - redness, spots, rashes, eggs will have to be abandoned for a while.

What kind of eggs should I give to children - chicken or quail?

Quail eggs are no less healthy than chicken eggs, and, as practice shows, they are less likely to cause allergies in children and adults. They contain minerals, amino acids, vitamins, tyrazine, lysine, threonine, histidine. In addition, the risk of getting sick from salmonella with quail eggs is reduced to zero. In this regard, doctors confidently recommend quail eggs for baby food, and the babies themselves eat them more willingly because of their small size and cheerful shell color.

Despite the fact that the body temperature of a quail is higher than that of a chicken, and the risk of contracting an infection is much lower, it is still impossible to give the product raw.

The shell has small pores through which not only salmonella can penetrate, but also, for example, Pullorosis.

Quail eggs can be introduced into the diet of babies no earlier than 6-7 months. The first portion should be minimal, and then, if there is no allergy, it can be gradually increased.

During the week, doctors advise giving no more than three pieces per week. At one year old, the baby is already allowed other dishes made from quail eggs, such as cheesecakes or omelettes.

Despite the nutritional value of quail eggs, pediatricians still recommend combining them with chicken eggs, which are no less useful and necessary for the child’s body.

The birth of a child is always a significant event in the family. Parents are incredibly happy about the appearance of an heir, and grandparents are also happy. Friends, acquaintances - everyone congratulates.

But over time, after such euphoria, comes an understanding of responsibility for the little man, the realization that we need to give him everything that is most useful. Up to a year, this is mother's breast milk and, of course, it is correct. That's when the interest arises at what age a child can be given eggs.

The best food for babies

It is very good if the baby is on breastfeeding, because mother’s milk is exactly what he needs. Scientists have proven that it contains a balanced complex of all vitamins, minerals and biological substances that are beneficial for the baby. Its composition is unique and inimitable; it will completely protect the newborn’s immune system from many infectious diseases.

Taurine and polyunsaturated fatty acids will help in correct formation nervous system of a growing organism, lactoferin - better absorption of iron, which prevents the development of anemia. In addition, the composition reduces the threat of chronic diseases: diabetes, inflammation of the digestive system, multiple sclerosis.

The main food for a child up to six months should be mother's milk. Because a product that is easily digestible and digestible always has a constant required temperature for consumption, and this makes it possible to feed the baby under any circumstances.

Introduction to drinking

I would like to dwell separately on the issue of breastfeeding. The answer is very simple - for infants (from the first day to a month) only in cases necessary for medical reasons.

Mother's milk is both food and essential drink for the newborn. Also, do not be afraid of dehydration, because its main nutrition is 87% water. Therefore, in hot summer weather or when the baby’s body temperature rises, you should put him to the breast as often as possible, and discard thoughts about drinking.

At the age of two months to six months, you should also not be bothered by the problem of supplementation, unless this is required due to an insufficient amount of milk in the mother or a health problem in the child. We need to wait until his digestive system is completely stronger. At four months you can offer your baby a small teaspoon; if he refuses, there is no need to insist, he just doesn’t need it. If you drink, then gradually increase the serving volume to 60 ml daily. It is worth remembering that it is necessary to drink from a spoon so that the baby does not refuse the breast.

At six months you can safely begin to introduce additional water; from this age he already needs it for the full development and growth of the body.

First feeding

Growing up, the baby needs more nutrients and microelements, because he begins to spend more of his energy: crawling, walking, playing more actively. Spent reserves must be replenished, so it is worth thinking about introducing additional complementary foods.

Children's doctors insist that, starting from six months, new foods can be introduced into the baby's diet.

At what age can you give your child eggs? They are considered the product that is one of the first to be introduced into a baby’s complementary foods. Of course, it is worth considering that the supply of useful and necessary elements they contain a lot of: folic acid, amino acids, iron, lecithin, potassium, multivitamin complex. But we must not forget that this product is a strong allergen, especially protein.

Eating them has great benefits for strengthening bones, teeth, hair and nails. Therefore, you should not completely exclude them from your diet.

Choosing the best

Many parents are interested in at what age can they give their child eggs and what kind. The safest age is considered to be 8-9 months, but this is only when the yolk is introduced. Do not forget that if your child is prone to allergies, there is no need to rush.

The best option for this would be Despite their small size, unlike chicken ones, the content of useful substances such as phosphorus, potassium, iron and other vitamins is twice as high. According to research, they are less allergenic and less susceptible to salmonella infection. This leads to the question: “At what age can a child be given a quail egg?” At six months you can start introducing them into complementary foods.

Trying the protein

Having figured out the age of introducing yolk into the diet, it is worth saying at what age you can give your child an egg with white. Pediatricians advise that if, after introducing the yolk into the baby’s menu, it does not cause an allergic reaction, then starting from the age of one year, taste the entire product. Be sure to remember about precautions and the fact that it puts a lot of strain on the digestive system.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

Having received the answer to the question at what age can you give your child eggs, you can familiarize yourself with the correct procedure for selecting, preparing and introducing this complementary food into the baby’s diet.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that the eggs should only be taken fresh, without damage. Then they need to be washed, put on fire in water and cooked for about 10 minutes. After this, you should peel them and carefully separate the white from the yolk.

Be sure to introduce a new food in the morning, so that there is time to observe the reaction. Now you need to take 1/8 of the quail and 1/16 chicken yolk. It will be very good if you grind it with breast milk or use any food familiar to the baby: fruit or vegetable puree, porridge.

If the child does not have an allergic reaction within 24 hours, then it is worth including it in the diet once every two to three days. Over time, the dose of yolk should be increased to 1/4 part per day. By the age of one year, a baby should consume half of this product.

Now, having received comprehensive information about the age at which you can give your child eggs, start learning new tastes!

Eggs in complementary feeding for infants cause a huge amount of controversy: at what age to give them, whether to give the whole egg, yolk or white, which eggs are better: chicken or quail, in what quantity they can be offered to the child, etc. Mothers' fears are caused by the high allergenicity of the product and the possibility of infection with dangerous salmonellosis. So when can you give your baby an egg, how to do it safely?

Eggs must be given to a child: they are a source of protein, vitamins necessary for a growing body (A, E, D, as well as group B), and valuable substances:

  • Amino acids (lecithin, lutein, cysteine);
  • Prebiotic biolin;
  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Magnesium;
  • Sulfur;
  • Selenium.

They help the small body work properly, develop and grow, positively influencing the condition of bone and muscle tissue, teeth, heart, blood vessels, nervous system, vision, and digestion.

But many parents are deterred from introducing their children to this product by well-founded concerns:

  • an allergic rash will occur;
  • the child’s liver will receive additional stress;
  • eggs are a source of bad cholesterol;
  • you can get salmonellosis from them;
  • Antibiotics, hormones, nitrates, pesticides, and herbicides contained in bird feed can enter a small organism.

We hasten to reassure you: the risks are significantly reduced if:

  1. Buy eggs not from a factory, but from poultry, from a seller you trust;
  2. Do not feed your child eggs excessively, do not introduce him into the diet ahead of time;
  3. Wash thoroughly and cook for a long time before giving to your child.

At what age can a child be given an egg? Let us clarify: first the yolk appears in complementary foods. It is less allergenic than protein, easier to digest, the nutritional value him above.

At what months can a baby be introduced to the yolk depends on the parents. If they are supporters of pedagogical complementary feeding, a microportion of the product is given to the baby in order to introduce him to adult food that interests him (food interest is formed from 5-7 months). Microdoses do not cause harm (except for allergies, if the child is prone to them), so you can give your little one a crumb of yolk at six months.

From what month should eggs be given during pediatric complementary feeding? The goal here is to gradually transfer the baby to common table. Then the time to introduce yolk into the baby’s diet is at the age of 9–10 months. First, the baby is offered literally a crumb. If allergic symptoms do not appear within 2 days, the dosage is gradually increased to half a teaspoon. By the year the portion increases to half the yolk. From one to two years old, half an egg (yolk and white) is given; by 3 years old, a whole egg is allowed.

If an allergy occurs, remove the yolk from the toddler’s diet for at least a month, consult an allergist and follow his recommendations. It is possible that chicken products will be banned for up to 2–3 years.

How many times is it allowed to treat your baby to yolk if there is no allergy? In order not to overload the baby’s gastrointestinal tract and liver with excess fats and cholesterol, which scrupulous mothers worry about, 2-3 times a week is enough.

When can you give protein? Until one year of age, it is not required on the children's menu. Toddlers are introduced to protein at one year or later, when the digestive and immune systems are ready to adequately perceive its composition.

Is it possible to feed a baby quail eggs? Many mothers believe that they are preferable to chicken ones: they do not cause allergies, are richer in composition, and you will not get salmonellosis from them. The first and last arguments are myths. Quail eggs are less allergenic, but they can cause a reaction. How to get infected with salmonellosis.

Let us reassure suspicious mothers: the baby will not get sick if you do not feed him raw or soft-boiled eggs. This rule also applies to chicken eggs.

If the child is not allergic, it is allowed to introduce both chicken and quail eggs into his menu (with an interval of 2 weeks). If you are allergic, quail is preferable.

For many mothers, quail is more convenient due to its small size, quick preparation, and long-term storage.

But! They are much more expensive, so they are not in such wide demand. This means that there is a high risk of buying an expired product, and the mother needs to pay increased attention to expiration dates.

Quail products can also be given to your baby three times a week. But how much, because they are smaller in size? The norm will be a whole yolk up to one year, a whole egg – up to two years, after – 2 – 3 pieces.

Please note: only chicken and quail products are suitable for baby food. Goose and duck eggs are denser and rougher, and the increased porosity of their shells also increases the risk of contracting dangerous infections. Turkey contains much more cholesterol. But it is not advisable to give ostrich to children due to their large size.

Making the right choice

Food products for children are chosen with special attention: their digestion and immune system cannot yet cope with all microbes and viruses.

The “correct” testicle should:

  • have a matte shell (shine is a sign of staleness);
  • to be heavy (light – stale);
  • do not make sounds when shaking;
  • sink to the bottom of the dish when immersed in water (stale food floats);
  • have an indication of the expiration date.

Please note: the size only indicates the age of the chicken (young chickens lay small eggs), and not the composition. The color of the shell does not affect it either (dark shells come from chickens with colored plumage, white shells from white ones).

Cooking an egg for a baby

Proper preparation of food for your child will further protect him.

  • Up to 2 years of age, eggs are given to children only hard-boiled;
  • To prevent food from cracking during cooking, it must be at room temperature;
  • They are lowered into cold water(not in boiling water!) and put on the stove;
  • After boiling, a chicken egg is cooked for at least 10 minutes, a quail egg for at least 3-4.

Remember: up to 3 years of age, there are no aggressive spices (pepper, garlic) in the children’s diet, and salt is added minimally, after 2 years of age.

So, you can and should give your children eggs. If you do it correctly, there will be no trouble.

© Elena Blokhina / Photobank Lori

Is it possible to give eggs to children? Benefits and harms

Eggs are necessary for the proper development of children and their health. They contain all the useful substances necessary for growth and development (of course, because a living organism hatches from there!). The microelements and vitamins they contain strengthen bones, help the thyroid gland function, and free the body from free radicals.
But on the other hand, children are very often allergic to egg white. Therefore, it is recommended to start complementary feeding with the yolk, and the egg must be hard-boiled (to avoid dangerous salmonellosis) in water or steamed.
Many inexperienced mothers are concerned about the question: When can you give your child an egg and in what quantity? Let's figure it out.

How many eggs can you give your child and when? Add the yolk and white

Yolk can be introduced into a child’s diet with the introduction of the first complementary foods, that is, at 6 months. First, you need to give your child ¼ of the entire yolk from a spoon to try, dissolving it in water or milk. If he does not have allergies or there are no changes in stool, then the amount of yolk can be increased each time, reaching the whole amount by the end of the month.
Protein, with great care, is introduced into the child’s diet by 8-9 months. Eggs should be on a child’s menu no more than 2 times a week.

Quail eggs or chicken

Chicken and have similar characteristics. They are equally useful and equally dangerous. Therefore, the timing of their introduction is the same - from 6 months. Neither one nor the other should be given to a child raw or soft-boiled.
But still, quail eggs are considered less allergenic and contain fewer dangerous bacteria - salmonella. Therefore, they are recommended for the first complementary feeding. In addition, thanks to their unusual, small size, children like them more and are more convenient to introduce into their diet.

What can be prepared from eggs for young children?

With the help of eggs, a child’s diet can be significantly diversified. If your baby is familiar with cow's milk, you can prepare it for him at 8 months. You can take special milk for children or adults, but it must be boiled. The omelet is prepared for the baby by steaming or in the oven.

Another wonderful and healthy children's dish is this. It can also be given to a baby to try at 8-9 months. By this time, the child should be familiar with products such as cottage cheese. To it you need to add 1 chicken or 2-3 quail eggs, sugar to taste and bake in or oven for 20 minutes. If the baby rejects cottage cheese in its pure form, then this good way make him eat this healthy product.

Eggs are integral component, which a child can start baking from 11-12 months. Kids love soft buns, cheesecakes, cookies and muffins adapted for baby food. In addition, a boiled egg can be added to soups and cereals.

Is it possible to give eggs to a child and at what age?

When new parents start adding new foods to their baby's diet, they are often confused. With vegetables everything is very clear. But eggs, which are considered allergenic, can sometimes raise a lot of doubts.

What number of yolks is allowed to give to a baby? Can it occur after taking allergic reaction? And what benefits do eggs bring? You will find answers to all these and more questions in this article.

Introducing egg yolk into baby's complementary foods?

No doctor will give an exact answer to this question. This is influenced by two factors: the quality of the product and the health of the baby. If you decide to include chicken yolk in your baby’s diet, try adhere to the following rules:

  • The first intake of chicken yolk usually occurs in babies from 6 months. And if you have allergies from 7 months. Give him just a little at first, increasing the dose with each dose.

  • It is better to introduce your child to a new product during the day, after a morning walk in the fresh air.

IMPORTANT: When you give your baby the yolk for the first time, try to see if it caused an allergic reaction. Be extremely careful: after all, the reaction child's body For this type of product, problems usually arise over time. Rash and other manifestations of allergies, if they appear, only a couple of days after consuming the product.

  • Give the yolk to your child a couple of days after he tries it for the first time (unless, of course, there is an allergic reaction). If the baby’s body reacts poorly to this complementary food, exclude the yolk from the diet for several weeks. Maybe even for a month.

The most important thing in this matter is the approval of the pediatrician. Consult your doctor, perhaps he will tell you exactly what to do in such a situation.

Introducing egg whites into baby's complementary foods?

The egg white is considered the most valuable thing in an egg. But if the yolk in rare cases provokes an allergic reaction, then chicken protein very often provokes severe allergies. Therefore, if your child is allergic, you should not start introducing protein into baby food at all.

If your baby’s body reacts to this product without deviations, then you can offer it to your baby from one year old. Introduce new complementary foods with a few grams.

Soften the product grains in mommy's breast milk. Gradually increase this dose, but only if the baby does not have an allergic reaction. At approximately 15 months, the baby should consume 1/2 of the protein.

Introduction to complementary feeding of the whole egg

A baby who is 6 months old does not have enough useful components that are in mommy’s milk. As a rule, it is low in protein and mineral salts. In addition, the baby’s gastrointestinal tract has already prepared for the consumption of other foods, which, due to their composition, are considered coarser than ordinary milk or formula.

What does this mean? It's probably time to include additional complementary foods in the children's diet.

  • Introduce chicken eggs into your child's diet at about half a year of age. Of course, if your baby does not have allergies in his family.
  • If you have such relatives, postpone your first acquaintance with this product until later in life.

The views of many modern pediatricians differ slightly from the above advice. Some famous doctors, even Yakovlev Ya.Ya. It is believed that a baby’s first encounter with a chicken egg should occur at least 1 year of age.

What is this connected with? Yes, the fact is that nowadays there are a lot of children who have an allergic reaction to this particular product.

Quail eggs: benefits and harm for children

Baby food is considered one of the important components of the normal development of a child. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the preparation of the diet responsibly.

A necessary and important component is a quail egg. Pediatricians say that quail eggs can be given to every child without fear.

It is believed that this product improves brain performance, the baby’s memory, and attention. But if your baby is allergic to chicken eggs, they can be replaced with quail eggs.

  • Quail eggs significantly improve the baby’s vision and strengthen his immune system.
  • They provide the growing body with calcium.
  • Children who eat quail eggs stop getting tired, begin to study better, and become more active.
  • The product contains all useful ingredients.
  • Due to the presence of vitamin B 12, these foods can be replaced meat products. At the same time, they make it possible to obtain the necessary substances for the child’s body.
  • Eggs have a positive effect and are considered a medicine that helps with bronchial asthma.

As for harm, it all depends on certain factors. The doctors It is not recommended to give quail eggs to children in the following cases:

  • In case of individual intolerance
  • For kidney or liver disease
  • If you are allergic to this component

At what age and how to introduce a quail egg into complementary foods for a child?

A child's introduction to this product should occur at approximately 7 months. The first dose should be no more than 1/4 of the portion. If you decide to introduce a quail egg into your baby’s diet, carefully monitor your child.

If after consumption the baby does not have an allergic reaction, then you can increase the proportion.

  • To get started, select quality product. You can alternate it with a chicken egg.
  • The most allergenic part of a quail egg is the white. But the yolk is considered less allergenic. Therefore, start giving the yolk first.

At what age can a child be given a soft-boiled egg?

You can give soft-boiled eggs to your baby only in the following cases:

  • If your child is already 7 months old.
  • If you know for sure that the product you have chosen is considered completely safe and fresh.
  • If you have no doubt that the chicken or quail that laid the egg was not sick.

Often, soft-boiled eggs can cause illness in a child. In addition, raw chicken protein is quite poorly absorbed by the child’s body.

Heat-treated egg whites have a high degree of digestion when compared to other similar products.

How many chicken and quail eggs can a child under one year old, one year old, one year old and two years old eat per day, per week?

Chicken eggs are given as follows:

  • Give half a hard-boiled egg every other day from 1 year to 3 years.
  • You can give one whole egg to your child after he turns 3 years old, also every other day.
  • When your child turns 3 years old, you can include an omelet in his diet.

Quail eggs are given as follows:

  • Introduce the yolk of a quail egg into the baby's diet from 7 months. Give every 2 days. But only if he is not allergic.
  • 14 days after the first dose, you can give your child a whole yolk. Save this dose until your child is 12 months old.
  • During this period, hard-boiled quail eggs are considered an excellent preventive measure against rickets.
  • After 12 months and up to 3 years, increase the portion to 1 yolk. Give every 2 days. At the same time, over time you can add protein to your diet. You can boil or cook a delicious omelet.
  • Doctors advise giving children from 4 to 7 years old up to 3 quail eggs a day, every other day.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs with atopic dermatitis?

Anatomical dermatitis in children, as a rule, appears at 3 months:

  • slight redness occurs in the cheek area
  • rashes
  • peeling
  • dry skin

If you discover this disease in your baby, try to contact a doctor in time, who will prescribe the right treatment. If you don’t do this, the damage to the baby’s skin will spread over the surface of the entire body and become stronger. After them, lesions will appear, expressed by redness, cracks, and compactions.

The disease in almost all cases is accompanied by severe itching. Atopic dermatitis can occur in waves: exacerbation is usually followed by remission. Problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract may also appear, for example, bloating, belching, bad stool accompanied by mucus.

In young children, atopic dermatitis and its manifestations usually occur in the area of ​​the knees, elbows, and facial skin. In older children, the disease mainly occurs in the popliteal area, on the side of the neck, on the arms, and face.

Eggs are considered allergenic foods, therefore, they can cause allergies. What does this mean? If your child’s disease was caused by a chicken egg, then you will also have to exclude quail eggs from the child’s diet, since they contain similar components that cause allergies.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs if he has a rotavirus infection?

Rotavirus infection is a disease that first begins with a common cold, ending with a digestive tract disorder. Diet during this illness in children makes it possible to completely restore the child’s body.

As a rule, children suffer from this disease more often than adults. An infectious disease is transmitted through the air. Symptoms of the disease can be relieved medications, which are prescribed by a pediatrician.

In the initial stage, the disease manifests itself as follows: the child experiences vomiting and indigestion. Doctors advise feeding children 6 times, in small portions, so that the symptoms do not intensify.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs for diarrhea and constipation?

Eggs with diarrhea

People commonly call diarrhea diarrhea. This is a pathological manifestation of the intestines caused by infection, poor nutrition, stress and other factors. In this case, the pediatrician prescribes a special diet for the child. It all depends on the causes of diarrhea.

Eggs are considered necessary foods during diarrhea. After all, they are a valuable source of nutritional components. In eggs you can find amino acids, vitamins, and so on.

If you have diarrhea, give your child a hard-boiled egg. Because it will help bind your baby's stool, making it more stable.

Eggs for constipation

Difficult, slow bowel movements are often considered a symptom of another disease or a sign of a malfunction in the child’s body.

If you want to cure constipation in a child, first find the cause of it. Contact your pediatrician. However, if you want to improve your child’s well-being, you can give him raw eggs in the morning on an empty stomach.

At the same time, make sure that the product is fresh. It is better to buy eggs from the nearest farm where chickens and quails are bred.

Is it possible to give a child chicken and quail eggs if he has allergies?

Eggs are important foods in baby food. Many young parents wonder: is it possible to give these foods to their children during allergies? Here the situation depends on the state in which the baby arrives and how he feels. Be that as it may, adding such ingredients must be done before your doctor approves.

Practicing pediatricians say this - small children who have allergies can only eat quail eggs. Inject them very carefully, preferably under the supervision of a professional doctor. After all, they, as a rule, are often considered to be provocateurs of cross-allergy.

Is it possible to give a child raw chicken and quail eggs?

Doctors strictly prohibited feed infants raw eggs. It’s a shame, but, for example, quails are highly susceptible to pullorosis, a disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. In older representatives, the disease is hidden, and people do not often notice it right away.

If quail meat and eggs have undergone heat treatment, then the risk of salmonella disease is significantly reduced.

Can children eat duck, goose and guinea fowl eggs?

Caesar eggs are introduced into a child's menu at the same age as chicken eggs.

As for goose and duck eggs, it is advisable to introduce them into the baby’s diet after he turns 6 years old. Why? The fact is that such products are considered “heavy” food. Their characteristic features such:

  • Goose and duck eggs are quite high in calories
  • They are slowly absorbed by the child's body

How does an allergy to chicken and quail eggs manifest in children: symptoms

An allergy to eggs in children occurs due to the child’s body reacting to a foreign substance. This substance secretes antibodies - immunoglobulins.

They provoke the body, as a result of which chemical components - antihistamines - are released. Then symptoms of the disease appear.

An allergic reaction to eggs causes:

  • Reactions on the skin, for example, hives, swelling, itching, redness.
  • Pain in the abdominal area, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Runny nose, wheezing, difficult breathing with whistling.
  • Increased heart rate, low blood pressure (but this is only in older children and schoolchildren).

An egg is a necessary product for a child. But the process of introducing the product into the baby’s complementary feeding, as well as the further process of eating eggs by the baby, should be treated extremely carefully.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky: The benefits of quail eggs