SLM technology is an integral component of the Factory of the Future. Selective laser melting (SLM) Slm technology

Additive plant SLM 280 2.0 with peripheral station PSV – the main new product of SLM Solutions in 2017

– What new does SLM Solutions offer to 3D printing users?

– In 2017, the company did great job. The innovations focused primarily on the design of additive manufacturing plants, but also included updates to software, custom solutions and process quality control systems.

The main achievement is the SLM 280 2.0 system in a new housing and with a new design of the control program interface. The machine is equipped with a “perpetual” filter - a fundamentally new mechanism for filtering particles - and an optimized system for monitoring laser power and the melt zone. This solution is implemented specifically for multi-laser systems.

The SLM 280 2.0 unit, filter and user interface will be available to order approximately in the third quarter of 2018.

: How selective laser melting occurs

– Please tell us about the software from SLM Solutions. What is it called?

– SLM Additive Designer. Yes, the new product is very interesting, it’s worth telling about it in more detail. This is SLM Solutions' own development for working with 3D files and preparing them for printing, which is an alternative to popular software and other solutions available on the market. The highlight of our product is that it is compatible not only with STL files, but also with CAD files (STEP, IGES), which can contain other information in addition to 3D graphics.

Options are already being explored to collaborate with CAD software vendors to integrate SLM Additive Designer into their interface to enable end-to-end part design. This process covers the stages from design to obtaining a product on a 3D printer using this software solution - let's call it a postprocessor (or pre-postprocessor) for preparing a part for printing.

– The company didn’t release its own software before?

– The so-called Build Processor, which was developed jointly with Materialize and was implemented in Magics, was not a separate software. And now SLM Solutions has a complete software product that can work with CAD and STL files and provides a full cycle from positioning the part on the platform, generating supports and ending with the creation of a file that is transferred to the 3D printer.

In general, the company has big plans for software development. New software products will be developed incorporating cloud server and big data technologies for a large production chain of 3D printers. That is, we are talking about solutions not for one machine, but for the Factory of the Future - a concept with which all leading manufacturers of additive manufacturing plants are now working.

– The solution for the Factory of the Future was the automated production system SLM 800, another high-profile innovation from last year.

– was presented at an exhibition in Frankfurt am Main. The company officially announced the sale of twenty cars to China. At the moment there is only one assembled installation. This is, let’s say, a working experimental exhibition specimen, in the design and functionality of which, quite possibly, something will change. In any case, this is a big claim, because the ability to provide an automated process at a building height of 800 mm indicates the high stability of the system.

– Have changes affected the peripheral equipment of 3D printers?

– Yes, the new PSV (Powder Sieving Vacuum) system is already available - a peripheral station that is designed to perform the following functions:

  1. continuous screening (returning powder back to the plant for continuous circulation during operation);
  2. storage of powder while the machine is operating in a tank with a capacity of 90 liters, which is not located in the installation, but in the PSV system.

The PSV station is also equipped (if we are talking about the SLM 280 installation) with a sleeve for working in the build chamber in an inert environment in order to remove excess powder while cleaning the part. The station provides high productivity for cleaning and processing material, is compact and universal: it can be connected to both the 280th and 500th machines. PSV operates based on pressure differences and evacuation of the system and movement of the powder using vacuum transport.

Like the previous PSH system, which served roughly the same needs, the PSV is most effective when we are working with one powder on one machine. When changing materials frequently, it is better to use the PSM manual screening station, which has been a stable peripheral equipment for almost ten years, simple and easy to use.

– What is a “perpetual” filter and how will it improve safety at work?

– With its help, filtration will occur on different principles. This is the so-called dry filtration: particles of material (titanium or aluminum alloy) are retained by inhibitor particles in the filter and are instantly deactivated. By removing the mixture of inhibitor and particles in a dry state, we reduce the risk of negative impacts in terms of the release of flammable gases, improve the cleanliness of the process, and increase fire and explosion safety. SLM installations have a closed cycle of working with powder.

The main question is not whether to buy an additive machine or not, but how to integrate it into the production chain.

– What are the immediate plans of SLM Solutions?

– At the international exhibition “Metalworking-2018”, which will be held in Moscow from May 14 to 18, the company will have a large stand. It is planned that service department specialists will arrive from Germany, and the option of delivering the SLM 280 machine is being considered. In the summer or fall, SLM Solutions will open a new large site, which will ensure the fulfillment of an increased number of orders for the production of machines. It will be located in Lübeck, in the same place where the company's headquarters and main production are located.

– How is the situation on the Russian market for your company?

– There is interest in SLM Solutions products, and a lot of it, but so far mainly at the level of requests, attempts to work out the economics of owning a machine, applications for test printing. Most likely, this is a general economic situation, because many of our European colleagues working in the production of metal 3D printers have similar problems in Russia.

The equipment is expensive, but few people in Russia have any idea how to own it, how to get economic benefit from it. It is quite difficult to justify the need for a purchase. Plus, we are very short of specialists with the amount of knowledge necessary to properly ensure both the process itself and the development of technological parameters.

A specialist working on an additive machine should ideally be both a designer and, to a greater extent, a technologist - someone who understands the physics of the processes taking place and the influence of certain parameters on the quality of the resulting part. And there are a lot of such parameters – at least 160.

Unfortunately, Russian specialists - from enterprise managers to ordinary engineers - generally do not understand the complexity of the additive process. Many people believe that a 3D printer is some kind of miracle machine: you load the powder, load the model, press a button and immediately get a high-quality part.

SLM Solutions team at the international exhibition Formnext 2017

– How to convince people that additive technologies bring significant benefits?

– We need educational work. Specialists need to get acquainted with a larger volume of literature, scientific research, monographs - not only fundamental, but also engineering, including English and German. industries and enterprises benefit from traveling to international conferences on additive manufacturing.

My main idea, which I am trying to convey to everyone, is that additive technologies (selective laser melting in particular) are not a panacea, not universal solution for the production of any parts. This is a separate new method that has been actively used on the market for just over ten years. But even on such an old technology as monographs are still written.

3D technologies are systems with a huge number of parameters, combining many disciplines - metallurgy, lasers, mechanics, programming, etc. This is a kind of “gray box” - they still need to be studied and studied. But if you don’t do this, you can fall very far behind.

– Nevertheless, in Russia there is some movement in terms of the development and implementation of 3D technologies.

– There are ideas, we see them at exhibitions. In my experience, people's level of understanding has increased greatly over the last four or five years. However, there is no supervision at the state level, there is no vector that would unite all this.

For example, in Europe and Asia there are associations of manufacturers (such as AMUG, GARPA) that regularly hold meetings of users from all over the world. SLM Solutions participates in such events together with its competitors. Or this example: our company, like many other manufacturers, cooperates with the Fraunhofer Institute, which develops laser technologies. About sixty scientists have signed up to work with SLM. This good example inter-industrial cooperation, which is so lacking in Russia due to internal economic issues.

In my opinion, our leaders need to travel more and take part in such projects in order to understand what questions are being asked and how to define clear tasks for production design. After all, the main question is not whether to buy the installation or not, but how to integrate it into the production chain, create an efficiently operating workshop with additive installations and, with their help, obtain the required product.

We continue to introduce you to various 3D printing technologies. Next in line is SLM.

SLM, or Selective laser melting is a unique additive method that involves creating various products using laser melting of metal powder according to specified CAD models. During the work, only high power lasers are used.

SLM machines help solve complex problems in industrial enterprises specializing in the production of machines in the aerospace, energy, mechanical engineering and instrument making sectors.

In addition, such installations are used in institutes, design bureaus, as well as in the process of research and experimental work.


The 3D printing process begins like this: a three-dimensional digital model is divided into layers so that a two-dimensional image can be created for each. The layer thickness varies from 20 to 100 microns.

The file, which contains all the parameters, is sent to special machine software, which analyzes the data using the technical capabilities of the device. As a result, the product construction starts.

The creation cycle of each layer consists of three stages:

  • applying a layer of powder to the work plate;
  • laser scanning of the layer cross-section;
  • lowering the slab to the depth of the well, which corresponds to the thickness of the layer.

The construction of any object takes place in the working chamber of an SLM printer. It is completely filled with an inert gas: argon or nitrogen. The choice of gas depends on the material from which the powder is made.

Upon completion of construction, the product is taken out of the machine with the working plate, separated mechanically and post-processing is carried out.

Advantages of Selective Laser Melting

This method is so universal that strengths there is more to it than might seem at first:

  • creation of complex objects geometric shapes with internal cavities and conformal cooling channels;
  • production of products without expensive equipment;
  • the resulting products are light;
  • saving on printing consumables;
  • the possibility of reusing the powder after the sifting stage.


The method of selective laser melting can be used in the production process of products to work as part of various components and assemblies, the construction of complex geometric structures and formative elements of molds for casting thermoplastics, individual prostheses and implants for dentistry, as well as the production of stamps.


Most often, powders from metals and alloys such as stainless steel, tool steel, alloys of cobalt, chromium and titanium, aluminum, gold, silver, and platinum are used as consumables.

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SLM technology - layer-by-layer laser melting of metal powders - is one of the methods of additive manufacturing of products, which has been actively gaining momentum in the last 10 years. Today it is already quite well known to production workers. This technology has a lot of advantages, but, nevertheless, when operating equipment based on it, it never ceases to amaze with new possibilities. The leader in the production of equipment for this technology is the German company SLM Solutions.

Recently, it has been represented in Ukraine by the Stan-Komplekt joint venture.

Selective laser melting (SLM) technology is a powerful manufacturing solution for businesses that require fast, high-quality production of products from a variety of metals.

SLM installations today are actively used in a variety of industries for the production of master models, mold inserts, prototype parts, finished products made of stainless and tool steel with the presence of cobalt, chromium and nickel, as well as aluminum, titanium, etc. .

The SLM Solutions company is the founder of SLM technology (patents since 1998) and one of the world leaders in the production of equipment based on it.

The company's headquarters and production facilities are located in Lübeck (Germany).

SLM technology

SLM technology is an advanced method of producing metal products through layer-by-layer laser melting of metal powder based on three-dimensional computer design data. Thus, the production time of the product is significantly reduced, since the need for many intermediate operations disappears. The process involves sequentially melting very thin layers of metal powder using modern fiber lasers, thus building up the part layer by layer. Using this technology, precise and homogeneous metal products are created. Using the widest range of quality powder metals and alloys, SLM technology offers unprecedented opportunities for the production of metal parts for industrial use with significant advantages: complexity of shape, minimal wall thickness, combination of materials of different densities, no post-processing, waste-free, cost-effective, etc. Software , supplied complete with installations, has an open architecture, which also expands the capabilities of this equipment.

Operating principle of SLM installations:

  • for preliminary data processing in the CAD system, cross sections of the 3D model are obtained with a minimum step;
  • the powder is fed from an automatic device onto a heated working platform, then distributed on the plane in a thin layer in two directions;
  • modern fiberglass lasers melt a segment of each layer in accordance with the cross-sectional configuration of the part in specified coordinates (2D file).

In this case, each subsequent layer is fused onto the previous one, which ensures the homogeneity of the structure of the product.

This procedure is repeated until the resulting product exactly matches the CAD model. Unmelted metal powder is removed into a special chamber and then used again.

Advantages of SLM installations

The SLM Solutions line of laser sintering equipment uses a number of unique, patent-protected components and technologies:

MULTILASER— simultaneous use of two or more (up to 4) lasers.

Allows for a 400% increase in productivity compared to machines equipped with a single laser;

UNIQUE DUAL BEAM TECHNOLOGY(Hull-Core). The use of two different lasers (400 and 1000 W) allows sintering to be performed even faster and with better quality. Where maximum precision is required, the installation uses a thinner laser beam, and to increase speed in simple areas, its power and diameter are increased;

POWDER DISTRIBUTION IN TWO DIRECTIONS AT ONCE. The innovative solution of SLM Solutions allows you to reduce the printing time of a product by half;

LARGE CAMERA SIZESlarge camera sizes. Laser sintering machines are designed to produce parts up to 500 × 280 × 365 mm in size (data as of July 2016). In one session you can grow one large product or several small ones;

HIGH SPEED AND PRECISION OF PRODUCTION: SLM Solutions equipment is capable of producing up to 105 cm 3 of finished metal products per hour. This is 1.5-2 times more than installations of this class from other manufacturers. At the same time, the minimum wall thickness is only 180 microns. Along with this, tracking systems for the construction process and quality control ensure a high degree of controllability of the entire production cycle;

WIDE CHOICE OF MATERIALS: stainless steel, tool steel, nickel-based alloys, aluminum, titanium. The most reliable, proven and versatile materials. Thanks to the open software architecture, you can use metal powder from any manufacturer, without additional reconfiguration costs;

SPECIAL SOFTWARE. SLM Solutions laser melting machines are supplied complete with special software - SLM AutoFabMC. It not only simplifies the 3D printing process, but also allows you to optimize production processes as much as possible, reduce construction time and save consumables. The software allows you to work with the most widely used data formats in the production environment.

Main consumers

Aerospace industry

Similar to SLS, they are sometimes even confused, but there are still fundamental differences. While in SLS the powder particles are sintered to each other, here the metal particles are brought to a molten state and welded together to form a rigid frame.

The method takes its roots from Fraunhofer Institute of Laser Technology, Germany(Fraunhofer-InstitutfürLasertechnik). In 1995, a research project was born there, led by Wilhelm Meiners and Kurt Wissenbach. These scientists later joined forces with Dietor Schwarz and Matthias Fokele from F&S Stereolithographietechnik GmbH, after which the method was officially patented. In the early 2000s, F&S began to cooperate with another German company, MCP HEK Gmbh. In the end, the scientists mentioned above headed the companies SLM Solutions Gmbh and Realizer Gmbh, which inherited all previous developments.

The construction of the model begins with the preparation of the stl file that is already known to us. The program calculates a 2D model of each layer in increments of typically 20 to 100 microns, adding support structures as necessary. The construction of each layer begins with the uniform distribution of metal powder over the entire area of ​​the substrate on which the model will “grow.” This work is done either by a roller or by a brush similar to a car windshield wiper. Each layer corresponds to a 2D diagram. The entire process takes place in a special sealed chamber filled with an inert gas, for example, argon, or nitrogen with ultra-low admixtures of oxygen. The focusing system directs a high-power laser at metal particles, melting and welding them together. Continuous welding takes place along the contours of the section, and the insides of the walls of the object can be welded in accordance with the filling pattern. By the way, the remaining powder left over from making a part can be reused to print the next model.

The materials used include stainless steel, tool steel, chromium and cobalt alloys, titanium, and aluminum. Other alloys can also be used - the main thing is that, when crushed to the state of particles, they have certain flowability characteristics.

3D modeling using the SLM method has become a part of our lives. It has significantly reduced the time required to manufacture a part compared to traditional methods. Some areas of aircraft manufacturing, oil production and medicine require such complex components that simply cannot be manufactured in any other way. This is especially true for objects with a large surface area and at the same time small volume. Imagine a radiator for some cooling system.

Selective laser melting is indispensable in the aerospace industry, where there is a struggle for every gram - the part must perform its functions and be durable, but at the same time have material only in those places where it cannot be done without it.

SLM (Selective Laser Melting) - selective laser melting - an innovative technology for manufacturing complex in shape and structure products from metal powders using mathematical CAD models. This process consists of sequential layer-by-layer melting of powder material using powerful laser radiation. SLM opens up the broadest opportunities for modern production, as it allows you to create metal products of high precision and density, optimize the design and reduce the weight of manufactured parts.

Selective laser melting is one of the metal 3D printing technologies that can successfully complement classical manufacturing processes. It makes it possible to manufacture objects whose physical and mechanical properties are superior to products of standard technologies. Using SLM technology, it is possible to create unique, complex-profile products without the use of machining and expensive equipment, in particular, due to the ability to control the properties of products.

SLM machines are designed to solve complex problems in energy, oil and gas, engineering industries, metalworking, medicine, etc. They are also used in research centers, design bureaus and educational institutions when conducting research and experimental work.

The term “laser sintering,” which is often used to describe SLM, is not entirely accurate, since the metal powder fed to the 3D printer under the laser beam is not sintered, but is completely melted and converted into a homogeneous raw material.

Examples of application of selective laser melting technology

Where is SLM technology used?

Selective laser melting is used in industry for the manufacture of:

  • components of various units and units;
  • structures of complex shape and structure, including multi-element and non-demountable;
  • stamps;
  • prototypes;
  • jewelry;
  • implants and prostheses in dentistry.

Data analysis and product design

First, the digital 3D model of the part is divided into layers so that each layer, which is 20-100 microns thick, is rendered in 2D. Specialized analyzes the data in the STL file (industry standard) and compares it with the specifications of the 3D printer. The next stage after processing the received information is construction, which consists of large quantity cycles for each layer of the created object.

Layer construction includes the following operations:

  • metal powder is applied to the build plate, which is fixed to the build platform;
  • the laser beam scans the cross-section of the product layer;
  • the platform is lowered into the construction well to a depth that matches the thickness of the layer.

The construction is carried out in the chamber of an SLM machine, which is filled with an inert gas (argon or nitrogen). The main volume of gas is spent on initial stage, when all air is removed from the construction chamber by blowing. Upon completion of the construction process, the part and the plate are removed from the powder 3D printer chamber, and then separated from the plate, the supports are removed, and the final processing of the product is performed.

Advantages of selective laser melting technology

SLM technology has serious prospects for increasing production efficiency in many industries because:

  • provides high accuracy and repeatability;
  • the mechanical characteristics of products printed with this type of 3D printer are comparable to;
  • solves complex technological problems associated with the manufacture of geometrically complex products;
  • shortens the cycle of research and development work, ensuring the construction of complex-profile parts without the use of equipment;
  • allows you to reduce weight by constructing objects with internal cavities;
  • saves material during production.

SLM Solutions: integrated system solutions for metal 3D printing

Products created on the SLM Solutions installation

SLM Solutions, headquartered in Lübeck, Germany, is a leading developer of metal additive manufacturing technologies. The main activity of the company is the development, assembly and sale of equipment and integrated system solutions in the field of selective laser melting. iQB Technologies is the official distributor of SLM Solutions in Russia.