Script for the play Masha and the Bear New Year. New Year's party with Masha and the Bear. Scenario for elementary school. All wishes will be fulfilled

Shabalina Natalya Veniaminovna and Trushkina Inna Nikolaevna – Musical directors of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 17”, Saratov
Date of submission of work to the competition: November 27, 2016.

New Year's holiday scenario " New Year's adventures Masha and the Bear"

Entrance “Round Dance in the Forest”

Leading:Look at this, guys.

Finally Santa Claus

On a huge all-terrain vehicle

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

Green! Fluffy!

Resinous! Fragrant!

Isn't she a beauty?

All:We all like the Christmas tree!

1. Our tree is big

Our tree is tall

Taller than mom
Taller than dad

Reaches to the ceiling.

2. All covered in toys and lights

The Christmas tree is skating.

Invites everyone to the holiday

And wishes everyone well.

New Year is like a fairy tale -

Happy New Year, kids!

3. How her outfit shines,

Like the lanterns are burning,

Our tree Happy New Year

Congratulations to all the guys.

4. Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

I combed my hair and washed my face,

Straightened the branches - paws,

Don't scratch us, Christmas tree!

Make friends with us, Christmas tree,

Spin around in a round dance!

Round dance "Christmas tree, Christmas tree"

Leading:The New Year is knocking on the door with a song, a fairy tale and goodness,

Everyone now believes in miracles, every home is waiting for gifts.

Let poems and songs sound, let children's laughter ring out.

And it’s not a sin for adults to have fun with us.

Leading: I looked furtively -

There are riddles on the Christmas tree.

Whoever can guess, please tell me loudly and unanimously!

Removes riddles from the tree:

Round like a ball

It shines like a flashlight.

Only he doesn’t jump-

Very fragile... ball.

It pours from the top of my head,

Can't get wet

Touching New Year's toys... rain

Hanging high on a branch

Like bright candies.

Very loud toys -

Multi-colored… firecrackers

There is a top on the Christmas tree,

There's a beauty there - a toy

She's always at the top

Five-winged…. Star.

Friendly with snowflakes,

Daughter of the Blizzard - who is she?

Riddle about the Snow Maiden

Leading:Oh guys, what do I hear?

Looks like they're coming here.

Well, let's clap more cheerfully,

Let them find us soon.

Snow Maiden:Oh, how many children -

Hello both girls and boys!

Threats in winter are not terrible,

I'm not afraid of blizzards.

Granddaughter of Santa Claus,

I'm called Snegurochka.

All:Hello, Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden (looks at the Christmas tree):

Oh yeah, Christmas tree! Simply amazing!

How elegant, how beautiful.

That's how she is - slender, big.

You guys like the beautiful Christmas tree.

Well, then everyone stand in a circle,

Sing a song together.

Round dance.

Snow Maiden: Let's take a break from dancing, keep quiet for now, the fairy tale is approaching us from afar.

(background – magical quiet music)

They say under New Year what you don't want,

everything will always happen, everything will always come true.

If you really, really believe in it.

Close your eyes and whisper your New Year's wish into your fist.

The lights dim, music sounds - a screensaver from the m.f. “Masha and the Bear”, a pre-filmed film about Masha and the Bear is playing on the TV.

Snow Maiden:oh, someone wanted to watch a cartoon?

Movie. Scene 1 (a girl Masha appears, knocks on the bear’s door, the bear is sleeping under the Christmas tree).

Masha:Bear, bear! Wake up because the new year is coming soon! Why are you sleeping like a groundhog! You'll sleep all winter and won't see the New Year. ( The bear doesn't wake up). Bear! Bear! Honey, honey! (The bear opens his eyes and stands up, stretches, yawns...) Ah-ah-ah, the couch potato woke up! Everyone is preparing for the New Year, Grandfather Frost is expected to visit, but you want to leave your little child without gifts? I want gifts, I want New Year!

Teddy bear(points to watch): winter - sleep.

Masha:I want to go to the Christmas tree, for the holiday. (Starts stomping his feet and whining).

Bear:okay, I'll take you to kindergarten, for the holiday!

Masha:Hurray- hurray! As a child, oh, but it’s winter now, what a garden, there’s snow all around, and there are no flowers anywhere? Are you a bear, haven't you woken up yet? (Bear explains something in his ear) Aaaaaaa, everything is clear, children grow up there. But how will we find the way, bear? (pause). I remembered that you taught me to distinguish the tracks of different animals, so we’ll find them based on the tracks!

Teddy bear. Went! (screen goes dark)

Masha and the Bear enter the hall to the song “About Traces.”

Masha:Oh, bear, there are so many guys, what should we do? ( The bear whispers in her ear) Ah, I remembered, hello guys!

Snow Maiden:Hello, Masha, Mishka! We are very glad to have such guests, please come and join us for the holiday! Sing and dance with us and have fun!

Masha: Oh, how beautiful it is all around, what a Christmas tree - a prickly needle, what elegant children, and the Snow Maiden came to you for the holiday. Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden:Santa Claus is busy now, he is preparing gifts for all the children.

Masha:And for me? And for Misha?

Snow Maiden:Of course, of course. For everyone. Grandfather Frost asked us to start the holiday without him.

Masha:How do you celebrate the New Year? You're probably being a hooligan, playing pranks...

Misha:And you pull each other’s ears the same way Masha does?

Masha:Or you shoot fireworks into the sky.

Snow Maiden:No, Masha. To begin with, we light the lights on the Christmas tree.

Masha:Hurray, hurray! Christmas tree, Christmas tree! Or maybe I’ll light the fires, but I’ll just take the matches in my hands and bring the candles.

Snow Maiden:What are you saying, Masha, children shouldn’t take matches into their hands! Guys, tell Mashenka about this. (children's answers - you can't pick up matches, every child should know this). The lights on the Christmas tree are lit with magic words, and it will sparkle! Grandfather Frost prepared a magic snowball for this occasion. Magic snowball, help us, my friend!

Children stand in a circle and hold out their palms. The snowball is passed between the children's palms.


You roll, the snowball rolls,

Not along the stumps, not along the paths, but along our palms.

Count all your palms, collect all your smiles,

So that the Christmas tree laughs with us with its lights.

Snow Maiden:Don’t let us down, friend Snowball, help us today ( puts a snowball on a Christmas tree branch)

Come on, the Christmas tree, perk up! Come on, Christmas tree, smile! One, two, three, burn with the light of joy!

(the tree does not light up).

Apparently they didn't eat much porridge, maybe the children got sick? (touches the child’s forehead with his hands)

Why are you shouting so quietly? Or don't you want to help me? (parental help)

The lights on the Christmas tree come on.

Game with lights.

Snow Maiden:

This is the Christmas tree, the miracle tree,

All toys are good.

Near the decorated Christmas tree

Let's dance together, little ones.

Round dance "New Year"

Masha:So, stop singing, stop dancing in circles. Where are my gifts? I want gifts! Where is your Santa Claus?

Misha:Hush, Mashenka, don’t make noise, don’t scare the kids. As I taught you, remember the magic word.

Masha:Ah, I remembered. Snow Maiden, please tell me WHERE ARE MY GIFTS.

Snow Maiden:Mashenka, look under the tree,

Find the bell there

Don't twist, don't twist,

And shake it quietly -

The bell will sing

And he will invite guests to you!

Masha: Where is the magic bell? Here he is. What would be more fun, let's invite guests over?

Children: Yes!

Masha rings the bell.

Girls' individual dance "Clapper Dance"

Masha: Oh, who is this?

I'm a firecracker - a laugher,

Gilded belly

Don't tickle me

I'll burst... confetti will spray!

Misha:Can I ring the bell?

Masha:Of course, I'm not greedy.

The bear is calling.

Individual dance of boys “Fixies”


The people are very fussy
They repair electrical appliances!

You can't see them, don't look
After all, they live inside.
There is no place for mysticism
If nearby... (Fixies.)

Masha:Can you fix everything, everything?

Fixies: Yes.

Masha:Can you make Santa Claus?

Fixies: No.

Leading:Let's ask the Snow Maiden to ring the bell. Maybe Grandfather Frost will hear him and come to us for the holiday.

The Snow Maiden is calling.

New Year's fanfare sounds and Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost:Hello, here I am. Happy New Year to you, friends.

I am sincerely glad to see you, all the guests and all the guys.

Happy New Year,

I wish you a snowy winter,

So that the sled can take you for a ride,

So that you can play in the snow,

So that they are not afraid of Frost,

And they grew and became stronger.

Masha:Hooray! Grandfather Frost has arrived. What a huge bag, and how many gifts there are in it. Lots and lots. Grandfather Frost, you are old, tired from the journey, and the bag is heavy. Let Misha and I take it under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:Hurry up and get ready for the New Year's round dance, let's please Grandfather Frost with a cheerful song.

Round dance "Santa Claus"

Game "I'll freeze"


Father Frost: Well done, kids, both girls and boys! Well, I'm kind of tired from the road.

Snow Maiden:Sit down, grandpa, relax, and we will please you.

Who is in a smart warm fur coat,

With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?

He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
– Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

We meet him together

We are such friends!

But drink hot tea

Our guest is not allowed!

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,
He lit the lights on it.
And the needles shine on it,
And there’s snow on the branches!

Children dance in circles
They clap their hands.
Hello, hello.
New Year! You are so good!

If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
What about Grandfather Frost?
Will the poor person do it?

Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our refrigerator!

Masha noticed a large bag with gifts, untied it and looked into it .

Masha: And what is this? Present? Wow, is this all for me? Well, well, well - interesting.

Masha takes the boxes out of the bag, arranges them into a pyramid and tries to carry them away. Mishka blocks her path and shakes his head. Masha tries to get around, but drops all the boxes. The bear threatens with its paw.

Masha:Is it all not for me? I won't!

Snow Maiden:Masha, Santa Claus brought gifts for everyone, and not just for you: girls, boys, squirrels, and bunnies.

Masha: And the bear too?

Father Frost: yes! This gift is for a bunny - panties, this one is for a fox - sister, even a gray wolf has a gift . (D. Moroz puts the boxes back into the bag). And I brought it for the bear fir cone, yes, the deck is full of honey.

Misha looks into his gift, but there is nothing there.

Bear:Who ate my gift?

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, look, the gifts for the children are also all open and there is nothing in them. Where are all the sweets?

Masha licks her mouth.

Masha:Really, who ate all the gifts?

Masha stands with her mouth full, chewing or sucking lollipop.

Masha: Why are you looking at me like that? (the bear grabs its head). What, it wasn’t for me either?

Masha:but I didn’t know (guiltyly, I lowered my head and sat in the corner).

Snow Maiden:It’s not good to do this, Masha, to take other people’s gifts without permission! Grandfather, you are a wizard! Come up with something!

Father Frost: Where is my magic staff?

He casts a spell over the candy.

Salt, sugar and a bucket of water,

A little snow and tinsel.

I'll add a snowman.

Just a minute, friends,

We need to mix everything in the cauldron,

Magic words to say:

“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Snowflake, help!

Turn everything into gifts!”

Santa Claus knocks on a piece of candy with his staff and they open it full of candies.

Father Frost:

Before we say goodbye

I have to confess to you guys:

I have a surprise for you!

Find out where now

When you go home -

You will find your own surprise!

Snow Maiden:

It's a pity, friends: we have to say goodbye!

It's time for everyone to go home.

Happy journey to you guys!

Goodbye, kids!

Misha:And it’s time for Masha and I to return to our fairy tale.

Together with Masha:Goodbye, kids!

Municipal state preschool

educational institution

kindergarten "Little Red Riding Hood" No. 2


New Year's party script

"Masha and the Bear"

Second junior group

Educator: T.I. Lebedeva


Purpose of the holiday:

Encourage children to move and sing.

Cultivate emotional responsiveness. Give children joy and pleasure from meeting the heroes of the holiday.


- adults:


Father Frost

Snow Maiden


- child: Masha


Carnival costumes

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

1. A wonderful day is coming.LEV SH

New Year is coming to us.

A holiday of laughter and inventions.

Fairy tale holiday for children.

2. Hello, forest Christmas tree,EVELINA B

Silvery, thick!

You grew up under the sun

And she came to us for the holiday.

3. How beautiful it is in our hall,TANYA B

We called our friends

All the people are having fun

We are celebrating... New Year.

4. Soon, soon New Year!STEPA M
He's in a hurry, he's coming!
Knock on our doors:
Children, hello, I'm coming to you!

5. What a Christmas tree, it’s just amazingLIDA T. How elegant, how beautiful.The branches rustle faintly,The beads shine brightly

6. You have become even more beautifulVIKA M

You have become even more wonderful

On this long-awaited holiday

We will warm you up with a song.

7.We decorated the whole hall,NATASHA G

So that it shines like a palace,

Our Christmas tree is decorated

We didn't forget about the outfits.

8. Look in our hallKSUSHA M

During the night the tree blossomed;

All in a golden outfit,

And on the top there is a star!

9. Winter came unbiddenYULIA CH

Winter came in secret

The next morning all the streets were covered with snow

Hello, it's time for fun

Get your skates ready quickly

And next to the kindergarten

Snowmen are growing.

10. Winter brought us a joyful holidayPOLINA P

The green Christmas tree came to visit us

Today there is a brilliant outfit on the Christmas tree

Golden lights like stars burn

We will take you dressed up into our circle

We'll sing a funny song about you.

The song "New Year" is performed

Children sit on chairs .

Ved. There's magic in the New Year,

Fairy lights everywhere...

There is a moment of silence.

The fairy tale sends you greetings

The fairy tale is in a hurry to visit

From far away magical land

Here's an ice bell

Hangs on a forest Christmas tree

A finger worth touching

Wonderful sounds will flow

Takes off the bell

Ding - dong, ding - dong

Oh, what a wonderful ringing!

I'll call more cheerfully

from a fairy tale I will invite guests

The music is from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

A bear with tinsel in his paws enters the hall.

Bear . Oh, I’m tired, while I was decorating the Christmas tree and decorating the hall, I need to put the samovar on, otherwise Santa Claus will come soon, we’ll drink tea with him. (Fits the samovar, but there is no water) It’s bad luck, there’s no water, I’ll go to the ice hole for some water.

Dancing to the same music, he leaves the hall.

Masha runs in to the music and looks around

Masha. There's no one! (Looks everywhere) Well, where are you all? Where did you go, wow! What a beauty! (starts jumping) How cool!

P burps high. The bear comes in, looks at her, hands on hips.

Masha doesn't notice at first.

Masha: Who are you?

Bear- growls

Masha- More.

M he just sits down on the floor, discouraged:

Bear: -What are you doing with me?

Masha: – I was just passing by.

Bear:- Oh, who are you?

Masha - I? Guys, who am I? -A. he doesn't know. -Misha, what are you doing?

Bear: - I’m waiting for Santa Claus, he should come now.

Masha:-Who is he?

Presenter: Guys, Masha doesn’t know who Father Frost is, but do you know? Where does he come to us from?

Masha -Ah-ah, so it was Santa Claus!

Bear:- Where were you?

Masha, running in a circle: - I won’t tell, I won’t tell.

Masha is hiding behind the Christmas tree.

Bear b: - Well, poor girl! Looks at the clock, hear the clock ticking!

The recording "The clock strikes" sounds

Bear (sad): - New Year is coming. -The clock struck 12. But Santa Claus is still missing, where did he go?

Masha runs in to the music.

Masha. I won't tell. I won't tell.

Bear . Since there is no Santa Claus, we need to go to bed, because bears sleep in winter and fall asleep. (The bear gets offended and goes to sleep under the Christmas tree)

Masha approaches the bear and takes him by the paw:

Masha. Mish. Give me your paw, Mish, play with me! Doesn't wake up, help meguys wake up Misha

Ved. Guys, let the girls turn into snowflakes, let's start our cheerful round dance, Misha will definitely wake up from our fun.

The general dance is performed: “Snowflakes”

The bear wakes up.

Bear . What kind of children are walking here?

They don't let you sleep peacefully!

What is all the noise and dancing?

I'll catch you all!

Children - snowflakes run away onto chairs, the Bear catches up with them.

Bear. Wow, what smart kids!... I didn't catch anyone...

Ved. Don't worry, Mishka, we have a surprise for you. Look what little snowballs we have

The game “Get into the Basket” is played.

Masha. Well, you’re funny, Mishka. Mishka, Mishka, I didn’t come to you alone, I have a whole team with me. Come on guys, watch me throw snowballs at the bear

The bear runs away holding its head , Masha runs after him shouting: “Where are you going, Mishka? Wait!” sit down on the children’s chair

Ved. Well, our people ran away fairy-tale heroes, but Father Frost and Snow Maiden are still missing.Let's all call Grandfather Frost together. Let's say the magic words, parents will help us:

“Once, let’s clap our hands together!”

Two - let's stamp everything with our feet!

Three - let's all shout together!

Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost! Grandfather Frost!

(children and parents perform movements)

To the music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall

D.M. Hello guys,

Hello, rosy ones,

funny blue eyes

Mischievous brown eyes,

Hello to all of you from a fairy tale!

And with green eyes

Are there any guys in this room?

They grew up and became big

Did you recognize me?

Snow. Oh, so many kids

Both girls and boys!

Hello!Oh yes tree! Simply amazing!

How elegant, how beautiful!

She's so slim and big!

Christmas tree beautydo you guys like it?

D.M. Well then, all of you get up,

Sing a song together!

The song "Snow Song" is performed

D.M. Why isn’t your Christmas tree lit? Not in order.

Here, guys, we need magic words.

And for guests, for children

I'll light the lights on the Christmas tree.

I touch it with my staff: one, two, three.

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, shine!

The Christmas tree lights up.

Snow . The tree is shining

Millions of lights

The magic has come around

It became brighter and lighter.

And now it's a game for everyone,

Everyone will like her.

Santa Claus, come out,

Take the staff in your hands!

Game "Ice figures"

Snow Maiden: Come on, Grandfather Frost will dance quickly, and the guys will clap more and more merrily.

(Santa Claus is dancing)

Presenter: Grandfather Frost you walked a long way

Sit by our Christmas tree and relax a little.

And we will show our skills at our Christmas tree!

Children read poetry

1. Grandfather Frost is bigYANA B

With a kind gentle soul

Happy New Year to everyone

And will give children laughter.

2.New Year is coming to usMAKAR T

There are many gifts waiting for us

Santa Claus is hurrying to us

Happy New Year says.

3. Pussy tied a bowSONYA B

Cleans his tail impatiently

I’m already tired of learning poetry -

Where is Grandfather Frost

I have big plans

I'm going for poetry

Get ya like mom

Dress, fur coat and perfume

4.Who is the one with the big bag?YURA CH

Did you come to our house today?

This is Santa Claus

He brought us gifts

5. I'll hang it on the Christmas treeNASTYA H

Glass ball

Let Santa Claus see

What a beautiful tree!

6. You came to the joy of the children,ANDREY B

We will celebrate the New Year with you.

Let's start a song together,

Let's go have a fun dance.

A couple dance is performed.

7. Let's put on the Christmas tree oh-oh-ohMAXIM M

Santa Claus is coming alive

Well, Grandfather Frost

What kind of cheeks, what kind of nose

A beard is a beard

And there’s a star on the hat

There are specks on the nose

And those are daddy's eyes!

8. Grandfather Frost is walking along the streetSEREZHA B

Frost scatters on the branches of birch trees

He walks with a beard and shakes his white hair

He stomps his foot, only the sound comes out.

9. I’ll tell Grandfather Frost a poem,YULIA YU

My outfit is beautiful, I’ll proudly show it off

I'll get a lot of candy for this

For me there is no better gift in the world.

10. For some reason, Santa ClausMISHA P

Doesn't sting anyone's nose

He's kind today

On New Year's Day

11.Who is ruddy and beardedARSENY D

Brought us a hundred gifts

All the guys know this

This is Grandfather Frost.

12.Santa Claus walks around the yardSASHA F

The dog doesn't come out of the box

Our watchdog got scared

He hid his nose under his tail.

13.Santa Claus brought us a Christmas treeDIMA X

Lights were lit on it

And the needles shine on it

And there is snow on the branches.

D.M. I have one more for you interesting game- called"The Magic Engine". Everyone stand behind me - I will be the locomotive, and you will be the carriages. Let's go with you having fun, and with stops! Is everyone ready? Let's go!
To the music of D.M. leads the children in a circle or in a snake, stops, says:
1. “Stop! Stop Khlopotushkino!” Everyone is clapping.
They continue walking to the music.
2. Stop! Stop Topotushkino! (Everyone stomps).
3. “Jumpingkino”
4. “Prisedalkino and Vstavalkino.”
5. “Hugging Kino”
6. “In the places of Sidalkino” - all the children sit down.

D.M . Well, kids, they completely killed me. Oh, how hot it became in the hall.... come on, kids, call your mothers and please me with your dance. Until then I'll rest

The dance with mothers “Chasiki” is performed.

Snow. Santa Claus, where are your gifts? The kids were completely tired of waiting.

D.M. Eh, I'm old, my head has a hole! I forgot where I left my bag! Well, it’s okay, I have a magic ball that will lead us to gifts. All you have to do is say the magic words together:A magical ball of wonderful yarn,
Roll along the path only known to you,
Run quickly, find gifts,
Bring gifts from Santa Claus here!

A snowball (with gifts in it) is being rolled into the hall to the music of Masha and the Bear.

D.M . Oh, who is this? Well, these aren't my gifts, are they?

Masha . Mishka and I walked through the forest for you, didn’t we, Mishka?
Bear . Yeah...
Masha : All the gifts from the bag were given to the animals, right Mishka?
Bear . Yeah...
Masha : Grandfather Frost, will the guys be left without gifts?
Snow . Don’t worry, Mashenka, my grandfather is a wizard, he’ll think of something.
D.M .: Various miracles happen on New Year's Eve. And the guys won’t be left without gifts!
Witchcraft D.M.: I walk around a snowball, I knock with a staff...1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - these are gifts for the guys! (shows a gift from a snowball)

To the music of Masha, the Bear, D.M. and Snegurochka give gifts to children.

Snow: Happy New Year
And we give you an order:
May you all be healthy
Getting better every day!

Ved. Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

D.M. Children were singing at the decorated Christmas tree

But it's time for me to say goodbye to you

Goodbye children, have fun

Goodbye mom, dad, Happy New Year everyone!

The heroes leave the hall to the music.

The time for New Year's holidays in schools, gardens, and at home is already coming, which means it's time to figure out how to spend this festive time in a fun and original way. And that’s what we came up with - the scenario “Masha and the Bear for the New Year” is suitable for holding a holiday in the gardens.

Children run into the festively decorated hall and stand in a semicircle. Then 4 more children come in and form another semicircle.

HOST: We congratulate you all on a good New Year's holiday, we sincerely wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts. To your children health, peace, laughter and kindness. We meet and greet, cheerful children are coming.

1st child. We have a visiting Christmas tree, there is hubbub everywhere, cheerful laughter. Our kindergarten celebrates the New Year - the best holiday.

2-child. The New Year is walking proudly, coming to us with gifts. Therefore, today we would like to wish everyone a good hour.

3-child. So that everyone is healthy and never gets sick, so that there are obedient children, and parents are happy for them.

4-child. So that there is goodness in the house, and children's laughter is heard, so that everyone is cheerful and happy all year long.

(at the end of the song the children sing and go and sit in their places)

HOST: Winter time, rich in miracles. May a surprise await you this holiday season. I turn on the magic screen and invite you to visit a fairy tale.

(magical music sounds, an excerpt from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” is played (32 - 50 sec.), they show that the Bear wakes up, and the real Bear appears from behind the Christmas tree, does exercises, returns and sees the children)

BEAR: Good afternoon, all kids, I am glad to greet you all and wish you a Happy New Year. How beautiful it is, and the tree is just a miracle. Are you waiting for Santa Claus? I really want the children to celebrate the New Year holiday with you, I want to see Grandfather Frost, can I stay?

HOST: Yes, of course! What can you do, Mishka?

BEAR: What needs to be done?

HOST: Well, for example, can you recite rhymes, dance, sing?

BEAR: No, but I want to learn.

HOST: Well, guys, let's teach Mishka.

CHILDREN: Yes. (children go to the Christmas tree)

1st child. Christmas tree, Christmas tree, that’s what it is. Fluffy and beautiful, tall and slender. Our green tree is the best. There are a lot of gifts and decorations on the branches.

2nd child. So the Christmas tree got dressed up and came to the kindergarten, and there were bright toys hanging on it.

3rd child. Good afternoon, Christmas tree, in a golden outfit, we are very, very glad to see you, Christmas tree.

4th child. You bring a lot of joy to every home. And you give us all an unforgettable holiday. And therefore, on such a festive day, we will lead a round dance.


(they sit down, a knock is heard on the door)

BEAR: This is probably Santa Claus, I’ll go open the door for him.

(goes to the door, opens it, Masha comes into the hall, holds a drawing in her hands with congratulations to Mishka, gives it to Mishka)

MASHA: Happy New Year!

(pushes the bear away, runs to the tree, into the hall, looks in)

Wow! (she admires it, tries to remove the toys from the Christmas tree, the bear comes up to her and doesn’t let her, Masha starts crying).

BEAR: What should we do, we need to entertain her, because she will break everything and might even burn the Christmas tree.

HOST: Misha, we will help. Masha, you want to celebrate the New Year with us.

MASHA: Yes. What interesting things do you have?

HOST: We can sing you a song.

MASHA: About what?

HOST: Can you guess?

(the child asks a riddle about snow, Masha cannot guess, the children help her)


MASHA: How I love snow, I love playing with it, making snowballs.

HOST: let's play a game.


MASHA: Wow, I'm tired. Where did grandpa stop? Let's look for him?
(looks everywhere)

BEAR: Children, what is she doing?

CHILDREN: Looking for Grandfather Frost.

BEAR: Let's look at our magic screen and see where Grandfather Frost is!
(they approach the bear, look into the pipe. The cartoon fragment is turned on again)

MASHA: Grandfather Frost is coming, coming.

(another fragment)

BEAR: Oh, something bad happened to grandpa!

(the bear runs to the door, cheerful music turns on, Masha seats the children on chairs, Mishka starts the grandfather, sits him in a chair)

MASHA: What's wrong with grandpa?

BEAR: Grandfather lost control, fell, and got sick.

MASHA: What to do? Is the holiday cancelled?


(Masha again treats her grandfather to cheerful music and examines her grandfather)

MASHA: Grandpa needs bed rest!

(Masha, Mishka, and the presenter move aside and speak)

BEAR: But what about the holiday, gifts, and grandfather are waiting for all the children and inhabitants of the forest.

HOST: No problem! We will invite everyone to the Christmas tree, and we will celebrate and make grandpa happy. Come on, everyone get up and cheer up grandpa.


SANTA CLAUS: You sincerely congratulate grandfather, you congratulate me on the New Year, I even feel better. Have you prepared poems for me?


SANTA CLAUS: Come to me and tell me poems.


SANTA CLAUS: Thank you, kids, that you love me so much, I can recover very quickly. But why did I feel very hot here?

HOST: Hey, girlfriends - snowflakes, go to the Christmas tree, and you stand in a circle, children, gather in a circle.

(snowflakes fly up to Grandfather Frost to the music)

SNOWFLAKE: We are snowflakes - cold ones, let's dance around the Christmas tree.

SNOWFLAKE 2: We will dance and send grandfather a cold.


SANTA CLAUS: I praise everyone, you danced persistently, I felt really good. Therefore, we will celebrate the New Year by singing and dancing. And the Christmas tree is just a miracle, what toys are on it. To make the tree shine and to make it happy. Let's say together 1,2,3 - you're a Christmas tree on fire!
(the tree lights up)

HOST: Who is rushing to us? And these are the forest animals who came to congratulate you, grandfather.

Bunny: I am a little bunny from the forest, I want to congratulate you. With good New Year's holiday that came in winter time.

FOX: All the animals have gathered to congratulate grandfather, and today we will dance around the Christmas tree, and in fun games play.


SANTA CLAUS: There is a snowball on the ground. A bunny runs through the snow. Ears are freezing, paws are freezing, there are no boots or hats, hey, all the kids are before me, let's warm up and jump.


MASHA: Santa Claus red nose, did you bring us gifts?

SANTA CLAUS: Oh, really, you congratulated me so well, and sang and danced. Where's my bag? Oh, my old head, he stayed in the forest. The bag is wandering somewhere in the forest, and is apparently looking for a way to get to us.

(the bag comes in to the music)

HOST: What should Moroz’s children do? Instead of joy they will have tears.

BEAR: There is no New Year without gifts. Let's call the bag.

SANTA CLAUS: Hey, bag! Hurry up and come to kindergarten.

(everyone shouts together, music starts)
(the bag runs around the whole hall)

SANTA CLAUS: Hey, bag, wait, give us the gifts.

(Masha and Mishka run behind the tree for a bag, from there they pull out a real bag with gifts, distribution of gifts).

SANTA CLAUS: Well, kids, I wish you to believe in miracles, make wishes, and they can certainly come true. Behave well all year long so that we can meet you again next year. Happy New Year! Goodbye!

BEAR: And it’s time for us to say goodbye to return to our fairy tale.

(heroes leave the hall).

A holiday is always great, and therefore you can find one like this here

Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children

"Pochinkovsky Center for Additional Education of Children"

New Year's performance script

MBOU DOD "Pochinkovsky CDO"

Pykhonina Olga Mikhailovna

Pochinki, 2012

New Year's holiday scenario

"Masha and the Bear at the New Year's Eve"



1. Masha

2. Bear

3. Baba Yaga

4. Wolf

5. Santa Claus

6. Snow Maiden

7. Dinosaur Drakosha

Props: Model of an egg for Drakosha, medical instruments for Masha, a broom for Baba Yaga, a bag with a bucket and a carrot and a stick for the Wolf, a small Christmas tree.

The melody from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" plays. The Bear comes in.

Bear : Hello my dears,

Small and big!

I am a Bear, cheerful, beautiful, funny.

I know that you all know me.

I didn't just come here

I came here for a reason -

Happy New Year to you

I really want to, friends!

I hurried to you, ran to you...

Wow, I'm frozen! Wow, I'm tired!

All the paths are covered with snow,

It snowed a lot.

What are these things?

Winter has come to visit us!

Guys, guests will come to us soon, and there is so much snow in the yard, let's clear the path for them!

Game “Clear the path”_________________

We take a shovel in our hands and shovel the snow (the movements are depicted to the music)

Now let's trample it down! (trampled down)

We've trampled it down, now let's blow away the snowflakes! (blown away)

Well done guys, now not a single guest will get lost!

A rumble and knock is heard.

Bear : Hide, everyone, there's a hurricane coming! Sit down, bend down, hide!!!(the bear is running looking for a place where to hide)

Where can I go?! (hiding under the tree)

Music is playing. Masha comes running. Runs around the Christmas tree.

Masha : Here you go! There's no one! Where did everyone go?! Hey, where are you all?! Bear, where are you?! Aw!(runs around looking)

(looks at the Christmas tree)

Oh, what a Christmas tree, what toys on it! Mishka probably did his best for me!

(looks at the children)- Oh, who is this? ( raises one child, the second...)

Oh, kids, there are so many of you, so I found you all! Hooray! Now I have someone to play with!

Masha : -Why are you all gathered around my Christmas tree? A?

Children : Celebrate the New Year!

Masha : Exactly, because New Year is coming! But Mishka doesn’t even know!.. I have to tell him, but I can’t find him! Bear, where are you? Guys, have you seen him by any chance?

(children give hints)

Masha: ( finds a bear under the tree) Yeah, gotcha! So I found you! Knock-knock, Mishka, I found you! You can't hide from me! Get out!

The bear does not answer, he is sleeping.

Masha: Misha, are you sleeping or something?!

The bear wakes up.

Bear : Oh, Masha, hello! And I sat down under the Christmas tree, waited and waited for you and fell asleep! After all, we are bears and we love to sleep in winter! Mashenka, have you been visiting us for a long time?

Masha: ( runs around the Christmas tree) Well, until I get tired of you! Bear, do you know that the New Year is coming soon, which means Santa Claus will come with gifts and the Snow Maiden! Look how beautiful the tree is, and around the tree you should sing, dance, and have fun! Let's sing a song! And the guys will sing too!

Dance or song_______________________

Masha : Misha, the balls on the Christmas tree are so beautiful, beautiful, give me that one!

Bear : I won’t give it to you, you can’t, the tree won’t be beautiful!

Masha : Give me the ball, give it, give it to me! (roars, stomps his feet, spies on the bear with one eye)

Bear : Don't cry Mash, you'd better have some candy!

Masha: Hurray! (happy, eats candy) Tasty, but not enough! Come on again!

Bear : Masha, I don’t have any more, Santa Claus will come and bring you and all the children gifts.

Masha : Oh, but Santa Claus doesn’t know that he needs to come to us with gifts, and he probably doesn’t know the way, he might get lost! I'll go meet him! And stay here with the guys for now! I'll be there soon!

Masha runs away

Bear : Guys, while Masha is greeting Santa Claus, we will play with you!


Music, noise, Baba Yaga flies in

Bear : Guys, who came to us?

Children: Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:

You, “timid” guys, don’t “make noise”,

and first “ask” me

“say hello” to the “children”,

“Their” parents!

(Clears throat and begins to say hello)

And “mums” and “dads”

Sends greetings “Yagusya”!

Bear : Come in, grandma, please join us for the holiday!

Baba Yaga: What kind of holiday are you having, grandpa?

Bear: What kind of grandfather am I?

Baba Yaga: What kind of grandmother am I?

Baba Yaga: Well, now do you understand what I should be called?


Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga: No, that's not right. That's what you should call me. Grandmother - Yagusenka. Vredinapicky. Greedy - beef. Yabeda - koryabeda!

How come I, such a beauty, wasn’t invited to the Christmas tree! Ay, ay-yay, that’s not good, I’ll ruin your holiday for this!

Baba Yaga : The children stood up in a round dance,

And celebrate the New Year!

And kids, look,
They didn’t get smarter, they didn’t grow.
We didn’t study, we didn’t try,
We were just hanging out on the street!
What kind of bullies are these?
Do they say such lies?
Our kids are smart
You'll be convinced now.
Baba Yaga:
I already know everything about them
And another big question,
Will he come to the holiday?
To these children, Santa Claus?
I think it's unlikely
He is in no hurry to come to you.
So put on your fur coats,
And run home!
What kind of things are these?!
It's time to drive you away!
Where have you seen it from a Christmas tree?
Did the kids run away?

Baba Yaga:

But listen for yourself.
How did mom wake you up this morning?
I approached them eight times!
Bear: What kind of nonsense is this?
Is this true, children?
Baba Yaga:
Baba Yaga:
There's a problem with my teeth!
Too lazy to clean them, as always!
Let us immediately ask for the answer:
Do you brush your teeth?
Baba Yaga:
Baba Yaga:
And it happens that you overslept,
And we were late for school.
And there is always an explanation -
Either fire or flood.
What a misfortune, what a disaster!
Is this true, children?

Baba Yaga:
Baba Yaga:
If granny is from the street
He will invite them to dinner
Then none of them wash their hands,
That's for sure! - it won’t work.
What is your name for lunch?
Do you wash your hands?
Baba Yaga:


Everything about you, Babusya-Yagusya, is clear to me. You've spun tales!

Our kids are smart
Don't be late for class
They love to help mothers
Yes, and they study for five.
Everyone is as clean as one,
They go to the store themselves.

Get away from our Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga : But, but, I was joking, I won’t do it again.

Bear: Well, okay, for the first time we will forgive you and the guys if you dance with us.


You can hear noise, roar, Masha's scream

Masha : Bear! Help me!

Bear : Oh, it’s Masha who’s screaming, something happened, I’ll go and have a look! (Runs away)

Masha and the Bear drag the Wolf into the hall and put him under the Christmas tree. The wolf clutches the bag to himself.

Baba Yaga: Wolf!

Bear: Masha, where did you get it? Look, it's a wolf! What if he ate you!

Masha: So this is not Santa Claus, or what? I thought that if he was carrying a bag, it meant Santa Claus!

Wolf: (wakes up ) Hello, children! Hello, Bear! Baba Yaga! ( looks at Masha ) Who is this? Oh, forget me, forget me! (Jumps up and wants to run away).

Masha : Poor thing, he probably hit his head hard on the rails and lost his conscious memory! Guys, we need to treat him urgently! Now I will treat you! (Runs behind the tree and brings a large syringe and syringe ). I'm so quick to help!

Wolf : No need! I remembered you, you are Masha!

Masha : All the more necessary to treat! Well, darling, let's get treatment!

What are we suffering from? Open your mouth! Soooo! Say "Ah-ah." Sponges, teeth! Tongue! Breathe, don't breathe, breathe. Everything is clear. Need...Oh! We're lying in bed!

The wolf “faints” at the sight of medical instruments

Masha: Bear, help!

Masha and the Bear perform artificial respiration on the Wolf.

Masha: And once, and twice. And one, and three. And two, and three. and once... It's all from nerves!

Masha pulls out a large syringe and turns to the Wolf.

Masha: Come on, come on, get treatment!The wolf runs away from her and hides behind a Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga : Oh, sack, I had the same one, you probably stole mine! Give it to me here!

Wolf: I won't! (pulls the bag from each other)

Masha : What are you doing? This is my wolf, my bag, everything is mine! I won't!

Pull the bag in three directions.

Bear: Tsits! (takes the bag) You, Gray, stole it from Santa Claus? Well, what's there? (takes out a bucket and a carrot from it).

Baba Yaga : (laughs) Where did you get this, Gray? Guys, do you know who these parts are from?

Children: From the snowman.

Wolf: (with annoyance ) Eh, I got confused in the dark, I thought it was Santa Claus, but it turned out to be the Snowman! I'll be hungry again! ( starts howling) Oooh!

Masha: Eat on carrots! (gives the Wolf a Carrot)

Baba Yaga: (laughs ) Yeah, your eyes will see better and you’ll be full!

Masha: That's it, stop eating, let's sing a song!


There is a knocking and crackling sound.

Bear : Do you hear? What is this? Guys, do you hear? Where do these sounds come from?

Baba Yaga : So it’s the Wolf’s stomach that’s rumbling from hunger!

Masha: Come on, Wolf, open your mouth! (looks into the Wolf's mouth, listens) No, this is not from the Wolf. ( runs around Christmas tree, runs out into the corridor and finds a large egg, rolls it to the Christmas tree).

Bear! Help! (The bear helps Masha roll the egg).

Bear! Look what an egg! What a white, round one!

Wolf: Food! Well, finally! ( licks his lips ) Can you imagine how many scrambled eggs it will make?! We're hiring for the whole year!

Baba Yaga : And I love chicken. Let's put it in a warm place, can you imagine how many cockerels will hatch from it? There will be something to treat guests for the New Year, otherwise the house will be a big mess. Or maybe a big, spacious hut on chicken legs will hatch from it!

Wolf : We won’t wait for your cockerels for a long time! Scrambled eggs faster!

Masha : Well, no! My egg, I found it! A little chick will hatch from it and it will need its mother. I will be his mother, I will feed him, dress him, put him to bed!

(A cracking sound is heard in the egg)

Bear : Don't quarrel! Guys, who do you think is in the egg?

Oh it's cracked!

(dinosaur emerges from egg)

Wolf : This is a rooster!!! This is a scallop!

Baba Yaga : Oh, yes, this is an animal of some unidentified breed! Looks like a crocodile! Are you not related to him?

Bear: Oh, who are you?

Masha: He's so cute, we should make friends! Maybe we can meet already?!

I am Masha, just call me Masha! And this is my friend – Mishka!

Wolf: And we, and we... are the owners of the forest!

Dragon : And I am the dragon Drakosha!

Bear : Well, now it’s clear, what’s next year like for us, guys?

Wolf: Wolf!

Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga!

Bear: That's right, guys, the Year of the Dragon!

Drakosha: Where did I end up?

Masha: And here we are celebrating the New Year!

Drakosha: How will you celebrate it?

Masha: We decorate the Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden bring gifts, everyone plays, dances, sings together!

Drakosha: Oh, how great! And I want to go with you! I even know the dance!

______________ Dance "Little Dragons"___________________________

(during the dance, Masha angers Baba Yaga and the Wolf, pushes them, tries to step on their feet)

Drakosha: Guys, how great you are at it, like real dragons!

Baba Yaga : All! My patience has run out! Let's go, Wolf, to lunch, let's eat this worthless girl!

(They grab Masha and run away)

Masha: Hooray! Dinner! Now I will eat, now I will be fed!

Dragon : Oh, they're going to eat Masha now!

Bear : Well, we’ll see who’s who! Don't worry, Drakosha, they'll be back soon!

Let's play for the guys!

Drakosha: Come on!

______________________ game “Christmas trees and stumps”____________________

Bear : You will now dance to the music, when I say “Christmas trees”, you stretch out to your full height and raise your arms up. And when I say “stumps,” you quickly squat down and hug your knees with your hands.

Masha flies in on a broom, the Wolf does not trail behind, howls.

Wolf : Oh, how tired I am, I can barely move my paws. Wow, the cunning Yaga, she left me to guard her, and she said she went into the forest to get firewood, she’s been walking for half a day!

Masha: Wow, how tired I am of raising them! But now they know my poems and songs, and I taught them good manners!

Wolf! Tell me the verse!

Wolf: I won’t, I don’t have the strength!

Masha : Well, then sing a song, I want songs for the New Year! We will help, really, guys!


Wolf: (complains to Bear)Oh, I’m completely exhausted, and my paws are aching and my tail is already shaking! Take her back, I'll bring you honey and raspberries!

Bear: (grins) Well, okay, we agreed! So be it!

Masha: Hooray! I want honey and raspberries!

Baba Yaga comes running, out of breath.

Baba Yaga: Well, I walked away for 5 minutes, but they were already gone!

Masha: Bear, when will Father Frost and Snow Maiden come with gifts?

Drakosha: Who is Father Frost and Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga : Well, Snegurochka looks like me, she’s just as beautiful, we’re sisters, twenty cousins. And Santa Claus... looks like him ( points to the Wolf ), well, like two drops!

Bear: Well, what kind of a deceiver are you, Baba Yaga, and aren’t you ashamed?

Baba Yaga: No, not a bit! I even know the song about the Christmas tree... I just forgot what it’s called. I have, what’s his name... chlorophos memory. Oh, I mean... dichlorvos. No, no, not dichlorvos, but the supply manager. Ugh, I'm completely confused.

Wolf: You have sclerosis, my dear.

Baba Yaga: That's what I say - sclerosis. Tepericha remembered the name of the song - “A chick was born in the forest.”

Masha: Yes, not a chick, but a Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga: That's it. Everyone get up in a round dance, let's sing a song

__________________ “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”_____________________

Masha : Now give us gifts if you are Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga: Well, we don’t have them, we were joking again!

Wolf: Let's call the real Santa Claus, we want gifts too!

Bear: Guys, let's all shout together:

Grandfather Frost has appeared,

We've been waiting for you! (repeat 2 times)

music sounds, Santa Claus appears.

Song “On the path through the villages”__________________

Father Frost:

I'm real Santa Claus

From a deaf, dense thicket,

Where there are spruce trees in the snowdrifts,

Where are the storms and blizzards,

Where the forests are dense

Yes, the snow is loose!

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

I wish you success, health and strength!

Guys, I was in a hurry to get here.

Even on the way I fell into a snowdrift,

But, it seems, he came to visit on time.

Masha: Hooray! Hooray! Santa Claus has come, the real one, with gifts, look, Drakosha! Hello, Grandfather Frost!

Bear: Guys, let's say "Hello, Grandfather Frost!"
Baba Yaga: And here comes Grandfather Frost! How many years, how many winters! We're tired of waiting!
Wolf: The kids here were worried, they thought you wouldn’t come. I immediately said: Santa Claus will come, he will come, how can he not come to such smart children?!
Father Frost: Who are you? How did you get here?
Baba Yaga: We are forest evil spirits!
Father Frost: Will you do dirty tricks?
Baba Yaga: We won't, we won't! We entertained the kids here, while you got there, we guarded the balls so that they wouldn’t be beaten.
Santa Claus: Well, well done!

Bear : Well, now I can rest, I’ll go to my den and sleep.

Masha : Bear, bye! Expect me to visit you soon!

Father Frost : Get up quickly for the round dance,

Let's start a song together!

Song “You came to visit us, Santa Claus”_____________

Father Frost:

This song is about me

Thank you, friends!

We will dance and frolic.

Who isn't afraid of frost?

Baba Yaga and the Wolf come to an agreement, whispering.

Baba Yaga : Santa Claus, and Santa Claus! Did you bring gifts?

Wolf: Huh?

Baba Yaga : Let’s play the same game with you, if we win, then you’ll give us a gift!

Father Frost: Well let's play!

Baba Yaga : So the game is like this: there’s a chair near the Christmas tree, you and I are running away from it in different directions, whoever returns to it first wins!

Music sounds, Baba Yaga and Santa Claus run in different directions from the chair, Baba Yaga takes the chair with her.

Masha: This is unfair! Baba Yaga is cheating!

Baba Yaga: Yabeda - koryabeda!

Wolf: I want to play too!

Father Frost: Well, let's play for the last time!

The wolf runs to the middle of the path and returns to the chair.

Wolf: Hurray! I won!

Masha : You haven't won anything! Also a crook!

Father Frost : Shame on you! Get out of our holiday and you won't receive any gifts! You are deceivers!

The wolf and Baba Yaga run away.

Baba Yaga : Well, we will arrange a holiday for you! Let's go Gray to do some magic!

Masha: Father Frost! When will the Snow Maiden come?

Drakosha: I really want to see her!

Father Frost : For some reason she’s delayed! Guys, let's call her!

Children: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

Masha: Not like that! We need to be louder! Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga comes

Baba Yaga : - What didn’t you expect? And it's me again! What were you shouting about? The Snow Maiden will not come! I dug a big hole on the road, and your Snow Maiden fell into it. So I'm canceling New Year's. You won't have a New Year, you'll live in the old one. And in general, I’ll eat you all now.

Father Frost : - Baba Yaga, I don’t allow you to eat anyone!

Shame on you! You came back to us for a holiday and want to ruin everything! If you don't know how to behave, I'll freeze you. ( Waving his staff)

Children, let's blow on Baba Yaga. ( Children blow ) Stronger, even stronger!

Baba Yaga ( begins to freeze, shakes from the cold): - Oh, I won’t do it again! Oh, how cold it is! I realized everything and will never eat children again, good or bad. I won't ruin the holidays!

Father Frost : - Well, shall we believe Baba Yaga? Shall we forgive her?

The guys and I forgive you, but don’t be mischievous anymore!

Baba Yaga : I won't do it again!

The ringing of a bell is heard

Father Frost : - This is the Snow Maiden has arrived!

Snow Maiden: Hello guys!

Do you recognize me?

I am the Snow Maiden.

I came to you

from a winter's fairy tale,

I'm all snow and silver

My friends blizzard and blizzard,

I love everyone, I’m kind to everyone!

I was delayed on the way, traveling a long way. The bunnies saw how Baba Yaga dug a huge hole on the road and warned me.

Masha: Hello, Snow Maiden!

Drakosha: Snow Maiden, how beautiful you are, like a snowflake!

Snow Maiden: Snowflakes are my friends. They also flew with me and now they will dance!

Come together, Snowflakes, and join in the round dance!

Come along, girlfriends, - the Snow Maiden is calling.

Masha : Hooray! I want to dance too!

Dance "Snowflakes"______________

Father Frost :

Well, I’ll sit down, sit down,

I'll look at the kids.

Snow Maiden : No, no, no! This is not the time to sit down.

Time to play with the guys!

Masha : Santa Claus, come play with us, play, play!

Father Frost:

Aren't you afraid of frost?

Beware, beware

Come on, show me your hands,

Yes, put it behind your back,

Who will I touch?

I'll freeze those as a joke.

_____________________ Game “I’ll Freeze”___________________________

Children stretch their hands forward.

Father Frost : Since they didn’t let me rest, I’ll freeze all the guys!

He runs in a circle and tries to grab the children’s hands. Children hide their hands behind their backs.

Father Frost: That's how many kids I froze!

Snow Maiden : Grandfather Frost, I feel sorry for the guys, defrost them!

Father Frost : Let them dance, then they’ll warm up!

Snow Maiden:

The music is loud

He orders us to enter the round dance!

Take your friends' hands,

Let's dance with them!



Father Frost! Wait, look at the Christmas tree.

The tree is sad, there are no lights.

When will we light the lights on the Christmas tree?

Father Frost:

We will fix this problem, we will make all the lights burn.

Let's say together: “One! Two! Three! Our Christmas tree, burn!”

Dragon : The Christmas tree glows, sparkles,

Let's have fun, children.

Santa Claus is calling you all

On the New Year's round dance!

Snow Maiden:
Guys, let's get into a round dance and sing

_____________________ the song “Burn the Christmas tree brighter!»___________________

The Wolf enters, carrying a small Christmas tree.
Baba Yaga: Wolf, what do you have, huh?
Wolf: So I was thinking, why doesn’t Santa Claus ever bring us gifts?
Baba Yaga: Because he forgets about us!
Wolf: But he never forgets about the children and always gives them a Christmas treeNew Year's gifts brings!
Baba Yaga: Why?

Wolf: But because they have a Christmas tree! But we don’t have our own Christmas tree!
So what? We need to put up our own Christmas tree!

Baba Yaga: Well, Gray, well, head!
Wolf: Santa Claus will see that the tree is standing, which means he needs gifts for it!
Baba Yaga: This is right!

The wolf puts up a Christmas tree not far from the big tree.

Let's put it here.
Father Frost:
What are you doing?!
Wolf: We're putting up our own tree. You drive us away, you don’t allow us to have fun under your tree, so we’ll put up our own and we’ll have fun too.
Snow Maiden : So you decided to take up the old ways again?
Baba Yaga: No. We won't do any more nasty things.
Father Frost:
Okay, let's believe it for the last time!

Wolf: And I will read a poem under the Christmas tree!
The wolf stands near a small Christmas tree and begins to read.

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
I brought a Christmas tree for the kids...
Wolf, how are you reading? Well, how do you read?!
Wolf: What? Why?
Masha: You are not reading under the Christmas tree, but above the Christmas tree! Where have you ever seen rhymes read over a Christmas tree?!

Wolf: How? Where?
Masha: But I don’t know where! Whatever you want, you have to read under the Christmas tree!
Wolf : Okay, I'll try(lays down under the tree).
Father Frost, Father Frost
Brought a Christmas tree for the kids!
Give the prize quickly
Until I'm frozen to the floor!
(Gets up from the floor).
How cold it is! Something needs to be lit!

Baba Yaga : That's right, it's high time! We need to light the Christmas tree! Theirs, there it has been burning for a long time!
Masha: Do you want to start a fire?
Father Frost:
Better put your little Christmas tree under ours, join us in a round dance, let's dance!


Father Frost:

We played, we danced
But we didn’t read poetry.
There is a generous reward for the best poem.

Snow Maiden: Sit down, Grandfather Frost, under the Christmas tree, and the kids will tell you poems.

Children read poems.

Snow Maiden : Let's all get up in a round dance

Father Frost : We had great fun!

I laughed heartily.

And now it's time to say goodbye.

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Dragon : Happy New Year!

And with all my heart I wish:

Good health to you

Both big and small!

Bear : Health, joy and happiness

We wish you a New Year,

So that no anxiety, no misfortune

There was no guard at the gate.

Wolf : Let them come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you,

Masha : Let him be the best

The most joyful for everyone

Baba Yaga: May it be for you, good people,

Not afraid of worries,

He will not just be New,

And happy New Year.


Song “The sleigh itself runs”________________