Scenario for the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of the Lycian World. Scenario of the game program for St. Nicholas Day “Magic Lantern Fairytale Journey Scenario for St. Nicholas Day

The ringing of bells sounds, announcing the beginning of the holiday.

Presenter 1 : Hello guys!

Presenter 2 : Hello, we are glad to welcome you to our holiday of St. Nicholas.

Presenter 1: On St. Nicholas

Severe frosts

Decorated with frost

Branches on birch trees.

Presenter 2: Will sweep the road

Winter snakes

To our doorstep

Will bring snow.

Presenter 1: Guys, what time of year is it now? (Answers)

Presenter 2: What holidays do we celebrate in winter? (Answers)

Song Saint Nicholas

Presenter 1 : How is the feast of St. Nicholas celebrated? (Answers)

2nd class

There is one legend for children:
Every year, at any time
To those who behave well,
Saint Nicholas is coming to visit.

On the day it descends
Nikolai from heaven,
Everything around is changing
The world is full of miracles.

Nikolai came to us,

Have fun people, go for a walk,

Come on, get the sleigh,

It started snowing like heaven.

All the people are having fun

Some with an accordion, some singing,

Here are ditties, fun things,

Snow falls on the tops of their heads.

And the kids, naughty kids,

At night they sleep like mice,

They are waiting for gifts in their region

So that Nikolai brings it to them.

Covering with pure snow
Field, lake and forest,
On St. Nicholas Day
Miracles will come from heaven!

Presenter 2: What do you know about Saint Nicholas? And what kind of gifts are the children expecting? (Pleasant, Wonderworker, Saint, Prelate)

4th grade

1 Old and young, we play snowballs, -

And we look at the path,

Waiting for Nikolai, -

And there are few miracles.

2 Let it be at least another year

Let us be protected by the Lord

May the Intercessor and the Pleaser

He won't forget our name!

3 Protects from quarrels and slander,

Making the Earth like Paradise

Our Russian Santa Claus -

Wonderworker Nicholas!

4 On a quiet night, on a starry night,

On a winter and frosty night,

On a fabulously beautiful night,

Suddenly the sky is the color of plum

In the sphere of fiery flickerings

A miracle is rushing! Wonderful sleigh!

5 What is the miracle here? Listen here

There's a bag of toys on the sleigh!

Not simple ones. And the best, brightest!

After all, toys are gifts!

Believe me, I know for sure.

From Saint Nicholas!

6 Close your eyes, my friend.

The harness bell is heard...

Someone opens the door

Well, here... Believe it or not.

7 Only in the morning under the pillow

You will find toys

From him, I know for sure!

From Saint Nicholas!

8 Many good holidays

We have friends

But one of them is probably

Best for me.

It's cold and snowy,

But from parental love

I feel warm and serene.

10 I go to bed in the evening,

I fall asleep peacefully.

And in the morning look under the pillow -

I freeze with excitement.

11 There is a pen and a marker lying there

And a notebook.

After all, these are all gifts

St. Nicholas.

Presenter 1: Why do children receive gifts from St. Nicholas, but do not see St. Nicholas himself?

Presenter 2: This is all because Saint Nicholas always helped people secretly, so that no one could see him. When people found food, clothing or money near their home, they did not know who to thank and thanked God.

Presenter 1: At all times, Saint Nicholas brings magic and mystery to every home. And what mystery can there be without riddles?

3rd grade

He has no legs, but he keeps walking.
White and fluffy, but not a cat at all.
He can fall, but he is not human.
It is wintry, clean and cold…. (snow).

Who's knocking on our window?
You look - there is no one there.
Knows everything in the world
Playful... (wind)

He will put a white fur coat on his shoulders
And she boldly walks across the planet.
Friendly with frost and snow
Mistress, queen... (winter)

Her outfit is green.
Everyone is in love with her in winter.
Oh, how the needles prick
At the elegant, lush... (Christmas tree).

He loves surprises
And he does not tolerate whims.
He is beautiful and bright
Festive... (gift)

Whirls, howls, laughs
And he wants to catch his own in the net
The wind's treacherous friend
Cold, winter... (blizzard).

Dancing graceful tango
In their elegant outfits,
They circle endlessly, without a hitch.
In the frosty cold... (snowflakes)

Presenter 1 : And now we will tell you about how Saint Nicholas lived.

Presenter 2 : Sit back comfortably and listen carefully.

Presenter 1: In the ancient city of Patara

One virtuous couple

A son was born - they named him Nikolai

This is how we honor the saint today. (Shows icon)

Presenter 2 : He became a priest after

His good deeds are countless

Served God in the city of Myra,

There is one like this in the Lycian country.

Presenter 1: Through God's revelation

The saint knew who was in trouble

Where they needed and prayed

He hurried there as quickly as possible.

Presenter 2: Listen to the first story

How the Saint sailed on a ship

And he saved the sailors from trouble.

Presenter 1: The ship was sailing from afar. (Shows a boat at sea on a flannelgraph)

Suddenly there is a storm and a wave at sea.

The shipbuilders prayed

Another moment and everyone would have crashed.

Presenter 2 : Yes, by the prayer of Nicholas

God helps the unfortunate

The wave was already carrying the ship aground

Only the prayer of the Saint saved them.

Presenter 1: Now listen to the story

As a Saint of the inhabitants of the city of Mira

Saved me from hunger.

(The presenters act out a skit)

Presenter 2: It was a bad year in Lycia

The people suffered need and misfortune.

Bread supplies have run out.

And then the rich merchant

(Leader 2 sits down and “sleeps”)

Presenter 1: A wonderful dream deep at night

Saint Nicholas appeared to him

“Send a ship with grain to Lycia

Receive money as a deposit for the purchase"

(“the sleeper” wakes up and suddenly “finds” chocolate coins in his hand)

Presenter 2: The merchant woke up. In his hand

Three gold coins glittered

Coins are precious, holy.

Presenter 1: He fulfilled the Pleasant's order

Saved the people of Lycia from starvation.

Presenter 2 : And also Saint Nicholas

Helped three maiden sisters.

Presenter 1: We will see this story now

Listen to the old story guys.

(Music sounds) Skit High school

"Unknown Savior"

Characters: Father, Verochka, Nadenka, Lyubochka.

Presenter 1:

The sky was covered with stars
And, having passed a hundred and five roads,
Softened by fatigue -
Evening has arrived on our doorstep...

I'm tired of the wonderful evening,
But he doesn’t want to hang his nose:
It's from ancient times
He brought a wonderful fairy tale.

There lived in one city an old and sick man, his wife died and the poor man was left with three daughters: (Music sounds, they go out to the words of the leader)

The eldest is Verochka, the middle is Nadenka and the youngest is Lyubochka.

Father: Is there anything we can eat in our house, daughters?

Verochka: But where from, father?

Nadenka: There has been no bread in the house for three days.

Lyubochka: Father, maybe we can sell something?

Father: Everything, Lyubochka, has long been sold. Woe to me, old one, woe to me. (crying)

Verochka: Yes, what, father, don’t be sad! If my mother were alive, she would definitely come up with something.

Nadenka: And we'll figure it out! We can sew!

Lyubochka: And also knit and embroider! So we'll earn something.

Father: That’s all true, my dears, but our debts are so big that it still won’t be enough. And I am already very old and sick. What will happen to you, my dears? Oh-ho-ho. (Leaves)

Verochka: Guys, you know our trouble. What do we do, what do you think? (Answers)

Thanks guys. And here's what I came up with. Let's sew a beautiful tablecloth.

Nadenka : That's right, Alyonushka, and beautiful pattern we'll embroider on it.

Lyubochka: Let's go, sisters. (They leave. The music is sad. The father is coming.)

Father: (sings) My dear daughters,

I ask you not to be sad

My blue-winged doves

Let go of longing and sadness.

Vera, Nadya, Lyuba!

Where are you? Not here and not here. Guys, have you seen my daughters? Where are they? (Answers) The tablecloth is embroidered. This is good. But I just can’t forget my grief! What should I do as an old man? Now, if only I could give my daughters in marriage... But there’s not even a penny in the house. How much do you need for a wedding? (Grieving, covers his face with his hands) (Magic music - someone throws a bag of money through the window)

Father : Oh, what is this? (Raises the bag) Money! And who helped us?... (Looks out) Guys, haven’t you seen anyone? (Answers) No one is there anymore.

(Music sounds, daughters come in)

Nadenka: What a beautiful tablecloth it turned out to be!

Lyubochka: It’s as if it’s decorated with heavenly flowers!

Verochka: Father, we tried so hard... Look.

Father (joyfully): Your tablecloth is of unprecedented beauty. This will come in handy for a wedding. I’ll give you in marriage, Vera. Here's the money for your dowry.

Lyubochka: Oh! What happiness! God bless!

Nadenka: Congratulations, congratulations!!! (Music sounds, everyone leaves)

Presenter 1 : The wedding was a great success! How many daughters did the poor man have, guys? (Answers) What was your name? Who did they marry off to? (Answers) Nadenka and Lyubushka live with their father. Yes, here they are... (Music sounds, a father and 2 daughters walk)

Nadenka: Father, the supplies are all gone. There will be nothing to cook lunch from tomorrow.

Lyubochka: What should we do?

Father: Don't be sad, daughters. Go to sleep, dear ones, the morning is wiser than the evening.

Lyubochka: Come on, sister, maybe we can embroider some more napkins during the night. .

Nadenka: We'll sell it at the fair tomorrow and buy some flour. (Leave)

Father: (singing) My dear daughters,

I ask you not to be sad

My blue-winged doves

Let go of longing and sadness.

(Magic music. A bag is thrown through the window) Oh! The bag again!

(Runs to the window) Guys, did you see anyone? (Answers) Thank you, Lord, that there are good people in the world who help us. Nadenka, Lyubochka, what a joy! Come here! (Music sounds, daughters run in)

Nadenka: What's that noise, father?

Lyubochka: Oh, there's that bag of money again.

Nadenka: Father, where did this bag come from?

Father: And you ask the guys, they saw everything too!

Guys, where is this bag from? (Answers)

Presenter 2 : (summary of answers) Maybe St. Nicholas, maybe not. We didn't see it.

Father: The mysterious benefactor gave money to you, Nadenka, for a dowry. Get ready for the wedding.

Nadenka: Thank you, father!

Father: I bless you for your marriage, daughter!

Lyubochka: Be happy, sister! I'm so happy for you! Let's go get ready for the wedding.


Presenter 2 : So Nadenka’s father gave her in marriage. He left behind his youngest, most beloved daughter. What's her name, guys? (Answers) Let's call her. (Lyubochka)

Lyubochka: (singing) How glad I am for you, dear sisters

My heart is full

Oh, how long the days have become

Where, where are you, my happiness.

How happy I am for you, dear sisters, my heart is filled with happiness! But I don’t know what fate awaits me. (Sighs) So I prepared dinner for my father. But where is he? (Music)

Father: Is my beloved daughter upset about something?

Lyubochka: My heart rejoices over my sisters and their happiness. And I’m sad, father, will something happen to us?

Father: Don't worry, daughter! And the Lord will not leave you! Go rest, you've been working all day.

Lyubochka: Okay, father. I'll go lie down. (Leaves)

(Magical music plays) A hand appears with a bag.

Father: Good man, wait, who are you? Wait! Wait! How can I thank you? (Runs away to the music, returns)

I saw it! Saw! Guys, it was Saint Nicholas himself who came! It was he who helped us get out of trouble and gave my daughters a dowry. Guys, should we tell Lyubochka? (Answers) Let's call her (Lyubochka!)

Lyubochka: I'm coming, I'm coming! What happened, father?

Father: What a joy, my daughter. Here's your dowry money. And I learned the name of the benefactor!

Lyubochka: Who is this, father? Who should I thank?

Father: And you, Lyubushka, ask the guys!

Lyubochka: Guys, who showed such mercy to my sisters and I, who is this mysterious savior? (Answers)

Father: Yes, this is our Saint Nicholas. Call, Lyubochka, your sisters and children - it’s a holiday for us today!

Lyubochka: Father and I invite everyone to the holiday, we honor St. Nicholas.

ALL : (singing) Saint Nicholas gave us gold

Even though not everyone has seen the Saint

We know, we believe, even day and night

Saint Nicholas is in a hurry to help everyone.

Presenter 2: Thank you guys for the instructive story. We will definitely please Nikolai with our actions and politeness. The youngest students of our school prepared congratulations on this holiday.

1st class

Dear, nice children
For boys and girls
In this wonderfulholiday
We wish you happiness.

We wish you good health
We wish you kids
We wish
For childish joy

Respect each other
Don't offend anyone
And in learning, guys,
Show your diligence.

May the holiday be merry
Dreams will come true -
Everything that Nikola has
You won't ask.

Let everyone get it
On this holy day
Little gift
Big from the heart!

This holiday is wonderful
We have come to you with good news
From Saint Nicholas
Who guys knows about him?

Happy St. Nicholas Day
Congratulations to you!
I wish you continued
Don't get sick and don't grow old!

Live long, be loved
And give your love!
Happiness, joy, good luck!
Only this way and no other way!

May Saint Nicholas

will help you
And will always show you

the right path!

Presenter 1: We have now received the kindest and sincere congratulations, Saint Nicholas heard them and secretly prepared gifts for us. Guys, let's see them?

Presenter 2: This concludes our holiday. We wish you fulfillment of all your desires, health and love for your loved ones.

Celebration scenario for St. Nicholas Day

The sky was covered with stars
And, having passed a hundred and five roads,
Softened by fatigue -
Evening has arrived on our doorstep...

I'm tired of the wonderful evening,
But he doesn’t want to hang his nose:
It's from ancient times
He brought a wonderful fairy tale.

Ved: are you ready to listen to a fairy tale? Well, then let's begin.

On a quiet night, on a starry night,

On a winter and frosty night,

On a fabulously beautiful night,

Suddenly the sky is the color of plum

In the sphere of fiery flickerings

A miracle is rushing! Wonderful sleigh!

What's the miracle here?

Listen here

There's a bag of toys on the sleigh!

Not simple ones. And the best, brightest!

After all, toys are gifts!

Believe me, I know for sure.

From Saint Nicholas

Old and young, we play snowballs,

And we look at the path,

Waiting for Nicholas

And there are few miracles.

Let it be at least another year

Let us be protected by the Lord

May the Intercessor and the Pleaser

He won't forget our name!

Today the holiday is coming -
The angels are already singing.
On St. Nicholas Day
All the kids are waiting for a miracle.
So that Good enters our home,
We will call the angels!

A melody sounds. Angels appear. They dance.


Dear, nice children
For boys and girls
On this wonderful holiday
We wish you happiness.

We wish you good health
We wish you kids
Let's wish you sweets
For childish joy

Respect each other
Don't offend anyone
And in learning, guys,
Show your diligence.

This holiday is wonderful
We have come to you with good news
From Saint Nicholas
Who guys knows about him?

Children talk about St. Nicholas and the holiday that they love very much.

(Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of the poor and disadvantaged, the patron and protector of all children.

He dedicated his life to mercy.

On St. Nicholas Day, special “Nikolaychiki” cookies are baked and presented to all children.)

That's right, guys!
St. Nicholas helps poor and needy people.
He protects the weak both in trouble and in grief.

Presenter 3:
Where is St. Nicholas now?
Why doesn't he come to our party?

Don't worry, calm down.
Nikolai is already in a hurry to join us for the holiday.
He knows about each of us.
Who knows what in teaching much.
Who always tries.
And who is throwing their thumbs...

Presenter 2:
Will Nikolai also come to the lazy people?
What about the one who didn’t help the adults?
And to the one who skipped class.

Brownie Antipka runs into the hall .

Well, to those who have been lazy all year.
Who lived without labor, without worries,
Only I come.
Antipka - Brownie.

Presenter 3:
Antipka, answer the question:
Did you bring gifts for the children?

Yes, friends, a question
I'll say it seriously...
I brought you a gift - riddles, but I don’t think you can guess them. Oh, we need to find them, where are they, ahhh, here they are. Well, listen up, kids.


He has no legs, but he keeps walking.
White and fluffy, but not a cat at all.
He can fall, but he is not human.
It is wintry, clean and cold…. (snow).

Who's knocking on our window?
You look - there is no one there.
Knows everything in the world
Playful... (wind)

He will put a white fur coat on his shoulders
And she boldly walks across the planet.
Friendly with frost and snow
Mistress, queen... (winter)

Her outfit is green.
Everyone is in love with her in winter.
Oh, how the needles prick
At the elegant, lush... (Christmas tree).

He loves surprises
And he does not tolerate whims.
He is beautiful and bright
Festive... (gift)

Whirls, howls, laughs
And he wants to catch his own in the net
The wind's treacherous friend
Cold, winter... (blizzard).

Dancing graceful tango
In their elegant outfits,
They circle endlessly, without a hitch.
In the frosty cold... (snowflakes)

You see, Antipka, our children are smart

And very good ones. Therefore, go away, you don’t belong here. hurry up!

Your children only look like angels
Who shoots birds with a slingshot?
In class, who yawns sweetly?
Who uses their whims?
Who, tell me, is starting a fight?
Who doesn't listen to their own teachers?
Hey guys, would you like some rods?

Like any person, we have both dignity and not very good habits, actions, and thoughts. Let's call them one last time.

Let's openly admit it to everyone
Firstly, it happens
That you are too lazy to do something and too lazy to answer -
Laziness sometimes overcomes

That's what black envy speaks in the soul.
And it ruins our life and mood.
And also hypocrisy, rudeness and vile lies
They cause nothing but contempt!

But the most disgusting, black evil -
Betrayal - that's what it is.
Let's tear up the blackness and throw it away,
So that the world becomes brighter from this.
Without nasty actions and mean thoughts
No bad habits. Promise
That nowhere else, nothing, never,
You won't take them with you, friends!
Guys, do you promise?

Angel 2

Let's throw away all your bad habits and actions.
So that these sides of your character never return to you.

The sound of bells is heard

I hear the bells ringing again
Hush Antipka, can you hear more quietly?
Throw all nonsense aside
Nikolai hurries to visit the guys.

They sing a song glorifying St. Nicholas. The patron saint of children, Nicholas the Wonderworker, enters the hall.

God bless! I see you guys again!
Meeting you is a joy for me.
Peace to you, children, parents and guests!
Peace to your home!
Happiness to you, your friends,
To acquaintances

The children have been waiting for your arrival for a long time.
Their thoughts are as pure as river waters.

Well guys
Live joyfully
Okay, my friends, learn.
You avoid evil and cunning
You guys respect adults
Please don’t offend the birds and animals
Never quarrel, never fight,
Don't tease rudely, don't fight!

You, Vladyka Nikolai,
Help our glorious children
From trouble and from evil misfortunes
We ask you to always protect them

You lead them on the righteous path
To kindness, to work,

Where is your magic bag?
Don't upset the guys,
And give them gifts.

Read the poems!

Sing a song and then

Receive gifts!

(song About St. Nicholas, children read poetry)

NE. NICHOLAY: What great guys, thank you!

My bag is not simple,

but with a surprise. That's what it is!
Now let's untie him.
We'll show you what lies inside.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here, “Nicholas” gifts for the guys.

“Nikolaychiki” (cookies, bagels) are distributed. Music is playing.

Saint Nicholas:

I'm leaving to come back tomorrow:
As soon as the sun sets behind the cloud -
I'll knock on your window again,
Don't forget to touch the Good!

Teacher. Today we celebrated St. Nicholas Day. I really hope that it was not in vain and that you learned something new and interesting for yourself. Well, now, we wish you all health, protection and patronage of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

On St. Nicholas Day
I lit my candle.
And resorting to the Holy One,
I know I will get help.

Because our Saint
Brings children's joy.
Behind Himself, as a Savior,
Leads the children to the Father's House.

Holy Father Nicholas,
Help those in need quickly!
You will help, I know for sure:
In grief, in sorrow and in trouble.


In December, on the 19th, a bright and clean holiday comes to homes, which children love very much - St. Nicholas Day.
This scenario is not a standard matinee for kindergarten or schools.
I want to offer a real home holiday performance, designed for a small number of participants.

Firstly, don’t get away with just gifts – give your children a piece of fairy tale and magic.
Secondly, stay with them this evening: your attention is of great value, and communication cannot be replaced by any store purchases.
Thirdly, teach children Kindness, Mercy, Compassion. Our world is transforming, values ​​are changing, but something invariably remains eternal.

How to celebrate St. Nicholas Day at home

Decorate your home to create a festive atmosphere. It doesn't have to be something grandiose and expensive. You can make all the decorations yourself: hang paper garlands, hang paper angels from the chandelier, place bright socks near the window or on the door of the room.
Some of the surroundings can be done with the children in advance: this will not take much time. Moreover, you can take most of the crafts from :).

To hold the holiday, you will need an improvised stage for a puppet theater, cardboard dolls, pre-prepared paper templates, pictures cut into pieces, a basket or boots that can be easily replaced with other things.
I prepared all the paraphernalia for the evening. All you have to do is take the pictures, print them, stick them on cardboard and use them. Well, or if you like to do everything yourself, just get ideas.
I recommend holding a holiday for children on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, December 18. You, the parents, or, if you have children, can become the presenter. different ages, older brothers or sisters.
A wonderful fairy tale awaits us today. Therefore, we boldly set out to meet her.

Celebration scenario for St. Nicholas Day


The sky was covered with stars
And, having passed a hundred and five roads,
Softened by fatigue -
Evening has arrived on our doorstep...

I'm tired of the wonderful evening,
But he doesn’t want to hang his nose:
It's from ancient times
He brought a wonderful fairy tale.


Were all the wise guys waiting for me? I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry, my boots were worn out, but I wasn’t late! Because I know: all children love fairy tales. Look how big my bag is. (shows the bag). I always wander around the world, I carry my bag over my shoulders, but I collect not things, but different stories. So today I have a very interesting story for you.
And who knows what such a wonderful day will come tomorrow?

(children say it's St. Nicholas Day).

Right! Perhaps you've been waiting for gifts from Grandfather Nikolai?

(the children say they are tired of waiting).

Every morning on December 19, when you put your hand under your pillow or your curious nose in your boot, you find different gifts. This is Nikolai Ugodnik, while you were sleeping, he quietly came and left small gifts for listening, studying well, showing kindness.
But where did this good tradition come from?

(grabs the bag, widens his eyes, pretends that someone is pushing him)

Oh, my bag is jumping, saying that I’m talking: the story of St. Nicholas is asking to be released. Let me release it and you listen.

The evening goes behind the makeshift stage, rummages in a bag, takes out dolls.

Puppet theater “The History of St. Nicholas”

A story is told and accompanied by a demonstration of dolls

A long time ago, many centuries ago, there lived a husband and wife.

(Showing dolls husband and wife)

And everything was good for them: wealth, money, respect. And they lived well, kindly: they didn’t quarrel with anyone, they helped the poor, they went to church.
There was only one sad thing: they didn’t have children. They asked God for mercy and prayed fervently. Years passed, but there was no sound of children's laughter in the house.
But this did not make them angry and envious, they did not fall into despair, but continued to pray to God. And because they never stopped believing in miracles and remained kind, God gave them a son, Nikolai, in their old age.


Nikolai grew up as a good, obedient boy, but early on he lost his mother and father. Therefore, for most of his life he did not know parental warmth.
He did not need anything: his parents left him all their wealth as an inheritance.
Three sisters lived next door to Nikolai - beautiful, hard-working girls.

And one day Nikolai heard his neighbors talking about how these girls couldn’t get married. Nobody wanted to take dowryless women as wives.
- How so? - Nikolai thought. “I live well, I have everything, but people around me suffer!” Why should I alone have so much wealth when someone else cannot be happy?
Late at night, when the whole city was sleeping and dreaming, Nikolai made his way to the house where the girls lived and threw three bags of gold into the chimney.

There was a fireplace burning in the house, and near it the stockings that the girls had washed in the evening were drying. And the money fell right into the stockings!

The sisters woke up in the morning and gasped: each one found a dowry in her stocking, which was enough to get married and live happily.
Every day they rejoiced at this miracle and thanked the one who performed it.
But the miracles didn't end there. The city froze in anticipation: every night someone received something they really needed. The sick - medicine, widows - help and warm clothes, poor children - toys and food.
For a very long time, Nikolai managed to remain an invisible assistant. He did good deeds and did not expect anyone to praise him. But people really wanted to know the name of the Wonderworker, who helped and gave joy, miracles, and help to their neighbors.
Nikolai lived long life full of different things, not always good events. But in any situation he remained himself: kind, patient, merciful. And for this people loved him, and when Nicholas left this world, they canonized him.
People call him that - Nicholas the Wonderworker, and people believe that he patronizes the poor and travelers, sailors at sea and to this day performs miracles.
Nikolai walks around the world and does good. And next to him are the Helping Angels.

Angels know about everything in the world. And they tell Nikolai about good, obedient children who should definitely receive gifts...

Tomorrow the holiday comes -
The angels are already singing.
On St. Nicholas Day
All the kids are waiting for a miracle.
So that Good enters our home,
Let's call Nikolai!


You told a good story, Evening. Now rest, drink some tea, while we get ready for Nikolai’s arrival.
Now we'll see who our best artist is!

Competition “Draw a portrait of Nicholas”

(templates of the outline of the face of St. Nicholas are distributed, children are given pencils and markers. Children must draw the face of the Wonderworker).

Oh, what beautiful portraits we got. Let's hang them on the wall, let Nikolai look at us and understand: talented children live in this house, and they definitely need to leave a gift!

Oh, I forgot, I forgot, I forgot! I had a carrot lying around in my bag. Do you know what it is needed for?
Grandfather Nikolai rides a donkey. And so that the donkey does not miss our house and stops, we need to leave him carrots. Well, let's see who brings the most carrots for the donkey?

Competition "Carrot for a Donkey"

I offer several options for conducting this competition. If there is enough space in the room, this can be a speed competition: children carry carrots into baskets or boots (each competitor must have their own “container” for filling).

Two paper strips are laid out on the floor, from the start to the “container”. You need to walk along the tape, without going to the side, and deliver the carrots for the donkey. A roll for window covering is a good choice for tape.
For kids, this is a direct path. If the children are older, you can complicate the task and make a curve with turns. A certain time is allotted for the competition. For example, five minutes. Make a lot of carrots; it’s better to have some left over than not enough.
The band can be replaced with other types of movements, for example, reaching the basket on all fours or crawling on your belly. Or backwards. There are plenty of options.
If there is not enough space in the apartment, replace active play with brain work: the child who solves the most riddles will take the carrots to the basket. I will offer several options for riddles of my own composition, but you can safely use any riddles about winter, animals, and weather phenomena.
If you have only one child, and you didn’t think to invite the neighbor’s kids, then you will have to participate in the competition too :).

He has no legs, but he keeps walking.
White and fluffy, but not a cat at all.
He can fall, but he is not human.
It is wintry, clean and cold…. (snow).
Who's knocking on our window?
You look - there is no one there.
Knows everything in the world
Playful... (wind)

He will put a white fur coat on his shoulders
And she boldly walks across the planet.
Friendly with frost and snow
Mistress, queen... (winter)

Her outfit is green.
Everyone is in love with her in winter.
Oh, how the needles prick
At the elegant, lush... (Christmas tree).

He loves surprises
And he does not tolerate whims.
He is beautiful and bright
Festive... (gift)

Whirls, howls, laughs
And he wants to catch his own in the net
The wind's treacherous friend
Cold, winter... (blizzard).

Dancing graceful tango
In their elegant outfits,
They circle endlessly, without a hitch.
In the frosty cold... (snowflakes)

Oh, what a great job they did! Now the donkey will never pass by. He has so many carrots now! Take it with you on the road as a spare.
In the meantime, while he’s wandering through the streets, let’s put together a picture and see if we can decorate the house for Nicholas’s arrival with a good design!

Competition “Complete the puzzles - make Nicholas happy”

Children are given identical pictures and puzzles cut into them. You need to put together a picture. Whoever is faster wins. But all children need to be rewarded for their efforts. These can be pleasant little things: a colored marker, a keychain, a pen, a pencil, a set of colored paper: the options are endless.

If the children are older, take a more complex picture. If you are kids, take a picture with a small number of puzzles.


What are our beautiful pictures it worked! Eh, good for you, but it’s time for me to hit the road. My time is running out. The mistress of the night will come soon. But don’t be upset: the morning will come and bring with it miracles and surprises from Grandfather Nikolai.
A day like this happens only once a year. But throughout the year, don’t forget that being kind and good is great. When you smile and rejoice, everything will definitely work out for you. And no one likes capricious, pouty and angry people. And especially children.
Be like Saint Nicholas. Always help dad and mom, grandparents, friends and those who need care. Goodness is attracted to those who do good deeds, and it is sure to come back to us again and again.

I'm leaving to come back tomorrow:
As soon as the sun sets behind the cloud -
I'll knock on your window again,
Don't forget to touch the Good!

You can end the evening with a warm homemade feast. Treat the children and let St. Nicholas Day bring miracles to your home.
I wish you well!

Holiday in elementary school

"Saint Nicholas, give out gifts!"

A song sounds before the start of the holiday

Ved 1:

The sky was covered with stars
And, having passed a hundred and five roads,
Softened by fatigue -
Evening has arrived on our doorstep...

Ved 2:

I'm tired of the wonderful evening,
But he doesn’t want to hang his nose:
It's from ancient times
He brought a wonderful fairy tale.

Ved 3:

On a quiet night, on a starry night,

On a winter and frosty night,

On a fabulously beautiful night,

Suddenly the sky is the color of plum

In the sphere of fiery flickerings

A miracle is rushing! Wonderful sleigh!

Ved 4:

What's the miracle here?

Listen here

There's a bag of toys on the sleigh!

Not simple ones. And the best, brightest!

After all, toys are gifts!

Believe me, I know for sure.

From Saint Nicholas!

Ved 5

Old and young, we play snowballs,

- And we look at the path,

Waiting for Nicholas

- And there are few miracles.

Let it be at least another year

Let us be protected by the Lord

May the Intercessor and the Pleaser

He won't forget our name!

Vedas 6:

Today the holiday is coming -
The angels are already singing.
On St. Nicholas Day
All the kids are waiting for a miracle.
So that Good enters our home,
We will call the angels!

A melody sounds. Angels appear. They dance.


Dear, nice children
For boys and girls
In this wonderful
We wish you happiness.

We wish you good health
We wish you kids
We wish

For childish joy

Respect each other
Don't offend anyone
And in learning, guys,
Show your diligence.

This holiday is wonderful
We have come to you with good news
From Saint Nicholas
Who guys knows about him?

Children talk about St. Nicholas and the holiday that they love very much.



Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of the poor and disadvantaged, the patron and protector of all children.

He dedicated his life to mercy.

On the night of December 18-19, St. Nicholas “puts” under the pillow of obedient children

On St. Nicholas Day, special “Nikolaychiki” cookies are baked and presented to all children.

That's right, guys!
St. Nicholas helps poor and needy people.
He protects the weak both in trouble and in grief.

Presenter 1:
Where is St. Nicholas now?
Why doesn't he come to our party?

Don't worry, calm down.
Nikolai is already in a hurry to join us for the holiday.
He knows about each of us.
Who knows what in teaching much.
Who always tries.
And who is throwing their thumbs...

Presenter 2:
Will Nikolai also come to the lazy people?
What about the one who didn’t help the adults?
And to the one who skipped class.

Brownie Antipka runs into the hall .

Well, to those who have been lazy all year.
Who lived without labor, without worries,
Only I come.
Antipka - Brownie.

Presenter 3:
Antipka, answer the question:
Did you bring gifts for the children?

Yes, friends, a question
I'll say it seriously...
I brought you a funny gift


    Everyone will tell you, they won’t lie

And fragrant
And the ice is sweet.

(Not ice, but honey)

    Bunnies in a snowy, fierce winter

They often feed on woody mountain

(Not a mountain, but a bark)

    Diagonally across the meadow

Young sand grows.
Although he is young,
And if you look closely, it’s mushroom

(not sand, but wood)

    The boys bumped heads

And the chips jumped up on their foreheads.

(Not chips, but cones)

Get away, Antipka, quickly!
Please don’t scare gullible children!

Your children only look like angels
Who shoots birds with a slingshot?
In class, who yawns sweetly?
Who uses their whims?
Who, tell me, is starting a fight?
Who doesn't listen to their own

Hey guys, would you like some rods?

Like any person, we have both dignity and not very good habits, actions, and thoughts. Let's call them one last time.

Let's openly admit it to everyone
Firstly, it happens
That you are too lazy to do something and too lazy to answer -
Laziness sometimes overcomes!

Well, this is firstly, and here is secondly:
Olya has a beautiful suit,
And Vladya is an exemplary student in everything.
You're lucky! Well, come on, smart guy!

That's what black envy speaks in the soul.
And it ruins our life and mood.
And also hypocrisy, rudeness and vile lies
They cause nothing but contempt!

But the most disgusting, black evil -
Betrayal - that's what it is.
Let's tear up the blackness and throw it away,
So that the world becomes brighter from this.
Without nasty actions and mean thoughts
No bad habits. Promise
That nowhere else, nothing, never,
You won't take them with you, friends!
Guys, do you promise?

Now look under your seat and findblack people . And throw them in the trash.
So that these sides of your character never return to you.

(Angels collect black men from children and throw them into the basket)

The sound of bells is heard

I hear the bells ringing again
Hush Antipka, can you hear more quietly?
Throw all nonsense aside
Nikolai hurries to visit the guys.

They sing a song glorifying St. Nicholas. The patron saint of children, Nicholas the Wonderworker, enters the hall.

God bless! I see you guys again!
Meeting you is a joy for me.
Peace to you, children, parents and guests!
Peace to your home!
Happiness to you, your friends,
To acquaintances.

The children have been waiting for your arrival for a long time.
Their thoughts are as pure as river waters.

How troubled the waters are, you better tell me

    St. Nicholas looks angrily at Antipka.

    Antipka backs away backstage.

Well guys
Live joyfully
Okay, my friends, learn.
You avoid evil and cunning
You guys respect adults
Please don’t offend the birds and animals
Never quarrel, never fight,
Don't tease rudely, don't fight!

You, Vladyka Nikolai,
Help our glorious children
From trouble and from evil misfortunes
We ask you to always protect them

You lead them on the righteous path
To kindness, to work,

Where is your magic bag?
Don't upset the guys,
And give them gifts.

Read the poems!

Play games!

Receive gifts!

Ved 4:

We are also happy to play



1 student.

Close your eyes, buddy

The harness bell is heard...

Someone opens the door

Well, here... Believe it or not.

Only in the morning under the pillow

You will find toys

From him, I know for sure!

From Saint Nicholas!

2 student.

Many good holidays

We have friends

But one of them is probably

Best for me.

It's December outside.

It's cold and snowy,

But from parental love

I feel warm and serene

3 student.

I go to bed in the evening,

I fall asleep peacefully.

And in the morning look under the pillow -

I freeze with excitement.

There is a pen and a marker lying there.


After all, these are all gifts

St. Nicholas.

4 student.

Nikolai came to us,

Have fun people, go for a walk,

Come on, get the sleigh,

It started snowing like heaven.

All the people are having fun

Some with an accordion, some singing,

Here are ditties, fun things,

Snow falls on the tops of their heads.

5 student.

And the kids, naughty kids,

At night they sleep like mice,

They are waiting for gifts in their region

So that Nikolai brings them

6 student.

Nikolai loves children!
Don't forget about him
Be always obedient
And he’s very friendly with everyone!

7 student
Help other guys
And animals and little animals,
Love and take care of the world,
Help me be happy!

8 student
And the Saint will hear you,
And he will write you a letter,
Very soon he will come,
And he will bring a gift!

Ved 1:

Pleased Nikolai!

Give us a bountiful harvest,

Give us sunny days,

Warm rains

Don't be sorry for us,

Mother Earth of the fields.

Ved 2:

For the rye to grow,

So that the barley is good,

So that the wheat fills up,

So that the buckwheat rises,

Save your crops

From heaven's wrath

From the heat, from the hail,

From the cold of the night!

My bag is not simple,

but with a surprise. That's what it is!
Now let's untie him.
We'll show you what lies inside.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here, “Nicholas” gifts for the guys.

*Nikolaychiki (cookies, bagels) are distributed. Music is playing.

Saint Nicholas:

I'm leaving to come back tomorrow:
As soon as the sun sets behind the cloud -
I'll knock on your window again,
Don't forget to touch the Good!

Teacher. Today we celebrated St. Nicholas Day. I really hope that it was not in vain and that you learned something new and interesting for yourself. Well, now, we wish you all health, protection and patronage of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

On St. Nicholas Day
I lit my candle.
And resorting to the Holy One,
I know I will get help.

Because our Saint
Brings children's joy.
Behind Himself, as a Savior,
Leads the children to the Father's House.

Holy Father Nicholas,
Help those in need quickly!
You will help, I know for sure:
In grief, in sorrow and in trouble.


Celebration scenario for St. Nicholas Day at school

Nikolay's scripts

The scenario is intended for celebrating St. Nicholas Day with children junior classes along with their parents.

What kind of day is it now?
What kind of holiday is this now?
What's going on here?
So there are a lot of guests?

I know what the weather is like,
I know what kind of holiday it is.
Then they came to Ukraine
And give us the honor.

Give us all the honor,
Congratulations to God
About Saint Nicholas
On this day remember.


Dear parents and teachers, dear children! Who doesn't know about Saint Nicholas? Young and old know about it. Every year he comes to every estate with peace and gifts. For little ones it becomes a fairy tale when he appears invisibly at night and puts such desired gifts under the pillow. Children grow up and good fairy tale disappears, but Nikolai remains.

Imitate the goodness and actions of Nicholas! Let this holiday become for us a holiday of mercy, a holiday of goodness, forgiveness, love for others.

Snow is flying outside the window,
The wind curls
So hurry up and come to us
For the holiday of Nicholas!
Well, who came here?
We are glad to welcome you
Have fun and be happy
At our holiday.

There is something to be happy about
You know well, children!
The news has reached us,
That we have a guest on the way.

Who is this? Everyone remember!
This is our Saint Nicholas!
He will remember all the kids,
Sends them gifts
He's already close, he's already coming,
Let our song hum! (Song)


Lived once upon a time in the world
Somewhere in Asia a young man
Distributed gifts to children
That rich loner.

Poor children in need
He loved to give
How long will the Lord, the All-Good, be in heaven?
I fell in love with Nikolai.

Became an omniscient bishop
Nikolai lived politely.
special respect
This one deserves it.

The Lord asked: “What do you want?
For your merits? »
- I want, Lord, I want
Go to Earth every year.

Visit every house
Welcome everyone again and again,

Feast of St. Nicholas

Give to polite children
Gifts of love.

And so every time, children,
Every year God gives you:
Nikolai travels around the world -
Gives out gifts.

Students' stories about St. Nicholas

Little Nikolai lacked anything - neither clothes, nor food. And he was an orphan, his mother died early, followed by his father. The boy grew up under the care of strangers. He often went outside to play with the children. These were the children of poor parents. Nikolai felt sorry for them, but did not know how to help.

Nikolai had an old teacher. One day they read the Holy Scripture: “When you do good, let your right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing..."

How to understand this? — The thoughtful Nikolai asked the teacher.

When you do good to another, you don’t need to tell everyone about it loudly. It's better not to brag about your good deeds.

It was deep autumn. Kolya knew that many children in their neighborhood lived in poverty, in hunger and cold. Here is the family of old Alexander. Mother is sick, Petrusya has no shoes, but Sofiya had in the morning collected brushwood on the road so that she would have something to heat the stove.

In the evening, Kolya quietly, so that the servants would not see, went to the pantry. I filled my bag with flour, poured a bottle of butter, filled my pockets with apples, found a pair of new socks and new tables in my box. I put all this in a large bag and hid it under the bed. When everyone in the house fell asleep, he quietly slipped out of bed, made his way to Alexander’s hut, put his bag there and rushed home.

In the morning, old Alexander could not get enough of the generous gifts. But who could do this? Who to thank? Since then, Kolya often gave such gifts to poor neighbors. People prayed to an unknown God who helps them. And no one guessed that it was Nikolai.

Mikolin's servants began to notice that food, clothing, and fuel were disappearing from the storerooms. They began to follow. One day, when Kolya had just packed his bag and left his yard, an old servant caught up with him. I thought it was a thief. Then it became known to everyone who cares about the poor.

Years have passed. Nikolai studied and became a priest. He gave all his property to poor people and served them as best he could. For this, the Lord gave him the strength to do even more good. When Nicholas died, he was canonized. Since then, everyone remembers St. Nicholas, his holiday is dated to December, and on this day they give gifts to each other.

And somewhere high in the sky that night I heard silver bells. Then Nikolai rides on a sled and looks into every window: they didn’t bypass the child. Moves from cloud to cloud. The bells are gently fluttering. The old moon smiles cheerfully through its snow-covered mustache. He knows that everyone should be happy that night. And those who give, and those who give gifts. Therefore, the greatest happiness in life is to do good.

Pupils read poems about Saint Nicholas

To a happy children's land
There's good news coming
What a white-maned skate
A guest is coming from heaven.
He brings many gifts,
The sled is getting fatter.
There will be joy in every home,
They have toys!
A rich guest is coming, he's coming
To the children's land.
Who is this guest? Did you guess right?
all together

Scenarios of St. Nicholas

Saint Nicholas!
This happens only once a year:
The Lord opens the sky
And Nikolai hurries to the ground.
In every hut, house,
Give polite children a head
Nikolai leaves the grace of God.

From home and to home,
Snow through the forest,
He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry
An old gray-haired grandfather.
When Saint Nicholas
It comes from heaven to earth,
So every home and school,
Like a hive of bees buzzing.

When the river froze
And the grove became white,
Went down into the dark night
Nikolai to the ground.
Nicholas Saint in a hat
And in a warm sheepskin coat,
Will bring gifts to everyone
In a magic bag.

Holy and good Nicholas,
Perhaps to our school
Look at us little ones
And give us all gifts.

Saint Nicholas, come to us from heaven,
Bring us gifts to each become.
Delicious sweets, luscious buns,
Read a lot of books on holiday.
Nikolai, Nikolai, I'm waiting for you.
I love you, I call you, Saint Nicholas!

Holy Father Nicholas,
Don't go through our house.
Give me pleasure
A huge bag of laughter
Also health for the family,
Red destiny for Ukraine.

Nikolai from heaven us?
Obedient ones who don't cry
He knows how to do good
Respects dad and mom.
To everyone who is polite, hardworking,
Who knows how to live together,
Nicholas on a holiday
He will bring gifts.

festive scene

Scenarios for the Feast of St. Nicholas

It's cold outside. There was a lot of snow. It is on this night that Saint Nicholas descends from heaven to earth on a silver chain. Gray-bearded, wearing a long golden cape, he enters every home and places his wonderful gifts under the children’s pillows. True, Saint Nicholas only gives naughty children a good twig.

Mom, will there be a holiday in our house today too?

Finally, dear children,
You waited for that wave
What from the heavenly throne
Saint Nicholas will come down.

Dark night behind the glass,
The white snow flickers,
The skies shine with stars,
Where the bell speaks.

Nikolai is already in a hurry,
And with him little angels,
He will look into every house,
That's why everyone wants gifts.

And in order to receive gifts from Nikolai, you need to study well at school, never be lazy, help in everything in the house that your mother tells you.

Tell us, mom washed,
Where is Saint Nicholas?
Receives those gifts
So sincerely giving away?

There is such a treasure in the sky,
There are endless gifts there.
Saint Nicholas takes them
And it brings everything to the ground.

But not only Saint Nicholas
Descends from the heavenly throne,
Angels are with him too,
That they help the saint.
And this also happens
What's next for Nikolai
Antipka will escape from hell,
To all the slackers, naughty people,
Thieves and liars
He threatens with a pitchfork
And it also scares me like hell.

Tell me, dear mother,
Is he very scary?

Scenarios for the Feast of St. Nicholas

Don’t be afraid, he won’t visit us before, because you kids are polite, obedient, you help your mother (pats her on the head).

School events and holidays

Quiet, my children, hear something in the yard.

Mother (looks out the window)

Someone calls and stomps,
Perhaps he wants to go into the house.
I'll go have a look.

Beret warm scarf and it works.

I wonder what Nikolai will bring me?

Marusya (grabs her head). Oh, we haven't cleaned the house yet! How are we going to greet Nicholas? (He manages the house and straightens the sackcloth, takes a broom and sweeps). And you, Petya, bring the image of St. Nicholas.

Well, this is no longer my job, it’s time for me to sleep so that I can get up quickly tomorrow.

Do you want gifts?
Expect some cutting from Antipka!

(Petrik brings the image of St. Nicholas and the two of them hang it on the wall).

How I would like to receive red boots and warm gloves from St. Nicholas.

And I am a beautiful toy, a lot of sweets.

Marusya (takes Petrik by the hand)

Petya, in order for Saint Nicholas to listen to us, today we need to sincerely pray (they freeze in front of the image, pray).

Holy Father Nicholas,
We sincerely beg you,
Fulfill our requests now,
What's on our minds we have them.
They arranged to give gifts to the children.
We'll be waiting for you in hope.

Now it's time to sleep. Good night.

I'll wait all night...

(The curtain closes. The music of the lullaby “Sleep, Jesus, sleep” sounds).

The night is quiet, mysterious,
Full of miracles and miracles.
Will come to visit the kids
A long-awaited guest from heaven.
There will be joy, there will be joy,
After all, everyone remember:
For the children at night
Nikolai will not forget!

The month of December shines on the night,
Magic dreams, dreams.
It's quiet everywhere, all the children are sleeping.
Everyone has already fallen asleep.
There is an angel of God at the bedside,
Guardian angel is waiting.
He will quietly enter the door
And he will put gifts.

But what is this?

Someone is stomping, in a hurry. The devil runs out onto the stage in front of the curtain.

Hello, good ding, guten tag! (Bows).

I welcome you to every taste.
My name is Antipka,
I rushed to you even from hell,
You have winter, we have a warm house,
The frost is pinching your tail (shows tail),
And snow in the eyes of the embankment,

Nicholas holiday

Don't look that I'm a guest here,
It's freezing and freezing, as luck would have it.
(Bells rang at the end of the hall.)
Oh, the angels are already falling from heaven,
Where should I hide here?

Looking for somewhere to hide, hiding behind the curtain. Angel girls walk through the hall, holding bells that ring and go on stage. The curtain opens. On the stage is the royal throne.

Where the road flows from milk,
Where is the abundance of vision, where is the kingdom of God,
I'm going from there and the news is cheerful
I am bringing it to your home.

One more minute, children, and between you
Saint Nicholas will be here.
He is with a sincere heart and gifts
He will end up in this hall.

(The devil sneezes behind the curtain).

Quiet, children! Someone is here. need to look.

The angel is looking for someone on stage, having found it, he pulls the devil onto the stage by the tail.

Devil (crying)

Oh-oh-oh! Hurts.

This is the coward. See how he disappeared!

And I'm not a coward at all!
Still impolite children
I came straight from hell.
I brought willow twigs. (Shows viscous).
And each of the twigs is given
These lazy people don't study!

He runs around the stage, waving a bunch of twigs.

2nd angel (approaches him).

Look, Antipka, it’s in vain,
We don't have lazy people.
Really, kids, what's wrong?

Let him acquire these twigs,
Who doesn't help parents?

Look, Antipka, it’s in vain -
We don't have any naughty ones.
Really, kids, what's wrong?

Angel and children

There, Antipka! (They chase him away, he runs away). And now, children, sing a song about Nikolai, he will hear and come to you faster.

The song “Oh, who loves Nicholas” plays.

Look what is glowing there, burning, like a star flickering.

Angels enter the hall, pulling sleighs with gifts, followed by Nikolai majestically.

Snow, snowball, sprinkles,
Here's a good Nikolai!

Holiday scenario

Hello, dear children, dear public! I came to you from distant heavenly spaces and brought you a blessing from God.

Today is a holiday in your home
And I congratulate you,
Prosperity, health and good destiny
I sincerely wish you.
When I was already at this school,
He gave gifts to children,
Called you all to work,
I ordered you to live honestly,
Flee from evil and do good.

Today I brought you sweet and tasty gifts and I will give you all of them: both polite and even not quite polite, so you are all dear and dear to me.

(The devil runs onto the stage again, holding the book “Sins” in his hands).

Gifts for whom?
These bullies and naughty people?
Cowards, sloth? (Laughs)
Antipka knows better
Who to give gifts to?
Nikolai, stop
Your gifts,
Sinful children have gathered here (shows a book)
Don't give them anything!
ABOUT! They have many sins!

(Puts on glasses, sits on the edge of the stage, opens the book “Sins” and reads).

Yesterday Grigory quietly threw a stone at a friend’s house.
Vanya was running over the stream and Anechka got a black eye.
And little Andrey added salt to his mother’s coffee.
Pavel often did not go to school.
And Oksanka, needless to say, didn’t want to go to sleep!
They have sinned, they have sinned, don’t give them gifts!
Give it to me, and I’ll quickly bring them to my land!

Oh, why did you break into our house?
You see, Saint Nicholas is here,
Well, quickly get out of here!

No, I won't bother you,
I have something to say no...

Enough, enough! Something you
Spin it, troublemakers.
You won't reach your goal that way.
All those deceits are in vain,
For all of us are good.
Perish, evil spirit!
Don't walk in this world
There is no evil anywhere!!!

Get out of here! (Expels the devil)

I don’t just give gifts.
For all the good deeds I take my bag
I will solve for children, worthy of awards,
Who have respect for both weekdays and holidays.
Who always worship God in a young heart,
He will save you from failures and distract you from trouble.
Well, kids, tell me here in front of your mother,
Were you obedient? (YES)
Did you do well at school?

These gifts, children, will be distributed by the angels of the Lord,
Tell us your poems and sing them today.

We celebrate Nicholas's holiday at this time,
All our dreams have come true, Nikolai is with us.
The wishes of all the children came true,
He brought honor to the kids.

Dear Nikolai, accept forgiveness,
Let's be obedient, we'll be polite.
Let us remember all the commandments,
Do we want to live in happiness and goodness?

How good you are, Nikolai,
You give us everything we want.
Give us a voice
Have a good night's sleep.

And we sing to you, because we don’t yet know sadness.
You are good, Nikolai,
You give us everything we want.

May it be the morning that rushes through school
Will bring the smell of Ukrainian flowers.
May this day give us strength,
So that we always love Ukraine.

Music is playing. Nikolai distributes gifts.

Well, thank God, I gave it all away,
What he could and what he took with him.
In about a year I will come again,
So maybe I'll bring more.

Greetings, dear people,
With your family.
May goodness be with you
And happiness from now on.
Let your sorrow and grief
They will float up for water,
And let the sea drown them
With tears and misfortune.

I bring peace to your home,
Sincerity, truth, agreement,
To always be cheerful
Children of your kind.
So that your hearts do not harden,
Neither were indifferent
So that you understand others
In hunger and cold.

So that lies in your house
And I didn’t spend the night
So that only the truth is in your heart
Always reigned.

Now the time has come to say goodbye,
I'm leaving you now.
Be kind and always sincere,
Live in harmony and peace.

Help mom and dad,
Don't touch the smaller ones.
Help teachers
And don't forget me.

Time is ticking quickly,
I'll come back in a year
By the way, a bright holiday.
Happy Nikolai, kids!

Scenarios for St. Nicholas Day at school