Question of the day: when is the length of service and insurance period interrupted after dismissal from work and does it expire? Is it worth holding on to continuous experience after dismissal at your own request? Experience after dismissal

Experience is the periods of time, days, weeks and years that a person devoted to work. An employment contract, an entry in the Book, all the necessary formalities must be strictly observed, because only this indicates that every penny of insurance contributions for a person must be transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; it “drips” into the personal account of the future recipient.

In this way, a certain amount was accumulated, which at the “age of survival”, or simply put, retirement age, or after an illness, injury from which it is impossible to fully recover, a monthly provision is paid

The total duration of activity, both labor and socially useful, which is called seniority, has the most direct impact on the amount of temporary disability benefits and pension benefits.

What happens?


The total length of service includes periods when a person worked, was insured by the Pension Fund of Russia, served, or was an individual entrepreneur. Federal Law “On pensions in the Russian Federation” in Art. 30 particularly highlights this type of length of service: it is used to determine the rights to a pension secured by the recipient. Days or years of labor, work for society are calculated literally according to the calendar. In addition, the total experience of some individual representatives includes creative time.

The following are recognized as separate periods and counted in the total length of service:

  • years of creativity for writers, artists, musicians, those who worked for trade unions that unite people of unusual professions;
  • soldiers and officers, when the time of military service is counted;
  • periods of illness when a person could not work for health reasons and doctors confirm this with their documents with signatures and seals;
  • the period when a person was recognized as a disabled person of groups I or II;
  • the time when a person received benefits as an unemployed person.


The insurance period is a relatively new concept; it is what gives the right to a labor pension. In Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions,” this length of service is defined as the periods during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund. They can be paid by the employer, but, in accordance with Article 29 of the Federal Law “On Compulsory Pension Insurance”, a person can make contributions independently.


Special length of service is a period during which, for certain reasons, payments were not made to the Pension Fund. Otherwise, such length of service is called length of service, which is important for military personnel, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutors and citizens equated to these categories.


For people born in the USSR, such concepts as continuous and interrupted work experience were extremely important.

Continuous experience is the period during which a person works at one enterprise, or changes jobs, but not by quitting, but by transferring to another place, or if the time from dismissal to subsequent employment was no more than 21 days. Continuous work experience is calculated according to the Rules for calculating such work experience(TC Art. 423).

Why is it important?

Until 01.01. In 2007, almost all payments to mothers, sick, disabled people, and people who lost their jobs depended on such length of service. If you have worked for less than 5 years, do not expect benefits to be more than half your monthly salary. I interrupted my internship for an unexcused reason - the same thing. Only after 8 years of work in one place or by changing jobs not by dismissal, but by transferring to another place, you could provide yourself with a guaranteed 100% salary if you got sick, couldn’t work, or were caring for a small child.

Today, continuity of seniority has lost its former meaning, the concept itself is gradually becoming a thing of the past. Now the question of how long you can not work so that your work experience is not interrupted is no longer very relevant. Only in some organizations, where this is stipulated in the Charter, the duration of vacation, the amount of severance pay, bonuses, and other payments depend on the continuous period of work.

Why is it needed?

The duration of work allows you to correctly and accurately determine the size of the future pension, which depends on the amount in the personal account of a person insured by the Pension Fund.

All citizens receive a social pension upon reaching a certain age. For men today it is 60 years old, for women – 55.

But this is also the age of those who have the right to count on insurance payments, a very substantial supplement to the social pension, which depends on length of service. The minimum length of service for a pension must be at least 7 years by this age. In the near future, this period is planned to be increased to 15 years.

But length of service affects a number of other payments. For example, its value affects payments for temporary disability and benefits. The higher it is, the higher the payout.

Duration of work and leaving work

In a number of organizations, continuous experience in accordance with the Charter plays an important role. Will it be interrupted upon dismissal, what affects this, how many days will it take?

Long service break

  • a person is fired by an employer for gross violations, absenteeism, rudeness, for failing to cope with responsibilities and disrupting everyone’s work schedule;
  • stole something or caused serious damage to the company;
  • if a month after dismissal the person has not found another job;
  • having resigned voluntarily, did not find a job within 21 days;
  • when leaving to get a job at an enterprise located in another area, the break in activity lasted more than 1 month, or a job was not found when moving due to the transfer of the spouse to work in another city, region, etc.
  1. the person resigned of his own free will for good reasons, as well as due to the liquidation of the enterprise or staff reduction;
  2. the break is caused by moving to a new place of work or service;
  3. upon dismissal or suspension from work illegally, due to an erroneous medical report, if the person was then reinstated at work;
  4. the length of service was interrupted due to accusations of a crime, stay in prison, if the employee was subsequently acquitted and reinstated in his position.

Lawyers often advise that in order to increase the number of days when you can not work, but the length of service will remain uninterrupted, you should not just quit, but take a vacation with subsequent dismissal.

How many days are considered continuous when calculating at your own request?

So, after how long can the length of service between dismissal and placement in a new place be interrupted, what period is considered continuous? With such a dismissal, when a person himself submits an application without any reason, he needs to find a new job within 21 days; on the 22nd day the continuity comes to an end. But the period may be increased in this case as well.

For example, a woman quits because her husband is transferred to work or serve in another area, this is especially common for wives of military personnel and law enforcement officers.

In Soviet times, it was very important to know after how long the work experience was interrupted. After all, then a lot depended on continuous service, and no matter how many years in a row you worked in production, if your work experience was interrupted even for a day, then you had to start saving for your 8 years to receive 100% of payments all over again.

Therefore, for such cases, when one of the spouses protects law and order, “relaxations” were provided when the length of service was not interrupted, by increasing the period of employment by another 1 week, that is, up to 30 days. You could look for a job for the same amount of time if you had to change your job due to health conditions.

If staff were reduced or if the enterprise was liquidated, the period became even longer - 3 months.

For mothers of children under 14 years of age, the length of service upon dismissal due to layoffs and child care remains for years until the son or daughter reaches the specified age; for mothers of sick, disabled, children - until the child reaches adulthood.


The length of work experience is very important for those who count on receiving not only a social, but also an insurance pension.

Taking into account how quickly Pension Legislation is changing, it is important not only to follow innovations, but also to remember that even such a concept as continuous service can have an impact on various preferences in certain institutions where the Charter stipulates benefits and incentives for employees , remaining loyal to the company. So knowing after what time it is interrupted can sometimes be useful.

Every working person, sooner or later, can terminate their employment relationship with their employer, but since the legal aspects of this issue are not known to everyone, people often do not know whether they will continue to have continuous service after dismissal of their own free will. It is worth understanding in detail why this experience is needed and what it influences.

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Long-term work activity that lasts continuously over a long period of time gives a specialist the opportunity in some situations to claim benefits compared to employees who have less overall experience without breaks.

Why do you need work experience?

  • constant receipt of salary increases for work without interruptions in some state companies (in the healthcare sector, the penal system, etc.);
  • increasing the amount of social benefits;
  • receiving various bonuses, vacation days and similar benefits, which are determined by the employer.

In different cases, the concept of continuous work experience may differ, but, in general, it is based on the provisions prescribed in the legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

To determine the benefits for employees by the employer, continuous total length of service may have a different meaning, which must be indicated in the company’s internal documentation. It is described here whether a break in work activity affects the payment of sick leave (conditions for receiving sick leave in 2107) and whether this applies to the calculation of pensions.

Such documentation cannot conflict with Russian legislation or worsen the conditions for providing benefits for work without interruptions in comparison with the general standards governing the insurance work experience.


The interpretation of the legislative norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation shows that the period of work at one or different enterprises in situations where breaks in work activity are not such from a legal point of view is continuous work experience.

According to the law, the period during which the employee did not go to work for a good reason or was engaged in something other than hired labor is included or not included in the calculation of continuous work experience, depending on the type of activity performed during this period.

Some regulations of the Labor Code clarify which actions, in addition to hired work, are also labor activities and are included in the continuity of service upon dismissal at one's own request:

  • military service under contract;
  • alternative types of service;
  • work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • work in a medical organization;
  • collective farm or cooperative activities;
  • communication with the trade union, etc.

Maternity leave for the period of bearing a child, childbirth and caring for a baby is also considered length of service.

Dismissal at your own request

First of all, it must be said that you can leave your job of your own free will even when the employer intends to fire the person directly. Most often, such an employer, when announcing to an employee that he has been fired, invites him to write a statement of his own free will. This is how he tries to avoid possible conflicts regarding employment former employee further.

Important! Most employees agree to such a step, as this gives them the opportunity to eliminate the fact of being forced to leave work, and this will not create problems when finding a new place. That is, most people prefer to quit of their own free will, then get a job in another job. workplace. For this reason, such a concept as continuity of a single work experience applies to literally all working persons.

Interruption of service due to voluntary dismissal

Normative acts providing for the conditions for the continuity of labor activity of working people do not yet exist in the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Not so long ago, this issue was spelled out in the Rules, according to which the continuous work experience of an employee resigning on his own initiative was interrupted in the following situations:

  • the former employee did not find a new job within three weeks from the date of dismissal from the previous one;
  • there is no compelling reason to miss work.

The following situations did not affect continuity in any way:

  • the employee had to leave work due to the transfer of his spouse to a workplace in another city, town, etc.;
  • The employee left due to retirement.


How long does the work experience last? Interruptions in activity that have a significant reason and do not affect the continuous length of service after dismissal from work at one’s own request are counted from the moment following the date of the given year specified in the dismissal documentation.

The duration during which the insurance period will be maintained and benefits will not be lost (it is influenced by the reason for leaving work):

  • on one’s own initiative (without valid reasons) – cannot exceed three weeks;
  • by agreement between the employee and the employer or for a good reason (moving, deteriorating health, need to care for a sick family member) - retained if the break was no more than a month;
  • due to staff reductions after reorganization or closure of the company - three months.

Consequences of a break

What are the risks of interrupting your work experience? Unless there is some justifiable reason on which to explain a break in continuous service of more than three months, there will then be a gap in the length of service. This means that an employee who does not find a job in a timely manner will lose the right to receive benefits until he manages to obtain a job and work in it for as long as necessary to restore continuous service after dismissal.

Continuity of work experience is relevant for employees who apply for benefits, receive bonuses and compensation.

A guarantee of getting a new job can be an officially issued letter from the employer, which indicates that he is ready to accept this employee by transfer from his previous place, which means that the working period will not be interrupted.

This document is provided to the employer at the time of dismissal, and in this case, the basis for termination of the employment relationship is the transfer of the employee to another workplace. This way, when moving to another job, not a single working day of a continuous period will be lost. You should carefully examine the conditions for determining after how many days the number of vacation days is interrupted.

Employees working in government agencies or departmental companies should be aware of how continuous service after leaving work is calculated, otherwise they may lose all benefits provided in accordance with the legal framework of a particular institution.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation there are such concepts as general and continuous work experience. Many Russians tend to think that this is very important. Others do not attach any importance to it. But is this really so? What are the conditions for its preservation? How to calculate this indicator? What does continuity of experience affect?

Experience: definition

Work experience is the period of time during which a citizen works or carries out various types of activities. This concept applies to cases of official employment or business activities. This indicator is directly related to the calculation of pensions, is required to receive various compensations and guarantees provided by the Government, and is calculated in the manner established by law. The work book is a document confirming the existence of work experience.

Work experience is divided into several types:

  • General, including all years of work of a citizen.
  • Special, intended for persons occupying certain positions.
  • Continuous.

The concept of “continuous work experience”

This term is now used relatively rarely. The fact is that it arose back in the Soviet era, when it was necessary to receive a pension, sick leave payments, and in general played a significant role in the life of a citizen, specifically continuous service. The Labor Code defines this concept. Continuous service is the duration of work for the same employer.

Why is the internship interrupted?

IN modern world Not every citizen can work at one enterprise, so continuous work experience is interrupted. Under various circumstances, employees of organizations often stop working. In this regard, labor legislation identifies several factors that influence continuity of service:

  • Dismissal (continuous work experience is interrupted when changing the type of activity, when the period between termination of the contract and placement in a new place of work was more than three weeks).
  • Absence from work due to illness (cases that do not comply with the objectives of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and social insurance).
  • Informal employment (when a citizen starts working in private organizations).

All changes associated with a change in the type of activity of citizens must be recorded in the work book. The relatively frequent interruption of service is not in the best possible way affects the amount of pension benefits.

Dismissal at the initiative of the employee

Dismissal, initiated by the employee himself, is one of the most common reasons for termination of employment. This raises the question: is continuous work experience maintained upon dismissal?

Continuity of service can be maintained. Moreover, all citizens without exception have this opportunity. However, it is often quite difficult to use. According to the Labor Code, continuous work experience is maintained if, after dismissal on one’s own initiative (in the absence of other compelling reasons for this), no more than three weeks pass before starting work at a new enterprise. If there are compelling reasons why a citizen was forced to resign, this period is extended to thirty days. For example, such reasons could be moving to another area or a spouse.

In practice, there are quite often cases when citizens first find a new enterprise, and only after that they terminate their employment relationship with their previous employer. In this regard, the length of service remains continuous. But dismissal is sometimes a necessary measure.

Dismissal under article

Such cases are relatively rare, but do occur in practice. Is continuous service maintained in this case? The Labor Code states that upon dismissal due to any specific violation, continuity of service is lost. A completely logical solution for employers in situations where employees of organizations violate labor regulations is dismissal. In this case, workers can only adjust their actions in a timely manner in order to avoid termination of the employment relationship under the article.

Liquidation of the enterprise

Russian labor legislation deals with cases of continuation of seniority and in situations where there are very rarely cases where liquidation is associated with bankruptcy. Citizens can count on maintaining continuous service. However, the law provides for some conditions and restrictions.

Typically, citizens are given 3 months to find a new employer. Continuous work experience is maintained if the dismissed employee finds a new job during this period. Otherwise, the period of service is interrupted, and this period cannot be extended.


Continuous work experience is maintained if a woman goes on maternity leave. But is continuity maintained if future mom going on maternity leave? There are two completely opposite opinions on this matter.

Russian labor legislation does not contain information regarding maternity leave and continuous service. In essence, the length of service is maintained, since the woman remains employed, the nature of the work performed changes. IN maternity leave a woman is engaged only in family affairs, but not in performing work duties. However, lawyers tend to believe that the length of service in this situation is not interrupted.


If a citizen cannot perform certain types of work due to health reasons, is continuous work experience maintained? The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains an article in this regard, which takes into account the special state of health of the citizen. If an employee suffers from serious illnesses that simply do not allow him to perform certain types of activities, he can count on maintaining continuous service. How?

When leaving your previous job, you are given a period of three months to find a new employer. Also during this period, the citizen has every right to return to his previous employer. At the same time, the experience is preserved. However, in practice, such cases are extremely rare, since returning to perform previous work duties will take the employee even more time (due to health reasons). In most cases, workers refuse further employment altogether.

Other Important Features

Russians who live and work in the Far North or in similar natural conditions have certain privileges when taking into account their work experience. This also applies to foreign citizens who work under contract in harsh climatic conditions, if an agreement on social support has been concluded with their country. These categories of workers have every right to maintain continuous work experience, as in the situations mentioned above. Maximum time allotted for searching new job, is two months. This period is relatively short, but, as practice shows, in many cases it is quite sufficient.

Continuous work experience is maintained if the citizen is a military personnel. So, for example, if a citizen served for 25 years and then retired, he can get a new job while maintaining his seniority. The state provides this privilege in full.

Family circumstances are also taken into account. If a citizen is caring for an HIV-infected minor child and for this reason is forced to leave the workplace, continuity of service is also maintained. When a child reaches adulthood, the citizen is obliged to begin working again.

Another case in which a citizen can count on continuity of service is a change of place of work while maintaining the same type of activity and profession.

How is continuous work experience calculated?

The dates of conclusion and termination of employment contracts should be taken from the work book. There are various programs that can automatically calculate seniority. You can also contact the company’s accounting department for help. The counting starts from the very first entry. Thus, it is possible to calculate the total length of service, which includes all jobs and positions held. Continuity is affected by the above cases. Even one such violation interrupts the period of service. The result of the calculation is a number in the form of the number of years and calendar months.

The work book never contains data on continuous experience. The fact is that this term does not actually exist in Labor Code. Therefore, now no one distinguishes between continuous and total work experience.

Why is it needed?

So, we figured out how to calculate continuous work experience. In the end, the question arises: “What does it mean now, since this term was relevant in the Soviet era?” As practice shows, this factor has practically no significance.

For Russians, the total length of service is much more important, since it affects the size of the future pension. The main thing is that the employment must be official. The total length of service is also accrued to citizens conducting entrepreneurial activities.

Continuous experience is a kind of relic of the past. But sometimes employers pay attention to him. A potential employer, after a detailed study of your work record, may ask why you left your previous organization. However, this factor affects the amount of disability benefits.

Some Russians are inclined to believe that in the near future, continuous service will again be of great importance and will affect the size of the pension and will make it possible to receive various subsidies and social benefits. In reality, this is far from true, since this information is not officially confirmed.

When seniority is retained: results

So, we have figured out how to calculate continuous work experience. As mentioned above, the amount of benefits paid in connection with a citizen’s incapacity for work depends directly on the continuity of service. At the request of the employee, continuity can be maintained in the following cases:

  • An employee on his own initiative after achieving retirement age re-employed.
  • A disabled citizen is paid unemployment benefits (to prevent interruption of work experience, it is necessary to get on the waiting list at the employment service).
  • No more than three weeks have passed since the termination of the employment relationship with the previous employer (it is best to find a new organization in advance).

Within two months after termination of the contract at the previous place of work, length of service can be maintained in situations where:

  • The employee is re-employed on his own initiative (the dismissal was a forced measure, for example, when moving).
  • The citizen has reached retirement age and is working again.
  • The citizen resigned from an organization located abroad or in the Far North.

Within three months after dismissal, seniority can be maintained in the following situations:

  • The employment relationship with the employee was terminated due to staff reduction or liquidation of the organization.
  • The reason for dismissal is a discrepancy between the position held or the work obligations being fulfilled.

Often employers refuse to maintain continuity of seniority. In this case, the employee has the right to challenge this decision in court.

The legislative framework

From the mid-70s until 2006, in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia, there was a law according to which work experience was calculated. According to this law, continuity of service was maintained if the employee was re-employed within a month in a new job. In 2007, the law was changed and the period was reduced to three weeks. Also in 2007, the amount of temporary unemployment benefits changed. Currently the allowance is:

  • 100% of earnings if the experience is over eight years;
  • 80% of earnings if the experience is from five to eight years;
  • 60% of earnings if the experience is less than five years.

So, we found out why continuous work experience is needed. The total length of service is important for retirement. The amount of compensation payments for unemployment and in connection with loss of ability to work depends on this indicator. It is relatively difficult to calculate, but it is possible, since there are automated programs for this. Maintaining this type of experience is not as important as practice shows. In modern Russian labor legislation, the importance of this factor is reduced to a minimum. It was much more important during the years of Soviet power. In addition, the pension system has been undergoing various changes recently. The size of the pension will be affected by the so-called accrued points. Analysts predict that continuity of seniority will likely not be important in the future.

How long does it take for service to be interrupted after dismissal, what does this mean and whether it matters, we will tell you in the article. Download samples of documents required to confirm the period worked.

From the article you will learn:

What does interruption of service mean?

The concept of interruptibility and the term “seniority” in general are becoming a thing of the past. Now, to assign a pension, the periods of payment of insurance contributions are summed up.

However, previously it was unprofitable for workers to have breaks between dismissal and new employment: if the period without work exceeded 21 days (one month if laid off at the initiative of the employer or for a good reason), this negatively affected benefits under the temporary disability certificate and the amount of pension payments.

Since 2007, the basis for payments has been the total insurance period. But there are also exceptions. In some cases, it is important to take into account the continuity of work.

For example, this applies to situations where the career began before 2007. Or a civil servant is entitled to bonuses for length of service. For him, a break in work will mean “zeroing” the calculation period and a decrease in income. For medical workers, special work experience in the profession is also important. Thus, there are preferences based on continuous experience only in some cases.

How long can you not work after dismissal so that your work experience is not interrupted?

We present time periods that do not create a break in the employee’s length of service.

Three weeks - if the employee resigns of his own free will.

Four weeks - if the dismissal had a good reason, including the initiative of the employer.

Two months - for those who worked in the Far North and similar areas, those who came from a business trip abroad, refugees from some countries (with which the Russian Federation has entered into an agreement on social security).

Three months - if the employer reduced staff or headcount, reorganized or liquidated the company. The same period is given to those who could not continue working due to illness. Teachers also have three months primary classes, if graduates moved to middle management, but new first-graders were not recruited for some reason.

Without taking into account the duration - for pregnant women (at the time of termination of the employment contract), pensioners, spouses of wives and husbands transferred to another locality, single parents and those raising disabled children. In the latter situations, the period will end when the child turns 14 or 18 years old.

At the same time, there are situations when the length of service is interrupted, even if a new place of work is found promptly. This happens through the fault of the employee himself: he was absenteeism, came to the workplace drunk, evaded the performance of official duties, etc.

How does continuous work experience after dismissal affect retirement?

According to laws No. 255-FZ, 173-FZ, No. 400-FZ, the basis for calculating and calculating pensions is the insurance period. It includes all periods of work while contributions to the Pension Fund were paid, regardless of the intervals between employment.

There are some continuity benefits, but they mainly apply to those who were born before 1963 or earned the right to a pension before 2002.

The exchange did not provide a new job, otherwise it may be interrupted. You need to get on it immediately after breaking the employment relationship;

  • the new employer is obliged to officially employ him within a 30-day period, since at this time the length of service is still considered continuous.

Despite the simplified calculation procedure in 2018, there are some areas where it is determined according to outdated rules. Often, seniority is not interrupted after dismissal, but is not taken into account:

  • sending a military family member to study at domestic or foreign universities - if the period from graduation to employment is no more than 2 months;
  • a break in a seasonal type of work if a contract is signed and the employee worked last year and returned this year.

In these situations, the continuous period is not taken into account.

When is employment interrupted after dismissal?

You need to pay attention to the nuances that will not allow you to interrupt your work experience:

  • If it is necessary to terminate an employment agreement in order to get a new job, it is recommended that you initially take leave (it is better not to quit right away). Thus, citizens have the right to begin fulfilling their obligations in a new place from the next day and not terminate their service.

    If you are fired more than once in a year, the period is automatically considered intermittent;

  • if parental leave has been issued for a child up to 3 years old, but there is a desire to go to work, the husband can receive it in order to purchase benefits. Upon completion of the pregnant woman’s employment contract, the employer is obliged to extend maternity leave, since dismissal is possible only upon liquidation of the company;
  • in case of bankruptcy of an enterprise during maternity leave, a 3-year period is included if the woman was registered as unemployed.

Continuous work experience upon dismissal at will

When is the length of service interrupted after voluntary dismissal? Continuous service after voluntary dismissal is 30 days. The length of service after dismissal by agreement of the parties. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the period is 3 weeks - in the case of mutual consent.

Upon completion of the specified time, it acquires intermittent status. What could be the consequences? If a worker is dismissed before amendments are made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and the period is interrupted due to exceeding the unemployment limit, then his benefits will be canceled if:
  • he was entitled to length of service, and it was accrued;
  • for the new workplace, payments are restored.

If, before the introduction of the latest amendments, continuous experience was extremely important, then from now on most of the calculations are carried out on the basis of insurance.
The pensioner should build on it.

Continuous service after voluntary dismissal in 2018

Continuous work experience is the length of service of an employee during which the breaks between transitions from one organization to another due to dismissal do not exceed the duration established by law. In fact, continuous service upon dismissal is calculated in the same way as before: in order to maintain it, no more than one month must pass between the termination of the employment contract with the previous employer and employment in a new job.

It often happens that after being fired, a person registers with the Employment Center and is looking for a new job, but suddenly falls ill and, due to the illness, the interval between dismissal and subsequent employment increases. In this case, the length of service is not interrupted, because illness is considered a force majeure circumstance and in order to maintain the length of service, it is enough for him to obtain the appropriate medical certificates.

How long does it take to interrupt work experience after dismissal in 2018?

  • Duration of work and leaving work
  • Conclusion

What it is? Experience is the periods of time, days, weeks and years that a person devoted to work. An employment contract, an entry in the Book, all the necessary formalities must be strictly observed, because only this indicates that every penny of insurance contributions for a person must be transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; it “drips” into the personal account of the future recipient.
In this way, a certain amount was accumulated, which in the “age of survival”, or simply put, retirement, or after an illness, injury from which it is impossible to fully recover, is paid monthly. The total duration of activity, both labor and socially useful, which is called seniority, has the most direct impact on the amount of temporary disability benefits and pension benefits.

How long does your work experience last after dismissal?

Download the application form What is continuous experience? Continuous experience is a set of periods of continuous work for one employer and work for others, subject to the “downtime” periods established by law. Therefore, in the event of voluntary resignation, the employee must, under certain circumstances, comply with the conditions of continuity. Subscribe to our channel in Yandex.Zen! Subscribe to the channel From 1973 to 2010, the concept of continuity of work experience was enshrined at the legislative level. The rules for its calculation in the process of assigning state benefits and social payments were approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated April 13, 1973 No. 252 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”).

What benefits does continuous service provide to employees? Continuous work experience is the duration of a citizen’s work in one or more organizations if the period of unemployment in the intervals between employment did not exceed the established period. To maintain continuous service, you need to know the following nuances:

  • if within one year the employee changes his place of work, then it is interrupted, even if all deadlines are met.
  • if a citizen is fired “under an article”, the period will be interrupted, even if the deadlines for placement with another employer are met;
  • if an employee was forced to interrupt her work activity due to maternity leave, this period is considered a valid reason for maintaining it.
  • public types of work for a set fee;
  • being in prison with further reinstatement due to an acquittal.

Continuity of service upon dismissal directly depends on the type of severance:

  • by mutual agreement of the parties, the duration is 3 weeks;
  • due to production needs to reduce the number of employees – 3 months in case of reorganization or liquidation of the company;
  • by mutual or personal consent – ​​1 month.

In 2018, there are other periods for situations of forced cancellation of an employment agreement for some citizens:

  • for contract service - 12 months;
  • if military personnel have 25 years of service - continuously;
  • civil servants – six months.

Continuity of service for doctors is calculated in the same way as insurance.


If the period between dismissal and new employment does not exceed a year;

  • Maternity leave, including parental leave;
  • Termination of the organization's functioning;
  • The period after retirement;
  • Upon dismissal in regions with a high percentage of unemployment;
  • When returning to office after the removal of an unjustified sentence;
  • Carrying out paid public works.

There are situations when, for some reason, you have to leave your place of work. Then the question of breaks in work experience after dismissal becomes most relevant.

To obtain as much information as possible on the relevant topic, you should refer to the provisions of labor legislation.

When is work experience interrupted after dismissal 2018

Only after 8 years of work in one place or by changing jobs not by dismissal, but by transferring to another place, you could provide yourself with a guaranteed 100% salary if you got sick, couldn’t work, or were caring for a small child. Today, continuity of seniority has lost its former meaning, the concept itself is gradually becoming a thing of the past.


Now the question of how long you can not work so that your work experience is not interrupted is no longer very relevant. Only in some organizations, where this is stipulated in the Charter, the duration of vacation, the amount of severance pay, bonuses, and other payments depend on the continuous period of work.

Why is it needed? The duration of work allows you to correctly and accurately determine the size of the future pension, which depends on the amount in the personal account of a person insured by the Pension Fund. All citizens receive a social pension upon reaching a certain age.
For men today it is 60 years old, for women – 55.

Thus, continuity of work does not affect either the size of pensions or the amount of social benefits - the official basis is taken everywhere. work activity regardless of the intervals between employment. Is it used today Despite the fact that work continuity has now lost its legal meaning, some employers continue to use it to further reward their employees.

For example, some organizations enshrine in their internal regulations norms according to which an employee who has worked for a long time can apply for extended leave, an additional bonus, an increase in wages, etc. In this case, length of service is calculated according to the work record book, based on the rule that Each month is counted as 30 days, and each year as 12 months.
If the enterprise is liquidated, then while on maternity leave, the length of service will include a period of up to 3 years, provided that the employee was registered with the Employment Center, but could not get a suitable job. If an employee resigns due to transfer to another organization, the new employer is obliged to employ him within a month: this is the period of continuity. Despite the fact that now the procedure for calculating seniority has been significantly simplified, there are still some areas in which it is carried out according to the old rules established by the regulations of organizations.