Poems about elderly people for children. Material on the topic: Poems for the Day of Older Persons. Beautiful poems for the day of the elderly, sincere

We offer you touching quatrains for the day of the elderly. Our quatrains for the day of an elderly person can be used in a holiday scenario or told to your grandparents.

It's hard to find words
To congratulate you today.
And I just want to say
Thank you for taking care of us!

Please accept my congratulations,
Happy Elderly Person's Day, I congratulate you.
For a long, long time you still live,
And this brings us joy!

The best reward for us
That's a smile on your face!
Live like this and smile more often,
And then we will all be happy!

Although your life is not chocolate,
But you lived it sweetly, sweetly!
So live for many more years,
Without sorrow and without troubles!

Grandparents, my beloved!
You were able to raise several generations.
You gave life, you taught life,
And we had a wonderful life experience!

A joyful day this morning.
Congratulations to all pensioners!
You deserve this holiday
After all, they gave us life!

Every day on October 1st,
I wake up early in the morning.
And I hasten to congratulate all pensioners,
I thank them from the bottom of my heart for everything!

If these words are not enough, then take a look. They are voluminous and will help you express everything you want to say.

I appeal to all elderly people.
These sympathetic and kind people are nice.
Today is your holiday, and I congratulate you.
I wish everyone to live as long as possible!

A million red roses are of no use to you.
You already know your destiny.
Nothing can surprise you anymore,
And we must not forget about you!

I am very happy to be alive at this time.
And I can say these words.
Happy Elderly Person's Day, I congratulate you.
All good words today just for you!

We invite you to look

The most beautiful poems for children for the Day of the Elderly

Don't forget to congratulate your grandparents on their holiday and pay attention to them not only on holidays, but every day! We offer you kind congratulatory poems on Older People's Day.

For Older People's Day

Victor Pavlov

The years, like birds, flew over you,
You have known the happiness of life through your work.

Childhood years, the beginning of the journey,
A happier time is hard to find.

Youth opened the paths of the universe,
A time of wonderful learning in life.

Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many were hardened by the war.

Survived battles, had children,
They sang new songs with delight.

Believed in a miracle for all time,
Love gave happiness then.

The children grew up, and so did you.
The best people of a great country.

They built cities, raised wheat,
Space has opened borders for you.

In general, it was not in vain that we visited this world,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.

Your children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of great Russia!

Today is a holiday for all times,
Your native country congratulates you!

Despite the years
Aslan Kochkarov

Gray hair at the temples and a wrinkled face,
Despite the years, it’s wonderful for everyone!
Your kind, dear eyes
They will never go out, just like the soul.
How many adversities in life have you carried on your shoulders,
How many tears and suffering, silver at the temples,
Only like a scar from the past will leave traces
Memories that you value.
We owe you both freedom and life,
In difficult years you defended the Fatherland,
Having experienced all the hardships and grief of war,
How many years have you worked for the benefit of the people?
They achieved greatness with blood and sweat.
It was you who taught us to live righteously,
Remember your roots, honor traditions,
It was you who raised us to be who we are.
You taught to value conscience and honor in people,
Be able to replace it with perseverance, stubbornness
Don’t dissemble, don’t lie, say everything straight,
It was you who taught us all to live beautifully
And now we thank you for this!
In gratitude, please accept our deepest bow.
We know this is our duty, it will be fulfilled
May God grant you not to see grief in this life,
Well, we won’t let anyone hurt you,
Let evil or fear be unknown to you
May the sparkle shine in your eyes forever.

When I become a grandmother...
Irina Rybakova(Serova)

Someday I will become a grandmother,
A gray-haired and gnarled old woman
In a greasy old apron,
With a pillow tied to his butt.
And, crawling uncertainly,
Helping yourself with a stick...
No, no, I'm not at all sure
That I'll be such an old lady.
With a cigarette clenched in his teeth,
With a shiny earring in your ear
I'll be an old coquette
The envy of other old ladies.
I will be my granddaughter's friend,
And for my grandson as a dance partner.
I'll watch a movie
And write romances.
I'll tell my grandchildren
They don't yet know
That life is a funny thing,
That life is so interesting.
I'll teach them to laugh
In a voice, and not furtively,
I'll teach them to hold on
A stranglehold on this life.
And somehow in a snowy winter,
Sipping your tea,
I'll close my eyes tiredly,
I’ll say: “I lived well!”

Happy Day of Ageless People!
Natalia Kornienko
“Elderly” is like a polite “dead.”
Weak hand, dull gaze,
Thoughts are directed to the past, backwards.
How do you know when a person is getting old?
At seventeen, forty or a hundred?
Perhaps his life will be long,
And life is illuminated by a dream.
The years are not written in the passport!
And how to live without plans and plans?
Those whose souls are still young,
Happy Day of Ageless People!

Autumn of life is a golden time.
Seryabin V.G.

Autumn of life is a golden time.
You can stand up and look back
Without hiding anything from yourself
Look to your past.

Today we are already on the threshold
Between the past and what comes next...
But we won’t touch what’s sad
Let's sum up the affairs of life.

Has everything been done as dreamed?
And I haven’t had time to do anything yet...
Go away the blues and fatigue,
I haven’t sung my songs yet.

These songs contain the entire chronicle at once -
From pioneer bonfires in the night
Before the discoveries of Yamal gas,
From birth to a sad candle.

We will also sing about how Gagarin
He sent us a smile from orbit,
As we walked towards the unknown distance,
How Yamal became our homeland.

But you cannot embrace the immensity,
We can't live ten lives either.
Time doesn't count backwards.
We need to treasure what we have passed through.

Happy Elderly Person's Day!
Elena Kravchenko

October has begun counting down its days,
Today is summer in our souls!
Who leads the young people forward?
Happy Elderly Person's Day!

Your experience is a compass in your hands,
And knowledge is a covenant of joy.
Love is a beacon in the midst of sorrows.
Happy Elderly Person's Day!

You saved your home.
The wisdom of the age is hidden in the hearts.
Health, joy, all the best!
Happy Elderly Person's Day!

Congratulations and words of gratitude on the Day of the Elderly on behalf of the children
Older Person's Day

An elderly man is

one who lives a very long time

Full of feeling

civic duty

Who knows how to love, who

knows how to dream,

Who are other people's mistakes

knows how to forgive!

Let him be old in age,

Elderly man

But with soul and heart

forever Young,

Life knows how to appreciate and

lives for others!

We came to congratulate

all elderly people!

I wish that my family

treated with love!

Wish you good luck,

long life and health!

So that your soul is

warmed with happiness!

Know that we still need you

many summers!

Andrey Usachev
Hey grandparents!
Hey grandparents
Why tremble from old age?!
Let's go run
Let's jump for joy.
When will you remove the bots?
And start jumping
You will throw off with them,
Twenty-five years old.
Let's jump
Let's jump, let's jump!
And tired hands
Let's move, let's move!
And my feet are cold
Let's drown, let's drown!
And cold ears
Let's clap, clap!
Grandma dives into a snowdrift
All crooked, with a stick -
Grandma gallops back
Like a granddaughter, with a jump rope.
Grandfather dives after her
With a gray beard -
Grandfather is galloping back,
Like a young goat...
Let's jump
Let's jump, let's jump!
And tired hands
Let's move, let's move!
And my feet are cold
Let's drown, let's drown!
And cold ears
Let's clap, clap!
Whenever grandmothers would jump,
When grandfathers would gallop,
They would become young men
They would become girls.
The earth flies in motion
Five billion years...
And in that rejuvenation
Mysterious secret!
Come on, Earth, let's jump...

L. Tatyanicheva
Take care of old people
For spring cheerful branches
Roots are more than relatives...
Take care of old people
From insults, cold, fire.
Behind them is the roar of attacks,
Years of hard work and battles...
But old age has a fragile step
And the breathing rhythm is uneven.
But old age does not have the same strength.
The supply of unlived days is small...
Take care of old people
Without which you wouldn't exist!
I. Yavorovskaya
Congratulations to the elders
Congratulations to the elders,
Our wise old men.
May they live many more
Have a wonderful year!
I. Yavorovskaya
We praise our veterans
We praise our veterans
Worthy of honor and love!
Let the wounds ache less,
The nightingales sing longer,
Let their years flow brightly,
And they live well...
Andrey Dementyev
Not everyone can be old
Being old is not an easy thing,
Not everyone knows how to be an old man.
Living to old age is not the whole science,
It is much more difficult to maintain dignity.
Don’t give up, don’t succumb to illness,
Don’t bother others with illnesses,
Be able to stop in conversation
Less instructing and teaching.
Don't demand too much attention
Do not accumulate grievances or complaints against loved ones,
The old man cannot reach the point of grumbling,

And don’t push with your authority,
And don’t bother too much with experience,
Young people have their own priorities -
And this must be clearly understood.
Even if not everything is to your liking,
But don't try to change it
And do not succumb to the false -
To teach others wisdom and intelligence.
So that foam does not come out during an argument,
Don't complain and whine less,
Suppressing tediousness a priori,
It's not easy to be old!
And there is no need to count wrinkles,
Trying to deceive for a while,
Life has its reasons for everything,
And old age is an inevitable path.
And if loneliness happens -
Be able to survive it with dignity.
Being old is hard to learn,
Not everyone knows how to be an old man.

Ya. P. Polonsky
Old man
The old man, he walked groaning, with difficulty overcoming
The stairs are steep,
And the miracle girl, running up after him,
It seemed like spring was blowing.
There was a light noise of footsteps and a wind of folds,
AND long curl twist...
Oh, how disgusting he seemed to himself then,
Heavy, unnecessary and grumpy.
Sighing, the old man drooped, dejected for years;
She suddenly disappeared behind the open door,
Like a ghost who dares to love,
Like a ghost of beauty, condemned by fate
To be mercilessly loved.
Wait, beauty! Life will teach you too
Grunt and whine so that someone
Could outrun you when you're exhausted
A steep climb is the way of life!
N. Vedenyapina
Older Person's Day
An elderly person is
One who lives a very long time
Full of feeling
Civic duty
Who knows how to love, who
Can dream
Who are other people's mistakes
Knows how to forgive!
Let him be old in age,
Elderly man
But with soul and heart
Forever Young,
Life knows how to appreciate and
Lives for others!
We came to congratulate
All elderly people!
I wish that my family
Treated with love!
Wish you good luck,
Long life and health!
So that your soul is
Warmed up with happiness!
Know that we still need you
Many summers!
O. Bundur
About grandparents
Again the same thoughts
And how are they not tired there?
They stuck in my head:
Someday I'll be old...
How is it? Unpleasant?
I'm scared and confused...
What about our grandparents?
Perhaps they are scared too?
But grandparents are kind,
And they walk around, always smiling,
And they walk - cheerful all the time,
Renovations are in full swing:
Both the windows and the floor are painted,
And a new door in the hallway...
So, being old is not scary!
So it’s possible to be old!
O. Bundur
Grandma and Grandpa have a photo on the wall,
They will look and remember their relatives,
They will remember and cry, or remain silent,
Or they will smile looking at their grandchildren.
Grandparents have been living alone for a long time,
On the window in a box there are letters from relatives,
They will sit down and read - so as not to crush them!
As if they were visiting relatives again.
It's not easy for grandparents to travel,
It used to be close, but now it’s far away.
They will go out onto the porch, sit next to each other,
Evening falls
It feels cold...

O. Bundur
Grandpa has arrived!
Grandfather has arrived -
And the world will turn upside down!
I'm bursting with laughter
And he won't smile.
In a rocket I'm rushing to Venus -
He meets me there
There are such animals around -
He seems to be bored.
We sit down at the table again -
Regular cutlets
But such a dinner
There is nothing more delicious in the world!
How quickly time melts away
The house is shrouded in dreams...
Everyone probably dreams
About such a grandfather!
O. Bundur
My grandfather is not old
And he looks cheerful
Yes, just, it hurts my joints,
Plus my back hurts.
But if he starts playing,
I can't keep up with him -
He will also forget about his joints,
And about your back.
And I told him: “You’re not too much.”
Don't be on the same level with me. –
- Yes, it’s not me, the boy,
Which sits inside me!
O. Bundur
Grandfather waves through the window,
Grandma has tears in her eyes:
- Stay a little longer,
Do not leave now…
They remained on the platform
And the sunny day faded...
So many people in the carriage
It's so empty in the carriage without them.
Lara Ivanovna
How it will come back to haunt...
Grandfather was placed in a nursing home:
Like, it’s cozy, clean and beautiful.
His wishes were not asked at all.
But the old man doesn’t like it, it’s sad.
“You won’t be lonely for long,”
This is how grandson Seryozha calms down, -
My sister and I will grow up a little more,
And mom and dad will live here too.
P. Sinyavsky
My grandmother is not an old lady
I am Masha, and so is my grandmother.
My grandmother and I are very similar.
We love cheesecakes and buns,
And songs while walking.
We are together at the sewing machine
We sew dresses for Polinka's doll.
And together we dress her up,
And together we adore her.
And if it’s our name day,
We are making raspberry compote.
And we kiss each other deeply
And we give each other a toy.
Grandma and I are very similar
I am Masha, and so is my grandmother.
She is not my old lady,
And the best girlfriend in the world.
Agniya Barto
Two grandmothers
Two grandmothers on a bench
We sat on a hill.
Grandmothers said:
– We only have A’s!
Congratulated each other
They shook hands with each other,
Although the exam was passed
Not grandmothers, but grandchildren!
N. Krasilnikov
Grandma's mittens
A cold blizzard is knocking on the windows,
Grandmother knits mittens for her grandson.
Warm, kind hands by Grandma,
Good, warm mittens will also come out.
The grandson will run out into the street in the morning
And feel the warmth of her hands.
A. Starikov
Grandma got sick
Why at grandma's
Has your heart hurt?
Maybe I shouldn't
Spinning around the table?
Maybe he's worried
Grandma when I
In the yard with the boys
Do I play late?
It may be difficult for grandma
Started washing the dishes?..
No, I'm making grandma angry
I will never!
Help her around the house
I'll be there after school.
Will be a grandma again
Cheerful and cheerful!
D. Burachevskaya
For cottage cheese or bread
Grandfather is walking slowly.
The bags in your hand swell,
They swing to the right, then to the left.
And he was once young,
She called him Volodenka,
Or maybe Vasenka, Sevushka
Some young girl.
And with joyful anxiety in my heart
He walked the same road
For the first date in my life
To the only one without delay.
Now patiently and carefully
He counts small coins
He's afraid he'll catch a bad cold.
And rarely goes outside
Broken by years and boredom,
Forgotten by friends and grandchildren.
I don't want to go back home
To illness and loneliness.
For cottage cheese or bread
Grandfather is walking slowly.
He will buy delicious cookies
Cheer up a sad mood.

T. Shiposhina
There was a portrait hanging on the wall.
In the portrait there is a brave grandfather
On horseback, in all its glory!
Everyone forgot about him...
They didn't even wipe off the dust.
It would be better if they removed it completely!
Many years have flown by.
Looked at the portrait -
There is no grandfather in the portrait!
No horse, no grandfather!
Grandfather rode far away...
The grandson looked for him for a long time...
L. Kvitko
Grandma's hands
Me with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time.
She's in everything
At the same time with me.
I don't know boredom with her,
I like everything about her.
But grandma's hands
I love everything more than anything.
Oh, how many are these hands?
They are doing wonderful things!
They patch, knit, mark,
Everyone is making something.
Toasted toast is so delicious,
They sprinkle poppy seeds so thickly,
They rub the steps so roughly,
They caress you so tenderly...
Evening will come - shadows
Weave on the wall
And fairy tales and dreams
They tell me.
By bedtime the night light will be lit -
And then they suddenly fall silent.
There are no smarter people in the world
And there are no kinder hands.
S. Kaputikyan
My grandmother
Became a grandmother
Old, ill,
From walking she
Gets tired.
Brave pilot
I'll be there soon
I'll put her on the plane.
I won't shake her
I won't rock her.
She will rest
Grandmother will say:
- Oh yes, my grandson,
Oh yes my pilot,
Well done!
Mikhail Sadovsky
Grandma's robe
Oh, how it smells
Your robe!
Like a salad
And chocolate,
Smells like pike
And cabbage
Smells like dumplings
And cracklings,
And Sundays
White plump
And sesame seeds
And halva...
In this smell
Our whole house...
Mikhail Yasnov
Song about grandma
Dad is at work all day
And mom is at work all day...
And at school all day long, little sister,
But it doesn't matter:
After all, next to me is my grandmother,
My grandmother is with me everywhere,
My dear grandmother,
Grandma forever!
I. Yavorovskaya
Our grandmother
Who tells the tales?
Our grandmother.
Who gives us a lot of affection?
Our grandmother.
Who plants a garden?
Who bakes pancakes?
Who sings songs to us?
Our grandmother.
I'll thank her
To my good grandmother,
I'll thank her
To my good grandmother.
Who takes you to kindergarten?
Our grandmother.
Who is always very happy to see us?
Our grandmother.
Who gives us candy?
Cooks porridge and compote,
Who will always understand everything?
Our grandmother!
I'll thank her
To my good grandmother,
I'll thank her
To my good grandmother.
Elena Blaginina
Very much my grandmother,
I love my mother’s mother;
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead there is a gray strand.
I just want to touch it,
And then kiss.
Elena Blaginina

If the grandchildren are cheerful,
Grandmother - even more so:
- Look, they’re chirping like goldfinches,
How wonderful!
If the grandchildren want to eat,
Grandmother is a joy:
- Let them sit, let them eat,
They need to grow up!
If the grandchildren go out into the garden,
Grandmother is worried:
- Well, like rain or hail -
After all, your feet will get wet!
If the grandchildren go to bed,
Grandma is not breathing:
- Bayu-bayu-lyuli,
Hush, hush, hush!
Cleanliness, silence,
Warmth, drowsiness...
This is what she is like -
Grandma is caring!
Well, what are you like?
How are you and grandma?
Robert Rozhdestvensky
Poems about grandmother
My grandmother is with me,
And that means I’m the boss in the house,
I can open cabinets,
Water the flowers with kefir,
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands?
Slam the door on purpose!
But this won’t work with mom.
I've already checked.
N. Ivanova
Grandmother encyclopedia
Granny has a grandson and granddaughter -
WHY and WHY.
All day your questions
The snub-nosed people ask:
"WHY green leaf?
WHY does the artist sing?
WHY does a cat have a mustache?
WHY does a chair have legs?
WHY does fire burn?
WHY does the eagle soar?
WHY does grass grow?
WHY are the leaves making noise?
"Granny wears glasses all day
Checks in dictionaries
Finds out for the grandchildren
WHY do streams gurgle?
WHY is it frosty in winter,
WHY do roses have thorns?
WHY does the bear roar?
WHY does copper sparkle?
WHY does it rain?
WHY the prickly hedgehog...
What a granddaughter! What a grandson!
They managed to get grandma
Make a "Doctor of Science"
And in just two weeks!
L. Gromova
My grandfather
We are with you, grandfather, friends,
Where you go, there I go:
We go fishing together
I'm running, and you're waddling,
We collect raspberries:
You are from the bush, I am from the basket.
Painted the fence together -
Hands are still covered in paint!
Only you, no doubt
The best grandfather in the world!
S. Pogorelovsky
In grandpa's room
In this quiet room
In grandpa's room
About him, about grandfather,
Remember with a kind word.
Here he was sitting in a chair.
A cane and a book are nearby.
I'll stop by and have a look
A long, waiting look.
I was waiting for me to come,
Should I ask you something?
Or just together
Shall I sit in the dark?
But - cinema at five thirty,
What if I don’t have time!
- Tomorrow, grandfather, tomorrow
I'll come see you!
Let's talk tomorrow
We're talking about this...
But the days pass -
Talk to me where it is!
What is life like today?
You know yourself...
What do they give today
According to the second program?
Basketball - from Mexico,
The festival is from Poland...
Only grandfather
Don't see anymore...
M. Weiman
- Is this grandfather? Hello!
No, I'm busy, as luck would have it...
Tomorrow? I can't either...
When I have time, I’ll run...
There's plenty of time,
What is it for now?
The phone is silent... Trouble...
I would like to run in, yes - where?

Today is the most important day on the way
Alexander VoronovToday is the day, my word,
The most important thing on the way:
You are at the rank of senior
Passed an important standard.

We ran a meter breaststroke,
Pulled up from top to bottom.
You got credited for diving into mattresses
Without emerging from.

We present you with a black belt,
Fifth dan in “Happiness, Stop!”
Time to live without worrying
Is it only for the sixth!

Happy Day of Ageless People!
Natalia Kornienko

“Elderly” is like a polite “dead.”
Weak hand, dull gaze,
Thoughts are directed to the past, backwards.
How do you know when a person is getting old?
At seventeen, forty or a hundred?
Perhaps his life will be long,
And life is illuminated by a dream.
The years are not written in the passport!
And how to live without plans and plans?
Those whose souls are still young,
Happy Day of Ageless People!

There is wisdom and peace in your smile
Tatyana Belyaeva

A sign of admiration and my love!
There is wisdom and peace in your smile,
I always rush to you for advice.
Your experience helps me in life,
Always share your secret with me,

How to live life - both in honor and in prosperity,
To greet the sun and moon with delight...
Happy Older People's Day, my poems -
A sign of admiration and my love!

Autumn of life is a golden time.
Seryabin V.G.

Autumn of life is a golden time.
You can stand up and look back
Without hiding anything from yourself
Look to your past.

Today we are already on the threshold
Between the past and what comes next...
But we won’t touch what’s sad
Let's sum up the affairs of life.

Has everything been done as dreamed?
And I haven’t had time to do anything yet...
Go away the blues and fatigue,
I haven’t sung my songs yet.

These songs contain the entire chronicle at once -
From pioneer bonfires in the night
Before the discoveries of Yamal gas,
From birth to a sad candle.

We will also sing about how Gagarin
He sent us a smile from orbit,
As we walked towards the unknown distance,
How Yamal became our homeland.

But you cannot embrace the immensity,
We can't live ten lives either.
Time doesn't count backwards.
We need to treasure what we have passed through.

Happy Elderly Person's Day!
Elena Kravchenko

October has begun counting down its days,
Today is summer in our souls!
Who leads the young people forward?
Happy Elderly Person's Day!

Your experience is a compass in your hands,
And knowledge is a covenant of joy.
Love is a beacon in the midst of sorrows.
Happy Elderly Person's Day!

You saved your home.
The wisdom of the age is hidden in the hearts.
Health, joy, all the best!
Happy Elderly Person's Day!

For Older People's Day
Victor Pavlov

The years, like birds, flew over you,
You have known the happiness of life through your work.

Childhood years, the beginning of the journey,
A happier time is hard to find.

Youth opened the paths of the universe,
A time of wonderful learning in life.

Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many were hardened by the war.

Survived battles, had children,
They sang new songs with delight.

Believed in a miracle for all time,
Love gave happiness then.

The children grew up, and so did you.
The best people of a great country.

They built cities, raised wheat,
Space has opened borders for you.

In general, it was not in vain that we visited this world,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.

Your children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of great Russia!

Today is a holiday for all times,
Your native country congratulates you!

Despite the years
Aslan Kochkarov

Gray hair at the temples and a wrinkled face,
Despite the years, it’s wonderful for everyone!
Your kind, dear eyes
They will never go out, just like the soul.
How many adversities in life have you carried on your shoulders,
How many tears and suffering, silver at the temples,
Only like a scar from the past will leave traces
Memories that you value.
We owe you both freedom and life,
In difficult years you defended the Fatherland,
Having experienced all the hardships and grief of war,
How many years have you worked for the benefit of the people?
They achieved greatness with blood and sweat.
It was you who taught us to live righteously,
Remember your roots, honor traditions,
It was you who raised us to be who we are.
You taught to value conscience and honor in people,
Be able to replace it with perseverance, stubbornness
Don’t dissemble, don’t lie, say everything straight,
It was you who taught us all to live beautifully
And now we thank you for this!
In gratitude, please accept our deepest bow.
We know this is our duty, it will be fulfilled
May God grant you not to see grief in this life,
Well, we won’t let anyone hurt you,
Let evil or fear be unknown to you
May the sparkle shine in your eyes forever.

When I become a grandmother...
Irina Rybakova(Serova)

Someday I will become a grandmother,
A gray-haired and gnarled old woman
In a greasy old apron,
With a pillow tied to his butt.
And, crawling uncertainly,
Helping yourself with a stick...
No, no, I'm not at all sure
That I'll be such an old lady.
With a cigarette clenched in his teeth,
With a shiny earring in your ear
I'll be an old coquette
The envy of other old ladies.
I will be my granddaughter's friend,
And for my grandson as a dance partner.
I'll watch a movie
And write romances.
I'll tell my grandchildren
They don't yet know
That life is a funny thing,
That life is so interesting.
I'll teach them to laugh
In a voice, and not furtively,
I'll teach them to hold on
A stranglehold on this life.
And somehow in a snowy winter,
Sipping your tea,
I'll close my eyes tiredly,
I’ll say: “I lived well!”

Take care of old people

For spring cheerful branches
Roots are more than relatives...
Take care of old people
From insults, cold, fire.
Behind them is the roar of attacks,
Years of hard work and battles...
But old age has a fragile step
And the breathing rhythm is uneven.
But old age does not have the same strength.
The supply of unlived days is small...
Take care of old people
Without which you wouldn't exist!
(L. Tatyanicheva)

Congratulations to the elders

Congratulations to the elders,

Our wise old men.

May they live many more

Have a wonderful year!

(I. Yavorovskaya )

We praise our veterans

We praise our veterans

Worthy of honor and love!

Let the wounds ache less,

The nightingales sing longer,

Let their years flow brightly,

And they live well...

(I. Yavorovskaya )

Older Person's Day

An elderly person is
One who lives a very long time
Full of feeling
Civic duty
Who knows how to love, who
Can dream
Who are other people's mistakes
Knows how to forgive!
Let him be old in age,
Elderly man
But with soul and heart
Forever Young,
Life knows how to appreciate and
Lives for others!

We came to congratulate
All elderly people!
I wish that my family
Treated with love!
Wish you good luck,
Long life and health!
So that your soul is
Warmed up with happiness!
Know that we still need you
Many summers!

(N. Vedenyapina )

Wishes for the Day of the Elderly

Colored asters, marigolds in the heat
Autumn intertwines into a wreath.
Warmth of hearts, beauty of romances
We present it to you today.

Let your days glow like sunset,
Let the sky wink at you with its blue eye,
And let the look sparkle with youth,
And the autumn of life will be like a nightingale!

After all, there are many peaks behind us,
That sparkle like silver through the years.
We wish you wisdom of the depths,
Health, joy and happiness forever!

(Olgarithm )

Hey grandparents!

Hey grandparents
Why tremble from old age?!
Let's go run
Let's jump for joy.
When will you remove the bots?
And start jumping
You will throw off with them,
Twenty-five years old.

Let's jump
Let's jump, let's jump!
And tired hands
Let's move, let's move!
And my feet are cold
Let's drown, let's drown!
And cold ears
Let's clap, clap!

Grandma dives into a snowdrift
All crooked, with a stick -
Grandma gallops back
Like a granddaughter, with a jump rope.
Grandfather dives after her
With a gray beard -
Grandfather is galloping back,
Like a young goat...

Let's jump
Let's jump, let's jump!
And tired hands
Let's move, let's move!
And my feet are cold
Let's drown, let's drown!
And cold ears
Let's clap, clap!

Whenever grandmothers would jump,
When grandfathers would gallop,
They would become young men
They would become girls.
The earth flies in motion
Five billion years...
And in that rejuvenation
Mysterious secret!
Come on, Earth, jump eat…
(A. Usachev)

About grandparents

Again the same thoughts
And how are they not tired there?
They stuck in my head:
Someday I'll be old...

How is it? Unpleasant?
I'm scared and confused...
What about our grandparents?
Perhaps they are scared too?

But grandparents are kind,
And they walk around, always smiling,
And they walk - cheerful all the time,
Renovations are in full swing:

Both the windows and the floor are painted,
And a new door in the hallway...
So, being old is not scary!
So it’s possible to be old!

(O. Bundur )


Grandma and Grandpa have a photo on the wall,
They will look and remember their relatives,
They will remember and cry, or remain silent,
Or they will smile looking at their grandchildren.

Grandparents have been living alone for a long time,
On the window in a box there are letters from relatives,
They will sit down and read - so as not to crush them!
As if they were visiting relatives again.

It's not easy for grandparents to travel,
It used to be close, but now it’s far away.
They will go out onto the porch, sit next to each other,
Evening falls
It feels cold...
(O. Bundur )

How it will come back to haunt...

Grandfather was placed in a nursing home:
Like, it’s cozy, clean and beautiful.
His wishes were not asked at all.
But the old man doesn’t like it, it’s sad.

You won't be lonely for long, -
This is how grandson Seryozha calms down, -
My sister and I will grow up a little more,
And mom and dad will live here too.

(Lara Ivanovna)


I'll tell you a riddle.
And you guess it!
Who puts a patch on his heel,
Who mends and irons clothes?
Who cleans the house in the morning,
Making a big samovar?
Who plays with his little sister?
And takes her to the boulevard?
Whose hair is whiter than snow,
Are your hands wise and dry?
Whom I love and regret
Who did you write poems about?


Mom has work.
Dad has work.
They have it for me
Saturday remains.
And grandma is always at home.
She never scolds me.
He will sit you down and feed you:
“Don’t rush!
Well, what happened to you?
I say, and grandma
Doesn't interrupt.
Buckwheat grain by grain
Sits, interrupts...
We feel good like this, the two of us,
And a house without a grandmother is not a home.


Me with my grandmother
I've been friends for a long time.
She's in everything
At the same time with me.
I don't know boredom with her,
And I love everything about her.
But grandma's hands
I love everything more than anything.
Oh, how many are these hands?
They are doing wonderful things!
They patch, knit, mark,
Everyone is making something.
The foams are spread so thickly,
They sprinkle poppy seeds so thickly,
They rub the steps so roughly,
They caress you tenderly.
Agile - look,
Ready every day
They dance in the trough,
Snoop around the pantry.
Evening will come - shadows
Weave on the wall
And fairy tales and dreams
They tell me.
By bedtime the night light will be lit -
And then they suddenly fall silent.
There are no smarter people in the world
And there are no kinder hands.


He is respected at work
He's the boss, I'm not afraid to say,
But he comes home from work,
and I become the boss.
I climb onto his shoulders,
I'm trying on his glasses
And more about him every evening
I'm training my fists.
Grandfather walks with a light gait,
Everyone eats lunch faster
There is no mustache or beard on his face...
Well, what is my grandfather like?!
Helps me do my homework
Yes, he plays with the children in the yard
And accidentally, inadvertently
He wins in any game.
But when I make him sad,
If he is ashamed of me,
I notice with fear in my soul,
How grandfather's back slouches,
Like wrinkles intertwined in a network,
There is white chalk in the gray hair.
And I'm ready to give everything in the world,
So that my grandfather does not get sick!


Today is the holiday of the elderly,

The wisest and dearest.


Friends and neighbors.

Their hair is gray

They are not young for a long time.

They are not always cheerful

But they are all good at heart.

They have gentle hands.

For them joy, the sun are grandchildren,

Elderly people don't need much.

Warm smiles are a joy.

Words of support from your own people.

Not only on the holiday of the elderly.

The sadness will immediately melt in the eyes,

Let the wrinkles smooth out,

Meeting life's bad weather,

Worthy for old age!

Who's in the kitchen with the ladle?
Always standing by the stove,
Who darns our clothes
Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
The tastiest thing in the world
Always bakes pies
Even dads who are more important
And who is honored in the family?
Who will sing us a bedtime song?
So that we can fall asleep sweetly?
Who is the kindest and most wonderful?
Well, of course - grannies!


I love my grandma very much!
I help her.
I'll buy everything in the store,
I sweep the house...
I will weed the garden too,
I apply some water.
And when the moon rises,
I'll dream about a fairy tale.
This fairy tale by the window
Grandma will tell you.
I fall asleep and she
He knits socks for me.
So that in the frosty winter
Feet are not frozen
At me, her dear
And my beloved baby!


Grandma, you too
Were you little?
And she loved to run
And did you pick flowers?
And played with dolls
You, granny, right?
What hair color was it?
Do you have it then?
So I'll be the same
Grandma and I, -
Is it possible to stay
Can't you go small?
Very my grandmother -
I love my mother's mother.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead there is a gray strand,
I just want to touch it,
And then kiss.
Maybe I am like that too
I'll be old, gray-haired,
I will have grandchildren
And then, putting on glasses,
I’ll tie gloves for one,
And to the other - shoes.

Today is a holiday on our Earth -
He is familiar to any child today,
And everyone rushes to congratulate their own:
Grandmothers, grandfathers - dear ones!

I wish you a long life, happiness, love,
So that the years lead along a happy path,
Concerns: from grandchildren, children and relatives,
Health for all elderly people!

Special day on the calendar
The month of October begins:
Today the elderly
We sincerely congratulate everyone!

On your strengths and shoulders
Houses and streets grew up.
Without stopping your hands,
They created beauty for us!

You have happiness, strength, kindness, warmth,
Good health and peace.
So that all the important blessings of life
It's enough for your lifetime!

We sincerely congratulate you.
And there are many wishes on an autumn day:
So that sadness does not touch your beautiful eyes,
So that there is a sea of ​​joyful moments.

So that health is like steel,
Your relatives surrounded you with care,
They gave love and their warmth,
Always protected from all adversity!

Elderly? Nonsense,
If the years don't age you,
If you are young at heart
And always smiling.
Let sadness not touch you,
And let the soul frolic.
Sometimes you learn rhymes
In the evenings by heart,
So as not to suffer from sclerosis,
Boredom, torment and neurosis.
Unpleasant to the ear
Don't take it seriously.
More happy days to you
And unimaginable undertakings.
I congratulate you today
Wise, experienced people.

We congratulate you on Older People's Day,
Those who have already seen so much in life.
We sincerely wish you many years to come,
And so that everyone walks with a cheerful gait.

So that your health does not let you down,
There was always care and support from family.
So that the sun shines on you every day,
And there were many, many bright, colorful days.

So what if autumn has come?
Autumn is joy, not cold,
We've had a lot in life,
Youth will never return!

But that's no reason to be sad
And advanced age is not a problem,
The peak is still far from us,
So let's get up there!

And we will open the world - big, beautiful,
Let's not be sad at home,
Let's become young, everyone will be amazed,
Let's have fun - don't sigh!

Grandmothers and grandfathers,
How many of you are there in the country?
Celebrating the holiday
Old people.

Wise, beautiful,
What do you wish?
It would be healthy
And never know trouble.

Be positive
And don't be discouraged.
Grandchildren and children

You are like lights
Shine everywhere.
Believe as before
In a fairy tale or miracle.

Waiting for execution
All your wishes.
Let it certainly
They all come true.

Dear elderly people,
Happy holiday to all of you, dear ones!
Strength, health, long years,
There is simply no one wiser than you!

We come to you for advice,
We greet you with greetings.
A kind word about love,
How will it be without you, old people.

In life you are our support,
Everyone will agree with this without dispute.
You are an example for young people,
Happy Elderly People's Day!

We congratulate you on this day
All wise older people.
Life has rewarded you with experience,
But there is still strength in the hands.

At heart you are young and strong
And they are proud of their children.
We appreciate and respect you so much
And we wish you a long life!

My dear people,
My elderly people
You've already lived so much,
But there is something ahead.

There are still many discoveries there,
Glorious and bright events,
Don't miss the main thing
Your happiness is on the way.