What is eyelash botox? Photos before and after, features of the procedure. What is better: Botox or eyelash lamination - which procedure to choose? Preparations for eyelash botox

Allows you to restore the structure of hairs and protect them from loss. Therefore, if a woman decides to undergo this procedure, she gets the effect of long, thick, shiny eyelashes that are at the same time protected from the adverse effects.

Botox involves a procedure in which a special solution is applied to the eyelashes. It contains the following components:

  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Vitamins A, E, B, R.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Panthenol.

Important! Hair takes on a well-groomed appearance and is less susceptible to aggressive substances - makeup removers, decorative cosmetics and the rest.

Can I do it myself?

Today, specialized stores sell Botox formulations for eyelashes.. This procedure can be done at home, but it is very problematic on your own. It’s better to contact a professional at home who has the appropriate certificate and knows how long the solution should be kept on the eyelashes and what composition of oils is right for you.

It often happens that before the procedure, eyelashes look thin and invisible; they require constant coloring, the use of mascara and curling irons. Such eyelashes often fall out due to a large amount of makeup and thermal effects. Over time, they stop growing and “bald spots” appear, which do not decorate the eyes at all.

After the Botox procedure, the eyelashes become silkier, acquire a curve, and the color with additional coloring becomes rich and does not wash off for a long time. With the right effect, you don’t need to use mascara and paint over each eyelash - they will be separated and curved.

How is Botox performed in a salon setting and how much does it cost?

As a rule the procedure is performed by a master cosmetologist in the salon:

  1. First, he degreases the eyelashes.
  2. Applies special Botox formulations.
  3. Then he lets them dry.
  4. Covers eyelashes with a coloring emulsion.
  5. Then it “seals” the result with a lamination procedure (read about what lamination plus eyelash Botox is, and from there you will learn how these procedures differ and which one is better).

Attention! Sometimes they do it in the reverse order, it all depends on the master and the approach. But there is no fundamental difference in the order.

The cost of the service may depend on:

On average, in Moscow, the cost of a procedure for a master starts from 5 thousand rubles; it happens that beginners get their hands on free procedures. In St. Petersburg the price is approximately the same as in Moscow. There are often promotions or craftsmen take clients to their homes. Such trips will cost 5-6 thousand rubles for a complex procedure.

Stages of carrying out in the salon

Preliminary preparation stage:

  1. If the procedure is done in a salon, the client will be asked to lie on a special comfortable sofa or chair, but in a horizontal position.
  2. Then hydrogel-based plasters or patches are applied under the eyes, and only then special curlers are applied to curl the eyelashes.

After this preliminary stage, the main stage begins:

  1. Degreasing eyelashes. Eyelash cleansing is carried out with a special solution that removes excess dirt, cleanses the eyelashes, making them clean and ready to absorb beneficial substances. This stage lasts only a couple of minutes.
  2. Composition that penetrates the structure. The application of a “revealing” composition includes a chemical substance and opens their scales. The rod becomes sensitive and the eyelashes straighten, attaching to parts of the hydrogel patches. At this stage, a kind of “compress” is applied - the eyes are covered with a special film, and a heated towel or warm cotton pads are placed on top of it. The patient will have to spend about 10 minutes in this position.
  3. Painting. After removing the keratin, it’s time to apply coloring pigment to the eyelashes. This stage must be maintained for up to 10 minutes.
  4. Botox. The final stage, which is produced using a special composition containing a number of useful substances. Use a cotton swab to remove excess paint and other elements. Then a gel is applied to the eyelashes, which helps fix the result and protects the hairs.

We invite you to watch a video about how this procedure is carried out in the salon:

Step-by-step instructions for home use

Advice! For the solution, it is better to use Lash Botox serum. You won’t be able to make the substance yourself, even though this is regularly written about on the Internet. A mixture of oils and hyaluronic acid will still not adhere to eyelashes without special chemical impurities that are produced in serum production.


  • Botox applied to eyelashes looks impressive.
  • The eyelashes are covered with a protective film and retain nutrients.
  • Due to hyaluronic acid, they are moisturized, nourished, thickened and protected from sunlight.
  • If the composition contains argan oil, then when dyeing the eyelashes become darker and more shiny.
  • The effect lasts up to 6 weeks, but in no case three months, as marketers who promote this procedure claim.
improves the structure of eyelashes, protects against environmental consequences, prolongs the life of hairs, preventing their fragility, and also stimulates eyelash bulbs to grow. It used to be that beauties applied burdock oil in a thick layer at night. Let's be honest, this was of little use.

It is important that all components of the life-giving serum “adhere” with each other and penetrate deep into the structure. And only special substances and vitamins can stimulate the bulb to grow.

◀◁◀ Hello everyone

I can’t say that I have really bad eyelashes, no. But they are light and short, and in ordinary life they are not visible at all. The eyes don't stand out at all.

Some time ago it hit me that I was tired of constantly dyeing my eyelashes, but I didn’t want to extend them. I tried to use dreamlash somehow - and it helped, my eyelashes became longer, more voluminous, thicker and darker, but it did not give a cumulative effect. There was a withdrawal effect, that is, the bottle of the product ran out, and the effect immediately disappeared! Then I started studying a bunch of information on the Internet, and the most attractive option for me turned out to be Botox ( )

Anticipating a bunch of questions, I would like to say right away that Botox, just like lamination - IT'S USEFUL for eyelashes. Many compare it to eyelash extensions and say that the eyelashes then deteriorate. But that's not true!

Botox comes in 2 different types:

  • Twist-based Botox
  • Botox based on lamination

Immediately forget about the first option, there is NO SENSE from it and there won’t be any. Don’t agree to it, because you won’t see the effect, and you’ll just be wasting your money!

Check with your master in advance exactly how he does it. Because in cheaper salons, as a rule, they do simple curling.

Botox involves applying a composition to an open/steamed eyelash that will penetrate deep inside.

Price , quite adequate and budget-friendly! Not 10 thousand, and not even 5, but ONLY 1300-2000 rubles. If this amount is too much for you, then in any salon you can find a novice master who needs models to practice the speed and quality of work, then you can get Botox done for 500-800 rubles, but I still feel safer paying more, but be sure of the quality work and experience of the master!

Tips for finding a master : always look at photos of work, a good master usually has a large portfolio, and albums are filled with before/after photographs. Customer REVIEWS play an even greater role. It is important that they do not go one after another, but are dated on different dates, and the pages of these people are real and not fake. You can always write a personal message to one of the clients who left a review and ask about the service and the specialist, whether he was really satisfied. But the number of subscribers/friends does not decide anything at all - they can be easily gained.

I don't trust salons, there I was maimed more than once and extorted money for it. That’s why I always look for craftsmen either on Instagram or on VK, it’s easier to solve a problem, if it arises, it’s easy to write and publish a review to the masses if you’re not satisfied with the quality of the service provided, and in general, people are somehow more humane... whether. You can always communicate with the master in advance, discuss everything, ask questions.

Honestly, I’ve been looking for my master for an awfully long time! As it turned out, no one wants to work on summer weekends!! You could say I was “kicked off” by about 10 masters. But hurray, 2 girls did respond. One had a very tempting promotion, so I chose it!

Contraindications to the procedure are:

individual intolerance to some components;

eyelid injuries, wounds and previous eye surgeries;

severe lacrimation;

tendency to allergies;

eye diseases

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications! If the master says that he does not do Botox to pregnant women, then I would wonder if the products are really good and safe ( compositions) does he use?))

Sequence of procedure:

First, your eyelashes are laminated.

During the entire procedure, eyelashes are smeared 5 times, the first 3 are lamination:

The entire composition stays on the eyelashes for a strictly defined time ( on average about 10 minutes), you can’t overexpose! After that, Botox itself is applied, and the final stage: a composition that “covers” the eyelash.

What is the difference between eyelash lamination and Botox?

Let me remind you that lamination without Botox is possible, and it’s even a little cheaper. But No Botox without lamination.

The difference in price is literally 200-500 rubles. But after Botox, the eyelashes are more elastic, more curled, and the curl lasts longer and better.

The lamination procedure lasts about an hour, with Botox it takes longer!

After lamination, you can see that the eyelashes are curled, curled and tinted, BUT the beneficial substances do not get deep inside! Botox is applied at the end and it contains a LOT of useful components. The Botox composition penetrates into the deepest layers of the hair and remains there!

That is, the main difference is that during Botox all the benefits penetrate deeper and the effect lasts a little longer.


Only one thing: do not wet your eyelashes for 24 hours, because... On the first day, the curvature of the eyelashes is recorded.

And then... do whatever you want, and nothing will happen to them! You can sunbathe, swim, go to baths and saunas, use any cosmetics, sleep with your face in a pillow, put on makeup, rub your eyes...


I would like to immediately make a reservation that I had the procedure done by an experienced specialist, using LVL compounds (made in UK). And the effect of the procedure depends not only on the directness of the master’s hands, but also on the quality of the composition.


HOW does all this happen? MY feelings:

The procedure is completely painless, but if you have not done anything like this before, then get ready to lie for about 1.5 hours in one position on a hard couch completely inconvenient!

My back is stiff, my lower back hurts, I have nowhere to put my hands...

First, they separated my lower eyelashes from my upper ones using patches, then they attached silicone curlers to my upper eyelids ( rollers) and combed the upper eyelashes on them. After which the eyelashes were degreased and the application of the composition began.

All this time I just had to lie with my eyes closed - nothing more was required of me. It didn't sting or hurt.

("Curler rollers" come in 3 different sizes, for different lengths of eyelashes)

This is an important stage of the procedure; if the rollers are not installed at the root of the eyelashes, the curl may not work!

Then we apply composition No. 1 for 10 minutes, after which we remove it with a dry cotton swab, apply composition No. 2 using the same principle, remove it after 4-6 minutes and then color the eyelashes!

If desired, you can apply makeup to the lower eyelashes too ( my master asked me whether to paint or not, I decided that this was not a bad idea at all, and agreed)

And now, after removing the paint, the Botox itself is applied

Slowly draw 0.1 ml of Lash Botox into the syringe and mix with 1 ml of hot boiled water.
Apply the solution to the entire length of the eyelashes with a distance of 1-2 mm from the roots. Exposure time 10 minutes.

After Botox, composition No. 3 is applied, which not only moisturizes the eyelashes, but also envelops them with a protective film that “seals” the eyelash, protecting it from external influences and prolonging the effect of the procedure.

This is a mandatory step, because without composition No. 3, Botox on your eyelashes will last at most 2 days!

The right master for these purposes should have a couch with a cushion, good light, and most importantly - all the necessary tools. Ideally - disposable. And I repeat - a good master will not skimp on ingredients.


After the procedure, the eyes are a little watery, you need to give them time to get used to the light. Immediately after in the photo the eyelashes look gorgeous. Very long and beautiful.

But in life it looks a little different. Botox doesn't give you crazy length. My eyelashes looked like they had just been coated with a good lengthening mascara and curled, only without mascara)

When I arrived home, my husband was surprised and said that I hadn’t changed a bit. That is I looked the way I always look with makeup, but the only makeup I had on was powder!

(I apologize for the slightly sideways glance, but that’s how it happened=DD)

Looking with a “naked face” as if you just spent an hour on makeup - IS THIS NOT THE DREAM OF ALL GIRLS??

I woke up and I’m already beautiful!

Eyelash Botox is a cosmetic procedure. It is not only innovative, but also an absolutely safe procedure that transforms eyelashes. How this procedure is performed and how justified it is can be judged from reviews and video reports. People claim that it can give them strength and shine, increase their height and make them beautiful, while maintaining their natural appearance.

Who is indicated for eyelash botox?

Firstly, for those women who regularly use mascara. As a result, hair becomes discolored over time, weakens, and becomes sparse and thin. But one of the weapons of femininity is large, fluffy, expressive eyelashes. Basically, women with sparse, thin hairline use mascara to increase volume. But such makeup in itself is too heavy, and with regular use it worsens the situation even more. It is for such cases that Botox treatment for eyelashes was invented.

Lamination and Botox

Fashionable lamination can be carried out simultaneously with Botox treatment, this further enhances the aesthetic changes. Nature does not give such gifts to everyone; many people get straight, sparse hairs. Therefore, there is a whole area of ​​cosmetology to solve this problem. And the most advanced method was the combination of eyelash lamination and Botox in one procedure.

Lash Botox differs from standard lamination products not only in its composition, but also in its effect, as well as in the methods of caring for eyelashes after the procedure. Many people note that the condition of the hair after several procedures of “clean” lamination noticeably worsens. This does not happen when using Botox, this is its main advantage. But in any case, both procedures are much more gentle compared to perms and classic extensions.

Both procedures, “pure” lamination, and with Botox, are essentially restorative, decorative, and therefore have become an alternative to the use of false eyelashes and their extensions. After this treatment, the hair not only becomes healthier and stronger, it seriously changes visually - it becomes much darker and more voluminous, and thickens.

What is the difference between eyelash lamination and a Botox session?

The differences are, in principle, insignificant. But with simple lamination, the product is washed off much (2-3 times) faster. Also, access to nutritional components with this processing method is more difficult. And when using Botox, there is a more noticeable growth of new ones, which are visually slightly different from the treated ones.

Lamination of eyelashes with lash botox, simply called eyelash botox, is a luxury spa treatment and gives a visual effect in the form of:

  • Coloring;
  • Thickenings;
  • Twists;
  • Fortifications.

The manufacturer of the product claims that its lash botox composition, if used exactly according to the instructions, will return shine, health, and beauty to even the most “killed” eyelashes by low-quality cosmetics. During the procedure, no injections are given, as the name of the product itself seems to hint at. The manufacturer also assures that there are no contraindications to the use of the product in healthy people, and treated eyelashes do not require any care.

How is the lamination procedure carried out?

The effect of the lamination procedure is almost identical to the effect of extensions. In conditions where women of many professions, including models, are strictly prohibited from having eyelash extensions, lamination is not contraindicated. Let’s describe the technique itself to make it clear that the question “what is the difference between Botox and eyelash lamination” is fundamentally incorrect.

At the very beginning of lamination, the lower eyelids are covered with protective pads made of thin hydrogel sheets. After this, the top row of hair is degreased. Afterwards, special silicone curlers are installed on the upper eyelid. Curlers are selected according to size, of which there are three:

  • S - small;
  • M - average;
  • L - large.

The curl should look natural, soft and smooth, so it is better to choose a larger curler size. After glue is applied to the curlers, the eyelashes are pressed onto the curlers with a separate tool and glued.

The artist must carefully distribute the eyelashes so that they are directed to the outer corners of the eye and do not cross anywhere. All products used at this stage are absolutely colorless and without strong odors, hypoallergenic. Bioactive components have a gentle effect on natural eyelashes and nourish them during curling.

To treat the root zone during curling, a nourishing agent is applied along the edge of the eyelash row, which penetrates deep into the hair follicles. This composition is aged for 8-12 minutes. To enhance the effect, the eyes are provided with a SPA effect of a warm compress, that is, first a plastic film is applied to the eyes, then cotton pads, and a warm towel is placed on top.

The next stage is eyelash coloring

While the nutritional composition is in effect, the master prepares the coloring agent. Usually one of four shades is selected, which is as close as possible to the natural hair color. At the same time, black and blue-black colors are used exclusively for eyelashes, while brown and graphite can also be used for coloring eyebrows.

A composition consisting of an oxidizing agent and a dye should not be kept in the mixture for more than 10 minutes. The unique composition of the dye cannot be replaced by anything else, since it is activated by exactly the same unique form of the oxidizing agent. Also, the composition usually contains healing castor oil in its formula.

Once the exposure time of the first nourishing product (lifting) has expired, its remnants are carefully removed with a dry micro-brush, using movements from the roots to the ends of the hair. Then a fixative is applied along the entire length. Its exposure time is two times less than the lifting exposure time.

Then the remnants of the fixative are removed from the eyelashes along their entire length in the same way, using a dry microbrush. Afterwards the coloring composition is applied. It is applied not just by spreading it, but as if driving it inside the eyelashes. The duration of dyeing depends on the desired color.

Finally, an oily solution is passed over the colored eyelashes, which penetrates deeply into the hairs, improving their structure and giving them strength. And it is lash botox for eyelashes that is recognized as the best of these compositions. During this treatment, the hair easily comes away from the glue and curlers. When all the eyelashes have come off, they are combed with a plastic brush.

As a result, eyelashes become 30% thicker and longer, acquiring a noble curl. And the best part is that the procedure has a cumulative effect, so the second and subsequent sessions add another 10% to the thickness and length. To make your eyelashes one and a half times longer and thicker, you will need only three procedures at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

Why lamination with Botox is better

Eyelash Botox protects from ultraviolet radiation, high humidity and aggressive environments, promotes the formation of healthy bulbs, as a result of which strong eyelashes grow, and the composition also prevents brittleness and dryness of hair. The procedure, like classic lamination, consists of several stages:

  • The first stage - the lifting composition is applied, retreating from the root by 0.5 mm, for 8-12 minutes;
  • The second stage - composition No. 2 is applied for fixation and volume, maintained in half the time of lifting;
  • The third stage is applying paint. Mixing the paint with the oxidizer and fixative occurs in a ratio of 1:2, the exposure time is 8-10 minutes;
  • The fourth stage is applying Botox for 10 minutes. The emulsion is heated in hot water and mixed with boiled water. The composition is applied along the entire length of the eyelashes, this gives a “sealing” effect. At this stage, the hair is peeled off and combed thoroughly.

The combined use of lamination and Botox provides a strong effect on healing and improving the appearance of eyelashes. They become noticeably denser, more elastic and darker, and the double care effect lasts not for 6 weeks, but for up to 4 months.

What is Lash Botox Vivienne

Eyelash Botox from Vivienne looks like a set of one 10 ml ampoule with emulsion, a 3 ml syringe and two spare needles for it. A 10 ml ampoule is enough for about 80-100 procedures. This product increases thickness by thickening them with a strong structure, plus stimulating the work of hair follicles, softening and intensively moisturizing eyelashes. And thanks to this, a new expression “eyelash extensions with Botox” has appeared, which expresses the essence of the external changes taking place.

Contraindications to the procedure

Contraindications to lamination with Botox are general, and these are:

  • Allergies;
  • Not allowed during pregnancy;
  • Critical days;
  • Recent eye surgeries;
  • Severe tearing;
  • Hypersensitivity during any manipulation.


Immediately after treatment, you can go to the pool, wash your face with soap and sleep peacefully, burying your face in a pillow. In front of such happiness, the price of the entire eyelash Botox procedure and the Botox drug itself at $40 seems like nothing. Thus, before treatment, the eyelashes are bio-curled and colored with paint. As a result, hair growth will accelerate, resulting in curl and darker hair color. The entire session lasts about 2 hours.

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, leading Moscow specialist in thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast replacement, performed more than 11,000 operations. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

Eyelashes for women have never been an insignificant detail of the appearance: after all, it is the eyes of a beautiful lady (no matter what is said about “gravitation” to other parts of the body) that representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to first of all.

In different eras, the beauty of eyelashes was carefully monitored by famous and famous women: by controlling men with the help of beauty (Cleopatra, Madame Pompadour, etc.), they managed to bring a lot of “their own” into the history of all mankind. Interestingly, men themselves have naturally longer eyelashes, although they (for the most part) “don’t care at all.”

And today almost all girls and women dream of expressive eyes and a charming look: you so want to “throw” seductive glances at your chosen one from under thick, shiny and long eyelashes! But not everyone is given such an opportunity by Mother Nature: many have short or colorless eyelashes, sparse or simply weak. Fortunately, now such dreams are realized quickly and effortlessly, thanks to the achievements of cosmetologists who want to help women achieve attractiveness and irresistibility.

All women have heard about eyelash extensions and lamination, and many have enjoyed the benefits of these cosmetic procedures. And recently Botox for eyelashes appeared (this “revolutionary” procedure is also called Lash Botox or Botox Lashes), which improves their appearance for a long time - for 1-3 months. Even after Botox, as stated by the manufacturer, eyelashes are restored, become stronger and grow faster.

The essence of the procedure

What is eyelash botox? Are these injections? Not at all - injections have nothing to do with it: after all, Botox is the name of a substance, a cosmetic composition that helps eyelashes gain a shiny and healthy appearance. In addition to botulinum toxin - it is what gives eyelashes firmness and elasticity for a long time - the composition includes many natural active ingredients, from hyaluronic acid to plant extracts. Beneficial substances penetrate deep into the eyelashes and “work”, fulfilling everything that the manufacturer and cosmetologists promise.

Technology in several stages

Conventionally, the eyelash Botox procedure, which lasts about two hours, includes three main stages. The master places the client on the couch. First, they do a bio-perm and color the eyelashes. The desired bend of the eyelashes must be created and then fixed using special curlers; the latter are selected according to the length of the eyelashes. The lower eyelid is protected with special pads - patches, and silicone rollers are placed on the upper eyelid to “hold” the eyelashes; then curlers and fixing compounds are applied.

The last stage is the application of Botox: it should protect and heal the eyelashes, help them maintain water balance and restore structure. The cocktail composition is applied with a brush, allowed to absorb and also fixed; The top is also covered with film or other material.

In general, eyelashes “receive a complete set” in one procedure, but all formulations used (if the salon is professional and reputable) are safe, with hypoallergenic components. Each composition should remain on the eyelashes for approximately 10-15 minutes; Before applying the next composition, the master carefully removes the remnants of the previous one. Botox lasts longer than others - sometimes up to 20 minutes, and the remnants are also removed. Many women are literally immediately pleasantly surprised by the noticeable effect of the procedure, although it often appears completely the next day.

So Botox or lamination?

Lamination, as a rule, is faster and costs less than eyelash Botox, although here prices can vary significantly. Thus, in large cities prices start from 1.5 thousand rubles. (although you can find it cheaper), but they can reach 6 thousand if the salon is “promoted” and the master has many prizes and certificates. Eyelash Botox costs 3-4 thousand rubles. or more (although there is also the opportunity to find one for 2-2.5 thousand). They say that the result is similar, and outwardly it is so - at first.

What do they say about lamination?

Often women are more satisfied with the external effect of lamination, but time shows that eyelashes do not become healthier. On the contrary, many, having undergone lamination several times, note increasing fragility and loss of eyelashes. Other disadvantages: water should not get into your eyes for a day; further, when removing makeup, you cannot use sponges, and not just any cosmetics are allowed - it is not recommended to use mascara and eyeliner.

Positive reviews for eyelash botox

Eyelash Botox, with its health-improving effects, is devoid of these disadvantages. Care is simple, and the result lasts longer: after 1.5-2 months, eyelashes become thicker, and even “dormant” hairs resume growth. You can wash and bathe at least immediately after leaving the salon; If desired, you can apply mascara. However, to prolong the effect of Botox, it is better to treat your eyelashes more carefully: remove makeup as soon as possible, and not wait until you go to bed - eyelashes must breathe; be careful - use makeup removers without alcohol or alkalis; First hold the disc near the eyelid (20-30 seconds), and then remove makeup with a gentle movement. And if you lubricate your eyelashes with oils at night, the effect of Botox will be even stronger. If desired, you can repeat the procedure without waiting for the effect of Botox to decrease - after 1.5 months, but not earlier, and there is no need for this.

Results and reviews of eyelash botox

What are they complaining about?

There are also negative reviews about eyelash Botox, but they are more often associated with savings: the services of masters at home are cheaper, but not every master uses high-quality materials and has the necessary professionalism. The disadvantages include the high cost of the procedure and the inability to get a good effect on short light eyelashes - their owners are better off choosing other ways to make their eyes expressive.

We are pleased with the results!

Most girls are happy with the results of Botox for eyelashes: the eyelashes acquire a beautiful curve, their volume increases, and the look becomes more open and attractive. The eyelashes also become “more pleasant” to the touch: light, even, soft, silky; It’s nice to touch them with your hands, but it’s better to do it less often - let them rest and gain strength.

The girls note: “the procedure is relaxing”, “the result exceeds expectations”, “I forgot about mascara - I stopped being late for work because of makeup”, “well-groomed and bright eyes”, “eyelashes like Malvina’s”, “I never regretted it” and etc.

About possible consequences and contraindications

Negative consequences after eyelash botox are possible. Redness of the eyelids, irritation of the eye mucosa, itching and even a rash can appear if the body is prone to allergic reactions. It is necessary to test the product used by a cosmetologist in advance - this will require additional consultation.

Contraindications are also often individual. We can say that there are almost none: few people would want to manipulate eyelashes with injured eyes, with conjunctivitis and other infections, or after ophthalmological operations. During menstruation and pregnancy, eyelash Botox is also not recommended.

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The problem of sparse, devoid of natural curl, and dull eyelashes worries women of any age - from young ladies to mature ladies. Solving it today seems simple thanks to an innovative procedure - Botox for eyelashes - it not only strengthens the hairs, but also qualitatively transforms them, the effect lasts up to 3 months and is not cumulative. Botox for eyelashes and eyebrows is absolutely safe and painless, unlike Botox for the face - these two procedures have nothing in common with each other except the name.

What is it?

Botox for eyelashes is a procedure for restoring and strengthening hairs using a special composition enriched with a complex of vitamins. The phrase “botox for eyelashes” is rather a marketing attempt to prove that the best strengthening and restorative procedure for transforming eyelashes has not yet been invented.

The special composition includes several key components, including:

  • Hyaluronic acid is a natural component produced by the body. It perfectly moisturizes and saturates the hair, retains and accumulates moisture in its texture;
  • Keratin is a protein, building material and component of which the eyelash consists. Hydrolyzed keratin fills the grooves and cracks on the “body” of the eyelash, restores its density and strength, it is perfectly absorbed and completely “absorbed” by the hairs;
  • Panthenol, or B vitamin, is a moisturizing and softening component;
  • Collagen is produced naturally by the body and has a strengthening effect on hair;
  • Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is a natural antioxidant that prevents hair from aging;
  • Argan oil in the composition additionally cares for and nourishes hair;
  • Citric acid – improves the natural pH balance of the skin and eyelashes.

Almost all of the listed components are already in our body, but sometimes they are not enough to transform eyelashes, then we have to get components from the outside. Botox is carried out not only for eyelashes, but also for eyebrows - these hairs are also coated with a special composition, becoming denser, thicker, even in structure and healthy in general. Botox for eyebrows makes them obedient - the hairs no longer stick out and treacherously fall down, their shape seems to be fixed.

What does it look like?

Botox for eyelashes is a non-injection procedure, which means it is safe and painless. You can imagine it as a set of three required components:

  1. Eyelash curlers of various sizes - they create a natural volume of hairs (plus a direct composition for fixing the curl);
  2. Dye for eyebrows and eyelashes - probably every woman has tinted her eyelashes or at least knows about the procedure;
  3. The composition of Botox is homogeneous, single-phase. Apply at the very end of the procedure. The advantage of Botox is that it does not need to be “prepared” additionally; the product is already ready, only sometimes it has to be diluted with water.

Each manufacturer makes its own Botox and includes special instructions for using the drug. For example, Voronezh product Lash Botox fits the classic description of the procedure and includes a single strengthening composition, while the manufacturer Efecto Magic sells three strengthening compounds at once, and they are applied one after another.

By the way, perhaps “Botox for eyelashes” is so called because of the need to use a syringe and needle directly to extract the composition from a hermetically sealed ampoule.

Botox compositions and instructions for them

Lash Botox

The composition of Botox for eyelashes of the same name includes hydrolyzed keratin - an indispensable building material for hairs, which is adapted to the latter and is perfectly “absorbed” by them, that is, it is absorbed and evenly distributed over the surface. Keratin fills the grooves and cracks in the eyelashes, evens out their texture and thickens, providing additional protection from damage. Tocopherol (vitamin E) in the composition normalizes the oxygen balance of cells, collagen has a moisturizing effect and provides additional protection to hairs from external conditions - ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, the influence of wind, snow, rain. Argan oil included Lash Botox makes eyelashes dark - it enhances the shade of the coloring pigment.

Instructions for the composition are included with the product and consist of the following items:

  • The ampoule of the composition must be heated in water at 70 degrees until it becomes liquid and transparent;
  • You also need to heat the needle itself (a syringe is useful for extracting the solution from a sealed bottle);
  • Take 0.2 ml of the composition with a warm needle and mix it with 1 ml of clean water at a temperature of 60-70 degrees;
  • Distribute the finished mixture over the hairs, retreating a couple of mm from their base;
  • Apply a film on the eyelashes, on top - cotton pads soaked in hot water, a small towel and foil. You should get an almost airtight structure, which you need to hold for 10 minutes;
  • The last operation is to remove exposure from the eyes and cleanse the skin of the eyes and eyelashes with a dry cotton pad.


The product is suitable for lamination of eyelashes, that is, their compaction and visual transformation, care and growth in the future. Velvet not only makes hair more voluminous and shiny, but ensures growth thanks to a growth activator grow activator composition: it “awakens” dormant follicles and noticeably increases the pace of existing ones. The aminokeratin complex “settles” in the eyelashes thanks to the unique velvet essence, which allows beneficial components to penetrate the hair shaft, follicles and shaft.

The composition for the reconstruction of eyebrows and eyelashes Velvet is carried out in the following stages:

  • The selection of pillows (rollers) to give the hairs a bend is selected individually by the master. Suitable size for short eyelashes S(small rollers), for long ones - M or L;
  • Applying a solution to open the cuticle;
  • Applying a care composition that moisturizes, gives shine to hairs and stimulates their growth;
  • Hair dyeing;
  • Spraying the eyelashes directly with the composition fixes the result and seals the hairs.

Afterwards, each client receives a home care solution from the master. home oil cocktail, which you need to start using 2 weeks after visiting the salon. The advantage of the eyelash transformation procedure Velvet we can assume that it works on both upper and lower eyelashes. In addition to the external transformation, the hairs receive an additional portion of home care and continue to grow as long as they are further nourished. To carry it out, you do not need to dilute the finished composition with water, degrease or carry out complex manipulations with the eyelashes; the result is natural volume and curl without fractures.


Among the components of Botox are the same hydrolyzed keratin, collagen, vitamin E and panthenol. Hyaluronic acid with unique moisturizing properties, argan and macadamia nut oils to soften the hair cuticle, nourish and enhance paint pigment - with these extracts, eyelashes become darker and more saturated.

Compound Novel suitable for restoring eyelashes and caring for them after the lamination procedure. The effect lasts up to 3 months depending on the natural growth and renewal of hairs. Instructions for its use are simple:

  • Rollers are attached to the eyelashes to create a bend;
  • The first to apply is a balm with a lifting effect;
  • Next is the volume fixer;
  • The next one is the coloring pigment;
  • Finally, a nutritional serum from the same brand.

The benefits of Botox for eyelashes Novel You can designate the time for its implementation - from 45 minutes to one hour. After it is done, you cannot wet your eyelashes with water for up to 12 hours, but you can sleep with a pillow and use the usual “decorative” after half a day.

Efecto Magic

The Spanish brand offers to restore hair (eyelashes, eyebrows and even hair) in just 1 procedure. It contains: a complex of amino acids to stimulate natural growth, keratin, panthenol, vitamin E and collagen. Instructions included:

  • Degreasing eyelashes is the first and important step;
  • Then rollers should be applied to create a bend;
  • Curled eyelashes are covered with a composition for lamination or bio-curling;
  • After exposure, it is removed with a cotton swab (the time is usually indicated for each composition separately);
  • Then the eyelashes are painted with pigment and after 10 minutes of waiting, the paint is removed with a cotton swab.

The next step is to activate the Botox ampoule. Dip it in warm water until the composition is completely liquefied and a colorless liquid is obtained. Heat the needle in water and lower it into the ampoule, take 0.1 ml of the composition and mix it with 0.5 ml of warm water.

  • Apply the prepared composition to the brush and distribute it over the eyelashes, each hair should be covered with a thick layer;
  • Botox exposure time is 10 minutes, then it is removed with a cotton swab;
  • Composition 2 is applied to dry eyelashes, after exposure - composition 3;
  • Soak the composition according to the instructions and remove it from the hairs, comb them and remove the rollers. The procedure is completed.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is usually carried out by a qualified specialist in a beauty salon or at home; unfortunately, it will not be possible to do the procedure efficiently on your own. The technology of its implementation consists in preparing the eyelashes for the application of a special composition and its distribution. The client takes a lying position on the couch, face up, closes her eyelashes and relaxes - the procedure is absolutely painless and lasts about 1.5-2 hours.

  1. The master seals the lower eyelid with a special plaster, and applies rollers - improvised eyelash curlers - to the upper closed eyelid; 2
  2. The next step is Botox itself.
  3. After – eyelash dye;
  4. The eyelashes are pre-cleaned and degreased (but not always), and the first layer is applied to them - a bio-composition for curling and fixing the bend;

Each composition is kept on the eyelashes for about 10-20 minutes (according to the instructions), after which it is washed off before applying the next one. The latest is Botox, which lasts for 10 minutes, then is wrapped in plastic film or foil in order to better saturate the eyelashes under the influence of heat.

The instructions presented above are general. Each manufacturer of the composition usually includes instructions for a specific product; there are also steps that are very atypical for this procedure, for example, as in Botox Velvet with 5 procedures.

Materials and preparations

The classic set for the procedure includes:

  1. Rollers. Used to fix hairs and curl them. They differ in size.
  2. Dye. Most manufacturers add it to the ready-made set, since without it it is difficult to obtain rich dark hairs (unless nature has rewarded it).
  3. Compound. It may be one or several. Each manufacturer sees the Botox procedure for eyebrows and eyelashes differently, some use a single-phase approach, others use a two- and three-step approach.
  4. Degreaser. Not all manufacturers talk about pre-cleansing eyelashes, but you can still find this product in a set.
  5. Brush. Essential for combing hair.
  6. Brush. Used for applying and distributing compositions over hairs.

Additional materials - napkins, cotton swabs, cotton pads, foil, towel, film - are used when the manufacturer speaks of this need.

How to breed?

The classic composition of Botox for eyelashes is diluted with warm (almost hot) water in different proportions - usually dictated by the manufacturer.

  1. Lash Botox: 0.2 ml of Botox composition is mixed with 1 mm of water at 60-70 degrees;
  2. Efecto Magic: 0.1 ml of composition with 0.5 ml of water;

Not all formulations need to be diluted, for example, Novel this is not required - the kit includes several ready-to-use substances.


The Botox procedure for eyelashes is carried out in several mandatory stages:

  • Curling eyelashes. It resembles a chemical analogue, after which the eyelashes become curled upward, however, in the format of the Botox procedure, chemistry is not used, instead a bio-composition is used. The eyelashes are first wound onto a kind of curlers (mini-rollers) and fixed with a bio-composition, all this lasts for some time, the composition is removed with a cotton swab (the rollers remain until the end of the procedure).
  • Coloring. A mandatory step that allows you to get dark eyelashes (charcoal black or rich brown) as a result. Over time, the pigment in the hairs is lost, and it becomes necessary to tint them with paint.
  • Application of the composition(Botox). The final stage, after which the hairs become more voluminous, thicker and longer visually (due to coating with paint and as if additional hair extensions).

Comparison before and after. Allows you to evaluate the instant result and amazing effect of the procedure.

How often can I do it?

Botox for eyelashes does not have a cumulative effect, since the hairs tend to renew themselves every 2-3 months, that is, the composition literally disappears along with the eyelashes. Masters recommend doing the procedure in a course of 5 procedures with an interval of 2-3 weeks or each time after hair renewal - after 1-3 months.

Having done 3-5 procedures in a row, it is worth giving your eyelashes a full rest - about 1-3 months before they are renewed.

How long does the effect last?

One eyelash Botox procedure is enough for 1.5-2 months, depending on the natural rate of eyelash growth or renewal. It is known that the hairs on the eyes completely change within 2-3 months, and it is not always noticeable to others.

How to care?

Immediately after completing the procedure you can:

  • Go to the shower/sauna/pool, take a bath or shower;
  • Sleep with your nose buried in the pillow - your eyelashes will not wrinkle or break;
  • Apply additional care, including oils and caring mascara;
  • Use decorative cosmetics, including classic mascara;
  • Live life to the fullest and enjoy curved, dense and long eyelashes.


Contraindications include:

  • Intolerance to the components of the composition - “hyaluronic acid” (of chemical origin), oils, vitamins or others;
  • Damage to the eyes, eyelids;
  • Recent eye surgery;
  • Infectious or fungal diseases in the eye area;
  • High tear production;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The last point is quite controversial. It is a contraindication because when a woman’s hormonal levels change, it is impossible to predict the result or effect of the procedure. Firstly, an intolerance to the composition may appear during the procedure and an allergy may arise, and secondly, Botox may simply not take effect - no effect will appear after spending 2 hours in a lying position. Pregnant women are especially not recommended for any cosmetic procedures, including hair dyeing and treatment of eyelashes (and eyebrows) with chemical compounds (even those labeled “bio”). An unpredictable reaction of the body can be perplexing - the composition simply will not affect the hairs or will give a negative effect - redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes, its swelling.

Is it harmful?

Botox for hair is not only a safe procedure, but also a pleasant one. During the procedure, the client does not experience any inconvenience and can allow himself to sleep - approximately one and a half to two hours are allotted for this.

The procedure is not harmful if the client is not allergic to the components of the composition (usually, before the procedure, the master clarifies about the presence of any allergic reactions, and if it occurs, the procedure ends).

Pros and cons

The advantages of the procedure are obvious:

  • It is painless and safe;
  • Instantly transforms eyelashes and eyelashes, strengthens and protects them;
  • There are no chemicals among the components of the composition, only natural ingredients - keratin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, oils;
  • Minimum contraindications;
  • Their consequences are curled, voluminous and dark eyelashes, no creases or unnatural bends;
  • Immediately after the procedure, you can live a full life: apply mascara to your eyelashes (although this is unlikely to be necessary), go to the pool and sleep with your face buried in a pillow, and play sports.