Gymnastics is uplifting. Training for teachers “A good mood is the key to health. How does exercise affect your health?

Regardless of the topic, work in a group begins with the stage of formation of working capacity, the main goal of which is to create such a group atmosphere, such a “climate of relations” and such a state of each group member (level of openness, trust, emotional freedom, cohesion in the group) that would allow successful work, move forward in a meaningful way. The presented exercises can also be used to supplement or change the content of classes.

1. Exercise “Running lights”

Target - prepare the group for the upcoming joint work and create an appropriate environment.

Instructions: Children write their name on pieces of paper and attach it to their clothes.
After which the teacher asks to imagine that we are a single garland in which there are running lights, you need to light your light, to do this you need to say your name in a circle.

2. Exercise “My name is...”

Target - acquaintance, relieving tension, stiffness, increasing group cohesion.

Instructions: say your name and perform some movement. The group unanimously repeats everyone’s statements and movements.

3. Exercise “Getting to know each other.”

Target -

Instructions: Each person takes turns saying their name and a positive trait beginning with the letter with which the name begins. For example: my name is Tatyana - tactful.

4. Exercise “Greetings!

Target - acquaintance, increasing group cohesion.

Instructions: We divide into three groups. One group is “Europeans”, another is “Africans”, the third is “Japanese”. Europeans greet with a handshake, the Japanese bow with folded palms, and Africans make the sound “oooh” while jumping up and down.

5. Exercise “Who am I at the moment.”

Target- creating conditions for identifying children’s mood and their readiness to work.

Instructions: Children are asked to indicate which animal they associate themselves with at the moment. Reflection.

6. Exercise “Clapping”

Target -

Instructions: stand in a circle, on command, starting from the first, each participant sequentially makes one clap. The claps must come one after the other; we do only one clap. The first time is as a trial option, the second is for a while.

7. Exercise “Rain Mood”.

Target - energizing exercise that lifts the mood of the participants.

Instructions: Let's imagine that the mood is rain.

A) Touch your neighbor’s palms with your palms and, listening to the instructions, tap your palms, pretending to rain.

The rain has begun and is slowly tapping on the asphalt... it is becoming more frequent... and now its sounds are intensifying, now it is gaining strength and hitting the asphalt even harder, now it is stopping... and slowly ending.

b) Place your right hand on the knee of the neighbor sitting on your right, and your left hand on the knee of the neighbor on your left. We will also depict rain...

8. Exercise “Molecules”.

Target -

Instructions:“Imagine that we are all atoms that move chaotically, sometimes combining into molecules. I call any number, and your task is to unite according to the number you heard .

9. Exercise “Seasons”

Target - activating group members, increasing group cohesion, dividing students into groups (by birthday).

Instructions: The task is to unite without words into groups according to the time of year of your birth. So, there should be 4 groups: those born in summer, spring, autumn and winter. Use only non-verbal methods.

10. Exercise “Build according to height.”

Target- creating conditions for cooperation in a group, developing the ability to interact with each other,

Instructions: B Please stand in a circle and close your eyes. Your task, eyes closed build according to height. You can build by the color of your eyes, by the color of your hair, by the warmth of your hands.

11. Exercise “Fun exercise” ... "(used primarily for younger schoolchildren)

Target -

Instructions: Picture what I say:

You are awakened kittens, stretch your paws, release your claws, raise your faces.

And now, we stretch upward like giraffes...

Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as agile and strong.

And now we are pendulums, heavy and bulky, swaying from side to side.

Now we will become an autumn leaf swaying in the wind. We fly around like a torn leaf.

Now let’s take a deep breath and turn into balloons, try to jump and take off softly and smoothly.

We pick flowers - crouching.

12. Exercise “Original”

Target - improving the mood and activation of group members.

Instructions: Walk diagonally in your original way.

13. Exercise “Make a figure”

Target - creating conditions for cooperation in the group, improving mood and activating group members.

Instructions: Everything is in a circle. On command, you need to silently, without talking to each other, stand in a certain way, as you hear, so that you get a figure (triangle, square, circle).

14. Exercise “Who Ever...”

Target - emancipation, relief of emotional stress, self-disclosure.

Instructions: Group members sit in a circle. The presenter names certain actions. Those who committed them stand up, and everyone else clap for them. For example. “Who climbed the tree to save the cat? Who fell asleep with chewing gum, and woke up in the morning and chewed it again? Who cried over the film? Who made their own ice cream? Etc. Anyone in the circle can ask their question.

15. Exercise “Counting”.

Target - developing the ability to feel each other in a group, increasing group cohesion.

Instructions: I will name the numbers. Immediately after the number is called, exactly as many people as the number was announced should stand (no more and no less). For example, if I say “four,” then four of you should stand up as quickly as possible. They will be able to sit down only after that. How do I say “thank you?” The task must be completed silently. Tactics for completing a task should be developed in the process of work, focusing on each other’s actions.

16. Exercise "Sit like..."

Target - emancipation, relief of emotional stress, self-disclosure.

Instructions: Without leaving your chair, sit as you sit:

Chairman of ex. commissions.

"Beaten dog."

The criminal is in the dock.

Bride at the wedding.

Astronaut in a spacesuit.

17. Exercise “Smile like...”(used primarily for primary schoolchildren and young teenagers)

Target - emancipation, relief of emotional stress, self-disclosure.

Instructions: Smile like you smile:

You - to your mother.

A dog to its owner.

The sun itself

A very polite Japanese man.

Cat in the sun.

18. Exercise “Damaged phone”

Target - creating conditions for trusting, collective relationships, increasing group cohesion.

Instructions: The presenters are given a phrase, and then it is passed around the circle. As a rule, at the end it is noticeably distorted, the teacher can conclude that in this way the information received from people is distorted and rumors are born.

19. Exercise “One – A, Two – B”

Target - improving the mood and activation of group members.

Instructions: The first participant names a number, the second participant names a letter of the alphabet, etc.

20. Exercise “This is great!”

Target - emancipation, relief of emotional stress, self-disclosure, increased self-esteem.

Instructions: A student comes to the center of the circle and speaks about any of his qualities, skills or talents, /for example, “I can dance,” I can jump over puddles, etc./ In response to each statement, the rest respond in unison, “That’s great!” And they give a thumbs up.

21. Exercise “Fruits”

Target - relieving emotional stress, dividing the group into teams.

Instructions:- Please pay for: /remembering the name of the fruit you were told/


22. Exercise “Fruit salad”.

Target - liberation, relieving emotional stress, improving mood.

Instructions:(After dividing into fruits) - I say the name of the fruit and everyone who belongs to it changes places; when I say “fruit salad,” then all the fruits must change places.

23. Exercise “Our Motto”

Target - creating conditions for cooperation in the group, improving the mood and activation of group members, self-disclosure.

Instructions: The task is to choose a team captain and come up with a team motto that would reflect your good mood. For example: “The sun is shining for me, there is no better day today!”

24. Exercise “Typewriter”.

Target - development of positive emotions, coherence of work in a group, team unity.

(The phrase “I have great mood!” posted on the board.)

Instructions: Now we will pronounce the entire alphabet, all 33 letters. Please remember your letter, which you will pronounce when we pay, some will be a space, a period and an exclamation point.

So, we are the letters of the alphabet. Let's print a sentence - I'm in a great mood! We will print like this: the desired letter stands up and says its name, and the characters, when it’s their turn, clap their hands once.

25. Exercise “Cabbage”

Target - development of positive emotions, creation of a positive emotional mood, team unity.

Instructions: Put the maximum number of things on the captain. Then we will count how many things are on it.

26. Exercise “Find your match.”

Target - development of positive emotions, team building.

Instructions: The presenter hands out cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. The inscription should only be seen by the person who received the card.

Your task is to find your match. In this case, you can use expressive means, you cannot say anything, or make the characteristic sounds of “your animal.” When a match is found, do not talk back and forth. When everyone forms pairs, the results are summed up.

27. Exercise "Ladies and gentlemen"

Target - children’s identification of certain preferences, increasing group cohesion.

Instructions: Look at the person sitting opposite you. Now you will close your eyes and all at the same time go and change places with the one you have chosen. Until you sit down, do not open your eyes.

28. Exercise “Compliments - compliments”

Target - activation of group members, increasing students' self-esteem.

Instructions: Two teenagers of either gender stand in the center of the circle and take turns complimenting each other. The last one to compliment wins. Then another pair is called.

29. Exercise “Telling a story in a circle”

Target - creating conditions for cooperation in the group, improving mood and activating group members.

Instructions: The presenter begins to tell: “Kolya and Misha are bosom friends, they always went home together after school. But one day Misha didn’t wait for Kolya and went home alone. But the thing was that...” Then the next one continues, etc.

30. Exercise “Collective account”.

Target - creating conditions for cooperation in the group, improving mood and activating group members.

Instructions: Participants stand in a circle with their heads bowed. The task is to name the numbers in order, fulfilling 3 conditions:

a) no one knows who will name the next number.

b) the same participant cannot name two numbers in a row.

c) you cannot call numbers out loud together, that is, by two or more players. In this case, the teacher asks to start all over again. Discussion.

All of these exercises do not require special flexibility or skill. Plus, you always have the opportunity to make an easier option.

Before you start doing the exercises, you must be sure that you do not have any medical contraindications. This is especially true for back problems, otherwise, instead of benefiting, these exercises will harm your health!

Comaniciu Dan/

Backbends open the heart and improve energy circulation. They are great help if you feel. The “Camel”, “Bridge” and “Wheel” poses bend your back very well, but it is the “Camel” that gives the greatest surge of vigor and good mood, so it is better not to perform this asana before bed.

A simpler option.

In order to perform this pose correctly, you must first create a “strong foundation” so as not to put too much stress on the weak points in the spine - the neck and lower back.

So, you need to kneel down, place your shins and thighs at the width of your pelvis, with your shins parallel to each other and your thighs perpendicular to the floor. Press your ankles and toes firmly into the floor. Then begin to roll your hips inward as if you were holding a brick between your legs, while pulling your tailbone down. Now you can perform the simplest version of the pose - put your palms on your lower back, pointing your fingers down, and bend slightly back.

While performing this pose, you should stand firmly on your feet, and your pelvis and knees should be at the same level. Stay in this position for several breaths and very carefully come out of the pose. To do this, you need to press your ankles even harder to the floor and pull yourself up with your back muscles.

A more complex option.

You do the same as in the simple version, only after you feel the balance, remove your hands from your lower back and place them on your heels. It is best to perform this exercise close to a wall, which will prevent you from pushing your pelvis too far beyond your knees. In order to fully come out of this pose, you first need to fully raise your chest, and only then raise your head.

Contraindications: back and neck injuries, headache or migraine, high or low blood pressure.

This pose also opens the chest and energizes the body and mind.

A simpler option.

To perform a simpler version, you need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along your body, bend your knees so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor and your heels point to the ceiling. After this, you should exhale deeply, and while inhaling, raise your head, shoulders and chest to a comfortable height for you. Then try to lift your knees off the floor and stretch your legs as if you were reaching towards your head.

A more complex option.

To perform a more complex version, you need to do the same as in the simple one, but just grab your legs by the ankles with your hands and bend over. To do this, while lying on your stomach, bend your knees so that your heels rest on your buttocks. Grab your heels with your hands and, as you inhale, slowly lift them up, simultaneously lifting your shoulders and chest off the floor. You should reach the top of your head towards the ceiling without throwing your head back. Bend as far as your back allows you.

Contraindications: pregnancy, high blood pressure and heart problems.

Pisces pose

Christopher Edwin Nuzzaco/

This pose is great for relieving tension in the upper back. To begin, lie on your back and stretch your legs. As you inhale, pressing your forearms and elbows toward the floor, lift your chest and head up. Then press the crown and back of your head into the floor and stay in this position for 10 breaths.

Contraindications: postural disorders, respiratory diseases, diseases of the abdominal organs.

Child's pose

Tyler Olson/

This pose is good for calming the nerves, helping to cope with fatigue, and if you put something soft under your head, it will help relieve tension from the spine and relieve pain in the back and neck.

To perform it, sit on your shins and spread your knees apart to the width of your pelvis. Make sure your big toes touch each other. Lean forward, lie down and relax with your arms at your sides and something soft under your head. Stay in this relaxed position for one to two minutes.

Contraindications: pregnancy and knee injuries.

OLJ Studio/

Surely many of you in childhood tried to stand “on the bridge” at least once, so there should not be any particular difficulties in performing this asana. This pose eliminates anxiety, headaches, fatigue, calms the nervous system, helps cope with stress and depression, and perfectly stretches the area chest, neck and spine.

A simpler option.

Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart, place your arms along your torso. Lift your pelvis up and bend your back without lifting your shoulders, neck and head from the floor. While performing this asana, make sure that your knees do not move apart and look forward.

A more complex option.

To perform it, you need to put your hands behind your shoulders, rest your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart and try to stand on a standard bridge, which many should be familiar with from school physical education lessons. If you are not confident in your flexibility, it is better not to take risks.

Contraindications: spinal injuries (especially neck), pregnancy.

This is not the entire list of effective asanas, only the easiest options, but each of them can help lift your mood and ease the load on your back. They will be especially useful for people leading, as they will help get rid of pain and discomfort.

Psychological lesson with training elements


Target: development of positive communication in the group, selection and use by adolescents of adequate, health-friendly methods and techniques to help cope with bad mood.


create favorable conditions for effective interpersonal communication in Group;

· consolidate self-analysis skills, promote self-disclosure, and activate the reflection process;

· organize discussions in youth groups about the techniques and methods used to help cope with bad mood and the choice of adequate, “healthy” methods that are not harmful to health;

· conduct exercises, games, creative tasks that promote concentration and activation of participants’ mental activity;

· present formulas for a good mood, designations and visualizations of the components of a good mood on a collage.

Target group: Students of 8–9th grades. Number – from 15 to 20 people.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Conditions for classes: Spacious room 24–30 sq.m. m, chairs according to the number of participants, arranged in a circle, as well as chairs according to the number of participants, located around 3 separate tables.

Technical support: Music center, disc with the song " Good mood", projector, screen, tape - 3 pcs., scissors - 3 pcs., A3, A4 paper, Whatman paper, markers - 3 packs, felt-tip pens - 3 packs.

Progress of the lesson

· Musical accompaniment(song “Good mood”).

· Design the board according to the topic of the lesson.

I. Organizational and motivational stage (in the general circle).

Participants sit on chairs arranged in a circle.

1. Psychological attitude

Hello those who are cheerful today!

Hello those who are sad!

Hello those who communicate with joy!

Hello those who are silent!

2. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Let's smile at each other and start a conversation about what, in my opinion, worries everyone. We'll talk about a person. Even the ancients said that man is the most mysterious sphinx on Earth. Our contemporaries also believe that man is the simplest and most complex. How to learn to understand yourself? If I ask you about this, I will probably get different answers. And each of you will be right in your own way, because you are all unique and individual. And you confirm this by constantly uttering the words “MY”, “IN MY WAY”, “I. And what are the more capacious words “YOU”, “WE”, “IN YOUR WAY”.

Today I would like to invite you to a lesson where each of you can plunge into the world of the game. Our meeting is dedicated to you getting to know each other better, and we will also talk about the components of a good mood.

3. Acceptance of the rules of the group.

Active and coordinated work on time, regulations.

4. Exercise “You, Tanya, are smart, and I, Vasya, are kind...” .

Target: Acquaintance, raising and activating the mood of group members, creating conditions for increasing the self-esteem of young people.

Instructions: I am the presenter, I’ll start, and you will continue in a circle:

“I am Tanya - smart”, the next participant repeats the name of the previous one and says his name and quality “You are Tanya - smart, and I am Vasya - kind” and so on in a circle.

Conclusion: Each person is unique, and therefore we must learn to speak positively about ourselves. This in turn gives confidence. You need to love and respect yourself, and then it will be easier for people to respect you. The fewer complexes, the simpler you are, and, as you know, be simpler and people will be drawn to you.

5. Conversation “My mood”

Target: Introduction to the topic, increasing motivation for self-analysis and reflection.

Think and determine what emotional state you are in most often: cheerful, optimistic, or sad, sad, or depressed, gloomy. This is your mood. Every person has their own tone of normal mood. We say about one: “a cheerful person,” although at certain moments he may have a sad or depressed mood. We perceive the other as gloomy, dissatisfied, although he can sometimes be cheerful and lively. The most interesting thing is that we do not report our mood to anyone, but a glance, a word, a movement, a facial expression, a tilt of the head, intonation, a sigh, a smile - and everything becomes clear.

Do you have your own mood, the one in which you find yourself most often? Think about how your friends, classmates, and parents see you? I encourage you to introspect. You will need to work with people and be able to manage your emotions. Psychological research shows that a person with a persistent gloomy mood spreads his mood to others with whom he interacts. As a result, everyone may experience a general depressed mood when they don’t want to joke, talk, or exchange impressions. At these moments, the soul is usually dominated not by life-affirming feelings, but by gloomy forebodings. But, on the other hand, you know that vigorous cheerfulness, constantly expressed in words and behavior, exaltation in the manifestation of feelings, even positive ones, also has a depressing effect on the people around them, tires them and often causes irritation, especially when the optimism of one person does not correspond general mood. Therefore, it is important to be aware of your usual mood and think about the correspondence of your mood in a particular situation, as well as the extent to which it manifests itself in behavior. In other words, you should control your mood, not it you.

6. Exercise “Associations”.

Target: Carry out an associative series with the concept of “bad and good” mood, activating the mental activity of the participants.

What is a good mood for you? Continue the sentence in one word:

· “A good mood is...” ( Smiles, laughter, joy, mom, dad...).

· If mood is a color, then what color is it. What about the bad?

· If it's touching? ( Pleasant).

· Book, film, weather, music...

Brainstorm. Discussion.

II. Implementation stage (in the general circle).

1. Energizing exercise “Card of common features” .

Target: getting to know each other, developing positive communication.

Necessary materials: Individual forms with questions and pens for each participant.

Instructions: You are presented with an approval form. It is necessary to find these qualities in group members. The person to whom this statement fits signs opposite it. Your task is to put as many signatures as possible next to these statements.

· Born the same year.

· Younger than you.

· Taller than you.

· Studying at the same institution

· Has lighter hair.

· Loves the same writer.

· Listens to the same music.

· More experienced than you in something

· Has eyes of the same color.

· Loves the same animal.

· The name starts with the same letter.

· Like the same dish.

· I like the same sport.

· Believes that my mood depends on myself

· Believes that mood depends on external factors (on the mood of other people, weather conditions, the presence of television shows, holidays, etc.)

Reflection: Was it difficult to do the exercise? What do you think was the most difficult? Who has, how many unsigned statements remain?

Raise your hand, who believes that mood depends on external factors? Why do you think so? Raise your hand if you think that your mood largely depends on yourself.

Conclusion: If I am a person and an individual, then I must learn to manage my mood, despite all external factors. Even the ancient Greek scientist Seneca said: “The highest power is power over oneself.”

2. Dividing the group into teams.

Participants from the general circle are placed at tables by dividing into teams.

Necessary materials: 3 separate tables for each team, blank signs - table names “Cabbage”, “Pepper”, “Cucumber”, around the tables there are a number of chairs corresponding to the number of participants.

Instructions: Please pay for “Cabbage”, “Pepper”, “Cucumber”, remembering the name of the vegetables you said. Team “Cabbage”, you are placed at the table where the corresponding sign is displayed - “Cabbage”. The “Cucumbers” and “Peppers” teams are also placed at the corresponding tables.

3. Creative task “Team motto” (work in subgroups).

Target: Increasing the activity of participants and promoting group cohesion.

Necessary materials:

Instructions: Choose a team captain and come up with a team motto that reflects your good mood. For example: “The sun is shining for me, there is no better day today!

Team performances.

4. Exercise “How to cope with a bad mood.”

Target: Identification of ways to help cope with a bad mood, selection of adequate, “healthy”, non-harmful ways to raise your mood.

Necessary materials: A4 sheets – 6 pcs. (2 sheets per team), felt-tip pens – 3 packs, markers – 3 packs (1 pack for each team).

Instructions: In teams, identify ways to help cope with a bad mood, and then, after time, voice them.

Conclusion: It must be remembered that one of the main values ​​in life is health. When choosing certain ways to help cope with a bad mood, you need to think: “At what cost do I improve my mood today?” If the answer is “At the cost of health,” then try to choose a different method.

5. Creative task “Sketch of a good mood” » .

Target: Development of positive communication, team building.

Necessary materials: A4 sheets – 6 pcs. (2 sheets per team), felt-tip pens – 3 packs, markers – 3 packs (1 pack for each team).

Instructions: Everyone think of a sketch of a good mood. Don't be limited by your imagination. These can be any elements that reflect your good mood. The task is to draw a common picture, where everyone will draw for no more than 30–40 seconds. Then he passes the sheet to someone else.

Reflection. Everyone tried to contribute to the common cause. Think about whether you got the overall picture or whether it’s just individual elements. Your sketch can tell about the coherence of work in the group.

Presentation of the sketch.

6. Game "Typewriter" .

Target: Development of positive emotions, coherence of work in a group, team unity.

Necessary materials: Projector, screen. The phrase displayed on the projector “If you want to be happy, be it!”

Instructions: So, we are the letters of the alphabet. We will print the sentence “If you want to be happy, be happy!” Now we will pronounce the entire alphabet, all 33 letters. Please remember your letter that you will pronounce when we calculate plus “Space”, “Period”, “Exclamation mark”. We will type like this: stand up the desired letter and pronounce its name. A dot means he will clap his hands, a space means he will stamp his foot, an exclamation mark will mean he will shout “Hurray!”

7. Presentation “Formula for a good mood” (Output to multimedia).

Target: Designation of the formula for a good mood, increasing motivation for introspection and reflection.

Necessary materials: Multimedia. Presentation “Formula for a good mood.”

Presentation demonstration.

The formula for a good mood is a healthy body, a clear mind and positive emotions and feelings. The body needs care, the mind needs training, and it’s very good if everything is accompanied by joy and positivity. After all, laughter is a cure for many diseases. The fact is that laughter causes a complex biochemical process in the body. Scientists recommend 5 minutes of healthy laughter instead of 40 minutes of relaxing rest.

8. Exercise “Wish to a friend” .

Target: Creating a positive emotional background.

Necessary materials: Blanks of leaves in the shape of a heart and a pen - according to the number of participants. Decorative bag.

Instructions: Write a nice phrase to a friend on the heart. You can start like this: “With all my heart I wish you...”

The host collects hearts with wishes in a decorative bag. The hearts are mixed. Then, at the end of the lesson, each participant takes a wish out of the bag.

9. Exercise “Formula for a good mood.”

Necessary materials: Blanks, clippings from magazines on the topics: “Healthy body”, “Clear mind”, “Positive emotions and feelings”. Whatman paper, tape, scissors, glue – 3 pieces; markers, felt-tip pens - 3 packs, large Whatman paper for designing a general collage. Designed by teams: team motto, ways to help cope with a bad mood, a sketch of a good mood.

Instructions: You have one of the components of a good mood on your tables. The group’s task is to use all available means and create a collage or, in other words, a wall newspaper. The “Cabbage” team has a wall newspaper on the topic “Healthy Body”, the “Cucumbers” team has a “Clear Mind”, and the “Peppers” team has a “Positive Emotions and Feelings” theme. As a result, we will create one big newspaper and once again develop the “Formula for a Good Mood.”

10. Presentation of collages.

Target: Visualization of a joint collective creative activity, positive interaction between participants.

III. The final stage.

The facilitator invites participants into the general circle.

In the general circle, leaves with wishes are drawn out.

1 . Exercise “I accept a wish.”

Target: Creating a positive emotional background, ending on a positive note.

Necessary materials: decorative bag with wishes (hearts).

Everyone received a wish. Say pleasant words to each other more often, learn to live with a positive mind and a healthy body, and your good mood will never leave you! Goodbye!

The soundtrack of the song “Good Mood” plays.

Bibliography :

1. Alexandrova, defeat stress. Prevention and treatment methods/

2. Levanova, in training. Possibilities of gaming interaction / - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.

3. Makartycheva, for teenagers: Prevention of antisocial behavior/. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007.

4. Miklyaeva, A.V. . "I'm a teenager." Psychology lesson program/. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.

5. Trokhishina, development of life goals/. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.

Training for teachers “Good mood is the key to health”


Organization of conditions conducive to stress relief.

Uniting the teaching staff.

Development of trust;

Development of skills of self-analysis and overcoming psychological barriers;


Yard club teacher

Group rules:

Open communication;

Activity and humor;

Non-evaluative judgment;

Here and now.

Progress of the training

1. Exercise greeting “Hello friend” (participants are divided into pairs)

Hello friend - they shake hands;

How are you here - they clap each other on the shoulder;

Where have you been - they grab your ear;

I missed you - pointing at themselves, crossing their arms over their chest;

You have come - they open their arms to the sides;

Good - they hug and stroke each other on the back.

2. Exercise “Mood Portfolio”

Goal: assessing your emotional state at the beginning of the lesson.

Instructions: I have a drawing of a briefcase in my hands. We need to fill it with your mood. I suggest choosing the color that matches your current state of health and attaching it to the drawing.

Green color – good mood

Blue color – average mood

Yellow color – Bad mood

3. Exercise “Sound gymnastics”

Calm, relaxed state, standing, with a straight back. First, we take a deep breath through our nose and, as we exhale, pronounce the sound loudly and energetically:

A – has a beneficial effect on the entire body;

E – affects the thyroid gland;

And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;

O – affects the heart, lungs;

U – affects organs;

I – affects the functioning of the whole organism;

M – affects the functioning of the whole organism;

X – helps cleanse the body.

HA – helps improve mood.

4. Exercise "I'm in the sunshine."

INSTRUCTIONS: On a blank album sheet, draw the sun the way children draw it - with a circle in the middle and many rays. Write your name in a circle and draw a self-portrait. Next to each ray, write something good about yourself. The task is to remember as many good things as possible.

Carry the sun with you everywhere. Add rays. And if you feel especially bad in your soul and it seems that you are good for nothing, take out the sun, look at it and remember what you were thinking about when you wrote down this or that quality of yours.

5. I suggest you relax a little, and the following exercise will help us with this.

Exercise “Self-massage”

Goal: development of self-massage skills.

Instructions: Even during a busy day, you can always find time to relax. You can lightly massage certain points on your body. Don't press too hard, you can close your eyes. Here are some of these points:

· interbrow area: rub this area with slow circular movements;

back of the neck: gently squeeze several times with one hand;

· jaw: rub on both sides where the back teeth end;

· shoulders: massage the upper part of the shoulders with all five fingers;

· Feet: If you are tired of walking, rest a bit and rub your aching feet before moving on.

6. Association exercise “Good mood”

Participants write on small pieces of paper what they need to lift their spirits (chocolate, good music.) and put their leaves in the “Good mood” bag. At the end, teachers are given reminders - bags with tips to lift their spirits.

7. Autotraining

Music is playing. The psychologist pronounces the words.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold your breath... Exhale. Breathe calmly. With every breath your body relaxes. You enjoy being at peace.

Imagine that you are sitting on the seashore. The sand around you is completely dry and soft. Look around and you will find that you are all alone on the seashore...

The sun is setting. You feel the warmth of the evening sun...

Take a deep breath and feel the salty smell of the sea. The sea air is fresh and slightly humid. You feel completely calm.

Let the waves wash away and carry away your worries and everything that stresses you out.

I am gradually moving away from my worries. I'm completely calm.

Gradually the image of the sea disappears. The image of the sea disappeared.

3-2-1 Open your eyes. Stretch. You are cheerful and full of strength.

7. Origami exercise “Ladybug” (a talisman for everyone)

Ladybug - the oldest symbol of happiness and good luck

1. Make a square of red paper

2. Bend the sheet diagonally

3. Bend the resulting triangle and then straighten it

4. Bend two corners down

5. Turn the resulting figure over to the other side

6. Fold the top corner down

7. Bend the bent corner so that you get a small accordion

8. Turn the resulting figure over to the other side

9. All that remains is to draw black dots on the ladybug.

8. Exercise “Mood Portfolio”

Goal: assess your emotional state at the end of the lesson.

Instructions: I am holding a briefcase in my hands. As at the beginning of the lesson, it must be filled with your mood, which is typical at the moment. Choose a color that is attractive to you and glue it to the drawing of the briefcase.

Bad mood is a scourge modern world. For every second person, stress and low self-esteem become a habitual state. But there is a way out.

The fact that your self-esteem is approaching zero is difficult to identify in the early stages. The first thing you need to do is analyze your condition. Listen to yourself: if in a few years you have developed an extra dozen complexes, and self-confidence has become something of a legend, you have serious problems. And not only with mood and self-esteem, but also with life in general. You won't be able to return to full life instantly. It doesn't happen that way. To do this, you need to follow a course of getting out of depression regularly. Don't let troubles push you around, start with three daily exercises that will help you remove this burden of bitterness from your shoulders. Use the rule hot air balloon: Throw away everything you don't need to gain height.

The dangers of low self-esteem and bad mood

It's normal to doubt yourself, it's not normal when all you do is doubt and fear. By spending a lot of time thinking, you lose the opportunity to develop. Paradoxically, we subconsciously protect ourselves from the troubles associated with risk. It’s easier for us to convince ourselves that difficult trials are beyond us than to try to change our lives for the better. But constant uncertainty is worse than defeat. It depresses, deprives you of strength and enlightenment in life. Over time, even what you cope with easily becomes unbearably difficult and overwhelming. It is necessary to get out of this vicious circle, and the sooner the better. True, desire alone will not get you far. According to psychologists, low self-esteem develops in three stages:

  • the foundation is self-esteem (what am I like);
  • the core is self-confidence (what I can do, my strengths);
  • the top is the affirmation of my personality (what I can give to the world and people, what is my strength).

Is it possible to achieve success if you constantly doubt your abilities? How can you value yourself without believing in yourself? To assert yourself means to develop faith in your strengths, your capabilities, resources and talents. In other words, there is no point in changing yourself without changing your self-image. Here are a few techniques that will help you adopt a constructive approach to your own self, after neutralizing negative attitudes in your mind.

Exercises to improve mood and self-confidence

Exercise 1 - Develop What Works. In reality, it looks something like this: you find only the best in yourself - habits, manners, talents, character traits, and begin to work on yourself in this vein, putting all your resources on the line. There is no point in improving where you are most vulnerable.

Let's say you're afraid of speaking in public, but you decide to enroll in a theater class. You shouldn't do that. From a psychological point of view, other people's successes will aggravate your already depressed state. It is pointless. Focus on what you already know how to do, improve your talents. Awareness of one's own success increases self-esteem through positive emotions, which fall on you like an avalanche. You begin to experience pride, joy, happiness. Let's say you know how to speak in public - so master new techniques or learn new words. Increase your emotional capital every day. This technique will give you self-confidence. And with high self-esteem, as you know, you can handle any mountain.

Exercise 2 - add realism. Many people believe that the ability to bring everything to the ideal is the lot of ambitious and confident people, forgetting one important truth - the ideal as such does not exist. Perfectionism is a disease of the 21st century. And being a perfectionist means focusing on unattainable goals. There is no limit to perfection, there never was and never will be. By striving for “gold standards”, you deny yourself the right to make mistakes. This means that any mistake will hit you where it hurts most - your self-esteem.

Getting out of the dead end into which you have led yourself is not so easy, but it is possible. Draw a clear line between what is desired and what is achievable. For example, in 10 days you need to pay off a loan, money for which you first need to earn (this is a completely feasible task). But the desire to become a millionaire, so as not to take out bank loans anymore, is a goal that is currently desirable for you, but unattainable. Record this division. And don’t stop setting realistic goals for yourself while continuing to dream big.

Exercise 3 - Be yourself. Of course, not everyone can appreciate themselves, especially if their self-esteem is poor. But that doesn't mean you can't try. Start by objectively assessing your behavior. To do this, you don’t need to deny anything or try to justify yourself. Even if you did something bad, don't try to find the positive side of it. All people make mistakes, the main thing is that you understand this and accept yourself. Acknowledge your doubts, do not give up on them, release them into the wild.

Sit down, calm down and write down everything in Everyday life makes you feel weak. Then try to describe in one succinct phrase why this happens. On another piece of paper, write about those moments that, on the contrary, gave you confidence. Ask yourself: why did this particular event cause these feelings in me? For comparison, you can describe how you felt.

Final step: re-read both lists, trying to objectively build a picture of your strengths and weaknesses. This exercise should become a habit, and over time you can learn to mentally focus your attention on the nuances, moving away from the obsessive “I’m good for nothing” to the more realistic: “I had difficulties today, but I coped with them.” .

Although the comfort zone reflects a person’s psychological comfort, we should not forget that our consciousness constantly deceives us. You need to keep yourself in good shape, and you should always start your day with the most important thing. It is difficult activities that force us to gather our strength. Psychologists advise starting your day with something that you would like to put off - this way we deprive ourselves of an “escape route”. In addition, after completing such work, we get a feeling of relief and pride in ourselves, which means our self-confidence grows. We wish you success. Be happy, believe in yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and