What you need to know about freezing food? Blast freezing of food

It is impossible to imagine the windows of modern grocery stores and supermarkets without departments with Manufacturers of semi-finished products subjected to different kinds food products undergo special processing, which allows them to preserve their gastronomic qualities for a long time. For the producers themselves, blast freezing is beneficial, first of all, for economic reasons. And this is exactly the case when the financial feasibility of using new product processing technologies completely coincides with the needs of the consumer.

Description of blast freezing technology

The freezing process involves several stages during which the product is exposed to temperature influences in different modes. The first stage involves cooling in the range from 20 to 0 °C. It is important to note that the decrease in the temperature of the product occurs in proportion to the amount of work aimed at collecting its heat. The second stage involves the transition from a liquid to a solid state. In this case, the temperature can drop to -5 ° C. At this stage, shock freezing also provides heat extraction, but at the same time crystallization of liquid fractions in the product is performed. This stage can be called freezing. The final stage ensures freezing at temperatures down to -18 °C. And again, the decrease in degrees occurs in proportion to the efficiency of the main function performed by the refrigeration unit.

Features of the technology

In its classic form, shock freezing is carried out using low-temperature refrigeration machines in an average of 2.5-3 hours. It is the high speed of the freezing process that is the main thing distinctive feature technologies. The increase in cooling dynamics is not only due to the desire to optimize the process. According to research, the speed of freezing affects the formation of ice crystals, as well as the quality of enzymes and the structure of products. Speeding up the stages of cooling, freezing and freezing is ensured by increasing the rate of heat intake. At the same time, blast freezing units must operate with optimal acceleration of the coolant. The fact is that deviation from the optimal temperature reduction intensity indicators can lead to unjustified power losses and, most importantly, to product deformation. Therefore, in the process of performing blowing and cooling effects, it is very important to maintain uniformity and balance, maintaining moderate

Benefits of blast freezing

Subject to compliance with technological rules and nuances, the manufacturer can count on high quality of the final product. And this is not to mention the advantages that shock freezing implies from a financial and logistics point of view. In particular, the payback period of the enterprise is reduced by almost 20%, the need to use large areas for organizing the processing process is eliminated, the time for freezing is reduced, etc.

The advantages of this approach are most obvious when comparing it with traditional freezing technologies. For example, conventional techniques for ensuring such processes require much more time. Thus, a blast freezing conveyor serves an average batch of dumplings in 20-25 minutes, while traditional means of similar processing perform the same operations in 2 hours or more. It is obvious that savings affect both productivity indicators and the profitability of the enterprise in general.

Blast frozen products

The range of food products that can be frozen this way is quite wide and varied. Of course, the most popular are meat and fish semi-finished products, but this range has expanded significantly in recent years. Today, frozen vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, melons, all kinds of juices and desserts are produced. Blast-frozen products in the form of ready-made soups and main courses are presented in a separate category on the market. It should be noted that manufacturers strive to completely exclude the presence of inedible elements in the product, not counting the shell itself with packaging. Particular attention is paid to the stages of packaging, dosing and portioning. All this makes the products convenient for the consumer in terms of handling and further consumption.

Technical support

To implement the blast freezing process, several groups of refrigeration equipment are used. The most effective are quick-freezing fluidization units, which are used when working with crushed or small-piece fruit and vegetable products. The features of such devices include high freezing speed with minimal drying. The most popular type of equipment in this niche is the blast freezing conveyor freezer, which is used to process about 80% of the entire range of semi-finished products. A special class of such equipment is represented by spiral devices, which ensure freezing of portioned dishes and breaded semi-finished products.

Manufacturers of blast freezing equipment

There is no shortage of specialized equipment for blast freezing, since the market is represented by a wide range of manufacturers of different levels. The segment leaders include Nemox, Liebherr and Polair. In the families of these manufacturers you can find quick-freezing cabinets designed for different volumes and capacities. Irinox installations are also in high demand. Blast freezing on devices of this brand allows you to get quick results with maximum preservation of the original properties of the product. In addition, Irinox equipment differs from competitive offerings in its multifunctionality. For example, the additional ability to perform heating operations.

Installation of equipment

Setting up a production site does not require a lot of space or special requirements for communication support. To install the cameras, it is enough to use heat-insulating panels with a paint coating. This cladding of the equipment serves as a supporting structure and at the same time provides moderate thermal insulation. Depending on the modification, the blast freezing device may include elements of the supporting frame as standard. For example, there are devices on special frames that can be simply placed indoors or even outdoors if the device has a remote condenser. If you plan to install a high-performance conveyor, then it makes sense to initially pay attention to quick freezing complexes, which provide for the combination of several chambers in order to minimize the cost of the project.


The advent of blast freezing has opened up new opportunities for manufacturers, raising the level of development of the food industry to a higher level. In particular, technology makes it possible to delay implementation in time. In a sense, blast freezing is a means of transport, allowing distributors to distribute products without being tied to specific regions and harvesting seasons. This is also beneficial for the consumer, since he has the opportunity to purchase a fresh product of any origin, regardless of the time of year. Most importantly, the quality remains quite high. Of course, there is no talk of a complete comparison of the gastronomic characteristics of frozen products with fresh analogues, but modern technologies are constantly reducing this distance.

The technology of rapid, or high-speed, cooling and blast freezing appeared in the United States in the 1950s and was used mainly to prevent mass poisonings of food that had spoiled during improper storage. The equipment consisted of huge refrigerating and freezing chambers with built-in powerful turbines driving the icy wind.

Rules for the safe storage of partially or fully cooked food products were determined by a system of requirements known as HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), which, in particular, indicated that cooling hot food to a temperature of +3...+5˚С should take no more than 2 hours, to a temperature of -18˚ C - 4 hours.

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The main task was to ensure a cooling regime that would reduce the microbacteriological dangers of food contamination to a minimum. Preserving taste was not a priority, and indeed, many products during their stay in the Arctic wind tunnel dried out, changed color and lost their inherent texture, which did not have a positive effect on their taste.

In the mid-1970s, the UK introduced a law requiring any cooked food product up to 5cm thick to be cooled to +3˚C within a period of no more than 90 minutes. Thus, it is legally confirmed that traditional refrigerators and freezers are intended only for the safe storage of already refrigerated product, and not for freezing it. Soon the British standard was adopted in other countries of Western Europe, and a new era of active use of high-speed cooling and shock freezing began. In parallel with this, the first manufacturing companies appear in Italy, France and the USA, which successfully develop technologies and create the corresponding hardware.

The first to be intensively introduced was a method called cook-chill, and it is used, as a rule, in large centralized food units of non-commercial catering enterprises located in hospitals, universities, schools and prisons. The volumes of food processed by such enterprises are enormous, and along with huge boilers and large-caliber inclined-type roasters, the technological chain uses drum chillers paired with a powerful ice generator or combined cook-chill tanks.

With the increase in the productivity of “hot equipment” and the sharp rise in the cost of process water, drum chillers are being partially replaced by high-speed cooling chambers, which provide high quality food, while reducing its cost and cooking time. One of the main tasks new technology was the preservation of the organoleptic properties of cooked food during storage and an increase in its shelf life.

This issue was most openly raised in the restaurant business, where the need for high quality food comes first (of course, subject to sanitary standards for preparing and storing food). Unfortunately, blast chillers are expensive, even if they are small in size.

It was at this time that combi steamers appeared and became popular in Europe, and then in North America, which, when paired with a blast chiller, successfully formed a mini-cook-chill system. Hotels, banquet halls and casinos were the first to appreciate the benefits of this combination: it allowed them to consolidate a compact technological chain, which ensured the production of large volumes of dishes at a time convenient for the operator and their subsequent multi-day storage without loss of quality. Gradually, combi ovens became a central part of progressive kitchens in restaurants of any size, and with them came small and medium-format cabinet-type blast chillers. The strategic reason why most food businesses in the restaurant industry use blast chillers/shock freezers in their process cycle is clear: food production becomes more organized and predictable, reducing labor costs and waste. However, due to the relatively high price of specialized equipment for high-speed cooling and blast freezing - let's call it SOSHZ for brevity - the decision to purchase such equipment is always carefully weighed.

Operators should understand what benefits they will receive from the purchase and whether their costs will be justified:

. Do we want/can we restructure production from work “to order” to work “to the warehouse” with subsequent additional preparation “to order”? With almost any menu, a certain proportion of food products can be partially or completely cooked on the fly, say once a week, immediately put through rapid cooling and/or blast freezing and stored in a refrigerator or freezer, from where it will be selected as needed. “to order” for additional preparation. This process cycle can save up to 30 percent of production time, thereby significantly increasing the profitability of prepared and sold dishes.

How important is it for us to significantly increase the shelf life of cooked food? A significant part of the ingredients of ready-made dishes indicated on the menu undergo heat treatment. How long can they be safely stored? General rule is this: the faster food products are cooled, the longer they can be stored. SSHZ equipment allows you to pass through the temperature range of rapid growth of harmful bacteria and microorganisms (from +70 to +3˚С) in less than 90 minutes. The most advanced blast chillers are capable of cooling a product taken out of an oven, frying pan, etc., in the same 90 minutes. Microbiological studies show that the shelf life of such food is increased by at least 5 days compared to similar products refrigerated by traditional methods. If there is a need to freeze prepared or raw food products to -18˚С or even to -23˚С, then shock freezers take over the baton, which will need a maximum of 2 more hours to complete the task. After shock freezing, the shelf life of some products can reach 21 days or more.

How important is it for us to achieve moisture retention in food and reduce weight loss? Retaining moisture during the cooking process leads to a significant improvement in taste, as well as an increased yield of a usable product (which is important when portioning and selling food is based on weight). With the traditional method of cooling hot food, moisture loss reaches 12-20 percent of the weight of the product. Due to the high-speed cooling mode in blast chillers, moisture is reduced by only 2-3 percent of the weight. The most noticeable effect of preserving moisture and, accordingly, the weight of the prepared product or semi-finished product will be in those blast chillers that allow you to work with products immediately after the end of the “hot” cooking cycle, that is, at more high temperatures.

How important is it for us to reduce labor costs for cooking? A significant increase in the shelf life of products that have undergone SOSHZ allows restaurant industries to prepare larger batches. At the same time, the time required to complete the full technological cycle is significantly reduced - savings of up to 75 percent. Food enterprises have the opportunity to make larger and more profitable purchases. The combination of planned operations for partial and even complete preparation of dish ingredients with a shorter daily cycle of additional preparation of semi-finished products “to order” reduces the number of man-hours and leads to a more rational organization of kitchen production.

Is there a need for more complete control over the phenomenon called carry-over cooking? As you know, hot food has inertial properties, which lead to the continuation of the cooking process even after it has been removed from the oven or removed from the stove. The use of SSHZ equipment makes it possible to almost completely - 95 percent - eliminate this effect. This way, you don't have to figure out how early you should remove the steak from the broiler so that it remains medium rare, as ordered. If it is immediately placed in a blast chiller for cooling, then it will remain as it was. The same will happen with al dente pasta, and steamed broccoli will retain its color and not shrivel.

Do you want to reduce the intermittent use of traditional refrigeration and freezing equipment? Remember that conventional equipment is only designed to hold food at specific temperatures, not to refrigerate it. Traditional refrigerators and freezers are not equipped with a system for efficient and rapid heat removal. Therefore, if you bring a hot product into a refrigerator, the temperature in the refrigerator increases for a long time, which may lead to a violation of safe storage conditions. In addition, significant energy consumption will be required, and the refrigeration system will operate at maximum load for a long time.

How important is it to preserve the quality and texture of frozen foods? Operators often complain that certain foods that are frozen the traditional way become frostbitten. This happens especially often with high-quality meat and vegetables with a high moisture content. While remaining suitable for food, they completely lose their taste in the “frostbitten” areas. The reason for this is the process of macrocrystallization, which, unfortunately, almost always occurs during traditional freezing. A low cooling rate leads to the fact that moisture has time to be redistributed in the body of the product - in some areas it becomes small, while in others it coagulates into large formations. In the first, rapid dehydration and “frostbite” occur, and in the second, the water freezes into a macrocrystal of ice, which disrupts the cellular structure of the product and thereby changes its structure. The use of SOSHZ completely eliminates frostbite and macrocrystallization during shock freezing. On the contrary, microcrystallization of water occurs, so the cellular structure of the products is not disturbed and their texture remains unchanged. I propose to conduct the following experiment. Take fresh and traditionally frozen berries. Place fresh ones in a shock freezer. Place both on a plate to thaw. You will soon see that puddles of juice will appear under traditionally frozen berries, while there will be almost none under those frozen in a shock freezer. The presence of leaked juice indicates that the cellular structure of the berry is damaged, and it itself loses its taste and presentation value. Or take two plastic bottles, fill them with water, close the lids and freeze again - traditionally and shock-freeze. And if the first one will most likely be torn apart, the second one will remain safe and sound and, in fact, will turn out to be filled with some kind of fine-crystalline snow. Well, one last thing. If you have nowhere to experiment with blast freezing, it’s time to buy a blast chiller/shock freezer. But we’ll talk about how to approach this wisely next time.

Currently it has increased. What is the principle of operation of such freezing? It lies in the fact that all the stages that a product goes through during freezing occur in an accelerated manner.

There are three stages of freezing food. During the first stage, the product is cooled to a temperature of 0C. The initial temperature is about 20C. If this happens in a blast freezing chamber, then this process is reduced to a minimum. This is achieved through intensive movement of cooled air. Its temperature is -35C - -37C. For better cooling, a special false ceiling is installed in the chambers. Its task is to return the air that has taken heat from the cooled product back to the shock froster for further cooling.

At the second stage, the products are frozen. During this process, water molecules transition from liquid to solid state. The temperature of the product varies from 0C to -5C. The higher the speed of this process, the smaller the crystals in the cells of the frozen product. When freezing in such chambers or using plate or spiral freezers, large crystals do not form at all. And when frozen in ordinary chambers, the large crystals formed disrupt cell membranes. And the result of this is a large release of cell sap, loss of quality of the frozen product.

At the third stage, food is frozen. At this time, the temperature of the food drops to -18C. This principle of freezing makes it possible to store products for a long time, while their quality remains unchanged. It should be noted that working with such cameras does not require highly qualified workers. A good housekeeper can handle this job, since the principle of camera control is quite simple.

The cameras themselves appearance no different from ordinary freezers. This is a thermally insulating body and door. And, of course, the refrigeration system itself. It is this that provides shock freezing.

The refrigeration equipment of the chamber consists of a compressor unit, a remote air-cooled condenser and a control panel for the freezing process itself. The kit also includes an air cooler with shock-foster, which ensures continuous operation of the camera.

  • Tile freezers
  • Vertical plate freezers
  • Horizontal plate freezers
  • Tips for choosing the type of plate freezer
  • Spiral freezers
  • Blast freezing chambers
  • Refrigeration chambers
  • Ice Makers - Liquid Ice
  • Fish chilled with liquid ice
  • Poultry chilled with liquid ice
  • Liquid ice for restaurants and supermarkets
  • Presentation of the installation "Metel-100"
  • Snow production equipment for ski resorts
  • Cook&Chill technology - cooling products in liquid ice
  • Compressor refrigeration units
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New line of oil coolers for compressor units from Refma-Holod

Russian manufacturer industrial refrigeration equipment Refma-Holod LLC has developed and successfully introduced into mass production a number of new models of oil coolers, which are intended for installation in units equipped with BX410, BX350 and BX280 compressors. They are highly efficient, reliable, simple, and can also be used in the design of new refrigeration units.

GEA Refrigeration Technologies introduced new controllers for refrigeration equipment GSC TP and GSC OP to the Russian market

Despite the fact that these controller models were first presented to specialists in the field of refrigeration technology back in 2008 at the Chillventa exhibition held in Germany, they “reached” Russia only now. Their most distinctive feature is that they have touch controls, making human-machine interaction very convenient and efficient.

New low temperature refrigeration machine HSN8571-125Y from Bitzer

The control system of the low-temperature refrigeration machine HSN8571-125Y is implemented according to the proportional law, which allows maintaining the required condensing pressure by turning the fans on and off and rotating them. BMW parts are disassembled. Refilling the air conditioner and refrigeration machine with freon.

New models of Liebherr refrigerated cabinets

Recently, the press service of Liebherr, a world-famous manufacturer of refrigeration equipment, announced that several new models of refrigeration cabinets that correspond to the SN-ST climate class will soon be launched into mass production, which ensures their stable and trouble-free operation at ambient temperatures up to up to +38 degrees Celsius. According to the manufacturer, the new refrigeration equipment will be widely used in the food industry and large professional kitchens.

New models of chillers from the Italian company RHOSS

This year, RHOSS intends to offer several models of chillers, which are distinguished by the fact that they implement innovative energy-saving technologies. We are talking primarily about THAE H. T. miniature heat pumps with the patented iDRHOSS control system, thanks to which their ESEER (average seasonal efficiency) value can reach a value of 3.89.

Blast freezing- this is one of the popular modern ways of preserving food, which is the only one that does not cause changes chemical composition and food structure. When carried out correctly, the products are practically no different from fresh ones after thawing. This method is based on the freezing properties of liquids.

In essence, blast freezing is the cooling of food products at a speed at which the effect of microcrystallization of moisture occurs. This process, similar to simple freezing, is also accompanied by the formation of ice crystals, but their volume does not increase in relation to the initial volume of the liquid substance. The main criterion for microcrystallization of moisture is not the temperature regime, but the freezing rate.

In particular, under normal freezing conditions, the resulting ice crystals are characterized by large size compared to water molecules. Thus, the moisture that freezes in the product destroys the structure of the food due to a larger volume of ice crystals. As a result, when thawing, a traditionally frozen product loses its shape, and along with it, many valuable properties.

During shock freezing, the formation of ice crystals of the same size as water molecules is observed. At the same time, the structure of the product is not destroyed at all, and after defrosting, the original properties of the food are completely preserved.

When talking about shock freezing, we are not talking about any specific set of technological equipment - the most important thing is to achieve the result of microcrystallization of moisture. That is why this is done in a regular freezer or done by cooling with liquid nitrogen - it always depends on each specific situation.

In modern practice, there is an extremely wide range of food products that are preserved using quick freezing or blast freezing. Moreover, in each country, first of all, food products are produced that are characteristic and specific to a given region, climate and even traditions.

Recently, the production of quick-frozen fruits, berries, vegetables, melons, herbs and combinations of them has been especially intensive. In addition, ready-made first and second courses, bakery and confectionery, pies and cakes. Quick-frozen semi-finished products (fish, meat and others) in the form of steaks, entrecotes, hamburgers, sticks, cutlets, dumplings and dumplings are popular among consumers. From the sweet side, the assortment is represented by desserts, juices, puddings, jellies, ice cream and the like.

The stable demand and increasing interest of modern consumers in quick-frozen products is understandable, because such products have many advantages. First of all, such food is almost completely free from inedible inclusions. Essentially, products after shock freezing are “waste-free” (except for packaging), they are almost no different from fresh ones, and retain all their original, natural properties. In addition, in essence, they are dietary, conditioned, packaged and dosed.

For a simple consumer this is extremely convenient, while for trade and public catering such fast-frozen products are completely strategic. They do not require attention during storage and are always ready for use. It should be noted that such food requires minimal time and labor to prepare.

Another important factor is the fact that quick-frozen products have a much longer shelf life compared to food raw materials frozen in conventional chambers. Even with long-term storage, frozen foods can retain their quality better than fresh ones. Thus, through the use of blast freezing technology, the preservation of many qualities of fresh products is ensured and this is done much better than other methods of preparation and storage.

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Now in any supermarket you can find a huge amount of frozen semi-finished products, vegetables and fruits. Many products are frozen: fish, meat, confectionery, bakery, even first and second courses.

What is the advantage of freezing?

Why did chilled semi-finished products become fashionable? First of all, it is very convenient for both buyers and manufacturers. People without much time can prepare good and tasty dish. As for manufacturers, frozen products are very profitable for them. No need to spend money on a large number of staff, and there are practically no unsold goods, which means losses are reduced and income increases. Blast freezing is currently used to cool food. What it is?

Blast freezing of food

Why is this type of storage so good? The fact is that during normal cooling, water molecules turn into crystals. The faster the freezing process itself occurs, the smaller these crystals will be. Why is it important? Yes, because only with microscopic water crystals the molecules of the products are not destroyed at all.

This freezing is carried out in special devices. They are called shock freezers. Products are cooled in them at a temperature of -40 degrees Celsius. This allows you to freeze the core of vegetables or fruits in just two hundred and forty minutes. Thanks to this, the structure of the products remains the same. After defrosting, there is no effect of loss of liquid, neither the taste nor the consistency changes.

Benefits of blast freezing

Compared to traditional refrigeration chambers, the blast freezer allows you to:

  • Reduce food losses several times.
  • Reduce the freezing period by up to ten times.
  • Reduce production area by half.
  • Reduce staffing by thirty percent.
  • Reduce the payback period by twenty percent.

Product structure

Blast freezing is, first of all, a high cooling rate. The temperature in the chamber reaches minus thirty-five degrees. This allows the product to quickly transition from the liquid phase to the solid phase. In this case, small crystals are formed, and the cellular tissues remain undamaged. As a result, the properties of a fresh product are preserved, unlike conventional freezing.

Blast freezing technology eliminates the need for thermal and chemical processing of products. As a result, the type of proteins does not change at all, and therefore the biochemistry of the substances remains unchanged. Low temperature shock freezing and the very speed of the process reduce the activity of environmental bacteria. With slow cooling, traces of bacterial activity may remain on berries, fruits and vegetables. Shock freezing virtually eliminates the development of such an effect.

Weight of products

With a long freezing process, food loses weight. This happens due to the evaporation of liquid. Usually up to ten percent is lost. Blast freezing has an accelerated cooling rate, reducing moisture loss to one percent. The difference is noticeable.

Does taste change?

Since the product does not dry out during quick freezing, the nutritional and aromatic properties are practically not lost. This means that both nutritional qualities and taste remain the same.

Shelf life

Products chilled using the shock method have a longer shelf life than those frozen in conventional freezers. In addition, they are able to retain all qualities for a longer time. It should be noted that quick freezing is best way preparations for the winter.

Popularity of frozen foods

Quick-frozen semi-finished products, products and ready meals have gained immense popularity all over the world. Their production increases every year. The range of products that are frozen around the world is unusually wide. Moreover, each country produces those vegetables and fruits or semi-finished products that are characteristic of a given region, climate, and traditions.

Currently, the range of frozen products consists of:

  • Vegetables, fruits, berries, melons, herbs, as well as various mixes of them.
  • Ready-made second and first courses, pies, confectionery and bakery products.
  • Fish and meat semi-finished products: steaks, entrecotes, cutlets, hamburgers, dumplings, sticks, dumplings, sausages.
  • Juices, desserts, jellies, puddings, ice cream, etc.

The popularity of frozen foods is due to a number of reasons:

  • Easy storage and quick readiness when needed.
  • Cooking does not take much time.
  • Good taste.
  • The product is packaged and dosed.
  • No additional preparation (such as peeling or cutting) is required.
  • Almost the entire product is edible (except for the packaging).


Blast freezing technology provides completely new opportunities for activity. We can say that business conditions are becoming more comfortable. When using this technology, the number of losses is significantly reduced. Moreover, the timing of the sale of the same agricultural products increases significantly, and the place of processing may be located in a completely different region.

The product can be sold in different places and even countries. There is no restriction on the seasonality of goods. In addition, the sale can be carried out with a delay in time in order to wait for a more favorable price. At first, the frozen food market in Russia consisted of imported raw materials. And now, gradually, priorities have shifted towards domestic producers.

Freezing equipment

When talking about quick freezing, you need to understand that it is only possible with special equipment. The advantage of this technique is a quick payback. The blast freezer allows you to cool semi-finished products, vegetables, and fruits.

There are different types of freezing equipment. It is divided into the following types:

  • Fluidizing devices designed for freezing small raw materials from vegetables and fruits, berries, soup mixtures and stews. It is possible to cool small fish, shrimp, and mushrooms. Equipment of this type has the highest freezing speed, which means it preserves best quality products.
  • Conveyor cabinets are used for freezing fish, meat, flour, dairy semi-finished products, as well as ready-made dishes: puff pastry, pancakes, cutlets, steaks, dumplings and dumplings.

  • Cradles freeze packaged semi-finished fish and poultry products, cutlets, steaks, confectionery, second and first courses.
  • Spiral freezers are designed for cooling portioned products from vegetables, fruits, meat and fish, and breaded semi-finished products.

Freezing semi-finished products

Since semi-finished products are especially popular among consumers, shock freezing of dumplings, dumplings, pasties, and pancakes makes up a significant share of production.

However, a new type of activity has also appeared. The frozen food market has expanded with semi-finished products bakery products. Baking from frozen ingredients is very popular and in demand. There are more than a hundred items in the assortment. These include buns with additives, baguettes, and bread. Such products only need to be warmed up a little before eating. Taste qualities frozen baked goods are no different from freshly baked ones.

Experts in this field claim that such bread is made from natural products, they do not contain special additives. The correct technology for the production of baked goods from blanks makes it possible to obtain a crispy and tasty product. Naturally, obtaining good frozen semi-finished products is only possible if you have high-quality and correct equipment.