Air coloring technique. Airtouch: features and technique for coloring dark and light hair. What you need to know about the nuances of painting

In the beauty industry, a not new, but popular and effective hair coloring technique has come into fashion - Airtouch. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to achieve an incredible visual effect for a hairstyle that will be relevant for almost any occasion.

Nowadays, naturalness remains in fashion against the backdrop of complex transitions. Coloring, aluminum blondes and contrasting strands gradually faded into the background. Nowadays, gentle tints of tone on the hair are popular, thanks to which they add volume and create unique style, which cannot be achieved by other methods. This effect is provided by AirTouch technology.

Despite the fact that highlighting is a fairly well-known procedure, the use of coloring using Airtouch technology It also requires knowledge in color.

Application technique

Before starting work, you need to comb your hair along its entire length. The master separates a small strand of hair, the thickness of which should not exceed 1 cm, and begins treatment with an air stream from a hairdryer. Hair preparation begins from the temporal region.

The exposure to air should be along the entire length, and it should be such that the original strand of hair remains only a third or half, based on the result required upon completion.

During exposure to air, shorter and shorter hairs are additionally blown out, which also adds to the popularity of this procedure, because in this way they are not exposed to negative effects, which is clearly not good for them.

Under the part of the strand that remains in the hand, hair is placed and dyed so that the dye does not get on the area that should remain undyed. Next, the strand is carefully wrapped in foil.

The coloring composition should be applied with a small indentation from the roots. Based on the total length of the hair, the indentation may vary from 3 to 5 centimeters. The painting border itself should have the effect of natural discoloration, for this it is made a little blurry.

Application secrets

The master must select the holding time of the composition individually, based on the structure of the hair and the composition of the lightening mixture. The process must be observed visually.

If there is a need to make “”, first you need to work on the root zone, it needs to be darkened. Not bad 4.5 or 6 tone. The paint should be applied in such a way that the transitions from lightening to hair and vice versa are as smooth as possible.

Softness is ensured by moving the brush slightly over the dyed areas and further combing the hair that has already been lightened.

This way the coloring mixture applies softer.

In order to give the hairstyle even more volume, hairdressers dye the ends of the hair a little lighter than the main color of the strands, thereby achieving glow effect.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wash off the dye, treat your head with conditioner to fix the color, dry your hair with a hairdryer and style it.

Who is Airtouch suitable for?

This technique is unique and universal the following reasons:

  • Airtouch is suitable for almost any hair length, structure and color. Naturally, this technique will look more attractive on girls with straight haircuts.
  • The technique can be used on natural, light brown and blond hair. It also looks great on previously colored hair, creating a darker or, conversely, lighter shade as desired.
  • Ideal for business style, going to a nightclub or even playing sports.

Paints used

It is very important to choose the right dye for your new hairstyle. During this process, it is necessary to take into account the initial hair color, individual characteristics of the face, color type and the final result that you want to achieve.

You can take warm or cold tones color range optional. The tones of a silver-ash palette will look more advantageous.

To get a pleasant ashy shade, you need to treat bleached hair with special direct-acting pigments. To do everything correctly, you need to add a violet or violet corrector to the color mixture. of blue color, due to which the treated hair will not end up with a green tint, and the color itself will become truly luxurious.

It must be kept strictly according to the instructions based on the pigments that are used. It is also necessary to take into account the type and condition of the hair.

Features and benefits of coloring

This popular method has its own characteristics and advantages, thanks to which he has so many fans:

  • The technology involves highlighting using a black shade of hair and using amber shades.
  • Hair becomes more natural in appearance and acquires visible thickness and volume. Visual is achieved through subtle highlights.
  • Suitable for any type, type, length and color of hair.
  • This method gives the whole look elegance with a touch of romance.
  • Due to the fact that in the process, not all of the hair is dyed, but only some strands, the hair is not so strongly exposed to the aggressive influence of the dye mixture.
  • The result remains for a long time, because the roots that grow over time are almost invisible. Because of this, the intervals between visits to the master increase.
  • Thanks to color contrasts, the artist can achieve a rejuvenating effect.

The Airtouch technique is popular not just because fashion and style are constantly changing, but because it has a lot of undeniable advantages and an excellent final result. Being beautiful is a lot of work, but it will be rewarded.

  • there is a significant visual increase in the volume of the hairstyle, as the so-called depth appears in the hair and highlights begin to “play” on the hair;
  • there are no age restrictions, since Air Touch is suitable for women of any age;
  • safety is observed when dyeing, since not the entire volume of hair is treated with coloring compounds;
  • there is the opportunity to change your hairstyle at any time, even without a radical change of image;
  • assistance is provided in visual rejuvenation of a woman’s image (if required).

The disadvantages of Air Touch boil down to one thing: with a very short haircut, you won’t be able to do such highlighting. For this reason, the technique is recommended for medium or long hair, and will look most advantageous on straight strands. If you wish, you can choose not one, but several shades at once.

Airtouch nuances for different hair shades

Nowadays naturalness, which can be achieved without using cosmetics, is highly valued. However, fashionistas always want to hide some imperfections and still improve their appearance, so it is worth resorting to the described technology and making the color transitions on the hair as smooth as possible. At the same time, the application and selection of coloring compositions differs for girls and women with light, blond or dark curls.

Blonde hair will look great with honey or copper colored strands. Brown-haired and dark-haired girls and women are recommended to use light nut, caramel shades, and “coffee with milk” color for this type of highlighting. For fair-haired clients of the salon, the Airtouch highlighting master will offer colors that are two or three shades lighter than their hair.

How does highlighting happen?

Airtouch highlighting is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • In order for the effect of living radiance, natural shine and gradual transition of color from one to another on the hair to be as impressive as possible, on the first preparatory stage you should choose the right tones for dyeing depending on the existing hair color, its condition, and the client’s color type. Also at this stage it is decided how long it will take for the coloring pigment to be absorbed into the hair.
  • Preparation of tools, coloring agents and equipment includes the preparation of items from the following list: hair dryer, dyeing composition, foil, special brush for applying paint.
  • Combing hair along the entire length (a very important process, the quality of which determines the subsequent coloring result).
  • Dividing the hair into equal strands, each of which will be about one centimeter in thickness.
  • Starting from the temporal areas of the client’s head, the master blows a hairdryer over each strand separately, holding it between his fingers. The result should be the thickest and long hair, which remain in the hairdresser's hand. To achieve this effect, each strand is blown so that the air flow from the hair dryer is directed through it.
  • When the thinnest hair is separated from the strand, a piece of foil is placed under it.
  • The strand on the foil is carefully painted with the prepared paint, using a hairdressing brush. Coloring is done not from the roots, but at a distance of 3-5 cm from them.
  • During the dyeing process, the master additionally controls the degree of aging of the dye on the hair.
  • When the time of exposure to the coloring pigments has passed, the foil is removed and the paint is washed off.
  • A special conditioner is applied to the entire surface of the hair.

Remember: you won’t be able to do just seemingly simple highlights at home, so you should immediately contact hairdressing professionals.

Toning using Air Touch technology can be done every month. However, if there is no urgent need to change the tone of some strands, this period increases to four to six months.

How long does the dye last and how to care for your hair for a “long-lasting result”?

Air Touch is famous for its long (unlike other coloring techniques) result, which is estimated on average at 6-12 months. In order to extend this period, you should take care of the health of your hair and proper care for it.

First of all, follow the rule: “No amateur activities.” Even the most natural ingredients, if chosen incorrectly, can give undesirable results. For example, coconut oil rubbed into bleached hair can give it a straw-colored appearance. Particular attention should be paid to the ends, because they are one of the indicators of hair health. Trim them regularly and use special nutrients.

To remove unwanted effects in the form of fluffy hairs that separate from the total mass, you should resort to one of the methods available to you. In addition to mechanical polishing, this can be a simple treatment of the hair with special light creams and nourishing masks. At the same time, the cream with a light, airy structure eliminates “fluff”, and nourishing mask saturates the hair with the necessary microelements and minerals to avoid such fluffiness in the future. Do not be alarmed that the result of such care will have to wait a little: after eliminating the “frizz” by organizing additional hair nutrition, any haircut, hairstyle or highlighting will look much better.

When washing your hair, it is important not only to choose the right shampoo, but also to take care of good quality and softness of the water: it must be additionally softened. To fix regular tap water, try adding a little vinegar to it or boiling and cooling it before washing your hair.

Using store-bought professional products for hair and scalp, do not forget about traditional medicine. She suggests using rinses made from decoctions or infusions. These are suitable medicinal herbs and plants like chamomile, sage, cornflower, tansy and yarrow. Such rinses are usually carried out after washing your hair and other manipulations necessary to maintain your hair in normal condition.

Strange as it may sound, but good appearance After the Air Touch procedure, a head massage is helpful. Correctly performed relaxation of the scalp followed by massaging movements, which are performed with the fingers and palms, enhances healthy blood circulation in the hair follicles. This, in turn, contributes to a more complete supply of your hair with the chemical elements, vitamins, and so on necessary for beautiful hair. The hair follicles are also significantly strengthened, on which not only the nutrition of the entire hair depends, but also the probability of its loss (with skillful handling of massage techniques, this probability tends to zero).

In summer and winter, at any time of the year, weather and temperature conditions affect the condition of your hair. Cold and scorching sun with destructive, destructive ultraviolet rays are equally harmful to hairstyles. To protect hair from the listed adverse effects and maintain highlighting for a long time, it is not always enough to use special products (for example, cosmetic product for hair with a UV protective factor will only partially protect the curls if the bright sun constantly shines on them). In winter, you should not neglect hats, because this is how you should protect your precious curls in the cold.

Contraindications and precautions

To carry out highlighting using Air Touch technology, you must first consult with a hairdresser-stylist. Despite the mass positive aspects Airtouch technique, there are a number of contraindications for it, as well as precautions that must be observed to obtain the desired result.

First of all, it is worth understanding that only a highly professional and experienced specialist can correctly select the color, exposure time and method of applying paint. For different types of hair, coloring compositions of different content and color can be used, so this issue should be resolved only by a specialist.

Highlighting using the Airtouch method will not benefit some types of strands, so you should enlist the opinion of a professional who will honestly assess the condition of the hair and do the job efficiently if he considers it possible to carry out the described type of highlighting for the client who has applied. This procedure is usually not recommended for those who have recently dyed their hair with henna or black dye, straightened their curls using a keratin composition, or undergone lamination or other complex hairdressing procedures.

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Complex multi-color hair coloring is increasingly replacing traditional monochrome techniques. Especially if we are talking about such a creative new product as Airtouch, which allows you to look stylish and expensive.

Airtouch highlighting: the essence of the technique

Translated from in English The name of the Airtouch technique sounds like “air touch”. It successfully combines highlighting-type dyeing and the effect of a hairdryer on colored strands. A stream of air literally blows out individual hairs from wide strands, which acquire the color of the selected dye.

As a result, the boundaries between the colored and “native” strands are blurred, and the lines lose their clarity and linearity. Smooth and gentle tints of tones that are created during the procedure make the final shade more voluminous and deep.

How to apply paint

After combing the hair along the entire length, the master begins to blow with a hairdryer. To do this, the strand is separated and processed with an air stream. At the same time, thin and damaged hairs, which are lighter than healthy ones, are blown out of the common bundle and cannot be processed.

Important! The air flow coming from the hair dryer should be cool so that the hair is not damaged.

Depending on the planned result, half or even a third of the initial amount of hair in the strand should remain. The hair remaining in the bun is dyed according to the type: a strip of foil is placed under the strand and treated with a dye composition. Make an indent of 3 to 5 cm from the roots, trying to blur the contour between the painted and unpainted areas.

What paint is used

Hairdressers strive to achieve a lighter shade, so in some cases the hairstyle will need to be lightened. But even with this approach, you should not count on a radical change of color - the contrasts should be soft and smooth, with beautiful natural tints.

Airtouch highlights for brown-haired women are often carried out using nut, caramel and café au lait shades. Highlighting brunettes is a very difficult task; many masters discourage owners of very dark hair from dyeing E If the desire to change the color is great, hair is bleached, and then the technique is gradually implemented.

It is carried out in the opposite direction - they try to darken the hair a little to make the overall composition more expressive. You can darken individual strands or sections of hair at the roots. Lightening the ends of the hair and individual strands near the face helps to rejuvenate the look and add shine to the hairstyle.

, especially light brown ones - fertile ground for highlighting. You can use both light and dark shades, and even combinations of them. As a rule, masters prefer to use a lighter palette - literally 2-3 tones lighter than the natural color of the curls.

It is recommended to select a shade based on the color type. If your skin is dark and your eyes are brown, a dark color option is suitable. Fair-skinned beauties should pay attention to light shades - wheat, golden, light brown. ABOUT Red Airtouch looks especially bold and bright on red hair.

Important! If your hair lacks volume and airiness, you should opt for light shades. Dark tones make the hairstyle more squat and “heavy.”

For short hair

There will be no pronounced color gradation, but bright contrasting shades will look impressive on them. Very short haircuts(pixie type) Airtouch will not work, but a skilled hairdresser will create the desired effect on your hairstyle.

They give more room for imagination than short ones. Airtouch beautifully frames choppy and graduated haircuts and helps highlight natural beauty hair. It is possible to use contrasting dyes and darken the root zone.

straight hair is ideal for implementing the Airtouch technique. They provide a wide field of activity for the master and allow him to combine several techniques at once. The final choice of shade and application method will depend on the original color and the wishes of the client.

Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting?

Although many people are intimidated by going to the salon with dirty hair, it is not recommended before a coloring session. Sebum (sebum) produced by the scalp will act as a barrier against the aggressive effects of dyes.

After all, even gentle dyes damage the hair, and by washing away the greasy film, we make the curls defenseless against chemicals. If your hair is naturally oily, you can wash your hair in 2-3 days before highlighting. Dry strands that lack sebum are not recommended to be washed earlier than 4-5 days in advance.

How long does it take to do a procedure in a beauty salon?

Airtouch highlighting is one of the most labor-intensive and time-consuming coloring techniques. After all, time is spent not only on the step-by-step application of the dye, but also on blowing each strand with a hairdryer. Plus paint exposure ( from 15 to 50 minutes), then toning and drying. Much depends on the length of the hair and its thickness - in total You can spend from 3 to 5 hours in the salon.

How long does highlighting last?

The sustainability of the result is due to 3 factors:

  • paint durability;
  • hair type;
  • metabolic rate.

Gentle paints and tonics will be washed off after 3-4 weeks, and in a month the hair grows by about 1.5 cm. Renewal of highlighting should be planned approximately 6-8 weeks after the first procedure. And if the roots were darkened, you can make an appointment with a specialist in 10 weeks. In general, the effect of transitions will be noticeable for at least 6 months.

Prices in salons and specialists

Airtouch refers to complex highlighting, so the prices for the service are appropriate. Owners short hair can count on the cost from 3 thousand rubles, long - from 5 thousand. In some prestigious salons in the capital, they can charge from 7 thousand rubles for Airtouch coloring.

The cost of the work of craftsmen according to the portal

Where do you want to highlight?

In the cabinAt home

Modern colorists and hairdressers prefer to use more than one color in coloring. Solid flat color is a thing of the past. With multi-color Airtouch coloring, the hairstyle will look more voluminous, stylish, and natural. Translated from English, Airtouch means “touch of air.” The peculiarity of this technique: the strand for subsequent lightening is chosen in such a way as to cut off all small and unruly hairs. Unnecessary hairs are removed using the cold air of a hairdryer. The remaining strands are lightened or dyed in the desired color. The dye is chosen in accordance with the client’s preferences and his natural color type. The relevance of certain colors plays an important role. Ash and silver shades are in fashion today. For lightening, select any gentle dye offered by a specialist or salon. If the girl remains blonde, her hair is simply tinted with any product that neutralizes yellowness. They also use a corrector with a blue or purple tone, which will remove yellowness after lightening and give a noble ashy tint.

How to dye your hair using the air touch technique - new products and trends 2020 photos

Literally, Airtouch translates as “touch of air.” This name was not invented in vain. The specialist selects strands of hair according to a certain pattern, and a specific order is followed. Now there are several variants of schemes. The most interesting thing about this coloring is the use of ordinary tools. The master blows a hair dryer on each strand so that the thin short hairs fall out of the total mass, and the remaining ones in the hand are dyed in the chosen color. There are many secrets of applying paint that the master is fully aware of. These include:

  • choose small strands, thickness no more than a centimeter;
  • the strand is not completely lightened - only superficially, the colorist carefully applies vertical strokes in the upper part of the head;
  • the root zone is pre-darkened if you want to achieve a gradient effect;
  • towards the ends the color is more dense;
  • The master applies the paint so that the transitions are smooth, the border between light and dark is imperceptible;
  • for lightening, use a dye of more than 8 tones, for darkening the roots - 4–6;
  • each curl can be wrapped in foil to enhance the degree of coloring;
  • when more strands are used, the final result will be better; after lightening, the hair is dyed in any chosen color.

Of course, separating the strands is quite painstaking, but after the procedure the hair acquires beautiful tints and transitions. With this lightening, there are no hard transitions, like ombre and highlighting. For example, with ombre, there is a smooth transition to light ends from dark roots. There is also a reverse ombre. And with Airtouch, individual strands are always processed. The result is a more gentle coloring.

Air touch coloring for dark hair 2020 photos of ideal options

Coloring done using the Airtouch technique on dark curls looks good. Brunettes can add volume, interesting shades, tints and highlights to their curls using airtouch. What additional tone to choose and what percentage of hair to dye is decided by the client together with the stylist. A professional will always suggest the right solution and help you choose the undertone. The whole palette of red, caramel, and chocolate looks good on dark curls. In the summer season of 2020, bright wine tones or colors from the blue palette are fashionable. Such bright accents look good on blue-black hair.

Air touch coloring for light brown hair 2020: fresh ideas, photos

Translated from English, “air touch” means “touch of air.” With such complex and multi-color dyeing, smooth and delicate tints of tones are created on the hair, which allows you to achieve volume and depth of color. Coloring is increasingly gaining popularity, as lightness and naturalness are in fashion. It replaces outdated techniques such as highlights, ombre and solid hair coloring. In this case, the hair is not completely dyed, but 30%-50% of the total volume. To begin with, some strands are selected from all the hair in a special order (there are several schemes). Then each strand in turn is blown with a hairdryer so that all the shortest and thinnest hairs fall out, because only those that have not “blown out” will be dyed. With this hair lightening, hard and sharp transitions are eliminated, while with other dyes there is a huge risk of getting them.

Air touch coloring technique 2020 photo on short hair

Air touch technology boasts its versatility. She really suits 99% of girls. The structure and volume of the hair does not matter. Your age, social status, and lifestyle also do not play an important role - smooth shade transitions suit everyone. Many people mistakenly believe that it is better not to expose thin and weak hair to dye.

We say the opposite - with the right approach, your hair will gain new life! Air touch is a gentle method that will transform hair in a sad state. Air Touch looks great dark hair, and on light ones. This effect can be reproduced on chestnut hair - the result is just as amazing. The air touch coloring technique is a miracle method that makes hair more voluminous and attractive. Photos of girls who have already decided on this fashion trend, prove: Air Touch is stylish, beautiful and presentable.

Fashionable hair coloring air touch 2020 photo on blonde hair

The AirTouch coloring technique is very similar to balayage/shatush, and if you are not a colorist, then, indeed, with the naked eye you may not be able to distinguish one from the other. But in fact, these two techniques are quite different, at least in that they are used different ways applying hair dye. When performing balayage, all hair is divided into strands, and then each one is combed. A bleaching dye is applied to the remaining hair. Shatush is often done on dark hair; the color is “stretched” along the length of the hair from dark to lighter color. Unlike the familiar highlighting, when performing AirTouch coloring, the selected strand is completely colored.

Hair coloring is the most relevant procedure for all beautiful ladies who take care of their the latest news beauty industry and strive to always “keep your finger on the pulse.” On light hair, to achieve a beautiful effect of regrown hair, you can slightly darken the roots, choosing a shade that is closest to natural. In addition, you can tint bleached strands in various shades of blonde - from strawberry to steel. Regardless of the original hair color, dyeing using the AirTouch technique allows you to get very unexpected and spectacular results.

Air touch coloring technique 2020 - latest reviews

To summarize, it is worth noting that one of the main disadvantages of the AirTouch dyeing method is the impossibility of doing it at home. This is not to say that this is completely impossible, but in order to achieve truly high-quality coloring using this technique, you need to have considerable experience and certain skills. You shouldn’t even try to perform the “procedure” on your own, as it is very inconvenient and you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired effect. If you are always used to being in trend and follow all the new products in the world of fashion and beauty, then not trying hair coloring using AirTouch technology is a real crime against your image. Regardless of what length and color your hair is today, AirTach will add unique shades!

Disadvantages of hair coloring using the air touch technique 2020

First of all, this coloring requires a lot of time: from five and sometimes up to eight hours. It depends on the length and type of hair, as well as on what area you have to work on. Due to this, coloring sometimes costs a pretty penny. Another disadvantage is that now there are many self-taught artists who have watched videos on the Internet and already imagine that they know how to paint in airtouch. As a result, you may get a completely different result or even ruin your hair. Airtouch needs to be learned - how to properly distribute partings, blow through strands, you need to know how the hair will ultimately fall apart in order to get a multi-dimensional effect. This requires knowledge and aesthetic taste.

What kind of dye is used when dyeing air touch hair?

It is very important to choose the right dye for your new hairstyle. During this process, it is necessary to take into account the initial hair color, individual characteristics of the face, color type and the final result that you want to achieve. You can choose warm or cold tones as desired. The tones of a silver-ash palette will look more advantageous. To get a pleasant ashy shade, you need to treat bleached hair with special direct-acting pigments. To do everything correctly, you need to add a violet or blue color corrector to the color mixture, so that the treated hair will not end up with a green tint, and the color itself will become truly luxurious. It must be kept strictly according to the instructions based on the pigments that are used. It is also necessary to take into account the type and condition of the hair.

Gorgeous hair color even several months after visiting a beauty salon is not a fantasy. AirTouch hair coloring technique gives a visual effect of volume, soft tints, and a chic look, despite the growing roots. As our clients who have already tried the AirTouch coloring method note, the hair looks perfect every day, even without salon styling. No need to worry about touching up your regrown roots every two weeks because your hair looks like you just left the beauty salon.

The latest hair coloring technique AirTouch

Perhydrol blondes, flat color in one tone and unhealthy hair are not at all in fashion. Naturalness and multitonality come to the fore. Imagine: summer, the sea, warm sand under your feet, the rays of the hot sun - by the end of your vacation you can boast not only a beautiful tan, but also an amazing hair color: some of the strands have faded, the rest have not changed color. Looks incredible!

Stylists have long struggled to achieve a similar result in a salon setting. Many techniques have been invented and successfully used to give hair the effect of sun-bleached hair - shatush, balayage, ombre, bronding, Californian and Venetian highlighting... It seemed that a new technique could no longer be invented, but experts once again did the impossible and surpassed themselves and nature

On a note:

Some clients and even hairdressers confuse AirTouch coloring with highlighting. In fact, it's absolutely different techniques, starting from the hair coloring method and ending with the initial result.

The innovative AirTouch coloring method was thought through and perfected to the smallest detail by Krasnodar stylist Vladimir Sarbashev for two years. Today, the secrets of his technique are known to the masters of our salon and are ready to give the happiness of AirTouch hair coloring to their clients. "AirTouch" translates as "touch of air." The essence of the unique technique is not only in natural lightening - the effect of radiance, vibrant shine and delicate tints of color, but also in maintaining hair health. Hair after the gentle AirTouch dyeing technology remains strong, does not split or break, because the dyeing time for each client is calculated individually, and for further correction, the master does not work on previously lightened areas.

Perfect hair coloring AirTouch

The AirTouch coloring method is one of the most popular today in hairdressing and beauty salons throughout the country. Technology is already conquering the global beauty market. We recommend this season's trend for any hair structure, type and length. AirTouch coloring looks great on short and long strands, straight and wavy hair. Using this method, our masters will make your image romantic or elegant, fatal or tender - depending on the task you set. This method is ideal for natural or gray hair, when correcting previous unsuccessful coloring and correcting regrown roots.


Paint for AirTouch method

When selecting a dye or lightening composition, our specialists will take into account the image that you are trying to create, as well as your color type, the condition of your hair and its original color. The tone can be anything - warm or cold. Our masters are excellent colorists and will help you choose the perfect combination of colors and shades. During exposure, in addition to the instructions, which indicate the required exposure time to obtain a lasting color, the masters are also guided by the condition of the hair; they attach a lot of importance to its structure so that the hair remains healthy after dyeing.

AirTouch Coloring Method Basics

Currently, several dyeing techniques using “air touches” are used. The AirTouch hair color scheme depends on the hairstyle. Before dyeing, be sure to comb your hair thoroughly. Next, they are divided into thin strands-slices no more than a centimeter thick. Each strand, slightly pulled away from the head at a right angle, is “blown” along its entire length with a cold stream of air from a hairdryer. About half of the original volume should remain in the strand. This procedure helps to leave only the most strong hair, softer, weaker and shorter ones will be blown away by the air flow. After blowing with air, the “unnecessary” hairs are secured with a clip so that they do not interfere with dyeing. The “blown” strand is placed on foil and a coloring compound is applied, making sure that it does not get on other hair. You can paint the entire strand or make a small – up to 5 centimeters – indentation from the roots when applying paint. In this case, the transition line is “blurred” with a dry brush so that the transition from tone to tone is as natural, lively and natural as possible. The strand with the composition is wrapped in foil. The client's entire head is treated in a similar manner. After coloring, the time of which is determined individually for each client, the coloring composition is washed off and the hair is dried. After this, a tinting composition is applied to the bleached strands to achieve the desired color. The dye is washed off after a certain period of time, conditioner is applied to fix the color, the hair is dried and styled.

Secrets of AirTouch

  • The exposure time of the coloring composition is selected individually for each client, and the coloring process is observed visually.
  • The ends of the hair become more colored. This adds shine and gives the hair more volume.
  • In order for the coloring composition to apply softer when combining AirTouch with ombre, the brush should lightly touch the painted areas. Previously bleached hair needs to be combed.
  • Strands selected for lightening or dyeing are dyed completely along their entire length - this technique differs from the highlighting technique.

"Ombre" and "touch of air"

The combination of Ombre and AirTouch techniques will help increase the period of time between visits to the salon for coloring. Darkening the area at the roots adds naturalness and the effect of slightly grown hair. To do this, the color transition lines should be blurred as much as possible. Using two techniques simultaneously can give different results - natural “burnt” hair or visible rejuvenation and a radiant, rested look.

Benefits of AirTouch coloring

  • Volumetric color, multi-tonality, soft transitions of shades - while the hair looks natural and looks thicker.
  • An individual approach to each specific client and a gentle coloring technique help preserve hair health.
  • There is no need to constantly tint the regrown roots; correction is required once every six months; the rest of the time, to give freshness, it is enough to use tinted shampoos or balms.
  • The price of AirTouch coloring is not that high, considering that you won't have to worry about coloring your hair for the next 6 months.
  • AirTouch will help you be on top of fashion and highlight your natural beauty.
  • If you want to grow your hair, then this coloring method is perfect: you don’t have to constantly worry about regrown roots and their correction.
  • Well-chosen colors help rejuvenate the client.
  • Suitable for any type and type of hair. looks great at any age.
  • You can change your hairstyle at any time and you don’t have to spend extra money on repainting it.

AirTouch coloring in St. Petersburg

NewTouch salon masters have thoroughly studied the AirTouch coloring technique and have personalized certificates confirming the training they have received from international trainers. Before dyeing begins, you will be asked in detail about previous procedures with your hair in order to select the dye and other consumables as accurately as possible, and take into account the time of exposure to the hair. In addition, information about what image you want to achieve using this coloring technique will also be important for the masters. If you have any doubts about coloring, our specialists will answer any questions you have and help you make the right decision so that you and your hair become even more gorgeous. AirTouch coloring: St. Petersburg - a unique technique for our beloved clients!

AirTouch coloring, price is not the main thing

Most visitors to our salon who have done AirTouch coloring consider the price for this service to be very affordable. Judge for yourself: the master works with you from 3 to 6 hours, and if your hair is thick and long, then even more. At the same time, the work is filigree, and the approach to each client is individual. The most important thing is the eyes glowing with happiness, the spectacularity of the hairstyle, the naturalness and natural shimmer of the hair color of the client who has undergone AirTouch coloring - the price is not so high as to regret the money spent. Try the touch of air on your hair. AirTouch will help you become beautiful and happy.