Presentation on the topic of what friendship is. Presentation on the topic "talk about friendship". Live together in our class

theme: Friendship

What is friendship? Everyone knows. Maybe it’s funny to ask? Well, what does this word mean? So what is it?

Friendship is a mutual affection between two or more people, unselfish, based on love and respect. (V.I. Dal)

Distinctive features of friendship Selectivity Trust Unselfishness Mutual sympathy and common interests

“A friend is someone who...” Friend - Buddy - Comrade - someone who is connected with someone by friendship. close, acquaintance, with whom they are on friendly terms. a person who is close in common, views, activities, living conditions.

LAWS OF FRIENDSHIP. Don't call or humiliate your friend. Help a friend in need. Don't deceive your friend, be honest with him. Don't betray your friend. Know how to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend. Be considerate of your friend. Know how to give in to your friend.

If a friend told you something in confidence, you need to keep this secret. Support your friend if he is in trouble. Rejoice with him in his successes. Don't envy your friend! If you quarrel with a friend, try to understand what is your fault. Apologize if you accidentally offend a friend and invite him to make peace. Never gossip about your friends. Try to notice first of all the good in a person. Tell everyone about your friend’s virtues. Rules of Friendship

In our class you can: 1)Speak kind and polite words; 2) Greet each other every day; 3) Amicably take part in all matters of the school and class; 4) Monitor your health; 5) Make friends, laugh and joke.

In our class you cannot: 1) Quarrel, swear and fight; 2)Say bad words; 3) Call your classmates names; 4)Be rude to teachers and classmates; 5) Take other people's things without permission, even from a friend. -Whoever is in favor of adopting these laws, please raise your hand. -I will ask you to observe these laws of friendship every day.

Hold on to each other - An enemy assents, Look for a friend, Who loves to lie, Not the friend who smears with honey, Make new friends, Birds have strong wings, A man without friendship, What kind of friendship will you make, The mountain is destroyed by the wind, fear nothing. and the friend argues. and if you find it, take care. You can’t take him as a friend. and the one who tells the truth. and don't forget the old ones. and people are friendship. like a tree without a root. This is how you will live your life. and human friendship words.

Think about what you need to change in yourself - in your character, habits, hobbies - so that people want to be friends with you.

Class hour



ü have an interesting, educational conversation about friendship,

the ability to live together and help each other.

ü show what qualities a real one should have

Friend, what role do friends play in our lives.


· To form in students key competencies, value orientations,

the ability to argue your point of view.

· Develop the ability to distinguish bad from good.

· To cultivate the moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship.

· Teach children to see, understand, evaluate feelings and

actions of others, motivate,explain your opinions.

· Develop speech skills.

· Promote the formation of a friendly team.


1. CLASS ORGANIZATION. Emotional mood.

SLIDE 1. Friendship is always the main miracle,

A hundred discoveries for all of us, melting away,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If you have real friends nearby!


Teacher.- In front of you are two markers - red and black and two mask stencils. Each group will now draw two masks. On one sheet is a mask of a healthy person, and on the other is a mask of a sick person. (GROUP WORK)

The song "Smile" is playing

What is the difference? The mask of a sick person was painted black and sad, and the mask of a healthy person was painted red. Red, that is, beautiful. He smiles, his eyes shine, his cheeks glow.

And the main difference is the smile! A smile is a sign of not only physical, but also spiritual health, a sign of goodness, love, friendship.

No wonder the song says: “Friendship begins with a smile”

Let's look into each other's eyes, smile and say: “I wish you...” I also wish everyone present happiness, success, joy, prosperity.

Teacher. – So, what topic is our class devoted to?

SLIDE 2. - Guys, today we will talk about friendship.

Friendship is a gift given to a person. Therefore, each of us should not only value true friends, but also be a good friend ourselves.

Listen to the parable about friendship:

Once two friends walked in the desert for many days.

One day they argued, and one of them rashly slapped the other. His friend felt the pain, but said nothing.

Silently, he wrote in the sand: “Today is my most best friend slapped me."

The friends continued to walk, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap nearly drowned and was saved by his friend.

When he came to his senses, he carved on the stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The first one asked him: “When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write on the stone.” Why?

And the friend replied: “When someone offends us, we must write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it.” But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

Learn to write grievances in the sand and carve joys in stone.

Teacher. – What do you think this parable is about, what does it teach us?

- Indeed, guys, you need to be able to forgive insults, remembering all the good things your friend did for you.

Popular wisdom says: a true friend is with you, even when you are wrong.

When you are right, everyone will be with you.

Poem by W. Shakespeare (narrates)

Student. A true friend everywhere

Faithful: in good times and in bad times;

Your sadness worries him.

You don't sleep - he can't sleep,

And always, without further words,

He is ready to help you.

How do you understand this poem?

– What is “true friendship?”

SLIDE 3, 4. Here is the meaning of these words in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova “Dictionary of the Russian language”

SLIDE 5. - Look at the board: FRIENDSHIP, COMRADE, FRIEND.

These words are interconnected. What a huge meaning there is in these words.

Please listen to the poem by I.S. Pshenitsyn. "If there are friends in the world."

Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.

Even the strongest wind

Even a storm won't bend you.

We are in the rain, and in the heat, and in the cold

Let's walk happily.

We are friends in any weather,

This friendship cannot be broken.

And any of us will answer,

Everyone who is young and brave will say:

You and I live in the world.

For good, glorious deeds.

Please listen to M. Sadovsky’s poem “If the drops weren’t friends”

If the drops weren't friends,

How would puddles live then?

How would the rivers flow?

Where would the ships sail?

If the notes weren't friends,

How would we put the song together?

How can the birds sing?

How would the sun rise?

If people weren't friends,

How would we live in the world?

After all, without friendship for a long time

There is nothing in the world!

Teacher. – Let’s think about the fact that both children and adults need friendship in different life situations. Even droplets of water need friendship.

Who can you call a friend?

SLIDE 6. GAME. Continue the phrase: A friend is someone who...

Friend is interesting book which you are reading.

A friend is a mother who will help in difficult times.

A friend is a teacher who helps you look into the secrets of knowledge.

A friend is a toy who listens to me when I feel bad.

Friend is my naughty puppy.

Friend - understands me;

Friend - with whom I feel good; who will always help me;

Teacher. - What adjective word can we say and connect the word FRIEND with?

SLIDE 7. We sing the song “From a Smile”

Teacher. SLIDE 8. - Now let’s play. I name a character from a fairy tale, and you have to say who he is friends with?

Quiz “Who is friends with whom?”

1. Green crocodile Gena and... (Cheburashka)

2. Trusting Pinocchio and... (Malvina, Pierrot)

3. Funny bear Winnie the Pooh and... (Piglet)

4. A boy named Baby and... (Carlson)

5. Funny Chipmunks Chip and ... (Dale).

6. Kind and brave Gerda and... (Kai).

SLIDE 9. – Who are you friends with?

– Are you friends with your parents?

– Do you think you can only be friends with people?

Are you friends with animals, nature, books?

No wonder one of the proverbs says: there is no better friend than your own mother.

How do you understand it? - What other proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know?

SLIDE 10. Game “Collect proverbs”

ü Don’t have a hundred rubles, but…… (have a hundred friends).

ü A man without friends is like…..(a tree without roots).

ü Look for a friend, but found.....(take care).

ü A tree lives by its roots, and a person….(friends).

ü Friendship is not a mushroom, in the forest...(you won’t find it).

– What music do you hear when you think and talk about friendship?

– What weather would you compare “friendship” to?

– What animals can the word friendship be associated with? - With a fox or with a squirrel?

– What colors will you use to “paint” friendship?

(COLLECTIVE) Training game: Flower of “Friendship”. - Let's grow our own flower of friendship! Our flower has no petals. With your help they will appear. Ready to start playing? I have petals on my table. Choose those that you think are worthy of the flower of friendship. (Children collect a flower on the board, pronouncing the inscriptions).

honesty, lies, kindness, loyalty, rudeness, mutual assistance, betrayal, pugnacity, justice, cockiness, responsibility, compassion, selflessness.

This flower is magical! And so that it does not dry out and lives for a long time, what does it lack? (Smiles, laughter, your attention to him and each other, peace, your warmth, and much more)

Student: Who fervently believes in friendship,

Who feels the shoulder nearby,

He will never fall

He won’t get lost in any trouble,

And if he suddenly stumbles.

Then a friend will help him get up!

Always a reliable friend in trouble

He will extend his hand.

Teacher: - Now we’ll play a little. Let's stand in a circle. Game "Praise". Pass the ball around and say Nice words addressed to his neighbor, he responds by thanking and praising himself, naming his good quality.

For example: Masha, you are responsive.

Thank you, and I’m also kind.

The game ends with a choral chant.

SLIDE 11. Words are a chant.

Everyone in our class is friends. One-two.

Here he is, and you, and me. One, two.

Smile to those on the left

Smile to those on the right.

We are one family.o

Teacher. Let's make up a few rules of friendship (music accompaniment)

There are envelopes on your tables containing the words of the rules that you will draw up. There is a large colored sheet nearby, your task is to make a rule and stick it on the sheet, when the rule is ready, place it on the board. (WORK IN PAIRS)





You have 5 minutes to work.

What you got, read and place this rule on the board.

I also want to add one more rule of friendship: BE ABLE TO ACCEPT HELP, ADVICE AND NOTES FROM OTHERS.


RESULT. - If everyone skillfully follows the “correct” life, he will learn what friendship is and he will have many, always many friends, but the main thing in friendship is that you always need to start with yourself.

What conclusion can we draw: the ability to make friends, the ability to make friends, choosing a friend, maintaining friendship are the most important qualities of a person.


ü What was the most interesting thing for me today...

ü What was important for me today...

Teacher:And now, guys, I suggest you relax a little and sing our

favorite song “Friendship” by the group “Barbariki”.

(clip for the song “Friendship” by the group “Barbariki”)

Teacher. - And I would like to end our conversation with the words of Leopold the Cat...

Open lesson on the topic « Friendship is…!"


1. Expanding students' knowledge about friendship.


1 . To form moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship;

2. Develop students’ reasoning skills;

3. Cultivate friendly relationships of goodwill and respect for each other.


1. Organizational moment

2. Formation of motivation.

Exercise "Microphone"

Dear Guys! Look into each other's eyes, smile, pass on a piece of your goodness to the other and say: “I wish you...”.

You see from our smiles, kind words, it became warmer and more comfortable in the classroom.

3. Reporting the topic of the lesson

Our meeting is devoted to one very, in my opinion, interesting topic. Let's find out which one. To do this, you need to make a word from the letters that are in front of you:rdubazh

What word did you get?

Friendship -

Topic of today's lesson« Friendship is…!"

The epigraph of our lessons will be the words of the French writer La Rochefoucauld François de “The most beautiful gift after wisdom that nature could bestow upon us is friendship.”


What is friendship? Everyone knows.
Maybe it's funny to ask.
Well, what does it mean?

This word? So what is it?

We have to answer this question today. During the lesson we will try to discover the secrets of friendship and help those children who are not yet very good at making friends.

In Ozhegov's dictionary

FRIENDSHIP is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, and common interests.

4. Main part


Guys, choose words with the same root for the word friendship (friend, girlfriend, buddy, be friends)

-Who is a friend?

1) Qualities for a true friend.

(A board opens with a sun drawn, friendship written in the center.)

A true friend must have certain character qualities.

Now we will play with you.

I will offer you the qualities of a person’s character, and you must listen carefully, if the proposed qualities suit a real friend, you clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet.

During the game, from the positive qualities of a true friend, we will make a sun that will shine for us throughout our lesson.

Our sun has no rays, the rays lie on the table.

1. honesty


2. kindness

3. loyalty


4. mutual assistance



5. justice


6. responsibility

7. compassion.

The teacher once again emphasizes the qualities important for true friendship.

Teacher: You guys have heard and know that proverbs contain folk wisdom. I wanted to introduce you to them, but last night, when I was composing them, I accidentally dropped and mixed up all the words in the proverbs...

Can you help me collect them?

You have envelopes on your tables, you need to assemble the correct proverb from individual words and choose someone who will read it and explain it.

. Compilation of proverbs about friendship.

Group 1: Friendship is strong not through flattery, but through truth and honor.

Group 2: Friendship is like glass, if you break it, you won’t be able to put it back together.

Group 3: Cherish your friendship, don’t rush to forget it.

Guys, we should listen to folk wisdom.

Game "Guess the melody".

There are also many songs about friendship. Now we will play the game “Guess the Melody.” Each group needs to choose one melody and guess the song.

Physical education moment.

You know that friendship never runs smoothly. Sometimes we quarrel with friends: we didn’t understand each other, we didn’t give in in an argument, we offended each other over trifles. How does it feel in your soul then? Are you going through a disagreement with a friend? Because of quarrels and misunderstandings, friendships can be destroyed. It's easy to lose a friend. It is much more difficult to maintain a friendship. My advice to you: find the strength and wisdom to forgive your friend for his mistakes, admit your own and make peace.

When I was like you, we made peace with little fingers. Can you do that? Let's get up and grab a pair. Don't forget Little Raccoon's advice: be sure to smile at each other.

("Make peace, make peace and don't fight anymore:.")

Definition of the "Laws of Friendship".

Everything in the world exists according to rules and laws, and there are laws for friendship.

Each group has statements on the table; you must think and say which ones we can classify as the laws of friendship.

LAWS OF FRIENDSHIP (attached to the board)

1. Help a friend in need.

2. Know how to share joy with a friend.

3. Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

4. Stop your friend if he is doing something bad.

5. Know how to accept help, advice, and don’t be offended by criticism.

6. Don't deceive your friend.

7. Know how to admit your mistakes and make peace with your friend.

8. Don't betray your friend.

9. Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

Do you agree with these laws? (children's answers)

By following these rules, I think you will never lose a friend. Be kind, friendly, sensitive, polite to each other. Don’t be arrogant, sneaky, protect your friends from wrong actions.


Let's share our thoughts with the guests of our class and the residents of our village. Take the balls and use a felt-tip pen to write a continuation, in one word:

Friendship is…

Teacher: Let's release the balls into the sky. Thanks to all

Me and my friends. About friendship. Friendship is the miracle. Friendship. What is friendship. good friendship. A true friend. Friendship and friends. Friendship of people. Strong friendship. Real friendship. What is true friendship? My little Pony Friendship is the miracle. “A strong friendship will not break”…. Let's live in peace. "Let's live in peace. About friendship for children. Friendship in history.

Topic: Friendship. Russian language is the language of friendship. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Thank you for your friendship. "Friendship" 4th grade. Friendship is strong. There is strength in friendship. Friendship is our strength. There is strength in friendship. There is strength in friendship. The armor is strong and our tanks are fast. The theme of the lesson is “Friendship”. "Guys let's be friends. Guys let's be friends. Friendship of the peoples of the world.

Friendship concept. Camaraderie and friendship. Planet of Friendship. Friendship and decency. We choose friendship. Know how to value friendship. Friendship begins with a smile. Let's talk about friendship. Friendship is more valuable than wealth. Day of love and friendship. Festival of Friendship of Peoples. Wreath of friendship. "Friendship is a great power. The town of "Friendship". The laws of friendship. Cherish friendship from childhood.

Friendship in adolescence. “Friendship is a wonderful word. “Friendship in the classroom is not needed” “Friendship in the class is needed.” The theme of friendship in literary works. Friendship, military camaraderie. Project “Friendship begins with a smile.” “FRIENDSHIP-FREUNDSCHAFT. Friendship (basics of secular ethics) . Project “Let's live together.” From childhood, friendship is taught at school...

Internet project “Bridges of Friendship”. Project: “Friendship is great. Let's talk about true friendship…. School country "Friendship". Lesson on speech development “FRIENDSHIP. Municipal educational preschool kindergarten"Friendship".

Slide 1

What is friendship?

Slide 2

Without friendship, no communication between people has value. Socrates

Slide 3

Friendship - there is nothing more beautiful

Slide 4

Friendship is a selfless personal relationship between people based on trust, sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are mutual respect for the friend's opinion, trust and patience. People connected by friendship are called friends.

Slide 5

Parable about friendship
An old man lived on the seashore. He was completely alone, and he had no one in the whole wide world. And then one late evening he heard a knock on the door. The old man asked: “Who’s there?” Outside the door they answered him: “This is your wealth.” But the elder replied: “I was once fabulously rich, but it did not bring me any happiness.” And he didn't open the door. The next day he heard a knock on the door again. - Who's there? - he asked. - This is your Love! – he heard the answer.

Slide 6

But the elder said: “I was loved, and I loved madly, but it did not bring me happiness!” – and again did not open the door. On the third day there was a knock on his door again. - Who's there? - asked the old man. - This is your friendship! - he heard in response. The elder smiled and opened the door: “I am always glad to have friends.” But suddenly... along with friendship, love and wealth entered his home. And the elder said: “But I only invited friendship!” To this, those who entered answered him: “You have lived on earth for so many years, and still have not understood one simple truth?” Only with friendship come love and wealth!

Slide 7

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. Aristotle

Slide 8

Exercise 1
Proverbs To have a friend is not to feel sorry for yourself. Friend is known in trouble. You can't buy a friend with money.
Situations You come home from training and are literally falling off your feet from fatigue, but then your friend calls and asks for help: he needs to take a monitor to the workshop. You were playing football in the yard. Your friend broke his arm. Your friend treated you meanly, but then decided to return your friendship by offering an expensive gift.

Slide 9

The best friend will never betray, there is simply no more loyal person

Slide 10

A true friend is faithful everywhere, in happiness and in trouble; Your sadness worries him, You don’t sleep - he can’t sleep, And in everything, without further words, He is ready to help you. Yes, the actions are different True friend and a worthless flatterer. William Shakespeare

Slide 11

A friend is someone who understands without words what is happening to you

Slide 12

Parable about friendship
Once upon a time there was a boy with a terrible character. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail into the garden fence every time he lost his temper and quarreled with someone. On the first day the boy hammered 37 nails. Over the next weeks he tried to hold back, and the number of nails hammered decreased day by day. It turned out that holding back is easier than hammering nails...

Slide 13

Finally the day came when the boy did not hammer a single nail into the fence. Then he went to his father and told about it. And his father told him to pull out one nail from the fence for every day that he did not lose patience. Days passed after days, and finally the boy was able to tell his father that he had pulled out all the nails from the fence. The father brought his son to the fence and said: “My son, you behaved well, but look at these holes in the fence.” She will never be the same again. When you argue with someone and say things that can hurt, you inflict a wound like this on the other person. No matter how many times you ask for forgiveness, the wound will remain. A mental wound brings as much pain as a physical one.

Slide 14

Friends are rare jewels, they bring you a smile and joy. They are ready to listen to you when you need it, they support you and open their hearts to you. Try not to hurt them...

Slide 15

Without true friendship life is nothing