“Forgive me and I forgive you” - beautiful poems for Forgiveness Sunday. Apology in verses Beautiful verse of apology

There are situations in every person’s life when he realizes his incorrect attitude towards his interlocutor or feels awkward towards his other half for an action he has committed. How to apologize, how to ask for forgiveness if thoughts seem to have left your head, and your heart beats treacherously and makes you blush? In this case, apology poems that contain beautiful words, helping to correct the existing state of affairs in better side.

When you need to ask for an apology, poetry works well. And it doesn’t matter at all to whom exactly they are addressed - a man or a woman, because only words in poetic form have the most powerful effect. This effect combines not only the joy of what you hear, but also surprise, intertwined with a lot of pleasant emotions. Down with banal apologies, try to surprise your significant other, parents, friends and all those from whom you want to ask forgiveness for an accidental offense or your rash act.

I ask you for forgiveness
Don't be angry and don't be mad at me,
I'm ashamed of my behavior
But please, if you can, understand.

Yes, I know, character is not sugar,
And sometimes it’s very difficult with me.
Sorry, but just remember,
That I love you very much, sun.

It was bad behavior
The words were unpleasant
I know and I ask your forgiveness,
At least the resentment is still alive.

My conscience is tormenting me desperately,
I can't find a place for myself
Believe me, I will definitely improve,
Just forgive me, please.

Sorry for what happened
Sorry that this all happened.
I'm so sorry, but it just happened
And it’s not easy to make amends.
Sorry, it was my mistake
I ask for your forgiveness.
Know that your smile is still there
I still care so much!

Don't be angry, I beg you,
And let go of all grudges.
For a stupid, empty quarrel
Please forgive me!

It's a misunderstanding
It sometimes destroys us.
For everything, for everything I apologize.
Let's make peace with you!

Stop being mad at me
It's too bad without you,
I can't live without you
I want to chat with you!

I want to tell you,
I'm tired of being bored
I'm tired of being without you,
Forgive me, forgive me!

Please forgive me
After all, without you I will die.
Without your eyes, smile, hands
I get so much pain!

I apologize again.
I want to return your love.
Forget the hurtful words
And remember: I love you!

Sorry, please, it's not worth it,
Be angry with me for a long time
My action is very bad
He hurt you so much.

And now you hold a grudge,
Deep in my soul
Even though you don't show it,
I know it hurts you so much.

I beg you, don't be angry,
I want to make peace
Come on, just smile
And put up, put up, put up.

I won't offend you
Never again in life
I'm lonely without you
Forgive me, please!

I beg you to forgive me
Take the anger and let it go
Give me a chance to make things right
And all will be well!
I'm sorry, I beg you
You mean a lot to me
Well, tell me how to fix everything?
How to make amends for your guilt?
How can we start everything from scratch?
Well, forgive me, forgive me!

Sorry for all the words, for all the insults,
Forgive me for these bitter tears.
For all my ridiculous mistakes,
What am I doing on my life's journey?

I ask forgiveness for your soul -
The pain breaks her into pieces...
Forgive me, I won't do this again!
I'm sorry! Please forgive me!

Forgiveness can be very difficult
But I ask you to forgive me.
After all, everyone can make a mistake,
Guilt is difficult to atone for.
I don't know if I can be forgiven
Only you can decide.
I beg you with regret:
Burn all bridges of resentment!

I don't know if you can forgive
My actions and words,
But I can't let go
All thoughts are about you, understand
I'm very sad without you
Everything has lost its common sense
I'm sorry, forgive me...
You are my ray of sunshine...my life.

total verses: 754

- the day when everyone should ask each other for forgiveness. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a reason for it or not. After all, every person is a sinner, we can offend someone and not even attach any importance to it, we can say a rude word, shout when we are not in the mood, etc. Therefore, asking for forgiveness will never be superfluous.

On this day it is also customary to forgive each other, you need to let go of all grievances, and your soul will immediately feel better. Tell your friends, loved ones and loved ones on Forgiveness Sunday - “Forgive me” and “I forgive you”, they will definitely answer you. Our beautiful verses for Forgiveness Sunday will help you do this.

You forgive me and I forgive you
And I promise to forget
All our past quarrels,
All reproaches and reproaches.
We will remain friends
Everything that happened between us
It definitely remains in the past
And it won't come back!

This Sunday it is customary to forgive everyone,
Casting aside all doubts, forgetting grievances.
Let your soul become joyful and light,
If you give people affection and warmth.
So let's all forget everything that happened,
Let's start living in a new way: peacefully and happily!

On the day of Forgiveness Resurrection
I will ask God for forgiveness.
Forgive me for everything too
Forgive me my sins, like God.
And I forgave you for everything
And he let the world into his soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all the past sorrows.
For all the bad things I've done,
I won't do this again!
And I forgive you for everything
And I promise to be exemplary.

I'm not ashamed to ask for forgiveness,
If I offended you by accident.
It may not be visible
But I'm desperately ashamed.
Please forgive me
Because I can be stupid
And I, in turn, you
I forgive everything easily!

This Sunday
In the morning
The Lord has forgiveness
It's time for us to ask!
God is most merciful,
He will always forgive us.
Forgiving each other
He tells us to ask.
Choose for your loved ones
Heartfelt words
And forgive them yourself,
There was resentment.

To make your soul feel lighter,
And all doubts melted away
You need to ask sincerely
Friends and family have forgiveness!
Smile, forget about sadness
On this bright Sunday,
And don’t forget yourself
Give forgiveness in return!

Today ask everyone for forgiveness
And make a promise to the Lord,
To everyone today
You will find your excuse.
And on Forgiveness Sunday
May God forgive you
Just repent of your sins
And he will bless you!

Forgive me if someday, by accident,
I may have offended you.
After all, I am in spontaneous words
I didn’t see your offense.
Sorry I couldn't
To support in difficult times,
But I realized everything now
And I will wait for forgiveness.

This Sunday morning
I ask your forgiveness:
Forgive me, friends,
If I offended you!
Let's forget the grudges
Today with you
And we will forever remain
Good friends!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you,
Yes, and God forgives us.
And in a good mood
We will forgive everyone at the appointed time!
Themselves too, no doubt
We ask people for forgiveness!

Today I'm not congratulating
As usual, I’ll write to you,
I ask you for forgiveness now,
Believe me, I ask from the bottom of my heart.
Let's forget all the grievances together
Those that go to the core
Better yet, let's remember those moments
Which were very good!

Please don't miss my message,
Now read my lines about forgiveness.
I wrote them consciously, with all my soul,
Hoping that you need my words at least a little.
Let's live in harmony, because we are one family,
And, as you know, you can’t quarrel with relatives!

Ask the Lord for mercy today
And to meet Lent with a pure soul,
Now ask for forgiveness
Among people who are close and dear.
After all, God always commanded to forgive,
Don't harbor a grudge.
And you always have a kind heart
You will be loved and loved!

All of us are not saints,
But to maintain balance,
You need to learn in this life
Give each other a second chance.
If someone stumbles,
Still not your enemy.
Even if he was guilty,
Take a step towards me.
After all, the Lord teaches us to forgive
Even those who betrayed us
But he is the best teacher,
He forgave all their sins.

Anyone can make a mistake
I ask you to forgive me for mine!
I didn't want to do this stupid thing,
And people have such a gift to forgive.

I ask for your favor,
Accept the apology quickly!
This will not happen again in the future,
So that I don't have to apologize anymore.

Forgive me that there was a quarrel!
I know all the blame lies with me.
But let's forget our arguments.
I apologize to you.

Will never happen again
That's why you're punishing me like this.
I want to make peace with you
And I hope you forgive me.

My only fault is that I love.
I love you uncontrollably and passionately.
Sometimes I don't recognize myself
And everything around me seems dangerous.

I'm trembling from fear of losing you.
And I do stupid things more and more often.
I apologize for this,
After all, you are my love, you are my happiness.

Forgive me, my little man!
I will learn this lesson.
Perhaps there is no forgiveness for me,
I'll fix everything, just give me time.

Now everything will be different
And I won't upset you.
Believe me, I'm paying double
I will pay for my actions.

Your heart is offended by me,
There is a heavy stone on my soul.
I will allow myself one liberty:
I dare to ask for forgiveness.

I'm sorry it happened like this...
My conscience is tearing my soul apart.
Just give me one sign
If you forgive me, it will instantly make me feel better.

Forgive me for my angry words
For a bunch of inappropriate insults.
My really bad head
She spewed out so many rude and unflattering words.

I apologize now a hundred thousand times.
Actually I think something else -
I want to kiss you now
Forget all those grievances, all the bad things!

Forgive me for the harsh words
Don't hold grudges, I beg you!
And maybe the sadness in my soul is still alive,
But soon everything will pass, I know that!

I'm so sorry about everything
Believe me, I'm not looking for an excuse,
But in my saddened heart
Repentance has long reigned!

I want to ask for forgiveness
For grievances, for everything that is wrong,
It's all that matters
After all, it’s no coincidence that we are with you,
I want to apologize to you
And tell you: “Please don’t be angry”
Anything can happen
And life can be unpredictable.
And now, saying these phrases,
I feel lighter
I don't need anything else
After all, my heart is always with you!

Everyone is wrong in life:
Stinging phrases and angry outbursts...
Forgive my perky and hot temper,
Sometimes my nerves get me down!

I apologize for all these words,
For every action that caused pain,
After all, our love is certainly alive,
This means you have the strength to forgive!

I apologize to you
Don't be angry, please
After all, an admission of guilt
I carry it in my heart.

Show generosity
Sorry for everything,
And let's make peace with you,
I beg you very much.

Good morning beloved Good night beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to your loved one Love affairs for a guy

I sincerely ask, dear, forgiveness,
I'm wrong, I'm to blame. Sorry!
For all the grievances, selfishness and conceit,
For all the days I ruined.
This won't happen again, I promise.
Sorry, understand. My dear, I miss you.

Forgive me for stupid words
Sorry for the rudeness and insults,
Now I know for sure: I’m wrong,
You are the best, and this is without a doubt.

My beloved, I ask you to forgive me,
Without your eyes there is no place on the planet,
It is unbearable to live without tenderness,
I love you more than anyone in the world.

We are taught to be proud. We are taught not to lose our dignity. They urge you to be happy... But you need something completely different. Forgive me for not being able to listen and hear, forgive the blindness of my soul. I want to learn gentleness, I want to learn tenderness... but only with you and for you.

Darling, don’t hold a grudge against me,
Sorry, I wasn't trying to offend you.
Life's twists and turns are steep,
Unfortunately, I didn’t fit into the next one.

How tired my heart is, how tired my heart is.
Black smoke billows in it, bitter poison.
I know, darling, I filled you with sadness,
Pain clouded your radiant gaze.

I'm sorry, my beloved! Forget our quarrels.
And let me not hide my tenderness from you,
Spread the blue expanses daily
For the truest love, shout in them: “I am yours!”

Darling! For your sake, I am ready for a lot, I can change myself and make the world wonderful around you. I'm sorry that I inadvertently offended you. I repent with all my wounded soul and want to quickly forget about this act.

I love you with all my soul,
And that's why I have no peace.
I'm not playing the role of an actress,
Sorry for the stupid whims,
Accept my words now -
Dear, I was wrong.

I was wrong, my love,
Words spoken cannot be taken back.
Now I follow you as a shadow,
To find a way for reconciliation.

Forgive me - I repeat again,
Those words are a surge of emotions, just an impulse.
After all, love hasn’t left, love hasn’t ended,
He is waiting for forgiveness, having forgotten all the quarrels.

It's probably too late. Perhaps no one needs it. But the soul decays from silence. Forgive me... Forgive me for not warming with my breath this spark from God's fire... For not seeing what everyone always and everywhere expects... I did not recognize the singing and laughing happiness that is You. I can change everything...

Sometimes we don't know it
But we cause pain to those we love.
Forgive me, I will correct myself.
All life is empty without you!

Excuse me, my love,
I admit my guilt.
Life without you is unbearable
And I, sad, shed tears.

My retribution is so difficult,
The soul is broken like glass.
Forgive me, it's my fault
Believe me, it's very difficult for me.

We all sometimes do rash things and say the wrong words. And when you love madly and you are overwhelmed with incredible emotions, such a stupid mistake is even more likely. And so I beg you - forgive me! I'll fix it!

The sun has stopped shining in the sky,
I quarreled with you - there was no happiness,
Darling, beloved, forgive me, I beg you,
After all, you love me, and I know it.
I promise you: I will be different,
Only with you, dear, only with you.

I'm insanely guilty before you,
I'm sorry, my dear, that everything is like this.
Ready to apologize until sunset
Both day and night in the twilight.

I'm sorry, please, I promise
This will never happen again
I only dream of forgiveness
And my soul cries for you.

Forget, my love, all the grievances and instead of a period in our relationship, put a comma. May your forgiveness and wonderful reconciliation, tender hugs and passionate kisses. I will try not to repeat previous mistakes. You will be happy with me, I promise.

Alina Ogonyok