The percentage of bone mass in the body. What can a deficit lead to? physical rating. Functions Athlete and Fitplus

The Tanita diagnostic fat mass analyzer helps to Wellness assessment at home.

You will immediately know the content of fat and water in your body, as well as such key indicators your health as:

  1. Percentage of body fat
  2. Percentage of water in the body
  3. Percentage of internal fat
  4. bone mass
  5. Muscle mass
  6. Physical Type Estimation
  7. Metabolic Score and Your Metabolic Age

The latest method used in the fat mass analyzer, allows you to determine these indicators at home.

Body fat percentage: 35 - 40%

This interval is considered "morbidly obese" and there is little or no defined definition. As explained above, it is important to keep in mind that percentage body fat can vary from person to person - depending on weight, age, or how fat is genetically distributed in each body individually. But it can be said that body fat percentage is a much more accurate way of measuring your progress than a scale.

Most people don't know exactly how much weight they want to lose. But they can more easily determine what level of muscle and definition they want to achieve. That's why your percetal fat goals you want to achieve are - The best way. With all that said, let these photos and descriptions help give you an idea of ​​where you are and where you want to go.

1. Body Fat Percentage

Often the terms "obesity" and "overweight" are perceived as synonymous, however, this is not the same thing. Weight is the total weight of the body, including bones, muscles, water, fat, etc. Overweight - body weight in a particular person, exceeding that which is considered the norm for his height. Obesity is the excess accumulation of fat in the body, which poses a risk to health. Often it occurs when the intake of energy in the body with food exceeds the energy expenditure.
Scientists have proven a direct relationship between excess fat in the body and the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Being overweight is not always an indicator of obesity, as people differ from each other in body size, shape, and body type. For example, in athletes, body weight can be sharply increased compared to the norm for its growth (due to muscle mass), however, they cannot be considered obese, since the percentage of fat in their body is normal. At the same time, at normal weight, the fat content may be higher than the established norms, which is a threat to health.

There are about 600 skeletal muscles in the human body - they have this name because they are connected to the bones through strong and stable structures that provide this connection. They are volunteers, which means we have power over them. While others, such as visceral or smooth muscles, such as those found inside our body, work without recoil.

Muscle contraction is caused by the release of calcium through a signal emitted by cells throughout the muscle fiber. When a nerve impulse strikes a muscle, a change in the electrical properties of the cell surface causes the muscle to contract. And, whenever a muscle contracts, there is an energy cost.

Men Women
Age Fine Fine Badly Dangerous Fine Fine Badly Dangerous
18-24 10,8 14,9 19,0 23,3 18,2 22,0 25,0 29,6
25-29 12,8 16,5 20,3 24,3 18,9 22,1 25,4 29,8
30-34 14,5 18,0 21,5 25,2 19,7 22,7 26,4 30,5
36-39 16,1 19,3 22,6 26,1 21,0 24,0 27,7 31,5
40-44 17,5 20,5 23,6 26,9 22,6 25,6 29,3 32,8
45-49 18,6 21,5 24,5 27,6 24,3 27,3 30,9 34,1
50-59 19,8 22,7 25,6 28,7 26,6 29,7 33,1 36,2
over 60 20,2 23,2 26,2 29,3 27,4 30,7 34,0 37,3

2. Percentage of water in the body

The percentage of water in the body is the amount of fluid in the human body, as a percentage of the total weight. Water plays a key role in many processes in the body, it is contained in every cell, tissue and organ. Maintaining an optimal balance of water in the body will avoid the risk of developing many diseases.

3. The percentage of internal (visceral) fat

We constantly use muscles, even sitting or just standing up. Without exercise, muscles atrophy and lose strength, elasticity, and flexibility. But food can also help. It's true that men and women share virtually the same muscles, but the similarities end here as far as the male gender is concerned.

Therefore, women do not have to be afraid of getting hyper-muscular bodybuilding programs, but for the same reason, they are designed for cellulite. Without this male hormone, in sufficient quantities, muscles are unlikely to grow. . The development of muscle mass depends on many factors. In addition to sex and hormonal profile, innate physical constitution, nutritional status and dietary strategies, training type and level are important. physical activity. The earlier you start, the more guarantees you have to develop muscle.

Visceral fat is the fat found in the abdominal cavity and surrounding the vital organs of a person. Studies have shown that body fat distribution changes with age, especially after menopause.
Elevated levels of visceral fat increase the risk of diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, etc.
The Tanita monitor measures % visceral fat from 1 to 59.

In truth, men and women have the same amount of muscle, but men have more muscle mass, are heavier and taller, and concentrate more muscle mass on the upper body. The presence of testosterone in men also contributes to the increase in muscle fibers.

In adulthood and out of weight, the amount of fat mass determines the existence of obesity: if men make up more than 25%, and in women - 32%. Thus, it has been established that a person has more muscle mass and less fat mass. The process of losing weight, in order to be successful and useful, must lead to the loss of fat mass. However, no matter how well performed, there will also be some muscle loss because you can't lose 100% of your weight through fat. But we can balance these proportions by protecting the muscles.

Range 1-12 - indicates that the level of visceral fat in your body is normal.

Range 13-59 - indicates that your body has an increased level of visceral fat. Try to change your lifestyle, perhaps with the help of the Proper Breakfast program and physical activity.

4. Bone mass

At the heart of measurement bone mass lies the determination of the mass of mineral substances in the body (calcium and other substances). Studies have shown that the development of muscle tissue strengthens the bones of the skeleton. This fact must be taken into account when drawing up a diet and physical activity so that the bones remain strong and healthy.

For example, with a loss of 5 kg, you can lose 75% of the fat mass and 25% of the muscles, or lose 40% of the fat mass and the rest of the muscles. The first case is much more beneficial, and for this it is important to include a physical activity plan in weight loss programs. The practice of physical activity, since it is a stimulus that develops muscles, causes a greater percentage of fat to be lost for the same weight loss.

Muscle tissue is lean and plays a much more active role in metabolism than adipose tissue because it uses more energy. Therefore, if we increase muscle mass in a person, he will begin to burn more calories at rest. The greater the amount of muscle mass, the more calories the body burns out and the greater its basal metabolism.

People suffering from osteoporosis or reduced bone strength due to age, pregnant women, etc. should carefully monitor the state of bone mass.

5. Muscle mass

This function allows you to determine the mass of muscle tissue in the human body. The muscle mass index takes into account all the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, smooth muscles (heart and digestive system) and the water in these muscles. In a healthy person, the average muscle mass is 75% of the total summer mass (human weight).
Muscles play an important role in the metabolic process. Muscle development requires a significant amount of energy, which is released as a result of the breakdown (burning) of fats.

The benefits of increasing muscle mass are not unique to men! You will notice that some people gain weight more easily than others. Part of this difference is due to differences in body mass and, therefore, in metabolism. Of course, an individual who, when fattening, easily presents a lower basal metabolic rate and a higher percentage of body fat mass.

Decreased muscle tissue is one of the characteristics of the aging process and results in greater ease of weight gain, as well as loss of energy or increased body fatigue. To counteract this trend, it is possible and desirable to increase muscle mass by associating a balanced diet with increased exercise.

6. Assessment of the physical type

This function takes into account the ratio of body fat to muscle mass. With the growth of physical activity, the amount of fat in the body decreases, while the physical type may change: hidden fullness - 1, full - 2, dense physique - 3, trained - 4, normal - 5, standard muscular - 6, thin - 7, thin and muscular - 8, very muscular - 9.

Foods rich in starches, important for replenishing energy stores, such as pasta, cereals, potato tubers and rich in minerals - vegetables, vegetables and fruits, are more suitable for physical activity. If the goal is to gain muscle, there should be a protein boost, but with weight, quantity, and measurement, as excessive protein intake is counterproductive.

Muscles are primarily made up of proteins, but they can and should be superbly provided by food. Excessive protein intake leads to an increase in body fat, since in general protein-rich foods are also important contributors to fat overload, liver and kidney overload, and dehydration. On the other hand, taking large doses of protein is out of the question as it overwhelms the muscle's ability to synthesize proteins.

7. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) / Metabolic Age

This option allows you to determine the number of calories needed to carry out the metabolic processes of the body. This is the minimum level of energy your body needs to keep the respiratory, circulatory, nervous systems, liver, kidneys, and other organs working properly at rest. Your metabolic rate rises when you are active. This is because the musculoskeletal system (40% of the body weight), like a motor, consumes a large number of energy. A significant part of the energy is spent on the work of the muscles, so an increase in muscle mass will also increase the PBM. The higher the PBM, the more calories are burned in the process of increasing muscle mass, which will reduce the level of body fat. The lower the level of PBM, the slower fat burning occurs, there is a higher likelihood of obesity with all the ensuing consequences.
The analyzer allows you to determine what age, on average, corresponds to the value of the basal metabolism indicator obtained as a result of measurements. If your PBM age is higher than your real age, it means that you should increase your lean body mass. By doing so, you improve your metabolic age.

After the practice of physical exercise, compensatory protein synthesis occurs if nutrients are available, especially within two hours immediately after exercise. Therefore, drinks recommended during and after exercise should contain amino acids, especially branched chains, in addition to carbohydrates. good examples are liquid milk and liquid yogurt, since they contribute to increased protein synthesis, i.e. increase in muscle mass due to its branched-chain amino acid, slow down the onset of fatigue.

Body fat distribution is genetically determined and varies from person to person. According to a study by researchers at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, both obesity and body shape appear to be controlled by important genes that are part of the normal developmental regulation mechanism. By studying certain genes, we can tell how fat an individual is and how fat will grow in the future, the study says.

Body parameters analyzer and consultant will help you create an individual weight loss program!

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Timko Ilya- lord of all site and fitness trainer | more >>

Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

Basically, there are 3 types of fat distribution. Gynoid that leaves the piriform body due to accumulation in the inner knee, upper shoulders, in the area abdominal cavity, inner thighs, buttocks, buttocks, sides and chest. This distribution is more common in women.

Ovid, with accumulation of fat throughout the body, can be identified in both sexes. The location of fat can have a significant impact on the risk of developing serious chronic diseases. Obesity, which is reaching epidemic proportions worldwide, is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other metabolic diseases. People who are apple-shaped, with fat concentrated in the abdomen, are at a significantly greater risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome than people with subcutaneous fat, that is, distributed under the buttocks and thighs.

Weight 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 4 7 7 7 2 70 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 86 88 89 90 91 92 92 94 95 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 106 108 108 108 110 112 112 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 127 127 127 127 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 158 159 160 161 163 164 165 167 168 169 170 171 172 174 175 176 177 177 177 177 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 193 193 195 196 196 197 199 200 200 200 20 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 167 168 169 170 171 174 174 176 177 177 178 179 181 182 183 185 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 22

We can list other factors that affect the distribution of body fat, such as muscle mass, metabolic rate, gender and age. With age, the secretion of growth hormone increases, the rate of basal metabolism decreases, especially in the postmenopausal period, the amount of lean mass decreases and increases compared to the amount of fat in a woman's body. There is also a decrease in fat burning, which makes women's metabolism slower than that of a man.

Dietary diets, which women and bodybuilders do a lot, where they radically cut off one of the nutrients, usually carbohydrates, slow down the metabolism and, therefore, increase body fat. Another factor studied is ambient temperature. In the cold, the body burns more calories to maintain body temperature, which reduces the amount of body fat. The thermogenic action of certain substances, such as caffeine, speeds up the metabolism and, as a result, reduces the accumulation of fat.

Fold thickness (mm):
Girth (cm):

Hello. To determine the muscle mass of your body, you need 2 tools. This is a caliper and tailor's tape. It is better that all measurements are carried out by another person, and not by yourself.

Physical activity, pregnancy and lactation also increase basal metabolic rate and burn more fat. These variations explain part of the difference in fat distribution between men and women. Women should have a higher percentage of body fat than men. 8% of the female body composition is reserved for essential fats, while for men this percentage is 5%.

For an ideal physique, the percentage of body fat in women should be between 16% and 25%, while for men it should be between 12% and 18%. With 30% body fat, women are already considered obese, while for men this percentage is 25%.

We measure the thickness of the skin fold with a caliper (circles in the picture). We pull the skin fold with our fingers and lightly squeeze it with a caliper. The pressure should not be strong. The data is entered in millimeters.

We measure the girth of body parts with a tailor's tape (lines in the picture). We measure the biceps in a relaxed state. The data is entered in centimeters.

Therefore, women not only have more body fat than men, but the distribution of this fat in the body of women is different from the distribution of men. Men have a higher percentage of muscle mass compared to women. This difference in muscle composition between the sexes leads to differences in height, weight, and calorie requirements. Not only do men have more muscle than women due to higher testosterone levels, but their muscles are naturally bulkier than women. In addition, the large muscle mass makes the male body harder and naturally stronger than the female body.

For reference, I’ll say that in women, the average indicators of the amount of muscle mass are 36%. In men - 40% - 45%. Athletes - 45% - 50%. For professional bodybuilders - up to 70%.

Sincerely, Timko Ilya.