Favorable days for marriage c. Folk signs and traditions of weddings in December. Other superstitions about December marriages

A wedding is one of the turning points in the relationship of any couple. The lovers move on new level, when instead of “I” there is “We”, now this is not just a couple, but a team that is called upon to overcome all adversity and obstacles together. But, you see, everyone would like to enlist the support of fate, and for this it is necessary to carefully choose the time of the wedding.

Of course, if you choose the most favorable day for your wedding, this will not protect you from all the troubles and quarrels that you have to go through. According to all predictors and numerologists, it is the correctly selected date that will help you overcome all obstacles without negative consequences and maintain calm, well-being and harmony in the family.

As experts in this field note, the most unfortunate dates for starting a family are full moons, eclipses of the Moon and Sun, and converging aspects of the Moon, Sun and Venus. To find a favorable date for marriage, it is necessary to completely eliminate all negative factors. It is quite difficult to do this on your own, so we decided to make this task easier for you and give some recommendations on choosing the right date to start a family. In this article you will find information about favorable and unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016.

Wedding in January 2016

There are no favorable days in January, because the whole month will pass under the sign of “bachelor”. This period is more inclined to create friendly unions than love ones. A marriage concluded in January will be able to withstand collapse only if the couple does not infringe on each other’s freedom and is not boring.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in January 2016: none.
  • Not favorable days for a wedding in January: the whole month.

Wedding in February 2016

February provides young couples with several dates, starting from the 14th to the 18th. A wedding these days promises to bring a long and strong family life. This, of course, does not mean that you will not have problems at all, but if you get married during this period, then all problems will be much easier to overcome. Suitable days will also be the 20th and 25th. In this case, it will seem to you that your soulmate is an extension of yourself. Harmony and tranquility will reign in such families.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in February 2016: the last month of winter will give the newlyweds four especially successful days for a wedding - February 14, 18, 20 and 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in February: you should definitely not have a celebration: from 1 to 6, from 8 to 9, from 11 to 13, from 15 to 17, as well as on February 23, 27 and 29.

Wedding in March 2016

It's better to skip right away. There will be two eclipses during the month: March 9 – Solar, and March 23 – Lunar, which will make the month very unfavorable in all areas of our lives. March will not be able to please lovers with wedding dates, because there are none in it. During this period, partners are not too inclined to give love to each other. A wedding in March will only push people into disputes and rivalry, so it is better to refrain from entering into an alliance.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in March 2016: none.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in March: the whole month.

Wedding in April 2016

There are no suitable days in April for a wedding, because in 2016 Lent falls throughout the month. The Church has a negative attitude towards weddings and other entertainment events during this period. In addition, astrologers say that this month the stars are very negative about weddings, this can lead to the fact that one partner will say and demand one thing, and the other will demand something completely different. such disunity will lead to numerous quarrels and conflicts. Therefore it is better to wait.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in April 2016: none.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April: the whole month.

Wedding in May 2016

It is believed that people who get married in May will suffer for the rest of their lives. Despite this, May provided us with many days to unite two loving hearts into a strong union: from the 15th to the 27th. Of course, those couples who do not want to throw a magnificent banquet or get married pay attention to weekdays. If your plans include a grand event coupled with a wedding, then it is better to pay attention to the weekend.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in May 2016: from May 15 to May 27.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May: May 1 to May 15, as well as May 28, 29, 30, 31.

Wedding in June 2016

Almost the entire month does not promise happiness in a future marriage if concluded during this period. Many astrologers agree that a wedding this month will lead to the fact that after it you will be disappointed in family life, you suddenly feel an urgent need for freedom and adventure. On this basis, serious conflicts with your significant other may arise. Still, in June we can single out the most favorable date for weddings – June 17th. It is also worth highlighting the 25th - the day for a long and happy marriage. These are precisely the days when lovers will be able to carry deep feelings through the years and no everyday life will be able to destroy and dispel them.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in June 2016: June 17, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June: June 1-16, June 18-24, June 26-30.

Wedding in July 2016

It is very symbolic to have a wedding on July 6, because this day is considered Kissing Day. Also a good day will be July 8th - the day of the Slavic patrons of lovers Peter and Fevronia. An official marriage will become strong if it is based on love and trust, and wonderful dates for concluding such marriages in 2016 are 13, 15, 18, 20, 25. In such families, no external circumstances can destroy the stability and tranquility of your family. In any difficult and unpleasant situation, you will be able to group and make the right decision.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in July 2016: July 2, 6, 8, 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in July: July 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16,17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Wedding in August 2016

August is not rich in favorable dates for marriage. Considering everything church holidays and posts that fall in August, then the happiest day will be August 12th. All other days will be an extremely unlucky day, because the planets will be positioned in such a way that one of the partners, and maybe even both, will not take family life seriously. Subsequently, such a marriage will fall apart, and very quickly.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in August 2016: August 12.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August: from 1 to 11, and from 13 to 31 August.

Wedding in September 2016

There will be 2 eclipses (solar and lunar) in September, so it is not advisable to get married during this period. During the days of eclipses, it is better not to make any serious decisions at all, and even less so to start a family. The consequences can be extremely unfavorable. The first month of autumn is not generous with good days for marriage, but September 18th can still be singled out among all the dates. It is on this day that marriage will bring prosperity, luck and love to the newlyweds. Moreover, over the years you can really become a real team, capable of overcoming any troubles.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in September 2016: September 18.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September: from 1 to 17, as well as from 19 to 30 September.

Wedding in October 2016

In October there will be enough favorable dates for marriage; such days will be the 2nd, 10th, 11th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th or 25th. At this time, the planets will influence you in such a way that suddenly what was unclear about your partner will become clear. You can feel what he feels. And your partner, in turn, will be able to understand you. In such a family, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding usually reigns. But on October 1, 3-9, 12,13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 26 - 30, the planets will definitely influence your young family, and vice versa. Neither he nor you will understand why he acts this way and not otherwise. Because of this, you can turn into complete strangers to each other.

The best day is October 14 - the Feast of the Intercession. This belief is explained by the fact that the veil with which the Mother of God covered all those present in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople was very similar to wedding veil. According to the sign, marriages concluded on this holiday will be the strongest and happiest, and in the family the spouses will be able to preserve their love for the rest of their lives, harmony and mutual understanding will grow every day.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in October 2016: October 2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October: October 1, 3-9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 22, 26-30.

Wedding in November 2016

November 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27 - very good days for marriage. Your relationship will resemble a good and kind movie. Both partners will treat family life with irony, and at the same time, your feelings for each other will be deep and filled with tenderness and love. However, a wedding on November 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22 - 26, 28, 29, 30 will lead to the fact that you will soon grow cold towards each other and in some way The moment you realize that your time was wasted on this person.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in November 2016: November 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November: 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, 21, 22 - 26, 28, 29, 30 November.

Wedding in December 2016

The end of the year is not very generous with good days. Before the coming New Year 2017, it is strictly not recommended to get married. The astrodynamics of the planets indicate that families created this month will not be able to withstand external adversities and foreign influence. The wife will listen more to her friends, and the husband to his friends, and in the end this will either lead to divorce, or to the fact that the family will never learn to solve their problems on their own. Nevertheless, this month there are two days when the influence of the planets will not interfere, but on the contrary will help the lovers. At the end of the leap year, it is best to start a family on December 6 and 11.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2016: December 6 and 11.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, from 12 to 31 December.

When determining favorable days for a wedding, astrologers take into account the position of the Moon in the sky - it is she who influences the successful (or unsuccessful) time for concluding a marriage. The most successful periods come when the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, Capricorn, Libra or Gemini - at this time it ensures a strong and lasting union. If the Moon is in the constellation Aquarius, Aries, Cancer or Virgo, then negative influence for future family life cannot be avoided. The rest of the zodiac signs are neutral for marriage. Of course, the wedding date can have both a positive and negative impact on future family life. But believe me, couples break up not because of the wrong day, but for other reasons. And even a correctly selected date for the celebration will not protect against divorce if there is no mutual love and respect, desire to understand and accept loved one without breaking it for yourself. We hope that our tips for the “right” wedding date will minimize the likelihood of your marriage breaking up.

For a long time January was considered not a good month for registering a marriage. The thing is that the first half of the month is marked Orthodox holidays and, according to tradition, at this time it is customary to rejoice at the birth of Christ, and not at the birth new family. It is better to plan your wedding for the last week of January.

Wedding in February promises a marriage as strong as the frost on the day of celebration. Those wishing to tie the knot in February 2016 should focus on the end of the month. Astrologers say that the most favorable days will be February 18, 20 and 25.

March The coming year hardly promises the young people a long and strong marriage union. In addition, two eclipses (solar and lunar) are expected in March 2016, which will charge the entire first month of spring with negative energy.

A favorable and suitable month for weddings in 2016 will be April, which will provide young people with a wide choice of successful dates for marriage. If you are planning to organize a celebration for the first half of the month, then the following numbers will be successful: 2, 3, 10, 13. As for the second half of the month, marriage registration on April 17, 24 and 27 will bring harmony in your personal life.

Contrary to generally accepted beliefs that in May You can’t have a wedding (the husband and wife will be tormented all their lives), in 2016 this month will become almost the most successful month for those wishing to tie the knot. This month you should not plan a celebration only on May 10 and 19.

Since in June Since two eclipses are expected this year, we can say with full confidence that this month is completely unsuitable for holding a wedding ceremony. It is believed that it is better to enter into legal marriage two weeks before the eclipse or two weeks after it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of a quick divorce.

Hot and sunny July always attracted newlyweds with its wonderful weather. But it so happened that this year the warmest and sunny month will be full of unfavorable days for the creation of a new unit of society. From the July calendar you can only stop at July 5, 7, 10, 11, 21 and 27.

Almost whole August in 2016 it will be under the auspices of Mercury, which, as you know, does not bring anything good to newly-made families. Therefore, in order not to doom yourself to an unhappy family future, it is better not to set your wedding day from August 3 to August 26. August 31 is also not the best day for “connecting hearts.”

September– one of the most favorite wedding months. The hot summer is already behind us, and the rainy autumn is just around the corner. But will September be lucky in 2016? Hardly. To avoid a too quick break in relations, it is better to reschedule the event, or choose the most suitable days for painting - the 1st, 22nd and 24th of the month.

October will captivate young people with its “golden” beauty, happiness and harmony in relationships and this month does not promise. Astrologers can recommend only four successful days for marriage in October. If you manage to register your relationship from October 5 to October 8, consider that you are guaranteed a smooth, conflict-free married life.

November This year is also preparing for us an eclipse, which will happen on the 25th, so it’s better not to think about holding a wedding in the second half of the month. As for the first half of the month, the dates from November 6 to November 11 will be quite acceptable for formalizing relations.

If you decide to choose a cold weather date when choosing a wedding date December, then it is better to have time to conclude an alliance before the 19th. The only categorically unsuccessful date for the celebration will be December 10th.

All lovers are anxiously awaiting the onset of 2016 - after all, it will be a leap year, and the belief has long been firmly established among the people that it is impossible to get married on a leap year. It is believed that such a marriage will be unhappy. But if you don’t have the strength or desire to wait until 2017, and love burns in your hearts, can a leap year really destroy a truly strong relationship?

By eastern calendar 2016 will be the year of the Red Fire Monkey, and astrologers unanimously claim that this year is ideal for creating a happy and strong family, in which love and understanding will reign. After all, the Monkey is a family creature, a faithful friend and a caring mother. She simply cannot imagine herself without a warm and calm home, which is reliably guarded by Papa Monkey.

Is it worth celebrating a wedding in 2016?

It must be said right away that the ominous trail of rumors and speculation about a leap year has no basis. Not a single religion in the world singles out leap years as especially bad and unlucky. Only in Rus' was Saint Kasyan blamed for all the misfortunes - and his day falls exactly on February 29th. But if you study the history of the events that happened on this day, you can see that they were no different from any others.

It is important to choose not only the season, but also a good day for the wedding!

Therefore, Kasyanov was rather declared an unlucky year due to ignorance, rather than for real reasons. Today, a tribute to tradition is simply preserved; in bad luck during a leap year, it is the same superstition as “Friday the 13th” or “a black cat crossing the road.” But the patroness of the year, the Fire Monkey, will take care of those who decide to tie the knot. All that remains is to find out which days are most favorable for concluding a marriage.

Calendar of favorable dates for a wedding

Although astrologers advise taking into account not only the position of the stars, but also the compatibility of the personal horoscopes of future spouses, you can use a general calendar of favorable and unfavorable wedding dates.

  1. January– not the best month for weddings. There are no days in January that are conducive to starting a family, but there are days on which it is strictly not recommended to have a wedding. This is January 2, as well as from January 4 to 25, 28 and 30.
  2. February will give the newlyweds four especially successful days for their wedding - February 14, 18, 20 and 25. But there are periods when you definitely shouldn’t have a celebration: from 1 to 6, from 8 to 9, from 11 to 13, from 15 to 17, as well as on February 23, 27 and 29.
  3. March It's better to skip right away. There will be two eclipses during the month: March 9 – Solar, and March 23 – Lunar, which will make the month very unfavorable in all areas of our lives.
  4. April will give you several successful days for a wedding. These are April 2, 3, 10, 13, 17, 24 and 27.
  5. May will take place under the negative influence of Mercury, so it is better to skip it and not celebrate the wedding. Moreover, in Rus' it has long been believed that those who get married in May will “suffer” all their lives.
  6. June will give only one wonderful day for a wedding - the 25th.
  7. July will be marked by the following “bad” days for a wedding: 1, 4 to 8, 12 to 16, 19, 22 to 23, 25 to 26, 28 to 29.
  8. August good for weddings, especially if you celebrate them on the 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th.
  9. September will also be marked by eclipses of the Sun and Moon, so astrologers do not advise getting married this month.
  10. October will be favorable to future spouses on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th.
  11. November will give excellent days for marriage - November 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27.
  12. December recommends tying the knot on the 6th and 11th; December 4th, 13th, 17th and 18th are also suitable. Before the coming New Year 2017, it is strictly not recommended to get married.

When determining favorable days for a wedding, astrologers take into account the position of the Moon in the sky - it is she who influences the successful (or unsuccessful) time for concluding a marriage. The most successful periods come when the Moon is in the constellation Pisces, Capricorn, Libra or Gemini - at this time it ensures a strong and lasting union.

If the Moon is in the constellation Aquarius, Aries, Cancer or Virgo, then a negative impact on future family life cannot be avoided. The rest of the zodiac signs are neutral for marriage. Of course, the wedding date can have both a positive and negative impact on future family life.

But believe me, couples break up not because of the wrong day, but for other reasons. And even a correctly chosen date for the celebration will not protect you from divorce if there is no mutual love and respect in the family, a desire to understand and accept a loved one without breaking him for yourself. We hope that our tips for the “right” wedding date will minimize the likelihood of your marriage breaking up!

For a wedding, you should adhere to the general Orthodox rules: do not get married during Lent, on the eve of major holidays, on Wednesdays and Fridays. Traditionally, weddings are held in church on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. Be prepared to be denied a ceremony on the day of a major patronal feast.

If you subtract all the days not allowed by Orthodoxy in 2016, then you are left with:

  • Favorable days in January: 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29,31
  • in February: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, 19, 21, 29
  • in March: 2, 4
  • in April: time of Lent
  • in May: 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30
  • in June: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17
  • in July: 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31
  • in August: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 29, 31
  • in September: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28, 30
  • in October: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31
  • in November: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27
  • Marriages are not permitted in December.

Favorable days for nikah

In the Muslim faith, there are no strict rules on when a Nikah wedding ceremony can be performed and when not. You may not want to organize a nikah during the holy month of Ramadan, since it will not be possible to organize a festive feast before sunset. We inform you that in 2016 it will be from June 6 to July 6.

Good days for a wedding in 2016 according to astrologers

Astrology is not generous with favorable days for marriage. As a rule, there are more than two such days per month. This is due to eclipses - solar and lunar, the unfortunate position of the planets that are responsible for love, work, communication, and the opposition of those planets that patronize communication between people.

Let's start with the general provisions. Have a good day For weddings, astrologers consider Monday, Thursday and Friday. Please do not schedule registration for Tuesday, Saturday or Sunday. An excellent way out of a situation when you know for sure that you want to invite everyone to a wedding banquet in Kazan on Saturday is to schedule registration on one of three favorable days. And leave the celebration for the weekend.

Let's move on to the specifics - specific good dates in 2016 for a wedding by month.

January 16, 23
February 1, 14, 15, 22
March 7 and 8
June 25
1, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24 August
October 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25
November 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27
December 4, 6 - 11, 13, 17 and 18.

Favorable days for a wedding. date calculation using numerology.

Numerologists really count - according to the planned date of the holiday. Let's learn too. Let's say you plan to have a wedding on July 1, 2016. We add all the digits of this date, excluding zeros, until we get one digit: 1+7+2+1+6=17=1+7=8. We get the number of the expected date - 8 - and look at its value in the list.

  • Number 1. A favorable day for large-scale undertakings, concluding deals and contracts. One of the most suitable days to start a new family.
  • Number 2. Numerology advises to refrain from active actions. Everything that starts well today will end in failure, and, conversely, troubles will lead to good luck. The day is unfavorable for entering into a marriage.
  • Number 3. Symbolizes the triangle “past-present-future”, suitable for holidays, fun and travel. A day quite favorable for marriage.
  • Number 4. The number of completion of started tasks, when beginnings, fun and holidays are not encouraged. Not the best day for a wedding.
  • Number 5. A number that does not contain stability, but is filled with happiness and surprises. A day favorable for risky endeavors only with good intentions. A marriage concluded for love on the day of the “five” will be successful. This is an extremely inappropriate day for a fictitious marriage.
  • Number 6. Symbol of reliability and solidity. All thoughtful and long-awaited actions are recommended to be performed on this day. The slightest doubt will ruin any actions performed on the day of number 6. The date is suitable for concluding a deliberate, desired alliance.
  • Number 7. Symbolizes knowledge, knowledge of secrets and everything hidden. A period of spirituality and intellectual knowledge. A wedding on the day of “seven” becomes a day of happiness, a starting point for mutual discovery by spouses of each other. Happy date for marriage.
  • Number 8. A sign of reliability, prosperity, success. The day under the sign “8” is created for important matters and major undertakings. A union concluded under the number 8 is accompanied by prosperity, material success and prosperity.
  • Number 9. Favors success, starting promising business, and establishing new contacts. A marriage concluded under the sign of “nine” will be a union of two ambitious people united to achieve new high goals. A day suitable for marriage.

If you really have a wedding planned for July 1, 2016, feel free to apply for that date!

A wedding in December is like a dream come true winter's tale. Around - White snow, against which you can make a beautiful photo shoot, and you can go to a hot resort for your honeymoon. But are the signs favorable to those who decide to get married in this month of winter?

December wedding - ancient signs and modern superstitions

In the old days, it was customary to play weddings after finishing agricultural work. Once the harvest and winter preparations were over, it was time to start a family. In winter, villagers more often sent matchmakers and entered into marriages, and December was considered one of the most suitable months of the year for a wedding.

According to popular belief, a wedding ceremony in December is a sign of love until the grave. Marriages are stable and durable. Superstitions promise happiness and wealth to those getting married; love and passion will only grow over the years. For a successful ceremony there is wedding omen - You have to take different roads to the registry office and to the feast.

It is impossible to have a wedding in a church in December, as Christmas post, which lasts from November 28 to January 6. Therefore, the church does not recommend getting married at this time. You can get married after the official marriage - in January, after Christmas.

A wedding in December means budget overruns. Therefore, we always tried to collect more money, fearing unplanned costs. Their advice is still valid; in December it is extremely difficult to book a room in a restaurant - this is the time New Year's corporate events and other events.

Calendar of favorable and unfavorable dates

There is no negative meaning for a wedding on December 31st. And according to New Year's signs As you celebrate the holiday, the whole year will pass.

December 3, 6, 8, 20 and 30 are also considered lucky. You can plan to get married on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 23rd and 29th. Some astrologers claim that all odd numbers of this month are excellent for celebration.

Regarding unfavorable days for a wedding, one of them is December 4th. This is the date Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple. The essence of the holiday is not compatible with the wedding ceremony, so it is not customary to schedule it on this day. The 14th and 22nd are also unfavorable. Marriages concluded on these dates of the month are short-lived, as astrologers say. The remaining dates are neutral.

Weather signs

Heavy snow or blizzard predict a rich life for a young family. The more snow, the more money there will be in the family budget.

Severe frost to the first-born boy. The stronger the cold, the more health and luck he will receive. Frost promises the young people loyalty to each other. The newlyweds' relationship will be passionate until old age.

Warm, no wind or precipitation- to a rich life. There will be bright events, money, health, but there will be no peace. Rain during a wedding- to money. The sign also promises healthy children and the absence of quarrels.

A bad omen is unstable weather. If the weather changes several times in one day, family life will be like a roller coaster. It will be both bad and good.

Other superstitions about December marriages

If the bride tears her stockings or tights, she will soon become a mother. One arrow or hole foretells the birth of a daughter, two more - a son. Losing a stocking means a quarrel, possibly a quick divorce.

Modern brides, contrary to popular wisdom, dream of original dresses, blue, black, or even trousers instead of a traditional outfit. But signs about wedding dresses recommend choosing White color. At worst, pink. A red bride's outfit is allowed only for a second marriage; these were adopted by the ancient Slavs.

The appearance of two crows at a marriage ceremony means fidelity, a happy family life and love until death. Do not be afraid of gloomy black birds; wedding birds have exclusively positive meanings.

In winter it’s easier to follow one of the advice of our ancestors - seat guests on fur coats. It could be artificial fur. The sign in this case promises wealth and tender marital relations to the young family.

In general, a wedding in the first winter month is not burdened by the presence bad omens. This time has long been considered one of the most suitable for starting a family. But it should be remembered that the Nativity Fast lasts in December, and weddings are not held until its end.