What can you buy for another 14 years? Lots of ideas: what to give a fourteen-year-old girl for her birthday. Original and cool surprises from friends, including with your own hands

Birthday is the most important holiday in a child’s life. Every year, children's interests change, new friends and hobbies appear. Girls try to find their own style in clothing, learn to properly care for their skin, change their hairstyle, and some even dye their hair. You should buy a gift for 14 years, focusing on the wishes of the young lady, because any guest wants to give a necessary and useful surprise that will delight the hero of the occasion.

Useful gifts for the development of a daughter, goddaughter, granddaughter, niece or friend

When choosing a gift for a fourteen-year-old girl, you should carefully consider the different options. First of all, it all depends on the character of the future birthday girl: some people like to read, while for others the best present is to spend the evening in the company of peers, winning at board games. For a teenager you can buy:

  • encyclopedia. At this age, growing ladies have a lot of questions that they do not always dare to ask even the closest people. And on the pages of the printed publication there are all the answers and a lot of necessary information;

    If the birthday girl is interested, for example, in history, cooking, clothing design and other topics, a themed book would be an excellent gift.

  • board game. You can have fun with friends and family with:
    • monopoly. Millionaire, World Edition or Empire are the most popular editions;
    • If you are not interested in economic strategies, buy the Game of Life. The principle is that the player makes serious decisions in the process, changes his profession, starts a family and children, and also earns and spends large sums;
    • evolution - a game with a biological bias, in which you need to develop your own population of living beings adapted to environmental conditions;
    • vegetable garden Virtual growing of plants attracts many girls. The party does not take much time, so noisy company will not get bored.
  • 3D puzzles. No one gets tired of these products. Even adults enjoy sitting for hours, arranging small elements and putting them together into exciting pictures. Ready-made layouts will be a wonderful decoration for the interior of a teenager’s room;
  • dance mat. It perfectly develops speed, sense of rhythm and hearing. Choose models that connect to your TV. Tasks of varying complexity will be displayed on the screen, and the child must complete them without wasting time.

Gallery: gift options from parents and relatives on your 14th birthday

Many teenagers collect all issues of Monopoly. In new releases of the game, instead of paper money, a terminal and bank cards Books for young ladies contain a lot of useful information on the most intimate topics. A young designer is interested in learning how to create his own clothing models With a dance mat, a girl can have fun Evolution is a game with a biological twist
It’s interesting to play Vegetable Garden, because modern children know little about growing plants

Video: what is the Game of Life

What to buy for a birthday depending on the girl’s hobbies

At 14 years old, the girl becomes older and begins to be interested in adult things. Many teenagers already have a hobby to which they devote a lot of time. Girls improve their skills and abilities, attend courses where they are taught something new and interesting.

Some parents are against their children using cosmetics. However, psychologists note that at fourteen years old a girl is an accomplished person who already makes her own decisions. And mom and dad should support her interests. If your daughter wants to do a light make-up, let her try it by giving her special products for young skin.

Table: presents based on interests at fourteen years old

Gallery: what gifts to give depending on the hobbies and interests of the young lady

In warmer months, a cap will be a stylish addition to a girl’s look. At clothing design courses, girls are taught how to draw sketches correctly. Scrappaper is sold in sets or individually Experts recommend using hair care products from the same brand. For a teenager, an original backpack with a compartment for a laptop or tablet would be an excellent option. A hoverboard in bright colors is suitable for a girl. Self-made soap consists only of natural ingredients
The massage hula hoop has special balls that massage the body Compact cosmetic bag is convenient to take with you A set of cosmetics would be an excellent gift. The finished painting, painted by numbers, can be framed

Keeping up with the times: electronic gadgets as a gift for a fourteenth birthday

As a child grows up, toys remain on store shelves and are replaced by other gifts. In the world of digital technology, no one can imagine leisure without a mobile phone, the Internet and computer games. Therefore, on her birthday, the girl will be glad to receive:

  • player with headphones. Music has firmly entered our lives. Teenagers often listen to their favorite artists;
  • smart watch. Girls who play sports will especially appreciate this gift. During training, the mobile phone is left in the locker room, and this accessory is always on the hand: answering calls and messages has become even easier;
  • smartphone. New phones come out every year. Please the birthday girl with a fashionable novelty;
  • camera. A semi-professional model will help you capture moments from life;
  • eBook. Not only fiction, but also textbooks are uploaded into it;
  • laptop or tablet. At school, they assign a lot of work, information for which students find using the Internet. These gadgets will give mobility to a schoolgirl;
  • Flash drive of unusual design. Flash drives have become an integral part of the educational process. And the original shape will add individuality to the girl.

Gallery: expensive gifts for a teenager

Headphones in the shape of cat ears will appeal to an active girl Before giving a laptop as a gift, order an unusual sticker for the case to make the gift stand out For a teenager, it is better to purchase a semi-professional camera model
The student will definitely like the original flash drive
A girl will love a bright-colored smartphone You can make calls and write messages using your smartwatch The e-book is convenient to carry with you to class

For the interior: unusual and interesting details

Most likely, the children's wallpaper with flowers in the girl's room was replaced by a completely different design, but to make the image complete and individual, it is worth adding some elements. They will not only bring benefits, but also create comfort and become a kind of highlight:

  • designer lamp. There are original works of interesting design on sale;
  • projector. The most popular are the starry sky and the underwater world;
  • original interior pillows. They can be personal;
  • themed style furniture. For example, if the birthday girl is interested in Japanese culture, buy a wardrobe with a picture of cherry blossoms on the mirror;
  • painting on the wall in a creative style. A young lady who loves unconventional ideas will definitely be delighted with such changes in her room.

Gallery: original details in the room of a 14-year-old girl

Sakura on the mirror looks very gentle and sophisticated The master will paint the walls using an unusual technique The designer lamp can be placed on the bedside table
The starry sky projector can be turned on at night to transform a girl’s room At 14 years old, girls are very romantic, so stylish pillows will be an excellent decoration for the room.

Original and cool surprises from friends, including with your own hands

The birthday girl’s friends choose unusual ideas that will amuse the girl and also become memorable souvenirs:

  • T-shirt with congratulations or a funny inscription;

    You can order the same items for all guests, and print a small wish on each item of clothing.

  • never-fading candles. An interesting option for a gift, because even after blowing out they light up on their own;
  • jewelry box with a secret;
  • wish card from friends;
  • bouquet of balloons.

Gallery: surprise ideas from friends

Choose a box with a mirror so that the young fashionista can comfortably try on accessories The girl will hang the wish card on the wall in her room.

We give emotions and delight

In adolescence, girls enjoy not only new gadgets, unusual gifts and fashionable clothes. Some young ladies have a dream, and many wishes come true just on their birthday:

  • if the holiday is in the summer, give the girl an exciting and very fun water skiing;
  • beauty photo shoot. This type of shooting is different from all others. A team of stylists and makeup artists will do creative makeup, hairstyle and select an outfit. The price may include printing a photo book after processing the photos;
  • virtual reality quest. A very interesting gift if the birthday girl loves surprises and adventures;
  • horseback riding and excursion to the hippodrome;
  • culinary master class. Every housewife should have a signature dish. To be able to cook it perfectly, it’s worth learning from professionals;
  • trip to a camp abroad. A great opportunity not only to meet new people, but also to practice the language.

The highlight of the holiday: sweet gifts

Desserts are one of the main elements of the holiday. Parents order sweets in advance:

  • cake. It is decorated in a thematic style depending on the wishes of the birthday girl;
  • bouquet of sweets. Every girl is pleased to receive flowers, but a sweet present will also please her;
  • packaged cupcakes. Come up with warm words, and the master will write them on the glaze;
  • gingerbread box. It is painted by hand, and several gingerbread cookies are packed inside.

Gallery: how you can surprise the birthday girl

A cake for a girl is ordered from professional confectioners Gingerbread boxes with filling cost more than four thousand rubles Cupcakes are packed in beautiful boxes with congratulations Today, baskets with bouquets of sweets are popular.

Unusual gifts, original ideas and useful presents will definitely please the birthday girl. In adolescence, girls react very emotionally to congratulations, surprises and enjoy the cheerful company of friends and family. There is a huge selection of cool products and things on store shelves. What to buy depends on the desires of the young lady, her character and the financial capabilities of the donor.

What to give a girl for 14 years? This question is a real headache for many close relatives.

Are there really so few toys in modern stores? No, the display cases are simply bursting with an abundance of possible gifts. But modern children have long been tired of everything. Of course, you don’t have to rack your brains and go the simple route by buying a soft toy, a doll or a set of children’s cosmetics. But you want to see real delight in the child’s eyes, right?

Fourteen is a truly special age for a girl for several reasons. Firstly, this period is transitional, which means that the worldview often changes from childhood to adulthood at this age. Secondly, puberty in the average girl also occurs at this age. The consequence of this is that they begin to think more about boys and about their appearance. Now every pimple on her face can upset her more than a failing grade on a math test. Thirdly, the attitude of adults is noticeably changing, which gives rise to greater responsibility, and this is not happening without reason! So what gift can you give a teenage girl on her fourteenth birthday?

There are a lot of options and choosing one or another option depends on your situation and age. For example, if you are a parent or older relative, then the gift option of donating money is very good and proven. Who, if not the birthday girl herself, knows what she would like to receive for her birthday? Money is a universal gift, because with it she can buy whatever she wants (within reasonable limits, of course). Moreover, teenagers usually have a so-called “piggy bank” where they keep their savings, and if you help, then their piggy bank will accumulate a substantial amount with which she can buy herself a long-desired item (perhaps a new smartphone or branded clothing). Another advantage of giving money is that you won’t have to rack your brains when choosing a gift, and you definitely won’t upset her by choosing something she doesn’t like.

If you initially excluded the option of money, then perhaps you will like the option of a gift certificate to the world of clothing, jewelry or cosmetics. As mentioned above, this age is the period of puberty, and they begin to care about their appearance even more, which means they will appreciate help in this area.

Another very tempting and interesting choice of a gift for 14 years is the option of opening up new opportunities. For example, you can try to contribute to the development of a teenager’s talents. This can be done by donating passes to attend dance schools, aqua aerobics classes, or you can present a pass to a master class by a professional stylist or makeup artist.

If all of the above does not suit you, then you can give a 14-year-old girl something from the category of technology. This could be a new smartphone or a camera, for example. After all, everyone knows perfectly well how highly teenagers value Apple products. Also, if the birthday girl is interested in musical instruments, then you can give something new in this area for her 14th birthday. For example, an electric guitar or piano.

A pet is also a very tempting gift option. For example, you can give a puppy or a kitten, which teenage girls usually adore. They will find something like a new challenge in them, new feelings and a desire to take care of someone who is weaker will arise. Animals can serve as an excellent antidepressant at such a difficult age for humans.

Gift from a friend

If you are her friend who does not have your own income and gifts like new phones do not suit you, then there are plenty of other options. Firstly, you are a teenager yourself and you know what can usually surprise you at this age. Gathering all her friends, chipping in a small amount of money, buying flowers, a soft toy and some decoration and coming to her house at midnight with a cake in hand would be a very impressive and memorable congratulation. Any person would probably be glad to receive such a congratulation. Secondly, if you are a very close friend of hers, then you should have photographs, videos with the participation of this person. Therefore, putting together a collage that would describe those moments spent together, those periods when you had fun and dreamed of always remaining so cheerful and young would be wonderful. This would truly be an excellent fourteen year gift solution and investment of work. Again, if you are one of her close circle, then you probably know what the birthday girl dreams of, and, having collected funds in advance, it would be wonderful to give this long-awaited gift.

The above requires investing money, but since you most likely do not have a stable income, or do not have the opportunity to spend a certain amount at this stage, there are several options that do not require money.

Secondly, originality plays an important role in choosing a gift. So, if, say, you organize a spectacular, sincere congratulation for her, then it will be remembered much better than an expensive smartphone given as a casual gift. For example, most of today’s teenagers spend a lot of time on social networks, so why not give a congratulation by organizing it for the entire virtual world, shooting a video, writing a sincere congratulation on a blog and, thereby, “promoting” the teenager, you can make the girl happy .

Choosing a gift for a birthday is such a difficult task. And if this is a teenager of 14 years old, and also a girl, the task becomes much more complicated. After all, you will have to take into account not only the wishes of the birthday girl, but also the fact that at this age young ladies may want something too incredible, for example, a sleeve tattoo. It is important to please both the birthday girl and to introduce a touch of sanity, if necessary. And, in fact, you can give a lot of things.

Features of age

The transition period for adolescents proceeds in different ways, but almost always with rather drastic changes in views, beliefs and hobbies. If we translate these factors into the plane of choosing a gift for a young lady, then it is worth considering a number of points.

  1. The young lady may not yet have stable interests: “today I will sing,” but the very next day: “I want to be the star of the dance floor.”
  2. Almost every day a girl can try on a new role for herself, that is, she is just looking for her own image.
  3. Some of Mademoiselle's wishes should be, as they say, divided by sixteen. For example, she wants to dye her hair pink and is trying to get you as an ally, that is, a giver of this brightest dye. Of course, you shouldn’t refuse, but instead of the ill-fated box, presenting a certificate for service in a fashionable salon from a professional hairdresser (who can definitely dissuade you from this method of self-expression!) is a wonderful gift.

No matter how you feel about the hobbies and wishes of the birthday girl, remember that she should like the gift, not you

Who gives: is it important or not?

In fact, receiving a gift will be a pleasure, regardless of the identity of the giver. Regarding the choice of a gift for a teenage girl, there is only one important nuance that should be taken into account. This is the degree of intimacy of the relationship. In other words, if you are a second cousin on your father’s side, who last came when the birthday girl was one year old, then beautiful lingerie will embarrass the young lady and, quite possibly, bewilder her parents. There is another side to the coin: an encyclopedia for girls from her godmother, whom she sees every week and also flies on vacation twice a year, will be an offensive symbol of reluctance to bother with a worthy gift. And this, as you understand, is not only about the material side of the issue. Thus, no matter who you are for the birthday girl, the gift you choose should be thoughtful and appropriate.

Inappropriate gifts

To begin with, we note that the gradation of “suitable or not suitable” is purely conditional, because, as already noted, everything depends on the degree of closeness with the girl. Nevertheless, there are a couple of points that require special attention, since such gifts can simply upset the birthday girl.

The best gift options

Souvenirs for a girl's fourteenth birthday are divided into several categories, in each of which there is sure to be something suitable for your young miss.


For modern children, these gifts occupy the most honorable niche among their cherished desires. One can have different attitudes towards such priorities of the younger generation, but the fact remains.

It is very convenient to store textbooks in a tablet and e-reader. If, of course, the educational institution allows such a format for the availability of educational literature. So with such a gift you can easily go to school with an elegant handbag.

Let us separately note some devices that can also be included in this group of gifts. By the way, these souvenirs can be presented by friends: they are not too expensive, and are very much in demand.

  1. Selfie stick. What girl doesn't take selfies at 14? It is unlikely that such a thing will be found. So give a gift that will make it easier to photograph yourself beautifully in front of an elevator, a graffiti wall, a fountain, or a bowl of soup.
  2. Case or stand for tablet, laptop bag. Practical and very appropriate. Just be sure to find out the exact parameters of the device.
  3. Good headphones. It will never be superfluous if a girl likes to listen to music (or compose it!).
  4. Game console. Yes, there are also young ladies who are fanatically passionate about computer games. If the birthday girl is from this cohort, then she will appreciate the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 4.

Photo gallery: useful devices for electronic toys

The stand is convenient if the tablet is used as a movie screen or a textbook. Many girls also like such a typical boy hobby as a game console. The birthday girl will be happy to pose and take selfies with a convenient stick
Stylish headphones make it more pleasant to listen to your favorite music


Many people believe that this is a gift “without a soul.” But if the birthday girl’s family has a positive attitude towards such gifts, and the young lady herself dreams of an expensive purchase that she would not want to trust to anyone, then a few bills will be a very welcome present. And if giving money is inconvenient for you, then you can find an alternative way out: present the certificate to a clothing, jewelry or cosmetics store. True, some teenagers themselves are embarrassed to make such purchases. But there is a way out: go shopping together. Only one condition: treat any choice of a companion with respect and patience.

For a gift to sparkle with additional colors, it must be presented in an original way. You can put money in a piggy bank, wallet, or make a flower out of banknotes. And a balloon will always come to the rescue, containing a valuable present.

Photo gallery: ideas for original packaging for money

A cash gift can be accompanied by a hand-made souvenir, for example, a box using the decoupage technique “Money Candy” looks very original, but the bills will have to be packed in cellophane before wrapping them in paper, so as not to wrinkle the money too much. A balloon is a real lifesaver for situations when you need to give money

Clothes and accessories

Teenage fashion is developing much faster and, if I may say so, sharper. So it’s quite difficult for an adult to stay on trend. That is why, when choosing a gift from the clothing or shoes category, you need to know very clearly what exactly the young lady dreams of. Down to the style and color, not to mention the size. The girl will be pleased to receive as a gift:


Jewelry items are given by parents or grandparents; such a gift from friends or non-close relatives may be received ambiguously by parents - especially if their souvenir turns out to be cheaper - and by the birthday girl. But stylish jewelry can be safely presented to friends and acquaintances. The only main thing is that the girl wears similar things, and jewelry - earrings, bracelets, necklaces - suits her in size, color and style.

There is a rule in the ethics of gift-giving: young girls should not be given massive jewelry with large stones. It is better to choose something miniature, for example, a thin chain, small earrings, a bracelet or a pendant.

It is unlikely that any young lady at 14 years old will refuse a ring or chain


This is the most popular group of gifts (after electronic toys). Regarding decorative cosmetics, it is worth consulting with the birthday girl’s mother: perhaps the parent will be against such a gift. But cosmetics for face and body care will not raise any questions. There are many options:

  • foam for washing;
  • scrub suitable for skin type;
  • shower gel;
  • body cream after shower;
  • styling products (hair foam, hairspray, wax, gel);
  • hair care products (mask, shampoo, conditioner, oils, etc.);
  • bath foam;
  • eau de toilette (here it is very important to choose the right scent, that is, cheap counterfeits are immediately rejected - it is better to choose a brand that is not too popular, and therefore expensive, but the original).

You can only give decorative cosmetics with your mother’s permission, because not all young ladies at such a young age are allowed to use these products

Useful devices

At the age of 14, girls are especially dissatisfied with their appearance, so straight hair is furiously curled, and curly hair is straightened with the same emotions. More mature representatives of the fair sex know how important it is that electrical appliances are of the proper quality with the right coating, otherwise there is a risk of being left without hair. Please note that it would be nice to complement such a gift with a good thermal protectant. So think about buying:

  • hairdryer;
  • ironing;
  • forceps.

Another useful gift is a manicure set. At 14, it’s time to stop using my mother’s.

If you decide to purchase a manicure set, then you shouldn’t skimp on the gift, because the tools should be of high quality and easy to use.

Modern girls are very passionate about nail design. And the possibilities of gel polishes open up amazing possibilities for creating masterpieces on your nails. But to dry such coatings you need a special lamp. Few ladies would refuse such a gift. And at any age.

Modern girls pay great attention to nail aesthetics

If you are close enough with the girl, then you can give her an epilator. In adolescence, the issue of getting rid of unwanted hair is especially acute due to hormonal changes in the body.

Gifts for hobbies

If the birthday girl likes to help her mother prepare food, give her:

  • an apron with a cool pattern;
  • a cookbook with original recipes;
  • baking set, etc.

For needlewomen, it is important to choose something that is suitable specifically for this type of creativity:

Does the little lady like to sing or play musical instruments? Then give:

For dancing girls, a great gift would be:

  • a new pair of dance shoes (this purchase should be either with the birthday girl or with her mother/trainer, so as not to be mistaken with the size and shape);
  • a good training suit or its parts (T-shirt, shorts, etc.);
  • comfortable and stylish hair clip, etc.

Many girls are happy to take pictures of their girlfriends on their phones or tablets. If this is not just a tribute to fashion, but a hobby, then you can present the birthday girl with a camera or a good lens. Just keep in mind that these are quite expensive gifts.

We can’t help but mention the addition to the collection for girls who are seriously busy looking for new exhibits. Young ladies at the age of 14 usually collect antique dolls, keys, stamps, etc.

For Sport

Children aged 14 can have a radically different relationship with sports: some enthusiastically engage in physical exercise even at home in front of the TV, and some find the most unexpected reasons to ignore physical education lessons. For the former, a sports suit and sports equipment (dumbbells, exercise bike, weights, etc.) would be appropriate as a gift.

But for “anti-athletes” we can suggest:

And also no one denies the relevance of such gifts as:

Interior items

Young ladies already have their own taste not only in clothes, but also in the design of their surroundings. And if the girl has her own room, then there will be enough space for imagination. A birthday is a great opportunity to add fuel to the fire of design ideas.

  1. Desk lamp.
  2. Projector starry sky. By the way, this is not only a device for reflecting the projection of the night sky on the ceiling, but also an alarm clock with the ability to select a melody.
  3. Sofa cushions. Teddy tigers, bears, stars, a pillow with a photo print of your favorite performer/actor, a pillow in the shape of lips, etc. - will definitely find their place in the room.

Photo gallery: fun designer gifts

Watching the stars has a calming effect on a teenager's nervous system. These pillows will fit very well into any interior of a teenage girl's room. This model has a switch in the form of a rope from a tea bag.


Of course, we are not talking about a Barbie doll - this gift is unlikely to be relevant for a 14-year-old beauty - she has absolutely no need for competitors, especially those made of plastic. But the birthday girl is unlikely to refuse some trendy toys. Nowadays, anti-stress toys are especially popular, but the classic versions do not lose their relevance.

  1. Plush Toys. There are few girls who are indifferent to huge bears with hearts in their paws, who also sing a cute song if you pat the clubfoot by the ear.
  2. Spinner. It turns out that you can spin the turntable in several ways, and mastering some of them is not an easy task.
  3. Grabber. A ball with handles that gives a light and sound signal to the player, who must grab it by the luminous handles.
  4. Fortune Teller Ball. This is a sphere with an image of a figure eight on one side and a screen on the other. To get an answer to an exciting question, you need to shake the toy - the answer will appear on the screen, and its interpretation can be found in the instructions for the ball.
  5. Puzzles. Teenagers of both sexes enjoy solving a Rubik's cube found in the bins of mom's or dad's desk drawers. But there are also more modern versions of this toy - wooden puzzles of different shapes. The principle is the same: the parts must be assembled in a certain order into one figure.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the games. First of all, these are board options: “Monopoly”, Scrabble, walkers, etc. But the girl will also accept “Twister” with no less enthusiasm.

Photo gallery: unusual toys for the 14th birthday

All interpretations of the ball's answers are given in the brochure with instructions. You can play with the gripper yourself, or you can call your friends. The spinner has captivated children so much that models are already being produced separately for girls and separately for boys.
Puzzles develop logical thinking. The birthday girl will not remain indifferent to such a teddy bear.


The advantage of an e-book is that you give a form that the birthday girl will fill with content to her liking. With paper books the situation is more complicated. The biggest catch is that you need to find out the girl's reading interests. Well, find something suitable for them. At the age of 14, young ladies usually treat romance novels with special trepidation. In this case, there is no problem at all: there are more such books on sale than blank notebooks. If the princess is interested in history, then an encyclopedia of interesting facts or unknown episodes of the millennium will be very appropriate. And, of course, one cannot ignore the craze for books in the fantasy genre - thanks to JK Rowling. The gift edition of the Harry Potter series will be an excellent present for a reading lady.

Books about beauty are in great demand among teenage girls

Original gifts

A synonym for the name of this category is the definition of “inexpensive souvenir”. But meanwhile, they perhaps have more soul than the others. A great way out for the birthday girl's friends.

  1. T-shirt or bag with photo printing.
  2. Candy with a photo of the birthday girl on the wrapper.
  3. Originally decorated bouquet. A great addition to a gift from a guy.

Photo gallery: original birthday gifts

The birthday girl can't resist a bouquet of soft toys A chocolate card is a delicious and original souvenir. You can choose several photos of the birthday girl to print on chocolate. A bag with a photo print will suit a romantic person.

Turning fourteen is an important milestone for any teenager. At this age they receive a passport, which means they become practically adults. Therefore, choosing what to give a 14-year-old girl for her birthday is a non-trivial task for adults.

There are several win-win gift ideas for a modern teenager: a new phone, tablet or laptop. But what to do if buying the latest model gadget is beyond the donor’s means?

Clothes and accessories

The older a girl gets, the more important her clothes are to her. At this age, many young girls are actively interested in fashion and style, so a new dress or beautiful jeans is always welcome.

At the same time, teenagers usually react negatively to attempts to buy them clothes without their knowledge. Therefore, it is best to give the girl a gift certificate to her favorite clothing store.


Jewelry and costume jewelry, bracelets and earrings, with or without stones - it’s rare that a fourteen-year-old girl can resist new jewelry.

If you want to choose jewelry as a gift, then pay attention to what the birthday girl most often wears and choose something in a similar style.

By the way, don’t buy too expensive jewelry. A teenage girl is too young for him.


What to give a 14-year-old teenage girl for her birthday if she already has everything? Organize a gift-impression for the girl. Such a gift will definitely be remembered by the birthday girl. There are countless options for spending time, here are just a few:

  • handicraft master classes;
  • horseback riding;
  • playing paintball with a large group;
  • lesson from a professional stylist and makeup artist;
  • entertainment in the rope park;
  • journey;
  • trip to a children's camp;
  • visiting an amusement park;
  • a trip to the oceanarium, dolphinarium;
  • a day at the water park;
  • hot air balloon flight;
  • going to a concert of your favorite band;
  • photo session with a professional photographer and makeup and costume specialists;
  • visiting a musical.

Remember that your goal is to give the girl maximum positive emotions, so choose leisure activities based on her preferences, and not your own taste.

Gifts for beauty

What to give a 14-year-old girl for her birthday if she is already seriously concerned about her appearance? By this age, many girls are already actively using a variety of care products and cosmetics. It is unlikely that it will be possible to stop this process, but it is quite possible to direct the girl in the right direction by accustoming her to good cosmetics. Here are some gift ideas that will make a young girl even more beautiful:

  • bath products (lotions, milk, shower gel, shampoo, foam and bath salts);
  • decorative cosmetics for young girls;
  • a set for creating a manicure at home;
  • certificate for a trip to a beauty salon and a manicure;
  • certificate to the SPA center;
  • styling equipment: hair dryer, hair straightener, curling iron, styler;
  • electroepilator.

Many girls in adolescence are very worried about their appearance. Beauty treatments can help them overcome their fears, but present the gift carefully so as not to hurt the young girl's feelings.

Gift based on passion

By the age of 14, many girls outwardly turn into young girls, and their hobbies become by no means childish. However, each child matures at his own pace, which means that the interests of teenage girls can be completely different. It will be easiest to please a 14-year-old girl with a birthday gift if you choose it in accordance with her preferences and hobbies.

If you don’t know the girl very well, then you can find out about her preferences from her parents, other loved ones, as well as the birthday girl’s profiles on social networks.

Gift for room interior

Girls take the situation in their personal room much more seriously than boys. Therefore, an unusual piece of furniture, for example, will most likely appeal to a teenager. A girl might like:

  • a dressing table for a growing girl’s collection of cosmetics and creams;
  • a beautiful bedspread and bed linen that will complement the interior of the room;
  • a starry sky projector that will create a special atmosphere in the room;
  • unusual wall clock;
  • portrait of a girl, made in a non-standard manner;
  • a stylish full-length mirror, because almost any girl loves to spin around in front of it;
  • poster with your favorite actor, film hero and musician.

In order for the birthday girl to really like a piece of furniture for a room, it must be truly original. After all, teenagers hate everything boring!

And lastly: don’t forget to give a bouquet of flowers along with the gift. Yesterday's little girl will be doubly pleased to be treated like a real woman.

A girl of 14 is no longer a child, but a girl with developing tastes, preferences and habits. Therefore, children's themed gifts will no longer be so relevant, but it is still too early to give too adult things. Let's consider what to give a 14-year-old girl.

What can you give to a 14 year old girl?

It is at this age that girls begin to be interested in their appearance, in how they look in the eyes of others. This means that the first interest in cosmetics and hair styling products and hairstyles is awakening. If you know the tastes of the birthday girl well or have repeatedly heard from her the name of a specific product or scent that she would like to receive, then purchase it. Your gift will definitely be to your liking. If you are afraid of not guessing right, then you can go in two ways. The first is to purchase a gift card to a cosmetics, jewelry or clothing store, so that the girl herself can later choose a gift that suits her taste; the second - gifts from household beauty equipment, which any girl will surely need: a hair dryer, a hair straightener or curling iron, a brush for cleansing the face.

Technology, in principle, is a good gift for a teenage girl. If funds allow, you can buy her a new phone or. More budget options: phone case, mp3 player, camera lens, tablet case or laptop bag, good headphones or the extremely popular now. Moreover, even the most inexpensive gift from this category will be liked if it has a bright and stylish design, an unusual color or a label from a popular company.

Another type of good gift for a 14 year old girl is gifts for her hobbies. You can present a certificate for a master class in a business that interests her, for example, soap making or scrapbooking. A paid subscription to horse riding or dancing classes will also come in handy. You can give a beautiful box for needlework or a set for a hobby that interests a girl. If she is interested in sports, then new sports equipment or uniform will certainly make her happy.

Finally, the phrase “the best gift is a book” still has a right to exist. If you are deciding which book to give to a 14-year-old girl, then the well-known works of Russian classics in expensive, beautiful binding will be an excellent choice. You can purchase a book from well-known bestsellers for teenagers: series such as “The Lord of the Rings”, “Harry Potter”, “The Hunger Games”, “The Maze Runner” are suitable. For girls interested in handicrafts, a book about crafts or sewing, a culinary collection, or photo-master classes on drawing can be an excellent gift. If you don’t know the girl’s tastes in literature well, then give her an e-book into which she can upload the works that interest her.

What should you not give?

A birthday present for a 14-year-old girl should, first of all, make her happy. Therefore, you should not give gifts that you may not like. For example, you should not purchase items of clothing, shoes or cosmetics if you are not sure that your taste matches the taste of the birthday girl, or you do not know the characteristics of her skin type, hair, or exact foot size.

At this age, only very close relatives can give jewelry made from expensive jewelry metals: parents, older brothers and sisters, grandparents. Friends are better off limiting themselves to more budget-friendly jewelry. Otherwise, there is a danger that a gift from friends may exceed the cost of a family gift, and this may cause a mixed reaction.

Also, you should not give living gifts (birds, cats, dogs, fish, etc.). Such a gift is acceptable only if you are sure that the girl really wants a pet, and you have discussed the possibility of such a gift with the girl’s parents, and they have given their consent.