Hairdresser's Day: the history of the “ancient” profession and the beautiful hairstyles of modern masters. Hairdresser's Day in Russia and in the world: new traditions of the old profession When is Hairdresser's Day celebrated

Official holiday For hairdressers, the third Sunday in March is considered to be Trade Workers' Day. The masters of scissors and combs have another holiday - September 13. But it is not enshrined at the legislative level, although this proposal has been repeatedly addressed to the State Duma.

On Trade Workers' Day, craftsmen are congratulated for a reason. The origins of the holiday are in 1966. In the USSR, they proposed the fourth Sunday of July to glorify domestic workers. So in the 70s, Barber Day was first celebrated. After 20 years, the date was changed to the third Sunday in March. It’s true that back then hairdressing salons were compared to repair shops or dry cleaners.

How is Hairdresser Day celebrated in Russia?

Today it is more of a celebration of art masters. After all, in beauty salons, specialists transform appearance. Thematic master classes and educational meetings are held on this date. Some hair salons organize special promotions for their clients. They are trying to schedule the completion of advanced training courses by mid-March. The presentation of diplomas is combined with a buffet reception dedicated to the date. But the traditional celebration is a joint feast, where professionals congratulate each other on their achievements and wish them further success.

Hairdresser's Day: why hairdressers deserve respect

The history of the profession goes back thousands of years. Specialists in creating style were in demand back in Ancient Egypt. The main clients were the pharaohs and their wives. Hairdressers “conjured” their hair: they dyed it, cut it, and made beautiful hairstyles. The tools were razors and scissors. But the first beauty salons were opened in Ancient Greece. And rows of noble ladies flocked here.

In Russia, interest in hairdressing awoke with the advent of Peter I. Before that, not much thought was given to the beauty of hair. This art was practiced by serfs, and the most popular was the bowl haircut. But after the tsar’s reforms, they began to do exquisite hairstyles. People began to become interested in European fashion trends. Wealthy residents brought Western craftsmen to show off their beautiful haircut in front of friends.

Masters of art: the happiest

Hairdresser's Day in Russia today is a holiday for workers of more than 20 thousand hairdressers and beauty salons. Approximately 5.5 thousand of them are located in Moscow. But this is not the limit - the number of “temples of beauty” is growing. So Hairdresser Day is a holiday for many people. Various festivals are often planned for this date, where you can admire the capabilities of modern masters.

Knowing when Hairdresser Day is, a regular client can thank the specialist for his work. After all, a master helps 5-6 people in creating an image per day. And he does it with love. No wonder, according to research by UK scientists, these specialists are the happiest among representatives of various professions.

What else awaits us?

Most people who live in civilized conditions visit a hairdresser from time to time. This is a necessary, very important profession, which we cannot do without in modern society. A good haircut is not only a guarantee of a neat appearance, but also an opportunity to express yourself and create an attractive and winning image. People who work in this field cannot help but have their own professional holiday. Hairdresser's Day is celebrated every year on September 13th.

history of the holiday

The art of hair cutting appeared a long time ago - it was mastered by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. They not only knew how to do hairstyles, but also made wigs. Over time, this profession has been improved. So, in the Middle Ages, people developed a passion for braiding. All this eventually resulted in a fashion for hairstyles that were real works of art.

In the eighteenth century, this was a real trend - women wore towers, ships, houses and entire gardens on their heads. It was not an easy test, but fashion obliged it to be passed with dignity. Over time, attitudes towards hair and hairstyles have become simpler.

Practicality came to the fore and laconic haircuts appeared. Today, there are no restrictions at all: neither in length, nor in hair color, nor in shape. The modern hairdresser not only changes appearance using your skill. This is a master who treats hair, restores it after complex and harmful procedures, and performs many other tasks.

When is Barber Day celebrated this year? This holiday was never approved at the federal level, but despite this, many people celebrate it in our country. This event is not marked with a clear date, this is due to the fact that hairdressers do not have any international organization that could solve this. Despite this, it is customary to celebrate it either on September 13 or 14.

Who is a hairdresser

A skilled hairdresser helps people feel more beautiful, more attractive, and have their own own style and image. The hairstyle can be chosen to match the color of the eyes, skin, and of course, according to the person’s own preferences.

If a hairdresser is a professional, then he will never be left without work; contacts of good hairdressers are passed on to friends and acquaintances. It even happens that people come to good hairdressers from other cities.

How did this profession appear?

It is generally accepted that this profession arose many thousands of years ago. Information about this has reached our generation from various frescoes and drawings. They depict the hairstyles of pharaohs and other ancient rulers. At that time, there were already various tools to give hair a certain shape. These were primitive scissors and combs carved from animal bones. Hairdressers in Ancient Egypt were slaves who served their master.

In ancient Greece, this profession was treated somewhat differently. Noble Greeks not only wanted to trim their hair and beard, but also to decorate them with some things or objects in order to stand out in the general circle. At first, individual people did this, but then communities began to be created and share secrets among themselves. For example, in order to curl curls, they had to be moistened with a certain herbal decoction.

In ancient Rome, another function was added to the functions of cutting and decorating - they began to treat hair and maintain it in beautiful condition. Hairdressers began making face masks, washing their hair with various herbal liquids, and many long-term styling hair. The people who did this also shaved high-class citizens and also practiced primitive medicine.

Called hairdressers different names– shearers, barbers, etc. In our country they were called barbers. In the 10th-12th centuries, in addition to haircuts, these masters also provided medical services; they could be dentists, surgeons, etc.

By the beginning of the 15th century, one person was prohibited from performing many functions. Since that time, hairdressing has become a separate profession. Nowadays, their business also does not stand in one place, new hairstyles, new images are invented, various ways skin care products, which are then put into practice.

How is this holiday celebrated?

Usually this holiday is celebrated in various institutions where new specialists are trained, or those already trained are upgraded. In many cities on this day, forums, seminars and other events are organized in which hairdressers participate.

They discuss the problems of their field, look for solutions to pressing problems, and discuss innovations. In addition, in large cities various competitions are held for the title of the best hairdresser or stylist, and at the same time, specialists give master classes in their craft. Beauty salons usually have big discounts on this holiday.

If a person wishes to take part in this celebration, he can be advised to change his image to look at the world from a different angle and bring positivity into his life.

Beautiful and funny congratulations on Hairdresser’s Day 2019: pictures, gifs

While studying the question of what date is Hairdresser's Day, we must note one curious detail, which is that this profession is very, very ancient. It arose several thousand years ago.

And before answering when is Hairdresser’s Day, let’s dive a little into the history of this wonderful craft. Thanks to ancient frescoes, today you can admire the multi-part hairstyles of Egyptian priestesses and pharaohs; even then people used basma and henna to color their hair, and had various analogues of modern cutting and styling products such as scissors, razors, combs, curling irons, etc.

A little more history

In Ancient Greece, hairdressing received a new round of development. Who else but the Hellenes knew a lot about human beauty, and they tried in every possible way to improve it. Rich nobles wanted the hands of a skilled barber to embellish them in a special way. At first, specially trained people were engaged in this business, but over time the first beauty salons began to be created.

When is Russia Day

For some reason, Hairdresser's Day in Russia is celebrated on two days: one on September 13, and the second on the 14th. There is no exact date, but this does not prevent us from deciding on a day convenient for the team and organizing a solemn celebration of our masters.

Now it becomes generally clear when Barber Day is, but it is unclear where this word gets its name. Some argue that the word "hairdresser" comes from the German term perückenmacher - That's what the wig makers were called. However, in Germany this word is already outdated and has not been used for a long time.


Others believe that it is of French origin: perruque- hairpiece, in the theater this was one of the most expressive means of makeup.

Interesting fact: in different times and in different countries these people were called differently - barbers, haircuts, barbers, toupee artists, couafers, since in addition to styling hair, they could do shaving and manicure, and even took on the duties of doctors, subjecting their clients to various simple procedures. In Russia, hairdressers used to be called barbers.

Hairdresser's Day is not celebrated at the state level, but, of course, this holiday is another reason to rejoice and pay tribute to love and respect to people who are fluent in this craft, without them it would be boring and tedious to live in a world of constant stress and negativity, they seem to paint , but in our own way, our lives.

If you have your own master, then you are very lucky, and if not, look for him immediately, because he will be able to change your destiny, including as a psychologist. Women, as well as men, often leave a beauty salon with increased self-esteem, because they look fresh, beautiful, new, this lifts their spirits and gives them self-confidence.

When is Hairdresser's Day and how is it celebrated today?

By the way, there is another holiday - and the sphere. It is celebrated on July 31, and hairdressers can also consider it theirs.

Almost every company providing these services conducts thematic master classes where hairdressers learn and improve their professional level. Therefore, by Hairdresser’s Day, you can complete some course and combine the presentation of your diploma with the holiday. Then it will be doubly pleasant, significant and symbolic to celebrate this day. And here you can’t do without a festive buffet.

These days, some salons are organizing special promotions for their clients. Well, regular customers usually also like to please their personal masters and will definitely take a moment to congratulate them. In general, everyone will be happy on this day: both the masters themselves and their clients.


The kindest and most positive congratulations on Hairdresser's Day, cool and cheerful, must be heard on this day; they will further emphasize the favorable and festive atmosphere, because it is not for nothing that people say: until you arrange a holiday for yourself, no one will.

At ceremonial collective meetings, you can express all your wishes, discuss the intricacies of the profession, propose some innovations, exchange experiences, present gifts and certificates for the best achievements, for example, “For the most a large number of clients served" or "For high professionalism", etc.

Funky and with a lot of heart, these barbers will appeal to those specially trained to please clients with scissors and combs.

Give me scissors, a comb,
The master will do your hair.
Will definitely work hard
Will give you a modern haircut.

Now, next time, when Hairdresser’s Day comes, I think hairdressers will receive even more on their holiday good wishes from their clients, because it turns out that they cannot live without others, and as Dostoevsky correctly put it: “Beauty will save the world.”

Hairdresser Day 2019 falls on Friday. This is a professional holiday for all stylists and hairdressers, fashion designers and generalists. They are gladly congratulated by relatives, acquaintances, friends and colleagues, as well as all those who use the services of professionals.

Having learned the answer to the question of interest, when is Hairdresser's Day celebrated in Russia, you can inquire about the history of this holiday in Russia. In fact, this is an ancient art that originated in Ancient Egypt.

It is interesting to observe the change in hairdressing from century to century. Each era brought something of its own; the differences lie in the types of hairstyles used, the use of curls and artificial wigs. Details and entire directions changed.

In the Middle Ages, chic braids were in fashion, and already at the end of the 18th century completely different hairstyles were popular. Entire towers, ships, houses and gardens were built from hair.

It's amazing how much time was spent creating such a masterpiece. Gradually, hairstyles became simpler and more modern, and eventually short haircuts came into fashion.

Every person living in the civilized world uses the services of a hairdresser. This is a very popular profession, akin to art, because not every person can become a master of his craft. Not to mention becoming a great professional, since just one awkward move can ruin the whole result.

What date is Hairdresser's Day celebrated in Russia?

Hairdresser is a very important profession; these people help others look fashionable and stylish, choose the right hair color and hairstyle. A good master is worth his weight in gold, his details are passed on from one person to another, he is recommended to friends and acquaintances.

You can find out when Hairdresser's Day is in 2019 from the holiday calendar. The solemn day of September 13 is not an official holiday, but the master will be very pleased to receive congratulations from grateful clients.

Traditions of Hairdresser Day in Russia

It’s interesting to know how professionals celebrate Hairdresser’s Day. The master must be able to do a lot to satisfy even the highest client demands. Therefore, these people are constantly learning and improving their skills.

On the day when this holiday is celebrated, numerous contests and competitions are held among “barbers” for the title of the best hairdresser or the title of the best creative stylist.

The master class on hairdressing is very interesting. Having found out what date hairdresser's day is in 2019, anyone can watch how professionals work. On this date, seminars and conferences are held on the topic of creating an image and choosing a style. Many beauty salons offer discounts on specialist services, and corporate events are held for staff.