Translation of "speech first" in English. Quality marks: flour for perfect baking Rules of reasonable speech

    "Iran is not a suitable country for such a competition"

    Nazi Paikidze’s reluctance to play in the World Championships in Tehran is connected with her American citizenship, and not with sincere opposition to the infringement of women’s rights, says Alexey Shirov. Let us remind you that a native of Georgia, and now representing the United States and this country, Nazi Paikidze openly refused to go to Iran because of local laws that do not allow chess players to play with their heads uncovered. At the moment, none of the tournament participants supported her.

    The Baku Open tournament ended successfully for Irina Krush: having scored 5.5 out of 9, the chess player representing the USA achieved a grandmaster point. But whether he is second or third is difficult to determine at the moment. Irina explained: it is not yet known whether she will be counted for a point at the World Team Championship in Astana. This issue will be discussed at the FIDE Congress, which starts in Tallinn in a few days.

    At the FIDE Congress in Tallinn, it was decided to award the title of grandmaster to Irina Krush (2502). Earlier we talked about some doubts on this issue. Now everything has been resolved in favor of the chess player. Irina achieved her third grandmaster point at the recent .

    The Indian women's team has decided to withdraw from participation in the Asian Team Championship, which is scheduled to be held in Hamadan, Iran in July this year, Regnum reports, citing the Associated Press.

    Chess players do not want to comply with some rules in force in the host country of the competition, in particular, walking with their heads covered. This violates human rights, they say.

    National tournaments start in St. Louis

    E.SUROV: Irina Krush, congratulations on your victory! Even in my memory, this is not the first victory of the American team over the Russian one. The victory in Dresden eight years ago is already memorable, then you also beat Kosteniuk on the first board. True, then, in my opinion, with white pieces.

    The day before yesterday, at a press conference, World Championship participant Irina Krush recalled the events of the second round match with Pia Cramling. Then, in the first game, the chess player representing the United States lost, after which she asked Emil Sutovsky, who was in Khanty-Mansiysk: “Will I be able to win back?” The Israeli grandmaster replied: “Of course. After all, winning “by order” is much easier than making a draw.” Irina won the return duel “by order”, and then sent Cramling home in a tiebreaker.

    American chess player Irina Krush beat two world champions in a row: yesterday Alexandra Kosteniuk suffered from her, today - Anna Ushenina.



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Translation of "speech first" in English

Other translations


First of all, we are talking about 52

First of all, speech must be about sustainability of our efforts, ranging from providing basic health care to strengthening our law enforcement agencies.

First and foremost, this is about the sustainability of our efforts ranging from providing basic health care to strengthening our law enforcement institutions.

First and foremost, this is about the sustainability of our efforts ranging from providing basic health care to strengthening our law enforcement institutions.">

Foremost among they are the need to face up to the dangers of nuclear proliferation - in particular, through providing the necessary framework to implement the initiative as soon as possible.

Foremost among them is the need to face up to the dangers of nuclear proliferation - in particular, through providing the necessary framework to implement the initiative as soon as possible.">

AND speech comes first in this case we are talking about the problem of the return of refugees and displaced persons.

In the elections, first and foremost the question of the return of refugees and displaced persons.">

First of all, speech will focus on Millennium Development Goal and sustainable development indicators, as well as aging and gender indicators that are most relevant to countries in the region.

This will focus on the indicators for the Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development, as well as for aging and the gender dimension, which are the most relevant for the region.

This will focus on the indicators for the Millennium Development Goals and sustainable development, as well as for aging and the gender dimension, which are the most relevant for the region.">

First of all, speech will be about inheriting the Kaustubam house along with 2.5 acres of land around it.

First of all we will focus on succession Kaustubamov home with 2.5 acres of land around.">

Suggest an example

Other results

First of all, speech refers to periodic inspections in order to identify possible cases of money laundering.

That basically involves periodic verification to identify possible cases of money-laundering.">

First of all, speech It is about developing infrastructure, strengthening human and financial capacity, and addressing regulatory issues.

At the forefront are questions of infrastructure-building, resources, both human and financial, in addition to legislative and regulatory issues.">

First of all, speech It is about the reluctance to support the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was ratified by all countries that authored the amendments.

It's first disquieting feature was the reluctance in the endorsement of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which all the countries sponsoring the amendments had ratified.

First disquieting feature was the reluctance in the endorsement of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which all the countries sponsoring the amendments had ratified.">

First of all, speech It is about creating the necessary secure environment that would preclude attempts to solve political problems by force.

In light of the increasing use of such agreements and the benefits they create ( Firstly, speech is about reducing administrative and operational costs and timelines, as well as ensuring security of supply), the Working Group envisaged the possibility of their application in the draft revised text.

In the light of their increasing use and advantages ( mainly reductions in administrative and transactional costs and times and assuring the security of supply), the Working Group provided for them in the draft revised text.

Mainly reductions in administrative and transactional costs and times and assuring the security of supply), the Working Group provided for them in the draft revised text.">

First of all, speech It is a supply gap that requires an influx of investment and technology in an era of intense competition for it in international markets, as well as innovative policies based on a stable and transparent framework and a market-based economic regime.

First was the supply-side constraints that necessitate inflows of investment and technology at a time of highly international competitive markets for these flows, and which call for innovative policies based on stable and transparent frameworks and market-friendly economic regimes.

First was the supply-side constraints that necessitate inflows of investment and technology at a time of highly international competitive markets for these flows, and which call for innovative policies based on stable and transparent frameworks and market-friendly economic regimes.">

Thus, countries should be allowed to take measures (beyond fiscal and monetary policies) to regulate capital inflows and outflows to avoid sharp fluctuations, Firstly When speech It's about portfolio investment.

Especially of portfolio investment.">

First of all, speech it is about reaffirming the commitment to implement the two-state solution and recognizing the fundamental principle that the rights of every people must be realized in their own homeland.

It starts with a renewal of commitments to the two-State solution and an acceptance of the basic principle that each people's rights are to be realized in their own homeland.

It starts with a renewal of commitments to the two-State solution and an acceptance of the basic principle that each people's rights are to be realized in their own homeland.">

First of all, speech is about the professional training of future teachers and professors from the point of view of gender issues, who in their queue responsible for training new generations.

There is a close connection between mind and speech, mind and body, mind and soul. A healthy body, a healthy mind and healthy speech create a harmonious personality. Modern research has shown that errors in speech are not accidental. The most successful people are those who speak pleasantly and know how to control their speech.

Buddhist psychology says that the main source of energy loss is speech. The Christian religion teaches: “It doesn’t matter what goes into a person’s mouth, the main thing is what comes out.” Some people use this expression to justify their eating style, which in many ways resembles the eating style of a pig - “eat what you want and what you see.” I ignore the second part of the statement. - writes

Many ascetics and saints went to secluded places so that nothing would encourage them to participate in empty conversations. In the Vedas, empty talk is called “prajalpa”. And it is precisely this that is one of the main obstacles to spiritual and material progress. We give the first assessment to a person by the way he speaks. Speech defines a person.

Almost any person who is interested in yoga, Eastern psychology and philosophy knows the name of the sage Patanjali and his monumental work on yoga - the Yoga Sutras. But few people know that, first of all, he wrote equally outstanding works on speech and medicine: “Patanjala-bhashya” and “Charaka”, respectively. The Patanjala Bhasya, being a commentary on Panini's grammar, teaches how to speak correctly and how to construct one's speech correctly.

There is a close connection between mind and speech, mind and body, mind and soul. A healthy body, a healthy mind and healthy speech create a harmonious personality. Modern research has shown that errors in speech are not accidental. They have a deep connection with mental development. Stuttering and hesitation in speech appear when there is a serious emotional disturbance. Almost all diseases are psychosomatic in nature.

Every person striving for perfection must become, firstly, a doctor treating his body; secondly, a grammar specialist who monitors his speech; thirdly, a philosopher who purifies his consciousness and comprehends the Absolute Truth. In the life of such a person there can be no place for physical ailments, indifference to self-knowledge and disordered speech. This is exactly the kind of person that the sage Patanjali called a yogi. And no matter what type of yoga, no matter what type of spiritual practice a person does, all of the above is fully applicable to him.

Health and material well-being depend on speech

And this applies not only to spiritual people, but also to those who want to succeed materially. Speaking and listening skills are studied very seriously in all business schools. Even in the criminal world, to rise in the gangster hierarchy, you need to be able to control your tongue. There they very effectively quote the Buddha’s saying that you can kill a person with a word. Three minutes of anger can destroy a ten-year friendship. Words strongly determine our karma. You can engage in spiritual development and charitable activities for ten years, but by insulting a great personality, you can lose everything at all levels and degrade into lower forms of life. Where does this come from? From insults.

Vedic astrology says that the shadow planet Ketu is responsible for insults. Ketu is a planet that quickly gives reactions, often instantly. Ketu also gives liberation. But in the negative aspect, She punishes insults and disrespectful speech, quickly depriving a person of everything he has achieved spiritually and materially. In the Vedic civilization, every person was taught to be very careful about his speech. Until a person speaks, it is difficult to recognize him. A fool can be distinguished from a wise man when he speaks. Speech has very strong energy. Experts with subtle vision say that people who communicate with obscenities, speak rudely and insultingly, immediately get a black spot in a certain place of the subtle body, which in a year or two can develop into a cancerous tumor.

Speech is a manifestation of life force

The most important thing for which language is intended for us is reading prayers, mantras and discussing topics that bring us closer to the Divine. You can also discuss practical matters and communicate with loved ones as needed. But, the main thing is not to overdo it. Ayurveda says that speech is a manifestation of prana. Prana is life force, Universal energy. The more prana, the healthier, more successful, charismatic and harmonious a person is. So, first of all, prana is consumed when a person speaks. Especially when he criticizes, condemns, makes claims, or swears. According to statistics, 90% of all quarrels occur because we talk badly about someone.

The most successful people are those who speak pleasantly and know how to control their speech. The Bhagavad Gita says that austerity of speech is the ability to speak the truth in pleasant words. People who speak rudely occupy the last places in all hierarchies. This also applies to countries in general. Please note that countries with a high speech culture are more successful - Japan, Germany, and indeed all the countries included in the Big Eight. Although there is now cultural degeneration taking place there, which includes the degradation of the culture of speech. And this affects both the economy and spiritual life in general. In the East, a person who simply cannot control his speech is considered very primitive, although he may be a professor in the West.

Karma is determined by our speech

It is important to remember that if we criticize someone, we take on negative karma and bad character traits of that person. This is how the law of karma works. And we also take the qualities of the person we praise. Therefore, the Vedas encourage us to always talk about God and saints and praise them. This is the easiest way to attain divine qualities. That is, if you want to acquire certain qualities, you just need to read about some saint who possesses them or discuss his qualities with someone. It has long been noted that we acquire the qualities of the person we think about and, therefore, talk about. Therefore, even Western psychologists advise thinking and talking about successful and harmonious people. But the more selfishness and envy we have, the harder it is for us to speak well of someone. We must learn not to criticize anyone. I had one patient whose horoscope was supposed to have a serious illness from a certain year, but everything was fine with him. I asked him what he started doing this year. He told me that he had made a vow that he would not criticize anyone. And he said that he really noticed that his life had improved, his spiritual practice had reached a new level.

The one who criticizes us gives us his positive karma and takes away our bad. Therefore, in the Vedas it has always been believed that it is good when we are criticized. How does speech work with our karma? The Mahabharata says that if you have planned something, if you want to do something, don’t tell anyone about it. Once you've said it, the likelihood of it happening decreases by 80%, especially if you shared it with an envious, greedy person. Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully achieve more? They don't lose energy. Another simple rule related to speech is that if we have done something good to someone and boasted about it to others, then at that moment we lose the positive karma and all our fruits of piety that we earned by this act. Braggers achieve little. Therefore, we should never boast about our achievements, because at this moment we lose all the fruits that we have previously earned.

“...Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Gospel of Matthew 6:3).

Thoughts determine speech
True story: A student approaches a master and asks:

– Do you advise living with open mind(open mind). But then the whole mind can fly away, right?
- Just shut your mouth tightly. And all will be well.

Thoughts determine speech, so it is important not to think badly of anyone.

The more chaotic thoughts we have in our heads, the more they appear on the tongue and the more chaotic our speech will be. He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.

There is another level - learning to accept criticism. One of the qualities of the mind is that it is able to justify itself in any situation. The lower a person's level, the more excuses you hear from him. Even having committed the most heinous crime, such a person justifies himself without blushing. I conducted seminars in prisons, including for especially dangerous criminals, and I was very surprised that almost no one considered themselves guilty.

One of the main indicators of a person who is at a high level of development is determined by the fact that he calmly listens to criticism addressed to him.

Rules of reasonable speech

Three yogis meditate in a cave. Suddenly they hear some sound made by an animal. One yogi says
- It was a goat.
A year passes. Another yogi replies:
- No, it was a cow.
Another year passes. The third yogi says:
“If you don’t stop arguing, I’ll leave you.”

The first rule of speaking intelligently is to count to 10 before you say anything harsh. This may sound stupid. At first we are unlikely to be able to count to 3. But on the other hand, if you answer after a short pause, then your answer will be much more reasonable, because the first thing that comes to mind when we are criticized or scolded is the desire to justify ourselves and answer sharply in response. Therefore, learn to think for 5-10 seconds before answering. Among other things, this will reduce the unnecessary intensity of emotions. A person who is engaged in self-realization speaks very little and thoughtfully. I have read in the biographies of some great people that they never responded immediately to accusations and generally tried not to say anything in anger. They postponed the conversation until another day or even until passions calmed down. For they knew that as long as anger and irritation influenced their speech, the consequences would be sad, and sometimes simply destructive..

The second rule of reasonable speech is that there is no need to go to extremes. God manifests himself in small things, and Satan manifests himself in extremes. You should not make a vow - “I will be dumb as a fish.” Especially if you are a bright extrovert by nature, then this can only harm you. If your psychophysical nature is that you have to talk a lot, then speak in such a way that you and those around you benefit from it. Therefore, be open and friendly, and most importantly, live consciously.
It is important to remember that our level is determined by small, insignificant actions - how we reacted to rudeness in the store, what emotions begin to overwhelm us when we are “undeservedly” criticized, etc.

Three levels of speech

1. A person on a high spiritual level, in goodness, who is told something bad about someone, or has seen or heard something defiling, may even become physically ill. He may have the feeling that he has been physically thrown into the mud. Such a person always speaks the truth in pleasant words.
He speaks every word consciously, and every word brings harmony to this world.

There is a lot of harmless humor in the speech, often at oneself.

Such people are almost always healthy and happy. It may just be difficult at first to restrain yourself from making stupid statements or from being drawn into a meaningless conversation.

2. People in passion are very sensitive to criticism addressed to them, they can talk for hours with great pleasure about topics related to sex, money, economic prosperity, politics, discussion of purchases, talk about good things about themselves, caustically discuss someone, etc. d. They usually speak quickly.

Humor is usually vulgar and related to sex.

Usually at the beginning of a conversation, they feel great satisfaction and uplift, but after such conversations they feel devastation and disgust. And the higher the level of consciousness, the stronger this feeling. This style of speech leads to degradation at all levels.

3. Those who are ignorant are distinguished by the fact that their speech is full of insults, claims, condemnations, threats, obscene words, etc. All words are saturated with anger and hatred. When such a person opens his mouth, it feels like the room is filled with bad smell. Therefore, if you say something good about someone to such a person, he may get sick. Such people, as a rule, themselves consciously or unconsciously provoke others, trying to arouse in them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, because they are tuned to this wave and feed on these lower destructive emotions.

Their humor is “black”, full of mockery and joy in the grief of others.

They are in illusion from beginning to end. The Universe treats such people with heavy blows of fate and illness. They develop quickly mental illness. You can’t even be near them, much less communicate.

It is usually rare to find a person who is constantly on only one level. Mixed types are more common, or a person’s type can change quite quickly.

It depends very much on:

the society we choose - at work, at leisure. For example, having started communicating with a passionate person, after a few minutes we may find that we are actively involved in a discussion of politicians. Although 10 minutes ago we didn’t care about them.
places. For example, in casinos, nightclubs, near beer stalls, drug dens. discussion of spiritual topics is difficult to imagine. If a place is saturated with passion and ignorance, then the speech heard there will be corresponding.

time. For example, from 21-00 to 02-00 is the time of ignorance, so it is at this time that you want to go to an ignorant place, watch an ignorant film, talk about ignorant, at best, passionate topics. The morning is wiser than the evening - this is folk wisdom. It has long been noticed that what you talked about in the evening, and especially if you made any decisions, you regret in the morning or at least see in a different light. Therefore, following a simple rule - never make decisions in the evening and generally speak as little as possible at this time - will make our lives much happier and save us from many problems and misfortunes. It is no coincidence that everything in nature sleeps at this time. Have you ever heard birds singing at this time?
At the end of the week, you can conduct a test - which speech dominated during the week. If we are in goodness, then it will be easy to notice how harmony and happiness enter our lives. If passions and especially ignorance, then the natural result will be illness, depression and misfortune

Gratitude is the first step towards harmony and love.
What can I tell you about life?
Which turned out to be long.
It is only with grief that I feel solidarity.
But until my mouth is filled with clay,
Only gratitude will be heard from it.
~ I. Brodsky

An important rule is to get rid of claims. The first step to love is gratitude. In this world, few people thank anyone. Basically, everyone makes complaints - either hidden or explicit. But it is important to remember that if we do not thank someone, it means that we begin to criticize and make claims, without always even realizing it. Service is not only some kind of physical help, first of all, it means helping a person develop the consciousness of God, giving one’s love, bringing a person closer to the Divine. Everything we do without love brings only misfortune and destruction, no matter how noble it may look outwardly.

Teachers teach that every second we either move closer to God or move further away from Him. Every situation is a lesson. And we need to thank God for every situation sent to us. The Almighty is All-Good and every second He wishes only good for us. Every second is dedicated to our learning. As soon as we have complaints, our heart center is blocked. The most common complaints are about fate, about others, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. Claims manifest themselves not only in words, but, first of all, in thoughts, tone, communication style and attitude to life.
Every situation is given to us so that we can work on ourselves. The less harmonious we are, the more tense we are, the more severe the lessons we will learn. But as soon as we accept the situation, relaxation occurs and, therefore, this situation will quickly be resolved.

Ayurveda says that you cannot get rid of a disease unless you take it. This is the first step towards healing and solving any problem - complete acceptance inside, as the mercy of God, this illness and misfortune, and on the external plane you need to make every effort to resolve it. If we do not accept the situation, then more than 90% of our energy will go to “chewing” it. Our body can cope with any disease. We can also cope with any situation and emerge victorious. If we are given some test, it means we can endure it. God does not give trials beyond his strength. Instead of complaining, we should get used to thanking everyone.

Claims are the first step to illness and misfortune.

You must track how much gratitude you have and how many complaints you have towards others. You will find that we often have more complaints than gratitude. Claims come from the mind and false ego. Any of our claims are destructive in nature; they take away our energy and close our heart. True humility is expressed in the fact that we accept any situation. Many people understand humility as something ostentatious: if you hit one cheek, turn the other. This concerns the internal state. We accept any gift of fate, whatever it may be. It is advisable to repeat as often as possible in your mind or, even better, out loud: “God’s love is for everything.” I have long noticed that people who repeated this phrase had a change in their facial expressions, they became softer, tensions in their bodies disappeared, and in general they became happier and healthier. Try it, it works! If our subconscious is tuned to perception, vision of the Higher Will in everything, this will quickly lead us to perfection.

In May 2006, I was invited to a festival in New Vrindaban (USA) to conduct a seminar on astrology. Radhanath Swami, a great teacher from Bombay, told there one story of the departure of his disciple. This is a long story, but the point is that this disciple at the age of 20 seriously devoted himself to the spiritual life, and until about the age of 40 he was celibate. He was very active in promoting spiritual knowledge and participating in various charitable projects.

At a certain point he decided to get married. He had a beautiful young wife and they had a child. But at that moment the student fell ill with a severe form of cancer. His spiritual friends organized for him the most best treatment, but nothing helped. Every day his body deteriorated more and more, causing severe physical suffering. But he always expressed gratitude. No one ever heard from him: “God! Why did you punish me like that? I served You faithfully and truly for 20 years, I gave You my best years!”

No one heard any complaints from him, only gratitude. He thanked the Almighty and spiritual teachers for the fact that devotees of God came to him every day and chanted the Holy Names, talked about God and the saints. He praised God for always taking the best care of him. One day Radhanath Swami called him to give him final instructions and encouragement. And he was simply shocked that the spiritual teacher remembered him and gave him the last instructions before leaving.

He told those around him: “How great the Teacher is, he has so many wonderful students, but he remembers even such insignificant ones as me.” Surprisingly, he did not ask for health, although he did everything the doctors said. He believed that God knew best what he needed. All he asked for was a blessing so that he would be given the opportunity to serve the world selflessly in both this and the next life. And on one of his very last days, Saint Babaji, whom everyone had seen only in Vrindavan (one of the holiest places in India), came to Bombay.

Everyone knew that he never left Vrindavan and no one knows how he knew that this great soul was going to leave the body. He came to be with him for the last days. Until the last second, this devotee of God did nothing but express gratitude to everyone. And despite the fact that his body was causing him more and more pain, so much love, peace and light came from him that many came not only to support him, but simply to be in his aura.

But if you end up in a regular hospital, you will hardly hear words of gratitude, mostly just complaints and reproaches: “Why did God send me this? Why is He so unfair, because I am so good! And if a person complied with at least some laws of piety and the rules of the local church, then there will be no end to the indignation... And you don’t have to go to the hospital, look around, and you will hear mostly complaints and reproaches: to the government, to the environment, to relatives and friends , to service workers, etc.

Almost everyone nowadays believes that they are owed everything. And if someone does at least something good to another, then the conviction is born inside that this person is forever obliged to him, well, at least, he must repay in kind.

And we, as always, have a choice: either join the general mass of people and dive into the hellish life of reproaches and claims and live with closed heart, or get used to seeing God’s mercy in everything and instead of asking “Why?” asking the question “Why do I need this?” Get used to opening your mouth only for THANKSGIVING, understanding that we can feel bliss only by selflessly and secretly giving. Love can only be felt by giving. And we have been given such vast opportunities in this world, in our time... For this alone we can constantly thank the Almighty. So let's go with today let us make a vow to ourselves that we will watch our speech, make Love of God our goal and strive for perfection at all levels.

Women who take constant care of their figure should deny themselves many delicacies. First of all, we are talking about sweets. A delicacy like chocolate candies, are not included in any dietary diet, but this does not make the desire to enjoy their taste any less, alas. What to do? There is a way out: eat dietary sweets, which will not only benefit the body and not add extra centimeters to the waist, but will also make beautiful ladies lose weight!

Today we will tell you what the most delicious diet sweets are made from and give best recipes at home.

What to make it from?

To make delicious and harmless diet candies at home, you will need certain food products. Of course, the specific list of ingredients for this dessert directly depends on the recipe you are using. However, we can identify a number of components that are most often used as components of homemade dietary sweets. These are a variety of dried fruits, nuts, seeds and cereals, some legumes (for example, peanuts, chickpeas), dark and dark chocolate, cocoa powder, fresh berries and fruits. They make dietary candies based on cottage cheese, protein, milk, add vanillin, sweeteners, vegetable oils, coconut flakes and citrus zest.

From all this diversity, you can create real masterpieces that have a long shelf life and can please not only people who are losing weight, but also their household members.

Why do homemade diet sweets help bring body weight back to normal and even stabilize it? It's actually simple: diet candies contain a lot of nutrients that help you achieve your goal. The fiber present in dried fruits cleanses the body of waste, toxins and excess fat, and improves intestinal function. Proteins, which are rich in milk and cottage cheese, prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue during weight loss and improve metabolism. Vitamins, antioxidants and mineral compounds of fruits, berries, and dried fruits speed up metabolism and stimulate the fat burning process. Dark chocolate dulls the appetite. Carbohydrates from dried apricots, figs, and prunes satiate you quickly and for a long time. In general, diet sweets have more than enough advantages!

So, we offer you recipes for the most delicious diet sweets that you can make with your own hands at home.

Homemade truffle recipe

Ingredients of dietary sweets: 5 tbsp. low-fat cocoa, 7 tbsp. milk, 50 g whey protein (preferably chocolate flavored), 4 tbsp. ground almonds, 2-3 tbsp. coconut oil

How to prepare dietary truffles at home. All ingredients must be combined in a deep bowl, leaving out only the cocoa powder. Mix them - you will get a thick sticky mass. Now you need to form small balls out of it. To do this, dip your fingers in dry cocoa every time you create another candy. Roll the finished balls in this powder. Keep the treat in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Cottage cheese candies

Ingredients of curd sweets: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 5 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 banana, 3 tbsp. coconut flakes, powdered sweetener to taste.

How to make curd diet sweets. Pass the banana and oatmeal through a blender. Leave the mixture alone for 20 minutes to allow the cereal ingredient to swell. Then combine the mixture with the remaining ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained - except for the coconut flakes. Roll candies of any shape from the curd mixture and roll each one in shavings. The delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator, but this period is a maximum of 5 days.

Dietary candies made from chickpeas and chocolate

To prepare chocolate diet candies you will need: 3 tbsp. nut butter, 50 g peanuts, 250 g boiled chickpeas, a little less dark chocolate, a little vanilla and stevia (to taste).

How to make chocolates. Place the main ingredients in a blender bowl: paste, legumes, stevia and vanilla. Turn on the appliance and turn this mixture into a smooth puree. Divide the chocolate into two equal parts, one of which must be melted in a water bath and the finished glaze must be added to the resulting candy mixture. Place the other half of the treat in the refrigerator. Make balls of any size from the sweet mass. Take the chocolate out of the refrigerator and grate it on a fine grater - the candies should be rolled in this powder. Place the dessert in a cool place.

Berry recipe

Ingredients of dietary berry candies: 1.5 liters of water, 0.5 kg of any berries - frozen or fresh (it is better to use assorted), 60 g of gelatin and any sweetener to taste.

How to cook at home. Place the berries in a saucepan and cover with water. Place the container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. After this, simmer it over low heat for 20 minutes. After this period, remove the berry broth from the stove, strain, dissolve the sweetener and gelatin in it. Stir the liquid to avoid lumps! Now pour the broth onto a baking sheet so that it forms a layer 2 cm thick.

Another option is to pour the mixture into molds. Place the berry-gelatin solution in the refrigerator to harden. When this happens, remove the finished candies from the molds or cut the jelly into miniature triangles.

Dried fruit candies

Ingredients for homemade dietary sweets made from dried fruits: you will need any nuts of your choice in the amount of 100 g, as well as 100 g of dried apricots, prunes, dates and raisins. An additional ingredient for sprinkling is sesame seeds (50 g).

Recipe. Wash and dry all the listed dried fruits. Then combine them and grind them using a blender, adding nuts to the mixture. From the resulting mass, form small round candies with your hands, roll each of them in pre-roasted sesame seeds. Place the dish with the treat in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Milk jelly

Dietary composition: 50 g of dark chocolate, 20 g of gelatin, 0.5 l of low-fat milk, any sweetener and vanillin to taste.

How to make dairy diet sweets at home. Pour the milk into the pan and let it boil. When this happens, dissolve gelatin in this liquid, then add sweetener and vanillin. Pour the milk mixture onto a baking sheet - it should form a layer approximately 1.5-2 cm thick. To allow the jelly layer to harden, put the product in the refrigerator for an hour. Then cut the finished jelly into candies of any shape and dip each in glaze - chocolate melted in a water bath. Keep the treat in a cool place for another half hour.

Homemade protein recipe

For homemade dietary protein candies you will need: 1 peeled banana, moderately ripe; 125 g whey protein or skim milk powder; 20 g brown sugar.

Recipe. Mix chopped fruit with protein in a blender. Roll out round sweets from a homogeneous mass with your fingers. Roll them in brown sugar. It is preferable to store sweets in the refrigerator.

Raffaello at home

Required ingredients: dates - 2 cups, rice flour - 250 mg, whole (according to the number of candies) and ground almonds for sprinkling.

How to prepare diet candies Raffaello. Dried fruits need to be soaked. To do this, fill them with water and leave for 4 hours. Then drain the liquid and pass the dried fruits through a meat grinder. Add rice flour to the mixture. Mix and mold from nutritional mixture balloons. Place a whole almond inside each candy. Roll the delicacy in ground almonds and place on a wide flat dish, which must be refrigerated for 3 hours.

Make your own diet sweets using natural and healthy ingredients. Rejoice yourself and treat your loved ones. Any food made with your own hands is filled with home warmth and love. Bon appetit, health and slimness!

Homemade baking requires skillful and delicate handling. In order for it to always be a great success, you need not only to observe the subtleties of the recipe, but also to take care quality products. First of all, we are talking about the right flour. In this sense, Ryazanochka flour is a win-win choice.

Main mill

If you have bought Ryazanochka flour at least once, you probably noticed the “Mill No. 1 in Russia” icon on the packaging. This is evidence that flour is produced at the largest mill in the country, where up to 1,700 tons of grain are processed per day. At the same time, the quality of the finished product invariably meets the highest standards, which is confirmed by international certificates. It is noteworthy that the flour is made exclusively from selected Russian cereals using the latest Swiss technologies. This ensures unsurpassed quality.

Quality to the seventh power

Any housewife knows: in order for baked goods to turn out fluffy and airy, the flour must be sifted. With Ryazanochka flour there is no need for this. The secret lies in the special “air flow” technology, thanks to which the flour is saturated with oxygen during the production process. As a result, it does not cake at all and, importantly, does not go rancid over time. All that is needed to maintain the ideal quality of flour is to comply with the storage conditions detailed on each package.

Smooth execution

You've probably fried pancakes hundreds of times. They are prepared without much difficulty, but even the most skillful housewives sometimes end up with hateful lumps in the dough. Ryazanochka flour for batter will eliminate this problem once and for all. All thanks to the unique technology of grinding and cleaning from flour dust, which, in fact, creates lumps upon contact with liquid. By the way, this type of flour can be used to prepare silky-smooth sauces and delicious gravies. It also makes delicious waffles and pancakes.

Unstoppable force

Another nuisance that can ruin all your efforts is the dough falling off during baking. Self-raising flour “Ryazanochka” will help you avoid this mistake. This is not just premium flour. High-quality baking powder is already mixed into it evenly in precisely adjusted proportions. That's why your baked goods will always be surprisingly airy, fluffy and appetizing. This flour is indispensable for making buns, tall pies, biscuits with fillings, crumbly cookies and Easter cakes.

Healthy approach

One of the main dietary tenets is to exclude all flour treats from the diet. You don’t have to do this with Ryazanochka flour. The brand's assortment includes several products that can safely be classified as dietary. Buckwheat and rye flour will reduce the calorie content of finished baked goods. And their unique taste qualities will help you successfully and usefully diversify your family menu. Whole grain flour, containing valuable particles of the shell and germ of the grain, is an ideal complement to a healthy diet.

Study useful qualities You can still use Ryazanochka flour for a very long time. Moreover, each variety has its own merits and unique taste. It is much more interesting to prepare your favorite homemade cakes from this flour in order to once again pamper your family and friends.