Elena's name day number. Name day of Elena and Alena according to the church calendar. Various forms of name

Of the many female names, there are several that seem to glow from within. One of these is the name Elena. And what’s special here, because translated from ancient Greek this name means “solar”, “ sunlight", daughter of the ancient Greek sun god Helios.

In addition, the science of names (for those interested, this science is called onomastics) claims that having given a particular name to a child, it is worth asking not only its meaning, but also what character traits will mark the fate of a person with a specific name. Therefore, the name Elena, according to the science of onomastics, has the following characteristic features:

  • positive- charm, gentleness, flirtatiousness, gullibility, but at the same time smart, does not tolerate deception, maintains composure and sobriety in times of danger. Like no one else, Elena is capable of compassion and empathy;
  • negative(what would we do without them) - prudence, cunning, passion.
Name day

As a rule, parents who honor Christian traditions give the name Elena to girls born in June-July or early November. It is at this time that the name day of the name Elena is celebrated. According to the Orthodox calendar, Elena's name day is celebrated on the following days:

  • June 3 is the feast of memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother Helen;
  • June 8 – commemoration of the holy martyrs Averky and Elena;
  • July 24 – glorification of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, in Helena.
Guardian Angel Day

If name day is a tribute to the saint(s) in whose honor you received your name, then Angel Day is a very personal holiday. It's all about understanding these definitions correctly.

It has already been said above that name days are a celebration of a name. Moreover, this holiday can be celebrated several times a year. But there are main name days, or as the church calls them – big and small. According to Orthodox tradition, and also taking into account the date of birth indicated in the certificate, in the calendar they find the day of remembrance of the named saint, closest to the actual birthday. This day is considered to be the day of the main, or “big”, name days. Considering that some saints are venerated several times throughout the year, such days are considered “small” name days.

But the Day of the Guardian Angel, in particular Elena, is celebrated precisely on the day when a person learned the sacrament of the rite of Baptism. On this day, the Guardian Angel is glorified, sent from above to help in good deeds and security. Therefore, it is impossible to indicate a specific date for the day of the Angel Helen. Each baptized person has his own Guardian Angel and his own date of celebration. Nobody knows his name. We can only recommend that all girls, girls, women with the sunny name Elena inquire (if for some reason you do not know) what date you were baptized and celebrate your Angel Day on this day. And if it so happens that you have not yet undergone the rite of Baptism, then be sure to do so. On Angel's Day, it is a good idea to go to church and read a prayer of gratitude to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and your heavenly patron. And in the evening at home, in the circle of family and friends, celebrate this joyful event with sweet pies, loaves, and all kinds of delicacies. It is quite possible that celebrating Angel Day will become for your family the same wonderful tradition as celebrating New Year or Christmas.

Helen means torch in Greek.

Elena is a symbol of eternal femininity. She seems to be ageless. In her youth, she is preoccupied with “adult women’s” problems, and in old age she continues to feel almost as young as in ancient years. But Lena is able to show flexibility of mind when it comes to achieving the goal that she has set for herself.

An attentive person can detect some tension in Elena's behavior. Sometimes this is expressed in Elena’s restraint, but it also happens the other way around, when this excitement, not entirely understandable to her, makes Lena hold back a little...

Thus, saints with the name Elena are commemorated according to the Orthodox calendar 2019 9 times.

Elena's upcoming name day

Olga (baptized Elena), Equal-to-the-Apostles, Grand Duchess of Russia

If Elena’s birthday does not coincide with the day of commemoration of “her” saint, then on the day church name days For Elena, according to the calendar, the memorial day closest to her birthday will be considered.

Elena's birthday in March

Elena's birthday in June

Elena's birthday in July

Elena's birthday in August

Elena's name day in September

Elena's birthday in November

Elena will celebrate Angel Day on one of these days, the one closest to her birthday.

Birthday greeting cards 🖼 for Elena

The name Elena has a large number of guardians, distinguished by perseverance and fortitude. Lena's name day is the day of remembrance of one of the saints with the name Elena.


The amazing mineral chalcedony will become a faithful talisman for the owner of this name. This mineral has many varieties. The most popular are agate, carnelian, and onyx. There is also chrysoprase, heliotrope, and sapphirine. The talisman is given to Elena long life and good health. He will also protect her from melancholy, depressed mood and sadness.

In the plant world, Elena has such patrons as lavender, cherry tree and roses. Cherry will take care that appearance women have always been beautiful. Lavender will drive away all slander, slander and gossip if they suddenly follow a woman. At the end of a hard day, the scent of lavender will allow her to relax and unwind. The rose bush will give Elena strength, cleanse her soul from heavy thoughts, and give lightness and joy every day.

What to give 🎁 to Elena for her name day

Women with this name are distinguished by their practicality and love for quality things. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a gift responsibly. The birthday girl will definitely appreciate it if the right thing is presented as a gift, taking into account her interests and needs.

What you definitely shouldn’t give to the owner of this name is heavy kitchen utensils like a set of pots and pans. But she will appreciate a beautiful tea set or vase. Another gift option for Elena on Angel's Day is high-quality bed linen.

The birthday girl will definitely love jewelry made from her talisman stone.

Elena loves unusual plants, but not particularly capricious ones. An elegant pot with a decorative rose, azalea, pelargonium, Uzumbara violet or clivia presented on her name day will delight Elena for many years.

Congratulations 🥳 on her name day for Elena

Beautiful Elena,

Happy holiday to you!

This day is wonderful

May you be cheerful!

Let your smile

Makes friends happy

And walk with a smile

You are the whole life!

Will turn out great

Let your affairs.

Don't be afraid of difficulties,

Always believe in success.

And love will happen -

Don't pass by.

Let it help you

The light of your star!

Congratulations to the shift,

It's my turn to congratulate.

Happy Angel Day to you, Elena!

We have known each other for several years.

You are sunny, bright.

When you are near, the day is brighter.

Your cherished dream -

Peace and tranquility among people.

You smile more often

Keep your heart warm.

Experience real love,

So that your soul is light.

To you, Beautiful Elena,

I wish you to go through life without troubles,

And happiness, happiness certainly,

Not for one dozen years!

Happy Angel Day to Elena!

She is always beautiful, and slim, smart,

Today we wish our Elena:

Love, luck, prosperity, goodness!

May the star shine on you throughout your life,

And may it fill you all with happiness,

After all, there is no more beautiful you in the world,

Have a wonderful day today, Lena!

May there always be happiness

On Angel's Day today, Lena,

May good luck await you

And all good things will come!

I wish you to find happiness,

And your life cannot be exchanged,

And to live whole and wisely,

And only love sincerely!

Congratulations, Lena,

And we wish that you

Amidst the bustle of spring

And boundless blooms

I was always happy

So that you always live in your soul

A dream as bright as day,

So that health, beauty

And luck, without a doubt,

Bring you luck.

Prayer to the patron saint Helen

First prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and Queen Helena

About the wonderful and all-praised king, the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! To you, as a warm intercessor, we offer our unworthy prayers, for you have great boldness towards the Lord. Ask Him for peace for the Church and prosperity for the whole world. Wisdom for the ruler, care for the flock for the shepherd, humility for the flock, desired repose for the elder, strength for the husband, beauty for the wife, purity for the virgin, obedience for the child, Christian education for the baby, healing for the sick, reconciliation for the offended, patience for the offended, fear of God for the offended. To those who come to this temple and pray in it, a holy blessing and everything useful for each request, let us praise and sing the Benefactor of all God in the Trinity, glorified Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Second prayer to Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and Queen Helena

About Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helen! Deliver this parish and our temple from every slander of the enemy and do not abandon us, the weak (names), through your intercession, beg the goodness of Christ our God to grant us peace of mind, abstinence from destructive passions and all filth, and unfeigned piety. Ask us, pleasers of God, from above for the spirit of meekness and humility, the spirit of patience and repentance, so that we may live the rest of our life in faith and contrition of heart, and so at the hour of our death we will gratefully praise the Lord who glorified you, the Father Without Beginning, His Only Begotten Son and the Consubstantial All-Blessed One. Spirit, the Indivisible Trinity, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Reverend Martyrs of Skhodnensky Natalia (Baklanova), Ekaterina (Konstantinova) and Elena (Korobkova)

Oh, holy and all-validated brides of Christ, venerable martyrs Natalia, Ekaterino and Elena!
You, having loved God from your youth, naturally desired to serve Him alone, and having chosen the monastic path to salvation, you labored diligently in labor and prayer. When the time of fierce persecution of the Orthodox faith came and atheism destroyed your monasteries, the Lord called you to all of Skhodnenskaya, to the Church of the Holy Trinity, where you labored diligently in nature, and then received the crown of martyrdom in nature.
In the same way, standing before your honorable image, we praise, glorify and magnify the Lord who glorified you, to whom you now stand as new martyrs to the Russian Church, and we cry out touchingly:
Oh, holy martyrs! Pray to the All-Good God, may He bestow upon us His rich mercy and confirm us in the Orthodox faith, may He enlighten the unbelievers, convert those who have fallen away from the Church to the path of Truth, may He preserve our entire Skhodnya and all the towns and cities of Russia from all evil, may we live a quiet and peaceful life in all piety and purity, and together with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, Consubstantial and Indivisible, to endless ages. Amen.

Prayer to Venerable Elena Diveevskaya

Oh, reverend and God-bearing mother Elena, Diveyevo glory and praise, from the fire-breathing serpent, who strove to devour you, with prayers to the Lord and the promise of a virgin life, miraculously delivered, prepared by the holy Venerable Seraphim for monasticism and not admonished by the Lord Himself, chosen by the head of the virgin community, both a servant to all who humbly appeared, who was obedient even to death to your elder, who, according to his words, died young for your long-suffering brother, who, while still on earth, saw the Queen of Heaven and Christ the Lord and was rapt in the heavenly mansions, praying for us, cowardly and disobedient, so that we too may be worthy of grace-filled admonition , speedy correction and eternal salvation. Amen.

Patron Saints 😇 Helena

† Helen of Constantinople, Equal to the Apostles, queen

This woman's life path is full of labor and hardship. Born into a simple family, from childhood she was accustomed to daily work. Chance made her the wife of the Roman military leader Constantius Chlorus. But happy life quickly ended when the empress had to leave the court, leaving her husband with his new wife.

The empress's son, Constantine, having become emperor of the Roman Empire, paid tribute to his mother - she enjoyed his boundless love and respect. The woman raised her son in Christian traditions and the role of Constantine in establishing Christianity as the basis of the religion of the Empire is invaluable.

Throughout her long life, the saint helped the disadvantaged and allocated funds for the construction of hospitals, churches and monasteries. Having learned that the island of Cyprus was attacked by snakes, she brought several cats to the island, which helped get rid of the reptiles.

The empress made her main journey in life at the age of 80. Having overcome enormous distances, she arrived in Palestine in order to find the cross on which Jesus Christ and the Holy Sepulcher were crucified. The mission was completed successfully; the cross, the nails, the tablet from the cross, and the Coffin were found.

Days of memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen of Constantinople church calendar celebrated on March 19 and June 3.

March 19 and June 3 are commemorated Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena (c. 250-330), mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great. Helen raised her son in Christianity and contributed greatly to the fact that Constantine later made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. Queen Helena did a lot to spread Christianity in other countries. At the age of about 80, she made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where she conducted excavations at the sites of the execution and burial of Jesus Christ. Among the shrines found were four nails and the Life-Giving Cross on which the Lord was crucified. In memory of the events of the earthly life of Christ, Helen founded several churches in the Holy Land, of which the most famous throughout the world is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. On her way back to her homeland, she founded a number of monasteries, for example, the Stavrovouni Monastery in Cyprus. For her great services to the church, Elena was canonized as Equal-to-the-Apostles (besides her, only five other women received such an honor - Mary Magdalene, First Martyr Thekla, Martyr Apphia, Princess Olga and the enlightener of Georgia Nina).

An interesting story is connected with the movement of the relics of St. Queen Helena from Rome to France. As Nikolai Nikishin, a cleric of the Three Hierarchs' Metochion of the Moscow Patriarchate in Paris, says, today the relics are in one of the Catholic churches on the main street of Paris, dotted with low-grade entertainment establishments. Initially, the relics were kept in the Church of the Hieromartyrs Marcellinus and Peter in Rome. But in the 9th century, a French monk, who received healing from the relics, secretly took them to his abbey.

When the Pope learned about the fate of the stolen relics, he did not demand their return, and they remained in France. During the revolution, persecution began against the Church, and shortly before the destruction of the monastery, the relics were transferred to a church located in a neighboring village. And in 1820, the relics ended up with the knights of the Royal Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulcher, which considered Queen Helena their founder (since she founded the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem). This is how the relics ended up in the Saint-Leu-Saint-Gilles church in Paris, where they are still kept in a sarcophagus suspended high under the arches. History contains many testimonies of miraculous healings of people who turned their prayers to Queen Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles. However, today few pilgrims come to the relics - for many Orthodox Christians the location of the relics remains a mystery.

Princess Olga (884-969) - the first Russian saint - received the name Elena in baptism(in honor of Queen Helena). Olga, just like Queen Elena, contributed greatly to bringing Christianity to her land. After the death of her husband, Prince Igor, Olga herself ruled Kievan Rus, rejecting offers of remarriage. She took on the burden of government administration and improvement until the time when the heir to the throne, Prince Svyatoslav, grew up. However, even after Svyatoslav officially began to reign, Olga managed all affairs, because her son spent a lot of time on military campaigns. Princess Olga turned out to be a strong and wise ruler, was able to strengthen the country's defense power, and introduced a unified tax system. Olga's baptism in Constantinople predetermined the adoption of Christianity by the entire ancient Russian people (the baptism of Rus' took place under her grandson Vladimir, whom Olga raised in the Christian faith). Memorial Day of Princess Olga (St. Helena) - July 24.

Another Saint Helen - Blessed Helen of Serbia(date of death - February 8, 1314), wife of King Stefan Urosh I Nemanjic. She raised two sons, the future kings of Serbia - the holy saints Milutin and Dragutin. Helen became famous for her patronage of the poor and orphans. In her yard in Brnjaci she founded a school for orphan girls, where she taught them faith, literacy and handicrafts. When they grew up, she provided them with a rich dowry and married them off. Elena built houses for impoverished villagers, established monasteries for those who wanted to live in purity and virginity, and made generous donations to churches and monasteries. Before her death, she accepted monasticism with the name Elisaveta. She was buried in her monastery - the Gradac Monastery in Serbia. Three years after the burial, when it was discovered that the queen's body remained incorrupt, the Serbian Orthodox Church canonized Helena. Until the beginning of the 17th century, the relics of St. Helena of Serbia were kept in the Gradac church, and today they are located in Montenegro, near the city of Herceg Novi, in a monastery founded by St. Sava of Serbia. The memory of Helen of Serbia is celebrated on November 12 - the day when her holy relics were found incorrupt.

Few people can be indifferent to history. Venerable Elena Diveevskaya. Elena Vasilievna Manturova (1805-1832) was born into a noble family. At the age of 17, she vowed to enter a monastery, and after three years of testing and preparation for monasticism, Father Seraphim of Sarov blessed her to enter the Diveyevo Kazan community. In addition to general obediences, Elena always carried out the most difficult orders of her father - not only because she received a good education and, unlike many sisters, knew how to read and write.

She also knew how to “reason with her heart,” distinguish good from bad, and do what pleases God. When the Mill Monastery was founded in the monastery, the priest appointed Elena Vasilyevna as its head. Elena received her last, most difficult obedience when her brother, Mikhail Vasilyevich Manturov, the benefactor of the Diveyevo community and the beloved disciple of St. Seraphim, became seriously ill. “He needs to die, mother,” said Father Seraphim. “But I still need it for our monastery, for the orphans.” So this is your obedience: die for Mikhail Vasilyevich!” “Bless me, Father,” Elena Vasilievna humbly answered.

Returning home, she took to her bed and died a few days later. The day of remembrance of the Venerable nun Elena is celebrated on June 10.

Christian history remembers another Helen - but no longer as an ascetic who knew how to light a spiritual fire in hearts, but, on the contrary, as a violator of a thousand-year-old tradition. As you know, a woman never sets foot on the land of Athos. However, history knows one exception, and her name is Elena. In 1347, King Stefan Urosh IV Dusan of Serbia and Queen Helena spent several months on Mount Athos, fleeing the plague.

In Russia, parents often call their daughters Elena. In the first third of the 20th century, this name was among the ten most common in Moscow. In the 50-80s, it firmly held first place in popularity. Today the name Elena has lost its former position - in the 2000s it does not even make it into the top ten most common female names.

Elena's name day, Elena's angel day.

Translated from Greek, the name Elena means- “faded, sparkling.”

“By name and life (i.e. life)” says ancient folk wisdom. The name given at birth is often the main accent that determines character and indicates the path to follow in life. Often, biographies (lives) of those saints who not only bore this name, but also glorified it throughout the centuries with the feat of their lives help to understand and more fully reveal the meaning of a name.

Elena's name day, An's dayGela Elena is celebrated

January 28; June 3; June 8; June 10; August 10; September 17; November 12

Today, June 3rd, Saint Helen of Constantinople, Equal to the Apostles, Queen May
Brief information:
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen (Flavia Julia Helena Augusta) was born around 250 in the small village of Drepana in Bithynia (near Constantinople in Asia Minor). In the early 270s, she became the wife, or concubina, that is, the unofficial permanent cohabitant of Constantius Chlorus, who later became the ruler (Caesar) of the West. On February 27, 272, in the city of Naiss, Helen gave birth to a son, Flavius ​​Valerius Aurelius Constantine, the future Emperor Constantine the Great, who made Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. She became famous for her activities in spreading Christianity and for her excavations in Jerusalem, during which, according to Christian chroniclers, the Holy Sepulcher, the Life-Giving Cross and other relics of the Passion were discovered. Queen Helen, Equal to the Apostles, died around 330.

As a child, Elena loves when her parents pay attention to her, tell her fairy tales, and lull her to sleep. But when communicating with her peers, not everything goes well for her for the reason that they do not understand her. She is a little withdrawn into herself, has some interests, ideas and activities that are understandable only to herself.

Elena always has many hobbies, as everything new captivates her completely. Moreover, she successfully combines all these hobbies. She is attracted to everything beautiful.

Elena most often looks like her father. In any case, she inherits his character exactly. The name Elena generously adds emotionality and categoricalness to it. Emotions generally play a big role in Elena’s life. In her youth she gives the impression of being withdrawn and shy, but upon closer acquaintance it becomes clear that she is a cheerful person, a great dreamer and optimist.

Elena is very trusting and easy to deceive. However, if she then finds out about the deception, the deceived person will lose authority in her eyes.

Most of all, Elenas succeed in areas that require communication. Love, as a feeling, appears in Elena as a consequence of compassion.

Elenas never marry for convenience. They choose only the person they like. Even if her parents don't like him, she will still marry him.

Immersed in the world of her emotional experiences, she is indifferent to the imperfections of everyday life, easily gets by with little, and is not picky. At Elena's home there is usually peace and tranquility. She is a homebody, a caring mother. You can only be a good housewife depending on your mood. The rest of the time he treats the kitchen as boring, but necessary element being.

Alena, Lenochka, Elena -
There is no more beautiful person in the world than you.
What is there in the world, in the Universe?
You are the brightest light of the sun.

You're near - bad weather runs away,
There is no trouble or sorrow with you,
After all, living with Elena is happiness,
Keep your wonderful secret!

There is so much beauty in this name!
How much warmth and radiant light!
So much hope, faith, love,
Give it to all your loved ones!

Lena, Lenochka, Lenusya, Lenok, Alena, Alenka, Alyonushka, Alyonochka, Lesya, Lesenka, Lesechka, Lelya, Lelechka, Elyusha, Elusya, Lyusya, Lyusenka - these are the diminutive forms of the name Elena.

We wish you a lot of joy, happiness,
The strongest and most enormous love,
Loyalty to the most reliable and tender,
The sun is bright in the sky, as before,
Best friends are always next to you,
Close ones, loved ones and only with you!

A short prayer to Saint Helena, Alena, for every day:

Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Elena,

as I diligently run to you,

first aid and prayer book for my soul.

Shy Quiet Interesting

Elena Malysheva, TV presenter

When is Elena's name day in 2019?

The literal translation from the Greek name Elena sounds like “bright, shining”, and in ancient Hellas it was pronounced as “Selene”, that is, “Moon”. And Elena’s name day is a wonderful occasion to remind her of her exclusivity and perfection.

It is the comparison with this heavenly body that is decisive in Lena’s characterization. He has a rich inner world, in which he loves to hide since childhood, as if he glows from within, which attracts others.

She is distinguished by her kindness, gentleness and compliance, but does not tolerate a disdainful attitude towards herself, when she is offended, she is ready to give a worthy rebuff.

The owners of this name are endowed with subtle taste and a desire for beauty.

Therefore, congratulations on the occasion of a name day are best complemented by talented poems, as well as a ticket to some cultural event, exquisite decoration or a work of art.

Following the calendar, the first date when Lena celebrates her name day falls on January 28 (15). On this day, the memory of the martyr Helen, Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, is honored.

At the same time, according tosaintsand according to Orthodox church custom, the day of the angel is allLenacelebrated several times a year, and2019no exception. June 3 (May 21) and June 8 (May 26) are also celebrated in her honor.

On June 10 (May 28), the memory of St. Elena Diveevskaya is honored. On July 24 (11), Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga is venerated, who took the name Elena at baptism.

It must be emphasized that the Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen, the Serbian Queen and Elena Diveevskaya led a lifestyle worthy of admiration and imitation.

They were distinguished by their high moral principles, wisdom and generosity.

Possessing a fine mental organization and being spiritually developed, Lena highly values ​​these qualities in those around her.