Different people step on the same rake. How not to step on your favorite rake. Change the stages of the process, preferably the initial ones, catching the moment that here they are - “Favorite Rake”

There is nothing left to lose, so you can ask. Honest answers will open your eyes to many things and relationships in general. It's time to stop treading on the same rake and start a new relationship, without distortions and critical mistakes.

Exes are not just people who remain in the past, but those who gave us invaluable experience. With the right attitude towards him, you will be able to build stronger relationships, though not with this person, but with another, but these are trifles. Before you burn your bridges, ask your ex-partner to answer a few questions honestly. This will benefit both of you, so the game is worth the candle and time spent.

Did you love (loved) me?

A trivial, vanilla question can help you avoid toxic relationships in the future. If your ex-partner answers (we hope that he or she will not come to this, of course) that in the entire relationship nothing has stirred the fire of love in his heart, then things are bad. It’s sad, of course, to listen to such criticism, but you will understand how a person who loves only himself in a relationship can behave.

Why did you decide (decided) to break up?

Even if you were the initiator of the breakup, the ex-partner agreed, which means he was ready to take this important step. So ask why. This question will help you understand what was really hidden behind your serene behavior and to what point of no return your relationship has reached.

What did I do (did) wrong?

If you parted as friends, or at least peacefully, without victims, then ask your ex-lover what specifically in the relationship irritated him or her, maybe there was something wrong with you? Thanks to this feedback, you will be able to work on mistakes and build more happy relationship in future.

Do you think our love could be saved?

This question simply needs to be asked if you have been abandoned. There is a high probability that the cause of the collapse was precisely your intolerable behavior in certain situations. Knowing where the breakdown occurred makes it easier to prevent it in the future.

Did you cheat (cheat) on me?

Yes, unpleasant question, and still purely personal. Digging through dirty laundry is not a good idea, but sometimes it’s useful to turn it over. So, if the answer is yes (although it is difficult to call it positive), you will understand exactly when you ignored your friends, family, intuition and other signals. By the way, don’t forget to ask your “ex” what was the reason that he turned left after all.

Do you remember me?

There is no need to harbor empty hopes, even if a person remembers you after the end of the relationship, this does not mean anything. It’s not a fact that he loves you and wants to return you, maybe you’re just a wonderful person who deserves to never be forgotten.

Did you like my parents?

We all want to meet a person who will love not only our soul torn to shreds, but also our loved ones. Whatever it is, you don’t have to love them, but it is advisable to respect them. Mutual understanding in a family is built on understanding with all members of this family. So if your ex-passion openly admitted that she quietly hated your relatives all this time, don’t worry. It’s better to think about how you can fix this so that they don’t run away from you and your family at breakneck speed.

What does your new partner think of me?

The purpose of the question is to satisfy your curiosity. Let's not lie, we are all interested in other people's opinions, although we try to resist them. This question will help you understand whether your love story was cited as an example, and also understand in what way you were remembered. Just don't compare yourself, even if the answer is disappointing. You are different, unique and unlike anyone else.

Have you planned (planned) a wedding with me?

This question will help you find out whether people consider you to be a person created for Serious relationships whether they want to connect their life with you, build a family and have children. This is an important step and not everyone, even looking at their current partner, is ready to cross this line. So if the answer is yes, you are producing good impression, but if “no,” then consider your breakup happiness. Otherwise you would waste time on a person who is not ready to share with you best moments own life.

In any couple's love story, there are moments when the relationship begins to unravel ominously at the seams. People react differently to such a thing - some run away, others glue everything together with tape, others recklessly tear apart the broken ones. Former relationships should be perceived as an experience, and life lessons should be learned from this experience to the maximum. Don’t be sad if your boat of love has sunk like a stone, save yourself from a sinking ship, help each other find a lifeboat. We wish you good mood, good luck in loveand don't forget to press the buttons and

Agree, we often make the same mistakes in life, in other words, we step on the same rake. The amazing thing is that each person does this differently. Astrologers claim that a person makes all mistakes and mistakes as his Zodiac Sign dictates. Is it true? Let's test this hypothesis in a comic horoscope!


Aries will step on a rake, realize that he has made a mistake and, in a fit of rage, break it. However, in the process, he will get 10 more hits on the head with them.


Taurus is a stubborn person. According to the comic horoscope, this Zodiac Sign is simply a champion in raking. A true Taurus will step on a rake until it breaks. Although, when they break, Taurus can buy another one and start all over again.


Geminis simply need to try everything, only after that they will understand what they want and in which direction they need to move. Experience for Gemini comes not with age, but with the number of rakes in their life.


According to the comic horoscope according to the Zodiac Sign, Cancer cannot live without a rake. He will constantly step on them, but this is what will give him strength. Only after making a mistake will Cancer understand what he really needs from life.

a lion

Leo is optimistic that he will step on the same rake a couple of times more. The representative of this Sign doesn’t just step on a rake, he jumps on it cheerfully, while waving his hands to his friends and calling them to join.


Virgo steps on the rake carefully, trying to calculate the force of the blow and the degree of pain caused. Virgo believes that it is possible to step on the same rake if you predict and plan everything correctly.


Libra will long and stubbornly avoid meeting a rake. They will begin to doubt, think for a long time and calculate their moves, but when they make a decision, they will definitely step on the biggest and sharpest rake.


Scorpio steps on a rake and is not afraid of it. And all because the representative of this Zodiac Sign simply does not notice anything! And if he notices, he won’t even think about the fact that it happened.


Life doesn't teach Sagittarius at all. If Sagittarius steps on a rake and realizes that he has made a big mistake, this will not stop him from reaching his goal. After some time, he will decide to step on the same rake again.


A Capricorn who has stepped on a rake behaves very strangely: he analyzes, thinks and estimates for a long time. But in the end he will understand that it is not worth his thought and will forget his mistake, which will ultimately push him to make a mistake again.


According to the comic horoscope, Aquarius is very good at using gardening tools. He will step on the most attractive and original, in his opinion, rake and will be proud that no one else but him thought of doing this.


If Pisces steps on a rake even once, they will remember and regret it all their lives. Until a very old age, Pisces will keep already rusty, but still quite usable rakes in their closet and sigh heavily when looking at them.

We hope this humorous Zodiac Sign horoscope made you smile! We wish you good luck and don't forget to click and

13.03.2014 12:40

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This fairy tale story could have happened in a small village called Old Saltov. Or it might not have happened at all... Oh, what beautiful places there: a large forest, a clean river, mountains, and grief. Ask, “Why grief?” But because where there are people, there is grief. Sometimes they invent it for themselves, and when five or ten years have passed, they say that it was not grief at all. And it turns out there was no need to worry. But I want to worry.
It's time to start our fairy tale. Listen…
A shaggy, gray-haired sorcerer rode on an old cart filled with hay, past the village of Stary Saltov. He was carrying various magical things. There was nowhere to rush. The sun has worn out the sorcerer. He dozed off and didn’t even notice how the magic rake fell out of the cart right onto the grassy country road. The rakes lie there for a day, and the second day they lie there. And on the third day, grandma Praskovya (people call her Baba Pasha) was returning home to Stary Saltov from a neighboring farm and saw that there was a good rake lying around. The grandmother thought: “I’ll take them to my home, and then, lo and behold, the owner will be found.” That's how the magic rake ended up in grandma's yard.
Meanwhile in big city Granddaughter Bogdanchik was preparing to visit grandmother Pasha. He was such a smart boy, with kind brown eyes that seemed to look into people’s very souls. His mother tells him: “I’ll take you to your grandmother in Stary Saltov for the summer. Just be careful there: don’t go too far into the forest, don’t swim in the river for a long time, and watch your step - don’t step on the rake. Bogdanchik nods his head and reassures his mother: “I’m not little anymore.” And he thinks about fishing and is happy.
Grandma Pasha baked some pies and her granddaughter greeted her. Bogdanchik saw his grandmother - he ran to her joyfully and stepped on a magic rake and stepped right on the teeth. No, he didn’t hurt his leg, but the rake simply hit him painfully on the head with its handle. And by the most magical chance, Bogdanchik became unlucky. Yes, yes, yes - the unlucky ones - everywhere and always.
Just imagine this picture: Bogdan and his friend Kolya went into the forest. He throws mushrooms into the bag one after another and rejoices: “Here’s a mushroom, and here’s another, and this one…” And Bogdanchik either sees a hedgehog or a bunny. But he doesn’t come across mushrooms. The forest is beautiful, cool, moss lies on old trees. So Kolya asks him: “Why are you so joyful? After all, I didn’t find any mushrooms.”
Bogdanchik answers: “I don’t need mushrooms at all. Look - the fox ran. Her muzzle is sharp, and the tip of her tail has white fur. And it turns out to be such a little fox...” Bogdanchik didn’t upset his friend by saying that he also wanted to find a mushroom, but he couldn’t do it.
At that very moment, this is what happened to the magic rake: the outermost tine bent towards the neighboring tine, and that one towards the outermost one. And these two teeth began to look like a cross. This trouble canceled itself out. And the old sorcerer’s heart sank painfully. He turned on his magic monitor and saw a joyful Bogdanchik on it. And the sorcerer says: “Wow... The boy, it turns out, dealt with his trouble. Let’s see how he overcomes the second one.”
On the second day, early in the morning, Kolya runs in to pick up Bogdanchik and invites him to go fishing. The morning is so clean and bright... Bogdanchik kissed his grandmother, grabbed a fishing rod and ran to the river. And over the Donets River the air flows light, transparent... The friends are in a good mood. But then this is what happened: Kolya catches fish after fish, and Bogdanchik’s fish either ate a worm, then fell off the hook, and then stopped pecking altogether. So Kolya asks him: “Why are you so joyful? After all, I didn’t catch any fish.”
Bogdanchik answers: “I don’t need fish at all. Let it float. And I’ll go and swim. And he ran to the creek to swim. Bogdanchik splashes, laughs, enjoys life. The water in the Donets is pleasant, the sun is shining...
At this very moment, the next two even teeth on the rake leaned towards each other. This means that they canceled out Bogdanchik’s troubles. And the old sorcerer’s heart sank painfully. And he said: “Wow... The boy, it turns out, dealt with his second trouble. And the third one will be very difficult. He certainly won’t be able to cope with such a disaster.”
And on the third day Sonechka arrived in Stary Saltov. The girl is so bright, cheerful and very lively. She and Bogdanchik became friends last summer. Sonya met Kolya and Bogdanchik and said: “And today is my birthday. Turned eight years old. Will you come to dinner with me? Come... My grandmother will bake a cake - delicious, homemade. There will be pancakes with sour cream, and cold wild berry compote. I also learned to dance a funny dance. I’ll teach you too.” The friends were delighted and agreed. And Sonechka ran to help her grandmother.
The boys prepared gifts. Kolya bought a big doll. And Bogdan himself drew a picture for Sonechka from the heart. And in that picture the sea is calm and there is a ship. But on the ship the guns are different and the locators are powerful.
I really liked the doll Sonechka. She kisses her, hugs her like her own; as if she had never had dolls. And he says to Bogdanchik: “Who depicts the sea like that? Wrong. And your boat turned out funny. Somewhat frivolous."
Bogdanchik answers: “I don’t need a serious boat. Am I going to fight or something?” And he painted cheerful eyes and a wide smile on the stern of the ship. May the boat be good.
Sonya says: “It’s still not like that! There’s something I don’t quite like.”
Kolya also repeats after Sonya: “And I don’t like it...”
And Bogdanchik didn’t even seem offended at all. I drank half a glass of compote and shook Kolya’s hand. He said: “Goodbye” to Sonya’s grandmother. And he smiled affectionately at Sonechka herself. And he went to play football with other guys.
At this very moment, the third pair of even teeth on the magic rake bent towards each other. This means that Bogdanchik coped with the third trouble. And the old sorcerer’s heart sank painfully. And the sorcerer said: “Now hold on Bogdan! You made me angry! I’ll arrange this for you now... After all, there are still two untouched teeth left on the rake. And they are my strongest. And no matter what kind of trouble you deal with, my friend, they will never bend!”
And at this very time Baba Pasha went to the barn to do some business. I saw a rake and thought: “The owner of this rake has never been found. And who bent the teeth on them so hard? And why do these two teeth stick out? Someone else will get hurt. I don’t like all this.” Grandma Pasha took a hammer from the barn and bent the remaining teeth at an angle towards each other. She just wanted it that way.
And the sorcerer screamed in severe pain and grabbed his heart. And then he says: “So my rake has lost its magical power forever. I’ll go lie down in the pine forest, I’m really sick.”
And after a while, when Grandma Praskovya was weeding the garden bed, the boys ran past her. One boy stopped and said: “And your Bogdan has already scored four goals!” Plays great! " The grandmother remained silent in response. She just smiled after the running kids and thought: “How cute they are all.”

We all parade around this gardening tool, but each sign with a rake has its own relationship...


Aries steps on a rake every time unexpectedly for itself. Well, the lawn was clean, for sure! And suddenly - grunt! This outrages Aries so much that he gives the rake three kicks, then picks it up, carefully examines it and furiously destroys it to avoid repeated contact. In this process, three more rakes are stepped on. With the same consequences.


Taurus steps on the rake carefully, having previously studied the trajectory of the handle and stocked up on bandages. Having received a hit on the forehead, he states with satisfaction: everything is exactly as he expected. He repeats the experiment one hundred and three times, records the stability of the result and notes with satisfaction that the rake did break. Looking for the next ones.


The twins don't walk on a rake. They dance along them, and so gracefully and professionally that at first those around them have a desire to close their eyes, because now... but no, with elegant movements the Twins move from one rake to another, managing to remain unharmed. Talent.

Cancer goes to the rake with his visor open and in full confidence that he will give them a powerful rebuff. Having raked his forehead, Cancer accepts the battle and hits the rake back until all that remains is pathetic dust. Having defeated one rake, Cancer is inspired and begins to quite actively look for the next one to strengthen the skill of defeating the rake. Sometimes the rake gets scared and hides. But rarely.

The lion jumps merrily on a rake, inviting everyone to join in the exciting fun. If Leo sees friends and acquaintances getting hit on the forehead, he is sincerely surprised at what prevented them from jumping higher with cat-like grace? A rake that accidentally hits Leo usually lands on Aries or Taurus. Someone has to break them, eventually.


Virgo approaches the rake from the side and examines it carefully. He touches it with his foot, sits down next to the notebook and begins to calculate the flight path of the pen. Then he throws some Aquarius on the rake, whatever happens to him, and checks the calculations. Having made sure that everything is correct, he leaves with a light heart to tell everyone how stupid this rake of yours is. And what idiots are all those who step on them.


Libras study the manuscript “how to avoid encountering a rake” for a long time and thoughtfully, buy night vision devices, binoculars and a rifle with an optical sight. Stepping slowly across the lawn, Libra carefully inspects the route centimeter by centimeter, and two steps from the finish line they step on the heaviest rake, which was lying in plain sight and looked absolutely not like a rake. More like a hoe. Or a pitchfork. In general, there was no mention of this in the manuscript.


Scorpio steps on the rake consciously. He is convinced that until you step on a rake, you will not have any life experience, and you need to learn from your mistakes. Hryas. Hryas. Hryas. Cone. Cone. Cone. Ok, we need to get a helmet, hard hat, painkillers and some wine, to note. The thought of bypassing Scorpi’s rake will never come, but traumatization will be minimal due to quality preparation.


Sagittarius steps on a rake doomedly, because everyone steps on a rake. This means that this is how the world works. Having passed through a forest of pens flying at your head, pricking your legs with teeth, Sagittarius will sit down in a cozy bar and begin the Tale of Walking on a Rake. Summary: Sagittarius walked and came out, albeit without one eye, but you still have to go and go.


Having received a rake between the eyes, Capricorn becomes numb. What was it? No, he heard about the rake, and that some individuals... But like this, without declaring war? Can't be. Therefore, Capricorn will quietly crawl aside, come up with a plausible explanation for the fact that he has a lump and a hematoma on his forehead, but will never admit that it was THEM.


Aquarius will see the rake from afar and will quickly come to the conclusion that it is impossible to do without stepping on the rake. He will choose the most elegant way to do this, consider different rake formations and step on them so masterfully that Virgo will tenderly rub his little hands: this is who he needs to train on.


The fish stepped on the rake a long time ago. Don't ask. A long time ago. Yes, everything has already healed, but the mental trauma! Therefore, Pisces will not go anywhere. There's a rake. Everywhere. No, don’t persuade, go yourself and bring everything you need. Zahar, Zahaaaaar!

To make the same mistake again, not to draw conclusions from previous mistakes, not to take advantage of the sad experience of others.

  • ⚜ Only the dead make no mistakes
  • ⚜ Mistake teaches people wisdom
  • ⚜ Stepped on the teeth - rake in the forehead

This is usually what they say to a person who has made the same mistake more than once. Similar English proverbs:

  • ⚜ Only a fool steps on the same rake twice
  • ⚜ Stupid is the fish that catches the same bait twice

The expression is used figuratively, not literally. Like a person who puts a rake in the corner, he keeps tripping over it, grumbling, but there is nowhere to put it and he trips over it again and again.

So in life you can find out identical situations when a person, having made a mistake or mistake, has not learned anything, but still acts the same way. Then this situation repeats itself again and again.

How many times can you step on the same rake? An infinite number of times, if this rake lies on a Mobius strip. Remember this one from school?

Mokienko Valery Mikhailovich, “Why do we say this?”


To make the same mistake again, not to draw conclusions from previous mistakes, not to take advantage of the sad experience of others.

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