Changes after the onset of sexual activity in a girl. Symptoms of the disease - pain after deprivation of virginity

When can you start?

There are no strict age or physiological limits. You can start when the person is ready for it. Readiness is meant psychological and informational. Psychologically, you must want it, and want it with this person, right now, in the conditions that exist today, want it of your own free will, without feeling any sacrifice on your part. Informationally, you should know in detail the features of female and male anatomy, physiology, methods of protection from pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, methods of emergency contraception in case of unforeseen circumstances, have the coordinates of a doctor who can be contacted at any time for help and not be afraid that he will not take you seriously, scold you and tell your parents everything. You must not only know the theory of contraceptive methods, but also have contraceptives with you and be able to use them, and also accept the principle for yourself for life - take care of yourself. Your protection is your own business, not your partner’s, even if he is more experienced and promises to take care of everything and you believe him in everything - do not let anyone be responsible for your life and health, except for yourself - NOBODY else can handle it with such a burden, and pay for it - only you and your unborn child. You must forever forget about the so-called. calendar method, calculation of safe days, coitus interruptus and safety of sexual life during menstruation. All these are myths worthy of only one thing - to be forgotten forever. You should also know about ways to diagnose pregnancy on early term and ways to interrupt it are real, not mythical. You should exclude such a source of pseudo-medical information as the advice and experience of friends, mother or partner, Internet forums, articles in popular magazines, films - all this is an exchange of myths and rumors between amateurs, reliable information can only come from professional sources. You should have a place where you can meet safely without fear and where hygiene products are available. You must have money to buy contraceptives and pay for doctor visits and possible treatment. You should think in detail about the issue of relations with your parents on this topic: what and when you tell them so as not to live in constant fear - they will find out / kill and not lie.

The first time is remembered for a lifetime. Not only by conscious memory, but also unconsciously - this is the first experience that the body encounters, and it writes it down on a white sheet as an example, with which all the others are then compared. The first time can define your ideas about the norm for life, it's like New Year- as you meet, so you can spend ... Therefore, try to make it perfect, do not let random impulses spoil future happiness.

You must love and feel loved. You don't have to fight with yourself and force yourself. And you have to ask yourself a hundred times - WHY you want it .. and whether you want it. You must be confident and feel your dignity. If you hesitate, then it's not time yet. And it doesn't matter how old you are.

When NOT to start:

Blackmail. "If you love, prove it." Love has never been proven in bed - and does not require proof at all, it is a way of life, not a set of proof actions. If you think that your love needs to be proved, then you yourself do not believe in it. You are a free person and are not obliged to prove anything to anyone - you are who you are - and you can pretend to be different, but not become. And if this does not suit someone, then it will not suit them further, and you will never be free with this person. If you succumb to blackmail and "prove", you will simply voluntarily allow yourself to be used - and it is precisely from this that you will feel bad in the first place - from the fact that you yourself allowed yourself to lose dignity and betray your love - and even blame someone.

Victim. “I want to give him the most precious thing so that he understands how much I love him”. This is the same as the first option, only an even more perverted idea of ​​​​love. Love has nothing to do with sacrifice - it is a feeling that only free people are capable of, ready to recognize and respect freedom in others. Therefore, he does not insist - he respects your freedom and waits until you are ready and make your free choice, without sacrifice, yourself, without shifting responsibility on him. Appreciate his nobility and be worthy of your partner. Take responsibility for yourself - do things without sacrificing for someone, but because you want it yourself. If you don't want to, don't do it. Understand that he will not be happy from your sacrifices, after which disappointment, regret and accusations of ingratitude will surely come. Do not humiliate your love with evidence, wait until you are ready.

If you consider the Beginning to be a proof of your love, its necessary criterion, its guarantee, your obligation to your beloved, an exam for your devotion, a sacrifice expected from you on the altar of love, and other similar thoughts hover in your head .... You would still wait - but some kind of material reinforcement of your words is expected from you - wait! You are not ready yet.

Age. "It is time". This argument is not worthy of lengthy discussion. Readiness does not depend on calendar age. Why did you keep yourself up to such a venerable age, as you now think? In order to go against yourself with the same doubts as before? Are you doing this to tick off some critical year? You are no longer a little girl, since you are so worried about age, it means that you already have the ability to imagine - and what will happen next, after this desperate step? Will something really change for the better? Or do you then spend long nights communicating with your inner voice and making excuses? If you are doing this because you are “already so many years old”, and still something is missing in your life, learn to love. With this skill will come true readiness and a worthy object.

Self-assertion. "I'm already an adult, and this is the main occupation of adults." A typical childhood trait is to imitate adults, not understanding the essence of actions. To try on my mother's shoes, although they are terribly uncomfortable to walk in - why does she wear this ... because she is an adult. Make up - but now you won’t touch your eyes, you won’t go out into the rain, and in general your face has become so sloppy - why does she do this ... because adults all put on makeup, it’s necessary. Say "adult" words, although you yourself want to plug your ears ... Try to smoke, drink, then suffer, then overcome your disgust and continue - and why am I worse than adults. And let it be bad for me, and let me be ridiculous in my childish attempts to imitate, and let me really not want all this at all. But that's how it's supposed to be. A teenager should rebel and do everything out of spite. He must be different from a child - adults must finally see that a teenager is NOT a CHILD, but an adult. And adults see a typical childish trait - to try everything that is unknown and copy their adult behavior in their own way. They have always been touched by this feature, and now they are touched by it in the back of their minds, because in the first place, of course, is their concern for your health, just like in childhood when you played with glass and fire. But besides these experiences, all the same, the remaining thoughts are not “how he has matured”, but “what a funny child he is, but I thought he was already an adult.” Like this. Keep this in mind just in case when you do something to prove your worth. Consistency, independence, freedom, self-respect, responsibility - all these are signs of an adult, independent of his calendar age. And like all true values, they do not require proof, they are obvious! And if it seems to you that others do not recognize them for you, then they simply do not exist yet! Do not break your life, inventing evidence - engage in self-improvement, this will prove to everyone your Adulthood much faster.

And don't forget - adults do have more rights. But they also bear much more responsibility. And they dream of getting rid of it for a while and being able, as in childhood, to shift the responsibility onto another. For someone else to deal with the consequences of their mistakes. Unfortunately, in sexual life, each person clears up his mistakes himself - mom will be glad to transfer all your suffering to herself, but she can’t! Infections are for you to treat, abortion is for you, infertility after an abortion is for you to treat. Are you mature enough and ready for such challenges? Or maybe we should wait with such self-affirmation and return to the good old antics like provocative hair and loud music? Let it be only touching, not tragic - evidence of your growing up :)

Curiosity. "There's so much talk about it - you should finally try it." Also a childhood classic. Try how fire burns, try how a toy breaks, try how a pencil draws... try a drug, try sex. So much talk! I want too. If you don't like it, I won't - it's just a test - once.

You know... curiosity is generally a trait inherent in all living things. This is the basis of learning, gaining experience. This is a wonderful property when it is correctly satisfied - first at the expense of someone else's experience! Everyone knows the saying that a fool learns from his own mistakes, and a smart one learns from others. Let now you do not trust the specific adults who surround you, and despise them personal experience. But there are books! Mankind has written all its experiences in books more than once! Why not once - yes, because she also did not trust the experience of previous generations :); But the moment must come when the next inexperienced person will be smarter than the previous ones - and will not just read, but BELIEVE the experience of mankind. He will believe that the drug differs from the usual substance in that it causes addiction - sometimes - the first time, and it is not known whether it will cause you the first time, therefore, you cannot rely on the experience of your friend. He will believe that it is easy to get pregnant and get infected from the first unsuccessful time, and sex becomes the best pleasure in the world only when a person is ready for it!

I get emails EVERY DAY with the following content: “I tried. I didn't feel anything good. Why are they talking about it so much? What am I doing wrong?" Maybe someone will take into account this experience - the experience of your peers and contemporaries! I can assure you that if you are not ready yet, your curiosity will not be satisfied. You will remain in ignorance, moreover, in disappointment, you will blame yourself and your partner, you may lose faith in yourself and decide that you are not allowed to experience this pleasure at all ... remember the importance of the first experience - the body can remember it as the norm - and give out these feelings all subsequent times ... In general, if you really want to know what it is, read books about love, watch movies, develop yourself as a person and learn to love. And you will know everything in due time - and only a small child can be offended by such a phrase, and the older a person is, the more often he repeats it - for a reason. And because it comes to him!

Fear of standing out. “In our class / yard / institute - EVERYONE is already walking and talking! Only me…" This is a famous joke. And you, too, tell! :)) If you really want to be like everyone else... This is a classic sign of immaturity, but it really has such a way out. An adult, of course, will simply skip this item, because it does not concern him. The basis of his adulthood is that he is not afraid to be different. Not deliberately deliberately wants to stand out with an earring in his nose. This is a tool for those who have nothing else to stand out, forgive me those who want to be offended by this. Not on purpose not to be like everyone else - because this is also lack of freedom! And just not be afraid in some situations, when there is a choice between personal freedom and dogmas established by someone - choose your freedom. Here it is important not to confuse dogmas (such as the onset of sexual activity before a certain age) with norms (such as the onset of sexual activity with a condom). Rules are for people's safety! Dogmas have no rational explanation. This is how they differ.

How to prepare

Get acquainted with basics anatomy And physiology female and male reproductive system. Find out how all this is correctly called, how it looks, how it works, what is true and what is a myth. There are many books and articles and even educational films about this. Do not trust information received from girlfriends.

Explore your menstrual cycle. Mark the days of the beginning of menstruation, count the length of the cycle. To then understand - a delay or not. Do not immediately be scared if the cycle is still irregular - this may be an age-related variant of the norm. Do not draw conclusions yourself - if something bothers you, the doctor should understand. Do not try to calculate dangerous and safe days from your schedules - there are none, you can get pregnant on any day of the cycle, even during menstruation. If one of your acquaintances "swept through" when they "protected themselves" with such a "method" - this is a happy accident for them, which may not be so happy for you.

To keep the condom from falling off did not break in the process, it must be of high quality (well-known companies: Durex, Lifestile, Playboy, Contex, Preventor, Innotex, and not cheap Chinese), with an unexpired expiration date bought at a pharmacy. Young people reading this paragraph should also remember that some girls, wanting to get pregnant, pierce packages - and check the integrity of the package yourself, and best of all - use those that you buy yourself. What if it's true :(

You also need to know putting on a condom correctly: they all have a sperm reservoir at the tip, so it is necessary that there is no air in the condom (and in this reservoir in particular). It is when there is air inside that the pressure increases during movement, and the latex breaks. In order not to leave air inside, before putting on (before rolling out), it is necessary to tightly clamp the reservoir, releasing air from it, and then put it on an erect penis, again pressing it tightly and all the time squeezing out possible air down from the condom “outside” . This is a certain skill that is not at all ashamed to learn alone on a cucumber or a banana.

During anal sex, some anatomical features, when even expensive condoms break, and also when you know that your partner is a carrier of a serious disease, for example, hepatitis B, or when, due to certain circumstances (taking antibiotics, strong drugs, etc.), pregnancy is not is simply not needed, and its onset is catastrophic - sometimes it makes sense to put on two condoms at once.

Take off the condom it is also necessary on time and carefully, otherwise all precautions will be taken in vain if, after removal, the sperm enters the vagina.

Remember that pregnancy and infection can lead to contact sperm into the vagina. This does not necessarily mean violation of virginity. Spermatozoa can get from hands, clothes, underwear - during games and caresses. The hymen is not a barrier to sperm - it has a hole in it! You can get pregnant during anal sex if the sperm gets into the next hole later. You can get pregnant with interrupted intercourse, in particular - repeated, when the first one was with a condom - because there may be remnants of sperm on the penis. You cannot get pregnant with oral sex, but it is possible to get infections - the same as with normal sex.

Remember that you have 72 hours after unprotected intercourse for some reason to resort to the so-called. emergency contraception- postinor - but this is just in case of an accident - rape or a rupture of a condom. It is an alternative to abortion and should be treated as such, it is not much more harmless.

Know about the structure and features hymen. Everyone has it. But it is easily stretchable and does not always break. Very often it only breaks, then there is very little blood for the first time, but it appears on the second and third time, along with unpleasant sensations - it turns out that every time is like the first. Don't worry, sooner or later it will end when it finally breaks completely. If bloody issues during intimacy, they have a source not external, but internal - you need to go for an examination and check the condition of your cervix, with erosion this phenomenon is quite frequent. But we have already said that going to the doctor in any case is obligatory after the Beginning. Sometimes the hymen does not even tear, but only stretches. Then there is no blood at all, and you may receive a reproach from your partner for not virginity. Meanwhile, this is the most common of the possible situations. The hymen is stretched, you feel discomfort not only for the first time, but also in subsequent ones, especially at the very beginning, which then pass - this is normal! The hymen hole remained as it was, so at the beginning it is always unpleasant. But it stretches, and in the process the discomfort disappears, especially if there is enough lubrication. Finally, the hymen will most likely tear during childbirth. As you understand, virginity is not a state of the hymen. You can keep anatomical virginity, having years of sophisticated forms of sex with different people, and vice versa - you can lose your virginity as a result of injury or rape, remaining completely inexperienced for a long time. But if it is the condition of the hymen that is of interest, such “virginity” is easily restored surgically. Who are you fooling in this way? A man also judges your experience not by appearance hymen. And he also knows about the operations to restore virginity :)

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But this opinion is erroneous, among couples who are protected by this method for a year, 32% become pregnant during this time.

In addition, we should not forget that a partner due to inexperience can simply have time to do everything right.

A quarter teaspoon of semen contains enough sperm to fertilize an egg. So do not forget about condoms and other methods of protection.

Chances of getting pregnant on first intercourse

Therefore, even girls who have not yet had menstruation should be very careful during sexual intercourse, since it is quite possible that their reproductive system has already activated, they just do not know about it yet. If the first sex happened on the day of ovulation - the release of the egg from the ovary, then the probability of getting pregnant will be approximately 50%, on other days it is lower - 20%.

The statistics prove that it is very easy to get pregnant while having sex for the first time. early pregnancies in Russia over the past few years - every year, about 40 thousand children are born to underage mothers in our country.

How to lose your virginity without pain

Alas, this is not true at all. Passion passes sooner or later, so sexual relations must be supplemented with other feelings. This is respect, care, tenderness, understanding - all the feelings that make up love.

If a girl really believes that she is already mature and ready to enter into an intimate relationship, then you need to think, first of all, about safety. Of the main consequences of the early onset of sexual activity - unwanted pregnancy, infections.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time?

Rumors that only those who live a regular sex life can get pregnant are a huge dangerous delusion!

If a girl has her first sexual contact and loses her virginity, can she get pregnant after the first time? Maybe! By the way, not so long ago a sociological study was conducted, in which 400 girls participated. 80% of them did not use protection during their first sexual intercourse.

First intercourse

In addition, it is believed that the flight female body unprepared for sexual activity, and early age the first sex for a girl is more traumatic and painful.

First of all, it is stress for the body, both on a physical and psychological level. For both the girl and the guy, he brings something new, still unknown. As a rule, few people have a pleasant first sexual experience, and this depends not only on sympathy or dislike for a partner, but also on ignorance of how to behave in this situation.

Consequences of the first intercourse

The medical portal provides medical consultations in the mode of correspondence with doctors on the site. Here you get answers from real practitioners in your field. At the moment, on the site you can get advice from an allergist. venereologist. gastroenterologist. hematologist. genetics. gynecologist.

The exact timing of ovulation can fluctuate: some women have a 35-day cycle, while others have a 20-day cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle for each woman can also change due to stress, illness, overwork and other factors.

Consequences after the first intercourse

then life went on as usual with a busy schedule of a 16-year-old girl in the summer (buns, a robot make-up, if necessary - contact me). As a result, after two weeks we gave ourselves to each other without problems - sex was without a contraceptive and he finished as soon as pulled the penis out of me. Menstruation was plentiful and I calmed down about my personal life (I would say active, so to speak))))))))). and so it happened.

First sex rules for girls

To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules for the first sex.

The main rules of the first sex are as follows: the decisive role in what is happening is played by the emotional mood and the strength of desire. This explains the fact that in most cases the first sexual intercourse in girls occurs painlessly. If a girl feels that the desire for sex is great and feels ready for sexual intercourse with this particular man, she does not experience severe pain.

Interrupted intercourse: the likelihood of getting pregnant, consequences, effectiveness, harm, reviews

Therefore, it is much easier to use tried and tested methods of preventing pregnancy than to practice using coitus interruptus.

As a result, ejaculation occurs outside the female genital organs. Feeling the increase in orgasm, the man removes the penis from the vagina, which protects the partner from the risk of pregnancy.

The consequences of coitus interruptus can be the most unexpected: if you successfully use this method for a sufficiently long time, then it is possible that you simply have an infertility factor.

Coitus interruptus: consequences and danger

Why do we have to control ourselves at the most enchanting moment of the act? Can it be easier to use a contraceptive?

Of course, the natural method of protection against unwanted pregnancy - coitus interruptus is the most affordable in every way! It does not require any cash outlay. But those who do not spare money for contraception also often choose this particular method, because in impulses of passion we lose our heads and when there is no means of protection at hand, we don’t care, because the main thing is to tame our desire.

Unnatural defloration is considered to be defloration that did not occur during the first sexual contact with a man. Such defloration can occur during a rough gynecological examination, masturbation, deep petting, as a result of inaccurate gymnastic exercises or other trauma to the genital organs, during lesbian sex, etc.

In addition, there is artificial defloration - the removal of the hymen by surgery for medical reasons or for own will female patients.

Consequences after the first sex

I will tell you everything in detail, just please help me what it is, why, whether it will go away on its own and how to proceed. I am 18 years old, he is 19, we do not take any medications. Both had their first time. On the first day, we did this once and on the second, we did not insert it completely, nothing got inside, i.e. at the end in the toilet "relieved tension." It practically didn’t hurt, she appeared the next day when she went to the toilet in a small way - it cut, pricked as if there was a little bit of blood. BUT now it's getting better, not so painfully tolerable. At the moment, I am VERY worried about 2 questions: 1) a little incontinence, I can hardly run to the toilet, why is that? 2) CAN I GET PREGNANT. I EXACTLY know that nothing hit me on the idea, but they say that there is a small amount of sperm in a drop of lubricant. and a 10% chance of getting pregnant. (P.S. in terms of time, relative to menstruation, we got into “conditionally dangerous days.”) So this is from a scientific point of view, and acquaintances say that they always have sex in this way and everything has always worked out. Please answer these 2 questions, I have already rummaged through the entire Internet, everyone has different versions.

1. Slight incontinence is the so-called virginal cystitis, i.e. a slight inflammation that occurs after the first sexual contact in life. If it does not go away within a week, you need to visit a doctor for examination and treatment. 2. Pregnancy under such conditions is unlikely. But for the future, it is better to use a condom.

The advice is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor.

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Consequences of the first sex. Be careful!

In our time, sex at a young age is not such a rarity. First sex can be wonderful, especially for those who are in love and mentally prepared for it; but protection from diseases and unwanted pregnancies also becomes an important factor. The trouble is that in our society, the topic of sex is usually hushed up with shame, and if something is said, it is not as clear and clear as a teenager would like.

We understand that talking to parents or teachers about this topic can be uncomfortable for you. But someone should explain in an accessible way what you do not understand, and lift the veil over the exciting mystery! Do not worry, we fully understand your interest and are ready to clarify your concerns. For example, is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what should be done to avoid this unwanted pregnancy?

Can the "first time" lead to pregnancy

You can be absolutely sure - yes, it can. For the onset of pregnancy, it does not matter at all how many times sex has occurred. In general, each woman is completely individual. Someone has been trying to get pregnant for months, and nothing happens, and someone didn’t even think about whether it is possible to get pregnant the first time, and then this very “time” happens - and she is already a future mother!

All it takes to get pregnant is for the sperm to get to the egg. Even if the girl has never had a period, it may coincide that she ovulated for the first time (the egg came out of the ovary). The presence of a mature egg makes the girl capable of conception, that is, pregnancy is already possible. And if sexual contact occurs at this very moment, and the sperm enters the vagina of a young woman, then do not even doubt whether she can get pregnant for the first time.

How does fertilization happen?

Your interest in the question of a possible pregnancy gives you an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge of the real miracle - the process of the birth of a new life. Here's how the magic happens. At certain times of the normal menstrual cycle, a woman's pituitary gland releases hormones that stimulate the ovaries to release a mature egg.

The release of an egg is called ovulation, which occurs most often in the middle of a cycle, around the fourteenth day of a typical 28-day cycle. The exact timing of ovulation can fluctuate: some women have a 35-day cycle, while others have a 20-day cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle for each woman can also change due to stress, illness, overwork and other factors.

After ovulation, the egg travels down the fallopian tube, where it has about twenty-four hours to connect with sperm. Because sperm can survive in a woman's genital tract for three to five days, she can become pregnant by having sex on the day of ovulation or even a few days before.

After fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus, where it attaches to the lining of the uterus and begins to grow. Only after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, pregnancy occurs. If this does not happen, menstruation begins.

Knowing how the process of fertilization takes place, you will more clearly understand whether it is possible to get pregnant the first time. Whenever a couple has unprotected sex, there is a very high chance of pregnancy. And how can one avoid such undesirable consequences?

Can an unwanted pregnancy be avoided?

Even more experienced partners have a misconception that coitus interruptus (when the partner removes the penis before orgasm and the sperm does not enter the vagina) can prevent conception. Actually it is not. In any case, of those women who use this method of contraception during the year, twenty-five percent become pregnant during that very year. It is possible to get pregnant the first time you have sex if you use this method. Why? There are several reasons for this.

A quarter teaspoon of semen contains over one hundred million spermatozoa. This means that if only a drop of sperm manages to get into the vagina, or even if it does not get into the vagina itself, but just next to it, then there is a significant probability of pregnancy. That is, if your partner hesitates for a split second, then you risk getting pregnant.

And even if your partner managed to maintain control over himself and interrupted sexual intercourse on time, you can still get pregnant. And all because the specific fluid that is released immediately before ejaculation (semen) also contains a certain amount of sperm. And for the onset of pregnancy, you need only one sperm!

The most reliable protection

If you are going to have sex, you must remember: only condoms are reliable protection! Moreover, they not only prevent pregnancy, but also protect against the risk of contracting diseases that are sexually transmitted. Talk to your partner ahead of time and let them know that you want to protect yourself during sex with a condom. And if you have entered adulthood, then keep a condom in your purse just in case - what if your friend forgets to purchase this remedy?

We tried to tell as much as possible about the topic that concerns many teenagers. The main thing you should remember: whether you have sex in bed, in a jacuzzi, on an airplane, hanging upside down or standing, for half an hour or just a minute - as long as there are sperm and an egg, a woman can become pregnant, even if she is still very young and it is her first time. And if you've had unprotected sex (or the condom has come off or broken), then you should get over your embarrassment and see a doctor to rule out pregnancy and get tested for diseases that can be transmitted from your partner. Safety is above all!

Inflammatory processes

In the event that the first sexual contact occurred at an early age, there is another risk - the risk of injury to the mucous membranes lining the internal genital organs. And this is not surprising, because the full formation ends only by the age of 16-18. That is why early sexual intercourse can lead to various microtraumas.

And already these same microtraumas, in turn, often lead to the development of inflammatory processes. In recent years, gynecologists have increasingly noted the appeal of very young people who have recently begun sexual activity. And they diagnose diseases such as andexitis, vulvovaginitis in charmers. And even endometritis and endometriosis are very serious diseases that are very, very difficult for an adult woman to cope with. And what can we say about a growing organism!

And let's not forget about local injuries. Unfortunately, the first man is far from always experienced and accurate enough to deprive the girl of innocence without any complications. And not always this happens because of inattention or unwillingness. For example, a young man himself may be inexperienced in sexual matters. One way or another, but sometimes gynecologists have to deal with vaginal ruptures and even cervical injuries. By the way - pay special attention to spotting after the first sexual intercourse. Normally, they should not be plentiful. Yes, and in time, after about an hour, they should completely stop. If this does not happen, be sure to seek medical help. In this case, it is better to be safe than to miss any complication.

Psychological aspects

Speaking about the first sex and its consequences, one cannot fail to mention the psychological side of the issue. As a rule, the first sexual contact remains in the memory of the girl for the rest of her life. Strictly speaking, it is he who predetermines the further attitude of a woman to sex. It is great if the first sexual contact occurs with a beloved man. Well, or at least with a pretty young man, and under normal conditions.

Bathroom, bed, tenderness, patience and caress - a more suitable setting for the first sexual experience than some kind of party, toilet and alcohol intoxication. There can be no talk of any pleasant sensations and positive emotions in this situation. The only way such a sexual experience can end is a strong disappointment. And it's in best case. At worst, unwanted pregnancy and / or sexually transmitted diseases can achieve it.

And such negative emotions in the future will serve the woman in a very bad service. After all, it is very likely that the attitude towards sex will form the most negative - and there it is within easy reach of frigidity. And this can cause a number of problems - in particular, the undeveloped family life, dissatisfaction with oneself. And it will be very difficult to change this situation on your own. And sometimes without the serious help of specialists it is completely impossible.

But why does this happen so often? Unfortunately, the main reason is banal stupidity. Unwillingness to be different from her friends, to lag behind them, remaining a virgin. But it is worth considering that the desire to be like your girlfriends is not worth such a high price. And do not forget that not everything that girlfriends say is reality. And finally, remember that your life is your life.

Symptoms of the disease - pain after deprivation of virginity

pain after loss of virginity

Defloration (lat. de - removal, elimination + flos, floris - flower, youth, virginity) - violation of the integrity of the hymen. As a rule, deprivation of virginity is committed at the first sexual intercourse; in rare cases, the hymen may stretch and remain intact after one or more intercourse.

Traumatic deprivation of virginity If sexual intercourse is performed rudely (for example, while intoxicated or during rape), then deep and painful ruptures are possible not only in the hymen, but also in the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina, and sometimes the perineum.

Unnatural deflowering - Unnatural defloration is considered to be defloration that did not occur during the first sexual contact with a man. Such defloration can occur during a rough gynecological examination, masturbation, deep petting, as a result of inaccurate gymnastic exercises or other genital trauma, during lesbian sex, etc. - Sometimes the hymen is absent at birth. - In addition, there is artificial defloration - the removal of the hymen by surgery for medical reasons or at the patient's own request.

Many women are afraid to have sex, believing that the rupture of the hymen is always accompanied by unbearable pain. Many men, not seeing blood on the sheet on their wedding night, decide that the bride was not a virgin. And very few people know how to behave during the first sexual intercourse, so that defloration is as painless as possible and what to do if it is not possible to immediately break the hymen.

What diseases cause pain after deprivation of virginity:

Causes of pain after deprivation of virginity:

The hymen is a fold of the mucous membrane of the vagina, which closes the entrance to it and is located 2-3 centimeters from the labia minora.

The hymen can vary in thickness, shape, and elasticity. It is believed that elasticity decreases with age: the hymen is well extensible, but after 30 years, 80 percent of elasticity is lost. However, this hypothesis has not received convincing confirmation, so you should not be afraid to lose your virginity in adulthood.

In most women, the hymen does not close, which allows the menstrual discharge to flow freely. In rare cases, an overgrown hymen occurs, which causes the absence of menstruation and requires surgical correction.

Before the first sexual intercourse, the hymen performs protective functions. In women, normally (with the exception of the menstrual period), the environment in the vagina is acidic, which prevents colonization by unwanted representatives of the flora. At the same time, in girls, the environment in the vagina is alkaline, so additional protection is required to prevent infection.

During the first sexual intercourse, as a rule, the hymen is torn, which causes pain and bleeding. Particularly severe pain after deprivation of virginity can be caused by structural features and innervation of the hymen, as well as an inflammatory process in the vagina. The pain of defloration is practically or completely absent if the hymen initially has a large enough hole that the penis passes through. By the way, in such a woman can finally “lose her virginity” only during childbirth.

Symptoms of pain after loss of virginity:

As a rule, the first sexual intercourse in women is accompanied by pain and bleeding. Pain after loss of virginity can be very strong, or may be absent altogether, but intermediate options are most often found. The intensity of pain depends both on the structural features of the hymen, and on the psychological mood of the woman and on the behavior of her male partner. According to statistics, in 30% of virgins, the onset of sexual activity is not accompanied by pain.

Contrary to traditional beliefs, bleeding is not an obligatory attribute of the first sexual experience - in 10% of cases it does not occur. The hymen of some women is absent from birth, others have a large hole in it, so that when the penis is inserted, there is no rupture, and there are not always many vessels in the hymen. However, most often bleeding still occurs and lasts from 1 to 5-7 days.

When should you see a doctor?

First of all, you should consult a doctor even before the first sexual intercourse - he will check you for infections of the reproductive system and give advice on contraception. After defloration, you should also visit a gynecologist to make sure that there are no non-physiological damage and diseases of the cervix, as well as be examined for infections. In rare cases, the consequences of defloration can be dangerous to a woman's health. You should immediately consult a doctor if: - the bleeding is very heavy and / or does not go away within a week; - purulent or fetid discharge from the vagina appeared, the temperature rose; - sexual intercourse was unprotected and subsequently there was a delay in menstruation.

Another case when the help of a doctor is required is an unsuccessful attempt at the first sexual intercourse. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the hymen or the suboptimal actions of partners, it is sometimes difficult to start a sexual life. In such a situation, the gynecologist can point out the cause of the failure and give recommendations.

On a note! The average age in the world at which girls are deprived of their virginity is 17 years

Czech Republic - 15 years old - Germany - 17 years old - Portugal - 17 years old - Italy - 16.6 years old - USA - 17 years old - Ukraine - 16 years old - France - 16 years old - Mexico - 16 years old - Iceland - 15 years old - China - 17 years - Britain - 18 years - Pakistan - 20 years - African countries - from 10 to 20 years depending on the tribe - Russia - 17.2 years

However, gynecologists are increasingly recording cases of loss of innocence in flight (from 4 to 9 percent of the examined girls of this age, according to various sources). The study was conducted by a company - a manufacturer of contraceptives.

1. Does a woman feel pleasure during the first sexual intercourse? Such cases were not observed. The first sexual intercourse is unpleasant for a woman. In addition, when the hymen ruptures, a woman experiences pain, due to which other sensations are lost. With the second and third sexual intercourse, the appearance of sweet sensations is already possible (provided that the woman's psyche was not traumatized by male tactlessness). An important influence on the appearance of sexual feelings in a woman is the experience of a man, his ability to caress.

2. Can a woman remain undeflorated after her first intercourse? There are many such cases. There are two reasons - either too extensible hymen, or, conversely, very strong, which a man is not able to break through at a time. Sometimes a stretchable hymen persists until childbirth, despite regular sex life. On a strong hymen, a man can “stand” with a member all night and not break through it. There are facts when a man has to pre-cut the hymen with scissors (make cuts), and only then complete the defloration with the penis.

3. Under what conditions should the first sexual intercourse take place? Mandatory conditions for the first sexual intercourse - the mutual consent of the partners, the use of contraceptives (condom), bedding, complete privacy. The time of day doesn't matter. Some people think that night is the best time to start having sex (because in the dark a woman is less shy of a man), but this is not entirely true. During the day, a man and a woman are less tired, and sexual intercourse will proceed under the control of vision, which will make it possible to injure the woman less. At the same time, she can simply close her eyes.

5. Should a woman caress during the first sexual intercourse? Some sexologists believe that this should not be done, since the pain after deflowering will still not allow a woman to reach orgasm as a result of caresses. But Sexpert has a proven method that has a beneficial effect on the appearance in the future of a woman of positive feelings associated with sexual intercourse. So, when a man and a woman lie down in bed, the man should caress the woman's erogenous zones (nipples, breasts, inner surface thighs, clitoris). It is highly desirable to continue caressing the clitoris until the girl "cums". And after some time, the man should lie down on the woman and, gently pressing her to him, carefully deflorate. In the future, such a woman will perceive affection well, become passionate.

6. In what position should defloration be performed? In the position of a woman on her back.

7. Is it recommended to drink alcohol “for courage” before the first sexual intercourse? We recommend that you do not drink alcoholic beverages at all. But if this is “not real” for you, then you can drink champagne with a girl before the first sexual intercourse (200 g in small sips), it will relieve nervous tension, improve sexual sensitivity and reduce feelings of shame.

8. Do I need to use a condom for the first sexual intercourse? Necessarily. It protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy, from contracting sexually transmitted diseases and from various infections penetrating into the ruptures of the hymen. Even if the partners are husband and wife, and if it is known that they are not sick, and the pregnancy is desired, then a condom is necessary. The fact is that before the onset of sexual activity, the girl's vagina has the highest degree of purity, because (subject to all the rules of personal hygiene) certain types of bacteria have not yet penetrated into it. Men who are backward in sexual matters often do not wash their penis in the most thorough way, as a result of which they can introduce an infection into the female genital tract. Particularly sensitive to it are ruptures of the hymen. In addition, with poor hygiene of the penis, smegma (remnants of urine and semen) accumulates in the area of ​​​​its head under the foreskin, which has a carcinogenic effect, that is, it can cause cancer.

9. What best age girls for first intercourse? years. At this age, the hymen is well extensible, and when it breaks, a woman loses the least amount of blood. With age, the hymen thickens, its elasticity is lost, and defloration becomes more difficult. At the age of one year, the loss of elasticity of the hymen is 30%, at the age of 30 years - 80%. Therefore, if a girl starts having sex on the fly and later, after deprivation of virginity, bleeding is possible. But the point is not only in greater blood loss, but also in increased physical pain when the hymen is torn.

10. If a girl is virgin and afraid to have sex, what exactly is she afraid of? She is afraid that she will be hurt, that new problems will appear (for example, the condom will break), that her husband will blame her for not marrying a virgin.

11. How can a girl be deprived of her virginity in such a way as to cause her the least pain and dirt to a minimum? - It is necessary that the girl be psychologically ready to become a woman, so that she is not afraid to go through pain once in order to, in the end, enjoy sex. - It is necessary that nothing could interfere with the process - that is, there is enough time, you are alone, and the door is locked. Turn off phones. Before sex, you can drink a glass of champagne (or wine) - the fears will go away a little, and the excitement will increase. - You need to thoroughly excite the girl - gently caress her for half an hour (neck, ears, chest, tummy, legs, clitoris, etc. - with your tongue, lips, hands. Take your time. This will give her a positive psychological attitude to the first sexual intercourse, it will open and the vagina will expand, lubrication will be released.In addition, when aroused, painkillers are released into the blood.-When the girl is aroused, carefully and slowly insert the penis into her.Start with a small amplitude of movements, gradually - deeper and deeper.At the same time caress her with your lips, smooth hands. Watch her reaction. When the hymen is torn, you seem to "fall through" a little deeper. At this moment, she may sob, scream, etc. because the breakthrough itself is more painful than the previous frictions. - The duration of the sexual intercourse itself ( excluding caresses to arouse the girl) - about 2 minutes. No more, because she will still be hurt. As soon as you feel that the hymen is torn, do a few more frictions and get out of the girl. - It is better to continue in a day or two. During this time, the girl's vagina will heal a little (it will not tighten, but will heal), and the second time it will no longer hurt. The second and third sexual intercourses also do not need to be delayed much (no more than a minute), let the girl get used to it gradually. - If it was not possible to break the hymen the first time, anyway, it should not exceed 2-3 minutes in duration. The second time you can make a little longer, and so on, until you tear. - Do not give her cunnilingus immediately after deflowering her. - Opinions about the posture for defloration are contradictory. The most popular pose is a girl on her back with legs near her chest. Acceptable posture - cancer. By the way, in the latter case, the rupture of the hymen is transverse, and not longitudinal, which is good. Eastern philosophy also recommends this position.

12. Is virginity required for marriage? Our opinion is no. For example, a guy and a girl want to get married after a relatively long period of relationship (one and a half to two years). They know each other well in almost everything that is needed in marriage: character, addictions, reliability, household skills, etc. But sexual compatibility is far from last! Why do they have to be each other's pigs in a poke in bed?

Which doctors to contact if there is pain after deprivation of virginity:

Do you experience pain after losing your virginity? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study the external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. You can also call a doctor at home. The Eurolab clinic is open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic: The phone number of our clinic in Kiev: (+3 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are listed here. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on its personal page.

If you have previously performed any studies, be sure to take their results for a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Does your body hurt after losing your virginity? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People do not pay enough attention to the symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to be examined by a doctor several times a year. not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the section online consultations. perhaps you will find answers to your questions and read tips on self-care there. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on the forum. Also register on the Eurolab medical portal. to be constantly up to date with the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

Other types of pain starting with the letter "p":

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or if you have any other questions and suggestions, please write to us. we will definitely try to help you.

Symptoms of the disease - pain after deprivation of virginity

Pain and its causes by category:

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

pain after loss of virginity

Defloration (lat. de - removal, elimination + flos, floris - flower, youth, virginity)- violation of the integrity of the hymen. As a rule, deprivation of virginity is committed at the first sexual intercourse; in rare cases, the hymen may stretch and remain intact after one or more intercourse.

Traumatic loss of virginity
If sexual intercourse is performed rudely (for example, while intoxicated or during rape), then deep and painful ruptures are possible not only in the hymen, but also in the mucous membrane of the vestibule of the vagina, and sometimes the perineum.

unnatural deprivation of virginity
- Unnatural defloration is considered to be defloration that did not occur during the first sexual contact with a man. Such defloration can occur during a rough gynecological examination, masturbation, deep petting, as a result of inaccurate gymnastic exercises or other trauma to the genital organs, during lesbian sex, etc.
- Sometimes the hymen is missing at birth.
- In addition, there is artificial defloration - the removal of the hymen by surgery for medical reasons or at the patient's own request.

Many women are afraid to have sex, believing that the rupture of the hymen is always accompanied by unbearable pain. Many men, not seeing blood on the sheet on their wedding night, decide that the bride was not a virgin. And very few people know how to behave during the first sexual intercourse, so that defloration is as painless as possible and what to do if it is not possible to immediately break the hymen.

What diseases cause pain after deprivation of virginity:

Causes of pain after deprivation of virginity:

The hymen is a fold of the mucous membrane of the vagina, which closes the entrance to it and is located 2-3 centimeters from the labia minora.

The hymen can vary in thickness, shape, and elasticity. It is believed that elasticity decreases with age: at 18-20 years old, the hymen is well extensible, but after 30 years, 80 percent of elasticity is lost. However, this hypothesis has not received convincing confirmation, so you should not be afraid to lose your virginity in adulthood.

In most women, the hymen does not close, which allows the menstrual discharge to flow freely. In rare cases, an overgrown hymen occurs, which causes the absence of menstruation and requires surgical correction.

Before the first sexual intercourse, the hymen performs protective functions. In women, normally (with the exception of the menstrual period), the environment in the vagina is acidic, which prevents colonization by unwanted representatives of the flora. At the same time, in girls, the environment in the vagina is alkaline, so additional protection is required to prevent infection.

During the first sexual intercourse, as a rule, the hymen is torn, which causes pain and bleeding. Particularly severe pain after deprivation of virginity can be caused by structural features and innervation of the hymen, as well as an inflammatory process in the vagina. The pain of defloration is practically or completely absent if the hymen initially has a large enough hole that the penis passes through. By the way, in such a woman can finally “lose her virginity” only during childbirth.

Symptoms of pain after loss of virginity:

As a rule, the first sexual intercourse in women is accompanied by pain and bleeding. Pain after loss of virginity can be very strong, or may be absent altogether, but intermediate options are most often found. The intensity of pain depends both on the structural features of the hymen, and on the psychological mood of the woman and on the behavior of her male partner. According to statistics, in 30% of virgins, the onset of sexual activity is not accompanied by pain.

Contrary to traditional beliefs, bleeding is not an obligatory attribute of the first sexual experience - in 10% of cases it does not occur. The hymen of some women is absent from birth, others have a large hole in it, so that when the penis is inserted, there is no rupture, and there are not always many vessels in the hymen. However, most often bleeding still occurs and lasts from 1 to 5-7 days.

When should you see a doctor?

First of all, you should consult a doctor even before the first sexual intercourse - he will check you for infections of the reproductive system and give advice on contraception.
After defloration, you should also visit a gynecologist to make sure that there are no non-physiological damage and diseases of the cervix, as well as be examined for infections.
In rare cases, the consequences of defloration can be dangerous to a woman's health. You should immediately consult a doctor if:
- bleeding is very heavy and / or does not go away within a week;
- purulent or fetid discharge from the vagina appeared, the temperature rose;
- sexual intercourse was unprotected and subsequently there was a delay in menstruation.

Another case when the help of a doctor is required is an unsuccessful attempt at the first sexual intercourse. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the hymen or the suboptimal actions of partners, it is sometimes difficult to start a sexual life. In such a situation, the gynecologist can point out the cause of the failure and give recommendations.

On a note!
The average age in the world at which girls are deprived of their virginity is 17 years

Czech Republic - 15 years
- Germany - 17 years
- Portugal - 17 years
- Italy - 16.6 years
- USA - 17 years
- Ukraine - 16 years
- France - 16 years
- Mexico - 16 years
- Iceland - 15 years
- China - 17 years
- Britain - 18 years
- Pakistan - 20 years
- African countries - from 10 to 20 years depending on the tribe
- Russia - 17.2 years

However, gynecologists are increasingly recording cases of loss of innocence at 11-12 years old (from 4 to 9 percent of examined girls of this age, according to various sources). The study was conducted by a company - a manufacturer of contraceptives.

Useful tips!

1. Does a woman feel pleasure during the first sexual intercourse?
Such cases were not observed. The first sexual intercourse is unpleasant for a woman. In addition, when the hymen ruptures, a woman experiences pain, due to which other sensations are lost. With the second and third sexual intercourse, the appearance of sweet sensations is already possible (provided that the woman's psyche was not traumatized by male tactlessness). An important influence on the appearance of sexual feelings in a woman is the experience of a man, his ability to caress.

2. Can a woman remain undeflorated after her first intercourse?
There are many such cases. There are two reasons - either too extensible hymen, or, conversely, very strong, which a man is not able to break through at a time. Sometimes a stretchable hymen persists until childbirth, despite regular sex life. On a strong hymen, a man can “stand” with a member all night and not break through it. There are facts when a man has to pre-cut the hymen with scissors (make cuts), and only then complete the defloration with the penis.

3. Under what conditions should the first sexual intercourse take place?
Mandatory conditions for the first sexual intercourse - the mutual consent of the partners, the use of contraceptives (condom), bedding, complete privacy. The time of day doesn't matter. Some people think that night is the best time to start having sex (because in the dark a woman is less shy of a man), but this is not entirely true. During the day, a man and a woman are less tired, and sexual intercourse will proceed under the control of vision, which will make it possible to injure the woman less. At the same time, she can simply close her eyes.

5. Should a woman caress during the first sexual intercourse?
Some sexologists believe that this should not be done, since the pain after deflowering will still not allow a woman to reach orgasm as a result of caresses. But Sexpert has a proven method that has a beneficial effect on the appearance in the future of a woman of positive feelings associated with sexual intercourse.
So, when a man and a woman lie down in bed, the man should caress the woman's erogenous zones (nipples, inner thighs, clitoris). It is highly desirable to continue caressing the clitoris until the girl "cums". And after some time, the man should lie down on the woman and, gently pressing her to him, carefully deflorate. In the future, such a woman will perceive affection well, become passionate.

6. In what position should defloration be performed?
In the position of a woman on her back.

7. Is it recommended to drink alcohol “for courage” before the first sexual intercourse?
We recommend that you do not drink alcoholic beverages at all. But if this is “not real” for you, then you can drink champagne with a girl before the first sexual intercourse (200 g in small sips), it will relieve nervous tension, improve sexual sensitivity and reduce feelings of shame.

8. Do I need to use a condom for the first sexual intercourse?
Necessarily. It protects a woman from unwanted pregnancy, from contracting sexually transmitted diseases and from various infections penetrating into the ruptures of the hymen. Even if the partners are husband and wife, and if it is known that they are not sick, and the pregnancy is desired, then a condom is necessary.
The fact is that before the onset of sexual activity, the girl's vagina has the highest degree of purity, because (subject to all the rules of personal hygiene) certain types of bacteria have not yet penetrated into it. Men who are backward in sexual matters often do not wash their penis in the most thorough way, as a result of which they can introduce an infection into the female genital tract. Particularly sensitive to it are ruptures of the hymen.
In addition, with poor hygiene of the penis, smegma (remnants of urine and semen) accumulates in the area of ​​​​its head under the foreskin, which has a carcinogenic effect, that is, it can cause cancer.

9. What is the best age for a girl to have sexual intercourse for the first time?
18-20 years old. At this age, the hymen is well extensible, and when it breaks, a woman loses the least amount of blood. With age, the hymen thickens, its elasticity is lost, and defloration becomes more difficult. At the age of 23-24, the loss of elasticity of the hymen is 30%, at the age of 30 - 80%. Therefore, if a girl begins sexual activity at 25-30 years and later, after deprivation of virginity, bleeding is possible. But the point is not only in greater blood loss, but also in increased physical pain when the hymen is torn.

10. If a girl is virgin and afraid to have sex, what exactly is she afraid of?
She is afraid that she will be hurt, that new problems will appear (for example, the condom will break), that her husband will blame her for not marrying a virgin.

11. How can a girl be deprived of her virginity in such a way as to cause her the least pain and dirt to a minimum?
- It is necessary that the girl be psychologically ready to become a woman, so that she is not afraid to go through pain once in order to, in the end, enjoy sex.
- It is necessary that nothing could interfere with the process - that is, there is enough time, you are alone, and the door is locked. Turn off phones. Before sex, you can drink a glass of champagne (or wine) - the fears will go away a little, and the excitement will increase.
- You need to thoroughly excite the girl - gently caress her for half an hour (neck, ears, chest, tummy, legs, clitoris, etc. - with your tongue, lips, hands. Take your time. This will give her a positive psychological attitude to the first sexual intercourse, it will open and the vagina will expand, lubrication will be released.In addition, when aroused, painkillers are released into the blood.
- When the girl is turned on, gently and slowly insert the penis into her. Start with a small range of motion, gradually - deeper and deeper. At the same time, caress her with your lips, smooth with your hands. Watch her reaction. When the hymen breaks, you seem to “fall through” a little deeper. At this moment, she may sob, scream, etc., because the breakthrough itself is more painful than the previous frictions.
- The duration of the sexual intercourse itself (excluding caresses to excite the girl) is about 2 minutes. No more, because it will still hurt her. As soon as you feel that the hymen is torn, do a few more frictions and get out of the girl.
- Better to continue in a day or two. During this time, the girl's vagina will heal a little (it will not tighten, but will heal), and the second time it will no longer hurt. The second and third sexual intercourses also do not need to be delayed much (no more than 10-15 minutes), let the girl get used to it gradually.
- If it was not possible to break the hymen the first time, anyway, it should not exceed 2-3 minutes in duration. The second time you can make a little longer, and so on, until you tear.
- Do not give her cunnilingus immediately after deflowering her.
- Opinions about the posture for defloration are contradictory. The most popular pose is a girl on her back with legs near her chest. Acceptable posture - cancer. By the way, in the latter case, the rupture of the hymen is transverse, and not longitudinal, which is good. Eastern philosophy also recommends this position.

12. Is virginity required for marriage?
Our opinion is no. For example, a guy and a girl want to get married after a relatively long period of relationship (one and a half to two years). They know each other well in almost everything that is needed in marriage: character, addictions, reliability, household skills, etc. But sexual compatibility is far from last! Why do they have to be each other's pigs in a poke in bed?

Which doctors to contact if there is pain after deprivation of virginity:

Do you experience pain after losing your virginity? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study the external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Does your body hurt after losing your virginity? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register on the medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date with the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.