Beautiful kisses between a man and a woman. Interesting and useful - how to give a very passionate kiss

We remember romantic kissing scenes from our favorite melodramas


There is nothing more pleasant and desirable than a sincere, passionate kiss. At all times, a kiss has played the role of a guide to the world of a person’s inner love chemistry. A sensual kiss can cause goosebumps, euphoria, and real bliss.

The kisses of Shalu and Leo and Avon will be passionate, good and gentle - with sheep and fish. True passionate kisses from Capricorn are difficult, but that's why they're more valuable. Only those in love with her will meet a passionate kiss before losing consciousness, because this zodiac sign is too rational. If there are few relationships, then kisses will be unobtrusive, sluggish and cold. And if Capricorn loves, in an intimate setting, you can stomp on your passion and passion.

Calm and harmonious will be the kisses of Capricorn and Beer and Virgo, while less restrained will be with Water or Scorpio. Water experiments everywhere, so their kisses have special varieties. By adding the whole breast to the kiss, Aquarius gives you tender, friendly and passionate kisses. And each of them kisses is a real surprise. In addition, Waters can create an unusual atmosphere for good kissing.

Today the world celebrates Kissing Day. Especially for this event we We invite you to remember the most passionate kisses from your favorite films, get inspired and, perhaps, reconsider romantic films.

  • "Gone with the Wind"

One of the most beloved love stories is the film "Gone with the Wind." Film adaptation of the book Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, starring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable, won 10 Oscars. and became one of the most famous films in the history of world cinema.


Romance of Rhett Butler and Scarlett is not at all trivial. Their path to love is thorny, because both of them are far from the standards of positive heroes. They have their flaws and quirks, and that's what makes their romance so real and true. Their kiss is considered one of the most passionate and vibrant.

  • "Gorgeous"

The story of a poor girl and a rich gentleman is embodied in the film " Gorgeous"starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.

"I don't kiss on the lips"- warns at the beginning of the film main character Vivian to her new friend Edward. When that very first kiss happens, everyone who is imbued with this charming love story gets goosebumps from an overflow of feelings. "Pretty Woman" is considered one of the most loved and popular romantic films.

  • "Memory Note"

Marvelous touching story Ellie and Noah begin with a chance meeting in the summer. The crazy acquaintance of an eccentric guy and a girl from a rich family flares up into a passionate romance. But this love had to endure many obstacles and tragedies before it won. The kiss after a long separation of the main characters is mesmerizing.


  • Love on and off screen: couples who began their romance on the set

It is significant that the romance between the film’s characters has grown into a real feeling. Actors Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling have been in a romantic relationship for a long time.

  • "Titanic"

The dramatic story about the largest shipwreck of the Titanic has become one of the most beloved thanks to its romantic line. The love of two completely different heroes flared up like fire, but, unfortunately, went out without flaring up.

Young Jack and Rose, belonging to diametrically opposed social circles, meet by chance on board a ship, and this meeting will become fateful for both of them. The kissing scene on the bow of the ship is one of the most romantic.

  • "Match point"

Film by the great Woody Allen talks about the struggle between reason and passion. The main character's dream is to break into high society, and he is slowly but surely moving towards his cherished goal. His wedding to the daughter of London aristocrats is just around the corner, but then the beautiful Nola, played by Scarlett Johansson.

  • "Closeness"

The film "Closer" has a truly stellar cast - Julia Roberts, Natalie Portman, June Lowe, Clive Owen. The love quadrangle turns into a real drama when each hero cannot decide on own desires. One of the most striking moments in this film can be considered the reverent kiss of the characters. Roberts and Judah Law.

  • "For the first time"

The youth romantic film “The First Time” gave film lovers a scene with a bright, passionate kiss. Probably, most couples experience similar situations when... Gravity and passion force you to completely turn off your thoughts and surrender to your feelings.

  • "Three meters above the sky"

The romantic story of a bully and a decent girl won the hearts of millions of viewers. Opposites attract, but often love collapses due to external factors, personalities and troubles. This is what happened in this story, where beautiful love crashed due to tragic circumstances.

  • "Eyes Wide Shut"

The kiss between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman was one of the most beautiful. The psychological drama tells the story of a married couple who, driven by secret fantasies, plunge into the abyss of their own tragedies.

  • "Mr and Mrs Smith"

I would like to complete the selection with the most passionate kiss performed by a star couple - Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Thanks to the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", one of the most beautiful and strong couples in Hollywood was created. The awareness that in the film the characters do not act out feelings, but actually experience them, gives this film a special charm. The film shows that true love always wins.

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It brings indescribable pleasure to adults, and prolongs life for many. Young girls wait for him with excitement, fearing their inexperience. Some people don’t like him, considering him an unnecessary manifestation of weakness and sentimentality. I really want to give it to my family and friends, especially children. Poems and books are written about him, songs are composed.

You probably already guessed that we will talk about something without which love is impossible - about the kiss. Let's figure out what kind of “beast” this is - a kiss? Dictionaries interpret this concept as touching something with the lips to express warm feelings. The very feelings put into a kiss determine its appearance and purpose.

Kisses are different

Do you know who owns the longest kiss in the world? A Thai couple in love kissed for almost 60 minutes without looking away from each other. These two hot lovers set the world record for the longest kiss on Valentine's Day 2013. I would like to ask: “Are you weak?”

In fact, you shouldn’t set any records, but just kiss for your own pleasure. But kisses are different. Here are some of the most popular kisses in the world:

1. Air and virtual kiss

Many “kissing experts” argue whether this type of manifestation of feelings can even be called a kiss.

An air kiss is sent while leaving or at a distance, when direct contact is either difficult or impossible. To blow a kiss, first kiss the tips of your fingers, then open your palm and blow it towards the object to be kissed. Imagine that your feelings were picked up by the wind and carried in the desired direction. It's like a letter flying quickly to its recipient.

A virtual kiss is similar to an air kiss. It can be conveyed in a letter, writing “kiss” at the end, or transmitted via Skype, video - the same air, only through a screen.

Interesting fact from psychologists: Air kisses are characteristic of people with a flighty character. If a girl or guy constantly blows you a kiss, don’t expect to be taken seriously.

2. Kiss "Second"

This kiss is different in that it reaches the intended part of the body not through the lips, but through another object. For example, they kiss a finger and then touch it to the lips of a loved one. Or we kiss soft toy, and then we pretend that the toy is kissing the one to whom we want to convey our feelings.

Such kisses are one of the forms of flirting, which usually appears at the initial stage of a relationship.

Most likely, this name was inspired by the Soviet leader L.I. Brezhnev, who so loved to kiss some political comrade as a sign of endless respect. This kiss is strong, passionate and powerful!

A “Soviet” kiss is a triple kiss on the lips or cheeks. The kisser takes the “comrade” by the shoulders or head and presses his lips firmly against his cheek or lips. This is usually done quickly, with a characteristic smack, and sometimes even a moo.

Interesting fact from a psychologist: Someone who is overcome by either strong friendly emotions or hidden resentment can kiss this way.

4. Kiss related or "fatherly"

In childhood, all of us were kissed by our mother and father, conveying their warmth and parental feelings. It became so easy and good for us that all grievances and disappointments instantly flew away.

This kiss is most often done with the lips on the forehead or crown, less often on the cheek. He is calm, warm and slow. This is how relatives, parents and caring loved ones kiss.

Interesting fact from a psychologist: If a loved one kisses you in a family way, it means he feels responsible and is ready to take care and help you in solving any problems.

5. Friendly kiss or "ritual"

This is a girls favorite kiss. Recently, it has become fashionable to kiss when meeting girlfriends. Usually, with such a kiss, girls touch cheek to cheek, making the kiss as if in the air. A friendly kiss can be between girls or a guy and a girl. Kissing boys evoke slightly different emotions, the opposite of friendly ones.

A ritual kiss quickly becomes a habit; there are rarely any special emotions or meaning attached to it. But this kiss denotes close friendships between people.

6. A lover's kiss

And finally, the most interesting view kiss - lovers' kiss! This is a kiss between people of the opposite sex who have romantic feelings for each other. There are a huge number of types of love kisses.

An interesting discovery by doctors: Many years of research by scientists have led to the conclusion that during a kiss, the blood is cleansed, damaged cells are restored and the skin is rejuvenated. After a kiss, the brain begins to work faster, mood improves, and depression goes away.

What are the kisses of lovers

Love unites hearts and makes lips come closer. We convey emotions not only with words, but also with our lips. Romance cannot be monotonous, just like kisses cannot always be the same.

  • Innocent kiss

This is a simple contact of lips, without any hint of continuation. An innocent kiss is common at the beginning of a relationship or between lovers who have lived together for a long time.

  • Kiss "in a hickey"

During this kiss, movements are made with the lips, similar to sipping a drink through a straw. If you overdo it, you can leave a spot on the kissed person's skin that looks like a bruise. Probably many people found themselves in a situation where they had to hide traces of such a kiss from their parents. Although there is little pleasant, there is some stupid feeling of pride in the beginning adult life. True, not for long!

  • Passionate kiss

This kiss is full of passionate emotions. The lovers' lips meet and greedily press into each other. Such a kiss lasts a long time, after which thoughts do not immediately return to your head. A passionate kiss connects not only lips, but also tongues. Here, too, there can be different options: circular movements of the tongue, pushing movements (stinging kiss), meeting the tips of the tongue, caressing the palate with the tongue, sucking the tongue, etc.

  • Teasing Kiss

With his lips, the teasing partner gently touches the lips of the person being kissed, runs his tongue over them, and slightly bites them. But he does this intermittently, as if teasing, provoking something more.

  • flirtatious kiss

If one of the lovers is not very romantic, you can try a flirtatious kiss. Approach your loved one and gently kiss them on the cheek, forehead, tip of the nose, ear, neck, and only then on the lips.

  • intimate kiss

These are kisses of the most sensitive areas of the body (erogenous). Such bold kisses are used by lovers who have already moved on to intimate relationships.

French kiss as it is

No wonder France is called the land of love. What is this world-famous “French kiss”? No, this is not a kiss near Eiffel Tower, but an ordinary kiss “with tongues”. Therefore, any of you can easily master it!

French kissing rules:

  • Fresh breath;
  • Good mood;
  • At least a slight crush on the guy for whom the kiss is intended;
  • Romantic setting;
  • Gentle movements of the tongue towards the partner’s tongue (you should not be the first to put your tongue in the guy’s mouth).

Five fears of the first kiss

Fear #1: I can't kiss

Absolutely all lovers go through this. Everything new is exciting and scary. Girls think that they can ruin the whole “thing” with their inability. The first kiss, especially taking into account modern mores, occurs at a young age (according to statistics - from 12 to 15 years). Therefore, often a guy experiences the same fears as a girl.

Advice: Don’t be afraid, it’s better to calm down and think through all your actions. The plan could be as follows: we touch our lips, open them slightly, meet our tongues, slowly make circular movements with our tongue, do not forget to work with our lips. Before kissing, you can practice on a tomato or peach - they say it helps!

Fear #2: He won't like it

And everyone went through this too. Any girl wants a guy to think: “Wow! What a great kisser she is, no one has kissed me like that!” Dear girls, if a guy really likes you, he will definitely think so. And if you tremble with fear, he definitely won’t like it!

Advice: Calm down and pull yourself together. It's better to be well prepared than to worry unnecessarily. Make sure your lips and mouth are in good shape. Go to the dentist, buy a “tasty” lip gloss, preferably colorless (guys don’t like to have shiny lips). Before the meeting, brush your teeth, get ready and go to victory!

Fear #3: What if I do something wrong?

Well, what does “something is wrong” mean? Would you bite off his lip or swallow his tongue? The girl usually doesn’t know what exactly could go wrong, and this ignorance scares her even more.

Advice: Don’t think about bad things, otherwise your fears will be passed on to the guy and you will both stand there and be afraid! Remember once again that you are not going to war or to a geometry exam. Give free rein to your feelings, and they will tell you the right actions.

Fear #4: He will laugh at me

Many girls, before their first kiss, imagine a picture: a guy with friends (the same “experienced” kissers) discusses how bad she is as a kisser, and everyone starts dying laughing. Let's just say, if a guy is capable of this, and you know it, then why kiss him at all?

Advice: If you are not confident in your gentleman, you should hold off on kissing and get to know him better.

Fear #5: He will leave me

Some girls are afraid that after a kiss a guy will no longer want to see them. One can only guess where such fears come from: the experience of a friend, self-doubt, and the like.

Advice: Don't take a kiss as something global. Treat him more simply, because little will change in your life after him. Be confident in yourself, then no guy will be able to resist you!

And for those who are still afraid, we present a list of things that you should not do when kissing.

Seven "Do not" when kissing

1. Don't open your mouth too wide

Very often, either wanting to seem temperamental, or for some other reason, kissers try to open their mouths as wide as possible. This does not bring pleasure to the partner; rather, on the contrary, it causes some inconvenience. So, no need to try to swallow the guy, you will need him later!

2. Don't stick your tongue out like a shovel.

Sometimes inexperienced kissers try to stick their tongue out with a shovel. The kiss is neither neat nor comfortable. Always kiss with a "sharp" tongue and don't stick it too deep into your partner's mouth.

3. Don't make sounds

Also a common mistake. Mooing people when kissing resemble a bear sucking its paw. Therefore it is not worth publishing extraneous sounds when you kiss.

4. Don't blink your eyes

Some “curious” people try to open their eyes when kissing. Believe me, you won’t see anything interesting there, you’ll just spoil your impression. By closing your eyes, you give free rein to your feelings and imagination, which can make the kiss unforgettable.

5. Don't close your eyes prematurely

If you close your eyes ahead of time, you risk “missing” and colliding with your foreheads or some other parts of your body.

6. Don't make a kiss a joke

Humor when kissing is not appropriate. Often, inept and ill-timed jokes can offend your significant other and ruin the relationship between you.

7. Don't talk while kissing

It happens that the kiss has not yet ended, or has just begun, and you continue to chat with your partner about something else. Do you know what your loved one thinks at such moments: “When will she finally shut up?”

Now you know almost everything about kissing. Learning to kiss well is very easy, especially if you use our tips! Don't make other people's mistakes and kiss to your health!