Double rhymes: a highlight for rap lyrics. Not just doubles. We tell you what rhymes are. Examples of using the double-rhyme technique

I’ve been rhyming for twenty years, although I don’t consider myself a poet. However, during this time the bear would have learned to rhyme. In the process of composing rhyming texts (they can only be called poems conditionally), I developed simple rules, guided by which any intelligent and literate person can learn to rhyme at my level. I myself consider it average. If you are interested in this - read on, if not - sorry...

Naturally, I did not study at the Literary Institute named after the proletarian writer Maxim Gorky and came to everything on my own, so I will explain everything in simple Russian words, without using scientific terms “iamb”, “trochee”, “amphibrachium”, etc. I will give examples from my poems, because I know them better.

Rhyming (rhyme-making, versification) is not an art, but is subject to the same laws as ordinary versification, which professional poets do for money. I won’t tell you anything particularly new - in developing these rules, I, of course, reinvented the wheel... However, let's get started. To start rhyming you need:

1. Muse (for women - music). An attractive being of the opposite sex (for heterosexuals) or of the same name (for homosexuals), or no matter what (for bisexuals), who inspires you and causes an inner urge to compose, rhyme, write, etc. If there is no muse, the desire to write never arises, and composing without the desire to do so is useless and unpleasant.

2. A teacher (role model, often spiritual) is a favorite poet (poetess) who is most in tune with your soul and mind.

3. An incentive motive (what “gets”) is an event, phenomenon, person (group of people) that evokes admiration or indignation in the soul. Without it, you won’t be able to compose any poetry either.

4. Rhyming technique. This is the simplest and easy to learn. For example, I usually use the following rhyming systems:

1) ABAB (I use it most often - it is more difficult to compose, but sounds more beautiful, since with it one quatrain smoothly flows into another). Example:

Write poetry under duress -

There is no more terrible task:

And inspiration doesn’t come,

And the plot doesn’t add up...

2) ABCB (it’s simpler, but not as beautiful). Example:

Why should I be a poet?

This is not easy WORK;

And you say that it’s not BEFORE -

So they will GRIND into powder….

3) AABB (in complexity it is likeABAB, but more “angular” - each couplet seems to end). Example:

Yes, I can, what to hide,

Words and letters rhyme,

But I have this feeling

That this is not a piece of art...

4) ABBA - I rarely use this form, since it seems to complete the quatrain. However, if you write complete quatrains, then it is quite appropriate. Example:

Wife of the Comte de la Fère

She loved to put... a finger in her mouth.

The handsome Count was shocked

At the sight of these bad manners.

But I never use the AAAA form - I don’t like tautologies.

There are other rhyming systems that are more complex (such as ABC-ABV), but these four are the simplest and easiest to use. For me, they choose themselves and on a whim. After all, the main thing is the content, although the form is also important. It should help you better understand and perceive the content. The form can be elegant and refined, like Pushkin’s, or it can be rough and choppy, like Mayakovsky’s. I like Pushkin much more. Personally, I believe that writing should be simple, clear, and understandable to a goat. There are other points of view, but then the reader ceases to understand the author. Why write then? Although... maybe the person needs to speak out. However, in this case the poet will have one reader - himself.

The poem should display ideas, thoughts and feelings (or at least one of them). Like any normal literary form (we won’t talk about abnormal ones), a poem must have an introduction, a plot, a climax, a denouement, and, in the finale, a moral (conclusions). Most of all, I love writing morality. It can be the quintessence of a verse, or be completely unexpected.

The verse must have logic, and the laws of cause and effect must not be violated.

You only need to write the truth - you won’t lie to yourself, will you?

When writing a poem, it is better not to violate the laws of the country in which you live. If you violate them, then there must be good reasons for this, and you must be prepared to bear responsibility for it.

If you can avoid writing, don't write.

If you don't enjoy rhyming, don't write.

As soon as you feel that you are tired of writing, stop immediately, or finish the poem.

If you are not interested in writing, the reader will not be interested in reading.

Don’t write too much (however, natural laziness will help you here).

A sense of humor helps a lot in writing poetry.

The opening line is very important - the thought expressed in the first line, or several lines. From it, like from a fertilized embryo, a whole verse, and even a huge poem, can grow. For example, it always grew for me. However, during the process of editing the verse, this lead can be rearranged to the middle or end (if necessary). The lead also sets the form.

For successful rhyming it is desirable to have a large lexicon. You can purchase it after reading enough good books. In general, it is very useful to have a sufficient amount of general culture and some kind of life experience.

It is imperative to be a decent person. Villainy is incompatible not only with a genius, but even with a rhymer.

Naturally, rhyming requires a fresh mind, free time, a notepad and pen (alternatives are a pencil and eraser, a mobile phone, and a typewriter or computer; however, the last 2 items deprive you of mobility). It’s better to write in the morning, around 8 o’clock. I usually do this when I go to work in a minibus. Since the muse can appear at any moment, a notepad and pen should always be with you. A rhyme comes to mind - write it down. Some people rhyme at night - I had to do this too. But it’s better to avoid this, as it interferes with your family’s sleep (and you too), besides, you don’t get enough sleep and walk around like a “boiled” person all day.

So, there is a muse, a teacher, inspiration, a motivation, a plan, a fresh mind, the first line, vocabulary, general culture, life experience, decency, time, paper and pen. Have I forgotten anything?

Then we start writing. We rhyme the 2nd line to the 1st line, selecting words of the required meaning (at the end of the lines, according to the accepted rhyming system), then the 3rd line, the 4th, etc. It is convenient to select rhymes according to the letters of the alphabet, going through them from beginning to end. If it doesn't rhyme, change the ending of the line you rhyme with. And if it doesn’t rhyme in the evening, try doing it in the morning.

There are other nuances of rhyming, but you can’t talk about them briefly.

And below are my poems dedicated to rhyming, poetry, poets and poems. There are many of them - 35 of them, this is my favorite topic. Maybe they can help you with something...

Why should I be a poet?

Write poetry

For professional poets


I'm sitting with a notepad

The main thing in the poem is


Poet in Russia


An exact rhyme uses a pair of words, the last syllables of which are strictly consonant: enemy-darkness, hatch-trick, etc. this rhyme is the most common and often serves as a criterion for assessing the poet’s skill.

Approximate rhyme is based on the similarity of syllables, but allows greater freedom in the choice of words: syllables-currents, -broken. The simultaneous use of voiced and voiceless consonants, as well as consonants of the same row (k-x-g), is allowed. Sometimes novice poets abuse this type of rhyme, which makes the work careless.

Rhymes looked different in different eras. Thus, in Pushkin’s time, exact rhymes prevailed.

There are several classifications of rhyme types.

Classification by matching and mismatching morphemes

The transition to approximate rhyme occurred in the middle of the 19th century.

3. Imprecise rhyme allows for 2 variants of its existence. In the first case, the stressed phonemes coincide, nothing else coincides. Example: dancing - hanging around.

In the second case, the stressed vowels are different, and all other sounds are the same. Example: bookish - false.

Classification by place of stress

1. The masculine rhyme is on the last syllable from the end. Examples: said - fell; in the hills - in the dark.

2. Feminine rhyme has stress on the penultimate syllable. Example: squirrel - arrow.

3. With dactylic rhyme, the stress falls on the third syllable from the end. Example: nailed - bewitched.

4. Hyperdactylic - the rarest type of rhyme with stress on a syllable that is located 3 syllables further from the end. Example: sloppy - coughing.

Classification by coincidence of pre-stress phonemes

In the 20th century there is a tendency for rhyme to shift to the left, i.e. deep into a word or line.

1. If the pre-stress phonemes coincide, then the rhyme is called strict. Example: strict - prison.

2. If there is no match in the previous phonemes, then the rhyme is poor. Example: love is a carrot.

In order to write poetry you need talent, and everything else is a matter of technique. Everything seems to be simple here. Still, it is important not to overdo it with technology. The poet's genius is manifested in his ability to listen to his intuition, without focusing on any specific examples. Samples are good, but they already existed, and from the point of view of novelty, the epigon is unlikely to be of interest to anyone.

How to learn to write poetry from scratch

On the other hand, it’s impossible not to focus on samples at all: you’ll start reinventing the wheel. The poet’s task is to develop not only his own poetry, but also poetry in general, therefore all the poetry that has existed up to the present moment will serve as a launching pad.

The poet has a wide range of reading - this is, in fact, all outstanding poetry and not only, and a narrow one - the things closest to him that simply bring inspiration and help him write. If you are inspired by reading your favorite poets, then only your own natural talent will help you not to become their pathetic imitator.

The art of real poetry is the art of putting the absolutely exact word in the absolutely exact place. "Brevity is the soul of wit". This is mostly said about poetry. It is said about it: “you take a piece of marble and cut off all that is unnecessary.” Any word that is optional and can be removed or replaced must be removed or replaced. Any poem that may not be written should not be written. And even if it is written, it will become nothing but information noise.

How to learn to write poetry in rhyme

Honestly, anyone can learn to rhyme quickly. At the moment there are many ways to select a rhyme. All you have to do is put in a little effort and use your imagination and you will learn how to do it.

How not to rhyme

Do not rhyme words or verbs with the same root under any circumstances. Try to avoid rhymes that are very obvious. Use all your imagination and come up with original rhymes.

How can you learn to rhyme quickly?

To learn how to quickly rhyme, you need to take a word that needs a rhyme, and begin to pronounce it to yourself, then connect an associative series, while remembering words that sound similar to it. A few words appear before you. From these words we choose a rhyme. The main thing is that the rhyme is original and not hackneyed.

How to learn to write poetry in rhyme - selection of online services

Very in a simple way To learn how to rhyme easily and quickly is to use online rhyming dictionaries. But keep in mind that using them will not train your sense of rhyme in any way. Here are some well-known services (to go, copy the link into the address bar of your browser and press “Enter”):


How to quickly write a poem

Correct impromptu is always the fruit of long preparation. But it happens that there is no time to prepare, you need to write a poem quickly. What to do? We will try to answer this question in this article.

For example, you have a hero of the day who needs to be congratulated. He has a name, there are close people, there is the number of years he has lived, there are other data. Choose what you would like to emphasize. If you write advertising poems, then start from the name of the product or service and play on its properties. Poems about love can be closer to a conversational style of speech, including those words that you and your loved one often use among themselves. Say a phrase that is common in your speech, catch the rhythm in it. If you don’t get it, change it a little to give it rhythm. This is the beginning of the verse.

Keyword selection

Choose one keyword. Repeat it several times until it begins to sound like other words. Among them there will certainly appear those who are close in meaning. With other words you will have paradoxical, but this makes even more vivid logical chains. This is how a rhyme is built. Then do it with another keyword. And so on until the end.

A few rules when writing a poem:

  1. The form must match the content. For poems about love or thoughts, choose smooth, trimeter meters; you don’t have to be shy about a long line. Comic or advertising poems like a short line.
  2. Verbosity is a vice. If a word doesn’t mean anything, get rid of it and replace it with something similar in size but meaningful. If you can compress the meaning of two lines into one, it’s better to do so.
  3. Rhyme does not always have to be exact. Good consonance within a line is no less effective than full rhyme.
  4. It is not necessary to write from the first line to the last. Having come up with a line, you may feel that its place is in the middle or even the end of the poem. Put it there, and then add “before” and “after”.
  5. Place the most effective rhymes at the end of the poem. Or at least at the end of the quatrain.
  6. Don't be shy about popular sizes or formats. Chatushkas, limericks, rubai, “gariki”, “feathers” - any of these well-known forms can be suitable for realizing your idea.

How to learn to write poetry - books

And when you have free time, be sure to refer to two books. Article by Mayakovsky "How to Make Poems" and Chukovsky's book "Two to Five"– these are the best guides for writing poetry in Russian. But you shouldn’t follow the authors’ experience blindly. Remember: they shared their methods. If it turns out differently for you, go your own way.

How to learn to write poetry - conclusion

Poetry is always mysticism, always religion and prayer, because only it has access to the finest shades of human thought. And, of course, “in the beginning was the Word.” A real poet will never be prone to verbiage: the art of cutting poetry teaches not only to speak, but also to remain silent.

What are compound rhymes?

Compound rhymes are short for "multi-complex rhymes." Compound rhymes are phrases in which more than one syllable rhymes. Complex rhymes can be double, triple, quadruple, etc. rhymes.

Common rhyme: cat/hat
Complex rhyme: my cat/hi-hat
Or long complex rhyme: bit my cat / hit the hi-hat

Examples in Russian:

Exact rhyme- in rhyming words all or almost all sounds coincide:
guest - bone - nail
daughter - hummock - barrel - dot

Imprecise rhyme- very few sounds coincide in rhyming words, sometimes the rhyme “rests” on one or two:
story - melancholy
weapon - detecting
leaves - faces

Simple rhyme- rhyme of individual words:
steel - sorry
autumn - eight
ice - honey
honor - revenge

Complex rhyme- when groups of words rhyme:
from poplars - a hundred fields
I didn’t see it - I looked at it more than once
beige - where am I

Southern rapper Ludacris loves to use complex rhymes in his lyrics. Luda has a signature move where he slows down the reading towards the end of the line and emphasizes the end of each line. This technique works well when he inserts meaningful complex rhymes into the text.


I’m never going nowhere, so don’t try me,
my music sticks in fans’ veins like an I.V.

Ludacris, "Number One Spot"

In this example from the track Number One Spot, Luadacris puts together a complex rhyme from “try me” (test me) and “I .V.” (intravenous - intravenous infusion). He could have simply rhymed “me” with “V.”, but by rhyming the extra syllables (try with I), the rhyme is complex.

What is the difference between compound rhymes and internal rhymes?

Example of internal rhymes:

Don't be silly cover your milli I'm like Billy
Don't be dumb cover your gun I ain't fun

Dizee Rascal, "Stand Up Tall"

Complex rhymes:

Punchlines that kill… my hits'll bury ya,
I rap to myself on the bus like… schizophrenia

Why use complex rhymes?

Complex rhymes are sure sign good rap lyrics and all the best rappers use them. They are harder to put together and have more impact than regular rhymes, and therefore command more respect. Complex rhymes will add more variety to your rap lyrics and help improve your verses.

How to write complex rhymes?

Compound rhymes are not much more difficult to write than regular rhymes, but they just take more time. The first step is to determine the stitch you are going to start with. Let's take this line for example:

The elite force like army rangers and navy seals,

Now we will create complex rhyme with “navy seals.” (Sea Lions are a unit of the Navy). The first step is to make a list of all the words that rhyme with "navy". The easiest way to find rhymes is to use a rhyming dictionary (rhymezone .com), (Russian rhyming dictionary -, and write down the matching words found, but do not forget that the dictionary only gives “ accurate" rhymes, but does not produce inaccurate ones. At the same time, imprecise rhymes are very important because they give more space for creating text. This statement is doubly true when using complex rhymes, because otherwise your lines can come out forced and stupid. Another disadvantage of a rhyming dictionary is that it does the work for you. If you try to come up with rhymes for a word yourself, then it is more likely that during freestyle you will be able to come up with rhymes as you perform. Therefore, I advise you to resort to the help of a rhyming dictionary only if you are really at a dead end.

Exact rhymes for navy:


Imprecise rhymes for navy:


Then repeat the whole process for the second word, in our example it is "seals."

Exact rhymes for seals:


Imprecise rhymes for seals:


Now we need to link rhymes to the word navy with rhymes to the word seals. The number of possible combinations is very large, try to choose those that make sense.

Baby meals
Wavy eels
Lady squeals
Gravy feels
Weighty whales

Then we choose one of the combinations and write a line that makes sense.

I kick it operatic ‘til that fat lady squeals

your lyrics are stuffing,
so now I know how gravy feels

I'll call you Gerber

Write a whole bunch of them, and then choose one line that you like best. Or you can use several lines, for example, in the following sequence:

The elite force like army rangers and navy seals,
I kick it operatic ‘til that fat lady squeals
your lyrics are stuffing, now I know how gravy feels,
I'll call you Gerber
cuz ya spittin’ up some baby meals

Overall, this is the easiest way to write rap lyrics with complex rhymes. If you understand this simple technique, then it means you have already made progress in improving rap lyrics.


Looking down on your own BELIEFS
We spit in the face suppressing someone’s OPINION
Hoping to take off, fly away
I can't WATCH anymore, stop STANDING
It's time to SHOW the fact, PUNISH behind the enemy's back
What to do? RUN, SHAKE?
No! CLEACH your fist, PRESS the red button
With a rumbling sound
And flying to the EAST
History is written by BLOODSTOCK without sparing LINES

How to learn to rhyme? I surfed the net at one time and didn’t find anything helpful. Either something is vague, or they are just skimming superficially (although there is a suspicion that the authors do not have deep knowledge). I won’t force myself to write a bunch of extra letters and force you to read them - let's get down to business.

Square rhymes.

IMHO, Even a fool can rhyme like that. Therefore, I don’t perceive a bunch of “lofty” poems written by this method - for modern poetry short level. If you came up with some new square, and not love-carrot, then that's really cool. To rhyme well squarely, avoiding hackneyed rhymes, you must have large vocabulary And good imagination,because squares impose certain restrictions on the structure of the line and its ending.

Squares-it is when emphasis with the same letter and at the same time ending to the same letter/letters. It's a little difficult to formulate, we'll see example.

Every day I hear these sounds

This is my neighbor, he is being overpowered flour

So, the words "sounds" And "torment" emphasis on "y", that is, on the same letter. The ending too the same-"And". This is what the simplest square looks like.

Is there some more implicit squares. This is when the emphasis miscellaneous, but ending are the same.


Along Novo-Sadovaya to rockets

Driving by car markets

Non-squares -it is when emphasis with the same letter, but graduation different.

And right away example.

The soul reflected the grin throughout the truth
Forgetting again about that deceitful scum

Emphasis on "A". The endings, of course, different.

Additional information.

Non-squares can also be consonant (or abstract).

For what They why all these threads?
I won't get used to it already and I won’t be able to reject it

If you read Withcorrectintonation,That "why are they" And "I won't get used to it" stand out and seem (unexpectedly so =)) rhyme. Maybe because of the similarity "And" And "e" in pronunciation or "y" And "O" or all together influences.

The truth is somewhere nearby, I feel it This
Shards memory... Not visible against a white background

I don't know how, but "I feel it" And "memory" rhymed with due intonation. Perhaps due to the consonant part with the letter "T". Because we pronounce [this] and therefore the design "ta" from the word "This" And "yat", or rather [at],from the word "memory" combine. Same thing as rhyming Saratov-Soartov(coart, if anyone doesn’t understand the word * ). You could say it's simple non-square. That's right, but not only him. It is the similar letters standing next to each other that create consonance, which gives a certain additional color rhyme.

These are anomalous rhymes for me and I am still studying them up and down, because the construction technology incomprehensible.

Another example, now from the text Yes to the Edge.

How much do you need hands to screw a light bulb into a lantern pillar

I would like to note that number of syllables also plays a role. Much "cleaner" rhymes same number of syllables. For example: sounds of agony (both here and there 2 syllable), passer-by-gray ( 3 And 2 syllable).
This also applies to squares.

For non-squares it’s a little different. Since they rhyme on accent, then it doesn't matter how many syllables was before the accent.


There's just no more brushes, what did you draw border

But at the same time, this “purity” of rhyming depends on the number of syllables after stress.


Will lure another piece Sahara and delusions will return immoral

In principle, the difference is small and with skillful everything will sound good when reading.

P.S. Don't rhyme to cognate words.


While the soul is world yes

The heart is not for world yes

P.P.S. Some examples are taken from my text, some I came up with on the fly. Therefore, excuse the wretchedness of those “some”.

* There is no such word in nature (the only name of the organization that exists is “SOART”). But in principle, if there is co-creation, then art (painting) can be co-art (that is, co-painting). I just mixed foreign language with Russian =)

These techniques are needed for understanding, then you can intuitively rhyme (or vice versa).

If you have any questions or additions, please write to me.

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