Which hair oil to choose. List of useful and best oils for treating and healing hair. Argan oil for hair

Hair oils are the best alternative to store-bought hair care products. They are made on the basis of vegetable fats, which means they are of natural origin without the addition of chemicals. Oils do not contain artificial components, and therefore are beneficial for hair and scalp in general. Thanks to their composition, they are truly important products that give our body health and beauty to our hair. Essential oils are a little more expensive than regular plant oils, but they are no less beneficial.

Different hair types - different treatments

The scalp can be conditionally divided into 3 groups according to the thickness of the hair. They can be thin, thick and medium thickness. Hair can also be sparse or thick. Based on the amount of sebum secreted by the epidermis of the head, they are divided into normal, dry, oily or mixed type.

The most problematic and demanding to care for are thin and greasy hair. The former are highly susceptible to cosmetic cleansers. Due to the frequently secreted sebum, they get dirty quite quickly. In such a situation, it can come to the rescue

Dry and thin hair is a little less demanding. This type, as a rule, quickly gets tangled and, accordingly, loses its former shine.

If your hair structure is thick and dense, and your scalp is of normal type, you are lucky. Such hair does not need special care. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of this. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the best oil for hair growth.

Benefits of hair oils

Oils are prepared from various plants, seeds and seeds. A special effect can be achieved when used if you use one that was extracted by cold pressing. Thus it remains in them a large number of substances necessary for health. Hair oil can significantly improve the condition of your hair, make it thicker, get rid of dandruff, accelerate growth and add shine.

But each of them differs in its properties. Therefore, before using the product you have chosen, you need to figure out what results you would like to achieve: get rid of dryness, brittleness, or maybe add shine to them?

Which oil is better to choose?

With a large and varied selection of essential oils available, you can always find the best hair oil to suit your hair type. To figure out which one to choose, you need to understand what properties distinguish each of them.

To get the expected effect, simply apply the chosen product to your hair, wait a little and rinse thoroughly. So, the best hair oils:

  • The best oil for oily hair is jojoba oil. It will cope with tasks such as moisturizing, nourishing, restoring hair structure, and giving it incredible softness. Due to its thick consistency, many manufacturers try to add jojoba to various hair care products.
  • The best oil for dry hair is wheat germ oil. It has everything: vitamins, various antioxidants and acids.
  • The best oil for hair that suffers from poor environmental conditions and excessive dullness is
  • Burr oil. It contains vitamins and various mineral salts. It can work wonders - bring hair back to life, including on a balding head. The oil is also suitable for those who would like to gain a thick mop. Choose the best for yourself Burr oil for hair through recommendations from friends or by searching for it on store shelves.
  • Castor oil. If you want to return your hair to its former strength, restore it and strengthen it, then feel free to choose it. Perhaps, to the question “which oil restores hair best?” The answer can definitely be given that this is exactly it. With the help of castor oil, you will regain lost shine for your hair. This is an excellent remedy for dull, weak and lifeless curls.
  • The best oil for hair suffering from hair loss is, of course, bergamot oil. It prevents hair loss and supports the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Coconut oil. It has several advantages.

Let's look at them:

  1. Firstly, this is the best oil for weakened, damaged and split hair.
  2. Secondly, it has a great effect on colored hair, as it is distinguished by its excellent moisturizing properties.
  3. Thirdly, thanks to it, healthy shine and strength will return to the hair, and then relief from dandruff will come.

Advice: take a closer look at Indian-made goods. It is believed that they are the highest quality and natural. Thanks to this simple recommendation, you can choose the best coconut oil for hair.

All these tools are not a complete list of all existing ones. Their composition is a source of energy for hair growth, shine, thickness and strength.

Essential oils for hair

Essential oils have been known for their healing properties since ancient times. They are useful because they can help us improve the nutrition of the hair and scalp, accelerate hair growth and stop hair loss. One of nature's most effective gifts for helping your curls is... essential oils for hair. Which ones are better?

Choosing an essential oil

If you have pinned your hopes on oil as a solution to your health problems, you should understand that not every hair type is suitable for this or that choice.

  • For dandruff, it is better to use mint, rosemary, tea tree or any citrus oil.
  • If your hair is oily, then clove, lavender, rosewood and juniper oils are a great choice to get your hair in order.
  • Ylang-ylang or saffron will relieve hair loss.
  • Fir, lemon balm and cinnamon are perfect for hair growth.

Need to know

Do not use essential oil in its pure form. It must be mixed with the base in a ratio of 1:2. Otherwise, you can cause a scalp burn due to the high concentration of the active substance. Only after this can you apply it for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Be sure to do an allergy test. Apply to inner side elbow drop of 2% solution. If itching, redness, rash or any other unpleasant sensations you should stop using them.

More effective methods of using oils are:

  • masks;
  • shampoos, balms;
  • combing.

Combing is one of the easiest ways to care for your hair. Apply a few drops of oil to a comb or comb and comb through.

For lightness and freshness of hair, try to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, using a base of pine, ginger, cypress, lemon, and eucalyptus.

For length and thickness of hair, use a mask with the addition of essential oil and rosemary (a couple of drops), one egg and a spoonful of honey. You can also add a few drops of rosemary or lavender oil, jojoba and grape seed oil to the mixture. This composition is applied for about half an hour to damp curls and washed out with plenty of warm water.

Using oil masks for hair

If you take one of the thickest oils, such as coconut oil, wheat germ oil, castor oil, and add any other useful ingredients to them, you can get a good hair oil mask. It’s up to you to decide which ingredients are best to combine, since you already know that the choice of oil directly depends on your hair type.

  • The mixture or just oil should be applied to dry hair with a brush, thus distributing the mask or oil along the entire length of the hair, just as is done when dyeing it.
  • It is necessary to keep the mask on for about an hour, but it is better if you leave it longer.
  • For greater effect, use cling film, attaching it tightly to the head.
  • It is better to rinse twice.

Masks for those with dark hair

Black algae oil based on sesame in a 1:2 ratio is what you need. Especially ideal for those who often use straightening irons and hair dryers. Increase hair growth, promote the appearance of new ones, restore the structure after coloring - just such a mask will help you cope with all this.

Another composition with the addition of essential oil is a product based on cocoa and almond oil. It is also great for owners dark hair. To create it you will need a few spoons of cocoa, a spoon of honey and a spoon of almond butter. Use the mask for about an hour if possible.

Masks for those with blonde hair

The combination of castor oil combined with onion juice gives a dazzling effect. This most common mask is prepared from a couple of spoons of onion juice and the same amount of castor oil. After mixing the ingredients, rub them into your scalp. Cover your head with a cap for half an hour. After this, it is advisable to rinse your hair two or three times.

Chamomile oil is the best oil for hair. Reviews about this product are simply wonderful. The girls who tried it claim that in combination with one egg yolk you will get an excellent mask for light curls.

Cedar oil for home use

The combination of words “cedar oil” is supposed to refer not to the vegetable fat of the pine nut itself, but the whole group essential oils obtained from Siberian pine, cedar, pine needles and juniper. This whole mixture is called fatty vegetable oils.

There are two varieties of cedarwood essential oil on sale - Texas and Virginia. They are obtained from Mexican and Virginia junipers. These vegetable fats are well used in medicine and pharmacology, in the perfumery and chemical industries.

These types of oils can be added drop by drop to any mixture for skin or hair, as they have excellent antiseptic and bactericidal properties. Pine nut fats serve as the basis for many cosmetic products.

Using different oils, you can care for any type of hair. If all the ideas and recommendations on how to turn your hair into an object of pride and envy, without spending a large amount of money and a lot of effort, have inspired you, then feel free to transform yourself. Choose the best hair oil. Reviews of a number of products are given in our article. We hope this will help you choose the most suitable hair oil. Girls who regularly carry out such procedures know that no cosmetic product will give better results than caring for their curls using natural ingredients.

It is important to remember that all activities must be regular, otherwise they will not have the desired effect. Girls should definitely know the best essential oils for hair and find time for themselves in order to always remain attractive, well-groomed and desirable.

The following are considered recognized leaders in hair care:

  • . A soft and soothing aroma oil that can be used for all hair types. It improves blood circulation, promotes hair growth, and prevents hair loss. Has an antiseptic effect. Suitable for mixed hair types: oily at the roots and dry at the ends.
  • Nourishes, smoothes, softens curls, restores them, does not weigh them down.

    L'Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil Rich Oil(about 1300 rubles per 100 ml). This oil is suitable for dry, unruly, frizzy hair.

    It saturates them with strength and nourishes the ends. It distributes perfectly, gives shine, elasticity, and protects from splitting.

    Wonders Smoothing Amazonian Murumuru(1000 rubles for 125 ml).

    Includes vitamins, exotic extract of Amazonian murumuru palm seeds. Facilitates styling, maintains smoothness for three whole days, protects strands from negative external factors.

    Egyptian Hibiscus Matrix Oil Wonders Oil for Colored Hair(about 800 rubles for 125 ml). It will preserve the brightness of the color and protect against aggressive components in the paint.

    Doesn't dry out hair, makes it shiny and doesn't weigh it down.

    Elixir Ultime (about 1200 rubles per 100 ml).

    The product has a light texture that can be applied to both dry and wet curls. Includes four valuable oils: argan, camellia, corn kernels, as well as Pracaxi - an exclusive development of the brand itself.

    Used economically - for long hair a couple of drops is enough.

    IN professional means Often several types of extracts are combined, which makes them more effective.

    Watch the video about which oil you should choose and to solve which problems:

    Oils are an excellent tool that will help in caring for curls. Choose and use them correctly - then your hairstyle will thank you for it.

Beautiful and healthy hair- the pride of their owner, the subject of admiration for men and the envy of women. Beauty salons offer a varied range of services for those who want to get the hair of their dreams, but there are more affordable and no less effective means to achieve the desired effect at home - hair oil.

The video shows a trichologist's opinion on hair oils.

Types and benefits

The main advantage of oils is that they consist of natural ingredients. The most useful are those obtained by cold pressing. They contain proteins and fats, tannins, various vitamins, macroelements and fatty acids, which help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, making it healthier, shiny and silky.

High-quality, properly selected oil can be a real lifesaver for damaged hair. Thanks to its valuable composition, various oils strengthen and restore hair from roots to ends, help solve the problem of dandruff, itching and seborrhea, are able to nourish hair, moisturize it, make it easier to comb, give a healthy look and natural shine, and replace several jars with various products on the shelves of many beauties.

They also create a thin protective film on the surface of the hair, which retains moisture deep in the hair shaft and protects curls during styling using hot air and high temperatures, for example, a hair dryer or curling iron.

How many oils - so many effects

Despite the fact that any oil has several properties at once, for proper use it is necessary to understand what types of oils exist and what problems they can solve.

It is traditional to distinguish between basic, essential and cosmetic.

Basic or herbal- these are those oils that are used as the only component or as a basis for masks from several types of oils, various components and esters. Popular representatives of the species: unrefined coconut oil, external castor oil, burdock oil, olive oil, flax seed oil, corn oil, peach oil, almond oil. An important feature of base oils is their ability to penetrate the hair cuticle.


The better the penetrating properties, the more effective the use will be. Coconut, olive and avocado give maximum results. The rest do not have the ability to penetrate deep into the hair cuticle, but can have a healing effect, especially due to penetration into the scalp. Among them are peach, almond, flaxseed, argan and burdock oils.

The fat content of the oil is the key to its cosmetic and healing effect. Based on this quality, oils are divided into dry, semi-fat and full-fat.

Dry obtained from cocoa beans, grapes, jojoba. Products of this type are maximally absorbed by the skin, do not weigh down the hair, and are suitable for thinning and brittle curls.

Bold– olive, almond, avocado are the most complementary remedies. Suitable for treating and nourishing various types of hair, they are an excellent base for therapeutic masks and without extra effort washed off after use.

Fatty ones include, for example, argan and castor oils. Such products are good because they activate the hair follicles and have a strengthening effect on the curls, but they weigh them down and require additional effort to completely rinse off.

Aroma oils and essential oils – applied externally. They must be of natural origin, and can only be used in diluted form and can be used in small quantities in the form of a spray. Esters are produced by cold pressing of plant materials. Due to the peculiarities of the process, they retain all the natural properties of the plant and are a highly effective medicinal product. Improvement with the help of such oils is guaranteed. You should look for them on the shelves of pharmacies and stores specializing in the sale of eco-products.

Cosmetic oils industrial origin are the fruits of the work of cosmetic companies. In the composition of such a product it is easy to detect several natural oils, both basic and aromatic or essential, and many other components, including silicones, glycerin, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, and perfume elements. In addition to the main elements, the composition may include additional vitamins, pearlescent pigment, and protective UF filters. The primary purpose of such products is express care, nutrition and cosmetic effect, so they are distinguished by ease of use, functionality and compact packaging.

Leave-in oils in serum, spray, fluid and conditioner formats are very convenient and popular. These include products for restoring split ends, straightening curly hair and taming unruly curls, to enhance volume, add smoothness, softness and radiance, thermal protection. All of them have a delicate texture, are easily distributed throughout the hair, without leaving a greasy film on the hands or weighing down the strands, and give noticeable results from the very beginning of use.

Application methods

Cosmetic products are undoubtedly a lifesaver for many types of hair damage, but they must be used with caution so as not to get the effect of unwashed hair instead. luxurious curls. The main condition is to apply the product without getting on the roots. The best way- carefully distribute the oil over clean, dried curls, focusing on the ends, then the hair will look vibrant and shiny, without heaviness and grease at the roots.

Features of choice

All oils have individual properties. Some have a complex effect, others have a local effect, some are more suitable for thin skin, others for thick skin, and others for normal skin. There are oils that need to be distributed along the length of the hair, and those that are intended for application to the scalp, there are products for natural hair, and there are products for colored or bleached hair, to protect against problematic dryness and to get rid of oily shine. The choice of the appropriate option always depends on the initial data and the desired effect.

There are as many types of oil treatments as there are types of hair.

Hair can be dense and thin, thick and sparse, prone to oiliness, dry, normal or mixed type. Each of them requires special treatment and care. Thin skin and those prone to fat are the most difficult to care for. Representatives of these types often avoid treatment with oils, fearing to use thick and dense textures for hair that is already quite oily. However, they also need hydration and nutrition; you just need to choose the right solution.

The best oil for combating oiliness is jojoba; it provides the necessary nutrition, hydration and softness. And juniper oil dries and eliminates unsightly shine at the roots. Can be used as an additive to shampoo or conditioner, or in tandem with others, such as sage oil.

Hair prone to dryness and fine hair are a little less demanding. The ideal oil for this type of curls is obtained from wheat germ. It contains essential vitamins, antioxidants, acids and microelements that will give your hair a luxurious look and saturate it with moisture. It is also suitable for those with unruly curly hair that has a porous structure.

Hair of normal type that does not require special care should choose products that provide thickness, accelerated growth and maintaining their natural beauty. For example, burdock, as well as broccoli, camellia and flax oils.

Natural oils will be useful for those who like to dye and lighten their hair. New color they will make your skin more pigmented and expressive, and reduce the risk of drying out. And, if your hair is already damaged, you can revive it with castor oil. This product can work wonders and bring even dull, weak and lifeless curls back to life.

For problems with seborrhea, itching, dandruff, and excessive dryness, tangerine oil will help. Patchouli will save you from bacterial skin lesions, and rosewood contains the best active ingredients that act to regenerate the scalp and hair.

For those who want to grow Rapunzel's braid, the best helpers will be: traditional olive, burdock, castor, mustard, coconut, flaxseed, peach and almond, representatives of citrus fruits, mint, cornflower and tea tree.

To keep your hair strong, you should use eucalyptus, jasmine, ylang-ylang, all citrus oils, sandalwood, basil, bergamot, rosemary, and beya oil.

Burdock, almond seed oil, Iranian oil, castor oil, flaxseed oil, unrefined coconut oil, corn oil, argan oil, and wheat germ oil will help prevent split ends.

For moisturizing and against fragility, vegetable oils of peach, almond, hemp, apricot, anise are perfect, and palm, argan and sesame oils are also good.


There are about a dozen ways to use oils, which should also be chosen taking into account the condition and characteristics of the hair. Very damaged hair will benefit from ghee in overnight masks. To prepare them, the mixture of oils is preheated in a water bath and applied to the hair while warm. The procedure is carried out at night, the hair is wrapped in cotton cloth or a cap is put on. In the morning, you need to rinse your hair well with shampoo. To restore damage, the oil is applied to the roots or scalp with massaging movements, then kept under a warm towel for as long as prescribed in the recipe for a particular mask.

Positive changes will be noticeable within a few weeks if you drop a little of your favorite oil into a bottle of shampoo and hair conditioner. You can also warm a couple of drops in your palms and apply to clean wet hair, carefully distributing it throughout the entire mass of hair no closer than 5-10 centimeters to the roots. Such procedures enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics, make combing easier, protect hair from high temperatures, UF rays, disinfectants in the pool, and also allow you to treat hair with maximum comfort.

For quick results and reliable styling, you can apply a cosmetic product to your hair in the form of a spray, conditioner or serum.

Top 10 rating and reviews

Like any other product, hair oil can be of more or less quality, earning positive and negative reviews. You can buy the oil in its pure form at a pharmacy or store and experiment with the composition and proportions, or you can take a closer look at ready-made cosmetic products that have already proven themselves on the market. Including budget options, to whom you can safely entrust your hair.

Opens the top ten Elixir Ultime from Kerastase. It’s difficult to call this product budget, but for one use you need so little that economical use on wet and dry hair justifies the price. The elixir contains four important components: oil of corn kernels, camellia and argan, and a secret ingredient - Pracaxi oil, which is developed by the brand itself. This product will nourish and heal the scalp.

Second place goes to Black Seed Dry Oil from Kardashian Beauty. Even if you are tired of Kim Kardashian, you should not ignore the product produced under her name. One bottle of dry black cumin oil contains enough vitamins and nutrients to give your hair the same smoothness and shine as the star herself. Suitable for daily use.

The following product can be called optimal in terms of price and quality. Mythic Oil from L'Oréal Professionnel It is distinguished by its fat content and the ability to tame even the most obstinate curls, and also saturates them with the necessary elements of argan oil and rice bran. Those with fine hair should use with caution.

MO Treatment byMoroccanoil in fourth position. The well-known “liquid gold” from a well-known brand is perfect for nourishing, combing (can be used as a mask for several hours before washing) and adding to cosmetical tools for hair. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the curls will become heavy and stale in appearance. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at a discount in any online store.

Fifth place goes to the restorative elixir Luxe Oil from System Professional. A real savior for those who have a bad situation. The drug restores even overdried and brittle hair without weighing down your curls. But caution never hurts - don’t press the dispenser more than once or twice.

The sixth place in the top goes to a luxurious product for luxurious hair - Nourishing Moisture by Macadamia Professional. A beautiful jar with oriental motifs on the packaging contains a miracle remedy - Australian macadamia nut oil. The product strengthens hair thanks to the proteins in its composition, makes it elastic, and weighs it down in a good way. Lovers of thick textures and sweet oriental aromas will like it.

Argan Oil from CHI, as well as MO Treatment from Moroccanoil spray suitable for nourishing masks before washing my hair, but gravitates more towards budget products. In addition, having a pleasant texture and good composition, Argan Oil has a magical, truly perfumery aroma.

Polynesian Monoi Radiance Oil from The Body Shop will be appreciated by all lovers of exotic and multifunctional products in their cosmetic bag. This unique blend of coconut oil and Tahitian gardenia from the Polynesian Islands cares for skin and hair at the same time. The oil lies pleasantly on the curls, saturates the skin with moisture and improves tone, leaving a luxurious trail of exotic floral and fruity aroma. It’s simply impossible to try it!

In penultimate place is Argan-6 from Redken. The product is ideal for regenerating the structure and restoring shine to thin and damaged hair. In addition to restoring, nourishing and moisturizing, it performs the function of thermal protection and smells amazingly pleasant. In order to save money, it is better to purchase from a company online store.

Last on the list and first in terms of budget, but not inferior to the others in effectiveness, is "6 Miracles" by Gliss Kur. Combining pequia, marula, argan and monoi oils, this beauty elixir alone solves six problems: adds softness, protects against high temperatures, reduces split ends, helps maintain style, tame frizz and gives hair a luxurious look.

There is an alternative to most of these products among natural oils, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or eco-store. It is not necessary to purchase well-known brands in the fight for luxurious hair; the main thing to remember is that any product should be used in moderation and only after a test for allergic reaction.

Natural oils are an excellent hair care product in every way. Thanks to the complex chemical composition They amaze with their effectiveness, but at the same time they do not frighten you with their exorbitant price, and it is absolutely not difficult to find the desired bottle on sale. With the help of oils, you can literally transform your hair - make it healthier and stronger, get rid of brittleness and dryness, give it a glossy shine and nourish it with useful substances.

An excellent confirmation of the magical effect of oils can be the thick, strong, long and shining curls of Indian women - women of this country traditionally use natural oils for hair care.

Types of natural oils and rules for their selection

Natural oils are basic And ethereal. But the latter, due to their high concentration and activity, cannot be used as an independent product - only in combination with the main oil.

Based on consistency, all base oils are conventionally divided into liquid, thick and solid (which are also known as butters). All of them penetrate well into the hair follicle and hair shaft, nourishing and restoring it in all areas.

But choosing the best hair oil among hundreds of bottles is not at all easy - each of them seduces with its valuable properties, promising to show wonderful results. And if you start to feel dizzy from the assortment in a store or pharmacy, you need to pull yourself together and focus on two criteria: hair type And problem which should be eliminated.

So, for weak hair falling out the best oil is burdock. It will also cure dandruff and get rid of itchy scalp. Damaged, thin, lacking volume hair will be grateful for avocado, jojoba, argan, and cedar oils. Dry hair Coconut oil will save you, castor, mustard and St. John's wort oil will stimulate their growth, and you can add shine and silky softness with the help of corn and linseed oils.

But in fairness, it should be noted that most oils are universal and are quite capable of solving various problems and working well on hair different types. As long as the product is of high quality, we advise you to choose unrefined, cold-pressed oils, without foreign additives in the composition. It is in this oil that all the beneficial substances are preserved.

How to use base oils for hair

Depending on the end goal, the oil is rubbed into the hair roots and scalp or distributed along the entire length of the strands.

To achieve maximum effect, before application, a portion of the oil can be heated in a steam bath until pleasantly warm, or briefly place the container with the oil in a bowl of water. hot water. But if the mixture contains essential oils, you should not heat it.

After the oil mask is on your hair, for the duration of its effect it would be a good idea to wrap your head in a plastic bag and wrap it with a terry towel on top. And the process of spreading oil should be accompanied by light massage movements.

Important! Some types of oils cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so you must carefully study the contraindications before purchasing. If the oil is used for the first time, it would be a good idea to first test for an allergic reaction.

And finally, in order not to over-saturate your hair and not cause it to become addictive to a particular product, be sure to take breaks, that is, use oil masks courses.

And our rating, based on the opinions of professionals and reviews of ordinary users, will help you decide on the choice of the best base oil for hair.

With the onset of autumn, hair needs additional nourishment. Especially for those who suffer from seasonal hair loss, brittleness and dryness. Rescue oils come to the rescue!

But not every oil will give your curls the benefits you want. We strongly recommend that you carefully read the ingredients of the bottles before purchasing. After all, no matter what promises the manufacturers make, you can find them on back side packages of silicones (Dimethicone and its derivatives, Cyclopentasiloxane) and mineral oils (Mineral Oil, Paraffinum Liquidum), which will only give a temporary well-groomed look, but will not enrich your hair with anything useful, and over time will only worsen its condition.

Without a doubt, it is best to choose natural oils for care - we have many of them in our arsenal! Peach, almond, coconut, argan and many others, as well as essential oils - from ylang-ylang to rosemary. And an even better solution would be to use oil complexes, because they contain all the most valuable things for our hair in a concentrated format!

In this article, we have collected the top 10 oils for all hair types - both washable and non-rinseable. We tried it on ourselves and recommend it!

Oil for damaged hair No. 52 from Dr. Konopka’s

Purpose: dry, damaged, lacking shine hair.

Compound: olive, sea buckthorn, rose hip, jojoba, avocado, grape seed, argan, almond, macadamia oils, lemon and lavender essential oils.

How to apply: on the scalp and ends, as a wash-off hair mask, keep for 30 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

The composition of this complex is so gorgeous that, of course, we could not pass it by. With all the abundance of oils, the product is quite light in texture, a convenient pipette for distribution over strands, and an unobtrusive herbal-lavender aroma.

The oil is absorbed quickly, so you can walk around with it for half an hour, or much longer, completely forgetting that it is on your hair. Easily washed off with even the mildest low-foaming shampoo. After the first use, your hair will be shiny, easier to style and easier to comb.

Hair loss oil from Weleda

Purpose: hair loss, dry skin and itchy scalp.

Compound: hydroalcoholic extracts from sedum and horseradish leaves, vegetable oil, extract from clover flowers, a mixture of essential oils.

How to apply: Massage onto the scalp in the morning and evening, do not rinse.

This complex is unusual in that it has the texture of a very light oil. It is very important to apply it correctly - lightly rub it in your palms and then massage the hair roots. By the way, this product is a great motivation to give yourself a head massage! Because under normal conditions, either there is no time, or simply laziness :) As a result, we get: massage + active ingredients = improved blood circulation and stimulation of hair growth. The oil does not “greasy” the hair, so even when applied to the roots, it does not need to be washed off. In difficult cases, when hair falls out very much, you can apply it at night. Another way is to apply it to a comb and run it through the strands. This oil is our constant must-have for the fall. No itching or dryness, hair is smooth and moisturized.

Hair thickening oil “Luxurious volume” from Zeytun

Purpose: to stimulate hair growth, volume and thickness.

Compound: castor, sesame, hemp, olive oil, extracts of colorless henna and hops, essential oils.

How to apply: Rub a few drops into the roots, a few onto the length of the hair. Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

Despite its super-nutritious composition, this is one of those wonderful oils after which you don’t want to say: “Lord, how can I wash it off!” The oil really dissolves perfectly in water thanks to the wonderful formula declared by the manufacturer. It washes off with a bang with any mild shampoo; if your hair is dry, you can even just rinse it off with water! The main thing here is not to use too much oil, just a couple of drops. The effect is not immediate - you need to use it regularly for at least a month to enjoy the appearance of new hair. Oil works, that's a fact! Well, given the economical use, you can make masks with it all fall and winter, and even have some left over for spring.

The aroma is oriental and does not remain on the hair.

Dry oil for hair ends from Levrana

Purpose: nourishes ends, suitable for all hair types.

Compound: a mixture of natural emollients, argan oil, burdock, sea buckthorn, jojoba, milk thistle, broccoli, essential oils of sage and lavender, vitamin E.

How to apply: Rub a couple of drops in your palms, apply to ends and lengths of hair, do not rinse.

The peculiarity of dry oil is that it is quite light and does not require rinsing. But the main thing here is not to make a mistake - even the lightest oil will make your hair “greasy” if you overdo it. It will work differently depending on your hair type. Thick hair absorbs it well, but thin and frizzy hair needs just a drop of oil. Alternatively, drop a little onto your comb and style your hair. In fact, the oil is a universal one. It can also be used as a mask for ends before washing your hair. We tested both ways and liked the effect in both cases.

Hair restoration oil from Veda Vedica

Purpose: thinned and damaged hair, compaction and increased growth.

Compound: Indian oils Amla, Brigandage, extracts of Bibhitaki, Indigofera, Gotu kola, Krishna, licorice, aloe vera, vetiver, rose, psoralea, coconut and ginger oils.

How to apply: on the roots and along the entire length, for a cosmetic effect, keep for 30-60 minutes, for a therapeutic effect - 8 hours (at night), then rinse with shampoo.

Half of the contents of this bottle may be unfamiliar to a beginner. However, for those who are fond of Indian oils (and we are definitely one of them), such ingredients are pleasing to the eye! This is because Amla and Brigandage are some of the best oils for restoring hair structure, and Gotu Kola and Bibhitaki are the most effective extracts against hair loss. We strongly recommend using the oil at night. Don't be afraid to stain your bed linen - just apply the oil a couple of hours before bed and braid your hair, it will absorb perfectly and start working. After a month the hair will be unrecognizable. They become significantly thicker, stop breaking and splitting from the slightest impact, do not fall out in batches, and even the hair color seems to become richer.

The only thing you have to put up with is the specific spicy-medicinal aroma of the oil. But is it really important when the effect is so cool?

Purpose: moisturizing and nutrition, shine, restoration of hair structure.

Compound: organic murumuru oil.

How to apply: on hair length 20-30 minutes before washing.

We couldn't help but include this rare oil in our review! Its peculiarity is that it holds the record for the content of vitamins A and E, and is also distinguished by its richness of oleic and linoleic acids, which are so necessary for dry hair.

About the oil - this is a hard butter, so be prepared to keep the jar warm before each use so that the oil melts a little. Then apply only to the lengths (do not apply to the roots, otherwise it will be very difficult to wash off, believe me), keep it on your head for half an hour, and then rinse with shampoo and enjoy the result! Yes, we saw the effect of the oil immediately after the first use, the hair became soft, shiny and, most importantly, moisturized. Well, the effect of regular masks with it will not take long to appear either. This nourishing elixir for hair saves from brittleness and split ends. We especially recommend it to owners of overdried ends, exhausted by hair dryers, straightening, curling and coloring.

Is it worth the money? Definitely worth it!

Purpose: weakened, damaged hair.

Compound: grape oil, soybean oil, peanut oil, jojoba oil, burdock oil, argan oil, olive oil, canola oil, vitamin E, essential oils.

How to apply: on towel-dried hair, on ends and along the entire length.

Light in texture complex that strengthens hair well. The manufacturer recommends using the oil only 1-2 times a week, and this is really enough to see the first results. The oil gives hair shine and elasticity, is easily distributed and quickly absorbed. There is no fatty or weighty effect. This is a really high-quality and very effective “leave-in” that really works and restores hair. The aroma is pleasant, barely perceptible. This oil is a must have in the arsenal of those with damaged hair!

Broccoli oil from Olesya Mustaeva's Workshop

Purpose: hair conditioning, herbal analogue to silicones.

Compound: organic broccoli seed oil.

How to apply: add a couple of drops to a portion of hair balm, or apply in its pure form as a leave-in oil.

The hype around broccoli oil is not accidental. This is a real savior for those who have frizzy, thin and completely uncontrollable hair. 1-2 drops per hair length is enough. We recommend applying to damp hair, then styling as usual. What does oil do? It tames the hair, makes it much easier to comb and removes frizz. We liked using broccoli oil as a light mask for the ends of our hair. It absorbs perfectly overnight, by the way, and in this case it is not necessary to wash your hair after it. The aroma is difficult to describe, let it be cabbage and cucumber :) But it is light and practically unnoticeable.

Oil for tips from Krasnopolyanskaya cosmetics

Purpose: protects ends from split ends and dryness.

Compound: castor oil, hemp oil, avocado, burdock, jojoba, essential oils of ylang-ylang, geranium and sandalwood.

How to apply: overnight on ends, then wash your hair. Or 1-2 drops on dried, clean hair.

An oil that not only works great, but also smells delicious of sandalwood. This is exactly what you need to nourish the ends of your hair without weighing it down. The oil has a super convenient dispenser, which makes it easy to extract a healing drop. We liked most of all using the oil after washing our hair, as its wonderful aroma remains on the curls. And the hair is smoothed and easy to style. But you shouldn’t neglect it as a mask at night, because enhanced nutrition and hydration will be provided to the ends of your hair!

Coconut oil with lemon and chamomile for hair from Aasha

Purpose: nutrition, restoration of hair structure, useful for dry scalp.

Compound: coconut and sunflower oils, lemon and chamomile extracts

How to apply: on the length and roots of the hair 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Coconut oil, perhaps, is or has ever been in the arsenal of every girl who values ​​natural care. Why did we choose this particular brand of oil for review? The fact is that usually pure coconut oil is applied only to the lengths and ends, since it is quite heavy for the roots. And this complex can and even should be used on the scalp. It relieves itching, flaking and dryness well, and is washed off quite easily. The oil perfectly nourishes the hair and delights with a pleasant lemon scent.

Whatever oil you choose, always carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer: how, how much and when to apply. Remember that we all have different hair textures and will react differently to the same product. For some, one oil is suitable as a leave-in product, while for others it will be more comfortable to use it as a mask. Natural oils are good because in most cases they can be used either way. But synthetic ones certainly cannot boast of this, nor of any benefits, actually.

Be sure to nourish and moisturize your hair lengths, especially during the cold season. Don’t forget to enrich your diet with vitamins, Omega-3 and 6 complexes, and add flax and chia seeds to your dishes. All this will have a beneficial effect on the condition of your curls.

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