What does the name Sergei mean according to the church calendar? Sergei's name day according to the church calendar. But over time, the list of dates has expanded significantly

Determined by church calendar. These dates appear in it as days of remembrance of saints and great martyrs from

Name days have recently begun to return to modern life. Of course, in terms of significance they are inferior to the traditional birthday, although in Rus' it was the other way around.

Let's find out how Angel Sergei's Day was celebrated in the old days (and all other name days too), what gifts were given to the birthday boy, what the traditions of celebration were, as well as the dates of name days according to the church calendar.

Name meaning

Even Sergei themselves do not always know the origin and meaning of their name. It has Roman roots, was considered a family name there, and translated from Latin means “highly revered, high.”

The secret of name day

In Rus', before the revolution, on the 8th day of life. The naming took place in accordance with the church Saints - from them they chose the name of the saint whose memorial day was located next to the event of baptism.

The child henceforth acquired a patron in the person of a saint, who was supposed to protect him from all worldly troubles, not only the body, but also the soul, above all. It was also believed that he could be endowed with those holy qualities that were inherent in his “high” protector.

Name day holiday

Angel Sergei's Day was celebrated in the circle of family and friends, in a restrained, sincere atmosphere. Wide, noisy celebrations were not suitable for name days, since this day was intended to appeal to one’s spirituality and soul.

In addition, if the name day fell during the period of fasting, then the dishes were prepared based on this. Name day, you
those who fell were transferred to the next day off.

The main difference festive table there was a loaf that was being baked large sizes. They tried to give it an unusual shape - an elongated rectangle, oval, octagon. The name of the hero of the occasion was laid out with dough on the surface of the pie. This was a symbolic action, indicating the main “reason” for the holiday.

Angel Sergei Day

The date of the name day depends on when Sergei was born. According to the church calendar, name days fall on the following days and months:

  • in January: 15, 27;
  • in April: 2, 25;
  • in June: 1, 6;
  • in July: 11, 18;
  • in August: 25;
  • in September: 17, 24;
  • in October: 8, 11, 20, 23;
  • in November: 29;
  • in December: 11.

These are the days when Sergei celebrates his name day.

Angel Sergei Day: what to give and how to congratulate

A name day is a personal holiday, but not quite an ordinary one. If we turn again to the old days, then the birthday boy was given everything that connects a person with God and the church - icons, Holy Scriptures, lamps, candles, religious literature.

IN modern life The name day holiday has almost lost its original meaning and acquired the status of a secular event. Of course, this applies to people whose lives are not connected with religion and church. Therefore, today almost anything can be given on name days, although gifts are modest and are intended to express attention and respect to the hero of the occasion.

It will be very pleasant for any birthday person, including all Sergei, to receive a beautifully composed congratulation from the guests. For example, this:

"Dear Sergey!

I sincerely congratulate you on Angel’s Day and your name day!

I wish that your Protector and Heavenly Patron will always protect you, protect you from adversity, sorrow and deprivation. I wish you to always be under His shadow, smile and enjoy life. Happy birthday to you, dear birthday boy, may we keep you safe and happy!”

    Just as the name Sergey is often found, many days a year can become name days for a person with this name. There are several such days in each season of the year -

    In the fall, Name Days for people with the name Sergei can be chosen on days— September 17, October 8 and November 11.

    Angel Sergei's Day is celebrated 16 times a year (you must admit, this is not a small number). So, I'll try to name these numbers.

    December – 11

    January - 15 and 27

    February - no

    April - 2 and 25

    May - no

    August – 25

    September – 24

    October – 23

    November – 29

    Orthodox Sergei have a lot of days a year when they celebrate name days. Probably one of the names that has more than ten days of an angel. For some reason, these data differ in different sources. Here is a list of Sergei’s name days for two thousand and fifteen.

    The name Sergius, Sergei translated from Latin means a high, highly respected person, and is also a Roman family name.

    List of dates for the name day of Sergius, Sergei, Angel's day. Name day dates according to the old style will be indicated in brackets.

    July 11 (June 28) St. Sergius the Master and St. Sergius (and St. Herman) Valaam Wonderworker (IX century; Russian).

    July 18 (5) St. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh and wonderworker of all Russia (1392; Russian; finding of relics).

    September 17 (4) Hieromartyr Sergius (Druzhinin), Bishop of Narva and Gregory (Lebedev), Bishop of Shlisselburg; (1937).

    September 24 (11) St. Sergius (and St. Herman) Wonderworker of Valaam (IX century; Russian; transfer of relics).

    October 8 (September 25) Venerable Sergius, abbot of Radonezh and all Russia, wonderworker (1392; Russian).

    October 11 (September 28) Sergius the obedient, Kiev-Pechersk, resting in the Near Caves (XIII century; Russian).

    October 20 (7) St. Sergius the obedient, Kiev-Pechersk, resting in the Near Caves (XIII century; Russian) and St. Sergius of Nurom, Vologda (1412; Russian).

    On the day of the Angel it is worth offering a prayer to Saint Sergius:

    Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Sergius, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

    For men named Sergey, Angel Day falls on the following dates:

    December: eleventh.

    January: fifteenth, twenty-seventh.

    April: second, twenty-fifth.

    June: sixth.

    July: eleventh, eighteenth.

    August: twenty-fifth.

    September: seventeenth, twenty-fourth.

    October: eighth, twentieth, twenty-third.

    November: eleventh.

    People named Sergey are very sociable, know how to cheer up, they are always the center of attention.

    Sergei has many friends; it is rare for guys with that name to be alone. They want to take a break from calls, but they won’t be able to do this, because friends will always find you even without a mobile connection.

    Sergey is growing up to be a sociable boy, he is interested in everything in life, he can be interested in cooking and chemistry.

    Men named Sergey are good electricians, have a great understanding of technology, even if Sergey wants to surprise his girlfriend or mother, he can even embroider a beautiful tablecloth.

    Sergei always finds a way out of a situation, is curious, and is interested in many things in life.

    Men with this name are very easy to offend, they are jealous, stubborn, but kind.

    As for Angel Day, Sergei celebrates his name day in winter: January 15 and 27, December 11.

    The Latin name Sergei has many days in the year when the owner of this name celebrates his name day (Angel Day):

    • January 15 and 27;
    • March 5;
    • April 2 and April 25;
    • June 1 and 6;
    • July 11, 18 and 20;
    • August 25;
    • September 24;
    • October 8, 20 and 23;
    • November 29;
    • December 11.

    Every day is a name day named after Sergei, dedicated to some saint with the name Sergei. The owner of the name Sergey is very lucky; almost every month of the year he has a name day (Angel Days).

    The name Sergei means venerable. It is a Christian tradition to give the names of saints to newborns.

    On July 11, it is customary to remember the patron saint of all Sergei - Sergius of Varlaam, the founder of the monastery of the Varlaam Monastery, who preached Christianity in Karelia.

    it all depends on what faith a person is, that is, Catholic or Orthodox, since they have a different church calendar. However, if the name is Slavic, then it is better to look at the Orthodox calendar, which states that name days are celebrated on October 8 in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh and on July 11 in honor of Sergius of Valaam, the founder of the Valaam monastery on Lake Ladoga and a preacher of Christianity in Karelia.

    The very popular name Sergei in Russia has sixteen angel days or name days per year.

    In the month of January, Sergei is celebrated twice - on the 15th and 27th.

    In March - 5th day of the month

    The next name days in April are 2 and 25.

Every person's name has a specific meaning. Most modern names come from ancient languages, and mean certain character qualities or inclinations. One of the oldest names is the name Sergei, which has ancient origins and is found in different languages. This name has a deep meaning, and also imposes certain characteristics on the character of its owner.

Characteristics of the name

It is almost impossible to name the exact origin today, but historians believe that it originally appeared in the Etruscan language. Later, the famous family of the Roman Empire Sergius received a similar name. Some experts argue that the name comes from the old name for a certain fabric, “serge”. However, even in the Old Church Slavonic language there was a similar name that sounded like Serezhen. Modern people We are convinced of the noble meaning of this name, translated as “highly revered”, “honored”. However, initially it was considered a church name, and then became a popular noble name. For some time the name lost its former popularity, but regained it in the 70s of the twentieth century. Today the name Sergei is moderately popular, but is still used quite often.


Sergei has a rather versatile and spontaneous character. Even close relatives cannot predict his reaction to certain events or news. In general, Sergey is a bright and cheerful person. He is active, but does not try to become the center of attention or a leader, although he does not miss the opportunity to improve the opinion of others about himself. WITH early childhood is distinguished by receptivity, openness, and communication skills. Most often, Sergei remembers the brightest moments of childhood and is guided by them in adult life. It is very important at this time to surround Sergei with attention, to show him good example, and also protect from grief.

Sergei does not like to study. However, his independence and high demands on himself force him to receive necessary education in order to keep up with peers in erudition and literacy. He usually finishes school with good grades, but is rarely an excellent student.

An adult Sergei is usually considered a calm, good-natured and open person. However, in the event of failures, unfounded criticism or neglect of his opinion, advice, he can break down and become quite aggressive. At the same time, Sergei’s Achilles heel and the driving force in his life is his high pride, which causes Seryozha himself many problems.

Sergei is in no hurry to correct negative character traits. He believes that the world should perceive him as true, with flaws and positive character traits, although he himself often criticizes the mistakes and unworthy actions of others. Sergei's character is quite complex, so he has few real friends. He values ​​all his relatives and friends extraordinarily and considers them practically his retinue.

In his youth, Seryozha does not recognize sex without respect and love. Therefore, one cannot call him a skilled seducer. He spends a long time searching for a girl worthy of his love, but is often disappointed. However, women really like Sergei, so they begin to compete for his attention, trying to surprise Sergei with their relaxedness. Feeling Sergei can really succumb to feminine charm, attributing to the girl he likes all the necessary qualities, but even good sex will not be able to compensate for its imperfection.

Sergei usually gets married not early, carefully choosing his future wife. The requirements of the owner of this name for his chosen ones are quite high, so many do not pass the selection. What Sergei values ​​most in women is calmness, poise, and the ability to do household chores. He can live with such a woman for many years, although Seryozha’s first marriage usually ends unsuccessfully. It's worth appearing in his life new woman, attracting his attention and corresponding to existing and constantly expanding requirements, how he easily ends existing relationships and rushes to new impressions. This happens until Seryozha gets tired of searching for the ideal woman and stops at some option, although before that he can get married several times. However, even then he does not strive to remain faithful to his wife, sometimes starting small affairs on the side.

WITH strangers And in new companies, Sergei behaves very dignified, almost immediately he becomes one of them. Therefore, he can be called an excellent diplomat and businessman who knows how to quickly resolve disputes and unusual situations. At the same time, Sergei has great creative potential and is quite interested in music, and less often in painting. So, many Sergei become famous musicians, composers, and so on.

If Sergei finds his ideal wife, which rarely happens, he turns into an ideal family man, husband and father. He simply adores children and is ready to endure many family scandals and his wife’s grumpiness so as not to destroy the family.

Most happy marriage Sergei can have it with Lyubov, Rimma, Valentina, Dina, Galina, Irina and Elizaveta. At this time, a great risk of character conflict is possible with the owners of the names Eleanor, Larisa, Vera and Alla.

When communicating with parents and close relatives, Sergey tries to be as tactful and friendly as possible, so as not to accidentally offend someone. His loved ones often consider him a very calm, kind and absolutely non-conflict person. Seryozha himself is quite easily offended by caustic phrases, ambiguous phrases and direct hints, so most often he is in a depressed mood. Outwardly, he tries not to show his grievances, but over time it turns out worse and worse. As an adult, Sergei remains friendly only to relatives whom he meets infrequently, taking out all the negativity on his wife and other people living nearby.

Since childhood, Seryozha has been attacked by various infectious diseases. Even the adult owner of this name often exhibits various inflammatory diseases, as well as colds. Often illnesses are accompanied by fever and fever. Sergei should be wary of skin diseases, and also take care of their lungs and throat.

The time of Sergei’s birth is also of great importance. Thus, the owners of this name born in winter are laconic and also rather unemotional. At this time, “autumn” Sergei is distinguished by prudence and a heightened sense of justice. They restrain their feelings and also have good organizational skills. Sergei makes a wonderful teacher, leader, medical worker, and so on.

The mystery of the name

The zodiac sign of the name Sergei is Libra, and the patronizing planet is Venus. A lucky color for the owner of a similar name is a rather rare and original pearl gray color. Accordingly, the talisman stone is pearl. To attract luck, it is better for Sergei to move all important houses and events to Friday, and the lucky time of year is autumn. Favorable plants for this name are heather and birch, and the totem animal is the brown hare.

When is Sergei’s name day according to the church calendar:

In church and solemn official speeches of the past it was pronounced as Sergius: Saint Sergius of Radonezh, Patriarch of All Rus' Sergius. The symbol of personality is one that celebrates life. Main character traits, excitability, intuition, intelligence. What an interesting combination in the name Sergei of a purely earthly principle (wheat) and a heavenly, highly spiritual feeling (nightingale). And Sergei has them all the time. IN sex life Sergei is somewhat lacking in “hussar charm and inspiration,” as well as masculine determination - while he is thinking, chance flies away.

To please with a gift for Sergei’s name day, you need to have a good understanding of his character and spiritual mood. After all, it has long been established that a name determines a person’s destiny and endows him with special energy. When preparing birthday greetings for this person, remember that Seryozha has a developed sense of self-esteem, is independent and values ​​practicality. A genuine evidence of your sincere sympathy for a person will be congratulations not only on his birthday, but also on the occasion of name day, which you can find out about thanks to the church Christmas calendar. So in 2018, as in any other year, there is not a single date when Sergei can be congratulated on Angel Day.

Sergei's name day - 11th month of the year

Name day dates are verified according to the calendar of the Sretensky Monastery. Note: new

As mentioned above, Sergei’s name day occurs more than once throughout the year. Especially with such a common name. To know exactly the day of your name day, you need to turn to the Orthodox calendar and write down the dates of all the days of the angel Sergei from there. For example, Sergei was born on April 10, which means that the day of the angel for this Sergei will come on April 14.

Name day - what is it?

Canonized as the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia at the Jubilee Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church in August 2000 for church-wide veneration. Reverend Martyr Sergius (Sergei Alexandrovich Krestnikov) was born on July 1, 1893 in the city of Moscow. In 1933, Father Sergius was elevated to the rank of archpriest. On November 3, 1937, Protodeacon Sergius was shot. In 1923, Father Sergius was released under an amnesty and returned to serve at the Trinity Church in the village of Faustovo. Hieromartyr Sergius (Stanislavlev) was born in 1884. He was a protodeacon in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vladykino. In 1919, Father Sergius was transferred to the Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in the village of Ivanovskoye. On November 27, Father Sergius was shot.

This means that from the moment of baptism, each person has a certain patron, or Guardian Angel. For Orthodox Christians, this is some kind of saint, whose name, in fact, they name the child. The main thing is not to forget about such days and sincerely pray, honoring the day of memory of your saint.

It is curious that in Rus' name days were not inferior to birthdays at all! After all, name day is the day on which the birthday boy turns to his soul and honors his saint of the same name. The main difference between Angel Day in Rus' was, of course, a large loaf.

The second version of the origin of the name Sergei says that this is just a modern form of such an outdated name as Sergius. The Church reveres this name very much, using its sound like “Sergius”. As you can see, Sergei’s name day falls at all times of the year, so it often doesn’t matter what date the boy was born, his date of birth will almost certainly be close to Sergei’s name day.

It means bright, clear, highly revered. A boy with this name is cheerful, kind, and sympathetic. He will always be true friend and will never leave his friend in trouble. Sergey has a subtle nature.

It’s hard to believe, but Sergei’s name day happens 61 times a year (according to the Gregorian calendar)! Traditionally, name day is the first day of remembrance of a saint after his birth. Sergei's name day (or Angel Day) is celebrated in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. All of Sergei’s name days can be easily determined by looking at the church calendar.

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Sergey is male name of Jewish origin. It means bright, clear, highly revered. A boy with this name is cheerful, kind, and sympathetic. Sergei is capable of empathy. He will always be a loyal friend and will never leave his friend in trouble. Sergey has a subtle nature. Any rudeness directed towards him greatly hurts his feelings.

He is quite sociable and easily adapts to new people and conditions. But he will never be able to communicate with boors and rude people.

Character of the birthday boy

Among the bearers of this name there are a lot of musicians, painters, and writers. This is not surprising. After all, boys named Serey are very talented. From early childhood they are interested in many things, go to various clubs and play sports. But such a negative character trait as restlessness can prevent you from finishing the job.

Sergey is very dreamy. He likes to spend a lot of time fantasizing. Sergei loves to amaze others with his recklessness and heroic deeds. Despite such character traits as courage and perseverance, failures in life still easily unsettle him. Boys with this name tend to hide their true emotions. He is reasonable and reserved. He chooses smart and beautiful women as his companions.

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Angel Sergei Day according to the church calendar

As is known since ancient times, it was customary to celebrate not a birthday, but the day of an angel. To find out on what date the memory of a saint with the same name is venerated according to the Orthodox calendar. The date that is closest to the person's birthday will be the person's angel day. So, when is Sergei’s angel day? There are several such days throughout the year. Below is a complete table of revered saints with this name.

According to the church calendar, Sergei’s name day falls on the following dates:

Date Patron Saint
January 15 Sergius, martyr
January 27 Sergius of Sinai, laundress.
March 5 Sergius of Valaam, martyr.
April 2 Sergius Savvait, prmch.
April 25 Sergius II, Patriarch, Constantinople
June 1 Sergius Shukhtomsky (Shukhtovsky), schemamonk
July 11 Sergius of Valaam, St.; Sergius, St.
July 18 Sergius of Radonezh, abbot (Discovery of honest relics)
July 20 Sergius of Radonezh, abbot
August 25 Sergius, St.
September 24 Sergius of Valaam, St.
October 8 Sergius of Radonezh, abbot (Repose)
October 20 Sergius of Obnorsky, Nuromsky, Vologda, etc.; Sergius of Pechersky, Obedient; Sergius the Roman, Rosafsky, martyr.
October 23 Sergius Zografsky, prmch.
November 29 Sergius of Malopinezhsky, St.
December 11 Sergius, schmch., presbyter

May the Lord protect you!