Alexandra Cherchen - Happy marriage like a dragon. Catching up with the dream. Read the book “Happy marriage the dragon way. Return home" online Happy marriage according to dragons 3

“And not only that,” a beautiful drawling voice rang out, and at the same time I felt subtle vibrations in space. I turned and greeted the golden-haired fairy with a smile, giving a curious look to the thin brunette behind him, trying to understand where I had seen this new guy before. Logically, nowhere. Because he was also wonderful, and I have very few such acquaintances. “Hello, by the way,” the prince remembered his politeness and nodded at his companion. - By the way, I’m here for a reason, but with a gift. I was just thinking... who can legalize heylars better than their creator? Centurion, you already know, but Iryana is pouring out to you, let me introduce you - Prince Lallin Black Gold. I stared at him in shock, then at the second one... and remembered. It was he who took away half the soldiers then, in the memory of the city! They called him... - Kurrrator! - Arvil barked and a trembling passed through his body, showing that the man was one step away from turning around. “Well, I told you it was a bad idea,” the brunette said lazily. - He's going to try to kill me now. - Did you doubt it, Prince Lallin? - the tailed one hissed, slowly becoming covered with small black scales. “I don’t...” the fairy lazily drawled, looking at the heilar with interest, and then shook his head towards Taylin. - But my brother had some completely unfounded illusions in this regard. By the way, I want to point out that your manners do not change over time, Arville Teinmere. At least some kind of immutability in this world... although, what am I talking about? You've been happily asleep for the last few thousand years. The sleeper only growled dully and the next moment his eyes flashed with a lilac-white flash, and Lallin Black Gold howled and grabbed his temples. “Over millennia, power tends to grow,” Ar said in a hissing whisper. He watched with such pleasure as the fairy bowed lower and lower to the ground that I felt terrified. - In vain, you came to gloat, curator, in vain... I just looked around in panic, realizing that I couldn’t do anything at all... and I didn’t want to, to be honest. This fairy created them! This is the one who is to blame for all the troubles of the unfortunate people! And I saw... I saw him in the memories of Anli-Gissar. Lallin could only be excused by ignorance, but he understood perfectly well that his creation turned out to be not only intelligent, but also sentient. And therefore there is no forgiveness! For this reason, I won’t lift a finger now to break Arvil’s concentration and prevent him from burning out Prince Black Gold’s brain. He deserved it... But both I and the owner of the city lost through the centuries somehow completely forgot about another character, who before that had simply stood with his arms crossed on his chest and watched what was happening with disapproval in his amber gaze. Tylin Cast Gold. And he simply unstuck himself from the rock, took a step towards the Sleeper and quietly said: “Let him go.” “Your existence is already in the balance, fairies,” the heilar said without looking back. - Do not shorten the length of the yarn of your life. But nevertheless, he squinted his eyes at him and lightly moved his fingers, erecting a cascade of shields between himself and the wondrous one. From mental to physical. Afraid. “Young fool,” Tylin shook his head, and materialized a long whip in his palm. Dull black, like a stroke of primordial darkness... this weapon seemed unnatural in the hand of the fair-skinned and golden-haired marvel. But remembering the true appearance of this fairy... I realized that yes. Everything is correct. Everything is natural. The whip shot up and without resistance flew through the shields of the heilar and lashed it obliquely, touching the exposed skin, pushing it down from the bridge into the arms of a mountain river. Ar surfaced almost immediately. - You're dead! - You are an idiot! - the marvelous one did not remain in debt. - If I weren’t a cretin, I would have realized that Lal didn’t resist, and he didn’t even have shields! If your brother had fought with you, he would have smeared you in an even layer over this pretty gorge in ten seconds! There was a strong cough from the brunette, who was already half-lying on the ground, and a hoarse voice: “You overestimate me, Tai.” At least twenty seconds! Still, this tailed abnormal is my best creation. It was no longer Ar who jumped out of the water onto the stone, but a huge scaly beast with a wavy black mane and a tassel on its tail. “Grrrr,” he said meaningfully, scraping the granite with his claws. I admired the carved sparks, then the deep scratches in the stone and swallowed nervously. “Chicky-chicky-chicky,” the dark fairy neighed nervously, slowly getting up. - How nervous you are. - Stop it! - the fair-haired marvel pulled them back. - Lal, stop provoking, you know perfectly well the reasons for the Sotnik’s behavior. And you, Arvil Teinmire, will finally find the vaunted self-control and if you please use it. “Still, psychological preparation had to be carried out,” I glanced accusingly at Taylin. He just looked at me with irritation and grimaced: “I naively thought that these gentlemen were at least somewhat consistent with their venerable age,” then he looked at his brother, who was now clearing his throat nearby and barked: “Or at least one of them was influenced by the passing years.” ! “I slept for a long time,” Lallin responded sarcastically, and holding his temple, he slowly stood up, and then, looking at the now slightly calmed scaly beast, he said in a mentoring, albeit slightly hoarse tone. - Nobody told you that you can’t play with your prey? If you are going to kill, and even if not alone, then do it right away! If you are unable to resist the temptation to torture the victim, then postpone revenge for a more appropriate time, tailed one. I just shook my head, a little shocked by such a “presentation of material”; this wonderful man quite calmly drew the parallels “I am a victim” and instructed me on how to finish him off more accurately, especially if you plan to get pleasure from suffering. Fairies are crazy. When Arvil turned around and briefly gave him one answer, I had the opportunity to make sure that the Heilars were not far away. But what am I talking about... there is a lot of fairy blood in them! - Curator, are you not worried that I will accept such valuable advice note and use it? - The sleeper leaned forward and smiled so joyfully and in anticipation that I even felt uneasy. - After all, you are on my territory! “Well, you’re exaggerating this,” the dark fairy finally stood up. - I'm near. And believe me, there is a difference. “But if I understand your intentions correctly, then you intend to enter the city,” despite the ostentatious confidence and arms crossed imperiously on his chest, Arvil’s tail trembled nervously, and the man immediately wrapped it around his leg and hid his pussy behind the top of his boot. The fairy just laughed and narrowed his eyes, dark as oriental velvet. - No matter what my older relative says, I am not an idiot. And I won’t enter Anli-Gissar... just like that right away. Only after invitation. “What a disappointment,” Ar answered quite sincerely and glanced sideways at me. - But still, we should talk... in what language it matters, we should talk somewhere else. Well, yes... the language is different. The language of magic and steel is sometimes more expressive than any other. - Are you embarrassed by the young dragon? - Lal raised his tarry eyebrow and sent me a smile. - It's in vain. She is one of the pieces on our game board and, as the girl quite rightly said not so long ago... it’s a sin not to dispose of it, especially if she is so conveniently located. - I would prefer to discuss the “framework” of future actions without Iryana. I habitually suppressed my irritation, not allowing it to break through or even flicker in the depths of my eyes. I just pursed my lips and lowered my gaze, realizing that I definitely didn’t control myself that well. Men... are the same! They are all the same! That’s right, I sent Arvil... to look for another “love”! He is no different from Veil, and unlike his husband, who has probably, if not re-educated, at least learned something, Aru is not yet in danger of such enlightenment. “One of your mistakes,” the hitherto silent Tylin intervened. “You have too few people close to you, monstrously few.” And those who exist need to be developed and used. Flattering, of course... I lowered my gaze, not allowing the rest of those present to notice my dissatisfaction. I didn’t expect any comments on my thoughts, if only because I didn’t think about the possibility of this. As it turned out, it was in vain. “Well, what can you do, this is the most convenient terminology, girl,” Tylin smiled barely. “I don’t mind. I’m even grateful for the intervention and confirmation of my words.” Meanwhile, Lallin came closer to us, and without caring one bit about the safety of his dull black robe, he sat down on that same improvised bridge across a wide stream. Then he looked back at us, raising his head and giving another wide smile, throwing out his hands in invitation: “Sit down, gentlemen, allies, for our” round table "peaceful negotiations! And this is a thousand-year-old fairy? Where is the majesty, where is the wisdom, where, after all, is the beauty?! Unlike his brother, Lal was not distinguished by such perfection of face and figure. He was thin, in his robe, so in general looking like a ruffled crow, with slightly bird-like features, and the impression was only aggravated by the predatory shape of his eyes, the color of black agate. But in the memories of the city, he was different... Tall, thin and flexible as a whip, dressed in the colors of the night sky, which seemed to have been collected from him. the firmament to sew clothes. And in his jewelry there were only pearls, and his skin glowed dullly under the shine of the chandeliers of Anli-Gissar. Then he really was a magnificent, wondrous lord, from whom they froze in admiration, what happened to you, Lallin Black Gold. ? Why is this such obvious neglect of the most important thing for fairies - themselves? took a place not far from his brother. We are silent. We study each other. Or rather, they are each other, but I have no interest. Except that Prince Black Gold often returns his gaze to me and becomes frankly uncomfortable. A treacherous thought flashed through my mind that if he saw me as a woman, then I would feel calmer. This “evil” is already familiar, and not so frightening. But for the first time, they looked at me as if I were a bargaining chip. And I can’t say that I liked this feeling. - Why are you here? - I suddenly asked, and even shuddered under the crosshairs of three glances at once. Deciding that if I don’t finish it now, I won’t dare later, she continued: “Even the official version is interesting to me; it would be stupid to wait for the real one.” In his eyes I read a cheerful “You’re not such a fool!”, but the fairy answered, of course, something completely different. - Why are you dear, girl, my intentions are direct and transparent. Well, yes. And in general, you are blond and probably hid your white wings somewhere, it’s an optical illusion for all of us here. Of course, I didn’t say this out loud. I wanted to! “Well, as you say,” I decided not to “pull my heels in!”, especially since I have no chance of outplaying this fairy. Never again. Different weight categories. Different life experiences. “Actually, everything is simple,” Lallin closed his eyes tiredly. - We have one goal, gentlemen. Find the one who started the unrest in the original world. That bastard who stole my project materials and tried to start it again! - Your project? - the Sleeper asked in a whistling whisper. - What do you call us... currrator! “I called you “heilars,” the dark fairy answered calmly, without flinching his face. - And you know this very well. Pull yourself together, Centurion. You disappoint me. - I wonder how you would behave in my place? - Ar calmed down, and now only watched the fairies. Tylin and I were silent and did not interfere, realizing that they should talk... but there was no time for that. But at least a little. Something needs to be clarified at least a little bit. The prince from the family of Cast Gold only tiredly looked from his brother to the heilar, and his whole appearance expressed the extreme stage of the state of being “fed up.” Lallin was thinking. He didn’t take his agate eyes away from Ara’s face and thought. When the silence became almost ringing, thin pale lips trembled in a smile and he said quietly: “I would cut off everyone who is here now and slowly and with pleasure kill the one I hate so much.” Enjoying every scream... every moan... every wheeze. “Then appreciate my self-control,” Arvil leaned forward. - Although all I want now is to “gently” squeeze your spine in my palms... after having pierced your neck with my claws. I shuddered and jumped up indignantly: “Or maybe that’s enough, and then you’ll play the toy “who’s the toughest threat”?! - took a breath and continued. - Gentlemen, perhaps, due to my feminine mind, I don’t quite understand the purpose of our meeting... but it seems that this is not at all what you are doing now! Silence followed, during which Arvil closed his eyes and, judging by the rhythm of his breathing, tried to calm down, Taylin stared down with undisguised interest at the waters of the river and the glare of the sun, lost in the crystal water, and Lallin smiled at me barely noticeably. And I felt like I wasn’t the smartest person, in a gathering of completely incomprehensible individuals. Which are either geniuses and I don’t understand them due to my own limitations. Or they are complete idiots and, accordingly, it doesn’t reach me for the opposite reason. And since I could not classify the ancient fairies and heilar into the “fools” category, the conclusions were disappointing. “Iryana, they’re trying to find a common language,” Tai sighed, looking sideways at me with irony. - But not at the right time, you’re right here. I looked away, but then shuddered in surprise. When I felt a light mental touch. Hmm, judging by the golden-amber tones in which the “challenge” is painted, this is Taylin. "Yes?" I carefully opened the upper part of my consciousness, not knowing what to expect from the pointy-eared one. “Iri, it’s better not to interfere now,” he hesitated, as if choosing words and continued. - It’s just that Lallin and Arvil are in such a situation for the first time and don’t know how to behave. Lal is burdened by the fact that it was his project that was then chosen as the “savior of the Gold clan.” But the project turned out to be... a failure. He created not just dolls for protection, but an intelligent and sentient race. A doomed race. The centurion is trying not to succumb to emotions and not to kill the one whom he hated so boundlessly all his life. Besides, don't forget about psychological age your tailed friend." “Well, yes,” I mentally smiled. - A teenager, essentially. But I thought that we didn’t have much time and it was worth discussing what we had planned.” “Yes, they can’t,” the man responded endlessly tiredly. - They can't. They need to draw at least some conclusions now. You need to have a desire to talk first, and not happily cut each other to ribbons." I just shrugged, not finding anything else to say. Apparently, while we were mentally communicating with the older fairy, his younger relative and the heylar came to some kind of... then to consensus. “I think you understand that it will not be possible to preserve the independence of Anli-Gissar,” Lallin asked, squinting his black eyes at his tailed creation. “I understand perfectly,” Ar nodded his dark-haired head, and his tail trembled nervously, revealing the owner’s excitement. - Unfortunately, no one will allow us. The appearance of representatives of a new race out of nowhere is too unusual, especially considering what is happening in the world now - Yes, your handicraft copies that are eating up everyone without hitting the Empire and the allied states. - an extremely irritating factor, - he put his hand in blonde hair Tai. - That’s why I agreed with the Empress and her Guardians to meet on neutral territory. There are four accompanying people on each side, and you choose the place. - Why exactly the human Empire? - I was curious. - No, I understand that you won’t go to the dragons, but the Undermountain Kingdom is near you... - Drow are sedentary fairies, have you forgotten? - the golden-haired wondrous bard lazily drawled, who now did not at all look like a carefree musician. “The owner of Anli-Gissar will not bow to them.” “That’s not the point,” the Sotnik shook his head. - And the fact is that the Empire is stronger. And yet, drow... too close. They will invade the city, no matter what agreements we conclude. It will most likely be easier with people. “I wouldn’t count on it,” she laughed quietly, remembering how her father cursed after another diplomatic reception. - There are also comrades there, very sharp-toothed ones. And the Empire is human only because, according to statistics, there are approximately fifty percent of the population there. As for the rest, there are a couple of every creature, from immigrants to drow and dragons. So... - No, Iri... exactly the Empire. And there are reasons for that,” Arvil smiled at me and changed his position. Which made me secretly sigh with relief. Now he's not so tense. Which means it’s not a second away from being thrown. And he took his hand off his ankle, which is good. Because as far as I know, he has poisoned needles in that leather strip on the seam of his pants. This means that it won’t be him who will attack now, and you don’t have to be ready, just in case, to run for the hills so as not to accidentally fall under attack. Judging by the chuckles that flashed for a moment in purple eyes , he perfectly understood the reasons for my certain relaxation. -Who will you take with you? - Lallin asked lazily. - I would like to clarify that my brother and I are automatically included. So to speak. That is, there are two more on your side. Who? “The tens,” the Sleeper answered slowly, and then cast a sidelong glance at me, as if he was thinking about something. “That’s right,” the dark fairy followed his gaze. - It would be better to have her. The girl is useful and will come in handy in the future. And judging by the data provided, she has very good genetics, which is also important. - Iryana will remain in the city. I caught my friend’s serious look and shook my head with the words: “You have too few resources not to use them.” “You are not a resource,” the heilar snapped. - You are you. “She’s a dragon, the daughter of the Fire Valley ambassador to the Empire,” Lallin chuckled and continued harshly. - Arvil, we’ll have to take the girl. There are very few of us, and the task is too great. How many of you are in the city now? A dozen and a half? Less? Ar turned to Taylin and said affirmatively: “You said that I did not call out to the privates.” - Of course. And stop perceiving us as enemies, Lallin wants to help, and therefore hiding anything from him is stupid. - Tylin, I don’t believe him. I don't believe the stated motive. Your actions are accepted only because of the past... the fact that my people owe you the illusion of freedom, and the city its existence. Hmm, at this rate we won’t agree on anything. And... if I remember the basics of psychology correctly, in such a situation all that is needed is time for everything to settle down a little - to calm down. “And I have a proposal,” I rubbed my temples, almost feeling my head swelling from the abundance of information. Both news and dramatic changes. I went to talk to a friend and sort things out, so they say. - Before going to the Empress, meet everyone again, also on neutral territory, and discuss everything again. Because everyone is too emotional right now. “Irka is right,” the Sleeper stood up, and after waiting for both fairies to follow his example, he bowed his head in respect. The men looked at each other and answered him in the same way. I was ready to clap my hands and give everyone a gingerbread for their exemplary behavior and sound thinking! “Okay,” Tylin nodded and looked at Arvil. - You have an amulet with which you can contact me. I’m not in a hurry and I’m not setting a time frame, but it seems to me that you yourself understand how limited we are in this resource. “I understand,” the Sleeper narrowed his eyes, and a barely noticeable smile touched his lips. - Prince, I will not hesitate. “That’s great,” Lallin grimaced again and rubbed his temples, looking with displeasure at the heilar, and then at everyone else. - If today's meeting is over, then I'm leaving. Centurion, it was... informative, I will meet with you again, Iryana is pouring, I will be glad to see you again. Brother... you know where to look for me. He bowed and stepped back and disappeared into the black and gold haze. I thoughtfully watched this energetic colored “snow” melt, under which I was tempted to place my palm. But it's easy to guess that delicate skin it will only sting. Energy... bites, I grinned, catching myself on the last thought. But... something very unusual awaits us ahead. And somewhere deep inside, I feel a thrill, from the realization that very soon I will have a job. No, not like that... IT IS. Big and important. Meaningful. Such a chance comes extremely rarely, so this is the only one I have. If I succeed, then I will prove to everyone, and first of all to myself, that I am worth something. Probably Dasha and Krion have the same thoughts. We have a chance. The one in a million. And ours is generally from the realm of fairy tales and dreams. Because the Heilars and their master are the creation of one brilliant scientist. Lallin Black Gold. I still wonder where that magnificent lord I saw on my walk through the memories of Anli-Gissar went. While I was thinking about the younger fairy, his older brother finished talking with the Centurion, and approached me, bowed and, taking possession of my palm, pressed a light kiss on the back of it. - Iryana, I have a small request for you. “I’m listening,” I answered carefully, not even thinking about following the rules of etiquette and courtesy and saying something like “of course” or “everything in my power.” With fairies, you generally need to watch your language... if only because if you tell them this, then “of course” you will have to fulfill what you promised and at the same time “make every effort.” A knowing smile slid across the pinkish lips of the wondrous handsome man and, moving away, he continued. - I want you to give Daria one small gift. I almost laughed in his face. This is impudence! “Taylin, with all due respect to you, I have to refuse you,” I shook my head and noticing that he frowned and bad sparks flashed in his yellow eyes, I considered it necessary to justify. - Excuse me, but giving gifts to a mortal from a wondrous lord... I treat Daria too well for such an outright setup. “This thing does not contain anything that would influence the girl’s will,” the fairy smiled, but the warmth did not increase in his eyes. “Okay,” I answered with the same smile and asked insinuatingly. - What about the girl’s feelings? - Give your word? - the marvelous man twitched displeasedly, looking at me arrogantly. “It wouldn’t hurt,” I nodded calmly. internally cringing under the piercing amber gaze. “Iryana,” Tylin sighed, and gently took out a velvet bag from one of his pockets. blue color . He loosened the ribbons and some strange decoration, similar to a crescent moon with a hook at the end, fell into the fairy’s palm. - This is just a “messenger”. “Unusual,” I shook my head, not thinking of immediately believing the lord. - Girl, do you really think that you know everything that is possible?! Although maybe I’m not aware and your specialization is the achievements of a wonderful people in the field of magic and technology? “Of course not,” I calmly responded to this outright mockery. - But as I already said. This migrant is my friend. And in general... Tylin. If you were in my place, would you really meekly take this cute little thing and take it to someone close to you, knowing that it could possibly harm him?! “Got it,” Ty rubbed the bridge of his nose. - Options? - As you yourself suggested - give me the floor. “It’s fun,” the fairy laughed quietly and shook his head. - For such nonsense, I swear for the first time. Usually, more global issues required this. - Well... - I threw up my hands and fell silent, offering to think out for myself what I could say. “Hor-r-r-osho,” the man growled briefly and irritably ran his fingers through his golden hair. - I, Tailyn Cast Gold, swear that my gift to Daria does not contain any hidden properties other than those already announced. He gave the words. No, not like that... Word. “Okay,” I nodded, without taking my eyes off the man, and extended my palm. Tylin finally slid his finger over the smooth blue-violet stone and put the amulet back into the bag, which he handed over to me. I squeezed the fabric and felt something slightly crunch in my palm. “Paper,” the fairy answered my questioning look. - This is a note, or rather an instruction. “Okay,” she squeezed her fingers on the velvet and looked at Arvil. “Go to the wall,” the Sleeper nodded to the place where we appeared. I looked at him and the fairies, and considered it necessary to obey. She turned around and, going around the men frozen opposite each other, resolutely jumped off the roughly hewn boulder that replaced the bridge here and, measuring the slope with her eyes, mentally outlining the “steps” along which she could get there. However, when we descended, a satellite caught me, and the task was greatly simplified. Now I could only rely on myself. But it’s okay, I’m a dragon, that is, a dexterous and strong creature. Therefore, after ten seconds, I was sitting on the edge of a small cliff heated by the slanting rays of the sun and watching the still motionless men. They were quietly talking about something, but it was completely incomprehensible to understand what they were talking about, because the faces of both were unusually impassive. But... Arvil seemed relaxed. This means he is the “leader” in this conversation, because if things were different, he would look different. I don’t know when I learned to read it, but it was there. Although maybe these are just remnants of that connection, which is not completely broken even now? Anything is possible. Ar, you are still a tailed fool. If you and I can’t escape from each other in the near future, then the problem should be taken seriously. Of course, there is Kryona as an option, but if she liked the Centurion, she would have made it clear, because the girl has no complexes. And he knows that I am nowhere from Vale. But she does not demonstrate her disposition in any way, which means she disappears. Although the Fiery one is relaxed in an intimate sense, he is not to the point of sleeping with those he doesn’t like. Having emerged from my thoughts about which direction would be best to direct Ara’s interest, I again focused my attention on the conversation. Well, yes... judging by the ostentatiously detached expression that settled on the fairy’s face, he heard something that was not particularly pleasant for him. Finally, the men finished communicating, and the marvelous one disappeared into the shimmering air, and Arvil turned to me with a smile. - Well... let's go back? “Let’s go,” I swung my legs with a smile, looking down at him. - What were they chatting about? “The fact that some charming migrants are not only under my protection, but also under the tutelage of the foreman,” Ar chuckled, his eyes sparkling mischievously from under his black bangs. - And that if she is offended, some handsome men will have something torn off. And not even just once. “Poor Tylin,” I laughed. - And what is he? “He told me that his intentions were the most serious, and also told me where I could go with my threats,” Arvil was on my ledge in a matter of seconds and sat down next to me. Also dangling his legs down. That's how we sat. Long minutes that seemed timeless... And the sun was setting, taking with it the orange-red rays that had recently warmed the rocks. The darkness thickened, first draping the cracks in the rock, and then, as if emboldened, it climbed onto the flat surfaces, which until recently had felt the caress of the heavenly body, but now belonged to its opposite. Darkness. - Here comes a new stage. I shuddered at Ara’s quiet voice and turned to the man, who was leaning back on rock , watched the flow of the river, which became increasingly dark and now it was impossible to see the bottom. Only rare silvery reflections on the dark water reminded us of what a sparkling stream it rushed from the peaks just recently. - What are you talking about? “Yes, probably about everything,” Arvil responded hesitantly. “We are truly emerging from the shadows that have always been home.” But... we have always been a weapon in the wrong hands. And now we want to seize control, so we need to change tactics. “That’s right,” I nodded slowly, and frowned at the thought that came into my head, which I was not slow to voice. - Ar, what can we offer to the Primordial Empire? After all, as I understand it, if you let them into the city, it will be only with the lowest level of access. Yes, and handing over your people to the Empress... is fraught. “We have something to offer them,” the corners of the man’s lips twitched into a smile. - And believe me, they now need it more than all the mythical and not so rich wealth of Anli-Gissar. “Okay,” I sighed when I realized that right now he wouldn’t post everything. And she accepted his right to silence. - What are your plans now? “We need to take care of the outer borders of the city,” Arvil rubbed his temples with a sigh. - I'm almost finished, but... I need to finish it. “And I have classes with Alishin, and then get-togethers with the girls...” “Warn Daria that fairies never do anything for nothing,” the Sleeper voiced the obvious. “I’m afraid this won’t help,” I winced. “You yourself understand that everything here will depend only on the healer.” “I understand,” the master of the lost city grinned. “That’s why I will partly open the way for Tylin’s competitor.” -Will you let this drow into the city?! - I gasped, staring at the heilar in surprise. - Ar, what are you talking about! Do you even know who Trinvir del Meredith is?! “I know,” the man laughed quietly, looking at me cheerfully and pulling me towards him and ruffling my hair. - And I probably won’t let him into the city. “Hmm, I can’t imagine how you’ll get out of it,” I shrugged. - Taylin is still this... well, I don’t believe that he is so smooth because of Daria or even guilt. “And rightly so,” Arvil nodded calmly. - It seems to me that the answer is simple. They're both just interested. And you yourself know how disastrous boredom is for wonderful people. That's why they clung to this task. It's very complex, almost overwhelming... but that's the beauty of it. “Fairies,” I said with some degree of disgust. “Yeah,” Ar said in the same tone. We looked at each other and laughed. I felt the man’s palm and squeezed it tightly and quietly admitted, “I’m so glad that everything was resolved.” And that again is easy. He didn’t answer for almost a minute, during which that light and ringing state of cloudless happiness managed to leave me, until he finally said: “And I’m glad.” What's good for you. I selfishly remained silent, allowing him to heroically make this “sacrifice” and feignedly cheerfully suggested: “Well, let’s go?” “Let’s go,” he stood up and with a strong jerk lifted me up, almost immediately wrapping his tail around my waist, which made me twitch nervously and smiling sadly and weightlessly kissing my forehead. - I’m really glad, girl. She looked away, realizing that... somehow everything was turning out very perverted. Ollie courted me out of wounded pride and awakened desire, Veil was amused by how small and cheerful I was. I saved him from boredom. Arvil was the most unlucky of all. He tied himself to me. And if you think about it, was there anything to get attached to here? To a girl who hasn’t even passed her second adulthood? I even feel sorry for the men. The sleeper let me go and put his luminous palms on the rock, along which an ornate painting-arch instantly snaked, in the center of which the stone trembled like a haze, the flow changed color. She closed her eyes as usual and stepped through this miracle back into the enchanted city. His master followed me.

“Your reverent faith in the best has always admired me,” the Sleeper answered a little mockingly.

“Don’t be silly,” she looked at the tailed one with slight condemnation. – By the way, remember: while we were “neighbours”, I not only talked with my husband, but also with one persistent blond dragon. - She giggled and winked at the heilar: - I didn’t notice any jealousy in you. Therefore, you perceive me as a woman, but not as YOUR woman. This means that we can continue to coexist peacefully as soon as you find yourself a “horizontal friend.” “I spread my hands and happily finished: “It’s simple!”

- "Just"! How easy it is for you! – he angrily hit the stone of the Arvil Bridge with his palm. – Everything is crystal clear and clear! My much wise and reasonable one, who has not yet passed her second adulthood! By human reckoning, you’re not even eighteen!

“Here it is,” I pouted. “Almost twenty, in human years.” – I thought a little and decided not to lie so obviously: – Well, maybe less than a year...

- And myself!

I smiled. Well, yes, some kind of completely childish squabble. Fortunately, it cleared up the atmosphere somewhat, which means we can return to our problem.

– You are still very one-sidedly developed, Ar. An ideal warrior, leader, perhaps a politician. In any case, from what I saw, you are quite resourceful. But in personal relationships– complete and final zero. You know only fatherly warmth towards your subordinates and hatred towards your enemies. That's why I'm special to you. The first one, who cannot be classified into either category. So you got confused... and fell in love a little. Dasha and Kryona are the same, but you have no connection.

He sighed and clasped his long fingers together nervously. I couldn’t help but think how many more beautiful things these architect’s hands could create. After all, Ar is a genius. He created Anli-Gissar. I pray that someday Thainmere will be able to shift the burden of responsibility for the heylars to someone else and try to live for himself. Whether it will work out or not is the next thing, but you definitely have to try.

“You explain it very beautifully,” the Sleeper began slowly, “but what to do with the current situation, Iryana is pouring?”

“To talk,” I answered calmly. “We should have done this a long time ago.” As for the rest...” I laughed quietly and put my palm on his hand, squeezing it reassuringly through the fabric of his shirt. – Ar, don’t you think that we have things to do – fifty years ahead? And this is with the condition of almost complete lack of sleep and time to “eat”. You'll soon forget about everything! Now we are sitting, gaining strength and thinking about where to move. Then... a whirlpool of events will swirl, and there will be no time left. Everything is returning to normal.

“Well, yes,” he smiled barely and, squinting his amethyst eyes, looked at the sun. – We will soon have our first courtesy visit to the head of a neighboring state. And then there are many more interesting things. But first of all, we need to find the bastard who is pulling the strings.

“Everything would be fine if the Heilars weren’t used as puppets,” I sighed, finishing his thought. – And if in the wrong hands your soldiers had not kindled the fire of an interracial war. Who are you dating? And for what? And will they accept us?

I somewhat confused him with the abundance of questions, but Ar smiled, pulled me closer and said:

– With Her Majesty Alexandra Vir Tollyman, Empress of the Primordial Empire. Only, baby... Where will this “receive us” come from? With all due respect... you will remain in Anli Hissar.

– Do you remember who my father is? – I raised an eyebrow, trying to tame the outburst of indignation from such an answer. You need to be collected, restrained and dignified. – Arvil, my father is a very high-flying diplomat. And more than once he took me to official receptions while traveling. Of course, I was not present at the meetings, but... knowledge is not lost, and blood is not water.

“Iryana, you are a young dragon,” the heilar ruffled my hair. - Not even an adult. Taking you to negotiations of this level is not the smartest move.

“Okay,” I smiled brightly. - Dear, do you really think that the place WHERE I ran away is a secret? Or the fight at the Lake of Fire, when a trio of girls opened a portal to the unknown? An unknown that has now received a name and an owner? Do you really expect that they won’t ask you where the princess of Fire Valley and I are now? I am Cai Tirlin's wife, and I am my father's daughter!

“So?..” asked the Sleeper gloomily.

“Will you just let us go and wave a handkerchief?” – I snorted skeptically, looking at him ironically.

– Do you want to leave Anli-Gissar? – Ar raised a black eyebrow. “It seems to me that Kryona would give everything to stay here forever.”

– Don’t avoid answering. If we want to go home... you won't let us go. Is that right, my dear?

He looked at me intently, narrowing his dark purple eyes and barely noticeably curling his lips.

- Speak, speak, Iri. It's interesting to hear your speculations.

– More likely – conclusions. “I shrugged my shoulders, shook off his hand and pulled away so I could see his face. - We are hostages. You won't let us go until you achieve what you want. All three of us are very comfortable. Well, maybe except for me. Perhaps you just... don’t really need me. But Dasha and Cree...

“How smart you are at times,” Mr. Anli-Gissar drawled mockingly and admiringly.

“Kryona is a princess, the bride of the heir to the Ice Reach and... the chosen one of the prince of the Undermountain Kingdom,” I continued.

– What makes you think that Sebastian has serious feelings? I am sure that he got everything he wanted from her.

“Maybe so,” I nodded. - But he wants to return it. Because she doesn't need HIM. For the same reason, Dorian will turn the world upside down and make concessions to get the redhead back. She left him. Humiliated in the eyes of the world. With Daria, everything is also simple... applicants for her attention will do a lot and promise to gain access to your city if she stays here.

– If you understood everything, why did you drag the girls into my treacherous networks? – Arvil twitched the corner of his mouth in something like a smile.

“Because your “networks” are better than their reality,” she laughed in response. “And because they wanted it.” Kryona is ready to die so as not to return to her groom. Drow is nothing more than a hobby for her. Well, a way to get what we needed. Combined business with pleasure. Daria... dreamed of healing. And now he is doing what he loves. You found something to buy girls with.

- And you? - The Sleeper squinted.

“I also want to be useful,” I said, swinging my legs, and unexpectedly admitted: “And I also want to study.” As soon as everything calms down a little, I will enter the Primordial Art Academy. One of the best.

– Why not in the Valleys of Dragons? And why are you so convinced that your husband will allow it? It seems to me, dear Iri, that you have already forgotten a little about its presence. As well as the fact that Rinvale has exclusive rights over you, including a ban. Are you sure that after all the adventures, your husband will bless you for further ones and not lock you up?

I froze, biting my lip. To be honest, I didn’t even think about this option. It seemed that Vale understood everything, which means we will try to come to a consensus and solve the problem. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen each other in our dreams since that last time. But before that... he really understood! She looked at Arvil, who was watching intently, and answered:

- I believe in him. And I love.

“You should believe yourself,” Ar advised. - You don’t like it. And you understand this perfectly well.

- You know? “I jumped up and stared angrily at the tailed one. - I'm sick of! I said a hundred times that I would stay with my husband. Love is work, precious one! Tense. This is a search for compromises, concessions to each other... and loyalty! Do you think it will be different if I stay with you? Yes, the same thing! At first, of course, no difficulties! And then you, like my husband, will push the “minor dragon” aside! You're already trying! – I clasped my hands and mimicked: “You don’t belong there”, “You’re small”, “You don’t know anything”!

Arvil stood up in one smooth, fluid movement and stepped towards me, hugging me, stroking my head and whispering soothingly:

- Well, why are you so upset... everything is fine.

Alexandra Cherchen

Happy marriage like a dragon. Find yourself

© Cherchen A., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

I stood on the balcony that surrounded the training hall and watched with interest the battle unfolding below.

Arvil and Kryona fought. Well, how they fought... Ar glided around the hall like a shadow, dodging the attacks of the dragoness, and from time to time he warmed her with a wooden pole on some tender part of the body. Kree just squinted angrily and new strength rushed at the grinning heilar. When she once again got hit in the soft spot, her friend roared furiously:

- Stop dancing! Have the courage to fight like a man!

“Kriona, as a man, I fight only with men or enemies,” the Centurion laughed, retreating. – With women, and especially with allies – exclusively on a horizontal plane. Well, or... I’m doing dancing.

I snorted, looking ironically at the fiery woman who was seething with anger.

But Arvil! Unhappy virgin!

True, Kryona doesn’t know this. And the heylar shamelessly teases the excitable dragoness. I even feel sorry for her. She put so much effort into persuading the Sotnik to fight, but in the end Ar made a show. It’s good that there are no foremen. Considering that Kree has already cleaned up both scaly and not so scaly faces of at least two of them, they would undoubtedly rejoice at the leader’s revenge now.

Arville was mistaken: the unknown puppeteer woke up more than one Sheridan. The foremen did not sleep. Although I was sure that he was simply made to make a mistake. The mental vision is clouded. The Sleeper summoned the surviving foremen as soon as he realized that they were not in Anli-Gissar. The oath to the commander turned out to be more important than the bonds with which the unknown sorcerer bound them with the help of Sheridan. Ar was never able to attract him, but did not lose hope, repeating attempts over and over again. I didn’t believe that my friend and blood brother betrayed me without good reason.

And the Sleeper really wanted to know which ones.

Almost a week and a half had passed since Mr. Anli-Gissar awakened. During this time, the city came to life, sparkled with light and colors, sparkled with lights. His heart started beating and he began to breathe. Unfortunately, things weren't particularly fun when it came to food. There was only what the foremen brought from the big world. This means that the resurrected city and its children were increasingly faced with the problem: what to do next? Actually, that is why Arvil has not yet issued a general call. We were not prepared for so many mouths and brains on one side.

The latter, however, was exclusively Dasha’s problem. I especially remember the scene of the healer’s first acquaintance with the Heilars. Huge, gloomy men with tails - and a little man dying of fear. Well, joyful Arvil:

– Dasha, this is your material for work. Material, this is your Dasha and the doctor. Please don't offend. I beg you, is everyone clear?

– The master’s favorite lap dog? – one of the Heilars asked an incomprehensible question.

“No,” Arvil answered seriously. - Just a healer of souls.

After this performance, the attitude towards the displaced person changed almost immediately, but Daria was still afraid. First of all, you can’t cope. Although the others were not such a dark abyss as their commander, they still represented that same bunch of psychological diseases. Dashka gloomily joked that one could defend several dissertations on them and become forever famous for studying original deviations. So for now we were still sitting underground and only preparing a springboard for further actions.

And for some reason the Sleeper avoided me in every possible way. We met only for food, and in most cases the “meetings” boiled down to him walking into the dining room, with his head buried in another document or diagram, shoveling food onto a tray and leaving!

No, I understand everything! That the city is old, stood without owners for a very long time, many systems are failing, including defensive ones, but... Ar almost fell through the ground as soon as he noticed me! Can't this continue indefinitely? I don't want to lose my friend. This means we need to explain ourselves and decide what to do next.

That's why today I decided to catch the tailed one and pin him against the wall. It’s so painful to wean yourself off of it! It turns out that during the time that we were “nearby”, I became very attached to his presence, communication, irony and outlook on life. I missed him.

Yes, Arvil made sure I didn’t get bored and found something to do. And even the one who controlled this “business”. The centurion assigned one of the foreman to me for training mental magic. But he tricked the teacher with a very original method! I get up in the morning and the first thing I see is the imperturbable foreman over the bed! Yes, I screamed in fear and fell out of bed!!!

It turned out to be Alishin. Just that ideal soldier without doubts and hesitations.

I grinned at Dashka’s diagnosis: “They are all here with selected selective cockroaches that are not bred by any poison!” She giggled, remembering how the healer screamed at the entire office after a session with one of the foreman. In response to the question of what to do with a tired lady on a hike, he told her: “Finish it off!” It seems that Alishin was the one who distinguished himself. Still, heilars are truly a bunch of psychological deviations. As the migrant said, Arvil is simply more adapted in this regard because of his communication with me... because he adjusted.

In general, after a couple of meetings with the owner magical city at the “healer – patient” level, Dashka thoughtfully suggested drinking... juice. Grape. Decent endurance. And then she said that if she pulls out “this something,” she will hang the order on herself. On one's own.

Arvil... Arvil.

I bit my lip and frowned as my thoughts again flew towards the Sotnik. He promised to work with me! But in fact, he didn’t even keep his word, and informed about the change of decision not personally, but through the foreman! I understand that I am behaving like a child who was promised a toy and was not given it. I understand his motives, but I can’t cope with the insult.

With such thoughts, I stealthily went down the side stairs and froze in a niche near the doors of the training room. A minute later they swung open with a roar. The evil Kryona appeared on the threshold, almost immediately disappearing into one of the corridors flickering with otherworldly light.

Hmmm...she seemed quite nervous. Nervous almost to the point of psychosis. Over any trifle he breaks down. She tried to punch half the foremen in the face... They were so surprised that they even allowed it. No, Kree is a good fighter. Very good. But heilars are a genetically modified hybrid of dragons and fairies. Incredibly fast, very strong, dexterous and nimble. In both forms. Forgive me, girlfriend, but the fiery young woman, who has recently passed her second adulthood, cannot withstand the ideal soldiers.

Who simply did not know peaceful life. Who were taught only to kill.

It was obvious that they were uncomfortable fighting with her. Heilars are used to killing, not fighting or training. I remember. I saw in the memories of the city how this happens.

While I was wandering in sad thoughts, one of the doors swung open again, and a tailed traitor appeared on the threshold. Didn't notice me. Still, Alishin is a great teacher! The sleeper was immersed in himself, thinking about something, so he didn’t see me standing three steps away, wrapped in spells! Oh yes I am!

Arvil carefully closed the door and moved down the corridor. I left the niche and, when he caught up with me, I touched his shoulder with my palm. Immediately the unpleasant surprises began. They twisted my elbow, pressed me against the wall of the niche, and in my throat I felt the coldness of steel, pain and a hot stream crawling down my neck, behind the collar of my tunic.

- Irka!!! Why... - Arvil cursed floridly and cut himself off mid-sentence.

They pulled me out of the nook and examined the wound, while still expressing an honest opinion about blonde idiots. The blonde idiots, in general, shared this opinion and therefore remained ashamedly silent. No, well, where were the brains?! WHO did I, you fool, go after?!

“I could have killed you,” the heilar said tiredly. - Don't come from behind, stupid. Irka, if something odorless and mentally imperceptible touches me, my reflexes are triggered! Guess which ones?!

- Understood.

She looked away, nervously fiddling with her blonde strands tied in a low ponytail. Stupid, well, stupid.

“Let’s go,” Sleeper hugged him by the shoulders, pressing him to him. - Need to talk. Has long been.

Here... a man, huh?! "Need to talk!" - he said, dragging along the girl who has been trying to catch the bastard for a week and a half! He even deprived me of the pleasure of speaking!

Okay, I'll have time. In the meantime... for now we need to break away from the warmth of his body, which seems so unbearably familiar that you don’t want to pull away at all, and go where Ar deigns to take you.

It was easy to say this, especially mentally. But it’s very difficult to do, especially since Mr. Anli-Gissar himself hesitated, still pressing me, lightly stroking my back and touching my hair with his cheek.

“You’re the last bastard,” I said quietly.

Alexandra Cherchen

Happy dragon marriage. Catching up with the dream

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A large elegant vase flew into the wall, and a second later the picture of the enchanting mess was completed by beautifully scattered fragments.

Rinveil Tsai Tirlin growled briefly and, pulling off the still dull knives from the wall that his wife had once wanted to use for their intended purpose, tried to repeat her feat.

“It won’t work,” Freak Len Riot, who was sitting in the only surviving chair, phlegmatically commented on the flight of steel.

Among the chaos reigning around, this man seemed to be a model of accuracy and calm. In general, he was the complete opposite of either a trashed room or a rumpled, carelessly dressed and extremely angry friend.

- I'll bite you!

“At least don’t lie to yourself, Veil,” the butler snorted. - Unless you bite it gently.

– If only you had kept quiet, Freak! – the red dragon threw an angry look at his friend. - You missed her! How could he?! I ordered control.

“Try to control her,” nodded the icy one. – If something breaks your brain in a big way, and then you lie unconscious for a day. You found us yourself...

- But where did Iryana get such abilities? – Vale walked up to the least damaged chair and looked at it doubtfully. – In general, she is almost mediocre in this regard.

“As it turned out, no,” Freak shrugged. “And... it’s not her, Veil.”

Cai Tirlin grabbed the backrest and shook the piece of furniture a little. The obvious instability did not inspire optimism. Therefore, the man thought a little and sank straight onto the carpet.

- Didn't understand.

“I’m not a magician, but I sense the essence well,” the blond began slowly. – So, during that moment when this something came into my head... Not Iryana, Veil. I guarantee it.

- Amazing! – he hissed. – Where did she manage to pick up this nasty thing? And most importantly, where did my fool go?!

“For me, if you can understand what kind of “nasty” this is, then you will decide on the direction,” the butler smiled. “I think she left a note?”

“I left her,” the abandoned husband ran his hair through his hair with a sigh. – This message did not bring clarity.

- What's there? – Frik asked curiously.

“There is an appeal to my understanding,” Rinvale said sadly. – Nothing specific. In short: “I went to gain experience. Do not be bored".

“Tell me, was it really so difficult for you to take her with you at least sometimes?” Not all the time. I sat down with my studies and my brains would be busy and my nerves wouldn’t be shaken.

– To the Shimmering? – the red-haired man asked skeptically. – There is now a complete panopticon of the political sphere in one half of the castle, and in the other there is a gathering of scientists. And it is still unknown which is worse.

“So tell me that you didn’t want to leave the beautiful young fiery wife in male company,” the blond squinted. “There would be people willing to join her and help her with her studies.”

“You’re partly right,” Veil winced. - Even if Ollie got caught...

“Golden Mane surprised me,” the butler laughed.

“But I’m not here,” the red-haired man sighed. - If even me, despite the initial intentions, so...

- What is “so”? – his interlocutor became keenly interested.

“Nothing,” the man waved his hand off in annoyance.

“As you say,” the blonde hid his smile. - So, what are we going to do?

“Search,” Rinveil Tsai Tirlin rose from the floor. - Search, and then flog.

– What about the tasks of the heir?

– Shouldn’t Dorian go?!

“It won’t work,” Freak shook his head.

“I really won’t go,” said a cold voice.

The red-haired and blond turned and saw the heir frozen in the doorway.

“Hello, gentlemen,” Dorian bowed his head slightly.

– Is a bow from the waist obligatory or can it be done without it? – Rinvale asked, rising from the floor.

“I’ll manage,” the newcomer smiled. – As I understand, you have the same problem as me.

- What are you talking about?! – Vale was amazed. – The daughter-in-law ran away?!

In response, the prince winced, and Frik laughed in a completely shameless manner. Fluffy and fun.

- Nothing funny! - the heir allowed himself to raise his voice a little, and then quietly growled: - You should have seen the farewell note... It tells in detail exactly in which coffin she sees me and the interests of the state!

“What an irresponsible girl,” Frik calmed down.

– Can you imagine what consequences this will entail?! – Dorian angrily slammed his palm on the table, which had previously withstood Veil’s wrath with difficulty. Apparently, the heir's emotions were the last straw. The table stood there for a second and then collapsed with a crash.

– Do you think the girls made their legs together? – the red-haired man made an assumption.

“It’s possible, but not a fact,” said Dorian and thoughtfully twirled a blue lock that had escaped from his snow-white braid around his finger.

- In any case, we need to block the passes. Or rather, strengthen the cordon. So that our mice don't sneak through.

“There are three passes,” the butler drawled thoughtfully. - Maybe we should split up?

“That’s right,” Veil nodded. “Frick and I will fly to the Western one, and you check the Eastern one.”

- And Northern? – asked the heir.

– There is already someone there who can be entrusted with this.

“Great,” Dorian nodded. “But we won’t be able to fly anywhere in the next twelve hours.” How to build a portal.

- Why is this? – the red-haired man was amazed.

– Because Kryona activated the distortion stone before she escaped!

- Wow! – Tsai Tirlin whistled. “Then we’ll really wait.” Until the energy field calms down, you can only fly close, and then you need to be able to see point “b” from point “a”.

“That’s it,” the heir grimaced. - I went, we need to leave the adviser in charge and get ready.

“And it won’t hurt us,” Tsai Tirlin and Len Riot looked at each other.

I looked around the picturesque landscape again, but didn’t see anything optimistic. Still the same pass, the same checkpoint, a lot of people and no possibility of sneaking in unnoticed!

She slid back behind the large stone and angrily slapped it with her palm.

Why are you so unlucky?! And I, naive, thought that the most difficult thing was to escape from the Flying One. It turned out not. Although I couldn’t have done it there without Arvil. How he managed to knock out Freak is still a mystery.

Alexandra Cherchen

Happy dragon marriage. Find yourself

© Cherchen A., 2017

© Design. LLC Publishing House E, 2017

I stood on the balcony that surrounded the training hall and watched with interest the battle unfolding below.

Arvil and Kryona fought. Well, how they fought... Ar glided around the hall like a shadow, dodging the attacks of the dragoness, and from time to time he warmed her with a wooden pole on some tender part of the body. Kree only narrowed her eyes angrily and rushed at the grinning heilar with renewed vigor. When she once again got hit in the soft spot, her friend roared furiously:

- Stop dancing! Have the courage to fight like a man!

“Kriona, as a man, I fight only with men or enemies,” the Centurion laughed, retreating. – With women, and especially with allies – exclusively on a horizontal plane. Well, or... I’m doing dancing.

I snorted, looking ironically at the fiery woman who was seething with anger.

But Arvil! Unhappy virgin!

True, Kryona doesn’t know this. And the heylar shamelessly teases the excitable dragoness. I even feel sorry for her. She put so much effort into persuading the Sotnik to fight, but in the end Ar made a show. It’s good that there are no foremen. Considering that Kree has already cleaned up both scaly and not so scaly faces of at least two of them, they would undoubtedly rejoice at the leader’s revenge now.

Arville was mistaken: the unknown puppeteer woke up more than one Sheridan. The foremen did not sleep. Although I was sure that he was simply made to make a mistake. The mental vision is clouded. The Sleeper summoned the surviving foremen as soon as he realized that they were not in Anli-Gissar. The oath to the commander turned out to be more important than the bonds with which the unknown sorcerer bound them with the help of Sheridan. Ar was never able to attract him, but did not lose hope, repeating attempts over and over again. I didn’t believe that my friend and blood brother betrayed me without good reason.

And the Sleeper really wanted to know which ones.

Almost a week and a half had passed since Mr. Anli-Gissar awakened. During this time, the city came to life, sparkled with light and colors, sparkled with lights. His heart started beating and he began to breathe. Unfortunately, things weren't particularly fun when it came to food. There was only what the foremen brought from the big world. This means that the resurrected city and its children were increasingly faced with the problem: what to do next? Actually, that is why Arvil has not yet issued a general call. We were not prepared for so many mouths and brains on one side.

The latter, however, was exclusively Dasha’s problem. I especially remember the scene of the healer’s first acquaintance with the Heilars. Huge, gloomy men with tails - and a little man dying of fear. Well, joyful Arvil:

– Dasha, this is your material for work. Material, this is your Dasha and the doctor. Please don't offend. I beg you, is everyone clear?

– The master’s favorite lap dog? – one of the Heilars asked an incomprehensible question.

“No,” Arvil answered seriously. - Just a healer of souls.

After this performance, the attitude towards the displaced person changed almost immediately, but Daria was still afraid. First of all, you can’t cope. Although the others were not such a dark abyss as their commander, they still represented that same bunch of psychological diseases. Dashka gloomily joked that one could defend several dissertations on them and become forever famous for studying original deviations. So for now we were still sitting underground and only preparing a springboard for further actions.

And for some reason the Sleeper avoided me in every possible way. We met only for food, and in most cases the “meetings” boiled down to him walking into the dining room, with his head buried in another document or diagram, shoveling food onto a tray and leaving!

No, I understand everything! That the city is old, stood without owners for a very long time, many systems are failing, including defensive ones, but... Ar almost fell through the ground as soon as he noticed me! Can't this continue indefinitely? I don't want to lose my friend. This means we need to explain ourselves and decide what to do next.

That's why today I decided to catch the tailed one and pin him against the wall. It’s so painful to wean yourself off of it! It turns out that during the time that we were “nearby”, I became very attached to his presence, communication, irony and outlook on life. I missed him.

Yes, Arvil made sure I didn’t get bored and found something to do. And even the one who controlled this “business”. The centurion assigned one of the foreman to me to teach mental magic. But he tricked the teacher with a very original method! I get up in the morning and the first thing I see is the imperturbable foreman over the bed! Yes, I screamed in fear and fell out of bed!!!

It turned out to be Alishin. Just that ideal soldier without doubts and hesitations.

I grinned at Dashka’s diagnosis: “They are all here with selected selective cockroaches that are not bred by any poison!” She giggled, remembering how the healer screamed at the entire office after a session with one of the foreman. In response to the question of what to do with a tired lady on a hike, he told her: “Finish it off!” It seems that Alishin was the one who distinguished himself. Still, heilars are truly a bunch of psychological deviations. As the migrant said, Arvil is simply more adapted in this regard because of his communication with me... because he adjusted.

In general, after a couple of meetings with the owner of the magical city at the “healer-patient” level, Dashka thoughtfully suggested drinking... juice. Grape. Decent endurance. And then she said that if she pulls out “this something,” she will hang the order on herself. On one's own.

Arvil... Arvil.

I bit my lip and frowned as my thoughts again flew towards the Sotnik. He promised to work with me! But in fact, he didn’t even keep his word, and informed about the change of decision not personally, but through the foreman! I understand that I am behaving like a child who was promised a toy and was not given it. I understand his motives, but I can’t cope with the insult.

With such thoughts, I stealthily went down the side stairs and froze in a niche near the doors of the training room. A minute later they swung open with a roar. The evil Kryona appeared on the threshold, almost immediately disappearing into one of the corridors flickering with otherworldly light.

Hmmm...she seemed quite nervous. Nervous almost to the point of psychosis. Over any trifle he breaks down. She tried to punch half the foremen in the face... They were so surprised that they even allowed it. No, Kree is a good fighter. Very good. But heilars are a genetically modified hybrid of dragons and fairies. Incredibly fast, very strong, dexterous and nimble. In both forms. Forgive me, girlfriend, but the fiery young woman, who has recently passed her second adulthood, cannot withstand the ideal soldiers.

Who simply did not know peaceful life. Who were taught only to kill.

It was obvious that they were uncomfortable fighting with her. Heilars are used to killing, not fighting or training. I remember. I saw in the memories of the city how this happens.

While I was wandering in sad thoughts, one of the doors swung open again, and a tailed traitor appeared on the threshold. Didn't notice me. Still, Alishin is a great teacher! The sleeper was immersed in himself, thinking about something, so he didn’t see me standing three steps away, wrapped in spells! Oh yes I am!

Arvil carefully closed the door and moved down the corridor. I left the niche and, when he caught up with me, I touched his shoulder with my palm. Immediately the unpleasant surprises began. They twisted my elbow, pressed me against the wall of the niche, and in my throat I felt the coldness of steel, pain and a hot stream crawling down my neck, behind the collar of my tunic.

- Irka!!! Why... - Arvil cursed floridly and cut himself off mid-sentence.

They pulled me out of the nook and examined the wound, while still expressing an honest opinion about blonde idiots. The blonde idiots, in general, shared this opinion and therefore remained ashamedly silent. No, well, where were the brains?! WHO did I, you fool, go after?!

“I could have killed you,” the heilar said tiredly. - Don't come from behind, stupid. Irka, if something odorless and mentally imperceptible touches me, my reflexes are triggered! Guess which ones?!