How does lubrication help? Which silicone intimate lubricant is best for sex. Durex Play series

Why do you need Contex gel lubricant? We will tell you about this in the materials of the presented article. You will also learn about what properties the product mentioned has, how it should be used, what is included in its composition, etc.

Composition, description and packaging of the drug

Gel lubricant "Contex" is sold in almost all pharmacies. Sometimes you can find it in regular stores. This product contains components such as water, ethyl exanoate, glycerin, lactic acid, carbomer, carboxymethylcellulose, cumin oil, tridecet-9, cinnamon oil, propylparaben, hydrogenated castor oil, methylparaben. Also, the drug in question may contain other substances that determine its aroma and properties (for example, pine bud extract, antioxidants, juniper essential oil, etc.).

Intimate gel lubricant "Contex" goes on sale in polyethylene tubes of various sizes. The preparation itself is transparent, has a rather thick and viscous consistency, as well as a pleasant aroma.

Features of the drug

Is the Contex gel lubricant, the reviews and composition of which are presented in this article, effective? Most users were satisfied with the results of use.

So for what purpose do they purchase the mentioned drug? We will tell you about this right now.

Actions of the gel

Surely every person has experienced discomfort during sexual intercourse. By the way, people often complain of discomfort after sexual contact. Many experts attribute such reactions to an insufficient amount of natural lubrication that should be formed in the vagina. For this reason, sexual intimacy may not bring pleasure, but pain and discomfort.

To improve the process of penetration of the penis into the vagina, many people purchase a product such as Contex gel lubricant. By the way, this intimate product is often bought by those whose natural lubrication is fine. What is this connected with? The fact is that the Contex gel lubricant (reviews and composition must be studied by the user) adds completely new and vivid impressions to a sexual relationship with a loved one.

Properties of the drug

The intimate gel product "Contex" performs several functions. It allows you to simplify the process of penetration of the penis into the vagina, as well as prevent damage to the mucous membrane of the female genital organs.

Thus, the drug in question delicately solves several problems of a sexual nature.

Currently, this gel is produced on a water and silicone basis. The advantages of the first are its pleasant texture, which does not leave greasy stains on underwear, as well as its relatively low cost and wide range. It should be noted that this product has one very unpleasant quality. During sexual contact, the liquid evaporates from the lubricant, so it quickly loses its properties.

As for the silicone preparation, it is more economical to use, since only a small amount of product is needed to achieve the desired result. Unfortunately, such a gel can leave marks on your laundry.


A wide range of intimate gels from the Contex company allows users to choose for themselves exactly the lubricant that will meet all requirements.

For prolonged sexual intercourse, as well as to obtain new and unforgettable sensations, we recommend using the drug Long love. This gel contains menthol, which helps reduce the sensitivity of receptors on the penis, which significantly prolongs pleasure.

For those who decide to have anal sex, a special Strong lubricant has been created. Its use will allow you to feel exceptional pleasure. The aloe extract included in the preparation will take care of your safety.

By using Flash lubricant, you will literally plunge into an atmosphere of unbridled desire and passion. This is due to the fact that this product contains natural essential oils and camphor, which have a warming effect.

If you want to add romance to your relationship, then you cannot do without Romantic lubricant. Its strawberry aroma will give you and your partner sweet moments of unearthly pleasure and pleasure.

Gel lubricant "Contex": how to use?

All types of Contex gel lubricant are designed to moisturize intimate areas. Before using this drug, it is recommended to do an allergy test. It is extremely important to remember that such lubricants are not contraceptive.

Using intimate gels is quite simple. A small amount of lubricant should be applied to the penis or condom. If necessary, the gel can also be lubricated at the entrance to the vagina.

There are cases when, during sexual intercourse, natural discharge is insufficient or absent, then you cannot do without an intimate lubricant gel.

Such gels belong to a special category of cosmetics intended for sexual intimacy. They are simple to use - apply a small amount to the skin of men and women in areas that will come into contact with each other during intimacy.

When using a condom, the gel is applied to it, not under it, otherwise it may slip off during intercourse.

The use of intimate gel lubricants

The main function of lubricating gels is to moisturize the mucous membranes of the genital organs to facilitate the sliding of the sensitive parts of the intimate parts of both partners.

  • If a woman has sexual intercourse, it causes pain and can lead to microtrauma. In the affected areas, severe discomfort is then felt, and pain appears when walking. Due to cracks and open wounds on the mucous membrane, the likelihood of infection increases.
  • The intimate gel is also used during oral intercourse. It has a pleasant smell and taste, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals.
  • Gel lubricant is a mandatory attribute of anal sex, otherwise injury cannot be avoided. Anal gels relax the muscles of the anus, facilitate sliding, exhibit a bactericidal effect, eliminating possible troubles of anal contact.
  • People who have an overly active sex life with frequent spontaneous contacts can use an antiseptic gel that reduces the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (100% protection is not guaranteed).
  • both partners use stimulating lubricant gels. Their effect is based on blood flow and increased blood circulation in the genitals, affecting their nerve endings. Gels are used for problems with erection, low excitability of the partner, and lack of foreplay.
  • Contraceptive intimate lubricant gels contain special components with spermicidal and antiseptic effects. Maintains mucous membranes in a healthy state, reduces the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy.
  • Prolonging lubricant gels allow you to increase the duration of sexual intercourse and delay the onset of orgasm by suppressing the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the glans penis (without reducing the severity of sensations). They prevent premature ejaculation.

What are the dangers of intimate lubricant gels?

The question of the dangers of intimate lubricant gels for health still remains open, since there are no accurate research results on this matter. It is believed that water-based gels can cause, which is possible due to the presence of glycerol in them, which is a nutrient medium for fungi.

In addition, any component in the gel can provoke an allergic reaction. Very often, the cause of allergies is parabens, which are used in cosmetics as preservatives due to their fungicidal and antiseptic properties.

All lubricating gels negatively affect the quality of sperm, significantly reducing the possibility of conception.

Video - review of lubricants

Many couples use special lubricants during sexual intercourse to replace their natural lubrication. These specialized factory-type products help get rid of the unpleasant feeling of dryness during contact, and also solve a number of other problems. However, what should you do if you don’t have such a gel with you at the right time? Is it possible to replace it with improvised or natural means? And what can be used instead of lubricant?

General information about the benefits of lubricants

First, it’s worth finding out what is so special about the so-called intimate lubricant. Most often it is a kind of oil or milk with a somewhat viscous and moist base. The purpose of the product is to possibly replace the natural female secretion, which is released when the partner is aroused. Based on this, we highlight the following functions of factory lubricants:

  • creating a thin protective film that helps protect the genitals of both partners from micro-tears and other types of minor damage that are possible during “dry” contact;
  • ensuring easy sliding of genital organs in contact with each other;
  • relief from discomfort during intimacy;
  • creating protection against sexually transmitted infections (due to the presence of antiseptic ingredients in lubricants);
  • giving additional sensations leading to an increased state of arousal;
  • providing care for sensitive genital skin.

We will talk further about what can be used instead of intimate lubricant and what cannot.

Is it possible to replace lubricant with massage cream or oil?

In order to understand the issue of possible replacement of intimate lubricant, you should understand its types. In total, they can be divided into three groups of funds:

  • created on a water basis;
  • made on an oily basis;
  • made on silicone basis.

Based on this information, the next question arises: “Can a cream be used instead of a lubricant?” According to experts, such a replacement is allowed. In this case, it is best to use massage cream or oil. However, there is one “but”.

Before applying to the intimate area, it is necessary to carefully study the chemical composition of these products. For example, you should avoid creams and oils containing menthol, mint, as well as red pepper, mustard and other ingredients with a strong cooling or warming effect. Otherwise, a burning sensation or a slight cold tingling sensation on the skin will prevent you and your partner from concentrating.

What you can use instead at home: a simple recipe

Incredibly, not only household chemicals, but also ordinary fruits can have adhesive and enveloping, and most importantly, sliding properties. Who would have thought that a wonderful lubricant could be prepared from products lying in the refrigerator and any available materials.

For example, did you know that you can use a ripe banana and running water instead of intimate lubricant? To prepare such a lubricant, you must perform the following steps:

  • take a ripe banana and peel it;
  • cut the banana into small circles and place it in a blender;
  • grind the fruit in a blender and place the pulp in any small container (you can use a cream jar);
  • Add some water to the delicious banana mixture.

Natural lubricant is ready. The main advantage of this product is its naturalness and the absence of any adverse reactions of the body. This is due to the fact that bananas generally do not cause allergies. It does not irritate, but moisturizes the skin. In addition, since the composition you prepared is completely edible, it is perfect for preliminary oral sex. Here's what you can use instead of lubricant.

Original lubricant made from starch and water

An excellent alternative to synthetic lubricant is a starch-water mixture. To create it, you should take a little starch, pour it with the same amount of water and put it on fire. Then all you have to do is stir it periodically until it thickens.

After your jelly has thickened, it is recommended to remove it from the burner and place it in a cool place until it cools completely. The original substitute for liquid Vaseline for intimate pleasures is ready. This applies to cream-like consistencies. But can you use oil instead of lubricant? And which one is suitable in this case? Let's look further.

Attention! When using folk recipes to prepare homemade lubricant, be vigilant and careful. Follow the instructions and do not overdo the dosage. Please remember that the ingredients in the products you use may cause allergic reactions and inflammation.

Simple lubricants with added oil

Returning to what can be used instead of a lubricant for sex, we need to remember about oil-based products. In this case, you can use whatever you have. For example, sesame, coconut, flax or olive are suitable for these purposes.

To prepare such a lubricant, you should prepare a small saucepan and a bowl into which you need to pour about 5-10 tablespoons of oil. Then you need to pour water into the vessel, and place the container filled with oil above.

Next, put the future lubricant on the fire (you should get a water bath) and heat the liquid. In total, this preparation will take you no more than 15-20 minutes. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil or any liquid aphrodisiac to the boiling solution. As you can see, it turned out to be a good lubricant with excellent sliding characteristics.

Caution when working with oils (butter, vegetable, margarine)

The use of vegetable and fatty oils is not always equally beneficial for your intimate caress. For example, many couples are interested in whether it is possible to use butter or margarine instead of lubricant? Theoretically, yes, since all these products have excellent sliding properties.

However, it is worth understanding here that the components of these foundations are not intended for use in the genital area. And although they, like other oils, will allow you to glide and relieve dryness, overusing them can lead to the completely opposite effect. For example, there is a risk of irritation and even swelling of the mucous membranes. Therefore, the use of the above products is not recommended by doctors and other specialists.

In addition, oil can destroy the structure of latex, which leads to a violation of its integrity.

Can I use baby cream for lubrication?

Some couples claim that it can be used instead of anal lubricant. This judgment is true and at the same time erroneous. So, on the one hand, such a unique lubricant perfectly moisturizes and is absorbed into the skin. It's just good if you use it on an outside surface.

With deeper contact with the mucous membrane of the genital organs, the cream may not be absorbed at all. As a result, fatty and insoluble components of this product may remain inside you, which will become an excellent habitat for various pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

In addition, the use of fat-containing cream leads to the destruction of the material from which the condom is made, which jeopardizes your sexual intimacy.

How safe is it to use Vaseline?

Another sensational remedy that bosses and their subordinates often talk about is Vaseline. The affordability of the price and the presence of a suitable viscous structure that can facilitate movements during sexual intercourse makes many couples think about using it. But is it as good and safe as they say? Let's start with the fact that this product is very difficult to wash off. It not only remains on the skin, but also leaves unattractive greasy stains on clothes and linens.

Further, the use of this substance can lead to disruption of the normal microflora of your partner’s vagina. This can ultimately lead to the proliferation and accumulation of bacteria and fungi. Moreover, sometimes the use of this product causes redness and even burning of the skin. And finally, Vaseline destroys the protective layer of the condom and damages it. The same applies to the sex toys you use.

Let's assume you know what you can use instead. For example, your choice fell on the water-banana composition. What's next? The use of such a lubricant will be safe if you follow a few simple rules. Firstly, you need to apply the product to a clean and dry body. Secondly, it should be spread in a thin layer with light blotting movements. Thirdly, after using the banana mixture, do not forget to rinse off any remaining residue with running water.

Another important point: homemade lubricants are not suitable for daily use. Despite the fact that most of the ingredients used are not allergens, their regular use may well provoke a negative reaction in your body. For example, you should not overuse lubricants with starch. Let us remember that this substance is considered an excellent nutrient medium for the proliferation of various microorganisms and fungi.

What to do if there are complications?

When using homemade lubricant, pay attention to how you feel and how your body reacts. If you subsequently experience any discomfort (and it does not go away even after taking a shower), it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Now you understand that you can use some natural ingredients instead of lubricant. However, their use is associated with a certain risk and with all the ensuing difficulties.

The quality of vaginal discharge is an important indicator of women’s health, by which one can judge the presence or absence of certain pathologies. Modern medicine distinguishes several types of discharge, some of which are normal, while others are symptoms of an infectious or inflammatory process. Let's take a closer look at one of their varieties - female vaginal lubricant.

Composition of female lubricant

The natural clear mucus that is secreted by the female genital organs is also called vaginal fluid.

It has a very complex composition:

  • it includes cellular and fluid components;
  • special mucus that is produced by glands located in the epithelium of the vagina and uterine cavity;
  • leukocytes and some types of microorganisms.

The latter, in the absence of pathologies and diseases, are contained in minimal quantities, but during infection their number increases, just as nature changes.

Lubricant is constantly secreted, but during sexual arousal its amount increases several times. Firstly, it is a natural lubricant that protects the vagina from mechanical damage during sexual intercourse. Secondly, it contains a number of substances that protect the female body from infections.

During arousal, blood intensely rushes to the walls of the vagina, the vessels dilate and “sweat” - due to this, small droplets of liquid appear in the vagina. This is a natural lubricant.

How does sexual intercourse affect discharge?

On average, moisture begins to form on the walls of the vagina approximately 10-15 seconds after the start of active stimulation of the erogenous zones or with strong psychological arousal.

It serves as a kind of signal that the woman is ready for the insertion of her partner’s penis.

After administration, the natural lubricant does not cease to be produced; on the contrary, its amount increases. Maximum lubrication is released during orgasm. And after the excitement subsides, the discharge returns to normal.

It is interesting that natural lubrication is a sure sign of female arousal, because it cannot be simulated or somehow faked.

Due to sperm entering the vagina, the color of the discharge may change. Thick white vaginal lubrication is a characteristic consequence of unprotected sexual intercourse. Thus, unnecessary sperm is removed.

When using a condom or when intercourse is interrupted, the discharge also thickens, but at the same time its consistency becomes creamy and becomes viscous.

If the discharge suddenly changes color or consistency before sexual intercourse, be sure to get examined by a gynecologist.

Causes of insufficient vaginal lubrication

If the body produces too little natural lubricant, the consequences can be very different: the genitals become more vulnerable to bacteria and microorganisms, and sexual intercourse is accompanied by severe discomfort.

The lack of secretion in a woman and for her sexual partner is harmful: with excessive vaginal dryness, rupture or damage to the frenulum of the penis can occur.

What can lead to a decrease in the amount of discharge?

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate - always seek help and advice from a gynecologist. After a complete medical examination, it will be possible to accurately diagnose the pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

If scanty vaginal fluid discharge is a feature of a particular woman’s body, partners are recommended to use artificial lubricants, which are sold at any pharmacy.

If natural lubrication is too abundant

For the most part, the phenomenon causes inconvenience of a psychological nature - a woman may be embarrassed by strong discharge and for this reason refuse sex.

In addition, some illiterate males consider increased moisture in the female vagina to be an unambiguous sign of a woman’s promiscuity or even her infidelity.

Gel lubricant Durex (DUREX) is an intimate preparation for improving the sensations obtained during sexual intercourse. Today we will look at different types of Durex lubricants, determine how they differ from each other, study the instructions for use, and also find out how much these drugs cost.

What is the basis and how to use it

  1. Durex lubricants are useful - they protect against injuries to the genital organs by reducing friction.
  2. Some lubricants only moisturize (for example, the classic DUREX Play Feel), and some lubricants have an additional effect - for example, DUREX Play tingle gives a cooling result.
  3. Lubricant allows you to get more pleasure from sex, makes arousal and orgasm stronger.

All Durex lubricants are based on the most common purified water. Unlike silicone and oil lubricants, water-based lubricants have a lighter structure, wash off easily, do not leave sticky residue, and can also be used together with condoms (the oil base destroys latex). In addition to water, all Durex gels contain the following components: glycerol, propylene glycol, flavorings, hydroxyethylene cellulose, benzoic acid, sodium saccharin, sodium hydroxide.

The instructions for using Durex gel lubricants are very simple. First you need to open the package by turning the top. Then you should squeeze a couple of peas of the product into the palm of your hand and apply to the surface of the intimate organs. It is acceptable to apply the drug to the outside of the condom. After completion of sexual intercourse, the remaining product is easily washed off with water. The drug has a non-sticky consistency and does not leave marks on bedding or clothing.

Security measures

In principle, Durex lubricating gels are safe. They can only harm people who are allergic to any of the components in the composition. It is better to apply the product to your wrist before using it as intended and wait 20 minutes - if there is no irritation, then the gel can be used.

It is also very important to use the lubricant as written in the instructions. You should not take the product orally, which is why you should avoid oral sex after applying lubricant. You should also avoid getting the gel in your eyes.

Reviews sometimes write that lubricants should not be used, as it leads to infertility. It is not true. People write such reviews without understanding the situation. The fact is that if the lubricant mixes with the released sperm, the movement of the sperm will slow down and the likelihood of fertilization of the egg will decrease. However, the use of lubricant does not have any effect on the reproductive system.


The Durex line of lubricating gels includes several varieties that differ in composition and effect. Whichever drug you choose, it is sure to add spice to your sex life. Experiment and you will find what suits your couple.

Currently, the company produces three lines of intimate gel lubricants: DUREX Play, DUREX Play stimulating Massage and DUREX Play O. Let's figure out how they differ from each other, and what types of lubricants are presented in each line.

DUREX Play Series

A series of gel lubricants that have classic instructions for use. They have a thick structure and transparent color. Available in 50 ml packs.

  • Durex Play Feel

The blue packaging of Durex Play Feel contains the most neutral intimate preparation. It has virtually no odor and does not cause additional effects. The lubricant does exactly what it’s supposed to do – it moisturizes well and makes sexual intercourse more comfortable. Cost – from 187 rubles.

  • Durex Play Sweet Strawberry

The bright pink packaging contains a fruity lube with a very sweet berry scent. Judging by the reviews, using this product you can make an intimate meeting even more romantic. Price – from 340 rub.

The burgundy package contains a universal lubricating gel with a cherry scent. Moisturizes well even when using a small amount of the product. Cost – from 340 rubles.

  • Durex Play Pina Colada

The yellow bottle contains a classic lubricating gel with an unusual tropical scent of pineapple and coconut. In reviews, people write that this smell improves their mood, as it is associated with relaxation, fun and excitement. Price – from 340 rub.

  • Durex Play Tingle

Like Durex Play Feel, this lubricating gel is available in blue packaging, but it is better not to confuse these products. If Durex Play Feel does not have any effect other than deep hydration, then Durex Play Tingle provides a strong “frosty” effect. This allows you to slightly reduce the sensitivity of the receptors and extend the time of sex. What’s important is that it does not contain menthol: in reviews, many people note that this smell is completely unsexy.

  • Durex Play Heat

The orange package contains a really hot product. It has a warming effect (when applied, a man and a woman feel a slight burning sensation), which activates blood circulation in the genitals and increases arousal. Price – from 520 rub.

DUREX Play stimulating Massage series

DUREX Play stimulating Massage is another series of lubricating gels. Its difference from the previous line is that the gel can be used not only for its intended purpose - as an intimate moisturizer applied to the genitals, but also instead of a massage gel during sexual foreplay. Each gel from this series is available in a 200 ml package. Price – from 530 rub.

  • DUREX Play stimulating Massage with Aloe Vera

Intimate lubricant in purple packaging. The composition contains aloe vera oil, which has a moisturizing and soothing effect. As a bonus, it has a mild antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • DUREX Play stimulating Massage with guarana

The lubricating gel in the yellow package contains a product with guarana, a natural source of caffeine. It has a pleasant aroma that has a stimulating effect on men and women. Increases arousal and tones well.

  • DUREX Play stimulating Massage with ylang-ylang

Red packaging of lubricant for gentle sex. The sweet floral scent promotes a romantic mood.

A means to enhance female orgasm

DUREX Play O stands apart from other types of DUREX lubricating gel. It not only moisturizes well, but also plays the role of a stimulant for beautiful ladies - it helps to increase female arousal and orgasm.

Available in a small pink and white package of 15 ml. For one-time use, a small portion is required - about the size of a pea. This is enough to make the clitoris more sensitive (due to the warming effect). One bottle is designed for an average of 30 uses. Price – from 820 rub.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that all the types of Durex lubricant listed in the article have proven themselves well. They cope with their main task perfectly and are absolutely safe (if you use lubricants for their intended purpose and in accordance with the instructions). Nevertheless, different types of Durex are quite different from each other. It is not a fact that a product that one couple liked will suit another. You shouldn’t rely on other people’s reviews—in the case of lubricants, you should try different options. This is the only way to find a product that is right for you.