Happy New Year greetings. New Year wishes I wish you 365 days of happiness in the new year

Conduct new year holidays fun and reckless, but at the same time with hope for the future, with good wishes, with faith in the best, may not be a national trait, but a pleasant tradition - that’s for sure. After all, when else, if not on New Year’s Eve, wish yourself and others happiness. And raising a glass of champagne when the chimes strike is customary with good wishes.

In order to correctly formulate these New Year’s wishes, we have prepared an appropriate selection for you. Here you can choose a wish for yourself and for those who are dear to you.

If you sincerely wish someone all the best, then you yourself will good man. It’s like the law of a boomerang: everything that’s yours will come back to you. New Year wishes will help you express your kindest feelings and emotions on the main night of the year.

Short wishes for the New Year

In the new year, do everything to please yourself.

I wish you to be independent in the new year, but not from your friends.

I wish you to look at past events positively and optimistically at future events in the new year.

May every day of the new year shine with bright colors for you.

Let love rule in your soul - for loved ones, for life, for the world. I wish this to come true in the new year!

Happiness and health, love and kindness, harmony and peace!

May all your hopes, all your wildest wishes and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical!

I wish that the magic of New Year's Eve touches each of us and makes everyone happier!

May the new year bring a sea of ​​happiness, an ocean of love, good health, success, good luck, joy and all the best!

I would like to wish you to live each of the 365 days of the new year in pleasure and prosperity, without knowing worries and sorrows!

New Year and Christmas are considered family holidays that should be celebrated loudly and pompously - in the company of relatives and friends. And it is customary to wish such people only the best. If you are ready to wish for yourself everything that you wish for others, you are sincere, and your wishes are really good.

May the New Year bring you joy and warmth of smiles, may your expectations be met and your dreams come true. Let every new day be different from the previous one, and let every new desire be truly bright. And may there always be close people nearby.

Even the entire New Year's Eve is not enough to list my wishes. So I just wish you a Happy New Year!

I wish you not to experience irreparable losses and intelligently adjust your outlook on life so as to always be happy.

I wish that every day of yours is a holiday for which you are never late.

I wish you good Siberian health, crazy love, reliable and loyal friends like me, and just remain the same wonderful person!

Let there be a place in our lives for miracles and pleasant surprises, interesting acquaintances and successes at work and in personal life, let our deepest desires come true and there be as many happy moments as there are needles on a Christmas tree!

May the New Year give everyone, without exception, a comprehensive feeling of a long-awaited holiday! I wish you good spirits, positive ideas, excellent health and immense happiness! Let faith in the best be a faithful companion on the path to our achievements! New discoveries and achievements in the new year!

New Year - time for fulfillment cherished desires. My wish is simple - for us to be the happiest in the whole world!

The New Year gives you faith in a real miracle! I wish you fulfillment of your cherished desires, magical mood, strength, energy and simple human happiness!

My wishes may be banal, but you can’t celebrate the New Year without them! I wish you happiness and health, love and understanding, money and good luck, good spirits and a positive perception of the world.

January, with a whole bunch of holidays and exciting events, requires us to have some imagination in formulating congratulatory speeches, so as not to wish the same person the same thing twice. This is our short wishes for the New Year they should help.

Poems wishes for the New Year

May the New Year come knocking on your door

And the house will be filled with happiness.

And everything you dreamed of

May it come true this year!

May the New Year be a magical fairy tale

He will quietly enter your house,

And happiness, joy, peace and affection

He will bring it to you as a gift!

Leaves old year,

Its last page rustles.

Let the best that was not go away,

And the worst cannot happen again.

The ball on the Christmas tree is glowing,

And the globe is still spinning.

I wish you on New Year's holiday

Meet new happiness.

I wish you for the New Year

All the joys in the world,

Health for a hundred years ahead

To you and your children.

Let every day warm you with warmth

And it will bring a lot of happiness

And all doubts will be dispelled

New Year arrived at midnight!

May the New Year not add wrinkles,

And he will smooth out and erase the old ones

It will improve your health and save you from failures.

And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness.

Happy New Year! May you have good luck

This year will give you

Complex problems will be solved

And it will bring success.

Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a Happy New Year.

So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

May the coming year

New successes will come,

Luck accompanies everything,

And all problems will be resolved,

And so that this coming year

He was kinder than the previous one.

Joyful New Year holidays give hope for the best, that the old will remain in the previous year, and you will enter the new year with new strength, joy, positivity and confidence. After all, this is one of the most beloved and anticipated holidays not only for children, but also for adults. The latter are not averse to immersing themselves in the atmosphere of a fairy tale that the New Year brings and believing that all their wishes will come true.

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Happy New Year with a new happiness!

May your wishes come true, may your dreams come true, and may you be with your beloved friends!

I wish you in the coming year: no worries, no money, love, hope and believe

May your year be successful and happy, may all your dreams come true!

With all my heart, with all of me, I congratulate you!

Let business captivate you and increase your wealth. And good luck awaits you this good New Year too!

May the New Year bring you more health! May the New Year bring you happiness! And he will leave all the good things, And he will take away all the bad things!

I shout to the whole universe: I LOVE, And I modestly add: CONGRATULATIONS:))

I congratulate you and wish you the most important thing - fulfillment of your dreams! Because when a person has what he dreamed of, he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy! Happy New Year!

May the New Year bring you more health! May the New Year bring you happiness! And he will leave all the good things and take away all the bad things!

I wish you to freeze your butt to the ice next year!

May your life in the New Year be like champagne - light, exciting, beautiful and overflowing.

Let Santa Claus place a diamond goblet on an icy tray in the New Year, pour it to the brim with golden health, and add some fun to the appetizer!

Advice for the New Year - don't eat yellow snow.

The snow is falling quietly on the stairs, it is melting, I miss you so far now, how I would like to turn into this snow and quietly descend into your palms.

May the New Year be generous, may it not skimp on happiness, may it light up the stars on time so that all your wishes come true.

Remain yourself, Be faithful to all your friends May spring smile at you even in winter!

Happy new year you can imagine! Let it be so new and successful that you yourself will be surprised by it!

If on New Year's night a strange guest comes to you - someone with a white beard, in a red fur hat, with a long staff in his hand and with gifts in a bag, with a loud laugh, with a kind look - then you don't need to drink anymore!

Let snowflakes shower you, Let your eyelashes turn white! Happy New Year! Happy year of happiness, hope and love!

In the New Year I wish: 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the good things, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love and 31536000 seconds of pleasant moments!

Let your happiness burn over you like a ruby, bright star! Let everything you love, everything dear, always be near You!

May this year protect you from all adversities, sorrows and misfortunes, and give everyone around, and you and me, hope and dreams, love and happiness!

I wish you in the coming year: no worries, no money, love, hope and believe!

May your wishes be made on New Year's Eve - and every day, all all year round, let them come true.

Let the old year pass, taking with it misfortunes, and let the new year bring more health, joy and happiness!

Snowflakes are falling from the sky, just as beautiful as you, my love! They lie on the palms of your hands - it’s me hugging you, on the lips - it’s me kissing you, they melt from the breath - it’s I love you! Happy New Year!

For the New Year, I will give you a firmament of large stars, and for the first time the stars will become part of us. And instantly picking up their mysterious motive, you and I will dissolve in a blue starry fairy tale.

You shine like a star, Today and always! New Year's surprises and good health for you!

We congratulate you on the New Year and wish you well and success! So that the soul boils with health and the glasses ring like an echo!

We wish you happiness and joy, Happy New Year. Let your destiny shine, May it fill with happiness like a cup.

Make wishes in moderation (better than decent ones): A car, a house, career growth And, of course, cash!

When the glasses suddenly close, the Christmas tree will wink with a garland... Don’t forget to smile, May the New Year be a happy one!

Before the New Year, I wish you health and happiness, so that life seems like honey.

May the New Year be successful, May you bask in the rays of glory. But don’t think that everything will fall from the sky, To succeed you need to try hard!

Let this year be preserved by fate From all adversities, sorrows and misfortunes, And give everyone around, and you and me, Hope and dreams, love and happiness

In 2011 I wish you
12 months without illness,
53 weeks of all the best,
365 days of happiness,
8760 hours of success,
525600 minutes of love,
and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments

Happy New Year, my dear friend,
May he be kind and wonderful.
So that everything you dreamed about passionately,
It became an amazing fate.

I'll tell you for the New Year
In the large stars the sky
I'll give it for the first time
The stars will become part of us.
And instantly picked up
Their mysterious motive
You and I will dissolve
In a starry tale, blue.

May the New Year be generous,
Let him not skimp on happiness,
Let him light the stars on time,
May all your wishes come true.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you -
Have fun this night, don't be sad...
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart,
And especially - happiness in love!

No gold, no royalty
Not the riches that the people invented -
Simple human happiness
I want to wish you for the New Year!

May you have a good New Year,
Will give happiness and luck,
Will bring love and joy
And all your wishes come true!

The roofs are silvered with snow,
From the drifting snow there is a round dance,
And spiritual calm -
Soon, soon New Year!
The pine smell fills
It's Christmas time!!!
And I'm overwhelmed
A sea of ​​ideas!
The surface of the balls is mirror-bright
Reflects lights.
I'll put my gifts away
In New Year's bags.
Have bright days with your sketches...
It's better to hide it in tinsel!
On New Year's Day such a surprise
I will surprise all the guests!!!
After all, I'm stuck in bags
Very necessary for everyone:
I chose from the heart -
Joy, sincerity and laughter!
Place in places:
Loyalty, Peace, Love and Happiness
To all, all, all my friends!
New Year is a magical holiday!
Time to believe and forgive.
And in the worries of these different
Why not dream?

Let the glasses sparkle beautifully

In the golden shimmer of wine.

We are not celebrating the New Year together,

But I want to congratulate you.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you

On this morning day in January.

Let the frosty winter morning

He will kiss you for me.

Let the snowflakes hug you

Let your eyelashes turn white.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

Happy year of joy, happiness, love!!!


New Year's Eve secret:
A trace of snow lace is woven.
I'm waiting for a miracle, but it's still not there,
Only a candle gives a gentle light.

The smell of spruce and tangerine...
Where is my only one?
I'm looking for him and looking for him
And I whisper a prayer for happiness.

My beloved, I am looking for you
And I still whisper a prayer in tears.
I want to be happy this night
And I look at the candle with hope.

New Year's Eve secret:
There are traces of tears on the cheeks.
I'll watch the dawn alone.
After all, as we know, there are no miracles.

The taste of champagne and tangerine.
Where is my only one?
I want to find you so much
And I whisper a prayer about it.

I'm looking for you, dear friend!
Maybe you will appear suddenly.
Everything will shine around in lights,
After all, a fairy tale has so many servants...

Happy New Year! I mean - happiness!
Happy new business! With a new word!

Fishermen - with a new bite!
Careerists - with a new rank!
Mom and dad - with a new son!
Lumberjacks - with a new grove!
New sons-in-law - with a new mother-in-law!
New Russians - with a new car!
With a new bank pack!
Businessmen - happy new take-off!
Happy new bank! With a new account!
Captains - with a new cook!

Presidents - happy new term!
Deputies - happy new Duma!
Who wants money - with a new amount!
Unemployed - with a new place!
Tili-tili - with a new test!
Happy new song! Happy new dance!

Divorced people - with a new chance!
Chukchi - with a new joke!
Rushing - with a new twist!
Those who took the purchase - with a new suit!

The rumor spreads among the people:
The red bull is back in fashion.
Be sure to get it
Somewhere an armful of hay.

Of course, it would be useful
Buy bulls in tomato
And hum in a sing-song voice.
Turn your house into a stable.

Let it decorate your face
A ring threaded through the nose.
And then for sure
Success awaits you in the year of the Ox!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
With a new round of life.
I wish for joy
I came to your house on New Year's Day.

So that love is like a warm shawl,
Sheltered from adversity,
All dreams and all desires
To celebrate the New Year.

The holiday is just around the corner,
A whole year of new life
How will anyone meet him?
That's how it will be carried out!

That's why I wish everyone
Get rid of problems
Throw away all your sorrows,
That they've been bothering us all year.

Pay off all debts as soon as possible
And make wishes:
New meetings and impressions,
Bright joyful moments,

To have success in business,
There is joy in the house, children's laughter,
Peace, prosperity and comfort,
Everything that people are waiting for!

Don't mope and don't get sick,
You can do everything in a year,
What can't be put off
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy New Year! And I would like to wish everyone that in the coming year the same miracle that we all dream about will happen to us. Although everyone has their own, it is certainly the most necessary and most important. I wish that we are all alive and healthy, that we do what brings us pleasure. I wish you to reach new heights and self-realization. I also want to wish you more joyful moments that will turn into pleasant memories, and meetings with loyal friends and beloved family members.

May the sky be filled with New Year's stars
Shines with happiness and goodness,
May the coming year be today
Will shower you like silver
Health, happiness and luck,
So that joy ignites like fire,
And you're in a great mood
They said: “Life is good!”

May this glorious New Year
Will give happiness and good luck,
Will bring a lot of health
And an ocean of money to boot!

May everyone's dreams come true,
Let your smile shine brightly!
I wish you peace, kindness
And wonderful gifts!

May the New Year bring
Warmth, love and happiness to you,
A miracle will come to everyone
Bad weather will pass you by!

Let warmth reign in your soul,
And there will be a sea of ​​health,
Let your heart burn with happiness,
And not a bit of grief for you!

Happy New Year,
Let your dreams come true!
So that there is a lot of wealth,
Laughter, joy, love,
Let the clink of glasses fill
Happy new year
And wonderful gifts
Santa Claus will bring it to you!

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year,
May happiness be in your home
There will be a lot!

Let there be laughter
Comfort, warmth,
And in my soul -
Nice and light!

Here comes the New Year
And let him carry with him
Lots of happiness, lots of laughter,
In life and in business - success.

Bright, creative ideas,
The most devoted friends.
And love - huge, pure,
And only radiant smiles!

Let the glasses clink merrily,
And laughter sounds in your house.
Happy New Year,
On a snowy troika he rushes towards us.

May he bring you good luck,
Love, prosperity, miracles,
To be happy every day
The eyes shone with joy.

May all worries and sorrows
Fluffy snowball will sweep
And in the spring, when it melts,
He will take them all with him.

Live cheerfully and boldly,
Just pleasant troubles,
Let your wishes come true
The coming year will bring you!

The lights on the Christmas tree are burning,
They burn and shimmer.
And the balls are shiny
Swinging on branches.

I wish you happiness in life
Big and beautiful
Only good health,
Success is not fake.

Let the fire in your soul burn
Only genuine joy
And helps you with everything
Luck is limitless!