Didactic exercise: find a big Christmas tree. Development of New Year's games for primary school children. Reading the poem by A. Barto “It Was in January”

Educator. Children, try to guess the riddle about this tree.

Autumn, winter and summer

Her outfit is green

Like a hedgehog's needles,

The needles stick out on the branches.

What tree are we talking about in the riddle? (Children answer.) That's right, it's spruce. One Christmas tree is just a tree, but if many Christmas trees grow nearby, then what is it? (Forest.) What is the name of a forest in which there are many Christmas trees? (Elnik.) Let's play a game. I will name the tree and throw the ball to the players. The one who catches it will tell you the name of the forest in which the named trees grow.

Didactic game“Name the forest.”

The teacher calls in turns, the children answer: oak - oak grove, pine - pine forest, willow - willow forest, aspen - aspen forest, birch - birch grove etc.

Educator. In the spruce forest there are squirrels, they build their nests and feed on the seeds of cones. In February, in the very cold of winter, crossbill birds hatch their chicks in spruce forests.

Educator. The spruce tree with cones that hang on it like toys looks very beautiful. And in winter, when fluffy snow lies on the coniferous paws, the tree becomes like a beauty from a fairy tale.

It’s spring now, remember, we recently watched our spruce tree, what amazing changes did you notice in its appearance? (The children answer that they noticed pink cones appearing at the ends of the spruce branches).

Educator. Now look, does the Christmas tree have cones now? (The children say that there are none.) Where did they go? ( The children explain that young green “paws” took their place.) That's right, now you can clearly see the old paws - they are dark, and the young ones - light.

Children, together with the teacher, examine the spruce paws and determine where the old ones are and where the young ones are.

Educator. What animal can a Christmas tree be compared to? (With a hedgehog, a porcupine). What trees does it look like? (For pine and cedar.)

How is spruce similar to pine and cedar? (All these trees have needles instead of leaves, only pine and cedar have long needles, and spruce has short ones). Even in the Ussuri taiga there grows a tree very similar to a Christmas tree - this is a fir. If you look at them, you won’t immediately understand where the spruce is and where the fir is. But if you look closely and touch the trees, you will see that the fir trunk is smooth, grayish, and the needles are soft. But spruce has prickly needles, the trunk is brown, rough, and sparse needles grow on it. Now look at our beautiful Christmas tree again, remember what it looks like today.


Educator. Guys, why do we love the Christmas tree? (The children explain that this is a useful tree - a dining room for birds and animals. Cones grow on it - food for them. It is customary to decorate the spruce in people’s homes for the New Year.) The New Year is still far away, but despite this, I suggest you sing for our Christmas tree the New Year’s song “Christmas tree, Christmas tree - forest scent” from the cartoon “ Christmas story"(words: I. Shaferan, music: O. Feltsman).

Outdoor game “Fir trees and birches”

The players listen carefully to the leader and follow his commands. At the “Christmas tree” teacher’s signal, the children lower their arms down, spread their hands slightly to the sides and spin in place around themselves. At the “birch tree” signal, they unite in pairs, hold hands, dance in a circle and sing “We stood in a round dance around the birch tree, raised our bright handkerchiefs high” or “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: “Christmas tree”


Introduce children to A. Barto’s poem “It Was in January.”
Develop an understanding of the poetic text, accumulate active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Introduce children to geometric figure“triangle”, consolidate knowledge about the circle, color, shape of objects.
Continue to teach children to compare objects by size, to understand the meaning of the prepositions “on”, “under”.
Teach children to follow basic instructions.
Practice sculpting, gluing and drawing with cotton swabs.
Develop auditory and visual attention, fine and gross motor skills, thinking, tactile analyzer.


An artificial Christmas tree covered with a large scarf.
Multi-colored clothespins, silhouette images of Christmas trees made of thick cardboard.
Diagram sheets of three triangles of different sizes, green triangles of the same sizes.
Background picture with a picture of a Christmas tree, colored plasticine, large beads, cotton buds, white gouache.
A background picture depicting three pits of different sizes, color silhouette pictures of three Christmas trees of suitable width.
A picture of a Christmas tree with large and small circles of different colors, large and small buttons of the same colors.
Counting sticks, pictures-schemes with the image of a Christmas tree.
A picture of a Christmas tree, silhouette images of hares and a wolf cut out of paper, and a glue stick.
Colored silhouette pictures of Christmas tree decorations and their shadows - black silhouette.
Green colored paper, pencils, scissors, glue, a large triangle cut from whatman paper (wallpaper), tinsel, double-sided tape, colored silhouette images of Christmas tree decorations.
Coloring book “Herringbone”, green finger paints.
Scissors, a strip of paper with drawn New Year's flags and black cutting lines.
Audio recordings: “Christmas trees”, “The Christmas tree is not cold in winter”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.

Surprise moment “Guess what’s under the scarf?”

Can you touch what's under the scarf with your hands? What does it feel like? Prickly.

Green, prickly,
It grows in the forest.
She's on New Year's
He will come to visit us!

What do you think is under the scarf? Christmas tree.

Didactic exercise “Different Christmas trees”

Christmas trees are different. Let's show what types of Christmas trees there are.

Tall - raise your arms and stand on your toes.
Low - squat down.
Wide - spread your arms to the sides.
Narrow - press your lowered arms to your body.

Game "Find the Christmas tree"

Look, there are a lot of Christmas trees in front of you. They are all the same and only one of the Christmas trees is different from the others. Find this Christmas tree. How is it different from others?

Didactic game “Wide and Narrow”

Let's plant new Christmas trees together. Here in the picture two pits have already been prepared.

Christmas trees need to be planted in these holes. Show me the big hole, show me the little hole. Now select a Christmas tree of suitable size and plant it with its roots in the hole.
We planted the widest Christmas tree in the largest hole. We planted the narrowest Christmas tree in the smallest hole.

Construction "Herringbone"

This figure is called a “triangle”. Attach triangles of the appropriate size to the picture and you will get a Christmas tree. Place the largest triangle at the bottom, place a smaller triangle on top of the large triangle, and place the smallest triangle at the very top. What did you get? Christmas tree. How many triangles did we take to make the Christmas tree? Three triangles.

Game with clothespins “Christmas decorations”

Decorate the star and Christmas tree with colorful clothespins.

Modeling “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree with toys”

Children stick colored pieces of plasticine onto a colored background with a picture of a Christmas tree - Christmas decorations. You can place large beads on top of the plasticine.

Dynamic pause “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Children walk along a path, bench, tunnel, etc. to the music.

Didactic game with buttons “Beauty Christmas Tree”

- The Christmas tree is already decorated with circles. Show circles large, small, red, yellow, blue, green, white. Choose your buttons suitable color and size and apply it to the circles on the Christmas tree. Then the Christmas tree will become even more beautiful.

Didactic game with counting sticks “Lay out the Christmas tree”

Children place counting sticks on top of the drawn diagram.

Didactic game “Find the shadow of the toy”

Name what Christmas tree decorations are in front of you. Ball, mushroom, icicle, snowflake, bell. Find suitable shape shadow and place a color picture on top of it.

Drawing “Snowball falling on the Christmas tree”

Children draw snowflakes with white gouache using cotton swabs.

Dynamic pause “The Christmas tree is not cold in winter”

Children dance around the Christmas tree. They throw “snow” on it - lumps of cotton wool or tinsel.

Reading the poem by A. Barto “It Was in January”

It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain,
And angry wolves roamed near this tree.
Once upon a time at night, when the forest was so quiet,
A wolf and a hare meet a wolf under the mountain.
Who wants to fall into the clutches of a wolf on New Year's Day?
The little bunnies rushed forward and jumped onto the tree.
They folded their ears and hung like toys.
Ten little bunnies hang on the tree and are silent -
The wolf was deceived. It was in January -
He thought that there was a decorated Christmas tree on the mountain.

Application based on the poem “It Was in January”

Children first lay out and then stick hares on the tree, and a wolf under the tree. The teacher focuses the children's attention on the concepts of “on” and “under”.

Collective construction “That’s the Christmas tree!”

(Construction is carried out together with parents).

Parents place children's palms on a sheet of green paper, trace them with a pencil, and cut them out along the outline. Children apply glue to part of their palm (at the wrist) and glue it to a large triangle (fingers down). Then toys and tinsel are glued to the Christmas tree (using double-sided tape).

Finger painting “Green Christmas tree”

Children paint over the silhouette of the Christmas tree with green paint.

Cutting with scissors “New Year’s flags”

Children cut the flags along the line with scissors.

Game “Christmas trees and stumps”

Children, having heard the words about stumps, squat down and clasp their hands around their knees. And when they hear the words about the Christmas tree, they get to their feet and slightly spread their arms to the sides.

May the Christmas tree bring us joy
Program content:
[Download the file to view the link] with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in various countries.
To promote [Download the file to view the link] the ability to name the characteristic features of spruce, the signs that distinguish it from an artificial spruce.
Form [Download the file to view the link] see the differences between a toy spruce and a real one, understand that spruce is a beautiful and useful tree.
Practice selecting adjectives, [Download file to view link].
[Download the file to view the link] speech, thinking, imagination.
Fix the names of the numbers, be able to arrange them in reverse order.
Develop interest in theatrical play by actively involving children in play activities.
Develop the ability to feel free in a role.
Develop interest in the educational material of environmental fairy tales and stories.
Foster a caring and caring attitude towards living nature.
Progress of the lesson
I'm asking a riddle:
The cold weather has set in. The whole earth is covered with a white blanket. There is a blizzard in the field, When does this happen?
What is the most beautiful, wonderful, magical holiday that happens in winter?
New Year is a favorite holiday all over the world. Why?
(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come and bring gifts)
Poem reading:
New Year! New Year! At the door, at the gate! It has come to you, to me, and to the whole big country!
The custom of celebrating the New Year appeared in Russia 300 years ago, when Tsar Peter I, by his decree, established a single day for celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Peter I ordered all residents of Moscow to celebrate the New Year with celebrations: decorate their houses with fir trees, give each other New Year's gifts.
In some countries, children on New Year's Eve were visited not by Father Frost, but by his brother Santa Claus. In Germany, he rides around on a donkey and leaves gifts in children's shoes.
In India, the New Year is celebrated not in winter, but at the beginning of summer. Children collect dry branches and straw, and light fires at night. Children, adults, and even old people sing and dance around them.
Not all nations start the New Year on January 1st. IN different countries The New Year does not start at the same time; in some - in early summer, in others - in autumn or spring.
And New Year's surprises in different countries are presented by a variety of wizards. But they all wish peace, health and happiness.
Looking at the painting “New Year”
What are the children doing?
How do you prepare for the New Year? (decorated the Christmas tree with colorful toys: balls, beads, garlands)
Listen to who this New Year's riddle is about:
He looked into the well -
The well was covered with ice.
And he looked at the river - He put on an ice sheepskin coat. He had a gray beard, a fur coat. A staff with a star, He brought us gifts, Good (Grandfather Frost)
How are you preparing for the New Year? (learn songs, poems, round dances)
How do people congratulate each other on New Year's Day? (give gifts, send postcards, parcels, letters)
Do you love New Year? Why do you love New Year?
Reading the poem by N. Grigorieva “Why do I love the New Year?”
Why do I love the New Year? Of course - for the Christmas tree, for the slippery and shiny ice, for the clean, pungent air. Also because there are magical patterns on the glass. Sometimes they remind me of Forests, palaces and mountains. I love because even in the cold I can play snowballs I’m hot, Also because Santa Claus brings gifts to our house. Garlands of light bulbs around Flash in different colors, And even adults all suddenly Become like children. And home life is surrounded by Care and attention. And the spread out table is set with special care. And to sleep, I know, they won’t send, Until the chimes strike, And on this night there are always fireworks, And laughter, and musicians. And Happy New Year, I don’t mind Walking in a cheerful march, It’s no secret that on this night I’m getting older.

What is the main decoration New Year's holiday? (Christmas tree)
I come with gifts, I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny, I’m in charge for the New Year.
(Christmas tree)
Didactic game “What kind of New Year tree?”
(festive, shiny, beautiful, fluffy, green, fragrant, elegant, funny, prickly, slender, tall, main)
Didactic game “What does the New Year Tree do for us?”
(sparkles, burns, glitters, cheers, stands, pleases, smells fragrant, dresses up)
What is the difference between a spruce and an artificial tree?
(spruce grows in the forest, and an artificial tree is made at a factory; cones grow on spruce, but cones do not grow on an artificial tree; spruce smells of pine needles, resin, but the artificial tree does not smell; spruce feeds birds and animals with the seeds of cones, but the artificial tree feeds no one does not feed; spruce gives healing air; musical instruments are made from spruce wood)
Game What grows on the Christmas tree?
If you agree, raise your hands up and say: “Yes!” And if you don’t agree, then remain silent and don’t raise your hands.
– What grows on the Christmas tree? Bunnies made of cotton wool? – Yes! – Chocolate bars? – Yes! – Cribs? – No!
– What grows on the Christmas tree? Beads? – Yes! – Firecrackers? – YES! – Old pillows? – No!
– What grows on the Christmas tree? Bright pictures? – Yes! – White snowflakes? – Yes! – Torn shoes? – No!
What can two girlfriends talk about if they meet: a spruce tree standing under the snow in the forest and a decorated Christmas tree at home that was cut down.
1. I was born in the forest In the forest I always grow, In winter and summer I stand slim and green. The snowstorm sings songs to me - Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye, The snow covers the branches - Look, don’t freeze. The little gray bunny coward sits under the Christmas tree. Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf For watching the bunny. And the fluffy squirrel sits in my hollow, and sleeps here to feast on pine cones. And I have fun with my girlfriends in the forest.

2. I, too, grew up on the edge of the forest, next to you, my friend. And I really dreamed, Oh, how I dreamed of being with the guys on New Year’s! And then one day, driving past on a sleigh, he noticed me, and he took me with him, to the holiday They put it in the hall Decorated with beads and tinsel. Oh, how lovely it was there! Oh, how wonderful it was there! But it all ended after a noisy ball, I’m lying in a ravine, no one needs me. I’m all yellow, disgraced And now I’m dying, trouble! Why ruin in vain This green beauty. I was so beautiful In the winter white forest.
What happened to the Christmas tree that was cut down?

Day four: Didactic games. “Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles), “The third wheel”,

“Find the tallest Christmas tree”, “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree”

Didactic games.

“Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles), “The third wheel”, “Find the tallest Christmas tree",

“Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree.”

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition” (sensory culture), “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Artistic creativity”.

Types of children's activities: communicative, labor, cognitive-research, productive, artistic.

Goals of the teacher: learn to compare objects by length, height; develop attention, perseverance, creative imagination, fine motor skills

Materials and equipment: educational games, colored strips (short and long), glue.

Content of organizational activities children.

1. Organizational moment.

Children look at pictures with New Year's themes located oneasel.


What holiday is coming soon?

What do you decorate before the New Year?

Who comes to the children on this holiday?

2. Didactic games.

Educator: “Guys, the New Year holiday is coming soon. The time when Santa Claus brings gifts, and the main beauty in the house isChristmas tree I suggest you today to sort through the pictures so that on themNew Year trees definitely appeared.”

Didactic game “Assemble the Christmas tree” (puzzles).

Two children assemble Christmas trees from individual geometric figures.They are compared by height.

Didactic game "The Third Wheel"

Educator: “I suggest you look carefully at the pictures located on the board (spruce, pine, autumn tree(Rowan))

What do you think, children, which picture is the odd one out here? Why? (Rowan. Because this tree does not have needles or cones, and in the fall its leaves fall off. Pine and spruce never shed their needles).

Didactic game “Find the tallest Christmas tree”

Educator: “Look at all the pictures and find which one of themthe tallest Christmas tree."

Didactic game “Let’s make beads for the Christmas tree”

Educator: “I suggest, kids, to make beautiful beads for the Christmas tree, which will definitely come to us soon. (I am demonstrating a pre-prepared part of these beads from the same paper.) On the table you have short and long multi-colored stripes. From strips with gluewe glue the rings, first from short strips, small ones, then fromlong stripes, large rings. We connect the rings to each other,"alternating.

So we got beautiful New Year's beads with which we will decorate ourChristmas tree for the New Year.

3. Reflection.


That's how great we played.

What games did you play?

Which New Year's toy Shall we decorate our Christmas tree for the New Year?(Beads)

Tatiana Vasilyeva

Over the course of many years of working with OHP children, I have observed the impact a game on the child’s mental development; in play, the child learns material that is not entirely accessible to him. A game activates active mental abilities, develops speech, arouses interest and lifts the child’s mood. And most importantly, children willingly facilitate the process of acquiring knowledge.

I present to your attention the game “ Mysterious Christmas tree”

Target didactic game:

Fixing the names of numbers, identifying them in a picture. Development of thinking.

Process games:

The child is offered “ herringbone". He takes a card with a hidden number, identifies it and looks for the corresponding branch Christmas trees. Explains why he did it. And so on with all the other branches. At the end of laying out the cards, the child turns them over reverse side. If the task is completed correctly, you get a mosaic picture.

The child takes a card with a picture and determines the number. On the branches Christmas trees looks for a picture that matches the picture on the card.

After filling all the branches of the Christmas tree, the child begins to turn over the pictures.

If the task is completed correctly, then the child sees a whole picture of the elements.

The result of the game. The child’s joy is great, and the benefits are priceless.

Thank you for your attention

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