Poster on the theme of astronautics. Making a simple poster for Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. Wall newspapers, posters, collective works - Collective work “Layout of the “Planets of the Solar System”

Gulnara Mamedova

Wall newspaper- this is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! I bring to your attention wall newspaper, which can be done together with students in preparation for the holiday Cosmonautics. Today I'm telling you how to do it wall newspaper for April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

Wall newspaper on the theme of space and Cosmonautics Day this is a wonderful opportunity to introduce children to the history of the day astronautics and talk to them about the topic space. Wall newspaper will tell you a lot of interesting things that have not been seen before. The work was done on A1 paper. Prepared pictures and texts are printed and cut out. Everything is drawn up on a sheet of paper and glued. There are also riddles hidden under each circle.

On an airship,

Space, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

Let's rush on.


The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English: "astronaut",

And in Russian …


Special spacecraft is a spacecraft,

He sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler,

An artificial one flies in orbit.


The very first in space

Flew at great speed

Brave Russian guy

Our astronaut.


Target: development of cognitive and creative activity, instilling interest in learning space and history of astronautics; nurturing a sense of patriotism and citizenship.

Publications on the topic:

April 12 is Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. This is a special, triumphant holiday! No wonder the whole world celebrates it! In 1961, April 12 at 6.

Leisure for Cosmonautics Day FGBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 1" UD of the President of the Russian Federation Leisure dedicated to Cosmonautics Day Compiled by: secondary school teacher.

We have always dreamed of flying into space! Cosmonautics Day is a holiday that marks the opening of a new space era in the development of mankind.

Educational environment for Cosmonautics Day. WE BUILT A ROCKET, WE ARE FLIGHTING IN IT NOW LET THE ROCKET TAKE US HIGH AND FAR! One of the most.

Entertainment for Cosmonautics Day Preparatory group. Entertainment dedicated to Cosmonautics Day Goal: To instill in children respect for the work of people whose work is related.

The children and I had a conversation about the upcoming holiday. We watched a presentation dedicated to the first astronauts: the first animals that...

Celebration scenario for Cosmonautics Day Teacher of MBDOU kindergarten “Ryabinushka” Tokhtobina Olga Viktorovna Celebration script for Cosmonautics Day. Host: Hello, dears.

The guys and I decided to prepare in advance for Cosmonautics Day and make a wall newspaper. Everyone quickly got to work. For work we needed:.

A wall newspaper is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! How? Have you never made wall newspapers before?! Try it and you will definitely like it! This is a very exciting activity!

Wall newspapers are usually thematic and dedicated to some event, a first birthday, for example, a memorable date or holiday. You can decorate your home with them, or even a kindergarten! Imagine how pleasant it will be for your child to see the result of your joint work with him in the building where he spends 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week! Think about what role these wall newspapers can play in the development of his personality, his leadership qualities and self-confidence.

Have you thought about it? Great! Today I’m telling you how to make a wall newspaper for April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

The easiest thing is to find ready-made templates online and print. I love coloring templates, which are immediately divided into A4 sheets.

1. Download the wall newspaper layout, for example, from here and print it out.

2. Glue into one whole. We usually use a glue stick for this; sometimes, however, the seams have to be glued with tape on the back side for reliability.

3. Coloring! This is the most exciting activity. A three-year-old child will be happy to help and color to the best of his ability, and even new skates and a helmet are not a hindrance to him.

There is no need to rush and color everything in one sitting. Stretch out the fun! It usually takes us about a week to produce one newspaper. Every day for 40 minutes of coloring after a heavy working day It will help you relax and give your child the opportunity to communicate with you. Think about it, a child visiting the kindergarten sees you on average for one hour in the morning (when you are fighting with yourself not to fall asleep while walking) and three hours in the evening (when you are already tired), i.e. he only sees you 4 hours a day and can't help but miss talking to you. Something as simple as making a wall newspaper will solve the problem of your lack of attention in the most productive way for both parties.
And even though his coloring is far from perfect and the strokes go beyond the lines, this will only add charm to your joint creation.

4. After everything is colored, fill in the fields intended for this with text and pictures.
Since this year, March 9, marked the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of Mankind, the content of our newspaper is mainly dedicated to him.

If you want to do it again, go for it!

Photo by Yuri Alekseevich

Gagarin's autograph about his impressions of the flight.

I took information about the first flight from Wikipedia.

The font of the text of the poem must be selected so that the poem occupies half of an A4 sheet, for this you can combine two lines into one, as I did.

All planets in order

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Or you can also use this rhyme:

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

In addition to the wall newspaper, on the eve of the holiday you can visit a thematic exhibition or museum with your child. In St. Petersburg, by the way, near the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocketry is located, every year in honor of this holiday there is a massive launch of homemade rockets. You can develop the theme of space by watching themed cartoons, documentaries of Gagarin’s first flight, the American landing on the Moon, a film about the first lunar rover, etc. and so on.

And this is the 1969 documentary film "Yuri Gagarin".

“Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.” - K.E. Tsiolkovsky


Oksana Nikolaevna Molchanova

Wall newspaper"WITH Cosmonautics Day» .

A joyful, exciting, spring holiday is approaching

No time to go for a walk today

We are busy with other things:

For all wall newspaper

We make things together.

We painted the rockets brightly,

Let them fly now!

In the brave astronauts,

Kindergarten is playing.

On April 12, Yu. A. Gagarin made the world's first flight into space. He became the first in the world astronaut, flying to space. Therefore, April 12 became a great national holiday in honor of the pilots - cosmonauts and all workers who are working to create space rockets and ships.

Gagarin's flight space lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. During this time, he circled our Earth and then returned back.

After Yu. A. Gagarin's flight to many astronauts have been in space, among them were women. The world's first woman astronaut- Valentina Tereshkova.

And it was for this holiday that we made this wall newspaper with kindergarten students for astronauts, as well as for all future astronauts from our kindergarten.

After all, the most best gift- This is a gift made with your own hands!

I suggest you do this too wall newspaper.

For we will need wall newspapers:

Whatman paper or white wallpaper


Colored paper

Colour pencils


Coloring pages about space

Inscriptions-poems about space

Children coloring coloring pages

circle poems about space

Wall newspaper can be any color

Create, fantasize, and let your wall newspapers will be different

Publications on the topic:

Within theme week We continue to introduce preschoolers to outer space. We conduct conversations, read stories and poems, and consider.

Our children are still just babies, but they certainly understand the importance of their mother in their lives, and therefore they are preparing for this wonderful holiday.

We decided to congratulate all the mothers and together with the children we made this wall newspaper: First we drew with a simple pencil beautiful, kind.

Happy Cosmonautics Day to everyone! Cosmonautics Day is a date celebrated in Russia on April 12, established to commemorate the first.

The wall newspaper "Happy Mother's Day" was made with the idea of ​​animals and their babies. Under each photo there are poems about mom. On the poster.

There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently, since 1998.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day is the favorite holiday of all men. This holiday is celebrated not only in the families of veterans, but also among those receiving congratulations.

Tatiana Petrovskaya

The publication of the newspaper is timed to coincide with the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight in space.

Target: Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about space.

Tasks:- Consolidate existing ideas about space and the first cosmonaut Yu A. Gagarin;

Expand children's horizons and develop their imagination;

To foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland.

Newspaper headline "12 April Cosmonautics Day". Next is a portrait of the first astronaut, under the portrait the following text "12 April 1961, a spaceship launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome Vostok-1, piloted by Senior Lieutenant Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. His understudy was German Titov.

Gagarin's ship made only one revolution around the Earth, staying in space 108 minutes. But for humanity, these minutes marked the advent of the era of manned space flights. "

Two illustrations of the structure solar system. One is from an astronomy textbook, the other is more understandable for preschoolers.

The remaining fragments of the newspaper are paper rockets (origami) with photographs of children. This is for creation festive mood. The children enjoyed reading the text. They remembered what they already knew. We exchanged impressions. The guys really liked the newspaper.

Publications on the topic:

It’s hard to find a person who wouldn’t smile at the mention of April 1 - our beloved national holiday associated with laughter and jokes.

Children along with their teachers in this wall newspaper are presented in the form of some animal or insect. Each child chose for himself.

April Fool's Day is April 1st! Celebrate today with all your heart! Or better yet, have fun and dance for a whole week. And most importantly, jokes are absolutely not allowed today.

April 12 is Cosmonautics Day. Guys preparatory group No. 8 and middle group No. 2 of our garden prepared for this date very responsibly.

On April 1, in many countries around the world it is customary to celebrate the most fun party"April Fool's Day" Everyone is laughing, having fun, joking, playing pranks on each other.

April is here! And with it comes a cheerful and joyful holiday - FOLKS' DAY! We decided to please our kids and made a fun one for them.

While I was putting the kids to bed, I drew a few smiley faces, and the staff helped me cut them out. They were attached to the walls of the music room.

The Soviet poster, until about the beginning of the 1970s, is an outstanding cultural and historical phenomenon, with a very bright and rich visual language.

However, the special charm and value of the presented posters is the fact that they were executed “hot on the heels” and carried exactly those symbols and images that contemporaries invested in the space theme. And not today's interpretations, which to some extent pursue political and ideological goals, designed to obscure and muffle the role of a large and common country for us - the Soviet Union and highlight the more local interests of today's states that arose from the ruins of the Land of Soviets. And in particular, New Russia, who is 20 years old.

But we will look at the Big Cosmos through the eyes of contemporaries of those years. How did the artists of that time imagine and draw rockets? Was there the inscription “USSR” on Yuri Gagarin’s helmet or not? What was then associated with Space and Progress? And many other interesting details. All posters are accurately dated, according to the mentioned Catalog, and the authors are indicated. The posters are in strictly chronological order, up to Tereshkova’s flight. "Gagarin" posters make up about half of the collection.

The poster shows the first three artificial satellites of the Earth.

Do you recognize the female image? Yes, this is it - only 20 years after the stormy year of 1941. And the author is the same.

As you can see, one of the main images that was used in the poster theme is the hammer and sickle.

I wonder where the artist got the image of the spacesuit, 10 months before the first manned space flight? From fighter aircraft?

And what’s interesting is that the future manned flight is hinted at almost openly. There are less than 8 months before the launch of Vostok-1.

The beginning of the era of manned space exploration.

A very rare artifact - the very first poster, created in those hours when the appearance of the first cosmonaut on Earth was not yet entirely clear to the general public. So the artist was still dealing with an approximate indirect image.

And here is the very image to which we are accustomed and which seems familiar to us for half a century. However, the helmet is not yet a classic one - because by the morning of April 14, detailed reports from Baikonur, with details, had not yet been published in the newspapers.

The helmet takes on a classic look, almost the one it had in reality - from the Baikonur photographs

Whatever one may say, Khrushchev’s personality is also inseparable from the history of the space age.

Notice from what original image the space age comes. Now this is already in the past, but then the October Revolution of 1917, which released a gigantic impulse of new national energy, was considered the indisputable source.

The poster was created immediately after the daily flight of the second cosmonaut G. Titov.

The artist used, in my opinion, the most powerful visual technique - against the backdrop of planet Earth, the Kremlin’s Spasskaya Tower stands alone, turning into a giant state flag of the USSR. However, the rocket - as usual on all the first posters - is not realistic, but fantastic

Again the main, dominant image is the hammer and sickle. And the color is, of course, red

There are already four cosmonauts - the Soviet space program is developing very dynamically.

The rockets here are especially fantastic in appearance.

The poster was created for the flight of the first female cosmonaut.

This is only part of the space poster collection from 1957-1966. - about a quarter of the total. But I hope even this excerpt from the collection will give you an impression of that era. An impression unclouded by current ideology and politics.

Posters are from the collection of the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.

Happy holiday to you, friends, once again!