Cool poems about Alexander's best friend. Poems for your best friend. Poem about friendship to tears

  • Do not quickly become a friend, but once you have become one, try to remain one, because it is equally shameful to not have a single friend and to change many friends. (Isocrates)
  • A true friend will always tell the truth to your face. Even the most bitter one, which we are not ready to admit.
  • True friends do not compete with each other or envy each other, but help and are sincerely happy for each other.
  • Statuses about good friends with meaning- A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud. (R. Emerson)
  • It is a value in our time to have a friend or friends who are not affected by time, weather or distance.
  • Friends are people who, before coming to visit you, ask the question: “What do you want to eat?”
  • My friends, family and love are not negotiable - they are perfect, period.
  • Good friends go to those who know how to be a good friend themselves. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
  • Friendship is a few idiots who absolutely cannot live without each other.
  • Good friends will never let you do stupid things... alone.
  • A true friend is with you when you are wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you.
  • A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend other than what is morally beautiful; Friendship is given to us by nature as an assistant in virtues, and not as a companion in vices. (Cicero)
  • True friends can laugh at you and make fun of you, but they will never let others do the same.
  • Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth to your face.
  • It's good when your friend is an optimist. It's somehow more fun to look into the future.
  • He who is deprived of sincere friends is truly lonely. (Bacon Francis)
  • How older in age, The already circle of friends, But the more precious Everyone in this circle is.
  • It doesn't matter how many friends you have. What matters is how many of them will help you in difficult times and how many will remember you when they feel good.
  • He is your friend who, in times of misfortune, helps you with deeds when there is a need for it. (Plautus)
  • A true friend is a person who can forget about his good mood when you're feeling bad.
  • Good friends can be compared to a condom - reliable protection at that very moment. And the best ones can be compared to Viagra - they always pick you up when you fall.
  • There are only a few true friends! This is, perhaps, a treasure that, alas, not everyone can dig up! And I really want friendship - without stabs in the back...
  • Statuses about good friends- Not your friend who drinks at the table with you, but who will come to the rescue of anyone in misfortune. Whoever gives a firm hand will relieve you of worries. And he won’t even show that he helped you. (Omar Khayyam)
  • I am happy, because there are people in my life to whom I can say: “I love you,” and each of them will understand me correctly - these people are called friends!
  • If misfortune happens: you will be without arms or legs, then you will still be a person, but if suddenly there are no friends, then there will never be complete happiness.

Happy birthday,
My best friend!
They sound all around!
wish you
I want, as a friend,
Find the right one
A good friend.
Happiness, joy,
Much love!
Happy Birthday,

You are my best friend, I won’t hide it,
I love and appreciate you
And I'll cover your back
If suddenly a war starts!

We've known each other for a long time,
On your birthday I want
Tell you everything and a lot,
But I’ll just say the main thing.

I'm very glad that I met you
On your life's path
And I will give everything in this world,
May we be friends forever!

I proudly declare -
You are the best friend in the world!
Congratulations loudly,
Let everyone around you hear.

A friend is a reliable person,
He will help and come.
So let it be a huge success
He will find you in no time.

Let me know everything and everyone around,
What does a friend celebrate?
What is his birthday?
We'll probably go to the cinema.
I am very glad to congratulate you,
My step-brother, but still my brother.
The circle of friendship will not open,
After all, you are my best friend.
Let your dreams come true,
After all, the best is you.

Side by side you and I, my friend,
You are like a brother to me.
I wish you find what you are looking for,
Although the path was not easy at times.

So that what you want comes true,
You have reached unearthly heights,
So that everything can be done and done.
Like in the fairy tale with the genie "Aladdin".

I'm your best friend, of course,
Who can argue? No one.
Just listen to me for now
Let it already be poured.
Be patient, you'll still have time
Slam the glass for yourself,
You might become healthier
(I'm kidding, love!)
We need to take the rap somehow,
Work off a glass...
Okay, I'll wrap it up.
Happy birthday, buddy!

My best friend, hope and support,
I congratulate you today with all my heart.
Even our arguments are sweet to me with you,
And I'm glad that I've known you for so long.

May this birthday be today,
You will be showered with the best gifts.
Will give you hundreds of meetings, bright smiles,
And the bonds of friendship will strengthen between us.

Hello my best friend!
I heard it's your holiday today.
Let's take a wineskin
And we'll get stuck in the fun with you.

We will sing and have fun
Chase titmouses and pigeons.
It’s a joy to run around the park,
Scaring those who are fatter.

The next morning we will look serious,
Shaking the sand from our bones.
And let us remember the virtuoso holiday,
Let's forget boredom, old man.

My most faithful, closest
My dear, wonderful friend!
Do you remember how much you've been through?
And troubles, and happiness, and separation.

We never knew boredom with you,
We walked at night in the rain,
We played the guitar as a child,
And we had fun day after day.

But on your birthday, on this bright holiday,
I want to wish one thing -
So that the sun is bright above us
It could always keep us warm.

Listen, birthday boy, this night
I had a dream, quite strange:
The oracle prophesied your future to me.
Even though it was yesterday, you know I’m not drunk.

He painted this oil painting for me,
Where are you, my friend, on your bay horse?
With a long-legged and beautiful girl
You wave goodbye to me.

For that, I suggest everyone pour
Let age not moderate our desires.
Preserve the dignity of a man,
In the right condition for as long as possible!

Thank you for adding to:

Call you friend
I am pleased and honored.
Here's my hand for you,
Lean on whenever!

You and I are bound by friendship -
The best you need!
Friend, you are always with me,
Let's share our dreams.

If it’s difficult for me, you’re there
And you will help if necessary.
I thank you
I give friendly greetings!

* * *

Among all friends, you are the best,
It is inappropriate to argue with this!
You and I are not bored together
Never and everywhere!

It's good that there is something in the world
Best friends like us!
It was not for nothing that I met you
In the midst of everyday chaos!

Best friend actually
Not the one who is happy with you,
And the one who, in an hour of bad weather, suddenly
She will support you with all her heart!

Who is nearby in life at any hour
Walking shoulder to shoulder...
The last one he shares with you,
No regrets!

I wanted to dedicate the poem
To you, my best friend!
I was lucky to find you
Always be with me!

You will not betray and you will not leave,
Always keep company!
A great friend, like not many
And thank God for you!

It’s not boring with you, it’s not hateful,
As I used to do with others.
You are not like that, but real
And I wish you happiness!

I'm ready to confess to everyone
The fact is that you and I are friends!
You are a reliable shoulder
And you will support me if anything happens.

I shake your hand tightly,
I promise my help.
Always be on top
And strive for your dream!

The best friend is the one who is nearby
Whoever supports will understand without words
And is capable of just one glance
Find out what's bothering you...

Well, I'm lucky to have you,
My only true friend.
You can put anyone in your belt,
And sometimes even two!

I dedicate this verse to you
And I give these confessions.
I promise you my friendship,
Thank you for your support!

You are an honest, cheerful and devoted friend,
You will help in trouble and give good advice.
You are not angry, you are not even rude.
There is no other like it in the whole world!

And no matter what happened, you forgave me everything,
And in difficult times he was next to me,
You have always filled my life with light
You are very dear to me, my golden friend.

Be happy, successful and loved by everyone,
Take everything you can and can’t from life.
You know that you are far from alone,
And remember: there is nothing like this in the whole world!

* * *

You can talk about friendship for a long time,
After all, it is different for everyone.
For some, a friend is one who drinks a lot,
For others, do not feel the lies.

You can't build friendship alone
Only two can pull it off.
I dedicate these lines to my friend,
Who does not dare to reproach.

To the one who walked next to me in life,
Who supported and helped more than once,
And for so many years he was himself.
He was with me during a difficult time in that life.

Only he alone will always understand and say,
The word that will silence you.
He will forgive everything and tell everything,
And he will never praise.

Let's get drunk together if our hearts cry.
We can fight, but not out of malice.
He means a lot in my life.
Thank you to fate, for bringing us together.

And if you don't understand, my friend,
I said all this about you.
And even if I become a beggar,
But if necessary, I will give the whole world.

Friends! Thank you for being!
Why are you next to me!
I know that envy and flattery are alien to you,
Words that hurt.

Always ready to listen
Give advice, guidance.
And if trouble suddenly comes -
Support, consolation.

Your smiles are like flowers
They give me joy and lightness.
You are full of love for life.
I feel so good with you!

Thank you for your kindness
Responsiveness, participation.
My friends! I love you!
I wish you all happiness!

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IN modern world technologies,
Glancing around the surroundings,
Just think about how many
We call them “my friends.”
And tired of life's ambitions,
Unrealized ideas
We want to see faces around us,
Dear and close people to us.
A lot has been written about friends,
I just want to add from myself,
A friend is not someone you drank with,
And not the one who patted on the shoulder.
And not the one who is happy to give advice,
With whom did life's path bring you,
Who did you study with once, somewhere...
No guys, these are not friends.
A friend is not one who jokes and laughs,
And not one who appreciates style and verse.
Friend - in your problems is known,
In joy and sorrow for two.
He doesn't need your gratitude
And they don’t waste words.
Asadov wrote about such friends,
They do - they don't say.
They don't have little souls inside,
I wish you simply, without any pretense,
Drive away the pathetic fake,
But appreciate sincere friends!

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Let's gather around the table
Not for the potion to make us drunk,
And in order for the friendship to remain
Of herself as she was.

Let's gather around the table
Without any overseas pickles,
So that there are our faded solos,
It's as if the branches are from the same trunk.

Let's gather around the table.
Let's comb our gray hairs parted,
And our thoughts will become one,
Both our revelations and our deeds.

Let's gather around the table!
It doesn’t matter who has it, there will be one,
With whom again, as in youth, is it sung,
And youth was our common cup.

Let's gather around the table
At least once a year, because we can’t do it more often,
And we won’t compose so many new songs,
So that everyone can comfort us.

Let's gather around the table.
Well, how much do we need for training?
So that ridiculous fences collapse,
Which maturity has given us.

Let's gather around the table
And with us are those whose song is not finished,
They live as long as we remember it
As long as our pain for them is light.

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A thread winds from heart to heart -
It only gets stronger with age,
Neither burn it nor cut it,
Neither weigh with precise scales.

We keep it carefully
Sometimes we embellish it a little
With your imagination,
But we hold on and don’t let go.

And you just have to name the name,
She will respond immediately
To immediately support again,
After all, that thread is called Friendship.

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There are never too many friends -
It has been known to everyone for a long time.
When difficulties are at your doorstep,
When suddenly a lot of problems -

Your friend will be inseparable from you,
And he will never betray.
All the clouds are above his head
Yours will be separated in one go!

I'm never bored with him
And time flies merrily.
I really want this friendship
I'll keep it for a long time!

There are never too many friends
You can count them on your fingers...
Therefore, friendship with you
I always consider it an honor.

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In life we ​​meet a lot of people,
Everyone walks by and only one
Fits you like a breath of oxygen
With which you are not afraid to live to see wrinkles.
Without friendship the world is much more dangerous,
No one will tell you, no one will understand.
Only one blind hope in God,
Which is unlikely to come to the rescue.
They all seem to be different in appearance,
By character type and intelligence.
But a real friend would not give offense
In any situation, no one will help you.

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Should I call a friend?
When it's dark on the road,
When the road is unrecognizable
And you don’t have the strength to go?
When there is trouble on all sides,
When it's night in the sun,
But won't he see
Won't he rush to help?
After all, he will not be able to eat and sleep,
When does this suddenly happen!
But... if you need to call a friend -
It's unlikely that this is a friend...

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Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship is the sun at dawn,
A joyful feast for the soul.
Friendship is only happiness
Friendship is one thing people have.
With friendship you are not afraid of bad weather,
With friendship - life in spring is full.
A friend will share pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend - even an evil weakness
In an instant it will melt and go away.
Believe, keep, value friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
It will serve you well.
After all, friendship is a valuable gift

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I drink to the health of not many,
Not many, but true friends,
Friends who are unwaveringly strict
In the temptations of changing days.

I drink to the health of those far away,
Distant but dear friends,
Friends like me, lonely
Among people alien to their hearts.

Tears flow into my cup of wine,
But their flow is sweet and pure;
So, with scarlet - black roses
Weaved into my table wreath.

My cup is for the health of not many,
Not many, but true friends,
Friends who are unwaveringly strict
In the temptations of changing days;

For health and distant neighbors,
Distant, but dear to the heart,
And in memory of lonely friends,
Those who died silent in their graves.

Vyazemsky Peter, 1862

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Everyone in the world talked about friendship,
But only I suddenly understand
What is the only answer for you now?
After all, you are my true, faithful friend!
And so that nothing happens in our lives
You can be sure that I will always come!
I just want them to get it equally
We have joy, happiness, sorrow and misfortune!

The most memorable quatrains in poetry that you can give to a friend.

Thank you for adding to:

Not everyone can be friends
Reciprocity rules in this matter.
I've been confident in you for a long time -
I enjoy being next to you!

And whatever happens next,
No matter how life beats us,
I know you will be my shoulder
Let her lean her elbows on him!

It's so nice to have friends
People like you and me!
Is there someone to have fun with?
Someone to go to to cry.

Who to baptize your children with?
Share your joy.
I love you so much, friend,
Because you are really cool!

* * *

I want to dedicate a poem to you,
There are no such friends in the world!
You don't have to go around the whole world
We just have our own secret!

How can you value friendship?
Reciprocity is important to give.
Don't break this thread
What could unite us!

A friend is someone who is nearby
On time, when needed...
Not only when it’s convenient
And in a good situation...

I'm lucky to have you for sure
There is no stronger friendship.
I dedicate the poem to you,
I don't know you better!!!

You and I are mentally similar,
Because you are my friend.
There is no closer, no more expensive
For me, friends are around!

Our friendship has proven
Why can't we share it?
And over the years it has become stronger.
May we appreciate it.

And support each other
Every business is difficult.
Our common merit
A fair one at that!

It's not sweet in the world alone,
When there are no sincere friends.
No wealth can replace them,
And life with all the luxury.

I dedicate this verse to my friend,
I'm lucky that we're friends
And I won't trade friendship
For all wealth and rank!

There are sorrows in life
There are also “take off” days,
but the main thing, without a doubt,
so that you are not alone in them.

Trouble is weaker, joy is greater,
when you have a true friend
and you can enjoy it longer,
gathering his friends around.

And in a friendly circle of hearts
Trouble is nothing if there is one for everyone...
Talk about boring, eternal
and expect success to await you.

After all a true friend will help,
will tell you, push you on the right path,
but only you are much later,
Don’t forget to lend your shoulder.

Everything will be fine, don't doubt it
you take a step confidently, boldly.
Wrong? Don't be shy, but smile
because you have a thousand friends!!!

I value our friendship
And I’m not looking for defects in it.
As a friend, I'll tell you,
Without bending my heart at all:

I want never in my life
Fate did not separate us.
And neither success nor disaster
Couldn't separate us

I've seen a lot in my life
Good and bad people.
But I learned a strong friendship
Only thanks to you!

I hope fate never
He won’t separate you and me.
You are for me, I am for you,
And everything else doesn’t count!

Friend, I invest a lot
This is the right word.
I say “thank you” to God,
That you and I know each other!

For me you are a “lighter”
That you won't be bored for a day.
I don’t mind good words
To praise you!

It's so nice to have a friend...
Like you or like me...
You and I have a common circle,
After all, we are old friends!

There is someone to argue with and cry with,
Someone to joke and play pranks with.
Is there someone to lend a hand to?
When you want to howl in pain...

* * *

Friends are not given to us for fun,
And in order to value friendship.
And this is not romance, but the truth,
Which life itself dictates!

And you and I have proven in practice
What a long time for each other
They became family and sincere people
And we will be them forever, God willing...