Good New Year's morning! Moodboard: New Year's morning is like living from scratch New Year's morning

Somehow it happened that for some time now New Year in our family the format changed, turning from a noisy holiday with gifts, songs, dances, guests into quiet home gatherings. We somehow stopped making a cult out of changing the last number in the calendar. Maybe someday another dear woman will appear in my house - no longer a mother, but a wife - and then my children, and the evening-night-morning-day 31/1 will look completely different. Well, for now, quiet family gatherings, disturbed only by the trill of congratulatory calls and text messages.

I didn’t watch the president’s address; I was busy uncorking another bottle. So I won’t even say who he ended up turning to. Yes, and our army is the same every year, I want some kind of novelty in the speeches. And better than new, not used, as Vasya Lozhkin asked. The TV was on all evening and all night, but finding something normal and without politics was not easy. I was especially nauseous from Rossiya-1, which managed to turn Blue Light into a political pamphlet. I’m also annoyed by the feigned joy on the face of this or that character, whom the camera picks out among those sitting at the tables. Well, to hell with it - there are a lot of buttons on the remote control, in the end we settled down on some “Legends of Retro-FM”. As I understand it, after “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” which was released 20 years ago, no one was honored to create any New Year’s television action. Well, you say that the 90s were terrible - but at least the TV showed normally.

We've spent an incredible amount of money today. I won’t report down to the penny, but 4 thousand definitely flew away. Over the year, some things have risen in price by one and a half times, some by two. Cheese has generally become plasticine crap, and that’s what he brought from Magnit to festive table. We made all sorts of light snacks, so much so that we didn’t even get to the hot one - we’ll eat it today. As for the booze, today on the table there was “Derbent” champagne and a bottle of Moldavian “Divin”. Both turned out to be quite edible, and a couple of glasses of champagne and 250 cognac in one mug allowed the author of these lines to leave already at half past three. But first I saw and heard enough of the festive fireworks.

The bangs are incredibly strong and powerful today - perhaps for the first time since 2009 (then the tragedy happened in the "Lame Horse" and for several years no powerful volleys were heard in our area). They acted so loudly that the house shook - such things were happening in the yard that it was scary to even go out onto the balcony. When I came out with a camera, the big fights were already happening in neighboring yards. But the entire supply of bullshit ran out already at the beginning of one, and at two o’clock in the morning there was clearly nothing left to celebrate 2016 with Moscow. Or maybe the people were simply frozen - after all, no matter what the temperature was inside, minus 30 outside clearly did not contribute to romance.

In general, at 2.30 he left for bed, immediately passing out. I woke up at eight o'clock with the first ray of New Year's sun - the day began to grow little by little. On this optimistic note, let me end the story about another boring home New Year.

I don’t like to sum up the results of the year, but I always grasp at the beginning of a new one as if it were a saving straw. And this happens unconsciously; the associative series is still working, in which all the New Year’s attributes, smells, tastes, traditions, etc. are built one after another.

New Year's morning is associated with cleanliness and spaciousness, because the day before almost the entire room is cleaned and washed to a shine, the excess is thrown out or sent to the far corners so as not to be an eyesore and to make room for festive decor. The rooms are filled with the aroma of pine resin, tangerines, salads, champagne (for adults or children) and New Year's toys. And this mixture, I must say, despite the incompatibility of its individual components, is quite cozy. New Year's morning is usually bright and bright. With scatterings of snowy expanses and figures outside the window, causing the room to be filled with all sorts of variations of white. From time to time the sun peeks out, and its glare and reflections jump from wall to wall.

A sleepy, but at the same time cheerful morning, although calm, relaxed and soft. There is no need to rush, thoughts are free from unnecessary things. The feeling that a new day is ahead, that this is the beginning of something much greater than usual, warms the soul. That you can do a lot, and you choose this much yourself, there is no need to speed up.

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On ordinary days I don’t watch TV, I still have memories of those days when it didn’t turn off at all, so I could know where, what or who was killed and bombed, how far it is from us and whether there is hope for at least minimal safety.

When the situation calmed down, I stopped watching the news, because now I know for sure that everyone is lying. And if you really pay attention to them, it’s purely out of curiosity, how on which channel they present the same information based on the country of the channel and its owner, how they twist the facts to please the one who ordered the coverage of a particular event. Sometimes it can even be funny and sad at the same time. Especially when you are a direct witness to what is happening.

But on New Year's morning I don't follow this rule. In the news furnace, when all the TV shows are breathing, and here and there you can stumble upon a film that you forgot to think about or didn’t know about. This is one of my favorites :).

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Such a morning is always wonderful because it is spent with family and loved ones, in a cozy home environment, in your favorite pajamas, with disheveled hair and a bunch of cute things and goodies scattered around.

The morning smoothly and imperceptibly flows into the day, and then into the evening, when candles and garlands are lit, and conversations become more honest and frank. And then it returns to us again to delight us with its charm with the first light highlights rising sun on the snowy horizon.

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It is on this morning that you want to change everything, start not from the very beginning, but from a new turn of the spiral, a smooth movement along which will ultimately lead to the desired result.

I want to enter this year fresh, clean and renewed. Finally, think properly about those things that you have never given enough time to.

  • Learn to relax and slow down: to peer into the essence of things, dive into the very depths, slowly and gradually, and not grab at everything in the hope of catching as much as possible. I want to read so slowly that the lines cling to my thoughts, and my thoughts are carried away and scattered, creating my own unique flow of new knowledge, ideas, and insights. And even if not more than one book a month or one post a day, but with benefit and pleasure, with space for your own thoughts.
  • Learn to speed up and not be afraid of it. Develop your projects, promote your business, work on yourself or create a dream home - in these matters, speed is important, focusing on the important, cutting off unnecessary things that take up a lot of time. The hardest thing is to accelerate and drive at high speed towards your dreams. This is real, but scary, uncomfortable and unusual. For the time being. At each stage, it is important to maintain your comfortable pace, gradually increasing the amplitude of comfort.
  • . So as not to slow down in the main things, but also not to miss important life details at high speed.

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  • Live in the moment. Penetrate into the present, leaving your own inner world and carrying it with you instead of immersing your present in this very inner world, which passes by with lightning speed and does not remain in memory.
  • Learn to plan your time wisely. I finally became convinced of the need to get everything out of my head and write it down on paper. Just write it down and on paper! The electronic system doesn't work for me, at least not yet. A bunch of lists, plans, ideas that now need to be somehow connected together into a single production flow and acted on step by step.
  • Get in touch with your emotions. Every day I see changes in myself. And sometimes they are so obvious that I don’t recognize myself. New emotions, a different reaction to events, unusual behavior. I have definitely become much more confident, stronger and braver. And if earlier I tried to remain silent, not get involved in conflicts, not express my dissatisfaction, now I sometimes surprise myself and don’t even always know what I can expect from myself in a particular situation. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other, it’s better to think about where you should express yourself and when it’s better to remain silent.

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  • Stop feeling sorry for yourself in some situations, but just move on. Action is the most important step and the best treatment.
  • Stop trying to be perfect, do not be shy to show your real self, with your own characteristics, shortcomings, cockroaches and thoughts that may clearly not coincide with the opinions of others.
  • Take your projects to the next level.
  • Reach a certain income level. Well, everything is clear here. This point is inextricably linked with the previous one.
  • Be a true mistress of the house. To love things and space, appreciate them, cherish them, care for them and give away your energy, which your favorite things happily multiply and give back.
  • Take full responsibility for your condition and your life. In the sense of not blaming someone else or external circumstances for what is happening. No, don’t reproach yourself for all your sins, but understand and realize that everything is possible on your own, and the final result depends only on your own actions.

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Happy New Year's morning to you, friends!(And it doesn’t matter what time of day you are reading this post). Let all your endeavors be filled with the energy of this wonderful time and quickly lead to quality results! What do you do during these wonderful hours of rest and renewal? And what global achievements have you planned for the year?)

There are several opinions about New Year's morning. Some people believe that the morning of the New Year is necessarily good. Others - that it cannot be good. And still others believe that the morning of the New Year simply does not exist, because they only come to their senses on January the fifth, or even the sixth. And this, you see, is not New Year.

Each point of view has the right to exist. It all depends on who and how celebrated the night from December 31 to January 1.

And for those who have a good New Year's morning, who have it, we have prepared beautiful cards.

New Year's pictures Good morning

New Year cards and pictures C good morning perfect for January 1st. When else, if not on this holiday, are we so lazy to do anything? And typing the morning New Year's greeting with your fingers is so difficult that it seems like agony. It’s much easier to download New Year’s good morning pictures and send them to those who, in your opinion, should have already woken up.

Psychologists, by the way, believe that new year holidays― a time of gifts, traditions, family gatherings and... stress. And all because of changes in the usual daily routine and additional hassle. And this applies first of all to the morning of the New Year. To ensure that changing your daily routine does not spoil the mood of you or your loved ones, use beautiful pictures Happy New Year's morning, which we have prepared especially for such occasions.