The secret to making delicious liver. Dishes from liver and other offal

Beef liver is a difficult product to prepare. You need to use a lot of culinary tricks to turn it into a delicious, tender dish. Surely every housewife will be interested in knowing how to cook beef liver that is tasty and soft. There are many such recipes.

Cooking beef liver tasty and soft in sour cream

The taste of the offal in question goes well with full-fat sour cream, especially homemade. In addition to sour cream (4 tablespoons), the following is used: 550-650 g of liver, salt, large white salad onion, flour. How to cook liver in sour cream is described below.

  1. The onion is finely chopped and fried in any hot fat until golden brown.
  2. The liver is freed from the film with a sharp knife, washed, dried and coarsely cut. If dense vessels come under the knife during the process, they need to be removed.
  3. Each piece is rolled in flour and salt and lightly fried.
  4. Next, the meat product is placed in a pan, sprinkled with sauteed vegetables, poured with sour cream sauce, flour and 400 ml of boiled water. The liquid is salted and flavored with any seasonings to taste.
  5. Simmer the contents of the pan over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

The resulting gravy is delicious when served with potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

Stroganoff-style liver in a slow cooker

According to this recipe, the capricious offal takes a long time to prepare, but the taste will be delicate. To prepare the dish, take: 750 g of liver, 1 tsp. salt, 2 white onions, ground black pepper, 1.5 tbsp. water, tomato, 4 tbsp. full fat sour cream, 2 tbsp. wheat flour.

  1. The liver is washed, cleaned of ducts and cut into miniature pieces.
  2. The onion is chopped into cubes, after which the products are cooked together in oil in the “Baking” mode for 12 minutes.
  3. After adding flour, the components are fried for another 6-7 minutes.
  4. The tomato, along with the skin, is cut into cubes and also sent to the bowl.
  5. After another 3-4 minutes, you can pour the products with a mixture of sour cream and warm water, pre-salted and peppered.
  6. In the “Stewing” program, the appetizer is cooked for 35-40 minutes.

After the device signals, you can leave the dish with constant heating for some more time to soften the finished product as much as possible.

Beef Stroganoff with sour cream and onions

For this traditional treat, any used meat products cut in a special way - into long thin bars. The ingredients you need to take are: 450 g of liver, salt, 1 tbsp. flour, white onion, 230 g fat sour cream, 2/3 tbsp. water.

  1. The liver is cut after clearing of veins and films.
  2. The pieces are fried in hot oil until lightly crusted, then sprinkled with onion half rings and simmered together over low heat for another 6-7 minutes.
  3. Flour dissolves in cold water and cook in a separate container for a couple of minutes until thickened. Next, sour cream is added to the liquid and brought to a boil.
  4. The resulting sauce is poured over the offal with onions.
  5. You need to simmer the treat under a closed lid for another 6-7 minutes.
  6. At this stage, add salt to taste.

Thin slices of liver soften perfectly.

Cooking option in milk

The easiest way to cook beef liver deliciously is to stew it in milk. In addition to the offal (430 g), will be used: 130 ml drinking water, salt, a couple of cloves of garlic, 2 onions, 3.5 tbsp. flour. One glass of milk will be enough.

  1. The liver is washed, cleaned of all excess, cut into pieces and beaten thoroughly with a special hammer.
  2. The slices are rolled in salted flour and fried in hot oil.
  3. First, the meat is filled with water and sprinkled with onion half rings.
  4. A few minutes after the liquid boils, warm milk is poured in. Once boiling begins, the mixture must be stirred frequently.
  5. The dish will simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.

At the end of cooking, you need to place the garlic, passed through a press, into the dish.

How to deliciously fry beef liver in a frying pan?

Even in an ordinary frying pan you can make the liver tender and juicy, and with a minimum set of ingredients. In addition to the liver itself (670 g), you need to take: 2 onions, salt, 120 g of wheat flour.

  1. The offal is washed and cleared of films, after which small steaks are cut.
  2. Onions are cut into half rings.
  3. First, the steaks are rolled in salted flour, placed in a frying pan with hot oil, covered with vegetable slices and fried on one side for 5-6 minutes. Then turn them over, add additional salt if necessary and cook covered for another 8-9 minutes.

You can serve the resulting treat with any garlic sauce.

Tender liver cutlets

Children especially like liver cutlets. Sifted wheat flour with a volume of 90 grams will act as a thickener for minced by-product. Also taken: 470 g of liver, salt, onion, a small spoon of starch, 130 g of lard, egg, black pepper.

  1. The liver with vegetables and lard turns into homogeneous minced meat. To do this, you can use any device that is at hand.
  2. Flour, starch and a whisked egg are added to the resulting mass.
  3. Spoon the liver mixture into a small amount of hot oil. The cutlets do not fry for long - a couple of minutes on both sides. Otherwise they may lose their tenderness.

These cutlets are delicious served with any side dish.

How to boil beef liver so that it is soft?

Boiling is the easiest way to prepare the offal under discussion. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

  1. After the piece of liver has been washed and cleared of veins and films, it is filled with cold milk or ordinary drinking water. You need to leave it in the liquid for about an hour.
  2. Next, the liver is wrung out, filled with new water and placed on the stove at medium heat.
  3. The offal is prepared for 35-45 minutes. To speed up the process, you need to cut the liver into small pieces. Then it will cook in 15-17 minutes after boiling.
  4. The product is salted 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking.

If you pierce a piece of liver with a fork and pinkish juice comes out, it means the meat is not ready yet.

Juicy recipe with vegetables

Beef liver is especially delicious fried with vegetables. In addition to the offal (450 g), take: tomato, carrot, 120 g green beans, 10 g salt, white onion, bell pepper, 2-3 garlic cloves, 400 ml milk, 3 tbsp. soy sauce without additives.

  1. The liver is cut in half and soaked in milk.
  2. Vegetables are coarsely chopped and fried for 3-4 minutes in fat (without tomatoes).
  3. The fried foods are moved to the edges of the frying pan, and the liver, chopped into pieces, is cooked in the middle. When it turns white, you can mix the products and cook together until the meat component is completely cooked.
  4. Lastly, the mass is salted, slices of tomatoes are laid out, soy sauce is poured in and chopped garlic cloves are added.
  5. After 2-3 minutes the dish is completely ready.

You can add oregano and other dry seasonings to the snack. This will saturate the beef liver with the piquant aromas of herbs.

Soft and tasty liver for children - pancakes

Such tender pancakes are prepared even for the youngest visitors kindergarten. They will help diversify your baby’s protein menu. In addition to the liver (180 g), take: half an onion, an egg, 1 tsp. salt, 60 g white flour.

  1. The liver is soaked in ice water, dried with a paper towel and coarsely chopped. In the process, large bile ducts, veins and films must be removed.
  2. Together with the peeled onion, the offal turns into homogeneous minced meat.
  3. Egg and wheat flour are added to the mixture. The base of the pancakes is salted and kneaded to dissolve the lumps.

06/26/2017 Administrator

Today our site wants to offer you a salad recipe with the funny name Obzhorka. This salad is very easy to prepare, but at the same time it turns out tasty and satisfying. It contains affordable ingredients, so it is perfect for an everyday menu, although thanks to its taste, such a salad would not be out of place on a holiday table. The proportions of ingredients in this salad can be easily varied depending on your preferences. You can season a salad with liver with mayonnaise, sour cream, or a mixture of both. Choose an option to suit your taste!

02/24/2017 Administrator

If you love liver dishes, then you will definitely like this chic roll. Liver roll with butter is the most popular cooking option. But to give the dish originality, we also added bell peppers and herbs to the filling; they will give the familiar roll a slightly different taste, and when cut it also looks brighter and more beautiful, which allows you to prepare this dish for a festive table.

07/06/2016 Administrator

An experienced housewife can prepare a variety of dishes from chicken liver delicious dishes. Our culinary offer is chicken liver stewed with onions and carrots, which is cooked in a frying pan. The chicken product in our dish goes well with vegetables. For the gravy we will use mayonnaise and tomato sauce (ketchup). With this simple recipe Even a debuting chef or a novice housewife can handle it.

03/28/2016 Administrator

10/21/2015 Administrator

The salad with the self-explanatory name “Colors of Autumn” turns out to be very bright and elegant, and it is also very filling. It can easily be served on a holiday table or simply prepared for a family dinner. If you want to lighten the salad, then you can not fry the chicken liver, but simply boil it, and also use boiled eggs.

02/22/2016 Administrator

Roll of egg omelet with filling - an original and universal snack. This roll will be an excellent breakfast and snack on the road, it will diversify an ordinary family dinner, and on the holiday table it will look elegant and unusual. This appetizer consists of common and familiar ingredients to all of us - omelette and liver pate, but in this duet they look very impressive. The taste of the dish turns out to be very harmonious, the pate gives the omelette the missing zest and brightness of taste, while the omelette creates a delicate shell, making a real masterpiece out of the appetizer.

01/17/2016 Administrator

Agree, any pate prepared at home will be much tastier and healthier than what is sold in stores. And all because the composition of homemade pate includes only natural products, there are no stabilizers, emulsifiers or other food additives. Our recipe for liver pate baked in the oven is perfect for those who prefer to eat not only tasty, but also healthy food.

09/14/2015 Administrator

This dish is usually prepared by experienced housewives from different types meat, but in this recipe we will use liver instead of beef or chicken (beef stroganoff is often prepared from beef, rabbit or chicken liver, less often from pork liver). Pork liver is considered very tough and needs to be soaked in water or milk for a long time. But in this recipe you can make sure that you can prepare soft, tender and very tasty liver without pre-soaking.


Among the by-products obtained during the slaughter and subsequent cutting of an animal, liver occupies a significant place. This product combines excellent taste qualities with nutrients necessary for the body. The dishes, recipes for which you will find below, will bring you unforgettable moments of pleasure, first of all, from their taste properties, and secondly, from the awareness of your own culinary skills, when you have to (and I assure you this cannot be avoided) listen to the praises of your guests. So don’t waste precious time - recipes for liver-based dishes are waiting for you.

An unusual combination of ingredients results in a tender and juicy dish in which apples surround the liver with the freshness of a summer garden. Adding apples to the liver is a very good option, although they are difficult to identify in the finished dish.

Quick and easy to make, this dish has a unique taste. Pre-boiled liver with spices and carrots becomes tender and soft. The pungent taste of garlic combines with the tenderness of the liver, forming a win-win duet.

Chicken liver pancakes are a must try for anyone who loves tasty and healthy dishes. They can be prepared for breakfast or dinner. Chicken liver makes them tender. In order for the pancakes to turn out juicy, they must be fried on both sides.

Rabbit liver is rightfully considered a delicacy. It has a slightly sweet aftertaste, so add a little gin to tone it down a bit. Its slightly bitter taste and juniper aroma will give the pate the desired note of taste.

What could be better than tender chicken liver, along with fried mushrooms and drenched in milk cream? This delicious dish should definitely be on your table.

Just one glance at this culinary creation is enough to make your eyes light up and your stomach growl with anticipation of the holiday. And indeed it is. Can you resist this liver “cake”?

I want to offer you my favorite liver recipe. The first time I tried this dish was in 1998 in a restaurant in our city. This was their signature dish. It captivated me so much that I tried for a long time to find a recipe for making it, but unfortunately I never found it.

Who doesn't love liver pies! And dumplings with potatoes and liver! And salad, and pate and many other delicacies... Although liver is considered a cheaper product than meat, this does not mean at all that it is somehow worse in its nutritional value. On the contrary, liver dishes are digested much faster and easier than the best meat, and there are much more vitamins and minerals in it than in pure meat. According to these and many other criteria, liver is simply indispensable for maintaining health, so we certainly include a variety of dishes with liver in our diet. I bring to your attention my favorite, most delicious and practical recipes from liver and offal.

  • The taste of a liver dish depends on the quality of the liver used and how correctly it was prepared.
  • The main criteria for liver are the freshness and age of the animal. The younger the animal, the more tender and tastier the liver. Fresh liver is always smooth, moist and shiny, and has a light red or light brown color.
  • Before preparing the liver, it is washed in cold water and cleared of films.
  • The liver will be more tender and tasty if you soak it in milk.
  • Veal liver has the best taste.
  • Liver cooks much faster than meat. When preparing a particular dish, it is important to monitor the degree of readiness of the liver. As soon as the liver is cooked, we immediately finish the heat treatment.
  • The liver is fried unsalted; salt and spices are added literally at the last minute.
  • The longer the liver is fried or boiled, the tougher it becomes, the less tasty and less healthy it is.
  • It is best to fry the liver in a well-heated frying pan.
  • Boiled liver is usually used to make pates. It is important to know that the longer the liver is cooked, the more juice it loses and the tougher it becomes. Therefore, in order to preserve the taste and softness as much as possible, the liver is boiled for a short time and placed in boiling unsalted water.
  • The most delicious liver is freshly prepared, so it is better to cook hot liver dishes immediately before meals and in the required quantities.
  • Cold liver dishes retain their taste and nutritional properties well, so they can be prepared in advance.

If you have been looking for ways to prepare liver so that it not only retains its benefits, but also acquires high taste - this section is exactly what you need! We offer recipes from chicken, beef, and pork liver of varying degrees of complexity - from the simplest, which can be prepared with a minimum of time, to real culinary masterpieces that can surprise everyone who tries them.
A lot can be said about the benefits of the liver. This product is valuable not only for its taste, but also for its nutritional qualities, and the liver dishes themselves are so varied that you can pamper your household with them every day, without ever repeating them for a long period.
Beef liver dishes are the most popular. On the one hand, this is explained by the availability of the product, and on the other hand, many had to deal with the bitterness that is often present in improperly processed pork liver, as a result of which the desire to purchase it no longer arose. Meanwhile, pork liver dishes are very varied and tasty, so you shouldn’t rush and refuse to prepare them - it’s just important to choose the right liver itself.
For those who love more delicate and soft products, as well as for families with children, recipes that offer dishes from chicken liver are very useful - a truly dietary product with high taste, as, in principle, dishes from turkey liver. In addition, recipes for liver dishes with photos will allow you to evaluate the result in advance, which is especially important if the dish is intended for a festive feast. Well, if you still haven’t decided how to cook chicken liver so that absolutely everyone will like it, try making the liver pate suggested in this section - believe me, its high taste completely justifies all the time required for cooking.


Delicious pork liver cutlets

Ingredients: liver, onion, garlic, egg, loaf, carrots, paprika, salt, pepper

You can make very tasty cutlets from the liver. Today I have prepared for you a simple recipe for pork liver cutlets. The dish is simply delicious.


- 600 grams of pork liver;
- 100 grams of onion;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 1 egg;
- 60 grams of loaf;
- 25 grams of dried carrots;
- 3 grams of paprika flakes;
- salt;
- pepper.


Beef liver cutlets

Ingredients: beef liver, potatoes, onions, garlic, eggs, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

We offer a recipe for making liver cutlets with garlic and onions. A very tasty hot snack for lunch or dinner for the whole family.

- 1 kg of beef liver,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 2 potato tubers,
- 2 onions,

- salt to taste,
- vegetable oil for frying.


Fluffy and soft beef liver cutlets

Ingredients: beef liver, egg, onion, flour, soda, salt, ground pepper, sunflower oil

If you want to feed your family not only tasty, but also healthy, then prepare cutlets for them, but not ordinary meat cutlets, but from beef liver. This is a great dish that is easy to prepare and everyone loves it.

- beef liver - 300 g;
- eggs - 1 piece;
- onion - 1 piece;
- flour - 3-4 tbsp;
- soda - 0.25 tsp;
- salt;
- ground pepper;
- sunflower oil- 4 tbsp.


Beef liver chops

Ingredients: beef liver, onion, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, water, egg, flour, milk

I'm sure it never even occurred to you to cook liver chops. This dish turns out very tasty, and most importantly, it won’t cost you much to prepare it.


- beef liver - 600 grams,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- salt - to taste,
- vegetable oil,
- water - 3-4 tbsp.,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- flour - 5-6 tbsp.,
- milk - 150 grams.


Chicken liver with mushrooms in sour cream sauce

Ingredients: champignons, chicken liver, sour cream, wheat flour, water, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

An appetizing and healthy dish can be prepared from chicken liver if you add champignons and sour cream to the ingredients. Our recipe will help you make your lunch unforgettably delicious.


- chicken liver - 350 grams,
- wheat flour - 2 tsp,
- fresh champignons - 150 grams,
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.,
- sour cream - 200 grams,
- ground black pepper to taste,
- salt to taste,
- water - half a glass.


How to fry pork liver so that it is soft and juicy

Ingredients: pork liver, onion, flour, salt, sunflower oil

Frying pork liver so that it is soft and juicy is not so difficult, but you still need to know some of the nuances and subtleties of this process. This is exactly what our recipe will tell you about.
- 0.5 kg of pork liver;
- 3-4 onions;
- 1 tbsp. wheat flour;
- finely ground salt;
- sunflower oil.


Chicken liver cake

Ingredients: chicken liver, milk, eggs, mayonnaise, salt, wheat flour, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, cheese, tomatoes, herbs

If you're looking for a beautiful and satisfying holiday appetizer, then you're on the right track. This is exactly what chicken liver cake is, the recipe for which we have prepared today. It is very tasty, very nutritious and appetizing. Try it and see for yourself that this is not an exaggeration.
- chicken liver - 450 g;
- milk - 350 ml;
- eggs - 5 pcs;
- mayonnaise - 100 ml;
- salt - 2 tsp;
- wheat flour - 5 tbsp;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp;
- ground black pepper - 1.5 tsp;
- hard cheese - 70 g;
- tomato - 2 pcs;
- greens - 5-6 branches.


Liver pate with lard, onions and carrots

Ingredients: beef liver, lard, carrots, onion, salt, black pepper, nutmeg

Liver paste - universal recipe. It can be prepared for a holiday, as a snack, or for homemade sandwiches. It turns out very tasty with lard - instead of butter. Try it, you will surely like this recipe.

- 500-600 grams of pork or beef liver;
- 100 grams of fresh lard;
- 1 large carrot;
- 2 large onions;
- salt to taste;
- 2-3 pinches of ground nutmeg;
- black or white pepper to taste.


Beef liver cake

Ingredients: liver, milk, egg, flour, butter, salt, pepper, onion, carrots, butter, mayonnaise, cheese, salt, herbs

Liver cake is not difficult to prepare and it will become a real decoration for anyone. festive table. We will prepare a beef liver cake. The cake turns out very tasty and tender.


- beef liver - 300 grams;
- milk - 100 ml;
- chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
- flour - 3 tbsp;
- vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
- salt to taste;
- black pepper - to taste;
- onion - 2 pcs.;
- carrots - 2 pcs.;
- mayonnaise - 200 grams;
- hard cheese - 70 grams;
- parsley.


Pork liver cake

Ingredients: liver, flour, milk, baking powder, egg, salt, butter, onion, carrots, garlic, mayonnaise, herbs

Liver cake has long been a favorite of many housewives. Although it does not cook quickly, the dish is worth the time in the kitchen. On every holiday it is devoured the fastest. Today we will make pork liver cake.


- 500 grams of pork liver,
- 100 grams of wheat flour,
- half a glass of milk,
- 1 tsp. baking powder,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 2 tsp. sea ​​salt,
- 5 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- 2 onions,
- 2 carrots,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- 100 grams of mayonnaise,
- 1 tsp. mixture of ground peppers,
- greenery,
- processed cheese.


Chicken liver sauce with vegetables

Ingredients: chicken liver, onion, carrots, oil, pepper, paprika, sour cream, flour, water, buckwheat

Meat gravy is very tasty, but it takes a long time to cook. But chicken liver gravy is made much faster, and it also turns out wonderful: beautiful, satisfying and no less tasty! We will be happy to tell you how to prepare it.

- 350-400 grams of chicken liver;
- 2 medium-sized onions;
- 1 carrot;

- 0.5 tsp black pepper;
- 0.5 tsp red pepper;
- 1 incomplete tsp. sweet paprika;
- 200 ml sour cream 15-18%;
- 1.5 tbsp. flour;
- 1 glass of water;
- buckwheat porridge or other side dish - for serving.


Chicken liver goulash

Ingredients: chicken liver, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, tomato sauce, sour cream, salt, black pepper, paprika, wheat flour, sugar, water

Goulash is small pieces of meat simmered in a thick, aromatic gravy made from tomato sauce and vegetables. The dish is prepared from poultry, fish and meat, and we decided to offer you goulash made from offal, specifically chicken liver. Be sure to try it!

Products for the recipe:
- 400 grams of chicken liver;
- one carrot;
- two heads of onions;
- 30 ml vegetable oil;
- half a glass of tomato sauce;
- 70 g sour cream;
- salt - to taste;
- black pepper or paprika - to taste;
- 1.5 teaspoons of flour;
- sugar – 1 pinch;
- half a glass of water.


Chicken liver beef stroganoff

Ingredients: chicken liver, onion, butter, pepper, salt, flour, sour cream, water, puree, herbs, pepper

Delicious beef stroganoff can be prepared not only from beef with sour cream. For example, chicken liver makes such a dish very interesting. And it is prepared faster and easier, and everyone without exception likes it.
- 350-400 grams of chilled chicken liver;
- 2 large onions;
- 4 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- 1\3 tsp. freshly ground black pepper;
- salt to taste;
- 1 tbsp. with a small pile of wheat flour;
- 200 ml sour cream with a fat content of 10-15%;
- 0.5 glasses of water;
- mashed potatoes - for garnish;
- greens, red pepper flakes - for serving.


Beef liver pancakes

Ingredients: beef liver, onion, starch, flour, soda, sour cream, salt

Liver pancakes are a very satisfying dish, tasty and healthy. In this form, even very capricious children eat liver with pleasure. So be sure to try this recipe - both you and your family will definitely like it!

- 0.4-0.5 kg of beef liver;
- 1 onion;
- 1 tbsp. potato starch without a slide;
- 2 tbsp. flour without a slide;
- 1 tsp. baking soda without a slide;
- 1.5 tbsp sour cream;
- salt.


Liver soufflé in the oven

Ingredients: liver, carrots, onions, eggs, sour cream, salt

You can prepare many delicious and interesting dishes from liver. For example, soufflé. It is very unusual and festive, nutritious and tasty. Try making liver soufflé with us, you will probably like it too!

- 500 grams of liver (beef or pork);
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 1-2 eggs;
- 1.5 tbsp. sour cream 20% fat;
- 0.5 tsp salt.