Normal temperature for pregnant women in the second trimester. Body temperature is an important indicator of the condition of a pregnant woman. When to see a doctor

From the moment of fertilization, in the first weeks, increased or low temperature during pregnancy early stages, which is caused by changes occurring in a woman’s body. When the mercury column is within 37-37.5 degrees, this is acceptable and does not indicate pathologies. If other symptoms occur and when high levels persist for a long time, you should be wary - this can cause a miscarriage or be a sign of any infections.

What is temperature during pregnancy

How many degrees should the temperature be during pregnancy? In a healthy woman, the thermometer mark varies within 36.6-37.7 °C. This is how the body reacts to hormonal changes. The indicator increases in the second phase of the cycle during the production of the hormone progesterone, which appears during pregnancy and is responsible for the preservation ovum. A temperature of about 37 °C in the initial stages of gestation is considered normal. If a low-grade fever is accompanied by a fever, this may be a sign of a cold or a dangerous infection.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

BT, or basal temperature, will tell you a lot about women’s health: it will show fertile days (the most favorable for conception), the presence of ovulation, its absence, and determine pregnancy. With its help, the functioning of the ovaries is assessed, the development of pregnancy is monitored initial terms(12-14 weeks). BT is measured:

  • orally;
  • rectally (in the rectum, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed).

Period from day one menstrual cycle and before the onset of ovulation is considered the first phase of the cycle. BT should be at 36.2 and 36.8 °C. Throughout the entire second phase of the cycle, temperature fluctuations can be in a small range of 37-37.5 ° C. 2-3 days before menstruation, a decrease in basal temperature to 36.2-36.9 ° C is noted. If there is no sharp drop in the reading and it remains at 37.5 degrees, this is a sign of pregnancy. Increased temperature conditions will be observed up to 4 months of gestation.

In the early stages

To attach a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, it is necessary. When the level of an important hormone increases in the body, the basal temperature during early pregnancy increases to 37.3 °C. Measuring indicators can continue until the 16th week every day. The norm of values ​​is considered conditional and should not exactly repeat the generally accepted schedule. A slight increase does not indicate pathology. Basal temperature in early pregnancy may be as follows:

  • 3rd week– from 37 to 37.7 °C;
  • 4th week– 37.1-37.5 °C;
  • from 5 to 11 weeks– high, but if the basal temperature is more than 38 °C, consult a doctor immediately;
  • Week 12– not less than 37.0 and not more than 38 °C.

Increased temperature during early pregnancy

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A woman who is in an interesting situation, upon receiving good news, begins to be especially attentive to her health.

Many representatives of the fair sex notice that they have a temperature of 37. During pregnancy, this phenomenon can be called the rule rather than the exception.

Of course, you should consult a doctor and dispel your doubts. But if you decide to become a mother, then it will not be superfluous to know what will happen in the body over the long 9 months and how this will affect changes in body temperature.

The reasons why the temperature remains at 37.3 during pregnancy for a long time can be both natural changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother and various diseases.

You should not turn a blind eye to this condition. It often causes unnecessary worries and doubts.

Negative emotions are not very good for a child, so you should consult a doctor and dispel your fears.

Practice shows that in 8 cases out of 10, a slight increase in temperature throughout the entire period becomes normal. But a lot depends on the duration of pregnancy.

First trimester changes

If the temperature drops, this indicates a threat of interruption. Most often, the cause of this pathology is the insufficiency of the corpus luteum and, as a result, the release of a small amount of progesterone.

A temperature of 37 during early pregnancy is the body’s physiological reaction to a new condition. In order for the embryo to develop correctly and the body not to perceive it as a foreign body, a decrease in immune defense occurs.

This process is inherent in nature and does not require the help of people or the use of any means. A natural decrease in immunity cannot but be reflected in temperature values. Many women feel unwell during this period: headache, drowsiness, increased fatigue.

The risk of colds also increases. But if there are no additional symptoms of the disease, then there is no need to worry. In the coming weeks, your condition will improve, and your pregnancy will move to a new stage - the second trimester.

A temperature of 37 during pregnancy (in the first trimester) often appears due to the release of progesterone. This hormone is designed to support pregnancy. It is produced by the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum, formed in the ovary after ovulation.

Progesterone is necessary to relax muscle muscles, so often in the early stages of pregnancy, women experience problems with bowel movements and urination (the urge becomes more frequent).

Progesterone affects thermoregulation and the functioning of the pituitary gland. It is not surprising that it causes fluctuations in temperature values.

It is most noticeable in the evening. Measuring body temperature after working day, you may see values ​​reaching up to 37.5 degrees, which is not a cause for concern.

Separately, it should be mentioned that a basal temperature of 37 during pregnancy is good.

Not all women are faced with the need to control these values. But for those who have had problems conceiving or difficulties in the early stages, this becomes a necessity.

Please note that the temperature may also increase during an ectopic pregnancy. This pathology can only be reliably established using ultrasound.

Changes that occur in the second trimester

It is important that high thermometer readings determined in the second trimester are much more likely to indicate pathology than readings at the beginning of pregnancy.

With the beginning of the second third of pregnancy, a woman’s placenta forms. But she cannot immediately take on all the tasks, so the corpus luteum will function for another 1-3 weeks. As is already known, it secretes progesterone, which provokes slight increases in body temperature.

Very soon the placenta will take over the tasks of the ovaries and secrete the pregnancy hormone on its own. From this moment on, the expectant mother may notice an improvement in her well-being: mood swings occur less frequently, toxicosis and drowsiness disappear.

But a body temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester can still persist for natural reasons.

The second third of pregnancy requires rapid growth of the embryo.

If in the early stages only its formation and the appearance of organs and the formation of systems occur, then now all this will grow at an incredible speed.

This additional load especially affects the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

If a woman has any chronic diseases (for example, venous insufficiency or pyelonephritis), then an increase in temperature may occur precisely for these reasons.

Therefore, if you detect any extraneous symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

Third trimester

A temperature of 37.1-37.3 during pregnancy in the third trimester is usually no longer normal.

Sometimes this condition, in the early stages, is physiological and does not indicate abnormalities.

Also, women with pituitary gland dysfunction can remain in a similar temperature regime constantly.

But statistics show that the third part of pregnancy usually occurs with normal thermometer readings. What does a slight increase in temperature indicate?

Acute period of illness

The immune system makes the body of the expectant mother especially vulnerable in the early stages, in the first trimester. But even before childbirth he cannot be called strong.

Therefore, very often a woman catches a viral infection:

  • flu,
  • cold,
  • intestinal diseases.

In this case, the expectant mother has a fever for 3-5 days. If it does not reach critical levels, but stays within 37.2-37.6, then nothing needs to be done.

The organization of appropriate conditions, peace and positive emotions will quickly return the pregnant woman to normal life.

Under no circumstances should you carry the disease on your feet, since you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby.

Recurrent chronic pathologies

A temperature of 37-37.5 in a pregnant woman can be diagnosed with chronic diseases or indolent pathologies.

Usually their exacerbation occurs with increasing load on the body. Thus, over time, blood volume increases, and obstructed urine flow can affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis often worsen in expectant mothers. There is also the concept of " asymptomatic bacteriuria", which often develops in the last trimester.

Wherein future mom may not observe any signs of illness other than a slight increase in temperature. Only a specialist can establish the correct diagnosis.

External influence of factors

An increase in the thermometer to 37.5 degrees or higher can occur due to overheating. This happens more often in hot weather. This is not the best condition for the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, when going on vacation, do not forget about a hat and sunscreen.

Slight fluctuations in temperature in pregnant women can result from eating hot or spicy foods.

Physical exercise (swimming, cycling or house cleaning) also provokes a slight rise. The value of 37.4 on the thermometer can also be seen after sexual intercourse.

The influence of external factors can very easily be distinguished from a pathological process.

If the expectant mother unexpectedly discovers that she has an elevated temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, then it is worth taking a second measurement after some time.

If hyperthermia disappears within 24 hours, then you can high probability say that it arose under the influence of external provocateurs.

In what cases does a woman need treatment?

If you have a temperature of 37 in the early stages, then you should not immediately panic and grab medications. First, visit a doctor and find out the causes of this condition.

If the body has a natural reaction to external stimuli or physiological causes of hyperthermia, usually no action needs to be taken.

Remember that taking any medications can now negatively affect the formation and development of the fetus. When a doctor discovers a pathology, women are recommended to undergo certain treatment regimens that are safe for her condition.

  • For viral infections, approved immunomodulators and homeopathy (Ocillococcinum, Grippferon, Viburkol) are often used. The woman is shown peace and comfortable conditions.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases requires the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. This is a very serious decision that the doctor makes after weighing all the pros and cons. Expectant mothers are usually prescribed penicillin drugs and only from the second third of pregnancy. Treatment involves subsequent restoration of microflora and vitamin therapy.
  • The need for treatment of chronic diseases is determined by the doctor. Some situations do not require emergency treatment and may well be eliminated after delivery.

Don't forget about symptomatic treatment. Expectant mothers should try to lower their body temperature when it exceeds 37.5 degrees. Otherwise, this condition can be dangerous for the baby and negatively affect the functioning of the placenta.

The use of folk remedies

To reduce a high temperature, the expectant mother needs to drink plenty of fluids: fruit drinks, compotes, milk, still water and everything a woman likes.

Hot drinks should not be consumed. Their temperature should be as comfortable as possible. You can use decoctions of chamomile, linden,...

But you should be careful with herbal drinks, as they can trigger allergies. Rubbing with water will help reduce body temperature by 0.5 degrees.

It is strictly forbidden to add vinegar or alcohol to water. If within an hour the thermometer values ​​have not decreased or they continue to rise, then you will have to resort to medicinal methods treatment of hyperthermia.

Medications for expectant mothers

The most popular and safe antipyretic drug in the early stages is Paracetamol and drugs based on it. In the second trimester of pregnancy you can take Ibuprofen.

Please note that the use of antipyretics should not become regular. If, after the first decrease, the pregnant woman’s temperature rises again, then this is a reason to urgently seek medical help.

The well-known Aspirin is prohibited for use by expectant mothers.

This drug can affect the formation of the baby’s central nervous system or even cause termination of pregnancy. Analgin and other antipyretics can only be used with medical permission.

Doctors do not advise expectant mothers to constantly measure their body temperature unless there are additional reasons for this.

By self-hypnosis you can influence the results and provoke hyperthermia yourself.

Thermometer readings ranging from 36 to 37.5 at the beginning of pregnancy are the norm. There is no need to make any attempts to bring them to 36.6. Relax and enjoy your new position. Your condition will soon stabilize.

In contact with

Often, expectant mothers measure their temperature at the slightest sign of malaise - a feeling of fever, chills, headache. A slight rise can be frightening, because even a temperature of 37 during pregnancy seems to be the beginning of a serious illness, especially in the early stages.

Is it really?

Temperature standards

Normal human body temperature ranges from 35.8 to 37.0 degrees. And if the thermometer stops at 37, this is not yet a reason for concern, but the upper limit of the norm. An increase from 37.1 to 37.9 is called low-grade fever or low-grade fever. And 38 degrees and above is already a febrile temperature.

These numbers refer to the standard measurement - in the armpit.

But it can be measured in other places. Medical literature and reference books often indicate values ​​not for axillary, but for rectal or oral temperature. If the measurement was carried out in the mouth, then the norm may be a thermometer reading of up to 37.3 degrees on average.

The upper limit of rectal measurement is considered to be 37.6–37.7 degrees. This method is considered the most reliable.

Measurements in the inguinal folds, ear and vagina are not used in routine practice.

Body temperature of pregnant women

During pregnancy, metabolism changes. In the early stages, the hormone progesterone plays a major role in maintaining all processes. It is thanks to him that the development of the embryo becomes possible. But progesterone has another property - it increases body temperature.

This increase does not go beyond subfebrile numbers - no higher than 38. Usually the thermometer is kept in the range of 37.1–37.4 degrees and this is observed in the early stages. Progesterone is most active in the first trimester, up to twelve weeks.

Starting from the second trimester, the temperature most often returns to normal and may rise again on the eve of childbirth. If a woman experiences a fever in the second trimester or more later, she should definitely see a doctor.

How to distinguish progesterone temperature from an increase in illness? It is characterized by three signs:

  • low-grade fever;
  • no symptoms of illness;
  • occurs in early pregnancy.

Dangers of fever during pregnancy

What are the dangers of a feverish state for a pregnant woman? In the early stages, the laying of all organs of the embryo occurs. The brain, heart, kidneys, liver and lungs are formed.

Violations of thermoregulation lead to process failure. In the future, this can manifest itself as various complications - from minor to serious malformations of the child. The condition of the expectant mother in the early stages suffers no more than that of an ordinary woman.

In the second trimester, the risk for the baby decreases, but still remains. The formation of organs and systems continues. Diseases with high fever and infectious processes can be dangerous for him. In the second trimester, the risk for a woman increases.

As pregnancy progresses, her immunity steadily decreases so as not to harm the unborn child, and her susceptibility to viruses and bacteria increases.

Pregnant women become more easily infected and suffer more severely from the disease.

After the second trimester, in the later stages, the baby is almost fully formed. Infections cannot seriously harm him. But high fever is still highly undesirable. For a pregnant woman, infectious diseases during this period are the most dangerous and most often result in complications.

In the first, second and third trimesters, TORCH infections pose a serious threat to the normal development and life of the child. The temperature often increases slightly, but the consequences can be extremely dangerous.

During pregnancy, it is very important to distinguish physiological changes in temperature from pathological ones in order to begin treatment in a timely manner.

But only a doctor should carry out the diagnosis. And it is he who prescribes the appropriate therapy. Common diseases associated with fever during pregnancy include:

  1. Acute respiratory diseases.
  2. Infections of the genitourinary system.
  3. Food poisoning and acute intestinal diseases.
  4. TORCH infections.
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland with increased function.

A separate, borderline condition is thermoneurosis.


Thermoneurosis is a condition that occurs both during pregnancy and outside of it. Manifested by an increase in temperature due to a violation of thermoregulation. Thermoneurosis is a borderline state between a physiological process and pathology. Previously, this was considered one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

With thermoneurosis, the increase fluctuates between 37.2–37.4 degrees, almost never reaching 38.

Signs that help establish the diagnosis:

  1. Low-grade fever.
  2. There are no signs of an infectious disease - sore throat, runny nose, cough, gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. The general condition does not suffer.
  4. Conventional antipyretics do not help, but sedatives have a good effect.
  5. The temperature in different armpits varies.

During pregnancy, thermoneurosis can be suspected if low-grade fever is observed not only in the early stages, but also in the second or third trimester. But this diagnosis is established only when all other causes are excluded.

Acute respiratory diseases

Acute respiratory diseases, or acute respiratory infections, are most often viral infections. They may present with the following symptoms:

  1. Nasal discharge and congestion.
  2. Pain, soreness and feeling of a lump in the throat.
  3. A scratching sensation behind the sternum, a dry cough.
  4. Headache and aching joints.
  5. An increase in body temperature to 38 degrees or more.
  6. Feeling unwell.

Body temperature during acute respiratory infections can increase either slightly or above 38 degrees. The main difference from a physiological rise in temperature will be the addition of the above symptoms. Sometimes the disease occurs in an erased form - a slight runny nose, scratching in the throat.

You should immediately consult a doctor so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness. Immunity decreases during pregnancy, and the expectant mother becomes easy prey for various viruses and bacteria.

Flu and sore throat are a particular danger for pregnant women.

The flu begins abruptly, with a high body temperature - above 38 degrees, aching joints, sore throat, redness of the eyes. General health is poor. In the early stages of pregnancy it is dangerous for the development of the child, in the later stages it is dangerous for the woman’s health due to weakened immunity. Can lead to complications - viral pneumonia, encephalitis.

Sore throat is a lesion of the tonsils caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Manifested by high body temperature, severe sore throat, and poor health. Untreated tonsillitis leads to damage to the joints, kidneys and heart.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Diseases of the genitourinary system are a common complication during pregnancy. It is explained by the anatomical features of the female body, the pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder area.

The main urinary tract diseases that an expectant mother may encounter are cystitis and pyelonephritis.


Cystitis is manifested by frequent, painful urination. The general condition is usually not disturbed, body temperature remains within normal limits or increases slightly. Occasionally, there is a complicated form of cystitis – hemorrhagic. It is accompanied by the release of large quantity blood at the end of urination.

Frequent urination does not always indicate cystitis. This is a normal occurrence in early pregnancy, in the first weeks, due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder.

As the body adapts, this symptom disappears and appears again at the end of pregnancy, when the uterus reaches a significant size.

But frequent urination combined with low-grade fever during pregnancy can frighten the expectant mother.

A general urine test will help differentiate between physiological changes and inflammation of the bladder. Untreated cystitis leads to the development of pyelonephritis.


Pyelonephritis is a serious disease, in which the kidneys are involved in the inflammatory process. Pyelonephritis can be an independent disease or an outcome of cystitis, especially if the pregnant woman self-medicated.

The main symptoms of kidney inflammation:

  1. Increased body temperature over 38 degrees.
  2. Chills.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Pain and aches in the lower back.
  5. Deterioration of general condition.

If such complaints appear, the woman should be immediately examined by a doctor. Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics even during pregnancy. Lack of treatment leads to serious complications from the kidneys and the whole body.

Stomach and intestinal diseases

Toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and bloating. The same symptoms occur with acute intestinal infections and food poisoning.

The most common infectious intestinal disease is rotavirus. Young children usually get sick, who then infect all family members.

The disease occurs with abdominal pain, nausea and frequent vomiting, diarrhea. Body temperature can rise above 38 degrees. Recovery occurs the next day or is delayed for 5–7 days. Hospitalization may be required due to the risk of dehydration.

Food poisoning has a similar clinical picture to intestinal infections.

They can occur in mild and severe forms. Sometimes the symptoms are mild. A history of the disease helps clarify the diagnosis - contact with a person sick with rotavirus, or consumption of questionable food the day before.

If low-grade fever occurs with gastrointestinal disorders in the second and third trimesters, this almost always indicates illness.

TORCH infections

There are diseases that are dangerous to contract during pregnancy. They can greatly affect a child's development. These are rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, herpes. For the most part, they occur like regular colds.

Only rubella has specific signs - a characteristic rash and enlarged occipital lymph nodes. But in 60% of cases it also occurs under the guise of an acute respiratory infection.

In order not to miss an infection during pregnancy, examination for TORCH infections is carried out in the first, second and third trimesters.

A temperature of 37 or higher during pregnancy, accompanied by vague rashes and even slight enlargement of the lymph nodes, is a reason for additional examination.

Thyroid diseases

Changed temperature during pregnancy occurs in the case of diseases of the thyroid gland. With increased function, a low-grade fever is noted, not reaching 38 degrees. Typically the temperature is kept between 37.2–37.5 degrees.

You can suspect a pathology of the thyroid gland if you have the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling of a lump or discomfort in the throat.
  2. Visible thickening in the neck area.
  3. Irritability, tearfulness.
  4. Weight loss.
  5. Rapid heartbeat, pulse.
  6. Feeling of heart failure.

Most of these signs are nonspecific and can occur during normal pregnancy. But if the temperature during pregnancy is elevated in the second and third trimesters and changes appear in the neck area, this is a reason for an urgent consultation with an endocrinologist.

Diseases of the thyroid gland in the past and in close relatives are also risk factors and require hormonal examination.

To determine the function of the thyroid gland, it is enough to know the level of one hormone - thyroid-stimulating hormone or TSH. If TSH is changed, the endocrinologist prescribes a detailed examination, including ultrasound of this organ. Normal functioning of the thyroid gland is very important for the full and proper development of the baby.


Fever during pregnancy requires a doctor's examination, even with a slight rise. It may be a sign infectious disease. Sometimes the temperature rises during pregnancy due to exacerbation of chronic diseases - otitis media, tonsillitis. And such conditions are fraught with dangerous complications for the child.

Examination of a pregnant woman includes:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Biochemical tests - markers of inflammation.
  3. Immunological examination for suspected TORCH and other infections.
  4. Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity, kidneys, bladder.
  5. consultation with an ENT doctor, pulmonologist, endocrinologist, rheumatologist if necessary.


Fever in pregnant women does not always require treatment. Expectant motherhood imposes strict restrictions on use medicines. And even one tablet taken without a doctor’s prescription can have a negative effect on the child’s health.

If the temperature rises slightly in the first trimester of pregnancy, without signs of infectious or inflammatory diseases, you just need to stop measuring it. Most likely, it is associated with excess progesterone. But such decisions are made only together with the doctor.

High fever during pregnancy requires mandatory treatment.

If in ordinary life it is better to give the body the opportunity to fight the infection itself, then during pregnancy this is unacceptable. As soon as the thermometer rises to 37.5 degrees, you must take an antipyretic.

How can you treat fever during pregnancy?

At the beginning of the disease you can use folk remedies. Pregnant women are allowed to drink teas with herbs and berries - chamomile, raspberries, lingonberries, viburnum. They have anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. It is also advisable to consume more compotes, fruit drinks, warm tea - in the absence of edema.

Wet bandages on the forehead are allowed - moistened with warm water.

If these methods do not help, you need to seek help from medications. Viburkol and Paracetamol are allowed as medications. Viburcol in suppositories has an antispasmodic and mild antipyretic effect. Well tolerated. Paracetamol has a higher antipyretic effect, but side effects more.

In addition to symptomatic therapy, other medications approved during pregnancy are also used. For sore throat and runny nose, take Bioparox and Sinupret.

Basic treatment measures:

  1. Food poisoning and acute intestinal infections require mandatory hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital for a full examination and combating dehydration. If dangerous pathogens are identified - for example, salmonella, yersinia - appropriate treatment is carried out. For rotavirus infection, the main treatment will be to control diarrhea and vomiting and restore lost fluid.
  2. Confirmed infections of the genitourinary system require the prescription of antiseptics or antibiotics. Pyelonephritis - acute or exacerbation of chronic - is treated only in a hospital.
  3. If thyroid disease is detected, a pregnant woman must be observed by an endocrinologist - monitor TSH and take medications if necessary.
  4. Primary infection with diseases from the TORCH group is an indication for treatment by an infectious disease specialist specializing in this area. With proper therapy, in most cases, complications can be avoided.
  5. Thermoneurosis does not require special treatment. In this situation, a pregnant woman needs to take care of proper nutrition and rest, if possible, change the environment and work less.

An increase in temperature during pregnancy is only a symptom. It may mean nothing or say a lot. You should not engage in self-diagnosis or self-medication during this period, exaggerate or ignore the problem. It is important to consult a doctor in time so as not to treat the consequences later.

During pregnancy, it is important for a woman to be extremely careful not to get sick, because this will negatively affect the health and development of the fetus, and any medications during this period are contraindicated for a woman. A high temperature during pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon and most often indicates the presence of some disease. Regardless of the reason for the rise in temperature, a reading close to or exceeding 38 degrees is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Causes elevated temperature during pregnancy.
Changes in body temperature can be observed in any trimester of pregnancy. There may be several reasons for this - pregnancy itself and various infectious and inflammatory diseases. During the period of hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, body temperature may increase slightly (normally up to 37.4 degrees Celsius) due to the influence of a large amount of progesterone produced, which is responsible for preserving the fertilized egg, and suppression of the immune system.

Due to weakened immune defenses, a woman’s body is susceptible to attacks from various viruses and infections, which is why during the period of pregnancy it is important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and, if possible, avoid crowds of people. Very often, the measures taken do not have an effect; the woman develops ARVI, influenza or any other colds(most often during epidemics), which may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Urogenital and intestinal infections are considered more serious, in which an increase in temperature is one of the first symptoms.

Temperature during pregnancy due to illness.
Except high temperature in a pregnant woman, as a result of ARVI, other symptoms of the disease are added, in particular severe headache, drowsiness, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, cough. ARVI is insidious in the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, tracheitis, laryngitis, otitis. Viruses can easily penetrate the placental barrier and negatively affect the fetus. Against the background of infection, spontaneous miscarriage occurs, or various malformations occur.

Pyelonephritis or inflammation of the renal pelvis is a fairly common disease among women during pregnancy. The development of the disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature; the disease develops due to fetal pressure on the ureters. Against this background, the outflow of urine is difficult, and infection occurs. In addition to high temperature, there is general weakness, headache, pain in the lower back, which can radiate to the thigh or groin, and painful urination. It is quite difficult to detect the disease during pregnancy against the background of low severity of signs of kidney damage. The disease cannot be left untreated; in the later stages, gestosis (late toxicosis) develops, resulting in oxygen starvation and developmental delay in the fetus. In more serious cases, the disease provokes miscarriage.

Intestinal infection also frequent illness among pregnant women. It manifests itself in the form of nausea and vomiting; the symptoms are, in principle, similar to the symptoms of pregnancy. The addition of other manifestations to the existing symptoms should be alarming - loose stools, pain and cramping in the abdomen, and, of course, an increase in temperature.

A high body temperature always indicates an infection; both of these factors are dangerous.

It is difficult to treat infections in the first trimester of pregnancy in conditions where almost all medications are contraindicated for expectant mothers. Therefore, do not delay, do not self-medicate, it is better to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

The danger of fever during pregnancy.
In the first trimester of embryonic development, temperatures up to 37 degrees Celsius are perceived by experts as the norm; there is no need to worry. It’s another matter if its indicator approaches 38 degrees. In this case, the fetus and its development, as well as the nervous system, begin to suffer. The formation of many organs and systems of the baby occurs precisely in the first few months of gestation; an increase in temperature above 38 degrees during this period leads to various developmental defects and mental retardation of the child. If the temperature above 38 degrees does not subside within 24 hours, the brain, limbs, and facial skeleton suffer (defects in the development of the jaw, palate and upper lip are most common).

High temperature leads to disruption of protein synthesis, impairs blood supply to the placenta, which provokes miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, and premature birth in later stages.

An increase in body temperature, even a slight one, is dangerous before childbirth, as it can cause the expectant mother to develop various complications from the heart and nervous system. There is a risk of infection for the baby during childbirth.

What to do if your temperature rises during pregnancy.
So, if the temperature has risen to 37-37.6 degrees, there is no need to be afraid, this is a normal phenomenon, unless, of course, there are other signs that bother you. If the temperature is close to 38 degrees (37.7-38), or exceeds this figure, you should consult a doctor. A gynecologist (if necessary, together with specialists) will conduct a full examination in order to identify the cause that provoked the increase in temperature. You should lower your temperature yourself only after consulting a doctor!

Remember, in the second half of pregnancy, progesterone no longer affects the woman’s body, so temperature during this period is the main symptom of infection or inflammation. If, in addition to high temperature, there is a gradual or sudden deterioration in general health, accompanied by vomiting and pain in any area, call an ambulance without delay.

How to reduce temperature during pregnancy?
Let me remind you that any antipyretic medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Aspirin and drugs based on it are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy; in the first months there is a high risk of miscarriage when taking it, and in the later months it provokes bleeding and delays the birth process. The drug can also cause fetal malformations and reduce blood clotting, which can lead to bleeding.

If the temperature is quickly approaching 38 degrees, you should take half a tablet or another drug based on it (Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracet, etc.), and call a doctor. I repeat, tablets should be taken in exceptional cases; it is advisable to get by with a single dose of medication. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of Paracetamol during pregnancy leads to anemia and causes bleeding.

Folk remedies for reducing body temperature.
Increased body temperature (up to 37.6 degrees) does not require any treatment; you can simply use folk remedies. To begin with, you should drink more warm (not hot!) liquid. Suitable for this purpose green tea, linden blossom with raspberries or lemon, cranberry juice, chamomile infusion, milk with honey and butter. If you have a problem with edema, you will have to be extremely careful; excess fluid is not advisable, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

At low temperatures, herbal infusions will help: place two tablespoons of raspberries, four tablespoons of coltsfoot, three tablespoons of plantain in a glass jar (0.5 l) and brew with boiling water, let it brew. Drink a tablespoon four times a day.

Or this recipe: place a teaspoon of crushed white willow bark in a small jar, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave until completely cooled. Take a tablespoon four times a day.

You can reduce the temperature by simply wiping with a vinegar solution, lemon juice, cold water, cold compresses on the forehead.

If these measures do not help you, moreover, your condition worsens, call a doctor. It also happens that the use of these methods is a waste of precious time in situations where you need to act immediately. Therefore, be attentive to yourself; during pregnancy, any delay can cost the fetus its life.

Prevention of fever during pregnancy.

  • If possible, avoid crowded places, especially during epidemics.
  • Thoroughly ventilate the apartment several times a day.
  • After going outside, rinse your nasal passages and wash your hands with soap.
  • Accept vitamin complexes and compositions to enhance immunity, but with the permission of a doctor.
Low temperature during pregnancy.
A decrease in body temperature can also be observed during pregnancy and is a feature of a woman’s body. However, this symptom may be a sign of toxicosis (due to dehydration and electrolyte disturbances) or the presence of endocrine pathologies, which requires hospital treatment. This kind of reaction of the body may also indicate an immunodeficiency state. In any case, it is necessary to inform the doctor managing the pregnancy about this.

The pregnancy period is not only wonderful, but also exciting, because a woman is worried that her child will fully develop in the womb and be completely healthy. The slightest deterioration in health can unsettle even the calmest person. Temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should not be ignored, because it can be caused by serious disorders. Let's figure out which ones exactly.

Features of the second trimester

The second trimester is the calmest period for a pregnant woman. This period of time begins with and ends with 24. The woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, she does not experience dizziness and headaches. The belly has already noticeably rounded, but not yet to such an extent as to feel awkward. This is a great time for hiking fresh air, special physical education classes for pregnant women or swimming.

At this stage, the formation takes place internal organs child. The brain has already fully developed, and the baby exhibits motor ability and sensitivity.

When the term reaches, the placenta is already fully formed. The barrier saturates the fetus with oxygen and all necessary substances, and also protects the baby from infections and other harmful factors.

The female body cannot help but react to such processes, which can be manifested by an increase in temperature in the second trimester.

What is the norm and deviation

The normal temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is from 36 to 37 degrees. But the indicators can increase to 37.5 degrees, which without any other manifestations is not a deviation. At this time, the placental barrier actively produces the hormone progesterone, which may result in low-grade fever. Throughout the entire period of gestation, progesterone levels regularly increase, and its decrease is observed immediately before the birth of the child.

When the thermometer readings rise slightly, but the woman’s general well-being does not suffer, you should not be too upset. You need to be seriously concerned in the following situations:

  • Feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. The condition requires urgent contact with a doctor, who will examine and give a referral for an ultrasound. In some cases, a temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester may be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • When a stable febrile temperature is observed, which is not accompanied by any other symptoms. This is a signal of an existing pathology: kidney inflammation, tuberculosis and more. The patient should urgently consult a doctor, because several days of high fever in the 2nd trimester is an extremely dangerous condition for the baby.
  • If there is fever, fever, or other signs of viral pathology, there is no need to worry. This condition is characterized by low-grade fever, which is not dangerous to the fetus. But you still need to see a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a course of therapy that will help eliminate the occurrence of negative consequences.
  • If the thermometer exceeds 38 degrees, it is necessary to undergo a course of medication. Even a common cold can result in serious consequences, not to mention other pathologies. Intense fever can be caused by inflammation of the ovaries, herpes and other serious conditions.

Never ignore any temperature shifts. It is important to find out the cause of this phenomenon and prevent the development of serious complications.

Reasons for rising temperature

Before you start treatment, you need to know the real reason fever in the second trimester. The most common culprit for this phenomenon is a cold. The fetus is protected by the placental barrier, but the emergence and development of viral pathologies can have irreparable complications.

Inflammations that occur in the body of a pregnant woman can cause oxygen starvation, as well as miscarriage.

Quite often, fever occurs under the influence of infections, which increases the load on the kidneys.

An ectopic pregnancy is unlikely, since it is detected in the early stages, but it is better to be on the safe side, that is, get checked.

Often, a reading of 37 on the thermometer indicates banal overheating in the summer season. To solve this problem, it is necessary to avoid large crowds of people, as well as stuffy rooms. Always carry a bottle of still water with you.

Basal temperature in the 2nd trimester

Typically, expectant mothers monitor rectal temperature values ​​in order to find out the most successful days of conception. But as soon as the goal is achieved, fertilization occurs, women immediately stop taking measurements. Should I continue to measure? basal temperature during gestation?

Doctors advise expectant mothers to measure their BT. Such actions will help to identify hormonal disorders in a timely manner. Any deviation from the norm is a serious reason for an unscheduled inspection. It makes sense to play it safe once again and get all the necessary tests done.

Basal temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy should not be less than 37°C. If a similar phenomenon is observed, it may indicate a threatened miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.

With constant monitoring of BT, it is possible to suspect abnormalities even before the appearance of characteristic symptoms, and therefore seek medical help in a timely manner.

High temperature: what is the danger

Seeing a mark of over 37 degrees on the thermometer, any woman will begin to worry and ask a completely adequate question to her attending physician: how does temperature affect the fetus during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester? The very fact of an increase in temperature is not dangerous, unless, of course, the temperature on the thermometer is higher than 38. But this is just a symptom that may indicate the presence of many diseases, including life-threatening ones.

Usually the culprit of this condition is a respiratory viral infection. ARVI and influenza at this stage of pregnancy, with timely and proper treatment, are not dangerous to the baby’s health. In this case, the likelihood of complications occurring is very low, and usually occurs due to untimely therapy.

An extremely undesirable and unfavorable phenomenon in the second trimester is a high, stable temperature without additional symptoms. The patient must undergo a series of laboratory tests to find out the true cause of the fever. Quite often, temperature readings increase when affected by a herpes virus infection or kidney inflammation. These conditions require emergency treatment, otherwise consequences are inevitable.

Do not remain idle if the fever is accompanied by nausea, fever, vomiting, or pain. Contact an ambulance.

What is absolutely unacceptable to do

Unfortunately, some women believe that they can solve the problem by applying a heating pad to their feet. However, this is not necessary. Such manipulations will only worsen the condition. Soaring legs for pregnant women is completely contraindicated. You can wrap your feet in a warm blanket or put on socks.

Even basic rubbing with vinegar or alcohol is not allowed during pregnancy. These methods only help if you are not expecting a child. All toxic components contained in rubbing liquids end up in female body through the skin and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Reducing fever without drugs

If the expectant mother falls ill with a viral illness, and because of this she has a fever, then the problem needs to be solved non-medically.

A prolonged runny nose contributes to oxygen deficiency in the fetus, and a cough stimulates uterine tone. Naturally, this is fraught with the emergence of the most undesirable consequences. Nasal medications and other medications can only do harm, but there is no need to do nothing either. Here, the old proven methods will be more relevant than ever.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester without medications:

  • Drink enough warm liquid. Raspberry tea is recommended, as well as rose hips. You need to choose fresh frozen fruits or in their own juice.
  • Gargle. Anything that is in every home will do: salt, honey, soda, chamomile. Just dilute a spoonful of the selected product in a glass of hot water.
  • Rinse the nasopharynx with a solution of salt. You will need per liter warm water one spoon of table salt.

Approved medications

If the temperature begins to rise rapidly on the thermometer, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. One of the most effective and safe drugs is paracetamol during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester due to fever.

Do not forget that most tablets for fever during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester are prohibited. You need to exclude the use of drugs such as analgin, nurofen, and those containing acetylsalicylic acid. The latter is fraught with the development of uterine bleeding and miscarriage.

Analgin negatively affects the state of the cardiovascular system, and Nurofen provokes excessive contractility of the uterus.