Vegetable oils for children: benefits, harm, application. The role of various edible oils in complementary feeding for infants. Can a child be given olive oil?

Vegetable oil is one of the products that a child becomes familiar with in the first year of life. Therefore, before introducing complementary foods, all mothers should find out at what age they are allowed to give vegetable oils for babies, why they are included in the children's menu and which oil is best suited for feeding infants.


Adding vegetable oils to the diet of children is justified and necessary, because these products:

  • include healthy fatty acids that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and brain function;
  • are quickly absorbed and provide energy;
  • help cleanse the body of harmful compounds;
  • are a source of fat-soluble vitamins;
  • help normalize stool and prevent constipation;
  • envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing their damage;
  • change the taste of dishes for the better;
  • have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Possible harm

  • Any type of vegetable oil can provoke an allergic reaction. Although it is very rare, it occurs in the form of a rash, changes in stool, redness of the skin and other unpleasant symptoms. If they occur, the new product is excluded for a while, and later they try to introduce it into complementary foods again.
  • Excessively large amounts of oil in the diet have a negative effect on digestion and harm blood vessels and the thyroid gland. In addition, this product is quite high in calories and consumption in excess can provoke excess weight gain.
  • Prolonged heat treatment of vegetable oils leads to the formation of trans fats. Such compounds are dangerous for the child’s body and can cause various pathologies, so their use at an early age is strictly limited.
  • Expired oil or a product that was stored without observing the correct temperature conditions can also harm the baby and cause poisoning.

From what age, how much and how to give?

Most often, vegetable oil is added to vegetable or meat dishes. In order for all the beneficial substances to be preserved as much as possible, the food should be slightly cooled.

Older children are offered salads of fresh vegetables dressed with oil. Fried foods should not be given until the age of three.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Indicate the child's date of birth and method of feeding

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When breastfeeding

According to pediatricians, infants can be introduced to vegetable oil from the age of 7 months. Until this time, babies receiving mother's milk do not need such a product.

  • At 7 months a portion of vegetable oil for a baby should be only 1 gram (that is, only a few drops, no more than 1/5 teaspoon).
  • At 8 months of age it can be increased to 2-3 grams, that is, give the little one about half a teaspoon of oil per day.
  • From 9 months The daily portion of a vegetable fatty product is 5 grams (one teaspoon).
  • From 10 months of age– 6 grams (a little more than a teaspoon).

With artificial feeding

Vegetable oil can be offered to an artificial child a little earlier - from 5 months.

  • At 5 months of age The daily portion will be 1 gram of this product.
  • At 6-7 months children on artificial feeding additionally give 3 grams of butter.
  • At 8-9 months– 5 grams per day.
  • From 10 months– as for infants, 6 grams per day.

Which oil to choose for complementary foods?

The most common types of vegetable oils for baby food are olive and sunflower. They are the first ones recommended to be included in the diet of babies under one year old.

Both products are available in refined and unrefined versions. The first of them is more purified, but less likely to provoke allergies, so it is first introduced into complementary foods. In addition, unrefined oil has a distinct smell and taste, so the little one may not like it.

  • Olive oil It is obtained from olive fruits and has a lot of positive properties. It is good for the immune system, cardiovascular system, digestion and vision.
  • Sunflower oil It is extracted from sunflower seeds and is almost as beneficial as olive oil, as it contains many vitamins and has a beneficial effect on the skin and intestines.

Less common, but can be included in the diet of children, are the following oils:

  • corn– a nutritious source of vitamin E and linoleic acid, beneficial for skin cells and the immune system;
  • coconut– contains saturated fatty acids, including lauric acid, which has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, as well as medium-chain triglycerides;
  • rapeseed– rich in monounsaturated fats, phosphorus, vitamin E and omega fatty acids, has a positive effect on the circulatory and digestive system;
  • linen– a valuable source of unsaturated acids, helps normalize metabolism, good digestion and immunity, but has a specific taste;
  • sesame– pleasant to the taste, contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus and fatty acids, so it helps strengthen the teeth and skeletal system;
  • peanut– a source of omega-6 and omega-9 fats, various vitamins and minerals, many children like it for its original taste, good for the cardiovascular system;
  • soy– rich in tocotrienols and tocopherols, lecithin, vitamin C, various minerals, neutralizes toxins, improves metabolic processes and reduces cholesterol levels;
  • sea ​​buckthorn– contains carotenoids, vitamin C, tocopherol, vitamin K and other substances, helps strengthen the immune system, has a positive effect on the liver, and promotes wound healing when applied externally.

These types of oils are recommended to be added to the menu for children from 1 year of age, and even later if they are prone to allergies. Nut oils require special attention, as they often have side effects. In reviews of their use in children, there are often complaints of allergies.

After introduction into the children's diet different types oils, they should be alternated in the diet so that babies get the maximum amount of nutrients from different foods.

Use for constipation

Vegetable oil is one of the harmless natural remedies that have a laxative effect. In most cases, for constipation it is used sunflower oil. It is this oil that is most common and in demand for defecation disorders. Its effect on the evacuation of stool was noticed in ancient times.

This product can be used for constipation in children, but with adequate dosage. Taking the oil will have a positive effect on intestinal motility, relieve spasms of smooth muscles and slightly speed up the movement of feces due to lubrication of the intestinal walls and increased fecal plasticity.

However, this remedy cannot be used in the first 6 months of life. Therefore, if constipation occurs in a newborn, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician and not give the baby oil, because the baby’s intestines are not yet fully mature to digest this product.

A safe dosage of oil for constipation in infants is considered to be 1-2 drops. It is more convenient to give the product using a pipette, dropping the liquid onto the baby’s tongue. You can also lubricate the nipple (if your baby is bottle-fed) or nipple (if your baby is breastfed).

Skin treatment and oil sterilization

Another area of ​​use for vegetable oil in infants is to lubricate the baby’s delicate skin. It is permissible to apply such a product to the baby’s skin from birth. It will easily relieve your baby from dryness and irritation, and many mothers consider it safer than special cosmetics.

The oil used to treat the skin of infants must first be sterilized. This will help make the product safe for toddlers.

First, you should sterilize the glass container in which the oil will be stored. After this, you need to heat the jar of oil in a water bath, placing a small piece of cloth on the bottom. The water in the saucepan should be 1-2 cm higher than the oil level in the jar.

Constantly stirring the oil with a wooden stick, it must be heated for at least 20 minutes. For a better effect, the product can be boiled a little longer (30-40 minutes), until small bubbles appear in it.

The resulting sterile product can be applied to the child’s skin immediately after cooling. It should be stored tightly closed with a lid.

You shouldn’t sterilize a large volume at once; it’s better to boil a new portion after a few days as you use it.

Selection and storage

The issue of choosing a good vegetable oil for a child is very important. You should not buy cheap products for baby food. As a rule, they are of lower quality, for example, poorly cleaned.

When choosing a product, carefully read about it on the packaging, check the expiration date, integrity of the bottle and storage conditions. Buying olive oil, pay attention to the presence of “organic” or “extra virgin” marks on the packaging container.

Remember that oil should not be kept under sunlight. Choose a cool, dark place for storage in your home, such as a kitchen cabinet.

Keep an eye on the shelf life; after opening the bottle, use the product no longer than 5 weeks. The most suitable storage container is glass. Storage temperature should not exceed +20 degrees.

Before giving oil from a new package to your baby, check its smell and taste. If it smells bad or is rancid, it should not be used to feed children.

Find out if your baby's weight is normal by using the following calculator.

Height and weight calculator

Oil should be introduced into complementary foods when the baby is 5-6 months old. First – vegetable, and a little later – creamy. The first dose should be tiny and fit on the tip of a knife, that is, approximately 1 gram (that’s a couple of drops). Moreover, they add vegetable oil to vegetable and meat complementary foods (preferably extra virgin olive oil), and butter to porridge. It is important that in the second case we are talking specifically about products made from cream (fat content - at least 82.5%). Less fatty ones have a different name - spread - and the natural base in them is replaced by various food additives. It is also important to remember that in canned complementary foods the oil additive will be superfluous: it already contains it in the form of the required amount of animal and vegetable fats.
Oil for children and complementary foods.

Why do you need oil for children? If your little one has eaten canned (store-bought) complementary foods, he is already very familiar with vegetable oil. It is added to store-bought purees to make them better absorbed. Therefore, if you prepare a vegetable dish yourself, you can safely add a drop of olive oil to it. And the cream product goes well with starchy cereal porridges. But you need to add it directly to the plate, since during the boiling process vitamins are destroyed, and harmful saturated fatty acids are formed from healthy unsaturated fatty acids. By the age of one year, the daily “oil” norm for a toddler will be 3-5 grams. But margarine and other “light” foods (spreads) are contraindicated for infants.

When choosing the first vegetable oil for children, it is best to choose olive oil. It contains almost the same amount of fatty acids as breast milk. Over time, you can begin to alternate it with sunflower and corn. And closer to two years, also give rapeseed and soybeans. They are the ones that are included in store-bought canned puree. But when buying such food, you should always check the composition for the presence of GMOs.

Olive and other oils for children play another important role - they provide the body with cholesterol. In small quantities, it is simply necessary, since it is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones and the production of vitamin D, and is also part of the cell membrane and is necessary for a number of digestive processes. That is, without cholesterol, a child’s development, including intellectual development, may be impaired. But, we repeat, you should strictly adhere to the established standards, since the “oil blow” to the liver and pancreas can be very noticeable. It should also be added with caution to infants intolerant to cow protein.

Vegetable oil for children. This product contains vitamin E, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, which the human body cannot produce on its own. Meanwhile, such connections are needed for the retina and the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, a grown-up toddler should be introduced to salads made from fresh vegetables, seasoned with olive (sunflower, corn, soybean) oil as early as possible. It can also be added to vegetable purees and soups. It is also great for preparing fried dishes, since it is not afraid of heat treatment and does not release any carcinogens harmful to the body. But, of course, fried food will appear on your child’s menu no earlier than he turns one year old.

Introducing into complementary foods butter. It is necessary to introduce butter made from cream into complementary foods in a timely manner and without fail. Moreover, when the time comes, it should be present in your child’s menu every day (of course, in small doses), providing the body with vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, calcium, phospholipids, and amino acids. If vegetable oil is offered to children at 5-6 months, then a cream product is offered at 6-7 months. For six-month-olds who eat formula - early, and for those who are on breastfeeding- later. If your child suffers from allergies, be sure to consult your pediatrician before introducing butter into complementary foods. But, we repeat, giving it to babies is very useful. After all, it is a source of energy, an indispensable element that ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, hormonal system, vision, hair, muscle and bone tissue. The unique property of “creamy” is its ability to heal wounds and ulcers in the stomach and duodenum. It also normalizes digestion. Helps treat complex bronchial diseases, skin ailments, colds, tuberculosis. Protects the young body from infections. They begin to introduce butter for children along with cereal complementary foods, that is, porridge. At first – 2-4 grams per day. By the year the norm is 5-6 grams. By the age of three, a carp should consume about 15 grams, and after 4 years - 25.

Finally, we repeat once again: when choosing which oil to give to your child, under no circumstances should you buy a spread. After all, this product contains elements harmful to babies - flavoring additives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, flavorings... And it is not difficult to distinguish a natural product from a substitute: at the legislative level it is forbidden to hide the fact that a spread is a spread.

Since ancient times olive oil It is considered a gift from the gods, a medicine given to people by nature itself.

And it is no coincidence that Mediterranean residents who regularly consume olive oil maintain youth, beauty and health for many years.

Russians do not have rich traditions of consuming olive oil, and therefore the purpose of this article is to talk about the outstanding qualities of this sunny product, which will certainly amaze you.

1. Olive oil: unique composition

The main secret of olive oil is its unique composition , this is a real storehouse of useful components that are absorbed human body almost 100%.

Olive oil contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamin E, which helps absorb vitamins A and K. The result of this natural “chain reaction” is a general rejuvenation of the body, improvement in the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

And it’s no wonder that in Greece, where olive oil is idolized, life expectancy is one of the highest in the world.

2. Olive oil: benefits for the digestive system

Olive oil is very good for the digestive system. It improves the activity of the stomach, intestines, pancreas and liver, promotes the healing of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Olive oil has a choleretic and mild laxative effect. This is a rare and valuable property, because other vegetable oils do not have a choleretic effect.

A dessert spoon of olive oil on an empty stomach for three months helps to cure stomach ulcers and gastritis, while a spoonful of sunflower oil in such a situation can provoke hepatic colic and exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

3. Olive oil: prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer

Olive oil is a natural remedy for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially heart attacks and strokes, as well as cancer. The secret is in the content of a record amount of Omega-3 monounsaturated fatty acids, which prevent atherosclerotic plaques from depositing on the walls of blood vessels and even destroy those that already exist.

Train yourself to take two tablespoons of olive oil a day (dress salad, add to soups, side dishes, marinades), and your heart will work like a clock.

It is a known fact that the lowest mortality rate from cardiovascular diseases is in Greece, the world leader in olive oil consumption per person.

In addition, scientists have found that oleic acid contained in olive oil stimulates a gene that suppresses the activity of cancer cells. Accordingly, the risk of developing cancer, in particular breast cancer in women, is reduced.

4. Olive oil: benefits for children

Olive oil especially useful for children and pregnant women, because The fatty acids it contains are involved in the formation of the fetal brain, its bone and nervous systems.

Olive oil also provides a gentle transition for infants to adult food. The fact is that the fatty acids of extra-virgin olive oil are very similar to the fats that make up breast milk: linoleic acid in both is approximately 8%. Olive oil should be added to porridges and pureed vegetables.

It is important to remember that a lack of linoleic acid in the body can cause a number of skin diseases.

5. Olive oil is ideal for frying

Olive oil is one of the best oils for frying, because it retains its structure when high temperatures and it doesn't burn.

According to research, extra virgin olive oil begins to burn at temperatures above 240 degrees and practically does not oxidize due to the low content of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, for lovers healthy eating you can safely use it to prepare all kinds of dishes - heat, sauté, fry - and at the same time enjoy the pleasant natural aroma, without which it is impossible to imagine healthy Mediterranean cuisine. For example, IDEAL olive oil is produced in Spain using the direct pressing method, without adding preservatives or foreign impurities.

Unlike olive oil, our favorite sunflower and corn oils have one major drawback - they are extremely susceptible to oxidation, especially when heated and left exposed to air. As a result, we get carcinogenic products that are harmful to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. Olive oil in cosmetology

Since ancient times, olive oil has found wide application in cosmetology. To preserve and maintain beauty and youth, women of Ancient Greece regularly used masks based on olive oil.

Today, cosmetics based on Extra Virgin olive oil are very popular. It is included in various creams, masks, shampoos, and soaps.

Olive oil is ideal for skin because:

– absorbs well and does not clog pores, which is important for skin breathing, good color faces,

– does not cause allergic reactions,

– prevents the penetration of airborne contaminants into the skin,

– thanks to the content of antioxidants and vitamin E, it prevents premature aging of the body and has a rejuvenating effect,

– has a disinfecting and wound-healing effect, which helps solve the problems of dry, inflamed and dehydrated skin,

– actively affects fat metabolism in the body, which is effective in the fight against cellulite and skin stretch marks,

– eliminates brittle and split nails, gives vital shine to hair, prevents dandruff and hair loss,

– relieves pain, including after sports training. Since ancient times, Greek athletes rubbed their bodies with olive oil after sports competitions.

7. Unrefined olive oil

The process of purification (refining) of vegetable oil consists of three main stages: neutralization, bleaching, deodorization. The result is a product without a distinct taste, color or smell.

When you open a bottle of olive oil and do not feel the distinct natural aroma of olives, think about the quality of the oil you purchased.

Unfortunately, the inexpensive olive oils on our supermarket shelves are often a mixture of refined and unrefined oils.

Therefore, when choosing olive oil, it is important to remember that high-quality oil cannot be cheap. One reason for this is the time it takes to harvest the olives. They are collected in winter and usually by hand. One tree produces about 8 kg of olives, and to produce 1 liter of oil you need 5 kg of olives.

8. What is the best olive oil?

The best olive oil is cold pressed oil (Extra Virgin). This is unrefined olive oil, which has not been subjected to any heat treatment and therefore retains the maximum of nutrients.

Basically, the oil is filtered before bottling, but unfiltered oil is more highly valued.

The main indicator of the quality of olive oil is its acidity. The acidity level is determined by the content of oleic acid in 100 g of product. The lower the natural acidity of unrefined olive oil, the higher its quality.

High-quality oil (Extra Virgin) must have an acidity of no more than 0.8%.

Oil with acidity less than 0.5% is considered medicinal in the Mediterranean.

The quality of olive oil is also affected by its variety. The best is considered to be oil with special marked P.D.O.(mark of protected origin), which is made from olives grown in a certain area. The entire production process of this oil is carried out at the site where raw materials are collected. This oil has a unique bouquet and aroma.

Oil labeled "Bio" or "Organic" means that the olives were harvested from plantations bearing that label. This means that you receive an organic product that meets strict system requirements, which include the refusal to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, growth regulators and genetic engineering methods.

9. Olive oil: the best producers

Worldwide leaders in olive oil production are Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia. Moreover, this fact is interesting: Spanish production volumes are three times higher than Greek ones, but at the same time they have only a fifth of the total production of Extra Virgin oil.

Greece, with smaller volumes, produces more than 80% of extra virgin oil and offers an optimal price-quality ratio.

It is known that olive trees inhabited Greece more than 5,000 years ago. There they found a favorable ecological niche. In Crete and the mountainous part of Greece, olives have been growing wild for decades, reproducing naturally on the roots of dead trees. Breaking through rocks, their roots go deep into the ground, feeding the fruits with valuable substances.

Oil from other countries is often inferior in quality to Greek oil. The point, as a rule, is that the raw materials are collected throughout the region from specially planted olive trees, which are watered abundantly. Naturally, the concentration of active substances in olives grown in this way decreases, and the taste weakens. And in order for the oil to meet the specified quality standards, manufacturers add the required amount of Greek olive oil to it.

10. Olive oil: taste, color, aroma

Individuality of the oil determined by numerous factors.

Professionals say that for a good olive harvest, five components are needed: sun, stone, dryness, silence and privacy.

Indeed, the nature of the soil and climatic conditions are very important for olives. Depending on their characteristics, the color, taste and aroma of the oil may vary.

To determine the organoleptic characteristics of the oil, conduct a short tasting. Take a sip and hold it in your mouth. Pay attention to the color and bouquet, fruity taste, piquancy, slight bitterness, enveloping consistency and highlight flaws, for example, rancidity, mustiness, woody aftertaste.

Are you still wondering: “Which oil is the best?” Remember that there are over 700 varieties of olives growing in different parts of the world from America to Australia, but Greek oil is still a little stronger, with a stronger taste.

Olive oil fatty acid molecules are very large, and the larger the molecule, the more carbohydrate atoms it contains and the more heat it produces. Therefore, olive oil provides the greatest influx of energy, which is especially necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, and above all in order to cope with stress and be in a great mood!

Olive oil should be present not only in adults, but also in children’s diets. This product plays an important role in strengthening the health and immunity of children from the very beginning. early age. If your child is not yet familiar with olive oil, then it’s time to think about correcting this annoying oversight.

Olive oil contains vitamins A, D, E, healthy fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, linoleic and oleic acids, valuable antioxidants and amino acids. Regular use of this product helps improve and strengthen the general condition of the body.

Let's take a closer look at how olive oil affects the health of children and why it is so important to include it in children's diets now.

1. Rich composition

Olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Residents of Mediterranean countries consume this product in large quantities and boast strong immunity, a healthy cardiovascular system and a long life expectancy. This product is good for children because its composition and beneficial properties are very similar to mother’s milk.

2. Improved digestion

Regular consumption of olive oil will improve the functioning of your baby's digestive system. This is especially important for children at a very young age. Olive oil in the diet will help avoid various types of gastrointestinal disorders. The thing is that it contains oleic acid.

3. Bone growth and muscle formation

If olive oil is present in your child’s diet, then be sure that his bones will be strong and his muscles will be well formed. This product has a beneficial effect on the mineralization, development and calcification of bone and muscle tissue.

4. Coordinated work of the body

Olive oil strengthens not only digestion, bones and muscles. It has the most positive effect on the health and coordinated functioning of all organs, especially when it comes to a growing body: heart and blood vessels, liver and spleen, vision and teeth.

5. Strengthening the immune system

Antioxidants contained in olive oil, when entering the body, fight free radicals that destroy the immune system and eliminate their harmful effects on the body. This is how olive oil strengthens the immune system of babies.

Are you worried that it’s too early to introduce olive oil to your child’s menu? According to the conclusion of the Research Institute of Nutrition,

A man is born! How much this event means in the life of a young family: happiness, pleasant chores, responsibility for the life and well-being of the baby. Right organized meals the baby is the key to his health. In this regard, the first five months of a little person’s life do not burden the mother with any worries: breast milk is quite enough to children's body received all the necessary nutrients. From the sixth month, vegetable and fruit purees, as well as cereals, are introduced into the child’s diet. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, from the age of 7 months, the baby’s food is enriched by the introduction of vegetable oil into the diet; a month later, his feast is replenished with meat, bread, juice and butter.

As seen, Vegetable oils become a necessary part of a child’s diet quite early on. Why do these products play such an important role? This is due to the fact that the intensive development of the body begins to lack the beneficial substances that make up breast milk, while vegetable oils contain vitamins, fatty acids, having however, in some cases antibacterial properties.

Even 20 years ago, the question of what kind of vegetable oil to introduce into the diet of newborns was not raised: alternatives sunflower oil there was none in our country. Now, in the desire to make the right choice for the health of the baby, the mother has to arm herself with a lot of knowledge in order to give preference to one of the many plant products: walnut oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, pumpkin oil, flaxseed oil, olive oil or soybean oil.

To make life easier for young mothers, we analyzed the beneficial properties of vegetable oils most often included in complementary foods.

Sunflower (unrefined)

  • Well absorbed by the child's body;
  • serves as a source of vitamins E, A and D (this vitamin is necessary for the prevention of rickets in children under 2 years of age);
  • contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which has a beneficial effect on brain function, the body's metabolic processes, and the functioning of the visual and nervous systems.
  • Contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, K3;
  • Due to the high concentration of vitamin E, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, endocrine system and adrenal glands.


  • Contains vitamins E (necessary for good immunity) and D (for the prevention of rickets);
  • the substances included in the product have antibacterial properties.
Rapeseed and soybean oils should not be used in baby food due to the poor composition of nutrients and the possible content of GMOs in them. It is also better to forget about the palm product, which, while contributing to obesity, also has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

This product, according to nutritionists and pediatricians, is ideal for complementary feeding. The secret of such unanimity lies in the fact that the product is easily absorbed by the body, because the polyunsaturated fatty acids that make up olive oil are as similar in percentage as possible to breast milk. Let's talk about the composition and beneficial properties of this product.

Composition and properties

Olive oil contains:

  • vitamins (A, D, E, K);
  • mono-unsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic, palmitic, peanut);
  • compounds (phenols and polyphenols, tocopherols, sterols, terpene alcohols).

From the point of view of the average person, this information gives nothing to people who are far from knowledge of chemistry. To reveal the meaning of the product, we present a table that clearly reflects its beneficial properties.

The name of the body system or organ of the child that olive oil can affect Beneficial properties and (or) method of action of the oil
Skeletal system Taking the product stimulates the absorption of calcium by the body, due to which the bone skeleton is strengthened
The immune system The phenols included in the product serve as a source of strengthening the immune system
Visual system Linoleic acid has a positive effect on vision (in addition, it has a positive effect on the regenerative properties of the body to heal wounds and other damage)
Endocrine system Acts as a prophylactic agent, preventing the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, improves metabolic processes in the body. In addition, including the maximum healthy fats, the product is able to remove harmful fats from the body
Digestive system Prevents constipation, has a mild laxative and choleretic effect
Nervous system The complex of fatty acids included in the product has a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system and brain function.
Skin The cause of many skin diseases in newborns is a lack of linoleic acid. Replenishment of this ingredient, in large quantities contained in the product provides significant support in getting rid of skin ailments

Methods of application

External use

For constipation

Olive oil - effective remedy for constipation, it is allowed to be used even for newborns. A few drops at room temperature are applied to the baby’s belly and the tummy is massaged with gentle movements. With this method of application, the substances responsible for the laxative effect contained in the product are literally absorbed by the baby’s skin and delivered to the digestive organs.

To distribute the active substances of the product more evenly, you can use another method other than massage: in this case, the mother presses the baby’s tummy to her body.

For diaper rash

Diaper rash is the most common problem in newborns. To get rid of them, the baby’s damaged skin is treated with sterilized olive oil 3-5 times a day. The temperature of the product is important - about 20 degrees. Olive oil does not clog the pores of baby's skin, so there is no need to wipe it off.

Another option for using oil is possible. It is mixed with water in a 1:2 ratio, then used in the same way as in its pure form.

Every mother can sterilize olive oil. The original product, poured into the prepared bottle, is placed in a water bath. The bottle must remain open. The boiling point of oil is higher than the boiling point of water, so it will not boil; the procedure takes 20 minutes. After cooling, the bottle with the mixture must be sealed with a lid and put in a dark place.

For diathesis

Olive oil and fir oil, mixed in a ratio of 3 tablespoons to one, with the addition of vitamin C (2 drops), become a remedy that helps get rid of the scourge. The mixture is applied to the affected areas of the skin 3 times a day.

To treat the disease, a tincture is also used, which is prepared from 100 ml of oil and crushed St. John's wort flowers (2 handfuls). The mixture is infused for a week in a dark, warm place, after which it is used in the same way as in the previous case.

For the treatment of wounds and scratches

To quickly get rid of scratches, it is enough to apply a napkin soaked in sterilized olive oil to them a couple of times a day. In case of more serious skin damage (wound), a special ointment is prepared: olive oil (two parts) is brought to a boil over low heat with one part beeswax. After cooling, the mixture is ready for use.

Internal use

For constipation

There are several ways to solve this problem; the choice of solution depends on the age of the baby. If we are talking about a newborn, the mother lubricates the nipple with olive oil before feeding. If the child has already celebrated the first half of the year, a drop of the product is dripped onto his tongue. If the baby receives complementary foods and has crossed the threshold of one year, then the volume of the product used is a quarter of a teaspoon for every 60 grams of food.

In some sources you can find references to enemas using olive oil. Meanwhile, according to pediatricians, children under 2 years of age are not recommended to have enemas, especially oil ones. They resort to this method in exceptional cases under the supervision of a doctor, when nothing else helps to get rid of constipation.

For coughs and colds

For children over one year old, when coughing (including whooping cough), give honey mixed with warm olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Frequency of administration: 3 times a day, a teaspoon.

For colds, a simpler recipe for using the oil is practiced: it is taken in its pure form three times a day, one teaspoon. The effectiveness of the product is due to its immuno-strengthening properties (and in case of sore throat or spasmodic cough, the effect of softening an irritated throat is also added).

Supplementing your baby's diet with olive oil

Olive oil is introduced into the baby’s diet from the age of 7 months. Initially, the daily dose is only 1 ml, at the age of 8 months it increases to 3 ml. From 9 months to one year, the daily need for the product is estimated at 5 ml.

The product is not given to the child in its pure form; vegetable puree is diluted with it. To flavor the porridge, they use butter rather than vegetable oil.

To introduce olive oil into the diet, vegetable puree must be prepared by the mother herself, since in ready-made canned food vegetable oils can be added initially.

As children grow older, olive oil takes an even stronger place in the diet (after all, food becomes more varied, for example, salads made from raw vegetables seasoned with olive oil appear).

The introduction of any complementary foods is carried out carefully; the baby’s parents should monitor whether an allergy arises to a particular product appearing for the first time in the children’s diet. In this regard, olive oil is no exception. Research shows that some children are allergic to it, although it is infrequent, but it does happen.

Choose and not make a mistake

The quality of olive oil directly depends on the method in which it is obtained. Best Product extra-class on the label is designated Extra virgin olive oil, get it without using chemicals from olives good quality through the first cold pressing. This product is expensive. The second cold pressing is a method of obtaining a product of a lower class; accordingly, the word Extra disappears on the label, leaving only Virgin olive oil. All subsequent manufacturing technologies involve the use of chemicals. The pomace oils resulting from this technology may have different designations: Pureoliveoil, Pomaceoil or Oliveoil.

The product we are interested in is produced in Africa (Tunisia, Libya, Algeria), the Middle East (Syria, Turkey) and southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece). Production volumes vary somewhat, but if we are talking about a product for children, it is worth paying attention to Greece, since it is in this country that 80% of the total production volume corresponds to top-class quality.

It should be noted that on the shelves of modern stores you can sometimes find bottles of olive oil labeled “special for children,” but an analysis of the composition and method of manufacturing the product shows that these are ordinary unrefined, cold-pressed oils (extra-class quality). For children, it is better to choose organic oils, which means that the olives have not been treated with pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers!

Top 8 proven olive oils:

    , not organic, but cold pressed, suitable for food
  1. Gaea, not organic, but cold-pressed, can be ingested